I can either spend the next hour at my desk listening to the dreamy Paul Ryan, or listening to that pussy Rich Lowry as he pulls up his skirt in fright while talking to that insufferable nutcracker Michelle Goldberg on bloggingheads.
Don’t get me wrong Althouse denizens, I like Ryan, or rather respect him-not knowing him- and agree with much of what he says, BUT, he voted for: 1) TARP 2) The Auto Bail-out. All this “love” for Ryan as POTUS candidate needs to be tempered that WHEN IN POWER, or when his constituents were in need of Federal largesse, Ryan was NOT so “Conservative.”
I was waiting with bated breath for one of you to announce Paul Ryan as your latest dream candidate. The Tea Grannies will never vote for him, didn't you see their signs "Keep your Government hands off my Medicare!" My attorney daughter did see him in person at a function and said he was actually quite handsome, she said Walker has a misshapen head though.
Well Mito as: 1) The Ryan Plan DOESN’T affect anyone over 55; and 2) Poll data suggests even SENIORS understand Entitlement Reform is necessary I believe your “snark” may be early, off-target, and wrong….
No doubt you have a plan on how to defeat Ryan in 2012.
Ryan is the 3rd disliked member of Congress, in a Congress that has a 9% approval rating. But, the bill to keep people from voting, the gerrymandering bill, and shitpiles of Koch money will probably protect him.
Ryan isn't perfect, as Joe notes, but at least he wants to do something. I prefer Rand Paul's ideas for the near term, but, as a plan for the long game, Ryan is a good start.
Most of the ruling class think they can preserve the status quo when it's already gone forever.
Mitochondri-Allie said...
I was waiting with bated breath for one of you to announce Paul Ryan as your latest dream candidate.
The one-celled intelligence is about 4 months behind the curve.
And the word is "baited".
(The Blonde is fond of saying, "I'll be waiting with worm on tongue")
No doubt you have a plan on how to defeat Ryan in 2012.
Ryan is the 3rd disliked member of Congress, in a Congress that has a 9% approval rating. But, the bill to keep people from voting, the gerrymandering bill, and shitpiles of Koch money will probably protect him.
He's also undoubtedly the most known member of congress behind maybe Pelosi.
I like how you claim how unpopular he is and then claim he'll be reelected. Way to hedge your bets.
I was waiting with bated breath for one of you to announce Paul Ryan as your latest dream candidate. The Tea Grannies will never vote for him, didn't you see their signs "Keep your Government hands off my Medicare!" My attorney daughter did see him in person at a function and said he was actually quite handsome, she said Walker has a misshapen head though.
More of the Democrats' War Against Math.
Must bother you to have somebody that actually can think more than 10 minutes into the future pull you out of the liberal fantasy world you've constructed for yourself.
Entitlements are unsustainable and if they're no reform they will run out of funds.
The correct spelling is actually bated breath but it’s so common these days to see it written as baited breath that there’s every chance that it will soon become the usual form
Well Mito good wrok on the English usage…for someone who represents the “good, the tolerant and diverse” you need to work on your anger and self-righteousness…actually you don’t…I’ve found the Left to be EVERYTHING they accuse their opponents of being, narrow-minded, intolerant, self-righteous, and bigoted…but at least PRETEND you’re nicer. Being the (putative)Ancestor of someone serving Our Great Nation, doesn’t actually give you UNIMPEACHABLE MORAL AUTHORITY, though I’m sure you think it does.
Joe, why pretend to be nice to you folks? YOU don't pretend do to be an ass, you just are naturally. My gloves have come off and they're staying off.
I think conservatives have already proven themselves to be "nice folks" by conducting themselves in a decent and law abiding manner throught the Tea Party gatherings.
Joe, why pretend to be nice to you folks? YOU don't pretend do to be an ass, you just are naturally. My gloves have come off and they're staying off
By “@$$” you mean I disagree with you and usually have reasons and evidence….Please continue on….explain my “@$$-ness” if you would? I’m not sure how you arrived at your conclusions, be complete, show all your work. All I can see is that I am not an Occupy(City) Supporter and not a Progressive/Leftist and argue against your position…Heck, Mito that would make YOU an @rse, from my perspective, yet you don’t see me trotting that out, do you? Or does being the (Putative)Ancestor of someone serving Our Great Nation mean that to dispute with you is to be, by definition, an “@$$?”
If you're the smartest guy in the room and Ryan walks in, you're now the second smartest.
This idiot doesn't even write any legislation. The Heritage Foundation does it for him. Whatever comes out of Ryan's mouth is exactly what the rich elite $350 bottle of wine sippers already put in there for him. Which of course includes plenty of lies.
It is also worth noting that Bloomberg News this week reported that “Obama’s White House has approved fewer regulations than his predecessor George W. Bush at this same point in their tenures, and the estimated costs of those rules haven’t reached the annual peak set in fiscal 1992 under Bush’s father.”
What hypocrites, you Conservatives congratulate yourselves on being "nice"? So do any of you nice people still think the young Marine veteran that was shot in the face at the Oakland protest is a fake? Do you treat any liberal that has the balls to come here and spar with you good folks "nicely? Keep waving that hypocrite sign.
I don't expect to be treated with kid gloves here on Althouse's blog, but when some of you engage me in bare knuckle fighting, I'm on. LOVE pointing out to you what hypocrites you are. It's my new mission.
This idiot doesn't even write any legislation. The Heritage Foundation does it for him. Whatever comes out of Ryan's mouth is exactly what the rich elite $350 bottle of wine sippers already put in there for him. Which of course includes plenty of lies
*WOW* that was well-reasoned and informative…he’s a liar and he doesn’t write his own legislation, say tell me if that is “ding” what does tha make Obama, he doesn’t WRITE his own either, in fact farming it out to Pelosi and Reid?
And the $350 bottle of wine, can I talk about Obama and his Wagyu Beef or Michelle’s $42,000 “Bling” too?
Still desperate Garage, you’re sounding more and more like White Southern Segregationists in circa 1966….
What hypocrites, you Conservatives congratulate yourselves on being "nice"? So do any of you nice people still think the young Marine veteran that was shot in the face at the Oakland protest is a fake? Do you treat any liberal that has the balls to come here and spar with you good folks "nicely? Keep waving that hypocrite sign
No but it does seem likely that he was “Administratively separated” for drug use (possibly) and ran an anti-Marine Website….
I don't expect to be treated with kid gloves here on Althouse's blog, but when some of you engage me in bare knuckle fighting, I'm on. LOVE pointing out to you what hypocrites you are. It's my new mission
“Bare knuckles” really why because we don’t AUTOMATICALLY grant you Moral Authority because an offspring of yours is overseas? Have you been called a “WiccanSatanist”, had someone tell you to “F^ck your mother?” When you get treated like “J” treats his opponents, you can cry….basically you don’t like the fact that you get reasoned opposition, here….
And I see, “hypocrisy” is a sin is it? How about OWS refusing to feed the Homeless and “Professional Freeloaders?” Isn’t that a bit rich AND a bit hypocritical? They are freeloading, but don’t want to feed OTHER freeloaders? The Rich 1% aren’t pulling their fair share of the load, but don’t impinge on THEIR Spaghetti Bolognese and Organic Chicken, and Beet and Goat Cheese Salad…and that ignores Michael Moore planning a documentary (quite rich a multi-millionaire, profiting from Occupy(City) or Russell Simmons (`$340Million net worth being hailed by OWS).
Me, I’d try to argue my case, and wouldn’t exactly try to claim hypocrisy from my opponents, were I you.
Really because you’re argument seemed to consist of: 1) $350 bottle of wine; and 2) Heritage Foundation wrote the bill. You and Mito seemed to get be all obsessed about minutiae and hypocrisy. So we just throw yours back at you. IF, you want to discuss the Ryan Roadmap or Cut, Cap and Balance, please feel free. But as long as you and Mito sputter “Hypocrites! ALEC Heritage Foundation 4350 Bottle of Wine” I don’t feel the need to expand the range of argument….when you get tired of having your face(s) shoved into the dog-squeeeze of Progressive Hypocrisy and silliness, and move onto substantive issues and arguments, I’ll be glad to.
UPDATE! 8/4/09 The Apollo Alliance has now ADMITTED that they wrote the Stimulus Bill AND the Cap and Trade Bill. It will only be a matter of time before America learns THEY wrote the Healthcare Bill too! from: Apollo Weekly Update, 2/20/09: Clean Energy Breakthrough in Stimulus, Next Steps By: Keith Schneider From: Apollo News Service Date: 2/20/2009 While the clean energy focus of the stimulus was inspired by the Apollo’s vision, the specific content of many of the bill’s provisions was influenced by policy proposals that the Apollo Alliance made last year in The New Apollo Program and the Apollo Economic Recovery Act. “The recovery bill represents the focused work of labor, business, environmental and social justice organizations who developed a clear strategy about where the nation needed to go, and worked together to achieve it,” said Phil Angelides, former California treasurer and chairman of the Apollo Alliance.
Joe Can you at least link to what you're pasting? Or didn't you want anyone seeing where you're linking from? If the Apollo Alliance admits they wrote it, why not link directly to the Apollo Alliance?
Supposedly, "bated" is just a shortened version of abated. So the whole expression means something like waiting and holding your breath in anticipation.
Ryan well-read? Having a library chockful of Miss Rand, Greenspam, and similar libertarian geniuses (MURRAY ROTHBARD??) does not imply well-read. Maybe Ryan should do...the divine Miss Ayn,in drag--
Wow, Mito. I'm impressed with your ability to insult people. You must be some sort of super high level insulter! That's so cool. I bet you're at least a 7th grader!
Do you have anything of substance to say, any argument to make?
You seem to paint all the Tea Party types with the same brush, inspired by the one sign "keep your government hands off my medicare." I assume you are comfortable having us do the same with some of the more uh, colorful folks at OWS?
You say your gloves are off, but still, I see only your little insults. They're cute and everything, but really. That all you got?
Uh oh Byro Mito-Mormon-stonner trolll now put on his dress and makeup and switched to his kumbayah-liberal schtick as "Mito" (wow hs biology..holy Osmosis ratman) . Now tell us that all the protesters are vets again, like your preacher wants you too (this pedazo has been banned from numerous demo. sites,Garag (DU for one)--phony whitey mierda--like the snitch trying to sell lids for the cops..or t-shirts,tickets,etc).
Add "Tyrone Slothrop" to the list of Bellami the scumbag's phony names--he's switching between-7-8 names at any given time (note the puto does not link to any real blogs/profile etc)--an insane little piece of white trash binging on crack or tweek, running a mail order fraud in Sac (the state of CA onto him as well)
(Slothrop's a character from a Pynchon novel which the hick has never read-- Capn TP would not approve of some teabag joto plagiarizing his opus)
The correct spelling is actually bated breath but it’s so common these days to see it written as baited breath that there’s every chance that it will soon become the usual form, to the disgust of conservative speakers and the confusion of dictionary writers.
For heaven's sake. Your own link says it's wrong. Give it up.
The correct spelling is actually bated breath but it’s so common these days to see it written as baited breath that there’s every chance that it will soon become the usual form, to the disgust of conservative speakers and the confusion of dictionary writers.
For heaven's sake. Your own link says it's wrong. Give it up.
Calm down.
At the risk of awakening a sedated J, haven't you ever tweaked a Lefty just to see the reaction?
Besides, as I said, I've seen it that way all my life and, while it may have been wrong a couple of hundred years ago, it would seem to be up for grabs today.
Crypto Jew - "I like Ryan, or rather respect him-not knowing him- and agree with much of what he says, BUT, he voted for: 1) TARP" ============= Aside from rightwing House members posturing knowing it would pass but wanting to throw red meat to their backers, most people did. Had the House rightwingers come on board, but demanded that their John Galts and Hero jobs creators on Wall Street take a haircut as the price for their support, and an investigation of Fannie, Freddie - they could have got that included in TARP as a compromise.
************* Mitichondrial something - "So do any of you nice people still think the young Marine veteran that was shot in the face at the Oakland protest is a fake?"
Apparantly he was separated from the Service for drug use and was busily engaged in a crowd throwing rocks and bottles at cops who are in large part honorably discharged Veterans from the Marines and other branches. Many who still serve in the Reserve. Whereupon said druggie ex-Marine was hit on the noggin by a tear gas cartridge, with the odds that it was fired by a fellow veteran.
So much for that OWS goons "absolute moral authority".
Another conservative who touts himself as the "savior" of America.
Ryan is another who will not run and is merely positioning himself for another time...once President Obama has straightened out the mess left behind by George.
None of the GOP talking heads have any answers...only complaints and criticism.
Cedar - "Apparantly he was separated from the Service for drug use and was busily engaged in a crowd throwing rocks and bottles at cops who are in large part honorably discharged Veterans from the Marines and other branches."
Ryan's plan to gut Medicare/caid does in effect tosss Granny off the bridge (and all non-wealthy elderly citizens). Of course the right-wing Heritage-sleaze types love Ryan--cut all entitlement programs, and more or less toss the poor and elderly in the street. Aynonomics
Apparantly he was separated from the Service for drug use and was busily engaged in a crowd throwing rocks and bottles at cops who are in large part honorably discharged Veterans from the Marines and other branches.
Its disappointing that liberals keep pretending that if they keep demagoging long enough that medicare and SS will magically pay for themselves. Why won't they join Ryan and help overhaul the system so it survives? I've yet to see any democratic response to Ryan rise above vitriol and hyperbole about throwing granny off a cliff. This isn't a game.
You haters are really beyond the pale. First you tired to deny he was even a Marine vet, now you try to slime him in your typical ignorant fashion.
WRONG Scott Olsen and even of it were the same guy, so what if he would've been separated from the Marines for drug use, you ever hear of PTSD? After two deployments to Iraq, many of you would do no better, probably worse.
put up your resume Bubba-Love aka Bellami the stoner-troll. T-shirt salesman, nearly earned an LVN-AA from Casa GRande JC, and Donny Osmond imitator. whoa.
Spare us your liberal schtick Bubba-love about the protestors--not about helping the vets (but about taking on financial predators--like you, in very small way). Very few are vets. Sad, Olson won't help with your tele-marketing plans.
"... Its disappointing that liberals keep pretending that if they keep demagoging long enough that medicare and SS will magically pay for themselves..."
Well if we just tax the rich at 100% it will be ok.
Huh? What do you mean they don't have enough money?
In plain language, your head must be completely empty. You are commenting on a post where Paul Ryan, the brightest light in the conservative sky, goes on for 52 minutes expounding affirmative ideas for repairing the mess that big government his put us in, yet you call us the party of NO? You're an idiot, and blind in the bargain. You're entitled to disagree with Ryan, but to claim he has nothing to say is just stupid.
i wish the house liberals would put as much thought into saving medicare and SS as they do threadjacking this site. I guess if I didn't have any constructive ideas that's what I would do.
Allen S, I have THREE daughters, yes women have more than one child. One is a Corpsman serving in Afghanistan, one is an attorney in Madison, one is a stay and home Mom .
Maybe like finish that US History course for your GED, Hoosier-hayseed. Tax rates remain at historic lows--not that like the economic facts (ie, Bush cap.gains slashes, still in effect--lowest since like..pre-WWII,etc) interfere with the Teabug hype. During the Reagan admin--until '86-- marg. income and cap. gains rates were near 50% on highest bracket (ie Clinton the demopublican did not raise them back to that level) Of course lies work as well as truth in TP-land (and AA.com)
How does the obama administration plan to save SS or medicare? Running on stale populism and sanctimonous posturing? Will the superduper congressional subcommitee come up with a plan? As much as the lefties hate it, Ryan has offered one. Will they?
retard, what is the democratic plan? quick cut and paste one for crying out loud, so you can get back to babbling about brave liberals who served in Iraq
"mitochondri allie" say: "I have THREE daughters, yes women have more than one child."
A blatant lie from an ugly white conservative male, aka Bellami from Sac CA. (no site, no info, no profile--its usual MO)
Trace this sick lying fuck, and you will find that to be the case (and we're working on it...Mr Server Admin)--and will discover numerous other bogus names. Actually, it's seriously mentally ill.
Why won't they join Ryan and help overhaul the system so it survives?
Ryan's plan does not make Medicare survive, it replaces Medicare with a voucher program. In other words it eliminates Medicare and replaces it with something entirely different (that will be funded at a lower level and will cause massive gaps between the value of the vouchers and the cost of insurance). Just because Ryan still wants to call his new plan "Medicare" doesn't make it Medicare.
Ryan has read (and believes) too much Ayn Rand. Such morally and socially stunted people should not be allowed to make decisions in the government.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Why should I? I'm not out to prove my worth to anyone."
Only to denigrate another person's chosen profession?
Unless you can show that you're somehow better or more accomplished, it was just nothing more than a cheap shot via a loser hiding at his keyboard.
*Oh, and Allen...are you saying that when someone says they have a son or daughter who is a lawyer or doctor or whatever...they must specify how many children they have?
Freder Frederson said..."Ryan's plan doesn't save Medicare or SS, it eliminates them. It also doesn't reduce the deficit, but makes it worse. Ryan's plan is a non-starter because it will make the current situation worse in every way."
Finally...someone who has actually read his proposals.
The real question is this: Why is the GOP intent on eliminating two of the most successful programs in our nation's history?
Love, they simply hate it that their narrow little petty view of liberals gets shattered, when they learn that liberals are not dirty hippies. They can't handle it and lash out .This is such typical behavior here.
No shit Byro-mito--maybe because you ARE Tyrone, and just as conservative (and note similarity of mumbling)--as the IP trace shows. We're on to you, Byro Hayseed. Yr cyber-terrorism days are over, trash
No Hoosier, LOVE said what you have in quotes, at 5:43. BUT I did say I wasn't going to waste anymore time on you, but it's way too much fun , you little green eyed monster.
note garag that most of the vicious anti-tax TP people are small- town types--Evinrude club so to speak (ie, AA.com), not Yacht club GOP (who can afford it). They're not making 250+ grand year--more like25-35 grand a year. Yet they have some weird..attitude where they the think ..a tax raise on the rich will affect them ,when it won't. Like Koch envy or something. Fox/limbaugh/Beck have indoctrinated them well.
note garag that most of the vicious anti-tax TP people are small- town types--Evinrude club so to speak (ie, AA.com), not Yacht club GOP (who can afford it). They're not making 250+ grand year--more like25-35 grand a year. Yet they have some weird..attitude where they the think ..a tax raise on the rich will affect them ,when it won't. Like Koch envy or something. Fox/limbaugh/Beck have indoctrinated them well.
you would think the democrats would actually try to come up with a plan to save medicare and ss that uses math and common sense. But I guess you would be wrong. Come on lefties, how are we going to save these two great programs? They go busto in less than 5 years. Extra points for an explanation or proposal that doesn't blame an administration no longer in power
Since Reason doesn't work with teabugs perhaps a more direct approach might--Ayn Rand's a bag of human garbage now residing in Hell. As her followers will be, including Paulie Ryan
Hoosier, want to explain why your GOP heroes are criticizing Obama for bringing home all the troops from Iraq by Christmas? Believe me, I WISH my daughter was coming home for Christmas from Afghanistan.
Nope. The internet has no memory hole (unlike you). Screenshots were grabbed of the ihatemarines site before it was taken down. Same picture as the one on your hero's facebook page.
By the way, just so you and Taffyapple know, after reading through the comments, the two of you come off as vacuous bints.
Taffyapple, you gain nothing by dwelling endlessly on the accomplishments of your kids. As a commenter, you stand alone. And you really, really, don't do that very well.
B, are you addressing me? God you people are so predictable. Scott Olsen won seven medals While serving in the Marine Corps.
I love bragging up my kids to you haters, because I know how much it annoys you, shows you that liberals are smart, and accomplished. Too bad you can't continue to portray them as dirty hippies with impunity.
Just how many regular readers here do you believe think you have anything worthwhile to say simply because your kids are on track for middle class incomes?
Is that how it works in your circle? The empty life, empty nesters score points off each other based on what their kids accomplish?
What I hate about liberals, and hate is not too strong a word, is that they all think they're so goddamned smart that I should be grateful to them for running my life. All this shit about how smart Obama is, and the crap just keeps getting deeper. The best you geniuses can come up with is that it's all Bush's fault. It's three years into this mess-- where are your brilliant Ivy League solutions? Where is one shred of foreign policy that didn't originate with George W. Bush? You make me want to puke.
love bragging up my kids to you haters, because I know how much it annoys you, shows you that liberals are smart, and accomplished. Too bad you can't continue to portray them as dirty hippies with impunity
Oh you are becoming almost funny now, Mito...”Haters” “@$$” do you have ANY arguments, or only invective? Were I a child of yours I might ask YOU, “Say, mom, do you have any accomplishments of YOUR OWN? I'm tired of being talked up by you, as a way to burnish YOUR image. Just leave me at home and talk about YOUR accomplishments, how about?” How about it Mito...who cares about your offspring, if any. It doesn't make YOU anything better or worse...
Oh, by the way applebottom, your puckered ass little game of pretending that claiming the fair accomplishments of your kids shows us that liberals are smart, and accomplished does not annoy me. Nor have I seen any indication that it annoys anyone else.
YOU annoy. The smart accomplished people who regularly post on and read this site don't for a moment consider YOU smart or accomplished based on anything your kids have done or might do.
Your grandkids might consider you smart and accomplished though. You should stick to trying to impress them.It's a much lower bar.
I love annoying you two dumbasses. what are your accomplisments ? What a bunch of jealous petty losers
“Dumb@$$es” man you have a way with the words...so I guess the thread is dead, as you haven't really addresses Rep Ryan, at all...and I really don't need a Middle School “Cut Fight”.....
Hoosier, want to explain why your GOP heroes are criticizing Obama for bringing home all the troops from Iraq by Christmas? Believe me, I WISH my daughter was coming home for Christmas from Afghanistan.
First, because the Iraqis apparently didn't want us to go, but GodZero's indifference and haste to cut and run made them feel they had to cover themselves politically.
Second, an army leaving that quickly opens itself up to attack. Historical examples abound. The British retreat from Kabul in 1842, for example.
Scott Olsen won seven medals While serving in the Marine Corps.
What are yours? So far as you've let us in on it, your accomplishments come down to being a successful breeder.
Well done.
'What a bunch of jealous petty losers.'
Jealous? Applecheeks, you need to get out into the real world where we come from. Envy over the other gal's kiddos may be operative in the TAG groups, but in the real world one is judged on what they are and do. Not their kids.
What a purposeless and empty life you must be leading. Be proactive. Volunteer at the nursing home perhaps. Anything to give you some sense of self worth not based on your kids.
"Ryan has read (and believes) too much Ayn Rand. Such morally and socially stunted people should not be allowed to make decisions in the government."
The mind boggles.
Send in the political officers who can check on the "social" and "moral" beliefs are proper instead of the numbers being sound.
I doubt that Ryan is a Rand devotee and charges that he "read to much" Rand seems to be the first thing said of anyone who says anything that supports anything that sounds a little bit like capitalism. Claiming that anyone who says anything that sounds a little bit capitalistic is morally and socially stunted is idiotic.
But lets just pretend for a moment.
Would you rather have someone morally and socially stunted working on the economy or someone who is innumerate?
I pick moral and social stunted every time. Having the appropriate feelings only serves the person who has them. Everyone else is most likely screwed.
Don't forget how Mito and Love are teaching their liberal children to follow in their footsteps. After all, Mito and Love's only regrets are that they didn't do more bombing like they did at Sterling Hall, especially given all the troops they wanted to kill.
At 27:50 Ryan starts to talk about tax rates on businesses.
Would anyone who's denigrated either Ryan's intellect or his ideas care to address what he says about the consequences of the tax changes he discusses. What is he wrong about, and why is he wrong?
I expect that the people who like him could discuss what they agree with and what they disagree with and why.
How about those of you who dislike him so?
Can you do something other than change the subject or call him stupid or try some other way to keep anyone from focusing on what he says about the issues? Claiming he's got no ideas isn't a valid excuse for not being able to discuss his opinions about those taxes.
Can you do it? Just one question and answer at 27:50.
Or is it more important to divert attention away from someone who, right or wrong, is actually presenting proposed solutions and plans?
A private insurance company would be out of business with either of those things happening. Private companies can't afford to fund criminals and lazy people.
But government can -- which is why criminals and lazy people like Love and Mito are so desperate to preserve it. That's also why Love and Mito blabber that losing billions to fraud each year is "successful" -- because they're collecting it.
Ryan's plan does not make Medicare survive, it replaces Medicare with a voucher program. In other words it eliminates Medicare and replaces it with something entirely different (that will be funded at a lower level and will cause massive gaps between the value of the vouchers and the cost of insurance).
Well, as I already pointed out, Medicare already wastes over 10% of its expenditures.
So why don't you explain that, "Fred"? You and yours insist that any cuts to government benefits are the result of being "morally and socially stunted". Since you and your Barack Obama just cut massive amounts to health care, which you claim is murdering poor people and the elderly, doesn't that qualify you as such?
The problem here is that we're talking to welfare addicts - Fred, Mito, and Love. These people are pigs who see us threatening their trough. They don't care about the "poor" -- as I just pointed out, they are more than willing to cut off the "poor" so that they keep collecting fat checks.
I hadn't watched the video, (short attention span since the raccoons nested in my hair) but at your behest I watched that segment. I think the liberal dorks here must experience visual distortion and piercing whistles when (if) they watch that. It's the only way they can keep the good sense from getting in. I look forward to the day when we can cheer for President Ryan.
The Tea Grannies will never vote for him, didn't you see their signs "Keep your Government hands off my Medicare!"
This makes as much sense as the repeated output from the unit known as Garage, to the effect that the only reason any Republican opposes ObamaReidPelosiCare is envy because Obama got it passed into law and the Republicans didn't.
But then Mito has praised the unit effusively, on this very thread.
Whatever comes out of Ryan's mouth is exactly what the rich elite $350 bottle of wine sippers already put in there for him.
Well, these must be the rich elite $350 bottle of wine sippers who don't lobby for outfits like Solyndra, or give big money to Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi.
The unit is desperately in need of updated programming.
The fact of the matter is that neither J, nor Garage, nor Trolling Allie have watched the Ryan Heritage Foundation presentation. The mere fact that Ryan made it is enough for them to reject it. For them, if someone doesn't totally share their values, they aren't worth listening to.
Get rid of the loop-holes, broaden the base, lower the rates. And permanence. That is the Key.
He then explains that the individual tax rates, the personal tax rates, that are going to go up to an effective rate of 50% apply to most business... 80% of businesses file as individuals... 90% of Wisconsin businesses file as individuals... 60% of Wisconsin manufacturing file as individuals.
Canada is lowering their rate for business to 15%, etc., he names other countries, explains that this makes us uncompetitive.
Certainty, permanence and lower the rates.
What about fairness? Why do some businesses pay so little? They take advantage of loop-holes. Eliminate the loop-holes. Treat everyone the same.
Stop picking winners and losers in Washington. We confuse being pro-business with being pro-incumbent-business. (HEY OWS FOLKS... RYAN IS YOUR GUY.) Being pro-incumbent-business erects barriers to entry into the market. We need to be pro-free-enterprise.
This is something that goes with what I've said lately... The big businesses that can operate, sift through the loop holes, and file thousands of pages of tax returns can afford to do that. Smaller and mid-size business can not. Any rules we pass to try to deal with those big mega-corps are most likely to hurt those job creators who can't afford an in-house legal department.
Lower the rate to something fair and then treat everyone the same.
The loop-holes were put there, usually, on purpose, because someone rightly went to congress (usually someone who could afford to do *that* too) and said, "But don't you want us to expand, hire more people, and reinvest?" and the Congress-critters said, "Why, yes. We do." and they wrote a loop-hole. Rinse and Repeat. And the ones who benefit are the mega-corps with their troops of lawyers. Mom and Pop or the limited partnership that employs 20 people get screwed.
What Ryan suggests would fix that problem. OWS ought to like what he's got to say, at least about eliminating loop-holes and barriers to entry into the market and the sort of politics that result in pro-existing-business regulations and inhibit new business.
If anyone bothered to listen before they started poo flinging, they'd probably like what he has to say very much. But then they wouldn't get to do the poo flinging, and that would suck!
I wonder how much the growth in the "bottom line" that is so decried lately is due to companies holding on to money instead of expanding, hiring or in some way reinvesting due to insecurity.
When Ryan mentions permanence and certainty and not making little changes all of the time, he doesn't expand on why those things are important.
I think that, besides not having time in a short answer, he expects that the reason is obvious to anyone with a clue.
If the growth in the bottom-line despite the poor economy is actually because of behavior in response to the poor economy, what will it do to create even more insecurity by going after those businesses?
I think it's likely, but I don't know one way or the other if that bottom-line issue is caused by that but I do know that it's very important to *know* if it is or not.
If my guess is right, then proposed "solutions" to stop those nasty rich people from keeping more than they need will make things catastrophically worse.
If someone cares, and if they are not "morally and socially stunted" they most certainly will care, they will want to know the truth of that and make policy objectively instead of emotionally.
"We hated all the right people," might get them excused and maybe even believed that they aren't responsible for prolonging the Bad Times, so maybe that's all they really want. But I'd rather things got better.
its funny how many times the liberals tried to threadjack and talk about everything else under the sun than intelligently talk about Ryan's video and the ideas he expresses. Poo flinging indeed.
For a while I thought J merited a response. Then I began to think he was just an asshole who didn't merit a response. Then I began to see him as a destructive influence and I wanted him gone, which is when I began calling for a boycott on him. In the last few days I have begun to fear that he is in fact insane. That thing about all of us being sock puppets for some evil "Byro" is just plain paranoid. He really believes he knows things about us that he couldn't possibly know. I am dead serious about this. This is a sick puppy. I wish he'd go away, but in the meantime I think we'd better just pretend he's not here.
Tyrone Slothrop said...In the last few days I have begun to fear that he is in fact insane.
I believe you are correct. An expert would have a field day with him, but I had the sad experience of seeing a friend go down that road some years ago. Not paranoia either (in J's mind, they aren't coming to get J, they're coming to get J's 'enemies'). J exhibits several of what I learned were tells for schizophrenia. The most prominent is neologism. Its the creation of his own language to describe what to him seems like an increasingly distorted and unresponsive world.
Taunting him is a very bad idea. It won't drive him off, and it does him a lot more damage than you think. There's nothing anyone here can do for him but hope there's someone in his life that will eventually intervene. The best way to handle him is to ignore him and let him move on.
Even if he does not choose himself to move on, being ignored by the commenters will cause him to become increasingly agitated and he'll focus his attacks on AA, her son, or Meade - anything to force feedback - and ramp it up until it's intolerable. No chance he won't push it to a level that forces his banning. Just a matter of time and free speech won't be a factor at that point.
Ryan might have the functional equivalent of what counts for a brain in Tea Party Land, but I only listened to the first ten minutes of his advertiseme -- I mean, "speech" -- for a couple reasons.
1. It takes forever to download an entire Brightcove clip at peak bandwidth downloading times.
2. It was all recycled boilerplate, no thought. Simply repeating the word "liberty" at predictable intervals does not make something worth listening to. That's a mantra, and not even a polemic. It might as well have been "Om", then he could have at least led a Buddhist chant. I could have interspersed the predictable code words in Paul Ryan's diatribe with an alphabetical listing from the dictionary, and it would have been more interesting.
But that's what you can expect from the Heritage Foundation.
And Ryan should check his facts. America has gotten worse at allowing for upward mobility than every country like us except for the U.K., and even they're not that far behind. Your ideas lack any empiric grounding, so you repeat the precepts like mindless hymns.
Ryan spoke about the American idea: Limited government, individual freedom, free enterprise, equality of opportunity, and a commitment to equality. Ryan wants to change how DC does business. The left feels, and is propagandized to feel that all of that is “radical”. The left want exactly what their corrupt leaders are promising via the teleprompter: Lie. Cheat. Steal. Redistribute. Waste. w/ Zero transparency. Call it "fairness". It's the Chicago way. Whine about "tea party", right on cue.
Google's onto this site as well (and the server has your IP ads. little man, Tyrone, Mito-the same MO..no blog,no profile, recently created,etc--actually against TOS as in impersonation/spam/ multiple empty accounts, etc)
Either way your comments are just as pointless and superficial as Mito or "Tyrone". So you belong in the same set--A-tards.
Most Americans support social security, April--and some type of HC. The Randian glibertarians are the freaks and outsiders--their attempts to portray themselves as patriots is deceiving as well. This isn't 1800. Politics changes. Moreover Ryanism is merely opportunism (as was Rand's drivel)--ie lower taxes, programs slashed might be good for the rich--not the working/middle class. See if you can understand that one,Einstein. Called democracy.
Raise the cap on those who make more than 250k. Done.
And when the revenue from punishing "millionaires and billionaires" proves insufficient, watch the Democrats' prize programs—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—continue their slide down the crapper? (A rapid slide, for the last two.)
In a few years, see creditors to the United States government take a bigger haircut than creditors to the Greek government are about to take?
Some plan...
The unit merely carries on with its inadequate programming.
It's those responsible for that programming who are frighteningly stupid.
So I summarized one small portion, a question and answer, for you.
So you wouldn't be left out.
"And Ryan should check his facts. America has gotten worse at allowing for upward mobility..."
Granted, you can't show where he argued that we have such wonderful upward mobility that nothing needs to be done...
In fact, even just in the little part of my sum-up he talked about how the government inhibits entry into the market by promoting and protecting existing business. He says we need to have more mobility, not that we *do* have enough of it.
It's not at all surprising that you don't hear any ideas when you refuse to listen.
I am dead serious about this. This is a sick puppy. I wish he'd go away, but in the meantime I think we'd better just pretend he's not here.
I concluded after a couple of threadfuls of "J"'s "contributions" that he or she is extremely disturbed.
Anyone who publicly maintains that I am you and you are me, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, is pretty obviously a whackdome.
The problem as I see it is that "J" is not motivated to seek help. Otherwise, he/she would not be spending time here, where the reception, even from proponents of "J"'s supposed political ideology, is uniformly hostile.
What with the constant references to a possibly mythical tormentor from somewhere in Arizona; obsessions over Mormons; claims to know about psychology; extremely limited knowledge of economics coupled with blind despisal of most schools of thought on the subject; seething hatred of libertarians and fiscal conservatives; and a broad array of viciously crazed psychosexual invective—you more than slightly resemble that highly disturbed individual.
If you are Deborah Frisch, you aren't supposed to be posting here or anywhere else. You'll be doing yourself as well as the rest of us a favor by quitting.
If you aren't Deborah Frisch, just a whackdome no one else has had the misfortune to hear of—you will also be doing yourself and the rest of us a favor by quitting.
Why does Paul Ryan think that America is exceptional? Is he implying other nations are not filled with hope, innovation and smart people? Sweden, Japan, South Korea, all superior countries.
Seems to be a little more heat than light in this thread. That tells me something.
Ryan doesn't want to run. I don't care. People always say "Your country needs you" to candidates that they want to see in the race, but these really are desperate times and I think we need to push qualified people like Ryan a little harder.
If he's the VP pick for _______ then suddenly I'm not "settling" anymore.
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garage - flame away. No doubt you have a plan on how to defeat Ryan in 2012.
Ryan is a remarkable guy. Smart, well-read, focused, clear.
[Name of candidate] / Ryan 2012.
Ryan / [Name of candidate] 2020.
Barack Obama got praise for being smart because he gave excellent speeches.
Paul Ryan is smart for real.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Rich 1%, Republican Rape Supporter, Obstructionist…Pass this Bill, NOW! Pushing Granny off the cliff! Tax the Rich!
I can either spend the next hour at my desk listening to the dreamy Paul Ryan, or listening to that pussy Rich Lowry as he pulls up his skirt in fright while talking to that insufferable nutcracker Michelle Goldberg on bloggingheads.
Decisions, decisions.
BTW, the Ryan speech runs about 25 minutes. The rest is Q & A.
Time spent watching this is time well-spent.
[Name of candidate] / Ryan 2012.
That's a complete waste of talent.
Maybe it'll be deadlocked at convention time and a draft Ryan movement will catch fire. Well, one can always dream.
@ricpic--If only...
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Don’t get me wrong Althouse denizens, I like Ryan, or rather respect him-not knowing him- and agree with much of what he says, BUT, he voted for:
2) The Auto Bail-out.
All this “love” for Ryan as POTUS candidate needs to be tempered that WHEN IN POWER, or when his constituents were in need of Federal largesse, Ryan was NOT so “Conservative.”
I was waiting with bated breath for one of you to announce Paul Ryan as your latest dream candidate. The Tea Grannies will never vote for him, didn't you see their signs "Keep your Government hands off my Medicare!" My attorney daughter did see him in person at a function and said he was actually quite handsome, she said Walker has a misshapen head though.
Ryan was on Imus this week for the first time. He held his own.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Well Mito as:
1) The Ryan Plan DOESN’T affect anyone over 55; and
2) Poll data suggests even SENIORS understand Entitlement Reform is necessary
I believe your “snark” may be early, off-target, and wrong….
I've yet to meet any stripe of conservative who does not like Ryan.
People like competence.
No doubt you have a plan on how to defeat Ryan in 2012.
Ryan is the 3rd disliked member of Congress, in a Congress that has a 9% approval rating. But, the bill to keep people from voting, the gerrymandering bill, and shitpiles of Koch money will probably protect him.
Ryan has a plan to get rid of the deficit. He can articulate the budgetary morass.
I've not seen nor heard of anyone else put forth a specific plan.
He has managed to change the narrative in DC.
Ryan isn't perfect, as Joe notes, but at least he wants to do something. I prefer Rand Paul's ideas for the near term, but, as a plan for the long game, Ryan is a good start.
Most of the ruling class think they can preserve the status quo when it's already gone forever.
Mitochondri-Allie said...
I was waiting with bated breath for one of you to announce Paul Ryan as your latest dream candidate.
The one-celled intelligence is about 4 months behind the curve.
And the word is "baited".
(The Blonde is fond of saying, "I'll be waiting with worm on tongue")
Wrong asshole, the word is bated.
If you're the smartest guy in the room and Ryan walks in, you're now the second smartest.
Unless you're garage mahal. Then you finally aren't alone.
No doubt you have a plan on how to defeat Ryan in 2012.
Ryan is the 3rd disliked member of Congress, in a Congress that has a 9% approval rating. But, the bill to keep people from voting, the gerrymandering bill, and shitpiles of Koch money will probably protect him.
He's also undoubtedly the most known member of congress behind maybe Pelosi.
I like how you claim how unpopular he is and then claim he'll be reelected. Way to hedge your bets.
I was waiting with bated breath for one of you to announce Paul Ryan as your latest dream candidate. The Tea Grannies will never vote for him, didn't you see their signs "Keep your Government hands off my Medicare!" My attorney daughter did see him in person at a function and said he was actually quite handsome, she said Walker has a misshapen head though.
More of the Democrats' War Against Math.
Must bother you to have somebody that actually can think more than 10 minutes into the future pull you out of the liberal fantasy world you've constructed for yourself.
Entitlements are unsustainable and if they're no reform they will run out of funds.
A live worm presumably.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
The correct spelling is actually bated breath but it’s so common these days to see it written as baited breath that there’s every chance that it will soon become the usual form
Well Mito good wrok on the English usage…for someone who represents the “good, the tolerant and diverse” you need to work on your anger and self-righteousness…actually you don’t…I’ve found the Left to be EVERYTHING they accuse their opponents of being, narrow-minded, intolerant, self-righteous, and bigoted…but at least PRETEND you’re nicer. Being the (putative)Ancestor of someone serving Our Great Nation, doesn’t actually give you UNIMPEACHABLE MORAL AUTHORITY, though I’m sure you think it does.
Joe, why pretend to be nice to you folks? YOU don't pretend do to be an ass, you just are naturally. My gloves have come off and they're staying off.
SPimmortal, tell that to your own Tea Granny.
Joe, why pretend to be nice to you folks? YOU don't pretend do to be an ass, you just are naturally. My gloves have come off and they're staying off.
I think conservatives have already proven themselves to be "nice folks" by conducting themselves in a decent and law abiding manner throught the Tea Party gatherings.
Can't say the same about you guys, now can we?
SPimmortal, tell that to your own Tea Granny.
u mad?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Joe, why pretend to be nice to you folks? YOU don't pretend do to be an ass, you just are naturally. My gloves have come off and they're staying off
By “@$$” you mean I disagree with you and usually have reasons and evidence….Please continue on….explain my “@$$-ness” if you would? I’m not sure how you arrived at your conclusions, be complete, show all your work. All I can see is that I am not an Occupy(City) Supporter and not a Progressive/Leftist and argue against your position…Heck, Mito that would make YOU an @rse, from my perspective, yet you don’t see me trotting that out, do you? Or does being the (Putative)Ancestor of someone serving Our Great Nation mean that to dispute with you is to be, by definition, an “@$$?”
SPImmortal, no not all mad why, should I be? I'm having fun actually.
Perhaps instead of calling it "Paul Ryanosity," you should call it "Paul Ryanonesty."
That sure is the way his message sounds to me.
If you're the smartest guy in the room and Ryan walks in, you're now the second smartest.
This idiot doesn't even write any legislation. The Heritage Foundation does it for him. Whatever comes out of Ryan's mouth is exactly what the rich elite $350 bottle of wine sippers already put in there for him. Which of course includes plenty of lies.
It is also worth noting that Bloomberg News this week reported that “Obama’s White House has approved fewer regulations than his predecessor George W. Bush at this same point in their tenures, and the estimated costs of those rules haven’t reached the annual peak set in fiscal 1992 under Bush’s father.”
What hypocrites, you Conservatives congratulate yourselves on being "nice"? So do any of you nice people still think the young Marine veteran that was shot in the face at the Oakland protest is a fake? Do you treat any liberal that has the balls to come here and spar with you good folks "nicely? Keep waving that hypocrite sign.
I don't expect to be treated with kid gloves here on Althouse's blog, but when some of you engage me in bare knuckle fighting, I'm on. LOVE pointing out to you what hypocrites you are. It's my new mission.
SPImmortal, no not all mad why, should I be? I'm having fun actually.
Seems like your pretty mad. "Gloves are off" and all.
Tell us why you mad son?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
This idiot doesn't even write any legislation. The Heritage Foundation does it for him. Whatever comes out of Ryan's mouth is exactly what the rich elite $350 bottle of wine sippers already put in there for him. Which of course includes plenty of lies
*WOW* that was well-reasoned and informative…he’s a liar and he doesn’t write his own legislation, say tell me if that is “ding” what does tha make Obama, he doesn’t WRITE his own either, in fact farming it out to Pelosi and Reid?
And the $350 bottle of wine, can I talk about Obama and his Wagyu Beef or Michelle’s $42,000 “Bling” too?
Still desperate Garage, you’re sounding more and more like White Southern Segregationists in circa 1966….
SPimmortal, you don't read Althouse every day , do you? I am no ones son, I am a woman with more balls than quite a few of you nice conservatives.
Garage, don't ripple their force, they think that these Tea Bag Legislators write their own laws, maybe they haven't even heard of ALEC.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
What hypocrites, you Conservatives congratulate yourselves on being "nice"? So do any of you nice people still think the young Marine veteran that was shot in the face at the Oakland protest is a fake? Do you treat any liberal that has the balls to come here and spar with you good folks "nicely? Keep waving that hypocrite sign
No but it does seem likely that he was “Administratively separated” for drug use (possibly) and ran an anti-Marine Website….
I don't expect to be treated with kid gloves here on Althouse's blog, but when some of you engage me in bare knuckle fighting, I'm on. LOVE pointing out to you what hypocrites you are. It's my new mission
“Bare knuckles” really why because we don’t AUTOMATICALLY grant you Moral Authority because an offspring of yours is overseas? Have you been called a “WiccanSatanist”, had someone tell you to “F^ck your mother?” When you get treated like “J” treats his opponents, you can cry….basically you don’t like the fact that you get reasoned opposition, here….
And I see, “hypocrisy” is a sin is it? How about OWS refusing to feed the Homeless and “Professional Freeloaders?” Isn’t that a bit rich AND a bit hypocritical? They are freeloading, but don’t want to feed OTHER freeloaders? The Rich 1% aren’t pulling their fair share of the load, but don’t impinge on THEIR Spaghetti Bolognese and Organic Chicken, and Beet and Goat Cheese Salad…and that ignores Michael Moore planning a documentary (quite rich a multi-millionaire, profiting from Occupy(City) or Russell Simmons (`$340Million net worth being hailed by OWS).
Me, I’d try to argue my case, and wouldn’t exactly try to claim hypocrisy from my opponents, were I you.
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Wrong asshole, the word is bated.
Try again, sweet cheeks. I've seen "baited" all my life.
I am a woman with more balls than quite a few of you nice conservatives.
That has to be uncomfortable.
Not to mention inconvenient.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
maybe they haven't even heard of ALEC
No but it does seem likely that he was “Administratively separated” for drug use (possibly) and ran an anti-Marine Website….
Or the Apollo Alliance, which, according to Beck, wrote the Porkulus Bill….and who wrote ObamaCare Mito?
Garage, don't ripple their force, they think that these Tea Bag Legislators write their own laws, maybe they haven't even heard of ALEC
That's the extent of their "argument".
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I am a woman with more balls than quite a few of you nice conservatives
Why because you produced an offspring that is overseas? Or because you argue with people via the Internet?
Here ya go genius.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
That's the extent of their "argument”
Really because you’re argument seemed to consist of:
1) $350 bottle of wine; and
2) Heritage Foundation wrote the bill.
You and Mito seemed to get be all obsessed about minutiae and hypocrisy. So we just throw yours back at you. IF, you want to discuss the Ryan Roadmap or Cut, Cap and Balance, please feel free. But as long as you and Mito sputter “Hypocrites! ALEC Heritage Foundation 4350 Bottle of Wine” I don’t feel the need to expand the range of argument….when you get tired of having your face(s) shoved into the dog-squeeeze of Progressive Hypocrisy and silliness, and move onto substantive issues and arguments, I’ll be glad to.
Or the Apollo Alliance, which, according to Beck, wrote the Porkulus Bill…
"1596 Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice i. iii. 125 'With bated breath, and whispring humblenesse.'"
And: Bated [breath] origin
Garage, LOL. I love ya, can I adopt you?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
UPDATE! 8/4/09 The Apollo Alliance has now ADMITTED that they wrote the Stimulus Bill AND the Cap and Trade Bill. It will only be a matter of time before America learns THEY wrote the Healthcare Bill too!
Apollo Weekly Update, 2/20/09: Clean Energy Breakthrough in Stimulus, Next Steps
By: Keith Schneider
From: Apollo News Service
Date: 2/20/2009
While the clean energy focus of the stimulus was inspired by the Apollo’s vision, the specific content of many of the bill’s provisions was influenced by policy proposals that the Apollo Alliance made last year in The New Apollo Program and the Apollo Economic Recovery Act. “The recovery bill represents the focused work of labor, business, environmental and social justice organizations who developed a clear strategy about where the nation needed to go, and worked together to achieve it,” said Phil Angelides, former California treasurer and chairman of the Apollo Alliance.
*LOL* Right back at you, Garage…..
The sense is "anticipation" or "in tension," not worms or raw meat.
edutcher said...
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Wrong asshole, the word is bated.
Try again, sweet cheeks. I've seen "baited" all my life.
While she is wrong on everything else, she is right on this. If you've seen "baited" all your life, you've seen wrong.
Can you at least link to what you're pasting? Or didn't you want anyone seeing where you're linking from? If the Apollo Alliance admits they wrote it, why not link directly to the Apollo Alliance?
Supposedly, "bated" is just a shortened version of abated. So the whole expression means something like waiting and holding your breath in anticipation.
I met his Aunt. She used to the the secretary for the President of OM. Very very nice lady.
Garage, his link comes from Glenn Becki Becki Becki Stan.
Ryan well-read? Having a library chockful of Miss Rand, Greenspam, and similar libertarian geniuses (MURRAY ROTHBARD??) does not imply well-read. Maybe Ryan should do...the divine Miss Ayn,in drag--
Existence exists, yall
Boycott J.
Wow, Mito. I'm impressed with your ability to insult people. You must be some sort of super high level insulter! That's so cool. I bet you're at least a 7th grader!
Do you have anything of substance to say, any argument to make?
You seem to paint all the Tea Party types with the same brush, inspired by the one sign "keep your government hands off my medicare." I assume you are comfortable having us do the same with some of the more uh, colorful folks at OWS?
You say your gloves are off, but still, I see only your little insults. They're cute and everything, but really. That all you got?
Uh oh Byro Mito-Mormon-stonner trolll now put on his dress and makeup and switched to his kumbayah-liberal schtick as "Mito" (wow hs biology..holy Osmosis ratman) . Now tell us that all the protesters are vets again, like your preacher wants you too (this pedazo has been banned from numerous demo. sites,Garag (DU for one)--phony whitey mierda--like the snitch trying to sell lids for the cops..or t-shirts,tickets,etc).
Tyrone Slothrop said...
edutcher said...
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Wrong asshole, the word is bated.
Try again, sweet cheeks. I've seen "baited" all my life.
While she is wrong on everything else, she is right on this. If you've seen "baited" all your life, you've seen wrong.
Technically, I haven't
But, even if I may have seen it wrong, I can still make an argument without resorting to profanity.
And she's still 4 months behind the curve on Ryan.
>>Mitochondri-Allie said...
10/28/11 3:47 PM
Actually it comes from here ::
Add "Tyrone Slothrop" to the list of Bellami the scumbag's phony names--he's switching between-7-8 names at any given time (note the puto does not link to any real blogs/profile etc)--an insane little piece of white trash binging on crack or tweek, running a mail order fraud in Sac (the state of CA onto him as well)
(Slothrop's a character from a Pynchon novel which the hick has never read-- Capn TP would not approve of some teabag joto plagiarizing his opus)
From your link ed-
The correct spelling is actually bated breath but it’s so common these days to see it written as baited breath that there’s every chance that it will soon become the usual form, to the disgust of conservative speakers and the confusion of dictionary writers.
For heaven's sake. Your own link says it's wrong. Give it up.
Paul Ryan is dreamy. On so many levels.
"..My attorney daughter did see him in person at a function and said he was actually quite handsome, she said Walker has a misshapen head though..."
Are you for real?
We could save plenty of money if Obama would end the wars like he promised three years ago.
Hoosier Daddy, I posted that comment for a specific reason, don't like it? Too bad.
DaveW said...
From your link ed-
The correct spelling is actually bated breath but it’s so common these days to see it written as baited breath that there’s every chance that it will soon become the usual form, to the disgust of conservative speakers and the confusion of dictionary writers.
For heaven's sake. Your own link says it's wrong. Give it up.
Calm down.
At the risk of awakening a sedated J, haven't you ever tweaked a Lefty just to see the reaction?
Besides, as I said, I've seen it that way all my life and, while it may have been wrong a couple of hundred years ago, it would seem to be up for grabs today.
"... Hoosier Daddy, I posted that comment for a specific reason..."
Well I assumed you did.
Mito seems to have anger issues.
H Daddy,
Well, glad to hear it.
Crypto Jew - "I like Ryan, or rather respect him-not knowing him- and agree with much of what he says, BUT, he voted for:
1) TARP"
Aside from rightwing House members posturing knowing it would pass but wanting to throw red meat to their backers, most people did.
Had the House rightwingers come on board, but demanded that their John Galts and Hero jobs creators on Wall Street take a haircut as the price for their support, and an investigation of Fannie, Freddie - they could have got that included in TARP as a compromise.
Mitichondrial something - "So do any of you nice people still think the young Marine veteran that was shot in the face at the Oakland protest is a fake?"
Apparantly he was separated from the Service for drug use and was busily engaged in a crowd throwing rocks and bottles at cops who are in large part honorably discharged Veterans from the Marines and other branches. Many who still serve in the Reserve.
Whereupon said druggie ex-Marine was hit on the noggin by a tear gas cartridge, with the odds that it was fired by a fellow veteran.
So much for that OWS goons "absolute moral authority".
Hoosier Daddy, why do you care so much if I comment that my daughter is an attorney, jealous? Oh yes, she's a liberal too.
Another conservative who touts himself as the "savior" of America.
Ryan is another who will not run and is merely positioning himself for another time...once President Obama has straightened out the mess left behind by George.
None of the GOP talking heads have any answers...only complaints and criticism.
The Party of NO...reliant upon America's failure.
"... Hoosier Daddy, why do you care so much if I comment that my daughter is an attorney, jealous?..."
Why would I be jealous? Attorneys are a dime a dozen.
Liberals are too.
Cedar - "Apparantly he was separated from the Service for drug use and was busily engaged in a crowd throwing rocks and bottles at cops who are in large part honorably discharged Veterans from the Marines and other branches."
I have not read that.
Do you have an objective, factual link?
Hoosier - Care to post your extensive resume for comparison?
Who do you call when you need legal advice...a veterinarian?
Ryan's plan to gut Medicare/caid does in effect tosss Granny off the bridge (and all non-wealthy elderly citizens). Of course the right-wing Heritage-sleaze types love Ryan--cut all entitlement programs, and more or less toss the poor and elderly in the street. Aynonomics
Apparantly he was separated from the Service for drug use and was busily engaged in a crowd throwing rocks and bottles at cops who are in large part honorably discharged Veterans from the Marines and other branches.
Apparently. I'm sure. What a douchebag.
Its disappointing that liberals keep pretending that if they keep demagoging long enough that medicare and SS will magically pay for themselves. Why won't they join Ryan and help overhaul the system so it survives? I've yet to see any democratic response to Ryan rise above vitriol and hyperbole about throwing granny off a cliff. This isn't a game.
"... Who do you call when you need legal advice...a veterinarian?..."
One of the thousands of attorneys in the phone book.
You haters are really beyond the pale. First you tired to deny he was even a Marine vet, now you try to slime him in your typical ignorant fashion.
WRONG Scott Olsen and even of it were the same guy, so what if he would've been separated from the Marines for drug use, you ever hear of PTSD? After two deployments to Iraq, many of you would do no better, probably worse.
put up your resume Bubba-Love aka Bellami the stoner-troll. T-shirt salesman, nearly earned an LVN-AA from Casa GRande JC, and Donny Osmond imitator. whoa.
Spare us your liberal schtick Bubba-love about the protestors--not about helping the vets (but about taking on financial predators--like you, in very small way). Very few are vets. Sad, Olson won't help with your tele-marketing plans.
"... Its disappointing that liberals keep pretending that if they keep demagoging long enough that medicare and SS will magically pay for themselves..."
Well if we just tax the rich at 100% it will be ok.
Huh? What do you mean they don't have enough money?
In plain language, your head must be completely empty. You are commenting on a post where Paul Ryan, the brightest light in the conservative sky, goes on for 52 minutes expounding affirmative ideas for repairing the mess that big government his put us in, yet you call us the party of NO? You're an idiot, and blind in the bargain. You're entitled to disagree with Ryan, but to claim he has nothing to say is just stupid.
Hoosier - There are thousands of doctors, construction workers, nurses, and of course Marines.
What doe the number have to do with anything?
Post your resume for comparison.
Love and Gargage, I think we should Occupy Althouse.
i wish the house liberals would put as much thought into saving medicare and SS as they do threadjacking this site. I guess if I didn't have any constructive ideas that's what I would do.
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Hoosier Daddy, why do you care so much if I comment that my daughter is an attorney, jealous? Oh yes, she's a liberal too.
I thought she was a medic in the Marines.
Where was Ryan and the entire GOP during the Bush years?
Suddenly they appear to be shocked by the financial problems that came to fruition in December of 2007.
*For those of you who can't do the math...that would be 13 months BEFORE Obama took office.
They've become the party of no an it will be their undoing in 2012.
Americans aren't stupid.
Allen S, I have THREE daughters, yes women have more than one child. One is a Corpsman serving in Afghanistan, one is an attorney in Madison, one is a stay and home Mom .
Maybe like finish that US History course for your GED, Hoosier-hayseed. Tax rates remain at historic lows--not that like the economic facts (ie, Bush cap.gains slashes, still in effect--lowest since like..pre-WWII,etc) interfere with the Teabug hype. During the Reagan admin--until '86-- marg. income and cap. gains rates were near 50% on highest bracket (ie Clinton the demopublican did not raise them back to that level) Of course lies work as well as truth in TP-land (and AA.com)
gk1 - Where were you and the rest of the GOP between 2000 - 2008?
Just decided SS and the economy is important?
How do you think seniors would have fared if Bush had gotten his plan to privatize rammed through?
Ever actually read anything before posting?
How does the obama administration plan to save SS or medicare? Running on stale populism and sanctimonous posturing? Will the superduper congressional subcommitee come up with a plan? As much as the lefties hate it, Ryan has offered one. Will they?
Also Allen ,
Marines don't have their own Medics they use the Navy's Corpsman and Navy Doctors.
Then you should say:
"one of my daughters..."
"my daughter who is a..."
yes women have more than one child.
No shit?
retard, what is the democratic plan? quick cut and paste one for crying out loud, so you can get back to babbling about brave liberals who served in Iraq
Why should I? I'm not out to prove my worth to anyone.
"mitochondri allie" say: "I have THREE daughters, yes women have more than one child."
A blatant lie from an ugly white conservative male, aka Bellami from Sac CA. (no site, no info, no profile--its usual MO)
Trace this sick lying fuck, and you will find that to be the case (and we're working on it...Mr Server Admin)--and will discover numerous other bogus names. Actually, it's seriously mentally ill.
HAsta la buh bYe Bubba.
OK AllenS that is a good idea, I will take your advice. I know that I have to make sure you nice folks don't get confused.
Why won't they join Ryan and help overhaul the system so it survives?
Ryan's plan does not make Medicare survive, it replaces Medicare with a voucher program. In other words it eliminates Medicare and replaces it with something entirely different (that will be funded at a lower level and will cause massive gaps between the value of the vouchers and the cost of insurance). Just because Ryan still wants to call his new plan "Medicare" doesn't make it Medicare.
Ryan has read (and believes) too much Ayn Rand. Such morally and socially stunted people should not be allowed to make decisions in the government.
what is the democratic plan?
Raise the cap on those who make more than 250k. Done.
".. yes women have more than one child.
No shit?..."
I bet the third one is an astronaut. And a liberal.
"... Raise the cap on those who make more than 250k. Done...."
Ok since that's still not enough money then what?
As much as the lefties hate it, Ryan has offered one. Will they?
Ryan's plan doesn't save Medicare or SS, it eliminates them. It also doesn't reduce the deficit, but makes it worse.
Ryan's plan is a non-starter because it will make the current situation worse in every way.
I'm with Tyrone Slothrup on this one point, Boycott J.
Hoosier, YOU ARE JEALOUS! Hahaha. Love it. But I'm not going to waste anymore of my time on you.
Hoosier Daddy said..."Why should I? I'm not out to prove my worth to anyone."
Only to denigrate another person's chosen profession?
Unless you can show that you're somehow better or more accomplished, it was just nothing more than a cheap shot via a loser hiding at his keyboard.
*Oh, and Allen...are you saying that when someone says they have a son or daughter who is a lawyer or doctor or whatever...they must specify how many children they have?
Ok since that's still not enough money then what?
In the two minutes you calculated the shortage, how much are we short?
Freder Frederson said..."Ryan's plan doesn't save Medicare or SS, it eliminates them. It also doesn't reduce the deficit, but makes it worse. Ryan's plan is a non-starter because it will make the current situation worse in every way."
Finally...someone who has actually read his proposals.
The real question is this: Why is the GOP intent on eliminating two of the most successful programs in our nation's history?
Hoosier - You should really consider backing off.
That jealousy hole you're digging is getting deeper by the comment.
Do you even have a job...or a career?
"... But I'm not going to waste anymore of my time on you...."
Good. Bye.
Hoosier - Bye-bye little baby.
You really made a fool of yourself here today.
Love, they simply hate it that their narrow little petty view of liberals gets shattered, when they learn that liberals are not dirty hippies. They can't handle it and lash out .This is such typical behavior here.
garage mahal said...
what is the democratic plan?
Raise the cap on those who make more than 250k. Done.
That is not up to even your usual weak level of argument. Read this and weep.
PS-- Warm up your checkbook. Holder is a giant step closer to resignation
"... That jealousy hole you're digging is getting deeper by the comment..."
The nice girl whose the barrista at Starbucks I see every morning went to law school.
Do you even have a job...or a career? ..."
Yes. I have been gainfully employed for 20 years since college.
Oh Hossier I thought you didn't need to prove your worth, lol.
"... Hoosier - Bye-bye little baby.
You really made a fool of yourself here today...."
Oh dear, you wasted time on me.
For those interested, here's the lowdown on former Marine, Scott Olsen.
And for that other thing, Tyrone, mea culpa.
No shit Byro-mito--maybe because you ARE Tyrone, and just as conservative (and note similarity of mumbling)--as the IP trace shows. We're on to you, Byro Hayseed. Yr cyber-terrorism days are over, trash
"... Oh Hossier I thought you didn't need to prove your worth, lol...."
I didn't. All I said was I am employed. You can tell the difference, no?
No Hoosier, LOVE said what you have in quotes, at 5:43. BUT I did say I wasn't going to waste anymore time on you, but it's way too much fun , you little green eyed monster.
I haven't got an hour to watch the whole thing. Does he explain his votes for TARP and Medicare, Part D?
Larison had two responses: here and here.
"... That is not up to even your usual weak level of argument. Read this and weep...."
Now that's not fair to garage. Math is hard.
Wasn't Obama supposed to end the wars and save trillions?
note garag that most of the vicious anti-tax TP people are small- town types--Evinrude club so to speak (ie, AA.com), not Yacht club GOP (who can afford it). They're not making 250+ grand year--more like25-35 grand a year. Yet they have some weird..attitude where they the think ..a tax raise on the rich will affect them ,when it won't. Like Koch envy or something. Fox/limbaugh/Beck have indoctrinated them well.
edutcher said... For your edification:
The website referenced (ihatethemarines.com) is registered to Scott Olsen from Milan, Illinois.
Wrong Scott Olsen.
Hoosier - Thought you were tucking tail and leaving?
As for the "wars": Who got us into them...and who's getting us out?
And I love how, suddenly...it's not about getting us out...it's all about not doing it fast enough...even as the GOP whines about us leaving.
Hypocritical and illogical at best.
You need to start reading more before posting the same ol', same ol'.
Ego te absolvo.
And I meant no offense myself.
wv: scari-- J is downright scari today
note garag that most of the vicious anti-tax TP people are small- town types--Evinrude club so to speak (ie, AA.com), not Yacht club GOP (who can afford it). They're not making 250+ grand year--more like25-35 grand a year. Yet they have some weird..attitude where they the think ..a tax raise on the rich will affect them ,when it won't. Like Koch envy or something. Fox/limbaugh/Beck have indoctrinated them well.
"... As for the "wars": Who got us into them...and who's getting us out?..."
Bush got us in and Obama promised to get us out. But he hasn't and instead embarked on his own little regime change.
Hey, maybe he'll get another Peace Prize!
"edutcher said...
For those interested, here's the lowdown on former Marine, Scott Olsen.
And for that other thing, Tyrone, mea culpa.
10/28/11 5:44 PM
I wonder what Fen thinks?
More hypocrisy and "logic" from Hoosier;
"... As for the "wars": Who got us into them...and who's getting us out?..."
Bush got us in and Obama promised to get us out. But he hasn't and instead embarked on his own little regime change.
Hey, maybe he'll get another Peace Prize!
10/28/11 6:06 PM
Googling some piglatin Tyrone-yid?Mistake . You don't know possum from yr murdered mama's p***y
,wicca trash. Yr no catholic either, occultist swine
Yr googling days are over perp, cyber-terrorist-- sucking up to klansmen such as Edu won't help
Hoosier = Which of Obama's successes are most upset about?
Stop whining and give credit where credit is due.
you would think the democrats would actually try to come up with a plan to save medicare and ss that uses math and common sense. But I guess you would be wrong. Come on lefties, how are we going to save these two great programs? They go busto in less than 5 years. Extra points for an explanation or proposal that doesn't blame an administration no longer in power
Since Reason doesn't work with teabugs perhaps a more direct approach might--Ayn Rand's a bag of human garbage now residing in Hell. As her followers will be, including Paulie Ryan
"... More hypocrisy and "logic" from Hoosier;..."
Well? Aren't we still in Iraq? Afghanistan? Embarked on some regime change in Libya. Care to dispute any of that?
Love said...
edutcher said... For your edification:
The website referenced (ihatethemarines.com) is registered to Scott Olsen from Milan, Illinois.
Wrong Scott Olsen.
Gateway is sticking by his contention it's the same guy.
I looked at several articles and none mentioned his home town. Nothing is written he could not have come out from IL for this.
We shall see.
Hoosier, want to explain why your GOP heroes are criticizing Obama for bringing home all the troops from Iraq by Christmas? Believe me, I WISH my daughter was coming home for Christmas from Afghanistan.
'Wrong Scott Olsen. '
Nope. The internet has no memory hole (unlike you). Screenshots were grabbed of the ihatemarines site before it was taken down. Same picture as the one on your hero's facebook page.
By the way, just so you and Taffyapple know, after reading through the comments, the two of you come off as vacuous bints.
Taffyapple, you gain nothing by dwelling endlessly on the accomplishments of your kids. As a commenter, you stand alone. And you really, really, don't do that very well.
B, are you addressing me? God you people are so predictable. Scott Olsen won seven medals While serving in the Marine Corps.
I love bragging up my kids to you haters, because I know how much it annoys you, shows you that liberals are smart, and accomplished. Too bad you can't continue to portray them as dirty hippies with impunity.
You and the other vacuous bint, love.
Just how many regular readers here do you believe think you have anything worthwhile to say simply because your kids are on track for middle class incomes?
Is that how it works in your circle? The empty life, empty nesters score points off each other based on what their kids accomplish?
What I hate about liberals, and hate is not too strong a word, is that they all think they're so goddamned smart that I should be grateful to them for running my life. All this shit about how smart Obama is, and the crap just keeps getting deeper. The best you geniuses can come up with is that it's all Bush's fault. It's three years into this mess-- where are your brilliant Ivy League solutions? Where is one shred of foreign policy that didn't originate with George W. Bush? You make me want to puke.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
love bragging up my kids to you haters, because I know how much it annoys you, shows you that liberals are smart, and accomplished. Too bad you can't continue to portray them as dirty hippies with impunity
Oh you are becoming almost funny now, Mito...”Haters” “@$$” do you have ANY arguments, or only invective? Were I a child of yours I might ask YOU, “Say, mom, do you have any accomplishments of YOUR OWN? I'm tired of being talked up by you, as a way to burnish YOUR image. Just leave me at home and talk about YOUR accomplishments, how about?” How about it Mito...who cares about your offspring, if any. It doesn't make YOU anything better or worse...
Oh, by the way applebottom, your puckered ass little game of pretending that claiming the fair accomplishments of your kids shows us that liberals are smart, and accomplished does not annoy me. Nor have I seen any indication that it annoys anyone else.
YOU annoy. The smart accomplished people who regularly post on and read this site don't for a moment consider YOU smart or accomplished based on anything your kids have done or might do.
Your grandkids might consider you smart and accomplished though. You should stick to trying to impress them.It's a much lower bar.
B and Crypto, LOL, I love annoying you two dumbasses. what are your accomplisments ? What a bunch of jealous petty losers.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I love annoying you two dumbasses. what are your accomplisments ? What a bunch of jealous petty losers
“Dumb@$$es” man you have a way with the words...so I guess the thread is dead, as you haven't really addresses Rep Ryan, at all...and I really don't need a Middle School “Cut Fight”.....
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Hoosier, want to explain why your GOP heroes are criticizing Obama for bringing home all the troops from Iraq by Christmas? Believe me, I WISH my daughter was coming home for Christmas from Afghanistan.
First, because the Iraqis apparently didn't want us to go, but GodZero's indifference and haste to cut and run made them feel they had to cover themselves politically.
Second, an army leaving that quickly opens itself up to attack. Historical examples abound. The British retreat from Kabul in 1842, for example.
Scott Olsen won seven medals While serving in the Marine Corps.
Care to tell us what they were?
'what are your accomplisments'
What are yours? So far as you've let us in on it, your accomplishments come down to being a successful breeder.
Well done.
'What a bunch of jealous petty losers.'
Jealous? Applecheeks, you need to get out into the real world where we come from. Envy over the other gal's kiddos may be operative in the TAG groups, but in the real world one is judged on what they are and do. Not their kids.
What a purposeless and empty life you must be leading. Be proactive. Volunteer at the nursing home perhaps. Anything to give you some sense of self worth not based on your kids.
Actually, it's funny to watch Mito, given that Mito endorses and supports the Obama Party and its passing government resolutions calling the Marines "uninvited and unwelcome intruders".
Or the fact that Mito's precious Barack Obama endorses and supports groups that send money to terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq to kill our troops.
One wonders how Mito reconciles her alleged daughter with her support of people who want her alleged daughter dead.
"Ryan has read (and believes) too much Ayn Rand. Such morally and socially stunted people should not be allowed to make decisions in the government."
The mind boggles.
Send in the political officers who can check on the "social" and "moral" beliefs are proper instead of the numbers being sound.
I doubt that Ryan is a Rand devotee and charges that he "read to much" Rand seems to be the first thing said of anyone who says anything that supports anything that sounds a little bit like capitalism. Claiming that anyone who says anything that sounds a little bit capitalistic is morally and socially stunted is idiotic.
But lets just pretend for a moment.
Would you rather have someone morally and socially stunted working on the economy or someone who is innumerate?
I pick moral and social stunted every time. Having the appropriate feelings only serves the person who has them. Everyone else is most likely screwed.
And then there are other fine examples of what Mito and Love's liberal children are doing.
Don't forget how Mito and Love are teaching their liberal children to follow in their footsteps. After all, Mito and Love's only regrets are that they didn't do more bombing like they did at Sterling Hall, especially given all the troops they wanted to kill.
@ Freeman 2:15
People like competence.
Adults like competence.
At 27:50 Ryan starts to talk about tax rates on businesses.
Would anyone who's denigrated either Ryan's intellect or his ideas care to address what he says about the consequences of the tax changes he discusses. What is he wrong about, and why is he wrong?
I expect that the people who like him could discuss what they agree with and what they disagree with and why.
How about those of you who dislike him so?
Can you do something other than change the subject or call him stupid or try some other way to keep anyone from focusing on what he says about the issues? Claiming he's got no ideas isn't a valid excuse for not being able to discuss his opinions about those taxes.
Can you do it? Just one question and answer at 27:50.
Or is it more important to divert attention away from someone who, right or wrong, is actually presenting proposed solutions and plans?
The real question is this: Why is the GOP intent on eliminating two of the most successful programs in our nation's history?
Medicare annually pays out over 10% of its expenditures in outright fraud.
Social Security is being used to fund able-bodied people who want to dress up as babies.
A private insurance company would be out of business with either of those things happening. Private companies can't afford to fund criminals and lazy people.
But government can -- which is why criminals and lazy people like Love and Mito are so desperate to preserve it. That's also why Love and Mito blabber that losing billions to fraud each year is "successful" -- because they're collecting it.
If more Republicans thought—and spoke—like this, the party would flourish.
-- Peggy Noonan
@ Freder Such morally and socially stunted people should not be allowed to make decisions in the government.
Were we talking about Obama?
Never have I witnessed someone with such a self-inflated ego.
With such assumed greatness you must be jealous of yourself.
Typical coffee house hustler bitch, busy felating their keyboard whilst molesting the dog-eared Oxford looking for some whiteboard intelligence.
Does it work for the baristas? Well it sure doesn't work here.
Ryan's plan does not make Medicare survive, it replaces Medicare with a voucher program. In other words it eliminates Medicare and replaces it with something entirely different (that will be funded at a lower level and will cause massive gaps between the value of the vouchers and the cost of insurance).
Well, as I already pointed out, Medicare already wastes over 10% of its expenditures.
Furthermore, the Barack Obama Party apparently supports and endorses killing poor and elderly people, by your logic.
So why don't you explain that, "Fred"? You and yours insist that any cuts to government benefits are the result of being "morally and socially stunted". Since you and your Barack Obama just cut massive amounts to health care, which you claim is murdering poor people and the elderly, doesn't that qualify you as such?
The problem here is that we're talking to welfare addicts - Fred, Mito, and Love. These people are pigs who see us threatening their trough. They don't care about the "poor" -- as I just pointed out, they are more than willing to cut off the "poor" so that they keep collecting fat checks.
I hadn't watched the video, (short attention span since the raccoons nested in my hair) but at your behest I watched that segment. I think the liberal dorks here must experience visual distortion and piercing whistles when (if) they watch that. It's the only way they can keep the good sense from getting in. I look forward to the day when we can cheer for President Ryan.
The Tea Grannies will never vote for him, didn't you see their signs "Keep your Government hands off my Medicare!"
This makes as much sense as the repeated output from the unit known as Garage, to the effect that the only reason any Republican opposes ObamaReidPelosiCare is envy because Obama got it passed into law and the Republicans didn't.
But then Mito has praised the unit effusively, on this very thread.
Whatever comes out of Ryan's mouth is exactly what the rich elite $350 bottle of wine sippers already put in there for him.
Well, these must be the rich elite $350 bottle of wine sippers who don't lobby for outfits like Solyndra, or give big money to Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi.
The unit is desperately in need of updated programming.
The fact of the matter is that neither J, nor Garage, nor Trolling Allie have watched the Ryan Heritage Foundation presentation. The mere fact that Ryan made it is enough for them to reject it. For them, if someone doesn't totally share their values, they aren't worth listening to.
Therefore they aren't worth engaging.
A blatant lie from an ugly white conservative male, aka Bellami from Sac CA. (no site, no info, no profile--its usual MO)
OK, so Bellami = Byro = Hoosier = Tyrone = me?
And Mito = Byro now too?
So, by the transitivity of equality, Mito and I are the same person?
J is truly utterly batshit.
And by the way, no one is obliged to maintain a website on Blogger just to do comments on it.
So J's constant imputation of sinister motives to commenters with no Blogger sites is pointless.
Like everything that J does.
I will sum up...
How do we fix the tax code?
Get rid of the loop-holes, broaden the base, lower the rates. And permanence. That is the Key.
He then explains that the individual tax rates, the personal tax rates, that are going to go up to an effective rate of 50% apply to most business... 80% of businesses file as individuals... 90% of Wisconsin businesses file as individuals... 60% of Wisconsin manufacturing file as individuals.
Canada is lowering their rate for business to 15%, etc., he names other countries, explains that this makes us uncompetitive.
Certainty, permanence and lower the rates.
What about fairness? Why do some businesses pay so little? They take advantage of loop-holes. Eliminate the loop-holes. Treat everyone the same.
Stop picking winners and losers in Washington. We confuse being pro-business with being pro-incumbent-business. (HEY OWS FOLKS... RYAN IS YOUR GUY.) Being pro-incumbent-business erects barriers to entry into the market. We need to be pro-free-enterprise.
This is something that goes with what I've said lately... The big businesses that can operate, sift through the loop holes, and file thousands of pages of tax returns can afford to do that. Smaller and mid-size business can not. Any rules we pass to try to deal with those big mega-corps are most likely to hurt those job creators who can't afford an in-house legal department.
Lower the rate to something fair and then treat everyone the same.
The loop-holes were put there, usually, on purpose, because someone rightly went to congress (usually someone who could afford to do *that* too) and said, "But don't you want us to expand, hire more people, and reinvest?" and the Congress-critters said, "Why, yes. We do." and they wrote a loop-hole. Rinse and Repeat. And the ones who benefit are the mega-corps with their troops of lawyers. Mom and Pop or the limited partnership that employs 20 people get screwed.
What Ryan suggests would fix that problem. OWS ought to like what he's got to say, at least about eliminating loop-holes and barriers to entry into the market and the sort of politics that result in pro-existing-business regulations and inhibit new business.
If anyone bothered to listen before they started poo flinging, they'd probably like what he has to say very much. But then they wouldn't get to do the poo flinging, and that would suck!
I wonder how much the growth in the "bottom line" that is so decried lately is due to companies holding on to money instead of expanding, hiring or in some way reinvesting due to insecurity.
When Ryan mentions permanence and certainty and not making little changes all of the time, he doesn't expand on why those things are important.
I think that, besides not having time in a short answer, he expects that the reason is obvious to anyone with a clue.
If the growth in the bottom-line despite the poor economy is actually because of behavior in response to the poor economy, what will it do to create even more insecurity by going after those businesses?
I think it's likely, but I don't know one way or the other if that bottom-line issue is caused by that but I do know that it's very important to *know* if it is or not.
If my guess is right, then proposed "solutions" to stop those nasty rich people from keeping more than they need will make things catastrophically worse.
If someone cares, and if they are not "morally and socially stunted" they most certainly will care, they will want to know the truth of that and make policy objectively instead of emotionally.
"We hated all the right people," might get them excused and maybe even believed that they aren't responsible for prolonging the Bad Times, so maybe that's all they really want. But I'd rather things got better.
its funny how many times the liberals tried to threadjack and talk about everything else under the sun than intelligently talk about Ryan's video and the ideas he expresses. Poo flinging indeed.
For a while I thought J merited a response. Then I began to think he was just an asshole who didn't merit a response. Then I began to see him as a destructive influence and I wanted him gone, which is when I began calling for a boycott on him. In the last few days I have begun to fear that he is in fact insane. That thing about all of us being sock puppets for some evil "Byro" is just plain paranoid. He really believes he knows things about us that he couldn't possibly know. I am dead serious about this. This is a sick puppy. I wish he'd go away, but in the meantime I think we'd better just pretend he's not here.
"Are people inherently good or evil?"
Answer figured out by 5th grade (though it took years to accept it and decades to accept the implications in every which way):
People are inherently persnickety.
Tyrone Slothrop said...In the last few days I have begun to fear that he is in fact insane.
I believe you are correct. An expert would have a field day with him, but I had the sad experience of seeing a friend go down that road some years ago. Not paranoia either (in J's mind, they aren't coming to get J, they're coming to get J's 'enemies'). J exhibits several of what I learned were tells for schizophrenia. The most prominent is neologism. Its the creation of his own language to describe what to him seems like an increasingly distorted and unresponsive world.
Taunting him is a very bad idea. It won't drive him off, and it does him a lot more damage than you think. There's nothing anyone here can do for him but hope there's someone in his life that will eventually intervene. The best way to handle him is to ignore him and let him move on.
Even if he does not choose himself to move on, being ignored by the commenters will cause him to become increasingly agitated and he'll focus his attacks on AA, her son, or Meade - anything to force feedback - and ramp it up until it's intolerable. No chance he won't push it to a level that forces his banning. Just a matter of time and free speech won't be a factor at that point.
Ryan is smart.
Obama is dumb.
Nothing left to say.
ObamaCare guts MediCare.
He and Marco Rubio are both outstanding speakers. What a ticket they would make together.
Ryan might have the functional equivalent of what counts for a brain in Tea Party Land, but I only listened to the first ten minutes of his advertiseme -- I mean, "speech" -- for a couple reasons.
1. It takes forever to download an entire Brightcove clip at peak bandwidth downloading times.
2. It was all recycled boilerplate, no thought. Simply repeating the word "liberty" at predictable intervals does not make something worth listening to. That's a mantra, and not even a polemic. It might as well have been "Om", then he could have at least led a Buddhist chant. I could have interspersed the predictable code words in Paul Ryan's diatribe with an alphabetical listing from the dictionary, and it would have been more interesting.
But that's what you can expect from the Heritage Foundation.
And Ryan should check his facts. America has gotten worse at allowing for upward mobility than every country like us except for the U.K., and even they're not that far behind. Your ideas lack any empiric grounding, so you repeat the precepts like mindless hymns.
Ryan spoke about the American idea: Limited government, individual freedom, free enterprise, equality of opportunity, and a commitment to equality. Ryan wants to change how DC does business. The left feels, and is propagandized to feel that all of that is “radical”.
The left want exactly what their corrupt leaders are promising via the teleprompter:
Lie. Cheat. Steal. Redistribute. Waste. w/ Zero transparency.
Call it "fairness". It's the Chicago way. Whine about "tea party", right on cue.
Make up more names perp
Google's onto this site as well (and the server has your IP ads. little man, Tyrone, Mito-the same MO..no blog,no profile, recently created,etc--actually against TOS as in impersonation/spam/ multiple empty accounts, etc)
Either way your comments are just as pointless and superficial as Mito or "Tyrone". So you belong in the same set--A-tards.
Most Americans support social security, April--and some type of HC. The Randian glibertarians are the freaks and outsiders--their attempts to portray themselves as patriots is deceiving as well. This isn't 1800. Politics changes. Moreover Ryanism is merely opportunism (as was Rand's drivel)--ie lower taxes, programs slashed might be good for the rich--not the working/middle class. See if you can understand that one,Einstein. Called democracy.
Talk to yrself, Tyrone the schizophrenic-plagiarist (with dozens of anonymous sites)--we need more evidence.
what is the democratic plan?
Raise the cap on those who make more than 250k. Done.
And when the revenue from punishing "millionaires and billionaires" proves insufficient, watch the Democrats' prize programs—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—continue their slide down the crapper? (A rapid slide, for the last two.)
In a few years, see creditors to the United States government take a bigger haircut than creditors to the Greek government are about to take?
Some plan...
The unit merely carries on with its inadequate programming.
It's those responsible for that programming who are frighteningly stupid.
Your ideas lack any empiric grounding, so you repeat the precepts like mindless hymns.
Ah, this must be the recipe that Ritmo follows.
Would it be possible from any of his posts to determine whether Ritmo has paid the slightest attention to the arguments of his opponents?
" but I only listened to the first ten minutes "
So I summarized one small portion, a question and answer, for you.
So you wouldn't be left out.
"And Ryan should check his facts. America has gotten worse at allowing for upward mobility..."
Granted, you can't show where he argued that we have such wonderful upward mobility that nothing needs to be done...
In fact, even just in the little part of my sum-up he talked about how the government inhibits entry into the market by promoting and protecting existing business. He says we need to have more mobility, not that we *do* have enough of it.
It's not at all surprising that you don't hear any ideas when you refuse to listen.
Trying to couple Ryan with Rand is curious.
Besides being irrational.
But so I understand, is it like this? Rand is fringe and may be ignored, so trying to stick Ryan with Rand-poo means Ryan can be ignored?
I am dead serious about this. This is a sick puppy. I wish he'd go away, but in the meantime I think we'd better just pretend he's not here.
I concluded after a couple of threadfuls of "J"'s "contributions" that he or she is extremely disturbed.
Anyone who publicly maintains that I am you and you are me, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, is pretty obviously a whackdome.
The problem as I see it is that "J" is not motivated to seek help. Otherwise, he/she would not be spending time here, where the reception, even from proponents of "J"'s supposed political ideology, is uniformly hostile.
Are you Dr. Deborah Frisch?
What with the constant references to a possibly mythical tormentor from somewhere in Arizona; obsessions over Mormons; claims to know about psychology; extremely limited knowledge of economics coupled with blind despisal of most schools of thought on the subject; seething hatred of libertarians and fiscal conservatives; and a broad array of viciously crazed psychosexual invective—you more than slightly resemble that highly disturbed individual.
If you are Deborah Frisch, you aren't supposed to be posting here or anywhere else. You'll be doing yourself as well as the rest of us a favor by quitting.
If you aren't Deborah Frisch, just a whackdome no one else has had the misfortune to hear of—you will also be doing yourself and the rest of us a favor by quitting.
It's a speech that starts out as if the audience's time isn't worth much.
I can't say how it goes on after that.
Why does Paul Ryan think that America is exceptional? Is he implying other nations are not filled with hope, innovation and smart people? Sweden, Japan, South Korea, all superior countries.
Seems to be a little more heat than light in this thread. That tells me something.
Ryan doesn't want to run. I don't care. People always say "Your country needs you" to candidates that they want to see in the race, but these really are desperate times and I think we need to push qualified people like Ryan a little harder.
If he's the VP pick for _______ then suddenly I'm not "settling" anymore.
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