November 11, 2011

"It’s called Zuccotti lung."

"It’s a real thing."


Shouting Thomas said...

Who says there's no justice in this world?

Curious George said...

"We’re a triage clinic,” said Pauly Kostora, 27, a former licensed nurse..."

Lincolntf said...

Plague, pestilence, vermin, the OWS crowd has got it all. Obama must be so proud of his base.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Obama must be so proud of his base, many of whom carry around "F*** Obama" signs.

Some people are experts at missing the point.

ndspinelli said...

I really don't have anything much to say but the word verification is "porked."

Zucotti Lung sounds like something Andrew Zimmern would eat. There..I came up w/ something.

cryptical said...

Sounds like a great story line for a post-apocalyptic book. Some form of plague springing up from the OWS encampments and spreading like wildfire...

Mary Beth said...

“I’m amazed that in a park full of revolutionaries, there are large contingents that can’t throw away their own trash,” said Jordan McCarthy, 22, a member of the protesters’ sanitation team.

Amazed? Seriously?

The bit about "one protester blowing his nose into the mulch between clusters of tents" was a nice touch. Yuck.

Doc Holliday's Hat said...

I get that they're trying to emulate the 60s, but I didn't realize it was the 1860s...zing.

George said...

They should be more concerned about "Zuccotti brain." Lot of that going around now. And no cure, apparently.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Some form of plague springing up from the OWS encampments and spreading like wildfire...

This is what society looks like with starry eyed progressives in charge. No order, no common sense. Chaos and anarchy.

Tuberculosis, Cholera, name it and once they are disbanded or just give up, bringing these great gifts from third world living conditions to a neighborhood or restaurant near you.

Yay. Progress. Backwards, but progress nevertheless.

Bunch of fucking useful idiots.

Wikitorix said...

Volunteers at the medical tent also have on-call contacts in acupuncture, chiropractics, massage therapy and psychotherapy, protesters said.

And people are still getting sick? I guess those emergency acupuncture treatments aren't working so well.

Occupy Portland is infested with lice - it's just a matter of time until it's infested with typhus.

Occupy Atlanta tested positive for drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Somebody in the article talked about "thinning the herd." I don't think they meant it in quite the way I expect it will happen.

edutcher said...

It only proves that an Ivy League education is no indicator of intelligence.

franglo said...

Yes, Obama must be so proud of his base, many of whom carry around "F*** Obama" signs.


When does 2 count as many?

Some people are experts at missing the point.

To recognize the problem is the first step.

But I don't think we should take up a collection for franglo. He needs to go find help on his own.

Paul said...

The occupy protests are serving the very useful function of exposing the vile, uncivilized, and destructive core of these cultural Marxist subversives.

No amount of media whitewashing will be able to conceal the true nature of these despicable assholes and I say give 'em all the rope they need.

They WILL turn violent when the time comes that the civilized population demands their removal.

May these cafe revolutionaries feel the pain of the consequences of their adolescent fantasies as they collide with the unforgiving blunt edge of reality.

Scott M said...

Can we get Occupyfail and Just Like The Tea Party? tags?

Brian Brown said...

franglo said...

Some people are experts at missing the point.

Oh, we get the point dum-dum, trust me, we do.

How's the recent OWS shooting working out for you, clown?

PS, the number of shootings, rapes, and sexual assaults at Tea Party rallies still remains at zero.

PPS, Obama has accepted more money — more than $15.6 million — from Wall Street than all of the Republican presidential aspirants combined. And you'll stil vote for Obama.

Seeing Red said...

OccupyAtlanta has TB.

Seeing Red said...

Kind of OT: but Insty linked to an article where we of a certain age should get our DPT boosters. That I will do.

Beta Rube said...

But it smells like Zuccotti ass.

Anonymous said...

Stop talking about the Tea Parties! They no longer exist. Where are they?

There is no tea party. And OWS doesn't care about that non-existent movement. OWS is concerned with managing its current explosive growth.

After the movement to occupy public spaces will come the push to occupy abandoned and foreclosed properties owned by big banks. You heard it here first.

Seeing Red said...

Free flu shots? And I have to pay?

Seeing Red said...

There have always been squatters.

That's going to end well.

Scott M said...

Stop talking about the Tea Parties! They no longer exist. Where are they?

You sound like Hanoi Hanna. You probably ARE Hanoi Hanna.

Brian Brown said...

franglo said...

After the movement to occupy public spaces will come the push to occupy abandoned and foreclosed properties owned by big banks. You heard it here first.

Only someone as dumb as you would brag about criminal trespass.


Brian Brown said...

Stop talking about the Tea Parties! They no longer exist. Where are they?

Um, busy working and winning elections.

Hey, how did Obama's Virginia strategy work out the other day?

Anonymous said...

It's not criminal trespass if you receive mail there for 30 days.

See you in court.

X said...

After the movement to occupy public spaces will come the push to occupy abandoned and foreclosed properties owned by big banks. You heard it here first.

Texas starting evicting adverse possession squatters yesterday. It turns out you don't get to have a half million dollar home for a $16 filing fee, but the state will move your belongings out to the curb for you.

Carol_Herman said...

Exactly how do the protestors do "new construction" in Zoo-cotti Park. BUT the owners of the park can't do "new construction" ... that would make "putting up tents" all but impossible?

Doesn't this story reverberate enough to destroy Bloomberg's reputation? "It's the politicians, stupid," who can't solve a problem they caused themselves.

As to disease, it wouldn't be the first time it thinned the herd.

Brian Brown said...

franglo said...
It's not criminal trespass if you receive mail there for 30 days.


Want to bet?

PS, I love the fact that you're crowing that your little "movement" wants more free stuff.

Really. Keep going.

Carol_Herman said...

I especially liked the "homeopathic" touches.

Back before 1952, polio epidemics would clear out the beaches of Coney Island. Because parents got scared out of their wits.

This group thinks "taking a flu shot" is gonna protect them?

BigFire said...

Any minutes now, the zombie apocalypse will be forthcoming from this crowd, that that we'll be able to differentiate it from the current crowd.

Scott M said...

Any minutes now, the zombie apocalypse will be forthcoming from this crowd

Ready. How about you, Joe? Toldja.

edutcher said...

franglo said...

Stop talking about the Tea Parties! They no longer exist. Where are they?

There is no tea party. And OWS doesn't care about that non-existent movement. OWS is concerned with managing its current explosive growth.

You mean the unions' decision to commit suicide? That (/snicker!) explosive growth?

I thought he meant people had stopped being completely revolted by the Occupation.

Somebody tell franglo that a decision by people like Andy Stern and Rich Trumka to loose the SA into the streets to support the Sudeten Germans is a really bad idea.

After the movement to occupy public spaces will come the push to occupy abandoned and foreclosed properties owned by big banks. You heard it here first.

Community Organizer 101.

And after that will come the biggest Democrat losses in decades in 2012.

Christopher in MA said...

"There is no Tea Party."

There are no American tanks in Baghdad.

This is my final territorial claim in Europe.

This Reich will last for a thousand years.

Man will never fly.

No one will ever need a home computer.

You're like the Zelig of the Althouse community, franglo. Always around and always wrong.

Peter V. Bella said...

This is the result of cowardice by a yellow belly mayor and the owners of the park, on whose board sit friends of the mayor and other high level Dumbocrat politicians.

They should have cleared that place out long ago. If these people want to create an Obamaville, let them go to vacant lots in the ghettos, where the real victims are. The poor.

MadisonMan said...

You sound like Hanoi Hanna

Or the cousin, Hanoi Barbera.

Mutnodjmet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DCS said...

I love that some demonstrators refused flu shots, fearing a government conspiracy. I wonder who is in charge of making the tin foil hats?

Mutnodjmet said...

Occupy Atlanta has been found positive for Tuberculosis (TB). TB = COMMUNICABLE, POTENTIALLY FATAL DISEASE. Obama was so keen on flu shots; why is Occupy Atlanta still open?

The Occupy Movement in now a danger to public health; it needs to be shut down now.

Michael The Magnificent said...

After the movement to occupy public spaces will come the push to occupy abandoned and foreclosed properties owned by big banks. You heard it here first.

Get off my lawn!

You filthy, stinking, disease-ridden, ignorant, Marxist useful idiots heard it here first.

Pastafarian said...

cryptical: "Sounds like a great story line for a post-apocalyptic book."

12 Monkeys: A plague is started by a bunch of anarchists. Of course, those anarchists did this intentionally and engineered a new virus, while these OWS anarchists are merely the agar in a filthy petri dish.

Scott M said...

12 Monkeys: A plague is started by a bunch of anarchists. Of course, those anarchists did this intentionally and engineered a new virus, while these OWS anarchists are merely the agar in a filthy petri dish.

Geek point of order. The Army Of The Twelve Monkeys had nothing to do with the plague that wiped out most of human life.

Aridog said...

A team from Union Health Center offered protesters free flu shots on Wednesday and Thursday, though some declined, fearing a conspiracy.


edutcher said...

MadisonMan said...

You sound like Hanoi Hanna

Or the cousin, Hanoi Barbera.

Not only a thread winner, but takes the week.

Scott M said...

Not only a thread winner, but takes the week.

Do I get partial credit? Please...I'm in desperate need of validation from faceless people I don't know personally (lol).

Freeman Hunt said...

That is enough. Why is this still going on? Is Zuccotti Park zoned as a campground? If I want to go live in Manhattan, can I just pitch a tent on some green spot and make that my home?

A tent city is not a protest, it's a tent city. Get rid of it.

gerry said...

Zucotti Lung sounds like something Andrew Zimmern would eat.

Egad. LOL. I read that and imagined sitting in a little Italian place just around a corner, anywhere, with a pretty lady, sipping some Chianti, munching a morsel of bread, looking at the menu and asking the perky waitress, "How's the Zucotti Lung tonight?"

Alex said...

There is no tea party. And OWS doesn't care about that non-existent movement. OWS is concerned with managing its current explosive growth

Growth of bacteria, viruses, disease, pestilence, bad breath, bad manners and general asshole-ishenss?

Alex said...

Notice tea partiers are BAD for being clean! Suddenly filth is noble again.

Eric said...

It's not criminal trespass if you receive mail there for 30 days.

Even if this was true, which it isn't, property owners would find ways to move these people out. In countries where the government doesn't do it banks will engage local organized crime. You really would rather have the government do this.

PoNyman said...

Last sentence of the article:
“We’re the biggest tourist attraction in New York,” he said. “And we shake everyone’s hands.”

Haha, not anymore.

gerry said...

So many litttle gems from the article:

Some protesters urinate in bottles, or occasionally a water-cooler jug, to avoid the lines at public restrooms. Food, from orange peels to scrambled eggs, is often discarded outside tents.

Progressives are so respectful of others!

The group has placed orders for large, military-style tents, capable of holding about a dozen people [because the hbigger tents are warmer]

Ah, corral more together into limited spaces where contagion may be more easily shared!

A team from Union Health Center in Chelsea came on Wednesday and Thursday to administer flu shots for no charge, a welcome arrival for many sniffling protesters, although some refused vaccinations, citing a government conspiracy.

Paranoia runs deep!

Although condoms are often available on-site, Dr. Tierno said the protest’s evolution to private tents, from sleeping out in the open, had raised the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

This just keeps getting better.

The site’s pounding drum circles, he added, could lead to hearing damage.


Ms. McCarthy, who said the month she had spent in the park was the longest amount of time she had remained in one place in two years

Another hallmark of stability.

Paranoid, sloppy, inconsiderate transients breed respiratory and venereal diseases amongst themselves. We need more coverage of this devolution.

Anonymous said...

Why don't some of you old farts put your money where your mouth is and go down to Zucotti to remove the encampment yourselves? We'll be waiting for ya.

Alex said...

Why don't some of you old farts put your money where your mouth is and go down to Zucotti to remove the encampment yourselves? We'll be waiting for ya.

The language of thuggery. No thanks, I'll let Mayor Bloomberg bust your asses out of there.

Calypso Facto said...

OWS, meet Darwin.

Obviously the OWS protests have become a public health burden that the State will need to tax, regulate, and protect us from. How about starting with required signs like this?

Scott M said...

Why don't some of you old farts put your money where your mouth is and go down to Zucotti to remove the encampment yourselves?

Define old. Anyone over thirty? If so, irony much?

I've been down to the "occupy" St Louis people, but since they're busy beating each other up, I didn't go back. I figured Darwin would handle things.

Alex said...

I'm so excited/repulsed at the idea of going down to my local #occupy site. I mean why wouldn't I want to catch a disease?

Christopher in MA said...

"Why don't some of you old farts put your money where your mouth is and go down to Zucotti to remove the encampment yourselves?"

1. I'm in Massachusetts. We have the vermin already occupying Boston Common and Hahvahd Yahd.

2. I don't give a flying fuck about New York. The Village is a nice place for a quick dirty weekend, but I'd neve live there.

3. I like having OWS out there. Pedophiles, rapists, racists, anti-semites, illiterates, unwashed, stoned backstabbers. The modern Democrat party in all its devolutionary glory.

4. If I want to see animals pissing and shitting in public while sniffing around for an accommodating piece of ass, I can go outside and watch my dogs.

Freeman Hunt said...

Why don't some of you old farts put your money where your mouth is and go down to Zucotti to remove the encampment yourselves? We'll be waiting for ya.

Yeah, that would be great. Let's send armed mobs of vigilantes out to clear the tent city. Animal Planet.

Better yet, let's just maintain law and order, and have the city government do its job. The police can clear them out, sanitation can clean up the mess, and health services can be available to check out anyone who has developed a medical condition by being there. Civilization.

Aridog said...

We'll be waiting for ya.

A Keyboard Ranger strikes again.

Palladian said...

"We'll be waiting for ya."

We? Are you in a tent right now?

n.n said...

Class Action Lawsuit

The leadership of OWS, with full historical and rational knowledge, permitted the continued occupation of an environment known to pose a progressive hazard to the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of the occupiers.

They not only knew of this hazard, but they obfuscated its established threat to human life as they sought to promote its progress through their policies which intentionally deceived the participants in their enterprise.

The men, women, and children who have been exploited by OWS should seek monetary redress from the cooperative and leadership for willfully and maliciously causing emotional distress and participating in fraudulent exploitation of their employees.

Let loose the lawyers! Sue the OWS cooperative.

ampersand said...

OWS should be concerned with managing its impending explosive diarrhea.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Why don't some of you old farts put your money where your mouth is and go down to Zucotti to remove the encampment yourselves? We'll be waiting for ya.

Plz wait.

We are busy building our armor clad bulldozers and need to obtain some more hazzmat suits to keep from catching your cooties.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

For Franglo who doesn't seem to have any sense of proportion.....That was a joke btw.

Things will take care of themselves...cough cough...scratch itch.

Let's send armed mobs of vigilantes out to clear the tent city. Animal Planet.

Better yet, let's just maintain law and order, and have the city government do its job.

If the city doesn't do it's job....eventually, you know, someone else will. (Not a joke)

Anonymous said...

How long before the municipal entity otherwise known as New York is sued by a Wall Street banker who tested positive for TB? Or richer yet, a union construction guy trying to rebuild the hole right next door? It's cheek to jowl down there.

And how about the folks next door who have to listen to drums, inoculate themselves against medieval disease, and have their work disrupted? Hmmm, I hear that the Obamaville kids have over $500,000 in the bank. A plain old nuisance theory, a decent judge, and we have a winner!

Real American said...

It is a real thing. It's called B.O.

gerry said...

Why don't some of you old farts put your money where your mouth is and go down to Zucotti to remove the encampment yourselves? We'll be waiting for ya.

A fascinating straw man. We "old farts" are not interested in moving the selfish and smelly Zucotti occupants anywhere. We simply are enjoying the spectacle and collapse of an astroturfed collective.

It's Marxism in a petri dish.

Next up: the collective's leadership makes off with the cash, to protect it.

Beer Ninja said...

This is nothing new. During the occupation of the Wisconsin State Capitol last winter dozens of staffers came down with respiratory tract infections dubbed “protest plague” after being exposed to the deplorable conditions created by the protesters on little to no sleep for days at a time.

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