October 28, 2011

A quote from Bill Daley, the White House Chief of Staff. Guess what he's talking about?

"That was a freakin’ drag out, knockout, every day sort of bing-bang-bong. There isn’t that now. There isn’t a sort of 'woe is us,' kind of dragging around, tail between the legs. Maybe there ought to be, but there sure isn’t."

What is he comparing to what?

He's comparing the Clinton impeachment days to the present situation in the White House.

Daley was Secretary of Commerce in the Clinton years. The entire linked article is worth reading. Excerpt:
So do you think, I ask, that President Obama would be satisfied saying, “We did a good job, we did good stuff,” and if he’s a one-term president, “That’s the verdict of history”?

“Nope, no, absolutely not!” Daley begins, shaking his head and then growing more outraged at the thought of a single term entering the president’s mind. “I think he’d be angry! Pissed! Unhappy! Frustrated! No, if somebody said yes to that, that would be crazy.

But the polls stink.

“Considering the debacle that he came in with, the tough choices he’s made and how there have been few, if any breaks, he says it himself all the time,” Daley says. “He doesn’t know why he’s as high as 44 percent.”


Sal said...

“He doesn’t know why he’s as high as 44 percent.”

Let me help the Prez out: You're black, that's why you're as high as 44%.

Speaking truth to power.

cassandra lite said...

Translation: "Governing is tough. Campaigning is bitchin'."

MadisonMan said...

He doesn’t know why he’s as high as 44 percent

Americans are used to having a President they disagree with, and who they think is doing a crappy job.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn’t matter who had become President in 2009, we were not going to return to pre-recession levels of employment (or anything close). There were actions that the government could have taken that would have caused unemployment to soar much higher than 10% (most Republican economists believe this).

Those who blame Obama for the current economic state should keep this in mind.

Titus said...

I am using a new special bath wash and it makes my balls tingle.

It's a light, clean, tingley feeliing.

Tingley Balls.

Try it, out will like it.

Scott M said...

Those who blame Obama for the current economic state should keep this in mind.

I don't blame him for what was going on in 2008-2009 any more than I blame any member of Congress, which is quite a bit. To put a finer point on it, though, I do blame his administration's handling of things SINCE they took office that have dragged this whole thing out longer than it historically should have been and concentrating on bullshit agenda items for roughly half the country rather than earnestly trying to govern everyone to the best of their abilities.

Aside from the financial aspects of this administration's tenure thus far, there have simply been too many "the cops acted stupidly" moments for me to take their executive leadership abilities seriously. I do not believe a third of the power is in the best hands possible.

Cedarford said...

Obama still commands 80-85% "strongly approve of President Obama" poll numbers by his black flock.

Far right dingbats "predict" that blacks are poised to break out and vote for a true family values Negro they can put up against Obama. Once that was Alan Keyes, then Our Condi!! was supposed to come in and provoke blacks to rush to the nearest Republican HQ if she ran in 2008, and now Herman Cain is touted as The Only Possible Choice because he is Negro and would take away 1/2 to 1/3rd of Obama's black votes.

It ain't gonna happen, rightwingers! Your affirmative action ju jitsu fantasies are as out there in lala land as the belief the more huge tax cuts on the noble oppressed Jobs Creator (TM) folks will turn the economy around.

Joe said...

"considering the debacle he came in with..."

Fuck, I'm tired of this excuse. The point of being president isn't that it's easy, but that it's hard.

But never forget that Obama believed in and campaigned on the notion of the imperial presidency.

"Those who blame Obama for the current economic state should keep this in mind."

I do because there is something he could have done, but didn't have the courage. Neither did Bush. Which was to let capitalism work and have these businesses fail. Things would have been much worse on the short term, but we'd also be booming out of recession right now. Don't believe me; just look at Iceland.

Instead, Obama massively increased government spending and knee jerk regulation. He gave Congress carte blanc on doing all their pet projects. It was a disaster with both intended and unintended consequences. The economy is recovering in spite of Obama and Congress, not because of them.

Lucius said...

It's like Samuel Skinner on acid. Can Rahm come back in time or does he enjoy being Secretary of State too much?

My balls have been tingling lately as well. I think I need to stop sleeping in the same pair of briefs for a week.

Anonymous said...

" I do not believe a third of the power is in the best hands possible.”

I agree. And I’d wonder when any power was ever in the best possible hands. That’s an odd standard.

I’d say the statement “the cops acted stupidly” is hardly damning compared to the statements of past presidents or current candidates.

MayBee said...

When the solutions aren't working, blame the problem!

AllenS said...

He doesn’t know why he’s as high as 44 percent.

And, neither do I.

Chip S. said...

There were actions that the government could have taken that would have caused unemployment to soar much higher than 10%

That's it? That's the official OfO line to be put out there?

We could have fucked things up even worse.

That's some impressive bar-lowering there.

Scott M said...

I’d say the statement “the cops acted stupidly” is hardly damning compared to the statements of past presidents or current candidates.

I never said it was. My point was that it was the first example that I noticed in long string that continues to this day of stupid, unnecessary, and unforced errors made by this particular administration.

Anonymous said...

"I do because there is something he could have done, but didn't have the courage. Neither did Bush. Which was to let capitalism work and have these businesses fail.”

I’m sure that if unemployment had hit 15-20%, conservatives would be cheering Obama’s courage.

There is no reason to think that the economy would be roaring back...had we simply let the domestic banking and auto industry collapse.

Henry said...

the debacle that he came in with

Funny how important timing is.

W came in with a debacle, but it just hadn't happened yet. The debacle was the crash of the Nasdaq bubble that had propped up the Clinton administration's budgets for a term and a half.

Nothing W did was going to stop that bubble from crashing.

Most presidents get screwed by history. Welcome to the club, Obama.

Sofa King said...

I’m sure that if unemployment had hit 15-20%, conservatives would be cheering Obama’s courage.

As opposed to the status quo, where they shower him with praise?

Chip S. said...

I’m sure that if unemployment had hit 15-20%, conservatives would be cheering Obama’s courage.

You're on a roll today, UUID. The Great Helmsman could have sat back and let unemployment hit 20%!! But our wise and bold leader refused to allow this...bravely.

I'm waiting for the Institute for Policy Studies "research" showing that we can't afford the hit to GDP that would occur if people took time off from work to vote, thereby demonstrating that we need to call off the 2012 elections.

traditionalguy said...

The pretense continues as if Obama is another misunderstood American hero.

Pardon me, but his problem is that he could not fool all of there people all of the time about that mask of trying to help Americans.

The real Obama is a traitor sworn to destroy the American economy and thus the American military capabilities so that the Global Government can take over. He cares for nothing else.

Why else did he target American energy production for destruction?

The CO2 is a pollutant Hoax is a total fraud that Obama shamelessly used as a thin cover story, but the voters have figured that out as the climate gets colder and colder the faster more CO2 is added.

The latest attack on Americans from Obama is his deliberate incitement of civil disorder.

And then there is Obama's hated enemy called Israel which he is trapping for the final solution.

Curious George said...

Dear White House:

Tip: You would be better served by less yackin' and more packin'.

Hagar said...

I am getting very tired of this "considering the debacle he inherited from the Bush administration ..." bullshit.

Please go back and look at the "debacle that George W. inherited from the Clinton administration" when the ".com bubble" broke in the spring of 2000- before W. had even been nominated.
From then on until the Dodd/Frank housing bubble broke in 2008, the economy showed steady progress under the Bushies, which is a sharp contrast with what it now has done under the Obamabots!

Cedarford said...

Latest nauseating stuff from the Obamites:

1. State Department says they bought 70,000 dollars worth of Obama's books to hand out to visiting foreign dignitaries. "Obama's unique journey is valuable in instructing interested foreign opinion makers and government officials".

2. While screaming against coal, oil, and nat gas and the temporary environmental footprint that exploration and production at small sites creates - its balls to the wall time for Solar!

LATimes - The Obama administration on Thursday unveiled its road map for solar energy development, directing large-scale industrial projects to 285,000 acres of desert land in the western U.S. while opening 20 million acres of the Mojave for new development.

The Bureau of Land Management's long-awaited "solar energy zones" are intended to make some of the desert's most sensitive landscapes less desirable for solar prospecting by identifying "sweet spots" that have already passed environmental requirements and therefore promise expedited permitting, U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said.

"These 445 square miles of zones are … where development will be driven," Salazar said on a conference call with reporters.

The 17 solar energy zones in six western states — including two extensive areas in California — were identified by their absence of major environmental or cultural conflicts. But nothing prevents a developer from requesting permission to build on federal land outside the preferred areas.

The policy, which is expected to be finalized sometime next year, would not apply to the 13 solar projects already under construction across the West, nor the 79 pending applications that would occupy 685,000 acres of public land. There are 20 government subsidized large utility-scale solar applications awaiting approval in California alone.

220 acres in ANWR cannot be set aside for evil, evil oil drilling according to Democrats because "it would violate the pristineness of it all".

Meanwhile, the government is paying for contractors and Fed biologists to survey and remove "endangered species" that lie in the path of their desert solar plots leased or soon to be leased to their subsidized donors so Mr Big Pure Smiling Happyface Sun can shed its golden beams on hundreds of square miles of solar farms....and of course consumers will be ordered to buy the very expensive solar generated product. Through their electric rates as well as their taxes!

Anonymous said...

"My point was that it was the first example that I noticed in long string that continues to this day of stupid, unnecessary, and unforced errors made by this particular administration.”

There will always be stupid/unneccessary errors.
Those that loathe our President the most seem to think that all major problems would be solved if we would only slash taxes, repeal the ACA, and abolish the EPA. It must be nice to have a worldview that simple and unimpeded by reality.

MayBee said...

Obama said in an interview about two years ago that he intended to hand the next guy a country where everything had been taken care of, and that guy could start with a clean slate.

I think Obama really believes the country should work that way, and he got uniquely robbed of that kind of handover.

Anonymous said...

"I am getting very tired of this "considering the debacle he inherited from the Bush administration ..." bullshit.”

Those criticizing Obama are the only ones in this thread who have mentioned Bush. A big chunk or our problem right now is Europe. Neither Bush nor Obama had a role in creation of that problem or can solve it.
The same cannot be said of Goldman Sachs.

Anonymous said...

"I'm waiting for the Institute for Policy Studies "research" showing that we can't afford the hit to GDP that would occur if people took time off from work to vote, thereby demonstrating that we need to call off the 2012 elections.”

While you’re waiting, you might want to a second coat of aluminum on those windows.

MadisonMan said...

From then on until the Dodd/Frank housing bubble broke in 2008, the economy showed steady progress under the Bushies

How is any economy progressing if it is influenced by a growing bubble?

edutcher said...

He isn't as high as 44%. The polls routinely skew the sample (as, I suspect, they did for Willie), so he looks better than he really is.

They skewed in the opposite direction for Dubya, IMHO.

Henry said...

the debacle that he came in with

Funny how important timing is.

W came in with a debacle, but it just hadn't happened yet. The debacle was the crash of the Nasdaq bubble that had propped up the Clinton administration's budgets for a term and a half.

The difference between the Dubya and GodZero Administrations is that Dubya never blamed anybody, he just did the best he could to set it right.

Again, character counts.

SPImmortal said...

It wouldn’t matter who had become President in 2009, we were not going to return to pre-recession levels of employment (or anything close). There were actions that the government could have taken that would have caused unemployment to soar much higher than 10% (most Republican economists believe this).

Those who blame Obama for the current economic state should keep this in mind.


Bullshit. Obama's own projections showed unemployment lower than it is now even WITHOUT the stimulus. With the stimulus it was supposed to be much lower. Never minf the fact unemployment is even being severly undercounted because of discouraged workers.

Obama has actually lost jobs from the very bottom of the crash if you consider the birth death model. No one coming out of college can find anything.

That is most certainly his fault. He has pursued a myriad of anti-growth policies which have crippled the economy.

Cedarford said...

fdf5c032-b5fe-11e0-b34c-000bcdca4d7a said...
It wouldn’t matter who had become President in 2009, we were not going to return to pre-recession levels of employment (or anything close). There were actions that the government could have taken that would have caused unemployment to soar much higher than 10% (most Republican economists believe this).

Those who blame Obama for the current economic state should keep this in mind.

1. True for the 1st part. And the more responsible Republican candidates say that government had to act, the Republican and Dem economists and Fed appointies were right - the US financial system itself was at high risk of collapse without a bailout to the financiers and corporatists.
What sucked was the influence of those people came into play and they for the most part not only walked away without jail time or financial losses - but walked away further enriched.

2. It must do Nixons soul considerable comfort to know besides Harding and Hoover, he will rank well above Jimmy Carter, GW Bush, and Obama in historical estimation.
Obama was handed a giant shit sandwich by the Bushies, the Goldman Sachs types, and Dem and Rep insider cronies in Wall Street's pocket.
To which Obama made a bigger shit sandwich in response to.

Bush:So concerned with a few hundred Muslim Evildoers he ignored every other matter in front of him for 7 years until it all blew up in his face.

(I also don't think Reagan and Clinton are off the hook for things they did that set America up for decline. Free trade, globalism, outsourcing, concentration of wealth in the hands of a few rich people, and dereg and skies the limit! leveraging of the financial and housing industries..It started in Carters day, but there were leaders at the helm between Jimmy and Dubya/Obama)

cubanbob said...

fdf5c032-b5fe-11e0-b34c-000bcdca4d7a said..

You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts. Obama is a fuckup. By his own metric he has failed. Nothing he has done has improved the economy or will improve the economy.

As for tax cuts, it is always better to have people keep their own money than to take it just to pay off favored friends like civil service unions or campaign contributors (Solyndra).

If you are going to be a whinny leftist bitch blaming Bush, the door swings both way. Bush inherited 911 from Clinton. Bush inherited a stock market crash and recession from Clinton. On balance most sane people given a choice between ten years of Bush or one more year of Obama would go for Bush.

Anonymous said...

"You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts. Obama is a fuckup. By his own metric he has failed. Nothing he has done has improved the economy or will improve the economy.”

This is a post filled to the brim with facts.
Next you’re going to tell me how taxes have soared under Obama. It just feels right in your heart, doesn’t it?

Carol_Herman said...

Macy's talking to Gimbel's.

Each store wants customers. One is on the "better side" of the street.

Prices inside both are about equal.

The GOP hasn't figured out how to take their goons ... who appeal to the religious right ... and get them the heck off the stage!

For some reason there are people who say "it doesn't matter whom the GOP selects. Because Obama is doomed to lose.

Just like Jimmy Carter.

Except, back in 1980, if the elder Bush got nominated, Jimmy Carter would have been a two-term president.

The elder Bush was not!

And, 9/11 gave us such a loss of freedom ... and so much "help" to the saudi's ... that we're losing our grip.

Obama? He's going to do nothing at all.

But the GOP can't even best this "plan." Go figure.

Mick said...

He will be a one term President, and his Presidency will be null and void-- like it never existed.

Justia.com scrubbed Minor v. Happersett cites in at least SCOTUS 25 cases leading up to the last election. This has been documented, and evidence saved-- before Justia had a chance to put robots that blocked Justia's entries in the Wayback Machine.

It was certainly known that the PRECEDENT of Minor v. Happersett seriously endangers the belief that Obama is eligible, since it defines natural born Citizen as one born in the US of 2 US Citizen parents.

The issue, despite attempts by the Complicit media, is now shifting to Obama's dual Citizenship at birth--- witness the recent questions over Rubio-- which you all first heard from me.

Between Solyndra, Fast and Furious, and Justiagate (not that the "law prof" really cares about that, since it is the leading resource of SCOTUS cases, and has been caught in a big lie)there is plenty to Impeach the Usurper over. The bottom line is that millions have been educated as to Obama's ineligibility, and he will definitely be challenged in the next election-- if he makes it that far.


SPImmortal said...

There will always be stupid/unneccessary errors.
Those that loathe our President the most seem to think that all major problems would be solved if we would only slash taxes, repeal the ACA, and abolish the EPA. It must be nice to have a worldview that simple and unimpeded by reality.


Don't forget repead of Obama's healthcare monstrosity, the worst piece of legislation signed into law since the 18th amendment. For that alone Obama is a total fuck up and much worse than GWB was on his worst day.

I bet you that whatever president comes in after Obama is mercifully done will be able to create more jobs in their first year than Obama created in four.

SPImmortal said...

"You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts. Obama is a fuckup. By his own metric he has failed. Nothing he has done has improved the economy or will improve the economy.”

This is a post filled to the brim with facts.
Next you’re going to tell me how taxes have soared under Obama. It just feels right in your heart, doesn’t it?


What he said is utterly factual. The economy hasn't improved at all since the very bottom of the crash in mid 2009, especially unemployment. Obama has actually lost jobs from the bottom according to the birth/death model. The very definition of an L shaped recovery - no recovery.

What about that do you dispute?

Anonymous said...

"Don't forget repead of Obama's healthcare monstrosity, the worst piece of legislation signed into law since the 18th amendment. For that alone Obama is a total fuck up and much worse than GWB was on his worst day.

I bet you that whatever president comes in after Obama is mercifully done will be able to create more jobs in their first year than Obama created in four.”

Step 1 - Vote out the 2nd politician to pass an individual mandate

Step 2 - Vote in the 1st politician to pass an individual mandate

Step 3 - JOBS!!!!

Anonymous said...

"What he said is utterly factual....

What about that do you dispute?”

That I agree or disagree doesn’t make something a fact.
My original point was that no President could have restored pre-recession employment levels. Had McCain embarked upon the course of action he was promising in his campaign, unemployment would be much MUCH worse.

SPImmortal said...

Step 1 - Vote out the 2nd politician to pass an individual mandate

Step 2 - Vote in the 1st politician to pass an individual mandate

Step 3 - JOBS!!!!


Is this supposed to be some sort of rebuttal? This is nonsense.

I would like you to find just one single fiscal/economic policy of Obama's to defend.

1. Obamacare - such a poison pill for businesses that the Obama administration has to hand out exemptions like candy

2. Cash for clunkers - even Obama's admin admitted this was a failure

3. Auto bailouts - spend taxpayer money but maintain the same structural problems (union rules) that led to GM's bankruptcy in the first place. Great stuff.

4. Stimulus - no shovel ready projects, just a temporary bailout of state employees.

5. Green jobs - lol

Great track record jugears has there.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I thought Clinton deserved impeachment for perjury, but I also thought it was a stupid move by Republicans and doomed to failure. Let's compare Clinton's lying to protect his ass versus Hillary with Obama's criminal conspiracy in the deaths of two American immigration agents and over a hundred Mexican citizens. Throw in a covert attempt by his administration to subvert the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. If those aren't high crimes and misdemeanors, then I don't know what is. Obama can avoid the gavel if Holder resigns, and resigns soon. If he doesn't, the shit will be very deep, and not long in flowing.

SPImmortal said...

"What he said is utterly factual....

What about that do you dispute?”

That I agree or disagree doesn’t make something a fact.
My original point was that no President could have restored pre-recession employment levels. Had McCain embarked upon the course of action he was promising in his campaign, unemployment would be much MUCH worse.


You couldn't even tell me what McCain was promising or why it would have made things worse. Your all bluff with no command of facts or details.

The deeper the recession the greater the bounceback. That is the rule. A president can fuck it up with anti-growth socialist and statist policies, though. See Carter, Jimmy. We are in an L shaped recovery and that is all on Obama.

Chip S. said...

My original point was that no President could have restored pre-recession employment levels.

Incessant repetition of this claim doesn't make it true.

And even if it could be shown somehow that under McCain the U-rate would only have reached 6.5% by now, that would qualify as not having "restored pre-recession levels," so your claim would be technically correct and yet utterly misleading.

The "technically correct" part is admittedly a step up from the usual DNC bullshit. I'll give you credit for that.

There you go; a nice, low bar just for you.

David said...

"bing, bang, bong . . . . "

Isn't that hat got Clinton into trouble in the first place?

Mick said...

SPImmortal said,

"You couldn't even tell me what McCain was promising or why it would have made things worse. Your all bluff with no command of facts or details."

McCain wasn't eligible either-- he was never meant to win, and his candidacy only served as protection for Obama.
McCain was born in the PCZ and needed a statute (USC 8 SS. 1403) to become a US Citizen. Natural born Citizens need no statute to become US Citizens-- just like V. Minor did not need the 14th Amendment, since she was born in America of 2 US Citizen parents--

David said...

Latest nauseating stuff from the Obamites:

1. State Department says they bought 70,000 dollars worth of Obama's books to hand out to visiting foreign dignitaries.

And who else do we suppose has been buying Obama's books in the last several years, generating millions of dollars in royalties?

Believe me, it's not the general public. You have to look hard to find his books in the store.

I don't think there is much doubt that Obama's friends and lackeys have been pumping up his income during his Presidency by buying warehouses of books.

Great fodder for an enterprising journalist, eh? (Do not hold your breath.)

Anonymous said...

"Is this supposed to be some sort of rebuttal? This is nonsense. “

Will you rally against Obama because he passed an individual mandate with the same fervor that you will rally for Romney (who passed an individual mandate)?

And once again, my point was/is that there was very little any President could have done in 2009 to prevent massive unemployment. 40% of the stimulus was tax cuts. Why are tax cuts evil when Democrats pass them but righteous when Republicans pass them?

Oclarki said...

fdf5c032-b5fe-11e0-b34c-000bcdca4d7a WTF kind of screen name it that? Are you a robot?

Anonymous said...

"fdf5c032-b5fe-11e0-b34c-000bcdca4d7a WTF kind of screen name it that? Are you a robot?”

It’s Blogger-assigned.
What does Siri say if asked if she is a robot?

Anonymous said...

"You couldn't even tell me what McCain was promising or why it would have made things worse. Your all bluff with no command of facts or details.”

Well I guess that settles everything, doesn’t it? Your command of facts/details is impressive.

cubanbob said...

fdf5c032-b5fe-11e0-b34c-000bcdca4d7a said...
"You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts. Obama is a fuckup. By his own metric he has failed. Nothing he has done has improved the economy or will improve the economy.”

This is a post filled to the brim with facts.
Next you’re going to tell me how taxes have soared under Obama. It just feels right in your heart, doesn’t it?

10/28/11 11:54 AM

You are dodging. The plain and simple fact he ran on 'fixing' the economy. He implemented his 'fix'. It hasn't worked and has only made things worse. Taxes haven't soared because he hasn't been able to do what he said he wants to do, so what is your point? That even for that he is incompetent? That Obama should be able to double down on stupid just give him a chance? The best thing he could to get the economy moving would be to resign today along with Biden and Reid.

Paul said...

I'm having a hard time imagining much fervent rallying for Romney. Mostly holding of noses and voting ABO. Hopefully we'll have Cain, with all his flaws, as our nominee.

Anonymous said...

What I find amusing are all those people claiming Obama inherited the economic mess who conveniently forget that Obama became President by first becoming a Senator.

Anonymous said...

@ fdf5 blah blah blah

"Will you rally against Obama because he passed an individual mandate with the same fervor that you will rally for Romney (who passed an individual mandate)?"

US Constitution restricts the federal government to the enumerated powers defined within the US Constitution. The US Constitution reserves all unenumerated rights and privileges to the States and the People respectively.

1. Romney could pass an individual mandate because the States are not restricted from doing so.

2. Obama cannot pass an individual mandate because the federal government is restricted from doing so.

Next up in the education of fdf5 blah blah blah: Schoolhouse Rock videos!

Anonymous said...

"He implemented his 'fix'. It hasn't worked and has only made things worse. Taxes haven't soared because he hasn't been able to do what he said he wants to do....”

If I understand these two consecutive sentences correctly, you’re saying:

1) Obama’s preferred policies were enacted and were ineffective...and that

2) Obama’s preferred policies have not been enacted.

Granted, neither of these address my point. You obviously believe that a course of action could have been taken that would be vastly superior. Whatever that course is, it remains a mystery.

Cedarford said...

Cubanbob - "On balance most sane people given a choice between ten years of Bush or one more year of Obama would go for Bush."

No, most sane people would not want to be locked into another 10 years of Dubya and the big spending, corporatist, Open Borders, free trade Republicans - to spare them one more year of Obama pain.
Just as voters back in 1979 would likely reject bringing Ford back for 10 years rather than replace Jimmy Carter with someone new and better in a year.

Anonymous said...

"1. Romney could pass an individual mandate because the States are not restricted from doing so.

2. Obama cannot pass an individual mandate because the federal government is restricted from doing so.”

So the reason for the hostility to Obama re: the ACA is limited to the fact that Obama signed a law that (you believe) will get struck down by the Supreme Court?

It’s hysterical that the individual mandate is SO evil that the Republicans are about to nominate the guy who did it first.

Scott M said...

It’s hysterical that the individual mandate is SO evil that the Republicans are about to nominate the guy who did it first.

What's hysterical is that you completely miss the point of the opposition to Obamacare after all this time and publicity (from both sides).

Sigivald said...

This Bill Daley is both a Chicago Daley, and a recent investment banker, from JP Morgan, and now head of staff for the President?

Oh, man, the delicious, delicious schadenfreude.

Seriously, I couldn't make this shit up - if I'd invented this in September of 2008 as what October 2011 would look like, people would have rightfully laughed in my face.

Cedarford said...

Paul said...
I'm having a hard time imagining much fervent rallying for Romney. Mostly holding of noses and voting ABO. Hopefully we'll have Cain, with all his flaws, as our nominee.

By all his flaws, you mean how difficult it would be to imagine a white person with the same credentials - 15 yrs away from being an exec, zero elected office experience - running for President?

Or for that matter a white man running on the basis he got a meaningless title at Harvard, did nothing in his profession, wrote nothing except books about himself, and served 2 years as a US senator after being a state senator largely voting "present"??

Yes, Cain and Obama do great preacherspeak and make many true believers feel good about themselves and warm to "the guy with absolute moral authority as a black person".

I like Christie, because at least he had the honesty and guts to say that he believed he lacked the experience and broader abilities at this stage in his career - to do a good job as President.
Unlike Cain, Obama, Bachmann, Palin...who are purely in it for the greater glory of themselves. Who believe if they can rise higher, so what if they do an abysmal job in the public trust? It's all about ambition and winning!

Anonymous said...

"What's hysterical is that you completely miss the point of the opposition to Obamacare after all this time and publicity (from both sides).”

I can understand the opposition to the ACA. And there is ample opposition (far more than merely stems from a principled dedication to Federalism). How much or the current unemployment would disappear if the individual mandate were declared unconstitutional today?

And in the midst of economic conditions that make this President very vulnerable, Republicans are about to nominate the first politician to pass an individual mandate. Exquisite.

Tyrone Slothrop said...


edwardroyce is correct to the letter. It was implicit within the framework of the law that Romney could endorse the individual mandate for Massachusetts. He has made it clear that if the people of Massachusetts wanted it, it was his job to sign the legislation. This follows the letter and spirit of the tenth amendment. Neither Obama nor Congress has the authority to impose it on the nation, and this will be borne out by the Supreme Court. In the meantime, economic growth and employment flounder, in large part because of the Democrats' illegal attempt to control one-fifth of the economy.

Anonymous said...

"This Bill Daley is both a Chicago Daley, and a recent investment banker, from JP Morgan, and now head of staff for the President?”

At some point, I think the right will need to decide if they’re going to attack the administration for being Socialist or whether they’re going to attack the administration for too greedily capitalist.

Once the nomination is acquired, Romney may well be attacking the President from the left.

Heads would be exploding all over the conservative blogosphere.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

And in the midst of economic conditions that make this President very vulnerable, Republicans are about to nominate the first politician to pass an individual mandate. Exquisite

That’s a bit of a stretch, an ASSUMPTION….We are as likely to nominate ANOTHER:
1) Texan; or
2) Black man.

MayBee said...

At some point, I think the right will need to decide if they’re going to attack the administration for being Socialist or whether they’re going to attack the administration for too greedily capitalist.

The corporatism is part of the socialism, not capitalism.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

fdf5c032-b5fe-11e0-b34c-000bcdca4d7a said.

At some point, I think the right will need to decide if they’re going to attack the administration for being Socialist or whether they’re going to attack the administration for too greedily capitalist.

Governments should not be capitalist. Capitalists should be capitalist. When the two climb in bed together (cough, Goldman Sachs, cough, GE) you get fascism.

Anonymous said...

"That’s a bit of a stretch, an ASSUMPTION….We are as likely to nominate ANOTHER:
1) Texan; or
2) Black man.”

It is a belief. One with which the Intrade Markets agree. You think Cain and Perry have equal chances?

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

It is a belief. One with which the Intrade Markets agree. You think Cain and Perry have equal chances

Right now Cain is beating Perry, and both can beat Romney…in point of fact in march/April ’79 Reagan trailed Carter, by 25 points! The point being, it’s WAY too early to say who is going to do what, to whom….

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Herman Cain is at 7.4% on InTrade. Not a lot of confidence there, but that's a hell of a good bet. In October 2007 Obama had 11.5%

hombre said...

At some point, I think the right will need to decide if they’re going to attack the administration for being Socialist or whether they’re going to attack the administration for too greedily capitalist.

The better course might be simply to point out that Obama is a liar and a hypocrite.

Brian Brown said...

fdf5c032-b5fe-11e0-b34c-000bcdca4d7a said...

This is a post filled to the brim with facts.
Next you’re going to tell me how taxes have soared under Obama. It just feels right in your heart, doesn’t it?

No, just point out that health care and gasoline costs have soared under Obama.

Brian Brown said...

fdf5c032-b5fe-11e0-b34c-000bcdca4d7a said...

There is no reason to think that the economy would be roaring back...had we simply let the domestic banking and auto industry collapse.

The auto industry and "domestic banking" were never going to collapse.

And nothing Obama and the Democratic Congress did prevented a "collapse"

Anonymous said...

Can we work the word, "unexpectedly" into this somewhere,dammit? How about a little help? I can't do this alone. I'm sick of doing all the heavy lifting. Well?

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