November 13, 2011

"I’m thinking he would have to have a split personality to do the things that were said."

Gloria Cain.


Skippy said...

Sounds like the words of a loyal wife. No offense meant to Mrs. Cain, but men are likely to behave one way at home and one way on the road or at the office.

WV: hormize

bagoh20 said...

Yea, I would expect it to look that way to her no matter what the truth is.

I wonder if the people who know the accusers would say that a false accusation is unlike them, or would they say: "Yea, I can see her lying about that for money."

Just wondering.

Rich Vail said...

Look at the dichotomy of the coverage. The Media is ready to crucify Mr. Cane, much the same way they covered for John Edwards...for years.

Therein is the problem...

Shouting Thomas said...

Ms. Cain... what else could she say?

I've read just about every account of Mr. Cain's purported behavior.

I still can't figure out what he's done that merits all this bullshit.

Nothing alleged to this date is of any consequence.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

The Sunday shows all pretty much pretended that Cain doesn't exist, but the voters may have a different idea.

Lance said...

No offense meant to Mrs. Cain, but men are likely to behave one way at home and one way on the road or at the office.

Nice generalization. Here's another one: generalizations are likely to be wrong.

Carol_Herman said...

And Dottie Sandusky was clueless that her husband was a pervert.

Wives come to the defense of some pretty awful men.

Doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Worth remembering, too, that Herman Cain wants to run for president. (Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court. All he needed was a majority of senators giving his nomination their vote. Thomas got 52 votes.) And, Blacks in America can care less that Thomas sits on the Supreme Court.

I have no idea what conservatives were thinking. But the idea that Herman Cain is a Black substitute for Obama is ridiculous. It's like thinking McCain would win in 2008.

But go ahead. Play at politics. The media is giving the 8 contendahs enough rope by which to hang the republican party.

Only Sarah Palin actually damages Obama when she points out his flaws.

And, Sarah Palin is probably waiting for her day to move forward. Going in now would just be a waste of money.

Titus said...

I just watched The Shining and thought...What happened to Shelly Duvall?

Ralph L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ralph L said...

During the filming of "Popeye," a night of passion with Bluto broke her pencil-thin thighs, so she retired to a special convent for ugly, arthitic nuns.

Carnifex said...

None of us "knows" what happened between Mr. Cain, and the Cainninites. There were no witnesses, unlike Sandusky. From the one accuser who actually said anything I would think Mr. Cain is at best poor at seduction. By all accounts he took no to mean no, unlike some prominent Deomcrats who had the same charges leveled.(K. Wiley)

But there is something else that adds to the "this don't pass the smell test" test. Apparently, Mr. Cain was going through a second puberty during his stint at the NRA because all the accusations stem from that 3 year period. None before, none after.

Things that make you go hmmm, hmmm?

Also apparently, the "indiscretions" only came to light when the new NRA president came to power. You know the one, she used to be the President of the Illinois Rest. Assoc.


Yeah, imagine that. Oh her home town is Chicago.


As for Ms. Bialek, it's just a coincidence that she lives in Chicago too.


In the same building as David Axlerod.


Axlerod...Axlerod... where have I heard that name before?...Didn't there used to be a guy worked for the angry sock monkey named Axlerod?


Must all just be coincidences.

Oh! up twinkles to the dem. operatives who posted the fake Cain website comparing one of the accusers to her horse. No one would ever think that Mr. Cain would not stoop so low. He is after all a Black conservative Republican.

The problem with dems is they look at Herman Cain and see a black man who's a conservative. A conservative looks at Herman Cain and sees a man.

Carnifex said...

I just gotta add the whole imbroglio smacks of the scene from "Blazing Saddle" when the Waco KId and Sheriff Bart were trying to infiltrate Taggerts Gang. Seeing a pair of KKK members Gene Wilder shouts in a prissy voice "Boys! Oh boys!...Look what I have here!" Cleavon Little "Where are da' white wimmin'?"

Just looking over the quotes from that movie, funniest movie ever made, and impossible to make in todays world.

edutcher said...

Skeptics notwithstanding, this is also what other people who have known Herman for a long time, such as Neal Boortz, have also said.

The allegations are totally out of character. With Willie Whitewater, however, such charges fit the pattern.

People curious about all the anomalies involved might want to check out Ann Coulter's last column.

Tea Party at Perrysburg said...

I think she looks great. She hasn't done what most of them do, which is to stand silently by his side as he makes an embarrassing speech. I hate those appearances. I've always thought them to be humiliating and degrading for the female.

But her appearance is very polished and professional, as if she is a businesswoman on her own right and will not stand for the kind of business that's been going on.

Plus she's very camera friendly.

Toad Trend said...

Carnifex said

"The problem with dems is they look at Herman Cain and see a black man who's a conservative. A conservative looks at Herman Cain and sees a man."

Dems see a black conservative as a runaway slave as I have stated before. Dems project their true inner thoughts.

Purveyors of postmodern racism. Period.


Coulter certainly makes some interesting points about the Chicago connection. To deny these 'coincidences' is more willful ignorance from the left, a tactic they employ from the time they get out of bed in the morning.

KCFleming said...

I was driving back from Milwaukee yesterday, a 5 hour trip.

My wife wanted to listen to Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! on NPR, and I gritted my teeth.

Lots of Herman Cain sex jokes.

Journolist has a meme to push, and NPR was doing its duty.

KCFleming said...

"To all the girls I've groped before."

"SAGAL: Last weekend's earthquake in Oklahoma was so unexpected, one resident said she thought the shaking was caused by blank.


DICKINSON: Herman Cain on a bus tour.

AlphaLiberal said...

Ha ha ha!

In the spring of 1977, [Anne Manning, who admitted to a relationship with Gingrich that started during his 1976 campaign] was in Washington to attend a census-bureaus workshop when Gingrich took her to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. He met her back at her modest hotel room. “We had oral sex,” she says. “He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, “I never slept with her.” Indeed, before Gingrich left that evening, she says, he threatened her: “If you ever tell anybody about this, I’ll say you’re lying.”

New story out in Esquire on the bizarre Newt Gingrich.

KCFleming said...

Who is Vera Baker?

Who is Bill Ayers?

Who is Rev. Wright?

How much coke did Obama do?

What were Obama's grades in college and in law school?

ndspinelli said...

I certainly don't know the truth on this. However, early in my career I did domestic investigations. I hated them for many reasons not the least of which was you invariably ended up being a counselor. When I no longer needed those cases to support my family I stopped taking them.

The best example of why I hated domestic cases was when I followed an adulterous husband to a motel w/ his girlfriend. They entered the room hand in hand and walked out 45 minutes later w/ his hand on her ass, they kissed and parted ways. I videotaped this all and showed it to my client, the slimeballs wife. She asked me, "Could you see what they were doing in the room?" It was one of the saddest, most desperate cases of denial I ever witnessed..and I've witnessed much. She wasn't asking what kind of sex they were having, she was asking if I knew they had sex.

Ms. Cain is almost certainly saying what she believes. But please don't for one minute think what she thinks is dispositive. We know little about Mr. Cain, nothing about Ms. Cain, and nothing about their relationship.

As stated previously, I kind of like Cain. But, along w/ being an investigator I'm a gambler. I'd put my money on he's good for @ least some of these charges. If his being good for these charges doesn't matter to you..amen. But don't put your head in the sand.

KCFleming said...

"But don't put your head in the sand."

No one advocates that.

I just want a level playing field. If monogamy and celibacy are so goddamned important to the left, then explain FDR, JFK, John Edwards, and Clinton, and the lack of attention to any girlfriends of Obama, even before he got married. So was he gay? A monk? Worked for The Second Mile?

Rumpletweezer said...

The difference between conservatives and liberals? Conservatives actually like black people.

Toad Trend said...

Pogo said

"What were Obama's grades in college and in law school?"

Where are all the colleagues of his from Columbia?

Nobody remembers Barry.


Almost like he was 'selected' and 'cleaned'.

Shouting Thomas said...

As stated previously, I kind of like Cain. But, along w/ being an investigator I'm a gambler. I'd put my money on he's good for @ least some of these charges. If his being good for these charges doesn't matter to you..amen. But don't put your head in the sand.

Given your eagerness to make false accusations, spinelli, your competence in your profession and your willingness to constrain yourself to ethical behavior is questionable.

So, we know you're a liar. That kind of puts a dent in your stories.

You might want to drop the authoritarian tone of conviction with which you write, spinelli.

You're a liar and a fool. You've disgraced yourself.

Nothing you write can be assume to have any veracity.

ndspinelli said...

Pogo, I don't think we disagree on this. However, there are some who are putting their heads in the sand. I agree w/ your NPR assessment. Of course there is a double standard. I stipulate to that. I'm talking about the accusations, whether they have merit. I'm giving my professional esperiences. I have also worked many sexual harassment cases, almost all for the defendant..but 2 or 3 for the plaintiff. But, there are some unstable folks here who will go batshit if I get into that, so I'm trying to stick to the allegations and not the general topic of sexual harassment.

Shouting Thomas said...

For the sane and ethical among our commenters, I want to remind you that this spinelli fool accused me with certainty of being a pedophile just a few days ago.

His basis for this malicious false accusation was his incredible skills as an investigator, which allowed him to make authoritarian pronouncements based solely on reading my comments.

In other words, this spinelli character is a malicious liar and a very stupid man.

He's also doubly stupid in that he thinks he's quite clever. He's is astonishingly unaware of just how malicious and stupid he is.

Since behavior is usually repetitive, you can probably count on spinelli to have had a career of false accusations made with great certainty, along with planting evidence to help things along.

Shouting Thomas said...

spinelli is a great example of just how the sexual harassment laws have become a vehicle for extortion and false accusations.

I'll bet Cain's accusers are just as convinced that Cain is a really nasty predator as spinelli was convinced that he'd found a pedophile.

So, like spinelli, Cain's accusers started out knowing they had to rid the world of a terrible evil. This means that all tactics are justified.

Extortion and false accusations are nothing compared to some pervert harming defenseless women and children, right?

Look at spinelli's tactics and you will see the tactics being used by Cain's accusers.

Repetitive accusation, no matter how unfounded, equals guilt... of something.

Hagar said...

I do not know what Herman Cain may or may not have done in his life, but on this issue there simply are not "all these charges."

There is only one specific charge - the one from Sharon Bialek - and that is strictly she said/he said so far. You may say you believe one or the other, but there is no evidence for your belief either way.

The "others" consist of one lawyer who says he has three clients with charges against Mr. Cain, but he will not say what the charges are, or rather were, since all of this goes back 12-14 years, and he has only produced one name; two of his erstwhile clients apparently can't even be found, and the one name he has produced seems to be more than a little shaky and her cgarges quite inconsequential.

Hagar said...

Correction,I think.

What we know about Karen Kraushaar's charges are from her charges against the INS, we still do not know what, if anything, she charged Herman Cain with back then.

KCFleming said...

From my point of view, every time this is raised, I would demand an explanation for the press response to John Edwards.

It's Fen's law in action:
"The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about."

Shouting Thomas said...

There is only one specific charge - the one from Sharon Bialek - and that is strictly she said/he said so far. You may say you believe one or the other, but there is no evidence for your belief either way.

And, we know that Bialek has a long history as a gold digger, that she keeps running up bills way beyond her ability to pay, and that she somehow always finds a way to be involved in lawsuits and administrative proceedings.

According to her own story, she traveled to meet Cain in a hotel where he booked a room for her, sat down to a posh dinner and drank heavily with him.

This is called what?

ndspinelli said...

Pogo, Again we are in agreement. The National Enquirer was the paper of record on Edwards. They sought the truth alone for a year. The NYT, WashPost will be on the Cain case. I get all that and see the utter hypocrisy/double standard

KCFleming said...

I don't consider Cain some vanguard of morality, and he may have cheated on his wife but this is focus on him an Alinsky move.

The MSM doesn't give a shit whether he did or didn't cheat, and what that might mean for his character.

They only see it as a useful club to beat him with. Never do they hold their own to any standard at all.

And since the only remaining taboo is pedophilia, why is the press paying any attention at all?

Hagar said...

Nor do I understand these calls for Herman Cain to take a lie detector test.

If these people come out of left field with unsupported charges, it seems to me that they should take the tests first.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

And since the only remaining taboo is pedophilia, why is the press paying any attention at all?

Correction... the only remaining taboo is pedophilia committed by heterosexual men.

You might remember that I related this story a couple of days ago.

I live in Chelsea and the West Village for 25 years. I often walked past or used the Christopher Street PATH subway station.

Underage gay kids from the Bronx, Jersey and Brooklyn take the subway to Christopher Street, and hang out in the hopes of pimping themselves out to older gay men.

This story did not provoke the generally strident moral outrage that has characterized the PSU case. In fact, it provoked quite the opposite... an admonition that I should beware of exhibiting prejudice against gays.

So, you see, it's only pedophilia committed by straight men that is taboo.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've had to rethink my previous comment.

Sandusky may be nominally heterosexual, but the crimes he's accused of are actually homosexual acts.

So, this really confuses things, doesn't it?

Is Sandusky, as a result of committing these homosexual acts, now exempt from the taboo against pedophilia, and should we be careful to speak ill of him lest we exhibit bigotry?

Very confusing, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Shouting Thomas--you have some very, very serious anger issues.

Calm yourself. This is a comment board on a blogging website.

Shouting Thomas said...

Shouting Thomas--you have some very, very serious anger issues.

That's a pretty silly tactic.

And, it doesn't work on me either. So, stop wasting your time.

Now, off to take a bicycle ride and do a set of yoga.

Bob Ellison said...

I did a set of yoga once. It was spiritually uplifting. Then this spinelli person belched all over my yoga! Yeeeearrrrgghhh!

garage mahal said...

I don't know about you guys but I shout at the top of my lungs when I yoga. Soothing!

MadisonMan said...


Everytime I see her name, I think of Max Bialystock.

write_effort said...

Cain's an adulterer. And a liar. And a narcissist. BUT that hardly makes him unusual for someone seeking the presidency.

I like the Newt story. If women want to sleep with married men, then they should accept the rules.

That said, both of these men should shut up about gay marriage or support it. In their actions one man, one woman is a sentimental fiction.

KCFleming said...

From now on, for the left's various accusations:
Pics or it didn't happen.

traditionalguy said...

Back in town from a weekend in the Smokies. I see the news about the assumed political demise of that black as spades man who preys upon white women is a great relief to the GOP.

Whew! That primal fear image has at last done the trick and aroused the voters to attack Cain first and ask questions later...not that there could be any other answer to dealing with this THREAT.

Wait, wait, it is not the voters falling for that 150 year old defamation. It's the predatory political classes and their high media priests.

And still Herman refuses to surrender.

Now we will see whether the voters are duped that easily.

garage mahal said...

It's basically a he said, they said, he paid off, at this point.

richard mcenroe said...

To those of you so cavalierly dismissing a wife's lifetime knowledge of her husband:

YOU are assuming there were any reasons Can should need to feel guilty. And to do so you are suspending disbelief to the point where you credulously accept the words of only two -- out of five -- women who subsequently went public and who subesquently proved to have a history of false and vexatious complaints at NRA and other employment, one woman who doesn't even allege anything happened but simply did not like Cain's attitude, and two women who refuse even to identify themselves or go on the record with details about whatever awful thing happened they won't talk about. Indeed, one of the complainants says nothing more substantial than "she didn't like Cain's attitude."

Would you trust a white Republican saying he didn't like a black man's attitude?

To which we can add, Cain has NO history of such behavior either before or after this period at NRA, which would make him one of the weirder sexual predators in history, unlike, say, Newt Gingrich if the new Esquire article is correct...

KCFleming said...

"It's basically a he said, they said, he paid off, at this point."

For women, claims of sexual harassment can be lucrative, even when nothing happened at all.

As I understand it, the payout received was small taters, suggestive of nuisance value at best.

Of course, you know that lawsuit settled guilt.

edutcher said...

The only allegations against Herman come from his 3-year tenure in Chicago.


And nd needs to remember that fundamental rule of gambling that the odds are with the house - in this case, no proof and no pattern. Lousy odds he did it.

Pogo said...

"But don't put your head in the sand."

No one advocates that.

I just want a level playing field. If monogamy and celibacy are so goddamned important to the left, then explain FDR, JFK, John Edwards, and Clinton, and the lack of attention to any girlfriends of Obama, even before he got married. So was he gay?

A lot of people seem to be saying, "Yes".

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't know about you guys but I shout at the top of my lungs when I yoga. Soothing!

There is a pose in yoga, called "Singing Lion," that literally requires the practitioner to shout at the top of his lungs.

Shouting Thomas said...

It's basically a he said, they said, he paid off, at this point.

Your statement is factually inaccurate.

The restaurant association traded a settlement payment for an agreement on the part of the women that they had no actionable cause.

Cain didn't pay anybody.

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Freeman Hunt said...

Pogo said...

My wife wanted to listen to Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! on NPR, and I gritted my teeth.

What, are you vying for sainthood?

JAL said...

In the spring of 1977, [Anne Manning, who admitted to a relationship with Gingrich that started during his 1976 campaign] was in Washington to attend a census-bureaus workshop when Gingrich took her to dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant.

Almost 35 years ago.

Gingrich was 34 years old.

Not that that makes everything go away, but it sounds like consensual sex to me.

And I'm one of those uptight conservatives.

Is it the sex while married problem? Or the type of sex?

I would like the liberal media / Dems who never gave a single second of their attention to the Dem sex scandals to explain what it is. And no, I am not going to read the article.

JAL said...

I like the description of Cain being thought of as being a runaway slave by the libs.

Spot on.

Lance said...

Almost 35 years ago.

Gingrich was 34 years old.

Whoa, stop the presses: I didn't realize Gingrich is almost 70 years old. That must be why he attacked the Ryan plan, no?

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