October 11, 2011

"There is not a single, public Christian church left in Afghanistan..."

"... according to the U.S. State Department."
“Negative societal opinions and suspicion of Christian activities led to targeting of Christian groups and individuals, including Muslim converts to Christianity," said the report. "The lack of government responsiveness and protection for these groups and individuals contributed to the deterioration of religious freedom.”

Most Christians in the country refuse to “state their beliefs or gather openly to worship,” said the State Department.


sakredkow said...

Just imagine how the atheists feel.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Left-wingers insist Christians are going to take over America any minute now. Democrats who are Christians are excluded from this paranoid fantasy, of course.

Christians are persecuted and murdered all over the Islamic world. I submit that soon it will be a crime to say one bad word about Islam here in America. The left-wingers who control our lives are very self-loathing.

TMink said...

April, the progressives are also Christ loathing.


Automatic_Wing said...

Egypt appears to be headed in that direction as well.

Saint Croix said...

The more one reads about modern day Islam, the less one likes it.

Calypso Facto said...

More tolerance from the "Religion of Peace".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trey - No argument from me. Leftwing progressives worship political leaders who promise them something for free at another’s expense.

Leftwinger religious tolerance is for political ends. They are heartless when it comes to the religious persecution of others.

traditionalguy said...

The duty of Muslims to allah is to snuff out his competition, or at the least keep them in a degraded condition in life as a bad example.

Jews and its sect of Judaism that we call Christianity are always the targets because they offer a complete faith revelation without Mohammed's add on revelation from the angel in a cave with orders to go forth and replace those two faiths by the sword.

In fact everytime an angel shows up with a brand new revelation to one man to "complete" Christianity with a latter day add on, we are faced with the choice of continuing in our faith or apostatizing.

edutcher said...

We're in a war with Islam, whether anybody likes the idea or not, since Islam, as it exists, is at war with the world.

And, clearly, we can't run away from it.

rhhardin said...

We're not there to build Christian churches but to keep the bad guys from organizing anything big.

It would be nice if a stable sovereign government evolved that would do it for us ("no rogue elements on our territory.").

But it's not the point to win.

Fred4Pres said...

Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.

Anonymous said...

rhhardin said...We're not there to build Christian churches but to keep the bad guys from organizing anything big.

The Christian churches have been there for almost 2,000 years.

Christian decline in the Muslim world is a slow process, going on for about 1,300 years now. Every hundred years or so a new area finishes the clearing process.

Yes, we are at war with Islam, have been for a very very long time. Sometimes they have the upper hand, sometimes we do.

The modern age represents a new stage where we have overwhelming superiority but are not much interested in the fight.

Which is fine so long as our overwhelming superiority lasts.

The Dude said...

Reverend Jackson and Tammy Baldwin will save them.

WV: forin - what human rights are to muzzies.

Chuck66 said...

And here is irony....left wing Protestant churches hate Israel and support the Palestinian-Arabs getting their own state in the Holy Land. Christian churches, which thrive under Israeli rule, would be banned under an Arab state.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I'm constantly told that Islamic extremists need to he defeated by moderate Muslims who oppose terrorism.

I'm thinking that just isn't going to happen.

Oh I think most Muslims aren't extremists but it certainly seems like most Muslims are indifferent to them.

Joe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David R. Graham said...

"We're in a war with Islam, whether anybody likes the idea or not, since Islam, as it exists, is at war with the world."

With respect, an Althousian "Bullshit!"on that one.

Religions are not actors. Your target should be imams, Koran/Hadith scholars/lawyers, ayatollahs, etc. They are actors.

And who is this "we" you mention? "We" is not an actor and not even a definite. It's a cloud castle, a reverie, a fantasy.

Joe said...

Why the hell are we still in that shit hole?

Time to pull heads out of asses and realize that all we're doing is getting American soldiers killed for no fucking reason.

(Don't want the Taliban; we can do what we did to defeat them. Pay off warlords and send B-52s over every now and then.

And for all those who worry about a sanctuary for terrorists; newsflash, we knew where the terrorists were through the late 90s and did nothing. Moreover, terrorists can set up shop anywhere in the world. Besides, if that was such an important goal, why aren't we invading Iran and Syria?

How about we adopt the policy of leave us alone and we leave you alone. Fuck we us, and we'll fuck with you, but we aren't going to rebuild your damn country when we're done.)

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Religions are not actors. Your target should be imams, Koran/Hadith scholars/lawyers, ayatollahs, etc. They are actors..."

Indeed. They also seem to command a large supporting cast.

This teeny tiny minority of extremists certainly seems to have a disproportionate amount of influence and sway over the supposed 99.9999% of peaceful Muslims.

J said...

Jews and its sect of Judaism that we call Christianity

you really are a tasteless, clueless idiot ("tradguy" the sockpuppet-trolll aka Bubba Mormonic)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mr. Graham, my familiarity with history leads me to choose those words. In the grand sweep discussed in my post, religions are "actors"("actors" is your word, not mine.) because they are motivators. States come and go, but the major religions endure.

Do you seriously believe Islam (not just individual Imams, but Islam) does not pose a problem for the non-Islamic world? If so, then you are an ignorant fool and I am gratified to be called bullshit on by the likes of you.

Robert Cook said...

"...Islam, as it exists, is at war with the world."

Last time I looked, it appears that we are at war with the world.

J said...

Cookie puppet pretending to be PC again. Do you approve of muslim extremists,dimwit? They don't approve of you be sure of that-- even with your soi-disant marxist schtick on.

BarryD said...

Good thing we sent our young people in there to risk and lose their lives, to bring freedom to the Afghan people!

Seems to me, we have a large nuclear arsenal we've never used, and we knew, close enough for thermonuclear work, where Al Qaeda types were hanging out... Don't like fallout? MOABs will work. It's not like the Taliban is flush with fighter jets to stop us.

The leftie bumper sticker is right, if grammatically deficient. War DOESN'T decide who's right, only who's left. I just interpret that from a more hawkish point of view than your average stickered-out Prius driver.

"Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him." George S. Patton.

We don't think of our buddies in Afghanistan very much. We should. Is THIS what we are fighting for? Is THIS why we have restrictive rules of engagement that get our fighting men killed?

Screw that.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Last time I looked, it appears that we are at war with the world...."

Well to your jaded view, its no surprise.

BarryD said...

"Religions are not actors. Your target should be imams, Koran/Hadith scholars/lawyers, ayatollahs, etc. They are actors."

Quite true.

However, this is probably a distinction without a difference. These are (mostly) not military men. Yes, I mean "men" because there aren't any women in those positions. Predator drones intentionally sent to blow up preachers, scholars and lawyers would be, apart from war crimes, functionally identical to a war on the religion they lead.

The reaction would be identical, too. True believers would take up arms in the name of their religion.

Oclarki said...

So much for being crusaders bringing Christianity to the muslim world.

The only country we should have invaded after 9/11 was Saudi Arabia, and we should have built the biggest catherdral in the world in Mecca.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... So much for being crusaders bringing Christianity to the muslim world..."

Probably because that wasn't part of the battle plan.

Peter V. Bella said...

And why are American troops still there? Fighting for whose freedom?

n.n said...

It has been communists, socialists, and Muslims who realize their faith in progressive totalitarian ideology that have been responsible for slavery in the majority and the greatest number of human deaths recorded in history. Their intolerance for others only marks the beginning of their flawed principles. Their desire to consolidate wealth and power through authority promotes progressive corruption of individuals and society.

Anonymous said...

Yes why are our troops still there? Why is my daughter risking her neck there? I want her home.The Afghanis don't want us there, they will go back to their Taliban rule the minute our troops are gone. ( I hope some commenters, you know who you are ,refrain from the bull shit of a couple days ago when I mentioned m daughter).

TMink, Progressives hate Christ?BUT Democrats don't?How about Democratic Progressives, they must sort of hate Christ , huh?

Christians in Iraq also suffered persecution once Sadam Hussein was gotten rid of. So what did we accomplish in Iraq? Other than some contractors got rich.

TMink said...

Cuck66 wrote: "And here is irony....left wing Protestant churches hate Israel and support the Palestinian-Arabs getting their own state in the Holy Land."

Well, what characterizes the differences between liberal and conservative churches? It is whether or not they believe and accept Christ's teachings and scripture as accurate and central.

So the liberal churches are not so big on Christ either. They complain that evangelicals such as myself are to Christocentric. The very word to me is indicative of the problem. Liberal churches don't love Jesus.


TMink said...

"Last time I looked, it appears that we are at war with the world."

Right, that is why 1/4 of all foreign aid comes from us and we triple the next highest international aid contributing country. And that is why we have used our dominant military to conquer Canada and take her oil.



Peter said...

Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic, and like other Islamic Republic, the U.S.’ First Amendment does not apply. At a minimum, to assume public office (executive, legislative or judicial) in this country one must swear to “obey and safeguard of the sacred religion of Islam"

"Article One
Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic independent, unitary and indivisible state.

Article Two
The religion of Afghanistan is the sacred religion of Islam.
Followers of other religions are free to perform their religious rites within the limits of
the provisions of law."

Article 45: "The state shall devise and implement a unified educational curriculum based on the provisions of the sacred religion of Islam"

Aticle 63: "The President-elect, prior to assuming his duties, performs the following oath:
“In the name Allah Almighty, in the presence of you representatives I swear to obey and safeguard of the sacred religion of Islam"

And so it goes. In an Islamic Republic, there are Muslims, and there are … others.

Anonymous said...

TMink, evangelical churches don't like Mormons either. I'm wondering do you differentiate between Evangelical churches and Fundamentalist churches? Are they one in the same or how do they differ? Do you see any similarities in Muslim Fundamentalism and Christian Fundamentalism?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Christians in Iraq also suffered persecution once Sadam Hussein was gotten rid of. So what did we accomplish in Iraq? Other than some contractors got rich..."

Agreed. I hope and pray we never send our military overseas to get rid of despots.

Taking it a step further, I'd like to see a complete withdrawal from all our bases in sovereign nations. About time our 'allies' pony up for their own defense.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Do you see any similarities in Muslim Fundamentalism and Christian Fundamentalism?.."

Not really. One gathers in mega churches and does a lot of singing and handholding and the other self detonates in crowded marketplaces.

I'll worry about Christian fundamentalists when they scream PRAISE JESUS!! before pulling the det cord on their semtex belt.

Anonymous said...

Hoosier Daddy, yes our troops have no place in sovereign nations anymore and is costing this nation money we can't spare any longer.

Rhhardin, what if the bad guys still plot big bad stuff, like what Iran just did, should we invade Iran too?

William said...

The Prussians gave up their militarism. The Japanese gave up the way of the Bushido. The southerners gave up their peculiar institution. Losing wars does have some impact on behavior.....It does seem that Afghans are willing to make extraordinary sacrifices in order to continue to live in stone huts with resentful women. I wonder if it's even possible for Muslims to absorb the fact that their regligious fervor is part of their problem. The poorer they become the more they embrace Islamd which leads to further poverty and more fervor.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Rhhardin, what if the bad guys still plot big bad stuff, like what Iran just did, should we invade Iran too?.."

No if Iran or other bad guys commits an act of terrorism on our soil we should just accept it and move on.

In fact, unconditional surrender should not be taken off the table.

Cedarford said...

So much for the Bush-neocon fantasy that 450 billion dollars, 14,000 casualties and America's longest ever war would "uplift the noble, democracy-hungry Afghan freedom-lovers".

What a fucking waste of American blood and treasure!!
Funny thing is that shortly after the Vietnam War ended, Vietnam became a nation welcoming of Western and Japanese business, tourism. The people are friendly and hospitable. My nephew did two years on his 1st overseas assignment split between Australia and Vietnam. Enjoyed the people and the business atmosphere very much and how little the people had in any resentment of Americans, Japanese..Chinese..a different matter. But he could trvel anywhere in safety, and got regular greetings, hospitality, and questions on America.
He attended Catholic services in Vietnam, his time in Australia was sometimes going to a Methodist church his girlfriend's family

Try THAT in Afghanistan. Now or 40 years from now.

Carnifex said...

Again and again I tell you people but you don't listen. There is no such thing as extreme Islam. Ask any muslim, there is ONLY Islam. That is why you don't see "moderate" muslims protesting terrorism.

Every sick, depraved human behavior is touted in the Koran. The haditha is based on the life of Mohammed, and in that long life he was a slave owner, a murderer, a pederast, a misogynist, a homosexual,an adulterer, etc...

The "duty" of all muslims is to live a life like Mohammed. So when your "ideal" human is a man/bear/pig hodgepodge of Jeffrey Dahmer, Adolph Hitler, and Woody Allen, you're pretty much going to be anethma to any advanced society.

Oh, and there's that little caveat Ol' Mo' put in there about "this is it, no edits or rewrites after me" locks these people into a 17th century philosophy with no hope of a reformation like the Christian churches went through.

So you ask me whats the solution? Unfortunately, the only way to stop someone who will not stop is to stop them so hard they can't start again. Nazis and muslims will recognize this "final" solution, they've been advocating it for Jews for centuries.

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