৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Cain accuser, Sharon Bialek: "Just admit what you did. Admit you were inappropriate to people, and then move forward."

So now we have a real accuser:
In her statement to the press, Bialek said that she had been fired at the association after about a year working for the group’s educational foundation in its Chicago office. She said she sought Mr. Cain’s help to find other employment during a trip to Washington about a month after he left the group.

During that trip, she said Mr. Cain had secretly upgraded her hotel room before drinks and dinner that the two had to discuss possible future employment. She said that after dinner, he put his hand on her leg and ran it under her skirt and pulled her head toward his crotch.

“I was surprised and shocked and I said, what are you doing? You know I have a boyfriend,” Ms. Bialek recalled saying. “This is not what I came here for.”

“You want a job, right?” she said Mr. Cain responded. “I asked him to stop and he did.”
And now we have specific details alleged.

ADDED: 459 comments! Good lord! Well, I haven't read them. I don't know what issues you've raised, but I want to assert, firmly, that I have never been inconsistent on the subject of these allegations about Herman Cain. My posts have always been about journalistic ethics and questions of proof and fairness.

In addition, I have been consistent about sexual harassment since long before I began this blog, going back to the Clarence Thomas hearings and through the entire Bill Clinton fiasco. I have not been politically partisan, and I have not sacrificed principles of fairness and due process. If you think I have, I challenge you to challenge me.

৬৪৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   647 এর 401 – থেকে 600   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Methadras বলেছেন...

Bender said...

May not be classic sexual harassment . . .

No. Putting your hand up another's leg and pulling her head to your crotch is not sexual harassment -- it is sexual assault.

No it isn't you moron. According to her, she told him to stop and in her words, he stopped. Where is the assault? She filed no criminal charges. She filed no civil claims. Sorry, things are lining up here.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Fransicko said;

Is there an ex-psychiatric nurse in the althouse who might use her superior knowledge of human anatomy (assuming she took such courses) to edify the althouse hillbillies?

11/7/11 6:43 PM

Don't be mad because you aren't smart enough to be a REAL doctor.

Unknown বলেছেন...

This is why I hate politics. Some Republicans are playing the I don't want to believe but if it is true it does not matter card. Some Democrats are in full attack mode after defending Clinton, et al.

Each person should be asking themselves these questions. Did it happen? If so does it matter? If it matters, do I vote for him.

I think something happened. There are multiple reports of sexually inappropriate behavior. Most allegations were contemporaneous and the matters were settled legally. Does it matter is tougher. I voted for Clinton the first time knowing about his past. I also thought he should resign because of the behavior in the White House and confirmed my opinion when he lied under oath. So yes, I think it matters.

Now I cop out. I would not vote for him anyway because of lack of experience and his VAT proposal. If I supported him I'm not sure if I would vote for him or not. I voted for Clinton because I really liked his conservative Democrat ideas. So I guess if I really liked Cain I would hold my nose and vote for him. But if I was Luke warm I would vote fir someone else.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Allie's Apple said...

Even if not it's not sexual harassment it reveals his propensity to misuse his power among those he considers to be ripe for the picking, in that they are seeking his help. He expects special favors, in return. This is a serious character flaw. Not fit to occupy the highest office in the land.

IF true.

Misuse of power? From a POTUS or potential POTUS? Are you this stupid. The expectation that leaders don't misuse power is naive and stupid. They are expected to misuse their powers. We don't have to like it, but that is the reality.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

When was it said that there was no mention of sex and no flirting.

I don't see it. Fine if you want to believe there was. Maybe there was. I'd love to find this mythical piece of presumptive evidence.

They went to drinks and dinner together- it's not crazy to think that there was flirting going on. Have you ever had ANY dealings with the opposite sex?

Yes, and somehow I manage to find myself generally "dealing with" opposite-sex-members who are sexual and mostly "moral" and not out to sue me. Wonder of wonders.

That doesn't make it right, because he was married, but come on! A failed pass, borish though it may be, is not assault.

You don't know that. You're just arguing on behalf of your would-be client.

Love বলেছেন...

lyssalovelyredhead "A failed pass, borish though it may be, is not assault."

You keep referring to shoving a hand under a dress and yanking their head into a crotch as a "failed pass."

Who in the world have you dated...and are you saying that when things like that happened to you...as I suppose they did?...you just brushed it off as a "failed pass?"

Now you're lying through your teeth because you know damn good and well that you wouldn't...especially under the circumstances here.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

SPImmortal - My comment was related to Lewinsky, as you probably already know.

Not the nutcases who accused him of everything from rape to murder to running a cocaine ring.


The nutcases? Go ask Michael Isikoff about all those "nutcases", you turd. Go ask Juanita Broderick about Clinton the rapist. That guy has a well worn reputation as a groper even among liberals.

But believe whatever will help you sleep at night.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Maybe he should have taken her to a Broadway show. At least the subtext in them would have assured him a blowjob.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

Lyssa, can I get an advance reservation to hire you when I need someone tough on my side?

Methadras বলেছেন...

Also, I do have to say she is really really cute. I think she might be a little nuts, but that seems to make her a little hotter in my eyes.

Jason বলেছেন...

(1) This may be a blessing in disguise. Cain is a fantastic speaker but he is clearly not qualified to be President.
(2) Yes, testimony is evidence.
(3) Republicans would look pretty stupid to defend Cain after all the fuss over Clinton and Edwards.
(4) Cain, do us all a big favor and bow out quickly. I fear that more is coming.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

lyssalovelyredhead "A failed pass, borish though it may be, is not assault."

You keep referring to shoving a hand under a dress and yanking their head into a crotch as a "failed pass."

Who in the world have you dated...and are you saying that when things like that happened to you...as I suppose they did?...you just brushed it off as a "failed pass?"


The manuever you described can't be done.

And yeah I and every other guy has grabbed a girl in a naughty place when they thought things were going well.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

I'm sure that, in Cain's mind, there was a lot of flirting. A WHOLE LOTTA flirting.

But then, I'm the one who's as clueless as Pogo thinks Bill Clinton and JFK were. I guess I just never realized the suave, lady-killing potential of Herman (what a name) Cain that Lyssa assumes he must have, because, you know, that's the kind of guy who never misses a signal.

I mean, how do you think he got his finger on the pulse of the electorate with his overwhelmingly popular "9-9-9" plan? He KNOWS what everybody wants!! He's SMOOTH. He's Clinton and Obama smooth.

Ha ha. Whatever.

wv: farde. A farce that fades.

Love বলেছেন...

Methadras "No it isn't you moron. According to her, she told him to stop and in her words, he stopped."

So if one "stops" all previous actions are negated?

So if I punch you in the face, but stop when you ask, that first punch doesn't count?

Anybody can take a shot at shoving a hand under a dress or yanking their head into a crotch...and forget all about it if they stop when asked?

Are you daft?

Methadras বলেছেন...

Love said...

Ann Althouse's hero:

"Rush Limbaugh discussed Sharon Bialek, the fourth woman to come forth with sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, during his show Monday.

Bialek, who Limbaugh referred to as "a blonde bombshell," addressed press on Monday afternoon about the sexual harassment allegations. Her lawyer Gloria Allred stood at her side.

Limbaugh reported that Bialek, who he also called a "babe," said that Cain "put his hands up her dress" and "tried to pull her hair..." Limbaugh pronounced Bialek's last name as "bee-ah-lek," which he later told listeners was incorrect.

Instead, he said, Bialek is pronouced "buy-ah-lik." Limbaugh belabored the point to stress that Bialek's last name was, according to him, pronounced like "buy-a-lick." He even made crude slurping noises to drive his point home."


Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Never thought I'd agree with SPImmortal, but at 6:58 PM, he pulls off said feat.

Apparently, Lyssa imagines all men to have powers of persuasion that aren't matched by anything other than her own admittedly brilliant capacity for legal imagination.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Love বলেছেন...

SPImmortal "The manuever you described can't be done."

A man can't have one hand up a dress while the other yanks a head into his crotch?

Are we talking about someone with two arms or one?

Love বলেছেন...

Bob Ellison "Lyssa, can I get an advance reservation to hire you when I need someone tough on my side?"

As long as you agree to jam a hand into her crotch while she blows you.

She's all in.

jrberg3 বলেছেন...

"I base my opinion of Cain's actions on there being four separate women making a similar charge"

you have no idea what the charges are from 3 of the women let alone that they are similar.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Love said: What about the other two or three?

No big deal?

Who knows?

We have no idea, zip, nada, none, zero about what their complaint was.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

I wish I was smooth enough to make a pass like that. "Your honor, it was just a pass! I swear! My hand passed by her crotch! And then my other hand passed around her neck! I swear there was a lot of flirting going on!"

(Although, woe be to Herman if there really was - and not just in his own, er, "motivated" mind. But this woman seems credible. More credible than Herman).

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
madjack বলেছেন...

whay wasn't Politico interested in Larry Sinclair's allegations?

DADvocate বলেছেন...

You keep referring to shoving a hand under a dress and yanking their head into a crotch

"shoving"? "yanking"? Getting a little liberal with the verbs, aren't we? Is it exaggeration time? Are we going to play the equivocation game now?

Admit it, you have no interest except in harming Cain enough such that he will be a non-factor in the presidential race.

madjack বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
SPImmortal বলেছেন...

SPImmortal "The manuever you described can't be done."

A man can't have one hand up a dress while the other yanks a head into his crotch?

Are we talking about someone with two arms or one?


No idiot, you can't do it. If you've got your hand's up someone's dress, you're too close to bend someone to your crotch. It's funny that you were accusing other people in this thread of being 12 years old.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Love said: Who in the world have you dated...and are you saying that when things like that happened to you...as I suppose they did?...you just brushed it off as a "failed pass?"

Umm, yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. I've had guys feel me up before at parties and events.

I've had one guy who was very much in the wrong (He had some authority over me - think coach/team player - and was 50ish to my naive, people-pleasing 17), but otherwise, it's not a big deal. (And even that one I got over pretty quickly.) Plenty of times, I was into it and enjoyed, maybe even engaged in a make-out session. Your single years can be like that. If I wasn't, I just walked away/said I wasn't interested/brushed him off. (I'm long married, so this is all distant memories now.)

Yeah, it's creepy if the guy's married. I've said over and over that, if this was true, it was very much wrong and I think he should be out of the race for it. But it's still a failed pass, not an assault.

Please get over your hysterics.

Methadras বলেছেন...

I watched the video again. This time the longer version where she makes her political statement at the end. She never said she was assaulted nor harrassed and having Alred there with this written statement just gave it away to me as being Kabuki. She told her boyfriend and her mentor that Cain was sexually inappropriate with her. Hmmm....

Erik বলেছেন...

"Erik - […] You and I both know where this is heading."

"where this is heading"?!

That is actually quite funny. Love — given the circumstances…
(I don't know whether it was intentional…)

I'm beginning to think of Cain as pretty smart and gentlemanly, actually — even if the claims turn out to be true. Maybe he's something of a cad, but he proceeds wisely one step at a time (wisely, that is, if you don't know you will run for president a decade from now)…

First, a room upgrade or a comparison to his wife, then he lets the woman take the next step (a giggle or an inviting remark), if she doesn't he immediately lets it go…

(Bialek just couldn't figure that out when she got the upgrade, followed by drinks, ride, dinner, ride back, etc, etc… but there again at the first obstacle Cain immediately lets it go…) This is why I don't think it's right to say Cain is lying through his teeth — his is obviously not the part of the caricatured sex maniac preying on his victims…

In any case, if he is a cad he is a cad with business and financial sense, and that is what the nation needs right now…

Lincoln's hero, Henry Clay, had some of that reputation and, again, as the 16th president said, "it's been my experience that folks who have no vices have generally very few virtues"

richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

""I've been asking for evidence. I thinks this constitutes evidence. Sexual harassment? No. Bad behavior? Almost certainly. It showed a bad character in Clinton, and, as much as it pains me to say this, I think it shows a bad character in Cain."

Hard to disagree with Tyrone here."

No it isn't. It's an allegation, albeit a live allegation, in an incident in which no charges were filed or complaints leveled, that took place, magically, like all the other ones, somewhere without witnesses, with no material evidence provided. It's an allegation, not even under oath, carefully worded to EXACTLY match the legal defintion of harassment and about as cliche'd as a Harold Robbins novel.

There are other questions, that I've raised here, but as far as I can see this constitutes nothing more than good old Democratic Race Baiting in the Best Wallace Tradition, sadly abetted bu too many "conservative" bloggers and commentators pushing other candidates or covering their own asses.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

I wish I was smooth enough to make a pass like that. "Your honor, it was just a pass! I swear! My hand passed by her crotch! And then my other hand passed around her neck! I swear there was a lot of flirting going on!"


lol you have never had sex, ever.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Bob Ellison said: Lyssa, can I get an advance reservation to hire you when I need someone tough on my side?

You got it! I'd always make my services available for one of my fellow commenters! (Legal services, that is)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

That's what it may boil down to in the end unless more women go public, who is more credible, it's not looking good for Cain, another Republican candidate bites the dust.

richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

Why did Bialek even contact Cain in the first place? The National Restaurant Association isn't an employment counselor or union; what made her think he could do anything at all for her?

DADvocate বলেছেন...

More credible than Herman

From a guy who thinks Obama is credible.

BTW - It's Monday night, nothing on TV, so this is my entertainment for a while.

James Jones বলেছেন...

Matt wrote:

"She has to know she will be pilloried by every right winger out there. They will turn her life upside down."

More likely she knows she can dine out on this for the rest of her life, sell the story of her allegations for a megabuck or so (and then there's the movie...), and get a sympathetic hearing from the MSM, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party.

Bender বলেছেন...

"shoving"? "yanking"? Getting a little liberal with the verbs, aren't we?

This is really getting absurd.

Bialek -- "he suddenly reached over and he put his hand on my leg under my skirt and reached for my genitals. He also grabbed my head and brought it towards his crotch."

Parse it how you want Paul Begala, she said he put his hand under her skirt, grabbed her head, and pushed it toward his crotch.

And in response, Cain gives a statement that does NOT deny her specifics, but instead merely blasts the media.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Nearer, My God: An Autobiography of Faith

William F. Buckley Jr.

P. 245

"What I take away from that is (1) that which was thought impenetrable as a paradox is, by Catholic reasoning, in fact discernible; (2) only by exposure to the incomplete road (presumably to religious thought finally rejected as incomplete--Anglicanism, in this instance) was it possible for Fr. Rutler to acknowledge the true road; (3) the mere existence of the saints, never mind the exact properties of saintliness have never been absolutely defined, establishes that divine favor is there, and available to us. The striking failure of humankind is to have eschewed a (sufficient) study of saintliness, and aspiration to saintliness; and it is above all strange, given the perspectives we have in postmodern thought, that that failure itself fails sufficiently to engage the attention of modern intellectuals.

There it is. It can be parsed, as here done. But do you fully understand it? I don't. Not fully."

-William F. Buckley Jr.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

Jason said:

(1) This may be a blessing in disguise. Cain is a fantastic speaker but he is clearly not qualified to be President.

What are the qualification requirements? I think he's qualified. He has run large organizations, he understands economics and mathematics and management, and he is tough as nails. What does he lack?

(2) Yes, testimony is evidence.

OK, then, I say zebras don't have stripes. I win! It's evidence!

(3) Republicans would look pretty stupid to defend Cain after all the fuss over Clinton and Edwards.

Yes, we could all see this argument coming two weeks ago. "You said that because Clinton and Edwards did bad things, they were unworthy, so if we say Cain did bad things, you must confess that he is unworthy." But Clinton and Edwards did do bad things. Cain is accused of having done bad things. Clinton's and Edwards's transgressions are not in dispute, even by Clinton and Edwards. Cain disputes the accusations against him. Doesn't that count for something, given the lack of evidence thus far?

(4) Cain, do us all a big favor and bow out quickly. I fear that more is coming.

Most definitely. And that disqualifies him? Because more will come?

If Cain did bad things, maybe he's unworthy. If he did not, maybe he's not. What if it's all garbage?

Shanna বলেছেন...

Truth is you would not brush it off that easily in real life. Few would or should.

People brush off way more than this in real life. Don’t be stupid. Anything that hasn’t reached a certain level of violence tends to get brushed off. This story could go either way, assuming she’s telling the truth (which I really have no idea. I don’t know either of these people).

It could have been playful or it could have been pushy, but she said no and that was it. That’s nothing I would personally report. I had a friend who pushed some guy away for an hour and never thought about reporting it. Most people just kind of roll with that stuff. Rape is hard enough to prove, I imagine most cops would have a ‘why the hell are you reporting that’ expression on their face if you went to them.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

(He had some authority over me - think coach/team player - and was 50ish to my naive, people-pleasing 17), but otherwise, it's not a big deal. (And even that one I got over pretty quickly.) Plenty of times, I was into it and enjoyed, maybe even engaged in a make-out session. Your single years can be like that.

Oh, my. What the hell kind of a state would I be in to try some bullshit like that when I'm fifty?! Wow. What kind of desperation and lack of a sex life would I have to make up for at that point, let alone the ridiculous approach? Some company you kept.

Still, thanks for your honesty.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

This is really getting absurd.

Bialek -- "he suddenly reached over and he put his hand on my leg under my skirt and reached for my genitals. He also grabbed my head and brought it towards his crotch."

Parse it how you want Paul Begala, she said he put his hand under her skirt, grabbed her head, and pushed it toward his crotch.

And in response, Cain gives a statement that does NOT deny her specifics, but instead merely blasts the media.


Actually he categorically denied it. There's no reason to deny "specifics" when when the whole story is false. It doesn't make any sense to do so.

And besides, the story is patently false. Doing those twon things simultaneously is incomprehensible and impossible, whether sitting or standing.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Love said...

Methadras "No it isn't you moron. According to her, she told him to stop and in her words, he stopped."

So if one "stops" all previous actions are negated?

So if I punch you in the face, but stop when you ask, that first punch doesn't count?

Anybody can take a shot at shoving a hand under a dress or yanking their head into a crotch...and forget all about it if they stop when asked?

Are you daft?

I think you are the daft one because you clearly have no concept of context and especially the context by which this woman presents the narrative. According to her, Cain reached up her skirt, and then he tried to get her to give him a hummer. She said no, stop. He did. Where is the assault?

If he reached up her skirt and get to her lady parts and she said stop and he didn't. That is assault. If she was already giving him a blowjob and in the middle of it she mumbled stop (that might be hard to do, I wouldn't know) and he didn't stop, then that's assault.

He hadn't even touched genitalia according to her and he still stopped when he was asked too. How many times have you seen in a tv show or a movie where a guy makes a pass at a girl in a car and he starts coping a feel or tries to get a kiss and she pushes him away and says no. Was that assault? Really? This is the level to which you call this type of contact as being an assault? Not only are you a moron, you're a fucking moron. Get a clue. Better yet, send me your address and I'll send you a quarter so you can go buy one.

jrberg3 বলেছেন...

"You keep referring to shoving a hand under a dress and yanking their head into a crotch as a "failed pass."

So now it's "shoving" a hand and "yanking" a head is it????

Is it that hard for you to believe that this could have been a tad bit more gentle than you are claiming, if it is at all true??

You are making him out to be some violent perpetrator with your descriptions. A violent perp that stops when told no and drives the "victim" home apparently.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Good thing I spent all these years pursuing sex at the expense of "team" sports. Lol.

Talk about needing to make up for lost time.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Oh, my. What the hell kind of a state would I be in to try some bullshit like that when I'm fifty?! Wow. What kind of desperation and lack of a sex life would I have to make up for at that point, let alone the ridiculous approach? Some company you kept.

Still, thanks for your honesty.


Fuck you are a pathetic idiot trying to deny basic biological reality. All older men try and get with younger women.

When it's an authority figure with a minor, though, it's a crime.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

This is really getting absurd.

So we are going to play the equivocation game. Have fun. I'd have to be a first hand witness to trust her description or your interpretation of it. Too many women are able to get what they want by lying (or laying).

The left leaning press, et al are more than eager to put the worst slant possible on this. That terrible n^^^^r going after that poor, defenseless blonde,white woman. Yeah, the libs don't hesitate to appeal to racism when it suits their needs. Time for a lynchin!!

Bender বলেছেন...

It really is disgusting to see so many people on the right are no better than Amanda Marcotte, wholly lacking in genuine principles, and generally about as nonsensical in their arguments defending Cain.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Good thing I spent all these years pursuing sex at the expense of "team" sports. Lol.

Talk about needing to make up for lost time.


Yeah you get laid all the time. That's why you don't know a thing about the standard male approach.

jrberg3 বলেছেন...

"It's Monday night, nothing on TV, so this is my entertainment for a while."

Are you nuts?? Bears - Eagles in a few! Let's go birds!

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

It was a dark day for black men today..

Conrad was convicted.. and Cain is being castigated by a scorned woman.

Obama has failed ;)

donald বলেছেন...

That's a really haggard used up blonde bombshell if you ask me.

Any thing for a buck I suppose.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Fuck you are a pathetic idiot trying to deny basic biological reality. All older men try and get with younger women.

When it's an authority figure with a minor, though, it's a crime.

It's biological reality that men can rape women. Doesn't stop me from finding it pathetic.

Age difference is not so much the issue as is "I prefer a woman without a brain and/or more naive and helpless than me". Yep, pretty pathetic. Call it biological all you want. Maybe in your genetic history, it is. Maybe there's the precedent.

But don't expect me to relate. Or even to care to see it that way.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Fuck you are a pathetic idiot trying to deny basic biological reality. All older men try and get with younger women.

When it's an authority figure with a minor, though, it's a crime.

It's biological reality that men can rape women. Doesn't stop me from finding it pathetic.

Age difference is not so much the issue as is "I prefer a woman without a brain and/or more naive and helpless than me". Yep, pretty pathetic. Call it biological all you want. Maybe in your genetic history, it is. Maybe there's the precedent.

But don't expect me to relate. Or even to care to see it that way.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

What the hell kind of a state would I be in to try some bullshit like that when I'm fifty?! Wow. What kind of desperation and lack of a sex life would I have to make up for at that point, let alone the ridiculous approach? Some company you kept.

Yes. I was very into theater (he was a director), and it turns out that the "artistic" types aren't too big on respect. I imagine most of the folks I hung out with are occupying something or another right now.

Fortunately, I've learned a lot since then. Of course, if he had been a democratic politican, you'd be singing his praises to high heaven.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"It's Monday night, nothing on TV, so this is my entertainment for a while."

Are you nuts?? Bears - Eagles in a few! Let's go birds!

11/7/11 7:18 PM

The Bears suck.

Methadras বলেছেন...

This could have been date rape? Also, did Cains wife know that he seeing all of these women under the guise of business? I'm curious.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

wholly lacking in genuine principles,

Wahahahahahahahaha!! From the people who made principles disposable!! Lucifer is appealing to my sense of honor. OMG!!




Please don't stop!!

Methadras বলেছেন...

Allie's Apple said...

The Bears suck.

So does your simpleton unionista ideology, but that goes without saying.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Yeah you get laid all the time. That's why you don't know a thing about the standard male approach.

I could give a shit about "standard issue", assembly-line produced excuses for men. That's you. And for purposes of complementarity, it probably describes the women you prefer as well.

But I have higher standards. And the women I date, so do they.

So continue to fuck yourself and find the mutual masturbation partners that fill whatever sorry excuse for a relationship you kid yourself into thinking you're having.

Oh, and fuck off, too. Just for good measure.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Age difference is not so much the issue as is "I prefer a woman without a brain and/or more naive and helpless than me". Yep, pretty pathetic. Call it biological all you want. Maybe in your genetic history, it is. Maybe there's the precedent.

But don't expect me to relate. Or even to care to see it that way.


Dude, the sensitive man feminist garbage died in the nineties.

You ack like a guy that's never made a move on a woman. In which case the only thing between you and an endless celibacy is the local lady of the night.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Fortunately, I've learned a lot since then. Of course, if he had been a democratic politican, you'd be singing his praises to high heaven.

Nope. But it is likely he'd have an idea of what it means to be "smooth".

Don't expect me to defend Bill Clinton here. At some point, your seduction skills can't come at the expense of lacking any concern for objective reality. The fantasies Bill Clinton got people to believe in came at a high price. But not at as high a price as the fantasies the Repubs got us to believe.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Bears - Eagles in a few!

I'll check it out. I'm not much of a pro football fan, prefer college. BTW - my son's small college team in 8-0, ranked 4th in the country and a contender for a national championship in their division.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

I could give a shit about "standard issue", assembly-line produced excuses for men. That's you. And for purposes of complementarity, it probably describes the women you prefer as well.

But I have higher standards. And the women I date, so do they.

So continue to fuck yourself and find the mutual masturbation partners that fill whatever sorry excuse for a relationship you kid yourself into thinking you're having.

Oh, and fuck off, too. Just for good measure


u mad? :)

You sound like you're either talking bullshit or you don't know the first thing about dating.

Take me through your standard 3rd date. How do you try to get a woman into bed?

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

That's a really haggard used up blonde bombshell if you ask me.

"Rode hard and put away wet".....quoted by my husband

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Dude, the sensitive man feminist garbage died in the nineties.

Obviously replaced by the sexually aggressive predator you'd prefer to see as normative. No middle ground. You can only be one or the other.

You ack like a guy that's never made a move on a woman. In which case the only thing between you and an endless celibacy is the local lady of the night.

Funny you should mention acting. Lyssa was into acting, as well. And she met wonderful (not) people through it.

But it's nice to know I can still fool a fool like you.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Take me through your standard...

Ahhhh.... See, there's where you got me wrong. No "standard" anything here. Standards are for tools - like yourself, for instance.

But I'm sure your rote creature comforts keep you satisfied. They don't do a thing for me. But there are less easily bored women whom I'm sure don't mind.

They're calling for you, SP StudPie! Try your "methods" on them! Don't creatively change-up your "approach", ever!

Boring loser. Lol.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Dude, the sensitive man feminist garbage died in the nineties.

Obviously replaced by the sexually aggressive predator you'd prefer to see as normative. No middle ground. You can only be one or the other.

You ack like a guy that's never made a move on a woman. In which case the only thing between you and an endless celibacy is the local lady of the night.

Funny you should mention acting. Lyssa was into acting, as well. And she met wonderful (not) people through it.

But it's nice to know I can still fool a fool like you.


It's funny, you refered to these "sexually aggresive predators" as "smooth" in a previous post. You're overselling and just looking like a liar and an idiot.

I have no idea who the fuck Lyssa is, you seem to be babbling.

Time to answer the question: how do you get a woman into bed?

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Ahhhh.... See, there's where you got me wrong. No "standard" anything here. Standards are for tools - like yourself, for instance.

But I'm sure your rote creature comforts keep you satisfied. They don't do a thing for me. But there are less easily bored women whom I'm sure don't mind.

They're calling for you, SP StudPie! Try your "methods" on them! Don't creatively change-up your "approach", ever!

Boring loser. Lol.


Tell em why you mad son!

You didn'tn answer the question because either 1) you don't know the answer and are a pathetic virgin or 2) the answer would expose the lame moral indignation you're trying to work up.

I'll ask again, how do you go about getting a woman into bed?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

474 comments proves that this is about sex..
As the Clinton saga taught us.. If it is about sex, that is between Cain his wife and his god and nobody else.

Link.. scroll to comment #9

BUT, nothing he did deserved what happened to him over it.

MANY presidents, including some of the most admired in history,
have had private sexual affairs. Not just Kennedy either. And
certainly not just Democrats. Clinton was the only one roasted
for it.

As for his morality, that's between Bill, Hillary and his God (if he has one)

I remember that line was parroted out day after day.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

It's funny, you refered to these "sexually aggresive predators" as "smooth" in a previous post. You're overselling and just looking like a liar and an idiot.

The idiot is the person who can't draw a Venn diagram and conceive that two different things can be simultaneously true. The liar is the person who can, but refuses to.

I have no idea who the fuck Lyssa is, you seem to be babbling.

Um, she's one of the other commenters in this thread. If you weren't babbling so much, you'd know that.

Time to answer the question: how do you get a woman into bed?

Too funny. By not being as dumb as you?


Anyone who has to remember a "method" is just confusing his contraception practices for seduction.

It's funny that you think some people don't have to think that hard about it. Or even at all.

Still, you're a loser. But a funny one.

I'm getting a chuckle out of you.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Is not Cain's fault that the woman apparently has a problem with a strong virile black men.

Cain was just being Cain.

wv ferse.. a google guess ;)

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

SPImmoral tries to convince me that a woman wouldn't want to sleep with any guy unless he devised a secret plan to get her to agree to sleeping with him.


dbp বলেছেন...

Since neither of them worked for the association, it can't be workplace harassment. The only relevant charges would be sexual assault.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Synova বলেছেন...

Mick, about four comments from the top:

"...especially when Allred is involved..."

I must agree. Without some very reliable corroborating evidence, the fact that Allred is involved takes away just about every scrap of possible inclination to take the supposed victim at her word.

Even Nancy Grace has more gravitas.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

The idiot is the person who can't draw a Venn diagram and conceive that two different things can be simultaneously true. The liar is the person who can, but refuses to.


So, you admire peoplen who are in your words "sexually agressive predators" as "smooth".

lol please elaborate.


Time to answer the question: how do you get a woman into bed?

Too funny. By not being as dumb as you?


Anyone who has to remember a "method" is just confusing his contraception practices for seduction.

It's funny that you think some people don't have to think that hard about it. Or even at all.

Still, you're a loser. But a funny one.

I'm getting a chuckle out of you.


No, you're butthurt and in a rage. Iy came through with your first angry spittle flecked comment.

You're caught. Time to answer the question: how do you get a woman into bed?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

This thing reminds me of the movie Field of Dreams.. whats that line?

If you build it.. they will come.

You call long enough and they come out of the woodwork.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

NewsBusters: Networks Run More Cain 'Scandal' Stories in a Week Than They Did Obama's Ties to Ayers, Rezko or Wright

All about getting rid of Cain. They're scared to death of him. A 100% American black man, a self made man (no affirmative action needed), a man whose academic performance we know, who is a real threat to Obama.

Remember James Carville's "If You Drag a Hundred Dollar Bill Through a Trailer Park . . . " remark? Bialek probably expects more than twenty, but the libs are happy to pay.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

SPImmoral tries to convince me that a woman wouldn't want to sleep with any guy unless he devised a secret plan to get her to agree to sleeping with him.



Secret plan? lol man you are flailing. There's nothing secret about touching her shit when the moment is right. It's standard operating procedure, not something that is sexually predatory.

I'm really beggining to thing that you actually are a hopeless, sexless waste.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

I dunno, man, what can I say. I'm just a lucky guy.

Now go work on those lies - I mean "lines"! Surely your lies are put to better use then making shit up about admiring sexual predators on a comments thread.

Or maybe not...


নামহীন বলেছেন...

SP Immortal, what you're not getting is that the time was never right, he MISREAD that.Poor judgement, or he simply didn't give a shit and figured she would ive in because she "needed" him. He's slimy.

Titus বলেছেন...

This woman is a total whore.

Look at her.

Her head has been pushed down on a cock many times and she loves it.

She definitely swallows too.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Fortunately, I've learned a lot since then. Of course, if he had been a democratic politican, you'd be singing his praises to high heaven.

Nope. But it is likely he'd have an idea of what it means to be "smooth".

Don't expect me to defend Bill Clinton here. At some point, your seduction skills can't come at the expense of lacking any concern for objective reality. The fantasies Bill Clinton got people to believe in came at a high price. But not at as high a price as the fantasies the Repubs got us to believe.

No, the high price was all Democrat - subprime mortgages, stimulus, ZeroCare, Gunrunner, etc., etc..

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

I dunno, man, what can I say. I'm just a lucky guy.

Now go work on those lies - I mean "lines"! Surely your lies are put to better use then making shit up about admiring sexual predators on a comments thread.

Or maybe not...



Why not just say "fuck you" instead of giving a nonsense, content free post?

Don't duck the question, bitch. You're worse than the worst politician.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Secret plan? lol man you are flailing. There's nothing secret about touching her shit when the moment is right. It's standard operating procedure, not something that is sexually predatory.

This constitutes part of some "plan" that you wanted me to reveal. Wow. I guess that happens less frequently for you than even I figured!

I'm really beggining to thing that you actually are a hopeless, sexless waste.

You keep "thinging" that, SP. I obviously live for the approval of boring and uncreative, anonymous internet commenters. Lol.

But you, apparently, do.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Don't duck the question, bitch. You're worse than the worst politician.

You mean, like Sarah Palin?

No, I just refuse to answer the gotcha questions of the worst sorry excuse for a journalist.

That would be you, Dummy.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

SP Immortal, what you're not getting is that the time was never right, he MISREAD that.Poor judgement, or he simply didn't give a shit and figured she would ive in because she "needed" him. He's slimy.


Bullshit, there ain't no misreading shit when you've been out throwing down drinks with some lady. Misread is for the boardroom.

There's only succeed and fail. He failed and was a perfect gentelman about it. More power to him.

Titus বলেছেন...

She's been titty fucked too and been sprayed in the face with a hot load and licked it all up, likely on video.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

On Rush.

What a man. Not some kind of man, but a man with True Grit. He never had to, but would he were needed to, he could exude enough leadership to be a man of True Grift; ONLY w(h)ere it('s) morally undefined (sufficiently) yet demanded.

Why he feels he, nor Steve Jobs, owes anyone anything unless they buy a product--the delivery of Rush/Jobs' product is so exceptionally wonderful to relate AKA "brilliant" Rush's viewpoint is a self-fulfilling prophecy of serendipity, counterbalancing the cynical despair that overwhelms many in America with cause--as opposed to having an understanding of why those other than Steve Jobs or Rush Limbaugh respond to tangible incentives, baffles.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Secret plan? lol man you are flailing. There's nothing secret about touching her shit when the moment is right. It's standard operating procedure, not something that is sexually predatory.

This constitutes part of some "plan" that you wanted me to reveal. Wow. I guess that happens less frequently for you than even I figured!


Is this some kind of pathetic attempt at smack talk? I can't even parse what you're trying to say here.


I'm really beggining to thing that you actually are a hopeless, sexless waste.

You keep "thinging" that, SP. I obviously live for the approval of boring and uncreative, anonymous internet commenters. Lol.

But you, apparently, do.


Jesus you sound like a total fucking nerd even when trying to insult people.

Answer the question you bithc: how do you get a woman into bed?

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

Gender: Female
Industry: Marketing
Occupation: CEO
Location: Everywhere : West : United States
About Me

Marketing what? CEO of what? Did westerners sexually harass you? You're "hot"? Try some ibuprofen.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

No, the high price was all Democrat - subprime mortgages, stimulus, ZeroCare, Gunrunner, etc., etc.

Good thing Bush was there to watch the Dow and encourage toxic investments.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Don't duck the question, bitch. You're worse than the worst politician.

You mean, like Sarah Palin?

No, I just refuse to answer the gotcha questions of the worst sorry excuse for a journalist.

That would be you, Dummy.


That's a gotcha question? lol.

There has never been a more straightforward question in the history of the universe.

It's just one that you can't answer without making yourself look like a fool.

Francisco D বলেছেন...


You are an idiot provocateur, so maybe I am even more of an idiot by responding.

Do you think an MD makes someone a real doctor? If so, why do they pay to get through school whereas I was paid to earn a Ph.D.?

How many MDs do original research? Where I went to school that was a requirement. To become a Doctor of Philospohy in any field, you have to make scholarly contributions to the field, not just memorize crap in textbooks, put on a stethoscope and overbill Medicare.

Q: What do they call the person who finishes Med School with the lowest grade point average?

A: Doctor!

Q: What do they call the person who cannot master elementary pre-med studies?

A: Nurse! (Don't forget the clean up in Room 4. Mrs. Smith had the hash for breakfast and your expertise is needed).

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Answer the question Rimto, you little bitch.

How do you get a woman into bed.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

SP, go grab sumgirl's crotch. It's part of your "special" approach. Creating the mood first obviously ain't your specialty, as that might require accommodations more sophisticated than a cave and possessions more interesting than a club.

God forbid you might stumble upon a few letters scrawled upon that cave and spell them out. Or play a couple notes on that musical "vagina-catching" implement you carved the other day.

In other words, just 'cause you caught Snookie, don't think that you're anything special, Nimrod Douchebag.

You are a dildo that thinks he's a person.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Fransicko, you are right on the second count you are the idiot. Go away.

rammer বলেছেন...

Wait, she wasn't his employee, she was some chick he was having dinner with...

This is not harassment at all, just people being stupid over sex. Who knows what happened to entice him to agree to the date with her? Men and women do stupid stuff to get what they want all the time. Move on.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

SP, go grab sumgirl's crotch. It's part of your "special" approach. Creating the mood first obviously ain't your specialty, as that might require accommodations more sophisticated than a cave and possessions more interesting than a club.


You set the mood and then you grabs the crotch, dipshit. It's a multi step process. That's why they call it "getting to thrid base". Maybe one day you get there.


God forbid you might stumble upon a few letters scrawled upon that cave and spell them out. Or play a couple notes on that musical "vagina-catching" implement you carved the other day.

In other words, just 'cause you caught Snookie, don't think that you're anything special, Nimrod Douchebag.

You are a dildo that thinks he's a person


blah blah weaksauce insults blah blah. I know your jealous of anyone that's been laid but let's get past your insecurities.

Answer the question: How do you get a woman into bed?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

What titus said.. ;)

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Ritmo, describe your last sexual conquest to me. No need to get into details or give names, I'm just wondering if you've ever been close enough to poon to weave a convincing fiction.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

A WHITE accuser. With Gloria Allred at her side. And, it was Drudge's "main event."

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

WOW, in one woman's complaint (where Cain settled by giving the woman a year's salary) ... We're told he was standing next to her ... when he said ...


Did he then try to grab her underpants?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Aperently we can send men men to the moon.. but we still can't cop a feel.

We have such a long way to go.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Wait, she wasn't his employee, she was some chick he was having dinner with...

This is not harassment at all, just people being stupid over sex. Who knows what happened to entice him to agree to the date with her? Men and women do stupid stuff to get what they want all the time. Move on.


No, if you even touch a womans hoo hoo after throwing back some drinks with her then it's some kinda rape, 9 out of 10 sacless manginas agree.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

This is sad. When a guy's personality is as deficient as SP's is, he can't describe creating a mood and goes right on to the supposedly never-before-tried move of grabbing crotches.

This is why the only girl for him is someone like Snooki or the other Jersey Shore girls.

It's funny how impossible he finds it to spell when he gets this pissed off.

We get it. Herman Cain is a stud for grabbing someone's crotch without having any idea if it was as wet as SPImmoral's is, first.

Thanks for this Cain's-eye view into Republican sex-play!

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Cain had a few drinks.. one thing led to another.. the next day Cain was nowhere to be found..

Hell hath no fury!

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

OK, I read a bunch of these comments. Way too many.

Gloria Allred is a feminist lawyer. Looks at her Wikipedia page. She has a flair for dramatic and high profile cases, including Roman Polanski's accuser. It is not surprise that she would take this "case."

There appears to be a pattern emerging here from the allegtions against Mr Cain. All we have from the other cases are the facts established by the press that several settlements were made made after several allegations. Cain did not reject that settlements were made and neither hss the NRA.

So based on available information he has a pattern of abusing subordinates by demanding sex. This speaks to a complete lack of rel ethics and decency.

The man should be kept far away from public office.

Titus বলেছেন...

I guess I should be in prison for all the sex stuff I have done.

Gee, what is the big fucking deal here?

He was nice enough to drive her back to her room.

I would of been like later bitch, although they never say no to me.

Patrick বলেছেন...


To the extent that you are still reading this hours later, you've misinterpreted my comment. I didn't say that the behavior doesn't constitute sexual harassment. I said that it was wrong. There was discussion earlier in the thread in which some argued that it wasn't sexual harassment. It certainly could be. Even if not legally actionable, it is still wrong, was my point.

The accuser's credibility still matters, however.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

SP, did a girl ever like you without having to put on beer goggles?

Come on, man! You're leaving stuff out! Tell us about the days when you used to get away with using Rohypnol.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

"Hell hath no fury!"


So you think an attempt in his car to stick his hand up her skirt and her head in his lap --- is courtship?

In short, it is not. If you think this sort of thing is okay, Lem, you're not a well puppy.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

This is sad. When a guy's personality is as deficient as SP's is, he can't describe creating a mood and goes right on to the supposedly never-before-tried move of grabbing crotches.


You can't describe getting a woman into bed. Go ahead and at least try it.


This is why the only girl for him is someone like Snooki or the other Jersey Shore girls.


Haters gonna hate


It's funny how impossible he finds it to spell when he gets this pissed off.


This is some really sad I'm rubber your glue shit. I hope your blood pressure has finally dropped.


We get it. Herman Cain is a stud for grabbing someone's crotch without having any idea if it was as wet as SPImmoral's is, first.

Thanks for this Cain's-eye view into Republican sex-play!


He's not a stud for bagging

Cain's a true gentleman. Even drove the lady home. I'm quite proud of him.

Titus বলেছেন...

One time one of my tricks overflew the toilet and it made the sprinklers go off in the building and the fire alarms went off.

I opened my door and it looked like a scene from Titanic, everyone running through the halls to safety..

I made him stay in the closet while the fire department was there because I didn't my neighbors to see him outside with the rest of the tenants and he was perfectly fine with it.

Once I returned 2 hours later we did it and everything was fine.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Herman Cain is almost 66 years old and has had a very varied career working all over the country, but these allegations all stem from Chicago and from the same one or two year period?
I am not an expert on these things, but several people on this blog state that sexual predators always repeat themselves, and there will be more women coming forward. Where are they?

12-14 years ago, Cain was 52-54 years old, so he was even almost a decade late for having a "midlife crisis" when so many men make fools of themselves.

This could have happened, but I do not see that we "know" any more today than we did yesterday, and I will wait to see if anything more substantial develops before absolutely deciding whether this has any basis in fact or is all just one big smear attack.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

SP, did a girl ever like you without having to put on beer goggles?

Come on, man! You're leaving stuff out! Tell us about the days when you used to get away with using Rohypnol.


Everybody that ever got laid must be a rapist in your eyes. Luckily your poor honorable soul is not among that group.

Time to answer the question bitch: how do you get a woman into bed?

Or do you just look at them from afar and masturbate bitterly.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

You cant win with these leftist these days.

Palin was rejected because she's good looking.

Cain rejected because hes not.

AmPowerBlog বলেছেন...

Linked: 'Sharon Bialek Accuses Herman Cain of Sexual Misconduct (VIDEO)'.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

"Hell hath no fury!"


So you think an attempt in his car to stick his hand up her skirt and her head in his lap --- is courtship?

In short, it is not. If you think this sort of thing is okay, Lem, you're not a well puppy.


Sure it is.

Now if you don't stop, it's rape, Clinton style.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

"You can't describe getting a woman into bed. Go ahead and at least try it."

And you can't describe or even remember any time that a woman actually wanted you sober.

What is there to describe? It's a moment. It happens. You enjoy it or you take notes. For some of us it actually happens often enough to enjoy.

You are not serious and actually just trying to convince us that Cain's crotch-grab was part of a sexy evening/moment -- he just had to test the waters because there was that much build up.

Maybe so. I conceded that. But I sure as shit don't buy it.

Only a fool as unsmooth as SP does.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Rush Limbaugh, asshole extraordinaire:

Instead, he said, Bialek is pronouced "buy-ah-lik." Limbaugh belabored the point to stress that Bialek's last name was, according to him, pronounced like "buy-a-lick." He even made crude slurping noises to drive his point home.

This from the sex tourist busted for possessing an illegal prescription of Viagra after a trip to the Dominican Republic.

The leading light of conservatives.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

What does anyone want to bet that no woman's ever grabbed SPImmoral's crotch?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

He was nice enough to drive her back to her room.

Cain is old school!

He let his fingers do the walking.. and the talking.

Its not like he sent her a picture of his member over the iPhone.

Common people!

Titus বলেছেন...

Another time I was at Revere Beach at night ( notorious gay scene) and I left my friend in the car but told him to duck down so if I met anyone he didn't think I was with someone.

Well I met someone on the beach and my friend popped his head up and the trick saw it and said to me, "someone is in your car". I said "no shit". We went to my car and I pretended I didn't know my friend and that he had probably broken into my car. My trick hit him in the face and my friend ran away. I then did the trick in the car but my friend totally understood my situation.

The next day my friend and I had brunch and all was forgiven.

Fags are so flexible when it comes to sex.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Cain's a true gentleman. Even drove the lady home. I'm quite proud of him.


AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...


Palin was rejected because she's good looking.

She was rejected? That's news. Back here on Planet Earth she quit.

Rit বলেছেন...

It is truly astounding that there are so many ignorant dimwits posting here. Dimwits that don't even realize there was no employer employee relationship between Cain and his accuser.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...


but these allegations all stem from Chicago and from the same one or two year period?

No, they are from Washington, DC. The National Restaurant Association is based in DC.

Tip: Don't want Fox News unless you want to be misinformed.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

And you can't describe or even remember any time that a woman actually wanted you sober.

What is there to describe? It's a moment. It happens. You enjoy it or you take notes. For some of us it actually happens often enough to enjoy.


That is the fakest most vague description I've ever heard. You sound like a woman trying to describe what they feel inside when Robert Pattinson steps on screen. Such fluffy bullshit. Try again.

"For some of us". Damn, your own words betray you. If it's you then you just say "I". You don't go all third person unless your hedging.

tip: the vagina hole you cut into your pillow does not count as a woman.


You are not serious and actually just trying to convince us that Cain's crotch-grab was part of a sexy evening/moment -- he just had to test the waters because there was that much build up.

Maybe so. I conceded that. But I sure as shit don't buy it.

Only a fool as unsmooth as SP does.


Don't give a fuck what you concede or don't concede. It's not about Herman Cain anymore it's about why you're ducking the question.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Cain's accuser is from New Jersey..

Enouf said.

AlanKH বলেছেন...

"She said that after dinner, he put his hand on her leg and ran it under her skirt and pulled her head toward his crotch."

... while they were in his car at an intersection. The first thing came to mind was all that leg room, he must be driving a real gas guzzler.

Yeah, that requires greater gymnastics than drowning in someone else's vomit.

The head-toward-crotch claim just doesn't sound right. Sitting side by side in the front seat of a car, it seems more likely that a Lothario woudl reach over for a kiss (while groping).

Have the Taiwanese animators gotten hold of this story yet?

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Cain's a true gentleman. Even drove the lady home. I'm quite proud of him.



Nah that's good stuff.

"Put some ice on it", Clinton style, is very bad stuff.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

No, the high price was all Democrat - subprime mortgages, stimulus, ZeroCare, Gunrunner, etc., etc.

Good thing Bush was there to watch the Dow and encourage toxic investments.


Try again!

Dubya was the one that fought it tooth and nail. Slobbering Barney and The Friend of Angelo, not to mention his little handmaiden, Barry, gave us that mess.

Give Ritmo enough time and he always beclowns himself.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Rit the dimwit:

Dimwits that don't even realize there was no employer employee relationship between Cain and his accuser.

Sexual harassment does not require an employer-employee relationship. Also, who said that she was an employee? I have not seen anyone say that.

Finally, this is a terrible way
to behave.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

A granny with a boyfriend?

Who are we talking about here?

They are going to have to do better.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...


Dubya was the one that fought it tooth and nail.

False. He went on and on about the "ownership society."

Unlike you, I bring proof to back up my statements. Dubya:

5/6/04: “Thanks to being the most productive workforce in America, and I might say, thanks to good policies, this economy is strong and it’s getting stronger. … Home sales were the highest ever recently. That’s exciting news for the country.”

8/28/04: See, I love an ownership society. It’s a hopeful society. It’s a society that provides stability in times of change.

8/9/04: If you own your own home, and building equity in your own home, and you’re changing from job to job, it provides great security and relief.

8/6/04: Home ownership is at an all-time high now in America. That’s fantastic news. Isn’t it wonderful to have somebody for the first time be able to say: welcome to my home; I’m glad you’re here at my piece of property.

Titus বলেছেন...

I have had friends get beat up, wait outside in blizzards, be robbed, miss a plane, all while waiting for me to get some.

That's what friends are for.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

I think I know the reason why no woman (except Snooki look-alikes) want SP:

Cain's a true gentleman. Even drove the lady home. I'm quite proud of him.

tip: the vagina hole you cut into your pillow does not count as a woman.

Anyone else think his obsessive stalking/trolling for sex details is a bit creepy?

Methadras বলেছেন...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Dude, the sensitive man feminist garbage died in the nineties.

Obviously replaced by the sexually aggressive predator you'd prefer to see as normative. No middle ground. You can only be one or the other.

Yeah, well, between fist pumping guids and bros, metro's and the castrati have become extinct. Societal evolution I tell ya.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

We have no idea what happened here; only an allegation. Ms. Bialeck could've just as easily offered to sleep with Mr. Cain if he would get her job back. Mr. Cain could've turned her down. Now it's payback time.

I've been on the receiving end of a false harassment claim, so I know how this works. Ms. Bialeck could be the harass-er; not the harass-ee.

Hell hath no fury....

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Nah that's good stuff.

Well, obviously your standards for what counts as gentlemanly behavior are very, very low.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

I think I know the reason why no woman (except Snooki look-alikes) want SP:

Cain's a true gentleman. Even drove the lady home. I'm quite proud of him.

tip: the vagina hole you cut into your pillow does not count as a woman.

Anyone else think his obsessive stalking/trolling for sex details is a bit creepy?


Damn, you are a soft ass bitch. Now I'm after you, stalking even? Maybe I'm under your bed.

Just answer the question please, you frightened little puppy.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Nah that's good stuff.

Well, obviously your standards for what counts as gentlemanly behavior are very, very low.


Here's a hint for you, if you never get a whiff of poon, you're not a gentleman, you're a genetic mistake.

Keep that in mind during all of your torrid affairs with your right hand.

Now answer the question.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Checkout the real story here..

While Cain was on the verge of creating a job.. giving that woman.. Sharon, every opportunity..

How many jobs has Obama killed since he became president?

shovel ready my @$E

Methadras বলেছেন...

AlphaLiberal said...

Rit the dimwit:

Dimwits that don't even realize there was no employer employee relationship between Cain and his accuser.

Sexual harassment does not require an employer-employee relationship. Also, who said that she was an employee? I have not seen anyone say that.

Finally, this is a terrible way
to behave.

LOL!!! The moral puritan has arrived.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Well, that's it. If my ass had been to prison and pounded as hard as SP's has been, then I guess it'd be pretty soft.

That's it. You're right SP. Cain did everything I would have done. You've got it down, Brother. We buy them the drinks and grope and ain't no tellin' if tha bitches likes us any other way.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Punish the job creators.

edutcher বলেছেন...

AlphaLiberal said...


Dubya was the one that fought it tooth and nail.

False. He went on and on about the "ownership society."

Irrelevant as always.

Simply because he wanted people to own their own homes doesn't mean he wanted people without the wherewithal to do it getting in over their heads.

He fought subprimes and the Fannie/Freddie mess tooth and nail.

You own it, not him.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Well, that's it. If my ass had been to prison and pounded as hard as SP's has been, then I guess it'd be pretty soft.

That's it. You're right SP. Cain did everything I would have done. You've got it down, Brother. We buy them the drinks and grope and ain't no tellin' if tha bitches likes us any other way.


The bitches don't like you ANY way, son.

Time to come out into the real world and live some life and chase some skirts. Your momma's boy routine isn't going to get you anywhere.

Methadras বলেছেন...

And the winner of these allegations against Cain whether true or not is Romney. Dude, didn't do shit and he is coming out looking like a pimp. A dull, spineless pimp, but a pimp nonetheless.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Prisoner Poon, SP, is on the case for Brother Herman.

I've never seen a thread die with a drunk, marginally employed criminal defending a hopelessly scandalized sex fiend as Herman Cain by declaring that he did nothing out of the ordinary by groping first, asking questions later.

Ain't no other way to gauge the mood.

So says master sex-haver, SP. Snookie's finest ever one-night stand.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Speaking of jobs,, I have to get ready to go to mine.

I bid you all good night.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

The bitches don't like you ANY way, son.

I didn't just mean prison bitches like you, SP.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

557 comments? Does anybody know if bogger.com can cope with 600 plus?

If Bialek's assertions are true, then Cain has something to answer for. Though unlike the case of William Jefferson Clinton and Juanita Broaddrick, Cain seems to have understood that 'no' means no. So that's in his favor.

That won't stop me from voting for him if he's the nominee. Because the alternative is Barack Obama and the U.S. can't afford him -- too much money spent for no results. Or negative results, to be precise.

@Ritmo, I understand why you and your fellow members of the KKK are upset at a Black man touching a blonde under her skirt. I'll bet it makes you want to go burn a cross or two or three.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

How many illegitimate children does anyone here think that SP has?

ConsCon বলেছেন...

All of this is quite interesting, and for me the most interesting part is the timing: if both this week's charges (I'm sure that if Cain doesn't cry 'Uncle,' there will be more next week) and the Politico piece are substantial enough for lawsuits or court proceedings, then WHY WEREN'T THEY MADE AT THE TIME, OR AT THE BEGINNING OF CAIN'S CANDIDACY? Why NOW - when he's at or near the top of the polls? I certainly don't trust the ambulance-chasing media hack Gloria Allread, and I can't help but think that all this is being controlled or guided by some puppetmaster somewhere.

I don't want to discount sexual harassment at every turn (although I do think the accusation has been politicized and used more as a strategy than anything else over the past 20 years), but I am very suspicious that all this is just a means to distract and derail Cain's campaign by someone who doesn't want the Republicans to put a black man in the White House.

I sure would like to examine these womens' phone records and bank accounts - not to defend Herman Cain, but to make sure these allegations aren't political in nature. And, of course, if they aren't, then the accusers shouldn't onject to the examinations.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Prisoner Poon, SP, is on the case for Brother Herman.

I've never seen a thread die with a drunk, marginally employed criminal defending a hopelessly scandalized sex fiend as Herman Cain by declaring that he did nothing out of the ordinary by groping first, asking questions later.

Ain't no other way to gauge the mood.

So says master sex-haver, SP. Snookie's finest ever one-night stand.


You are the fakest motherfucker that's ever stepped foot on this blog.

We all know how liberals like you like to get, OWS style. Just step into any of their tents and you'll see real rape, real sexual predators.

Herman Cain's drunken flings aint even on the map. I know it Ritmo land he has his Manga blow up doll sign form in triplicate before he even gets in her personal space, but it's time to get real.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

How many illegitimate children does anyone here think that SP has?


Sex aint a crime Ritmo. You should try it sometime. I swear the authorities won't haul you away.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

@Ritmo, I understand why you and your fellow members of the KKK are upset at a Black man touching a blonde under her skirt. I'll bet it makes you want to go burn a cross or two or three.

If she's ok with it, then I'm ok with it.

But now I've got the autistic guy explaining the concept of consent to me, along with the criminal. Good grief.

Is there no one fucking NORMAL at this blog?

Hagar বলেছেন...

Alpha is right about NRA being based in DC; just Bialek is known to be from Chicago.

And nothing is known about the other three women.

I do, however, believe I am right that these episodes all are supposed to have taken place 1997-99.

Shanna বলেছেন...

The head-toward-crotch claim just doesn't sound right.

No, that works fine, just not the two together.

I know this thread has gotten really weird, but I did finally watch the video and I didn't like her reading (and stumbling over) a prepared statement. It was hard to get a sense of whether she seems trustworthy or not.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

@Ritmo, I understand why you and your fellow members of the KKK are upset at a Black man touching a blonde under her skirt. I'll bet it makes you want to go burn a cross or two or three.

If she's ok with it, then I'm ok with it.

But now I've got the autistic guy explaining the concept of consent to me, along with the criminal. Good grief.

Is there no one fucking NORMAL at this blog?


Ritmo, why won't you explain how you get a woman into bed? Should bhe easy.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

For a guy who talks about all the sex he's got AFTER HE BREAKS THE ALMIGHTY HEAVY PETTING "BARRIER" you sure talk a lot of shit about "vagina holes" in pillows, masturbation, Manga, and other bizarre auto-erotic garbage.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

How many illegitimate children does anyone here think that SP has?

Reminds me of going to my family reunion where they invited all the descendents of my paternal great-great grandfather, who lived to be 113. He had "16 children that they knew of" as they phrased it. 4 wives (he outlived the first three), 16 kids "they knew of", can you say "stud."

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

For a guy who talks about all the sex he's got AFTER HE BREAKS THE ALMIGHTY HEAVY PETTING "BARRIER" you sure talk a lot of shit about "vagina holes" in pillows, masturbation, Manga, and other bizarre auto-erotic garbage.


Manga are comic books. Nothing sexual. Anyone that has kids knows that. It's all pretty standard.

You, however, seem to know nothing about even the basics of sex.

Answer the question and stop trying to deflect, bitch.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

We all know how liberals like you like to get, OWS style. Just step into any of their tents and you'll see real rape, real sexual predators.

Blah blah blah. Herman Cain is finished, can't find any decent defenders and OWS isn't running for office.

Now go talk about blow up dolls and "vagina holes" in pillows, you drunk piece of idiotic scum.

No one here is listening to you and no one cares what you have to say. Female or male. And none of them agree with you about Cain so go ahead and feel free to put your poster of him up on your wall along with Shaft.

What a fucking moron.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Ritmo, do you actually look for sex or do you just hope to fall into a vagina while walking through the park.

How do you get a woman into bed?

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

We all know how liberals like you like to get, OWS style. Just step into any of their tents and you'll see real rape, real sexual predators.

Blah blah blah. Herman Cain is finished, can't find any decent defenders and OWS isn't running for office.

Now go talk about blow up dolls and "vagina holes" in pillows, you drunk piece of idiotic scum.

No one here is listening to you and no one cares what you have to say. Female or male. And none of them agree with you about Cain so go ahead and feel free to put your poster of him up on your wall along with Shaft.

What a fucking moron.


Damn ritmo you are really fucking angry. Keep raging boy.

Now answer the question or be forever known as a bitch: how do you get a woman into bed.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

SP, you obviously had some practice sucking guys off in prison, and Herman Cain is feeling stressed and would like to have his huge hard-on relieved. I think you're up for it.

Does he have to get you drunk, first? Do I have to spell it out to you?

Go help your man out, bitch.

You are a joke.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Sharon Bialek worked at NRA 12/30/96 – 6/20/97. Awful short tenure. Makes one wonder.

If she was Joe the Plumber we'd have all her tax records, birth certificate, medical records, shoe size and life history by now.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Herman Cain and SPImmortal are each other's bitches.

End of story.

Good night, thread.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Ritmo, I know you're angry and scared. It's a crazy world out there. Sometimes men and women touch each other without getting verbal permission and that makes you feel icky.

But surely you must know how to get a woman into bed? Describe the process. Even if it makes you want to hurl.

sorepaw বলেছেন...


Oy vey.

I want to see whether Ms. Bialek (or the other women still unnamed, if any of them now decide to be named) substantiate their charges against Herman Cain.

Being a client of the justly infamous Gloria Allred doesn't help anybody's credibility, but it also doesn't constitute proof that the client is lying.

What Ms. Bialek is complaining of, if it happened as described, is not sexual harassment as legally defined. Under our often warped system of Federal law, sexual harassment is defined as a form of discrimination in the workplace.

But if Herman Cain did act as described, he should admit it and drop out of the race.

Not because it is the worst deed that any candidate for President has done, but because Cain will be held to a higher standard than will most politicians with -D after their names, and actually should be.

If no corroboration is forthcoming, and Cain turns out to have been sandbagged by opponents Republican or Democratic, reasonable questions will persist as to why he and his campaign weren't better prepared.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

We all know how liberals like you like to get, OWS style. Just step into any of their tents and you'll see real rape, real sexual predators.

Blah blah blah. Herman Cain is finished, can't find any decent defenders and OWS isn't running for office.

Now go talk about blow up dolls and "vagina holes" in pillows, you drunk piece of idiotic scum.

No one here is listening to you and no one cares what you have to say. Female or male. And none of them agree with you about Cain so go ahead and feel free to put your poster of him up on your wall along with Shaft.

What a fucking moron.


Shit, just man up and answer the question you cuntrag. lol

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

SP, you obviously had some practice sucking guys off in prison, and Herman Cain is feeling stressed and would like to have his huge hard-on relieved. I think you're up for it.

Does he have to get you drunk, first? Do I have to spell it out to you?

Go help your man out, bitch.

You are a joke.


Homophobia and racism all in one post.

He really snapped at the end. I bet he couldn't see through that haze of rage.

sorepaw বলেছেন...

Once again, Ritmo the Fake Scientist turns a thread into an interminable exchange of personal insults (including accusations of stalking), expresses his superabundant disrespect for nearly all of the other posters, then proclaims the collapse of the conversation he has worked so hard to derail with his endless Ritmocentric rants.

Herman Cain and SPImmortal are each other's bitches.

End of story.

Good night, thread.

You know, Ritmo, you could just declare once at the top of each thread that Ritmo is superior, accept no substitutes, and do your stomp-off right there and then.

In which case the rest of us might actually be be able to conduct a discussion.

Synova বলেছেন...

"Being a client of the justly infamous Gloria Allred doesn't help anybody's credibility, but it also doesn't constitute proof that the client is lying."

The accuser isn't the one who has the privilege of being presumed innocent. That would be the accused.

frank বলেছেন...

A trier of fact is required to weigh the 'demeanor' of a witness--not just the words. Absent anything else, a 'blonde bimbo' appearing with her 'mouthpiece' carefully arranged so as not to provide evidence [words] under oath [upon the pains and penalties for perjury]is entitled to just so much weight as AA's triers of fact find she is entitled.

Synova বলেছেন...

"Manga are comic books. Nothing sexual."

Uh... if you get some for your kids, please do check the rating on the cover first.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

We all know how liberals like you like to get, OWS style. Just step into any of their tents and you'll see real rape, real sexual predators.

Blah blah blah. Herman Cain is finished, can't find any decent defenders and OWS isn't running for office.

Now go talk about blow up dolls and "vagina holes" in pillows, you drunk piece of idiotic scum.

No one here is listening to you and no one cares what you have to say. Female or male. And none of them agree with you about Cain so go ahead and feel free to put your poster of him up on your wall along with Shaft.

What a fucking moron.


Haha holy shit. I missed the total racism in this post. Hang his picture up along with Shaft?

I'm saving this one. He's never going to live this shit down.

sorepaw বলেছেন...

The accuser isn't the one who has the privilege of being presumed innocent. That would be the accused.

I know.

I'm responding to the (quite understandable) temptation to presume anyone who hires Gloria Allred is lying as soon as she opens her mouth.

I would really, really like to see some corroboration, if there is any.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

"Manga are comic books. Nothing sexual."

Uh... if you get some for your kids, please do check the rating on the cover first.


None of them like cartoon boobs anyway.

The stuff they sell in big chain bookstores is pretty safe.

sorepaw বলেছেন...

Way up the thread, Ritmo fessed up to his modus operandi:

You know, these things actually have a beginning. The comment I quoted (your comment) was one of the first ones on this thread.

Suffice it to say, I didn't have the time or the interest in sifting through the remaining 300-some odd comments.

Most of those intervening comments failed to be about Ritmo, you see.

And this is the same Ritmo who can't bear references to anything he said more than 15 minutes ago, 'cause times have changed and it's all so "old baggage" and "irrelevant."

sorepaw বলেছেন...

Spermin' Herman Cain gets to grab the crotch and shove the head of any woman down to his crotch at any point during their lack of a relationship. Why? Because he's ON MESSAGE!

He's stayin' OAWN MESSAGE, YO!

He's a motivational speaker filled with the kind of motivation it takes to suddenly and without any prompting (other than a request for business mentoring/support - what was she thinking! The nerve! Nothin's for free in this world, get a job!) grab a woman by the back of her neck and into his crotch as he darts his hands about toward hers. BECAUSE HE'S GOT - UNH! - MOTIVATION!!! AND THAT'S what America needs.

Let's hear it for sexual aggression. That's the kind of motivation that Squirmin' Herman will bring to America.

How's this for Ritmocentric racism?

Posted at 5:34 this afternoon, meaning it's ancient baggage already.

SPImmortal বলেছেন...

Let's hear it for sexual aggression. That's the kind of motivation that Squirmin' Herman will bring to America.

How's this for Ritmocentric racism?

Posted at 5:34 this afternoon, meaning it's ancient baggage already.


Yeah In saw that little bit of racist faux ebonics earlier and didn't bring it up. But he made pretty naked racial statements about Cain at least 3 times.

One is maybe a mistake. Twice a coincidence? Three times...forget it.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

SP extolled the "skills" of Herman Cain. Saying that Shaft is more of a stud makes one a racist?

You idiots are full of shit. You are obviously pissed that Cain is going down, and Sorebutt is sore that I was the one who made that abundantly clear. Call me a racist. BFD. The guy's toast, and it has as much to do with race as Clarence Thomas' hearings had to do with race.

Your desperation stinks to high heaven.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Uh... if you get some for your kids, please do check the rating on the cover first.

I would recommend that for comics in general.

The median age of comic readers is over 18. There is a lot of porn out there, and a lot of other content which isn't pornographic but is absolutely not for kids.

On a side note, if anyone's into zombie apocalypse scenarios, Garth Ennis' "Crossed" is a good read.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

Love seems to have disappeared. Why that?

Revenant বলেছেন...

The guy's toast, and it has as much to do with race as Clarence Thomas' hearings had to do with race.

Er... so it has quite a lot to do with race, then?

The left's hatred of Thomas has always been based around his race.

sorepaw বলেছেন...

You are obviously pissed that Cain is going down, and Sorebutt is sore that I was the one who made that abundantly clear.

Ah yes, it's always all about Ritmo.

If Herman Cain tanks as a Presidential candidate—which he may well be doing—it won't be because Ritmo made it happen.

Nor would anyone here have failed to notice that Cain's campaign was in danger of going down the crapper, if somehow deprived of sage guidance from Ritmo the Fake Scientist, the Treasurer of Empirical Evidence.

Your "Spermin' Herman" monologue was particularly vile, Ritmo.

But not because you didn't keep trying to outdo it.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

The left's hatred of Thomas has always been based around his race.

What explains the right's LOVE for him?

Can none of you accept the concept of the middle? He's mediocre. Many white politicians are mediocre. But the political faction that gave you Thurgood Marshall is racist to not find anything worthwhile in the resume of Thomas?

See, this is why no one takes the right seriously on these things.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Ah yes, it's always all about Ritmo.

So says you.

If Herman Cain tanks as a Presidential candidate—which he may well be doing—it won't be because Ritmo made it happen.

Wow. And I needed YOU to point this out to me?

Nor would anyone here have failed to notice that Cain's campaign was in danger of going down the crapper, if somehow deprived of sage guidance from Ritmo the Fake Scientist, the Treasurer of Empirical Evidence.

Except SP. And earlier, Lyssa. Who Instaputz linked.

Your "Spermin' Herman" monologue was particularly vile, Ritmo.

Glad ya liked it. We all have to start our skits somewhere. For me, rhyming's not a bad approach.

But not because you didn't keep trying to outdo it.


sorepaw বলেছেন...

Ritmo, if you want affirmation of your prejudices—and you seem to need it all the time—you're sure hanging around the wrong site.

Can none of you accept the concept of the middle? He's mediocre. Many white politicians are mediocre. But the political faction that gave you Thurgood Marshall is racist to not find anything worthwhile in the resume of Thomas?

See, this is why no one takes the right seriously on these things.

When Clarence Thomas was nominated, I really wasn't sure what to expect from him as a Supreme Court justice. I was afraid he might be another Rehnquistian hack.

It's turned out that he is the most original thinker, and quite possibly the deepest scholar, to serve on the Supreme Court for a very long time.

He is a deeper thinker than Antonin Scalia.

Thurgood Marshall argued some important cases before he was on the Supreme Court, but his performance once on it doesn't begin to measure up to Clarence Thomas's.

Most other recent Supreme Court justices have been mediocre. Some have been completely vacant between the ears, like David Souter.

What makes Supreme Court justices impressive to people, by and large, is the power they wield, not the quality of their thinking, which often fails to exceed the day-to-day output of a medium-grade career Federal bureaucrat.

sorepaw বলেছেন...

But not because you didn't keep trying to outdo it.


More "old baggage," Ritmo, but you kept trying to top "Spermin' Herman" with other noxiously racist rants.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

How many illegitimate children does anyone here think that SP has?

The current and plausible rumor is that you might be one of them.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

It's turned out that he is the most original thinker, and quite possibly the deepest scholar, to serve on the Supreme Court for a very long time.

He is a deeper thinker than Antonin Scalia.

Thurgood Marshall argued some important cases before he was on the Supreme Court, but his performance once on it doesn't begin to measure up to Clarence Thomas's.

Please, please, praytell me what one of these deep and original thoughts actually are?

For someone who goes on about "hacks", you NEVER provide any substance on anything.

The above would be a good example of that.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The left's hatred of Thomas has always been based around his race.

What explains the right's LOVE for him?

That he has presented himself as a constitutional constructionist who also happens to be a conservative by all accounts. That wasn't so hard was it?

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