November 14, 2011

"I got all this stuff twirling around in my head," says Herman Cain, trying to talk about Libya.

It's an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporters:

And here he is struggling with questions about public employee unions:


Beta Rube said...

Goodbye Herman. Hello Newt.

pious agnostic said...

It saddens me to say it, but his detractors weren't wrong: he does have a knowledge gap that will keep him out of the White House.

Still love him, though. But I've got to look elsewhere for a candidate.

edutcher said...

I knew this would happen. And I said, he's gotta hit the briefing book.

PS Nobody for real expects a candidate to know everything about everything, but he/she has to have a grounding in the major issues.

Andy said...

I do give him a lot of credit for continuing to wander around the country and humiliate himself.

A lesser man would have quit and saved himself the embarrassment a long time ago.

Also, serious! Credible! Not a joke!

SunnyJ said...

Yes, by all means, give us the smooth talkers with ready answers to everything and 2 teleprompters to make that work.

There is video like this of every candidate...seeing it or not depends on the agenda. Obama you didn't get to see or was only played 1 time and suppressed...Cain, it will be played and posted 90 times in the first day.

I don't know if I want to vote for Cain or another candidate yet, but I do know I will not be forming my final opinion on a 10 second clip of anything or anyone.

machine said...

Bring back the lady that quit her job because it was too hard!!!!

paul a'barge said...

Loser. Take a hike.

edutcher said...

Andy R. said...

I do give him a lot of credit for continuing to wander around the country and humiliate himself.

A lesser man would have quit and saved himself the embarrassment a long time ago.

OK, that's Obama...

PS Hatman really thinks he's a wit.

Well, half one.

Carol_Herman said...

Drudge has up two headlines. In one, Newt's now leading the pack. And, in the other Dan Rather is saying "Newt's like a wounded Woverine." In that Newt is dangerous.

While I don't think Newt can win.

Nor do I think at the GOP convention Newt will be given anything but short shrift.

Cain's not going to be asked, either.

And, Cain says he's "got Libya on his mind?" What happened in Libya is that the Saud's asked for some territory. And, so, too, have the french.

We had NO BUSINESS taking part in that sham operation.

Beta Rube said...

I like Herman, but this will not be a fair election. Every misstep by the challenger will explode, every moment of idiocy from The One will be ignored.

Herman can't win in this environment. And we can't afford four more years of of the same.

Chip S. said...

Bring back the lady that quit her job because it was too hard!!!!

Not enough exclamation points to distract from the profound idiocy preceding them.

pm317 said...

I am tired of listening to these senile, incompetent candidates or young, inexperienced and incompetent (you know who I am talking about) candidate for that matter. Give me Hillary!!

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
D. said...

thanks for playing annie

"Cain's answer, which began with a discussion of President George Bush's foreign policy before the Libya question came up, was recorded on video and posted as part of a series of unedited excerpts on the Journal Sentinel's online site, JSOnline. Each excerpt pertained to a different topic. The video quickly went viral and was linked to and embedded on a number of political websites around the country, as well as national newspapers and nightly cable and network news broadcasts."

Oshbgosh said...

Herman is a refreshingly honest business person. Good bye to traditional politicians of either party!

edutcher said...

machine said...

Bring back the lady that quit her job because it was too hard!!!!

You mean the one who was bled white financially fighting frivolous lawsuits?

You mean the one that rallied opposition to ZeroCare?

The one that's been a thorn in the side of the Lefties the last 2 years?

That one?

The one you're so afraid of?

themightypuck said...

All you want in a President is someone who can make tough decisions and get them right. You can bring in outside talent to do the egghead stuff.

Titus said...

I find this refreshing and like him even more.

It shows he is human.

It's nice to have a politician without a "silver tongue".

Amartel said...

Full crowd scene boarding the Newt Train! Newtmentum. The talking heads won't shut up about it; they're bored with Cain, on to the next! Then in a month we'll be wondering what we were thinking. Newt is so smart that he has talked himself up into some rather dumb positions through the years. He'll talk his way out of them, for a few weeks, and then the credibility bank will start to run out of capital. Then, what's left? Santorum? Ron Paul? Dunh, dunh, dunh. MITT!

Lowered Expectations.

Cedarford said...

I see Herman Cain talking himself out of a VP spot. Too many knowledge gaps. I know the bar was set low with Palin and Biden, but just because it was a bad practice done before doesn't make it worth continuing.
Or, for that matter, the practice since Dubya of selecting an older man with serious past health problems as the "heartbeat away from the Presidency" guy.
(That presumes we return to electing a President that doesn't need an older "wise sage")

Matt said...


CAIN: "President Obama supported the uprising, correct?...Just want to make sure we are talking about the same thing before I say yes I agree or no I don't agree."

Think about that. He is trying to determine where Obama stood on the issue so that he could oppose that stance. There is no principle there except to take a different stance for its own sake.

That is not refreshing. That is political to the core. Only he is letting us see his loopy thought process.

Anonymous said...

It's sad to me that this whole sexual harassment thing happened to Cain. Because this amateurishness was going to happen, anyway, and he was going to fade.

I guess it's possible that people are only examining his inadequacies a a candidate because of those charges. I hope not.

machine said...

Ed, if she was being personally bled financially as a state official, then she is dumber than I thought; do you mean opposition that is currently federal law? Good job there too;

And a thorn? Really? She did less homework than Herman...please, please nominate her.

Oh that's's too hard.

Automatic_Wing said...

Matt - Sarcasm detector not working today?

Matt said...

Maguro said...

Matt - Sarcasm detector not working today?

Needs new batteries.

Mattman26 said...

Put me down for "ouch."

I was briefly charmed by Herman, I will admit, but for heaven's sake. In a healthier republic he would have gone away by now.

Ironically, I think the sexual harassment charges may be the best thing that's happened to his campaign, because it seemed to be keeping many people from focusing on his utter ill-preparedness. I suspect that state of affairs may be coming to a close.

Andy said...

"For the record, I don't think Herman Cain is stupid. I do think he's willfully ignorant about anything to do with foreign policy however.... There's a mercy rule in Little League, and I'm applying it here -- unless and until Herman Cain surges back in the polls again, or manages to muster something approaching cogency in his foreign policy statements, there's no point in blogging about him anymore. I can only pick on an ignoramus so many times before it feels sadistic. "[Emphasis Mine.]
-Dan Drezner

Known Unknown said...

Looks like Professor needs a "Cain Sucks" tag.

edutcher said...

machine said...

Ed, if she was being personally bled financially as a state official, then she is dumber than I thought;

No, the machine is, after all, a mindless piece of metal, so he knows not real intellect if he should encounter it.

Thus, his inability to fathom AK's odd law which allows limitless frivolous lawsuits against state officials, which must be answered.

Which also explains his support for GodZero.

Andy R. said...

"For the record, I don't think Herman Cain is stupid. I do think he's willfully ignorant about anything to do with foreign policy however.... There's a mercy rule in Little League, and I'm applying it here -- unless and until Herman Cain surges back in the polls again, or manages to muster something approaching cogency in his foreign policy statements, there's no point in blogging about him anymore. I can only pick on an ignoramus so many times before it feels sadistic. "

Unfortunately for Hatman, we feel no such compunction toward him.

BTW, he's stuck with the SCOAMF who can't manage a simple, declarative sentence without the help of TOTUS, so the real ignoramus is closer to Hatman than he has the intellectual power to realize.

Patrick said...

VP Newt can handle that. All candidates have knowledge gaps. No one can know everything any more.

One acquires enough information to where it becomes confusing and disorienting. A wise person will create something new out of that, others will close the door to thinking.

Cain has proven he can lead and govern. piddly pot shots over pet issues indicate a superficiality in the pot shotter.

Patrick said...

Let's see...

Obama thinks there are 57 states.
Obama is callous towards the handicapped.

Just two out of hundreds of Obama gaffes. The reason Herman's Cains are more important than the presidents are?

Obama on foreign affairs you say?
Green revolution what green revolution?
Netanyahu is a liar.

Mark Daniels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AlphaLiberal said...

That is just too painful to watch. When will the Koch boys pull the plug on their "brother from another mother?"

I knew this would happen. And I said, he's gotta hit the briefing book.

The world is a complicated place and a candidate really needs to bring more than a few hours reading a briefing book.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titus said...

This doesn't compare to Obama and his 57 states comment.

Obama really thought there were 57 states.

It's about the economy anyways and as a business man Cain knows how to get Americans back working.

Cain is real and this is something and I believe voters will actually like, rather than some snake oil salesman.

Hagar said...

No more interviews after a hard day and 4 hours of sleep.

edutcher said...

AlphaLiberal said...

That is just too painful to watch. When will the Koch boys pull the plug on their "brother from another mother?"

I knew this would happen. And I said, he's gotta hit the briefing book.

The world is a complicated place and a candidate really needs to bring more than a few hours reading a briefing book.

He does. He brings a world of experience, accomplishment, and knowledge behind him.

Unlike the one who thinks this country was joined by the Intercontinental Railroad, that they speak Austrian in Vienna, and that the ess in Corpsman is spoken.

bagoh20 said...

I too was hoping someone like Cain with real life experience would rise up and have strong understanding and opinion on the general principles at issue today. He does not have the later. His belief is that when the time comes, he will evaluate what his advisers say about an issue and decide it logically.

In fact, that is what most leaders will do regardless of how readily they answer such questions, and I bet that's what most of us want them to do. I suspect we would be very wary of someone who would just act out of ideology well practiced in debate. Assuming the real world will follow in kind.

I want both experience AND understanding of the issues beyond that experience. Obama has neither. I also was hoping to see a capable proven Black man run things and succeed, that would be a great thing, but Cain can't win.

Gingrich is at least bold about his ideas. That turns me on, but probably scares half of the electorate. It's gonna be interesting to watch how gutsy the people are ready to be. The economy has them well lubed up at least.

David said...

Twirling stuff.

Well, the acid worked for Steve Jobs, or so he thought.

Anonymous said...

ouch. that's gonna leave a mark.

Chip Ahoy said...

Why do you guys keep underestimating the man's ability to learn quickly and to learn a lot quickly. Can we allow that a man who so swiftly devises a simple revisionary tax plan like

9 - 9 - 9
9 - 0 - 9
9 - 9 - 0
9 - 9 - 9
9 - 9 - 18
478-0 - 0
1 - 2 - 6
0 - 0 - 0
0 - 15 - 0

possesses an agile mind?

Lance said...

All you want in a President is someone who can make tough decisions and get them right.

And do you feel that, right now, Herman Cain is getting decisions right? What about Newt, is he getting them right?

Carol_Herman said...

All the 8 contendahs are bringing disgrace onto the heads of conservatives. It's like an "occupy wall street" crowd. As if you can hold a belief you'll get a "religiously oriented" fella to pass American muster. And, get elected to the White House.

Even with Obama as the opposing contendah, so far you haven't got a chance.

Why can't the conservatives settle on getting rid of these dogs ... to focus on someone who could actually win the respect of many voters?


By stopping the need to catering to a religious "wish list."

Cain has been a conservative talk show host.

You know, if you got behind Rush Limbaugh you'd have made a better stake. And, even Limbaugh doesn't have enough fans to win a presidential contest.

Nor does Newt.

Oh. And, the media is on the other side! When they come along and offer "debates?" You should have been aware it would get to look like a parade of idiots. And, Newt. Whose just got vengeance on his mind.

I can't believe you can hoodwink so many conservatives!

I'm Full of Soup said...

"I got all this stuff swirling around in my head".

Sounds like Titus discussing his output.

pm317 said...

His wife is being interviewed by Greta. Seems nice enough lady but nothing really special. I feel bad for this couple -- he thought he could make a quick buck with this candidacy on his books and stuff to see him through nice retirement but people just started to take him seriously which he didn't want, it looks like -- but that is what people do even when the candidate is not serious himself.

pm317 said...

He is now dropping hints that he does not want to be Romney's VP meaning: put a lid on the sexual harassment charges and anything else Axelrod can dredge up out of thin air (or not) because I am not really serious about all this.

Anonymous said...

pm -- Which is it?

bagoh20 said...

"And do you feel that, right now, Herman Cain is getting decisions right? What about Newt, is he getting them right? "

Well it is a little different than that. You could say Lady Gaga is a good candidate by that criteria - She seems to be pretty popular. She could at least win a Democratic primary.

In another sense, you could say it's pretty impressive for Cain to have surged past all those well-known politically experienced names. That's was exceptional.

You need things that matter.

Once written, twice... said...

Republicans are now left with the Big Government Corporate Candidate Mitt Romney. President Obama and the Democrats are going to ruin Romney with the fact that he is the personification of the Wall Street Fat Cats.

Once written, twice... said...

Go with crazy Newt you LOSERS!

William said...

He doesn't look good in these clips. He generally has a graceful way of integrating his knowledge gaps into his just folks persona, but here he just looked weak. A presidential candidate should know these things.

Anonymous said...

Jay -- Which is it?

Once written, twice... said...

Seven I hope we get to skin the King of the Wall Street Fat Cats and have crazy Newt by his side as his VP candidate! That would be real fun!

Once written, twice... said...

BTW, more is coming out over the next few weeks about Romney's shady business dealings including taking government money. Woot!

Anonymous said...

Jay -- President Obama was the recipient of the largest amount of money ever received by a political candidate from Goldman Sachs. Ever.

Do you really think that Manhattan's Wall Street investment bankers vote for Republicans? Really? What fatuousness.

A person of greater intellect would be able to see the world in terms beyond them bad, us good, particularly when the irony is that the side you cheer so vehemently for is, in fact, the side full of Wall Street investment bankers.

Anyway, have fun. You must feel entitled to it.

Anonymous said...

A bunch of Newt's people quit when he and Callista went to Europe.

In terms of his ability to win, aside from the adultery, Newt is undisciplined.

He does well for a while, and then he busts out with something wacky.

He's the next non-Romney crush. I give him 4 weeks.

Once written, twice... said...

Seven, you OWS?
I agree with you that both parties have been corrupted by corporate big money which we need to get out of our politics.

traditionalguy said...

Herman was being Herman, and he is not yet perfect on the story lines we call foreign policy. And neither are the others whose only skill is keeping their mouths shut.

What Herman is is not an opportunist seeking fame. He already had plenty of that around here.

Gloria said it all when she said that, "Herman just wants to make a difference ." She knows that he is smart, but that he gets himself into trouble by talking too much which reveals a good heart, but can also be used against him by enemies.

Newt is not really different man from Romney on policies, but between the two Romney is at tight lipped and least stable, while Newt is a cameleon who shows off his skill at lecturing what about everything there is.

Watching Greta interview the Cains concluded with a family shot taken from the rear deck at Eagles Landing Country Club overlooking the 18th Fairway from which many last hole wins were televised on the LPGA Tour.

If sanity raises its head in time, Cain will still make this a close race and may still win it.

Anonymous said...

Jay -- Tea Party people and Occupy share the same complaint against corporatism that enriches crony capitalists and does a tremendous disservice to the common good.

The complaint against corporatism resonates strongly with me. However, both groups have half-baked ideas about resolving the problem and I detest a mob. Therefore, I am neither.

All of that said, Obama is going to get nowhere with charges against Romney or anyone else concerning Wall Street. Obama's administration is Wall Street.

Titus said...

This is another attempt by the elite liberal media with gotcha questions.

But it won't work this time.

Titus said...

Newt went to Greece to see how bad the economy was there and he learned quite a bit about it. It has helped him tremendously during these difficult worldwide economic times and had made him better informed.

Right is right! said...

Republican insiders are not going to let a conservative get the nomination. They want a east coast liberal like Romney. That is why I am going third party. At least I can keep my head held high.

pm317 said...

Seven Machos said...

pm -- Which is it?

Which is what?
My point was Cain was never really serious about his candidacy. He is trying to convey that by saying he does not want to be Romney's VP. He may be thinking Axelrod and co may leave him alone if he said that. He has already said he does not want to be Perry's VP when Perry was riding high. If he is serious why is he talking about being somebody's VP?

Once written, twice... said...

Seven, Obama has learned his lesson about Wall Street and is now not making nice and instead fighting them.

Anonymous said...

pm -- Your posts seemed contradictory to me.

I don't think Cain is experienced enough in governing, since he has no experience. I don't think it's fair to charge that he is running for president to make money, though. I think he's quite serious. I think you are confusing his objective lack of experience with what he believes about himself.

John Althouse Cohen said...

Obama thinks there are 57 states. . . . The reason Herman's Cains are more important than the presidents are?

Because Obama obviously knows there are 50 states. He misspoke and said he had been to 57 and still had to go 3. Of course, he meant he had gone to 47. It's easy to say "fifty" when you mean "forty" because they sound similar and they're close in meaning — same reason people often said "Gore" for "Bush" or vice versa in 2000.

Cain's gaffe is significant because he gave every indication of having no idea that the United States went to war with Libya earlier this year. You can't not know about that and even be an informed citizen, let alone a serious presidential candidate. He simply defaulted to his standard response of "I have nothing to say about this foreign-policy issue, so I'm going to say I would have to find out more facts."

Carol_Herman said...

Any citizen can run for president!

Harold Stassen and Ralph Nader prove this.

But getting the republican nomination is what, it seems, the conservatives were trying to "bag."

It seems the conservatives who've been climbing aboard the "picking of the GOP nominee" ... had in mind that they'd get in a "proven conservative" candidate. And, for this Cain fits the bill.

He's a conservative radio show host. And, he's a gospel preacher. To the conservatives this probably looked like a win-win.

So far NONE of the 8 republican contendahs stand a chance of winning the general election.

Which creates a serious problem.

While the media has been hosting these ridiculous debates ... adding a carnival character to the GOP selection process.

It's time to get serious.

Or the conservatives are gonna be taken to the cleaners!

But go ahead. Take the debates seriously. Make believe they matter. And, you'll get a religious nut job elected president.

How often do you have to be taken to the cleaners by the pros. To realize there's a better way to approach a popular uprising.

pm317 said...

Seven Machos said...

I don't know which posts you're referring to, my first where I talk about old and incompetent (Perry, Cain,..) and young, inexperienced, incompetent (Obama)?

Perry and Cain have some experience but they come across as lacking in knowledge and confidence as far as what is needed to win the presidency (and therefore seem incompetent).

May be it is not fair to think Cain is in it for the money. But he is quite old and looking at his wife tonight and his own campaign, I don't see the hunger and therefore, question his seriousness. When you looked at Palin, you saw hunger; Hillary, yes, but Obama may be but he needed to be dragged across the finish line. In Obama's case, he hungers for the perks but does not want to work for it. Romney seems to want it but there is still no fire. Newt wants it but he seems unsure himself.

Anonymous said...

When you looked at Palin, you saw hunger

So hungry that she didn't run.

pm317 said...

John Althouse Cohen said...

how is Obama's Iran policy working out, talking to, engaging with the dinnerjacket?

Anonymous said...

Shorter Althouse Cohen: It's okay for Democrats to make gaffes.

You need to try a little harder there, dude. That whole rationalization you just made masquerading as an argument was a cry for logical help. Start at the beginning. The really simple stuff. Binary numbers, maybe.

Out of Obama, Cain, and you, you are clearly the most gaffe prone.

pm317 said...

Seven Machos said...

When you looked at Palin, you saw hunger

So hungry that she didn't run.

11/14/11 10:44 PM

well..she is at least realistic.

pm317 said...

57 states may have been a typo (lot of typos with this guy) but this should have ended his campaign:
Bristol Townhall

Anonymous said...

President Barrack Obama:

"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something."

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed."

"One such translator was an American of Haitian descent, representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women in uniform do all around the world -- Navy CORPSE-Man Christian Brossard."

"The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries."

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Carol_Herman said...

Get used to it. Obama won in 2008.

And, the conservatives are like addicts. They couldn't help themselves.

A Black man with a popular conservative radio show ... appears to take the "crowd by storm."

In your eye! The fact that he's Black contained selling points.

He was going to win because he seemed so popular TO A FEW!

But the media had better ideas.

It took all the 8 GOP "contendahs" ... who are conservatives. And, it offered them, so far, 10 debates! Each one of those debates got to give comedians comedy gold moments! David Letterman even had Perry visit. And, Perry read off that night's "TEN BEST" list. Comedy gold.

While Obama has nothing to worry about! He's got the White House. Legit. Enough Americans gave him a 53% advantage to McCain's lackluster 47%.

You didn't get a clue that McCain wasn't good enough?

You still think you're gonna crown the GOP with a conservative candidate who sweeps into office, and then all your dreams come true?

Buy more litmus paper.

So far Obama is winning his 2012 re-election bid. And, yes. He's getting all the help he needs to stay on top ... by having the media "running" unwatched debates ... that then contain viral Internet clippets.

Conservatives won't change.

They refuse to admit they even have a problem.

While IF the FUNNY UNDERWEAR GUY and the PIZZA MAN became the 2012 GOP contendahs ... the bumper sticker practically wrote itself.

But the "Pizza Man" won't make it.

Does that make you sad?

Do you also buy lottery tickets?

You know if you don't buy lottery tickets you keep the dollar bill in your own pocket!

Sarah Palin and Donald Trump have stayed out of the fray for a reason.

And, that reason isn't that they don't understand politics. Because they do. Sarah Palin and Donald Trump also understand the media.

The conservative bandwagon here? Disappears if ONE NATION makes an Independent bid.

Oh, Independents won't succeed if they're gonna be stealth candidates for those who carry litmus paper.

There is no such thing, either, for "pre-birth" rights.

Stop getting hosed.

A. Shmendrik said...

Newtie picks up some mo' mo!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that almost the entire field is imploding before Iowa.

Looks like Romney.

Ralph L said...

that the ess in Corpsman is spoken.
Don't forget the pee!

Every candidate gets one free grope and one free Perry moment, or half hour.

Dante said...

What's the big deal. Obama thought there were 57 states. Palinisms abound. The guy obviously has an opinion on Libya, he mentioned it in the last debate.

What I don't understand why you, Ann, are not outraged by the attempt at interfering with the republican nomination by the blonde Bimbo. I mean, really. Or "He made stiffed us for two $400.00 bottles of wine." That seems to be the extent of it. Maybe they said they would expense it.

What I like about Cain is he has simple, pure solutions. I don't know that I like them, but clear lines with no nuance are good for society, as they let everyone know where the stand, and what the rules are. Today, who knows?

The only alternative is Newt, and I love Newt, but really, what chance does HE have? If people are willing to change a republican nomination over (highly) questionable charges, then what is going to happen to Newt? And please don't tell me the answer is the Democrat's wet dream with Romney.

Dante said...

P.S. just listened to the Loury discussion, so I guess we are close to the same wavelength there. Is Romney electable? I somehow doubt it. And Cain vs. Obama? I would pick Cain with his experience over Obama, and Cain would really jolt the whole system. I don't like the signature 9-9-9 plan, but I would prefer Obama out. I think Cain has a better chance than Romney, by far. As Ann Coulter says, let's wait for all the documentaries on Mormonism.

sakredkow said...

A person of greater intellect would be able to see the world in terms beyond them bad, us good, particularly when the irony is that the side you cheer so vehemently for is, in fact, the side full of Wall Street investment bankers.

Reduced to its simplest terms, that's exactly how nearly every Republican on the stage in the last debate indicates they see the world. "Them bad, us good." And probably half, if not more, don't mind torturing the bad.

Mian said...

Cain lost me when he was asked his thoughts on "defined benefit pension plans" and didn't know what they were talking about.

I like the man, personally, but sheesh...he's running for President, not Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. As a Democrat, I've been looking for any candidate, really, who I could vote for on the other side of the aisle. Unfortunately, Romney is the only one I'd consider at this point...he's also the only GOP candidate, besides Huntsmann, who has a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

Huntsmann, of course, has no shot of the nomination. But Cain? I mean, seriously? What an awful candidate. I find Gingrich intriguing because he's a smart guy who's worked to bring both sides together. However, his personal history will keep him from ever winning the election.

SGT Ted said...

I bet he doesn't even know which of the 57 states are "right to work" states. Or which American communities still speak Austrian.

If Cain was running as a Democrat, we'd be getting stories from the DNC Media about how smart and accomplished he is and since his mind is so much faster than ordinary mortals, that sometimes his mouth just cannot keep up with his Awesome Brain.

X said...

nothing speaks to Obama's ignorance more than thinking liability insurance is full coverage and trying to file a claim. and it wasn't a mispeak. he was still incredulous decades later. him, a law professor.

machine said...

Mr. Cain could not carry on a conversation about a war his country was fighting during his campaign for president...

He didn't misspeak and it wasn't taken out of context...he just doesn't care about knowing such things.

and you still want to elect him...wowsa.

madAsHell said...


John henry said...

And according to Bloomberg News Cain and Paul are neck and neck in Iowa.

Romney and Gingrich are nipping at their heels but are still 3rd and 4th.

Ron Paul is doing amazing for a candidate whose very name seems to be unmentionable.

Napolitano showed a newspaper headline the other night that showed the 1st and 3rd place candidated but failed to mention that there was even a 2nd place candidate.

Guess who was in 2nd?

Dr Paul

Go Ron!

John Henry

John henry said...

Forgot the link to the poll

John Henry

rhhardin said...

It's the apples and oranges all over again.

There was a really nice black engineer where I worked once, who in an affirmative action move was made supervisor, then department head, then director, and so on up the line.

There were no hard feelings anywhere.

Everybody liked him, and the reasoning was how smart do you have to be to be a manager anyway.

He wasn't running for President though.

I suspect a similar past for Cain.

Anonymous said...

*shrug* He should have addressed this deficiency a long time ago. He hadn't and now it'll sink him.

The wages of stupidity is failure.

Christopher in MA said...

"And you still want to elect him. Yowsa."

Not, not particularly. What I want, machine, is the enjoyment of watching hacks like you jump on every Cain stumble while studiously - hell, actively! - ignoring every bit of dumbass codswallop that vomits out of Little Black Jesus' piehole whenever his teleprompter is misfiring.

His stumbles have been pointed out to you and your fellow travelers again and again on this thread, but you simply stick your fingers in your ears, chanting "lalalalalalala!" like one of Carol Herman's misfiring synapses.

You voted for President Corpseman. You have no standing to criticize anyone else's intellectual shortcomings.

machine said...

Sure I do...

You point out "stumbles" of President Obama, which he has made and will continue to make.

I'm pointing out a lack of effort. Mr. Cain, an intelligent man capable of great things, does not care to learn the hard stuff it takes to win the Presidency. Neither does Palin or Perry, yet they remain very popular.

Romney and Gingrich understand this. They work hard at understanding the issues and being able to speak about them coherently. Just as President Obama did when he was running for President.

caseym54 said...

Cain was never going to be the candidate; he just doesn't convince as a President. He's earnest and forthright, but lacks the spark that gets people to follow someone they only see on TV.

In short, he plods.

Perry never got off the ground, and that can't be undone. At best he can claw back to being a plausible also-ran with hopes for 2016 or later.

There's only Mitt and Newt left standing. If I have to take Mitt, I want VP Newt in charge of a massive government re-organization.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

From this Cain thing, I have learned that a lie, especially a well delivered lie is much preferred to the truth especially when the truth is "I don't know".

That is what Cain has honestly answered in a number of situations. He knows he is expected to give answers that are nothing more than posturing as having the answer, but he just is no good at that.

That's politics. Saying: "I don't know enough yet" ,no matter how honest, just does not sell.

The current President has a litany of broken promises and "answers" from his campaign that proved nothing short of either dishonest or naive, but that is apparently far better than nothing, even if "I don't know" is the correct answer, which it usually is.

I'm not saying Cain is this guy, but it would be nice to have a choice who could say: "Look, I have a long history of making the right decisions on important things - look it up. I did that by looking at all the information I could get quickly and deciding a course based on my experience and my guiding principles which are these..."

I will do the same now if you elect me.

William said...

Cain is politically inexperienced and poorly informed about some issues. I would not vote for him....I will give him this, however. He did rise and succeed in the business world. There are some areas--sports, music, the Harvard Law Review--where a black skin is no disadvantage. But where money is concerned people tend to be quite merit conscious in their decisions. There is no affirmative action program to make sure NBA athletes and rap stars have black business managers.....Cain is a man of some substance and character, but he should not be the President.

Christopher in MA said...

"You point out 'stumbles' of Obama, which he has made and continues to make."

Such as: "When I meet with world leaders, what's striking - whether it's in Europe or here in Asia - the kinds of fundamental reforms and changes both on the revenue side and the public pension side that other countries are having to make are so much more significant than what we need to do to get our house in order."
- B. Hussein, 11/13/11, speaking at a press conference in Hawaii.

You can't have it both ways. Each of Dubya's verbal stumbles was seized on by the left as evidence that he was a retarded monkey (though we learned he earned higher grades at Yale than Kerry and, with his MBA from Harvard, was miles ahead of divinity school dropout ManBearPig). But Obama's stumbles are waved away as results of fatigue, momentary distraction or just the usual dithering that affects everyone.

"Romney and Gingrich understand this [making an effort]. . .just as President Obama did when he was running for President."

SO what effort was he making when he blustered about closing down Club Gitmo on day one, but then reversed himself? Was he lying or hadn't he done his homework? And
when he admitted that there was no such thing as a shovel-ready project, was he admitting he'd lied, admitting he was ignorant or admitting he didn't make the effort to understand what he was talking about?

Shanna said...

Look, I have a long history of making the right decisions on important things - look it up

The problem is, he has no history of making foreign policy decisions, so we have no record on that. He has no history of making decisions about government really either. He has business experience. That is worth something but it’s not everything. When you have no experience in foreign policy, you should at least read up on it so you have a little clue.

I agree with whoever said we’re not electing him for Mayor. This is the big job, we expect a lot of the candidate, as well we should!!!!

Saying ‘I don’t know’ is fine if you say it right and it’s the right topic, but I don’t know is a problem in this instance because he damn sure ought to know!

Joe said...

I said before and I say again; the most stupid shit comes out of this idiot's mouth. Supporters are projecting their own beliefs on him just like they did with Obama. In reality, Cain is incoherent and if supporting collective bargaining is the conservative issue, I have a bridge...

cassandra lite said...


Methadras said...

Well, folks, this is what the primary process is for. It is working don't you think?

bagoh20 said...

"I don’t know is a problem in this instance because he damn sure ought to know!"

Then I guess you know what the right answer was on Libya. I didn't, and I wouldn't try to tell people that I did.

Joe said...

You miss the point bagoh, any two bit politician would have formulated a position on Libya by now. Cain didn't. Is he stupid or just plain incompetent? There really isn't any other option here.

Shanna said...

Then I guess you know what the right answer was on Libya.

I am not running for president, am I? (and although I may not know the right answer, I generally have an opinion)

He could say something like 'right now I think X, however that could change, I would consult with experts on what is currently going on on the ground, etc..'

Love said...

Shanna - There are all kinds of things he could of said, but of course, he didn't.

He knows little if anything about foreign affairs and is not qualified to be President.

Why is that so hard for you and others to see?

Big Mike said...

First Perry and now Cain. Is it Mitt's people who are putting stuff in their water bottles? Or is it Obama's staff?

Big Mike said...

@Lovey, after 3 years in the Oval Office (when he wasn't on the golf course or taking a vacation), it's perfectly fair to say that Barack Obama still doesn't know enough about the presidency to be an effective President of the United States.

Why is that so hard for you and others to see?

Love said...

Big Mike - Your usual conservative drivel has no relationship to the facts of the matter.

As for complaining about his "vacation" time, can we assume you were in a coma during Bush's tenure?

The man was on vacation more than any President in our nation's history.

*So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.

Many here, including yourself, really need to read more before posting silly partisan tripe...and trying to compare the motley crew you have running on the GOP side of the aisle is laughable at best.

President Obama will beat any of them in 2012.

james said...

Herman Cain: the grandfather, gospel singer, motivational speaker and self-made millionaire in the black cowboy hat was fun while it lasted, just as it was with Ross Perot, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and The-Rent-Is-Too-Damn-High dude.
Herman Cain is this election cycle's Sarah Palin. More Capitalist than Politician. Using the political moment to establish a Celebrity Brand that is immune to whether you are a serious candidate for public office now or ever (and btw, it pays handsomely). It does not matter. He will rent out his mouthpiece to whoever will pay him to blurt out his folksy, conservative message. Hermey hopes that this lands him a lucrative Fox News on the right-wing pundit carousel; he hopes to sell a lot of books and earn boatloads of cash giving speeches that espouses the latest right wing talking point.

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