November 5, 2011

The Boilermakers came to town.

This was their big moment:

See Boilermaker Pete there? And the small contingent of black-clad fans from Indiana?

But we won. Yay! It was 62-17, which... I don't know... I heard there was something called "running up the score." Seems to me, we overwon it. Too bad the previous 2 weeks we underwon it.

Thanks to "The Elder" for sending us the tickets. First time I've been inside Camp Randall, and I've been living within walking distance of the stadium since 1984.


Anonymous said...

Meade has our sympathies tonight.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

My mom once said at one of my high school football games, "It's just too bad someone has to lose!" Women.

Steve Burri said...

Maybe if we send you to every game they will win every game.

traditionalguy said...

There is nothing better than attending a college game on a beautiful Saturday afternoon watching your side win.

The days when Bobby Dodd coached the Yellow Jackets at Grant Field in Atlanta were wondrous days to a young boy.

edutcher said...

You've never been to a football game?


I thought a pretty girl would have gotten invited all the time.

MayBee said...

Ha! Yeah I was wondering if Wisconsin wished they could do some sort of point-averaging for the last three games.

The Elder said...

I'm glad you two enjoyed the game. I was "stuck" making popcorn for Sacha.

So everyone came out a winner!

Jose_K said...

Is he peeping?

MadisonMan said...

Purdue definitely was the worse team, but neither defense looked very good.

My first game in 29 years. Better outcome than the UCLA-Wisconsin game in 1982.

Anonymous said...


There is no such thing.

Petunia said...

I walked two of the dogs down before the game. There was a nice lady selling glass pendants and rings near the Hotel Red. I didn't bring enough money to buy what I wanted so I went back during the 4th quarter; she'd agreed to wait for me and I got some Christmas shopping done.

I was amazed at how many people left the game with a lot of time left. Bielema does tend to run up the score.

The doorman at the Hotel Red gave the dogs some milk bones. That was nice of him!

kjbe said...
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Curious George said...

"MadisonMan said...
Purdue definitely was the worse team, but neither defense looked very good."

Brett Favre faces tougher defense than Wisconsin in his Wrangler commercials.

caplight said...

We would like to see a picture of Ann in the Badger Red Cashmink scarf. I thought for sure it would be in the pictures.

kjbe said...

It's "Purdue Pete".

Michael Haz said...

Purdue Purdidn't.

Meade said...

"We would like to see a picture of Ann in the Badger Red Cashmink scarf. I thought for sure it would be in the pictures."

Meade fail. Please accept my apology.

Imagine splendid. That's how she looked. Take my word.

sean said...

"I thought a pretty girl would have gotten invited [to football games] all the time."

Remember, Prof. Althouse was kind of a hippie, and they weren't that into football.

MadisonMan said...

Meanwhile, at my Alma mater, Holy Cow. What the heck are they doing?

Meade said...

"It's 'Purdue Pete'"

He was Boilermaker Pete when I was growing up. That's how old I am. Sometimes I forget. Which is also how old I am.

Irene said...

A cool girl wouldn't accept an invitation to a football game back then. No matter how pretty, or smart, she was.

I was in the same boat.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely 100% guarantee you that every single one of the cheerleaders in the picture is completely hairless. God damn it.


q12345q6789 said...
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q12345q6789 said...

I'm just going to leave this here,
apropos of nothing except excitement:


(Just think of me as that SEC bee in your collective college football bonnet)

P.S. Ann, I hope you had fun.

A. Shmendrik said...

You picked a good first game to attend. And most of the years since 1984 the stadium was not much, now it's pretty swank. Wisconsin football is certified big-time shizzle these days. So, a good call.

David said...

Now that you have seen all the nice costumes, are you going to go more often?

Dave in Tucson said...

RE: running up the score.

Actually, in college football, it matters. (I guess Meade doesn't know enough to explain?) Do a search for "BCS style points" to find out, probably more than you want to know.

Col Mustard said...

A cool girl... back then.

Cool girls have evolved into amazing girls and they go anywhere now because, well, they're amazing.

ndspinelli said...

The Badgers are classic bullies; beating up on the little guys and folding like a cheap lawn chair against the big boys.

mtrobertsattorney said...

Who was that blonde wearing the fuzzy fur coat with a red scarf wearing head phones and standing on the Badger sidelines? Was that Ann calling plays?