November 2, 2011

"Cain Says Perry Camp Behind Sex Harassment Leak."



gadfly said...

Herman just keeps stepping in it. Every new interview that he gives on the harassment kerfuffle reveals that none of his initial comments on the subject were
exactly candid.

He had better be right about Perry -- although opponents have charged Perry with dirty politics in the past.

edutcher said...

Technically, it's a Perry consultant who was once a consultant for Herman.

They (Herman's people) may end up wishing they'd remembered Reagan's 11th Commandment if it turns out it was somebody other than Anderson.

Curious George said...

Headline: "Cain Says Perry Camp Behind Sex Harassment Leak"

And while there are many quotes by Cain, there is not one in the story that says what the headline says.


Chip S. said...

Talk about dog-whistle politics!

"Perry" ... "Camp".. "Behind Sex"...

Hagar said...

This is getting to look like a lot of reporting on flickering lights out in the swamps by moonlight.

Brian O'Connell said...

This Politico story is now my favorite news story evah! Smear quotient 100%, and 100% contentless. A Pultitzer-worthy piece if there ever was one.

A GOP pollster, Chris Wilson, volunteers that in the late '90's, he was in a restaurant with Cain, and that Cain was up to his usual nasty sexual harassment tricks. He refuses to say what was said or done, or who was there, but everyone was really uncomfortable.

I'm not quite a Cainian, but this is a good illustration of how the GOP powers that be have it in for Cain, to put such a non-story out there. Goes without saying that the press would pick it up.

I get how this type of thing encourages folks to support him more.

Matt said...

Republicans would never turn on their own. Must be that 'libral media' trying to take down two candidates at once.

Heh heh heh....

Bob Ellison said...

In other news, Suzie said in a note to Taylor that Tim said he likes Bitsy.

sakredkow said...
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ricpic said...

And the winner is...NEWT!

Oso Negro said...

This amazing video of Perry in New Hampshire should not only be the end of his presidential bid, but could well be the cornerstone of a primary run against him for Governor of Texas.

Brian O'Connell said...

The other Washington bs follow-up, someone close to one of the original NRA "settlees" claims that she doesn't want to come forward at all.

"Despite her lawyer's claims, a woman who accused Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain of sexual harassment in the 1990s is reluctant to talk about the episode in public."

It may well be that she changed her mind when she got an inkling of how big the attention would be. But generally speaking "despite her lawyer's claims" is something for the bar to look into. (And he could have an interest here that diverges from his client's.)

This AP story claims, "no decision has been made about asking the National Restaurant Association to release the woman from a confidentiality agreement" despite the fact that this lawyer publicly demanded exactly that, according to other press.

James said...

LOL...Cain blames Perry... and now Perry's camp is blaming Romney.

Hagar said...

I don't think this reminds me of l'affaire Thomas as much as Joseph C. Wilson IV and his African yellowcake investigation.

rhhardin said...

I'd go the apples and oranges route.

Anonymous said...

Our presidential selection process is an embarrassment and a joke and a farce.

Anonymous said...

If Perry is to blame, then that's a tacit admission that there is something to the accusations, isn't it?

'Cuz if Cain were innocent, then he wouldn't feel defensive and thus wouldn't feel the need to point fingers.

And, yeah, dude, blame it on the white guy! Just like Obama blaming things on Bush!

Oh it don't matter who you vote for. Paul's not going to be the candidate, and any of the others will pursue the same big-government big-spending anti-freedom policies that Obama has.

Revenant said...

If Perry is to blame, then that's a tacit admission that there is something to the accusations, isn't it?

Your logic does not resemble our Earth logic.

Cedarford said...

In a sense, the sex scandal was a partial relief to Cain in deflecting scrutiny of his other gaffes.

1. His claim that China is now seeking a nuclear capacity and is now building aircraft carriers to challenge Americas.
a. China has had the bomb since 1964, and now has missiles aimed at the US, which probably would shock Cain as well.
b. China now has bought a part-built Soviet try at an aircraft carrier the Russians abandoned.

2. He stated that he is unfamiliar with the "Neocon" term and doesn't really know what that means.

It fits in the template conservative pundits are pushing - that ignorance shows you are Authentic and a non-Elitist Everyman.

Revenant said...

Republicans would never turn on their own. Must be that 'libral media' trying to take down two candidates at once.

It isn't either/or.

Reporters are almost all Democrats; naturally they'd like to see a candidate from the other party fail.

At the same time, every Republican candidate would like to see all of his or her rivals for the nomination fail.

Anonymous said...

James, lol, circular firing squad?

ricpic said...

Oh it don't matter who you vote for. Paul's not going to be the candidate, and any of the others will pursue the same big-government big-spending anti-freedom policies that Obama has.

True. Too true. Which is why the coming catastrophe is our only hope. Although the catastrophe will be so great that hope, if it should emerge at all, will emerge only for those who are now toddlers.

Matt said...

I don't think another Republican candidate is digging this up.

I think that since two women made a claim that gave a third woman the justification [courage, perhaps] to step forward.

At this rate maybe more will come forward. It's political theatre at its finest. Pass the popcorn.

ic said...

The October surprise is a year too early. Cain will thank Perry.

ricpic said...

By hope I mean hope for quaint things like limited government, a strong adherence to economy over profligacy, respect for property rights -- you know, all that square dated stuff.

garage mahal said...

This is still obviously unresolved too.

"It looks like a law school exam on potential campaign finance violations," Norton said, according to The Washington Post.

I'm completely shocked Mark Block is at the center of it! I thought Althouse would be all over this Cain-Wisconsin-Marlboro Man Mark Block story.

Shouting Thomas said...


Anonymous said...

Well maybe Cain's fresh smile dazzled her?

Jason (the commenter) said...

And Perry's camp went and blamed Romney. So stupid move by Cain and stupid move by Perry.

Will Romney and Newt be the only candidates with a career after this campaign is over?

Shouting Thomas said...

It's this sort of shit that make me glad that I'm a complete cynic and that I expect nothing at all from politics or government.

I will still vote for ABO (anybody but Obama).

Even that fool, Romney, is better.

Maybe Cain will figure out how to survive the character assassination. Maybe not.

I don't give a damn if he propositioned women. Because I really don't give a fuck about feminism.

Shanna said...

Are all these idiots trying to lose? Stop this sniping! The economy sucks, unemployment is at 9+%, and the dumbass health bill is about to go into effect. Get back to sniping at Obama, not each other. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Shouting, too bad women have the vote, huh?

n.n said...

They are reenacting the Tutsi slaughter Hutu slaughter Tutsi cycle.

Well, for now, it is an allegation of an allegation of an allegation. They should probably quit before the confrontation escalates.

Shouting Thomas said...

Shouting, too bad women have the vote, huh?

More dumb shit from Allie.

My entire family didn't have the vote until sometime in the 1890s. Feminist history is lie after lie.

Everybody in my family, male and female, was a disenfranchised German or Irish peasant until they emmigrated to the U.S. in the 1880s. Women got the vote in, what, 1920? 20 to 30 years after the men in my family got the vote.

You're a lying motherfucker, Allie. Feminism is a lie.

Anonymous said...

BUT, women have the vote NOW don't they? So you can hate Feminism all you want.

Shouting , your going to give yourself a stroke one day.

Shouting Thomas said...

Nah, strokes don't run in my family, and I take a baby aspirin every day.

Here we go with the great liberal delusion.

Allie is now into her stupid "I speak for all women" bullshit.

No, you don't, Allie. You're just one demented creep.

50% of the women in America think you're full of shit.

garage mahal said...

Say it, don't spray it!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So where did I say I was speaking for all women? Baby aspirin won't save you when your blood pressure goes sky high, what will happen then is that you will have what is called a hemorrhagic stroke , because you blow a blood vessel, as opposed to an ischemic stroke , which is caused by a blood clot.

Anonymous said...

He stated that he is unfamiliar with the "Neocon" term and doesn't really know what that means.

I don't know what "neocon" means, either. I've asked a billion people, including those who have used it, and never gotten a straight answer. It sounds like it should mean "new conservative", which doesn't sound like much of an insult, but it's always used in some way that seems to mean "baby raper."

I'd think anyone who directly answered a question that contained the word "neocon" without asking for clarification would be foolish.

Writ Small said...

What is the upside of accusing the Perry camp without solid proof?

If Cain can't manage through this crisis, he may not be the guy to face with Obama. I saw Mark Block on Special Report - quavering voice, lodging the accusation. Terrible!

Then Perry accuses Romney with just as little proof?

Amateur hour.

Romney, Newt and Obama benefit.

Shouting Thomas said...

You're really confused, Allie.

I'm not "stressing." I'm "enjoying" calling you a lying motherfucker.

Not getting my blood pressure up at all.

Never felt better.

Anonymous said...

Allie's Apple, I think that you are pretty much an all around horrible person who takes joy in others' pain, so please don't take this in any way as some attempt to be friendly, but Shouting Thomas lives entirely in a fantasy world about what people say, think, and feel when it comes to women's issues or "feminism".

There's no arguing with him, because what he sees anyone to have said will in no way relate to what they actually said. Although he sometimes has interesting things to say on other topics, he's best to be ignored on this topic.

Matt said...

Shouting Thomas said...

Because I really don't give a fuck about feminism.

Yeah, because there was no such thing as sexual harassment until feminism came along? Such behavior by men in the work place, prior to feminism, was accepted by women? WTF?

Anonymous said...

Well, that's good to know Shouting, I sure wouldn't want you to end up a poor old geezer, who drools out of only one side of his mouth.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now, we're into another area of liberal delusion.

Remember those "Ragin' Grannies" who appeared so often at those anti-Walker demonstrations in Madison?

Ragin' is supposed to be a glorious and exhilarating release when performed by liberal women.

I'm Ragin', Allie, just like those Grannies.

It's glorious and exhilarating, speaking truth to power like this.

Anonymous said...

Why thank you dear Lyssa.I would never assume you were trying to be friendly, no worries.

traditionalguy said...

But what happens if Cain will not quit like he is supposed to?

Do the other campaigns hire dozens of actresses to reenact Herman's dirty deeds in detail on a Crime Scene Show with Herman played by Michael Clarke Duncan of the Green Mile?

This will go on until the early primaries are concluded. Drip, drip, drip.

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, that's good to know Shouting, I sure wouldn't want you to end up a poor old geezer, who drools out of only one side of his mouth.

One thing I can assure you of, Allie, is that we will just about all end up as poor old geezers, drooling out one side of our mouths.

There's no help for that.

Anonymous said...

Shouting you're beginning to sound orgasmic, you know that can kill old guys too.

paul a'barge said...

Cain asked for it. Remember the rock at the hunting camp.

Shouting Thomas said...

Shouting you're beginning to sound orgasmic, you know that can kill old guys too.

Just call me "Ragin' grandpa."

Everybody's got to die of something.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess you'll die smiling..... And raging

Shouting Thomas said...

Yeah, because there was no such thing as sexual harassment until feminism came along? Such behavior by men in the work place, prior to feminism, was accepted by women? WTF?

I got this odd feeling that a good looking, rich, sweet talking black man like Cain has a ton of women throwing themselves at him.

My first guess is that the complaining women are resentful because he rejected them.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I'm still waiting for evidence of some kind. There are an amazing number of people talking about Cain's transgressions who just coincidentally can't talk about Cain's transgressions. No names, no dates, no places, no events. Somewhere, sometime, Cain did something to somebody, isn't it awful?

Shouting Thomas said...

The funniest report I heard today is that one of the complaining women is "sick of her good name being ruined by the press."

Huh? She's made anonymous allegations.

My second guess. These women are fortune hunters.

Sexual harassment complaints were quite the con job in corporate American in the 90s.

Matt said...

Tyrone Slothrop

Yeah, except these same charges have not been levied at Romney, Perry, Paul, Santorum or Newt. So I am not sure the chargers are fake.

There are also the confidentiality agreements, which prevents at least two of the women from speaking out about the charges.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

There are also the confidentiality agreements, which prevents at least two of the women from speaking out about the charges.

I signed a confidentiality agreement and received a large lump sum payout when I was laid off of my last full time job. (I've been a contractor since.)

The firm I worked for was worried about a lawsuit over age discrimination.

I had no intention of filing suit, but I took the pay out and signed the confidentiality agreement anyway.

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, really!

I'm also guessing Perry's not interested in having Cain run as his veep, huh?

Are there any surprises left?

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, today's NY Post had an article on the case, itself.

Seems Cain thought the two women (who were suing him for multiple harassment episodes), had signed "confidentiality agreements."

And, now, one of the women's lawyers has said that CAIN broke the agreement by referring to this woman as not being a particularly good worker.

After one lawsuit ... not just two ... CAIN's a real idiot!

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, we'll see now what Cain's made of, won't we?

He's going to have to weather much worse to win the presidency.

And, if he wins the presidency, he'll face even worse attacks.

This is his opportunity, as well as his challenge.

Shouting Thomas said...

Cain's a conservative black man.

The attacks will only increase in severity and hysteria is he wins the presidency.

Think Justice Thomas. The attacks have only intensified since he was appointed.

If Cain is what he thinks he is, he'll find the way out of this storm, and ultimately find a way to use it to his advantage.

Bruce Hayden said...

This is going to hurt one candidate or another. It will hurt Perry if his campaign leaked the information, and it will hurt Cain if not.

This is where Republicans are different from Democrats, and I think that it has to do primarily with the protection a candidate gets from the MSM. Nevertheless, Dems don't seem to hold grudges against candidates that slime other Dem candidates. Republicans do tend to hold Rep candidates accountable who slime other Republican candidates.

Now, the one exception here might be the Romney camp. If Romney's people were behind it somehow, they might be able to get away with it, because one of the big things that has been holding him back so far is that he hasn't appeared tough enough to take on President Obama.

Shanna said...

Ha @ Lyssa's ST rundown to Allie. Right there with you on all of it.

I don't know what "neocon" means, either.

No joke, I took an entire class on neoconservatism in college and I'm kind of in the same boat. I mean, we read buckley, and friedman and a few other authors...but now it seem neocon tends to be popularly used to describe people who are just in favor of the war/hawkish? That was more when the war first started, that's died down a bit. But it never seemed to be used to apply to the fiscal side.

edutcher said...

James said...

LOL...Cain blames Perry... and now Perry's camp is blaming Romney.

Try again.

A Perry aide mentions conversationally that the current head of the NRA is a big Romney supporter. This is a long way from the Perry campaign making an accusation.

The desperate Lefties here are the real LOL.

Matt said...

Tyrone Slothrop

Yeah, except these same charges have not been levied at Romney, Perry, Paul, Santorum or Newt. So I am not sure the chargers are fake.

There are also the confidentiality agreements, which prevents at least two of the women from speaking out about the charges.

And there's still no evidence that there's one bit of substance to them.

Confidentiality agreements (which, doubtless, shield a lot of Demos, as well) prove nothing except that they exist.

Craig said...

It's not really a scandal until there's a pubic hair hanging from the lip of the Coke can.

Carol_Herman said...

The republican roster (running for the presidential nomination), is, as Ruch Limbaugh has said VERY BORING!

But sex stories aren't boring at all.

Hence, the real reason Cain is gonna find this story HOT ... is that people who weren't plugged into the debates, are now paying attention.

traditionalguy said...

No wonder Ricky Perry was so giddy at the New Hampshire speech over the weekend. His Texas Mafia (a/k/a his Campaign) had assured him that his opponent was taken care of with carefully crafted rumours that cannot be disproved.

Now old Ricky can shed his snake skin and re-introduce himself one more time...but the rattlers noise will still be heard coming out of his Campaign.

John henry said...

Shouting Thomas asked:

"Women got the vote in, what, 1920?"

As I mentioned the other day, the US Constitution does not grant anyone any voting rights.

All voting rights come from states. They don't have to give anyone any right to vote.

All the Constitution says is that if a woman would otherwise be qualified to vote, she can't be denied the right because of her sex. Other amendments have similar language about race and age over 18.

Women had the right to vote in NJ in 1780, though they lost it later. Women had the right to vote in Wyoming when it was still a territory.

In fact, when the 19th Amendment was passed, about half of the women in the US already had full voting rights.

So enough about how the 19th Amendment "gave" anyone any rights.

John Henry.

John henry said...

Also, the states where women did not have the right to vote until the 19th Amendment:

Look at their color. Mostly blue states run by Demmie machine politicians.

Mormon women had the right to vote in Utah. Women in NYC under Tammany Hall did not.

John Henry

Automatic_Wing said...

Tom Maguire:

Herman Cain's latest debacle is like waiting for the next shoe to drop while living under Imelda Marcos.


What's the current over/under in Vegas on the eventual number of Cain accusers? I think he's toast. Not that he was going to win anyway, but now he's probably not even going to make it to Iowa.

Anonymous said...

Tyrone S: I'm still waiting for evidence of some kind.

Heck, forget evidence. I'm still waiting for some kind of specifics. I don't know if he told someone her dress was pretty, or if he made a habit of waving his weiner around whenever women would walk into the room.

Why won't someone tell me what he actually that I'm supposed to be upset by?

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

Please don't feed the bears.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Mormon women had the right to vote in Utah. Women in NYC under Tammany Hall did not.

The good ol' days-- Tammany had issues but was actually a somewhat PC..organization (until Ellie Roosevelt took care of it). And lets not forget the status of the.. the non-mormons(and hispanics, blacks, Lamanites,etc) in 19th cent. Utah--at least those who managed to survive. As Mark Twain knew.

(dissent's a problem for ya isn't it, J Edgar Pogo)

write_effort said...

The conservative radio commentator Steve Deace said Cain's wife is never around and it's a warning flag. That's the kind of observation one woman repeats to another and another and another.

No wonder they want to get Mrs. C on Fox.

KCFleming said...

Women elected Obama.

Anonymous said...

said Cain's wife is never around and it's a warning flag.

It is unusual, so maybe it is a flag, but personally, I find it kind of refreshing. I really don't want to feel like I have to embrace the candidate's wife or family, particularly when they inisist that the wife play the good little housewife role for the cameras. Show me someone who can do the job, not someone who's wife has a great cookie recipe.

Paul said...

Let's see.

Perry discovered a rock with a 'N' word and he had it painted over (but not fast enough for Cain.)

Now Perry finds out about secret sexual harassment suits against Cain.

And so Cain says he should not have told?

And why not? Fair is fair. Cain DID have these suits against him. Let the dirty laundry be shown. If there is nothing to it, then there is nothing to it.

I don't know if Perry leaked it or not. But that don't matter to me. What matters is what happened (same as the 'N' rock, but we know what happened.)

gadfly said...

Garage inserts the JSO "No Quarter" attack on Cain which is the continuation of innuendo in place of facts. Here is my response in JSO.

Shame seems to be an over-used word in Wisconsin, but the innuendo in this piece is shamefully exceeded by the lack of facts, the use of stolen (and incomplete) accounting records and a basic lack of understanding about accounting.

Without third party review, these numbers are worthless to make any case about anything. You failed to point out that the accounts receivable for FOH no longer exist in June -- and the possibilities for disposing of the the AR can be almost anything from correction of a posting error to receipt of cash to cover the outstanding balance. Whatever the answer is -- there is no evidence presented or obviously available to suggest a wrong doing. But let's not let that get in the way of spew from liberals like Daniel Bice or Chucky over at LGF.

J said...

As usual "John Henry" invents history to suit his purposes. Suffrage-rights were left up to States, UNTIL the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. At that point the Fed law (ie, US-Con) took precedence over any states which did not allow women to vote (many western states already allowed for it). Ergo, the 19th Amendment did grant women the right to vote across the US, and made it law.

write_effort said...

When I read Deace's comments I thought there goes Iowa. Amid all the political smoke emanating from DC and NY, Deace put Cain's MO in terms that resonate over coffee. The questionable behavior of husbands (and wives) is the basis of a great deal of discussion in small town America -- as it is everywhere.

Saint Croix said...

"Neocon" means new conservative, and the implication is that you used to be a leftist. Typically it's a reference to somebody who was a Marxist/Leftist in the 1960's, and is now very vocal on the right. (One day somebody will call Ann Althouse a neocon, if they haven't already).

Neocons weren't just hippies, though. They were real Marxists. A lot of the neocons are Jewish. David Horowitz, Irving Kristol, John Podhoretz, Roger Simon, guys like that.

All the real neocons are 60-year-olds, at least. Neocons are known for losing friends when they made their political journey. Basically they converted, politically. They are reds who became republicans.

Pajamas Media has a lot of neocons. National Review doesn't have any.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough has a post on how Perry just recently hired some new campaign consultants who specialize in dirty tricks and smear campaigns.

Geraldus Maximus said...

If neocon is means anything other than hawkish Jew, or a codeword for Jewish, I dont know. And I have tried to figure it out. I can't blame Herman for not wanting to step in that mess. And, I doubt his interviewer could have provided a coherent definition off the top of his head. Just more gotcha crap.

Ralph L said...

John Podhoretz
I believe you mean his father, Norman, former editor of Commentary magazine.

Saint Croix said...

Ralph, thanks for the catch.

jim said...

Smells to me a lot like current shocking disclosures bear the handiwork of a certain interested party (*cough*karlrove*COUGH*) who knows that Romney is the only Republican candidate with a chance in hell of beating Obama in 2012.

I doubt either Cain or Perry will drop out any time soon, their recent scandals notwithstanding.

Recall that McCain flamed out well before any other candidate in the 2008 primaries but stayed in the race while everyone else quit after THEIR flame-outs. That lowered standard of utter shamelessness is the order of the day in the GOP leadership from now on (& a good thing too, given what they're offering).

Yeah, sex sells viewers to sponsors ... but Cain REALLY needs to worry about the apparent illegality of his initial campaign financing. A bad rep can fade or even be overcome - but felony indictments? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

"Neocon" means new conservative, and the implication is that you used to be a leftist.

OK, I've never heard that definition. See, more confusion. There's no agreement- How was Bush a neocon, under that definition? I've been called a neocon- I was never a leftist.

(Not trying to attack Saint Croix, just pointing out that there is no true definition.)

Shanna said...

There's no agreement- How was Bush a neocon, under that definition?

The problem, I think, is that in practical terms, whatever meaning that term had initially has changed. It's turned into a generic republican insult. Probably when aimed at bush it was meant to say he liked war. That's all I got.

ken in tx said...

Saint Croix is right. Neocon is used as a codeword by some people to refer to formerly liberal Jews who came out in favor of the Iraq war.

Ralph L said...

formerly liberal Jews who came out in favor of the Iraq war
But originally, the neocons were in favor of fighting the Cold War in the 70's and 80's, after most of the left had turned tail.

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