"We have to do an assessment as to whether or not this is going to create too much of a cloud, in some people’s minds, as to whether or not they would be able to support us going forth...."
It’s also taken a toll on my wife and family, as you would imagine... Any time you put another cloud of doubt, unfortunately, in the court of public opinion, for some people, you’re guilty until proven innocent. And so, the public will have to decide whether they believe her or whether they believe me. That’s why we’re going to give it time, to see what type of response we get from our supporters.
IN THE COMMENTS: mccullough has a theory:
I'm guessing that Cain asked this woman to come forward and tell about their affair so he could have an excuse to get out of the race.
He never had any serious intention of being President.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 251 of 251Fen,
What stopped Palin from setting up a legal defense fund like Bill Clinton did? I'm sure she would have raised a lot of money to fight the scurrilous accusations like Clinron did.
What stopped Palin from setting up a legal defense fund like Bill Clinton did?
The argument is that Alaska law prohibits such a fund. I have said that I find such a law hard to believe. If such a law does exist, I have said that any decent and successful lawyer would still defend Palin on the understanding that they would be paid after she stopped being governor. All she had to do would be to give a couple speeches in Akron and Orlando, and -- poof! -- lawyers would be paid.
I don't understand why Palin quit to this day. Politics ain't beanbag. The only sensible reason was that she realized she could make a mint doing other things, which, incidentally, is what she did.
Well, I hope he sold enough books to make it worth his efforts, such as they were.
Making money is a good reason to quit. Her resignation speech was a rambling mess, so she didn't do herself any favors there. Her fans, like Obama's fans, are very loyal and she's probably got a book or two left in her still.
Wait, maybe he's done "reassessing." In an email to supporters, Cain issued a strongly-worded denial.
Apparently, there are more books to sell.
What's so wrong with selling books? Lots of people sell books for a living. I myself make money selling books. Plus, it's the only thing Obama has ever done with any modicum of success in the real world.
A lot of these Palin and Cain fans are people that decide based on how they *heart* their faves, not on any stray thoughts or facts they have heard that are going through their heads.
Indeed, any lack of learning and ignorance on a wide range of subjects are thought to reflect well on their fave pols "character&authenticity" - in standing up to attacks by the evil media that "persecute them" when they fail open on interviews, the "Elitists" that look down on them.
These are the people of true- believing conservative purity that are working as hard to re-elect Obama as they worked to re-elect Harry Reid.
There's nothing wrong with selling books. I get that it's a part of running for president, but the tail better not be wagging the dog.
these Palin and Cain fans
Walmart republicans aka A-house regs.
Slang: the grunt of the human hog (Bierce).
And selling books is a lot more honest than providing "history lessons" to Fannie and Freddie.
Thanks, man.
Libtard: What stopped Palin from setting up a legal defense fund like Bill Clinton did?
The law prohibited her from setting up a legal defense fund "like Bill Clinton did".
Next time, make an effort to do some research before you sit in judgement of someone else's character.
Ginger White is an Obama supporter and she just got some stimulus money! Fixed for life.
If this is not Chicago Way politics, Obama style -- what is?
If such a law does exist, I have said that any decent and successful lawyer would still defend Palin on the understanding that they would be paid after she stopped being governor.
Thats interesting legal analysis from someone who can't be bothered to see if the law actually exists.
Did you even look?
I don't understand why Palin quit to this day.
To be more precise: you don't *want* to understand why Palin quit.
Look, Newt has my vote. But as Educator said, you don't have to be a "heart" fan [and fuck you C4, condescending prick] to point out that both Palin and Cain have become toxic as a result of constant attack from the MSMDNC.
If you want leaders to step up, you need to do more than shrug all that off. I don't think a Reagan would be allowed to make it to Super Tuesday today.
And if you aren't going to make an effort to defend conservatives that have been scalped like this, then what good are you?
Fen -- I think I have defended Palin very well here.
Have you looked for this law? I hope so, since you are chastising me for not knowing its wording. I would be very interested in seeing it.
Palin set up a legal defense fund in April 2009 and quit in July 2009. A year later, an independent counsel determined that the legal defense fund violated the states law against using an official office for private gain. As 7M has pointed out, this is a ludicrous determination and would be overturned in court. But since Palin had quit a year earlier, she had the first defense fund return the donations and set up a second defense fund to pay off the legal bills from the ethics inquiries instead of challenging the determination. Anyway, why did Palin resign if she had a legal defense fund set up that her lawyers told her was compliant with the law and that was raising money to pay her funds?
Seven: I think I have defended Palin very well here.
Saying that she abandoned her people to make a quick buck.
In what world is that defending her?
Saying that she abandoned her people to make a quick buck.
I'm not saying anything of the sort. I'm saying -- and have said -- that Palin was a populist conservative governor of the sparsest state, doing her thing. She was plucked from obscurity by John McCain to be a vice presidential candidate. She accepted the honor, as anyone might.
For her trouble, she was pilloried and vilified by leftists and the mainstream press. Nutball loon Andrew Sullivan charged that her own baby was not hers. Strange, sad allusions about her baby's medical condition were common.
Then came the lawsuits and the bullshit ethics charges. Eventually, a loon voyeur journalist rented a house next to hers.
She is a savvy woman. At some point, she just said fuck it. She realized that all the bullshit was making it hard to govern. She realized that she had become an icon -- because all publicity is good for something, unless you are a child molester. And so she resigned to capitalize on her fame.
I hold Palin in very high regard. I am a huge fan. Saying someone is not prepared to be president is no insult, despite your thin skin.
I really wish you'd get past this silly worldview where you see only a good camp and a bad camp. Life isn't that way.
So I do understand why Palin quit. That was a poor phrasing on my part above.
I get that it's a part of running for president, but the tail better not be wagging the dog.
Yeah! You're supposed to win the election so the government can buy your books instead!
Aw come on Sorepaw! Why do you always have to pick on me. And what? Is your Googler broken?
Start with with his participation on the "Kemp 'Flat Tax' Commission" which was funded and staffed by Heritage and Cato. He then became chair and president of the Tax Leadership Council of the Americans for Fair Taxation, funded by Citizens for a Sound Economy, the original Koch vehicle which morphed into Americans for Prosperity when it coupled with Empower America, the Dick Armey/Jack Kemp group. And I'm sure you're aware the amount of money AFP stuck into Cain in the first decade of this century (did he actually have a real job during that time?). Man, the only flat taxer missing from the mix is Steve Forbes! Oh, wait. Forbes joined the board of AFP in 2006. And here you thought the 9-9-9 thing was original? Washington outsider my ass!
Next time, make an effort to do some research before you sit in judgement of someone else's character.
And by "research", he means "reading the person's press releases".
Jim -- You are always a silly loon, but usually you are remotely plausible. Here, you sound like the worst conspiracy theorist discussing the Trilateral Commission and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Give it a rest, dude. There's no reason to expose yourself as an utter wackjob.
you'll have the whole litany of flat taxers for the last 30 years, all sponsored by Koch.
What an interesting world you've imagined for yourself. My personal favorite part is the idea that Steve Forbes (net worth $430,000,000) is being "sponsored". :)
So these Koch Brothers are like the Rothschilds. They are using the Illuminati as a means to achieving their goal of worldwide financial dominance.
And Herman Cain is just the man to make it all happen!
Right? Is that your absurd theory, loon?
How about the fluoride in the water? Is that on Cain and these Kochs, too?
I love people who criticize Palin decision to quit as Governor. It's a freaking job, not a calling from God.
So you would choose rather to:
1) Do that important job poorly while under endless legal attacks.
2) Sacrifice your family's privacy and peace for years.
3) Pass up the chance to provide handsomely for them, and setting them up financially forever.
You would choose to do that rather than let someone else take over the job for the people of Alaska - someone who would be free to do the job with the attention she would never be allowed by her enemies.
And you think that would be very bright, honorable, and selfless. How freaking warped is that lazy-ass thinking?
Well 7M, if you must ask, a flouride conspiracy would be more along the lines of the John Birch Society, securely in your camp, and which had as a founding member ... dunn, dunn, DAAA ... Fred Koch, founder of Koch Industries and dad to the KoBros.
How is putting your whole family on a TV show on TLC protecting their privacy? And she was certainly capable of being governor of Alaska and defending herself against bogus ethics charges. She ran for VP for two months full time and handled her job as governor. I don't blame her at all for cashing in, which is why she quit. Good for her. But she's still a quitter
Sounds like you and the Koch Brothers -- whoever the hell they are -- have a lot to talk about, Jim.
You should suggest another stealthy candidate now that Cain is out. I'm sure they'd listen to you after you guys bond over your love of goofball conspiracy theories.
Now go away. Do something useful. Masturbate with both hands.
Forbes at $430M is a pauper to the KoBros $50B.
It's not a conspiracy. Just good old fashioned politics, money, and power and it sucks. What's amazing is how they've managed to attach their self-serving econ policies to your self-serving social policies to create a viable party based on you voting against your own self interest.
And I lost an arm in Nam. Thanks for bringing it up.
Gotta admit, I nailed you on the fluoride bit.
Forbes at $430M is a pauper to the KoBros $50B.
That explains why he's so desperate for money, I guess. Poor dude can probably barely make rent.
Also, it's interesting to note who commissioned the Kemp Commission. None other than Newt Gingrich. Still wonder who leaked the Cain leaks? Again, Washington outsider my ass.
"Poor dude can probably barely make rent."
Why bring Sean Duffy into this?
Gotta admit, I nailed you on the fluoride bit.
You didn't nail anything, dude. You merely further demonstrated your conspiracy-minded goofiness.
Good luck nailing in the future, though, especially with the one arm.
Rev, you DO realize that the difference between Forbes and KoBros is, relatively speaking, the difference between someone making $10G a year and someone making $1M a year? If you're suggesting once you hit a certain level, it really doesn't matter anymore, you're actually making the case for a steeply progressive tax structure, right?
That's OK Nachos: you keep setting 'em up, I'll keep knockin' 'em down.
If you're suggesting once you hit a certain level, it really doesn't matter anymore, you're actually making the case for a steeply progressive tax structure, right?
Only a true totalitarian would say this.
jim, that is the most uniquely stupid argument I have encountered this week. Kudos!
Rev, explain. I honestly don't get it.
No, no, Jim. You nailed him. You keep on believing that, dude.
Rev, explain. I honestly don't get it.
Is this helpful?
No, it's not. Explain please. Or else you're stupid and smell like girl spit.
I think he had a high opinion of himself and of his ability to cut through knotty questions to get to the right answer. He had done this as a CEO, and apparently had applied the same tactics to dating (with less wonderful results in the latter category).
But if he hadn't wanted to be president, he had only to not run. It can't have been tons of fun for him to have all these allegations pop up. And not knowing where Libya was is now considered the worst problem on earth to the 57 states people.
Start with with [Cain's] participation on the "Kemp 'Flat Tax' Commission" which was funded and staffed by Heritage and Cato. He then became chair and president of the Tax Leadership Council of the Americans for Fair Taxation, funded by Citizens for a Sound Economy, the original Koch vehicle which morphed into Americans for Prosperity when it coupled with Empower America, the Dick Armey/Jack Kemp group. And I'm sure you're aware the amount of money AFP stuck into Cain in the first decade of this century (did he actually have a real job during that time?). Man, the only flat taxer missing from the mix is Steve Forbes! Oh, wait. Forbes joined the board of AFP in 2006. And here you thought the 9-9-9 thing was original? Washington outsider my ass!
None of this is evidence of Herman Cain being "groomed" to run for President.
You could make an equally plausible argument that Grover Norquist is being groomed to run for President. Or that Ed Crane is being so groomed.
By the way, anyone who says that Citizens for a Sound Economy is "the original Koch vehicle" has no idea how long the Kochs have been around, or what they put their money into before Left-wing commentators began perceiving them as a threat.
the John Birch Society, securely in your camp
You're talking about the guys who thought that David Rockefeller controlled Wall Street, the White House, and the Kremlin.
When I was still in high school, I thought the Birchers were loons.
What's amazing is how they've managed to attach their self-serving econ policies to your self-serving social policies to create a viable party based on you voting against your own self interest.
So what's in the self-interest of everyone who isn't a tycoon?
Ever-increasing government spending, taxing, and borrowing?
Suppressive environmental laws and regulations?
Public employee unions über alles?
I think its funny that a real blackman gets nowhere in politics. But someone like Obama rises to the top.
Cain was alot of things, but he was real. In politics thats priceless imo.
All this country needs is somebody who has experience running a buisness that turned a profit. Dreamers, agendas and beautiful words are getting us nowhere.
I dont give a fuck if he didnt know where libya is. Dosnt really matter where it is dont worry about it. Balance the fucking check book.
Not knowing whats going on over there can only be a plus. It seems like we are either declaring war as a front for nation building, or we are fast tracking islamic extremists in as many countrys as possible.
Why is the only way we can fix our deficet is to cut all these internal programs. Wether these should be cut or not are moot when when we should be axing all international payments and spending first. Why the fuck are we going to cut medicare when we supply egypt and pakistan with billions of dollars... Why are we rebuilding afganistan and iraq when we are just leaving and they are going out of their way to partner with our enemies?
We wont step into somalia and help millions of starving people at the hand of islamist militants, but we will send millions in food aid that they seize and use as leverage.
Somethings fuckin wrong.
I consider myself intellectual or intelligent or smart. But I can balance a fucking checkbook, and I dont send my neighboor money I dont have. I dont hire trash pickup when I can take it to the dump myself. I dont order pizza when I can cook oh so sweet tostinos.
Why does everyone always turn away from the guy who has exactly the skill set we need and go with some grezzy fucking career politican thats more of the same.
Its frustrating.
lol correction
I DONT consider myself intellectual or intelligent or smart.
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