October 17, 2011

Now that the Brewers have lost, are we supposed to be for Texas or St. Louis?

I've decided Texas, because, if Texas wins, at least George Bush will be happy.


Tank said...

They're still playing baseball?

I thought the season was over a couple of weeks ago.

Once the World Champion New York Yankees are done, baseball is done.

Brennan said...

If the Brewers lost you root for the National League champion. No love lost in rooting for the better team that beat yours. It's actually better anyway. If the team that beat yours wins it all at least you get to say we came up short against the Champs.

I say this on the utmost highest authority in the irrational passion of competitive sports. I'm a Bears fan that rooted for the Packers in the Super Bowl.

Scott M said...

You have to route for STL simply because we're going to win.

Known Unknown said...

I think you have to root for the other beer town.

St. Louis is a good baseball city. Texas lost the WS last year, and have never one.

DKWalser said...

I've decided not to root for either team. As an Arizona resident and fan, I rooted for the Diamondbacks until they were defeated by the Brewers. (It was a great series.) I then switched loyalties to the Brewers (so I could claim that the Diamondbacks were the 2nd best team in baseball, should the Brewers win it all). Now? I've decided I'm a jinx, so I'll just hope for a good series.

MadisonMan said...

I agree: there's more beer in St Louis. Root (beer) for them.

Known Unknown said...

You have to route for STL simply because we're going to win.

Better get the TT gassed up, Professor.

DADvocate said...

George Bush strikes me as the kind of guy who'll be happy whether the Texans win or not. He'd be happier though.

Toshstu said...


This is our year.

AlanKH said...


edutcher said...
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Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

You people understand that Bush stole 2000 election right? And is a War Criminal? A Liar and Murderer, who killed about 75,000,000 Iraqis! You just mentioned “George Bush” to tweak Ritmo and Garage, right Althouse?

edutcher said...

Remember the good old days?

Y'know - 50s, 60s.

When baseball was over by now?

PS If I cared, I'd only root for TX only because they have such nice looking women down there.

WV "amento" When something is ended; as Ethan Edwards saying, "Put an amento it".

SteveR said...

The Brewers started as an AL team so throw away the NL rationale. The Cardinals are a deserving team but have won 10 World Series, the Rangers, not only have not won a World Series but have a long record of futility.

Brennan said...

If the President decides, based on fairness, the Rangers lose because Texas won the jobs.

Fairness first.

D. B. Light said...

I really don't care much about the post-season crap shoot, but I grew up rooting for National League teams and will continue to do so now, but I won't be disappointed if Texas wins. At least it's not a northeast or west coast franchise.

Ann Althouse said...

"If the Brewers lost you root for the National League champion. No love lost in rooting for the better team that beat yours. It's actually better anyway. If the team that beat yours wins it all at least you get to say we came up short against the Champs."

I considered that, but then I thought about the happiness of George Bush.

Ann Althouse said...

I have some Texas connections.

My younger son lives there.

I was conceived there.

Oclarki said...

St Louis are the most smug, self-satisfied fans in the National League. They will tell you how great a baseball town St Louis, whether you asked or not. Plus what's the deal with Missouri? It is in the South, the Midwest or what. I have no sense of what it's suppossed to be about.

SteveR said...

It's a fact that for many years, St Louis was the most popular MLB team in Texas. Well before any teams moved west or came to Texas and because of the powerful signal of KMOX.

sakredkow said...
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BJK said...

Meade being a Cincinnati guy, I'd have thought for certain that the "Anyone but the Cardinals" rule all but answers that question.

Tip my cap to St. Louis, though. LaRussa managed to push all the right buttons, and their lineup has made two of the best pitching staffs in baseball this year look mediocre.

BJM said...

I have to agree with Brennan and that our breed rescue org works with ARF the La Russa's animal rescue and spay/neuter org. Tony and Elaine are down to earth folks, no pretenses, as passionate about addressing the stray animal population and kill shelter issue as baseball.

Plus, I've never forgiven the "A's" for losing La Russa and switched league loyalty to follow the Cards. Although post season the Althouse vortex pulled me towards the Brewers. So it's all good.

ndspinelli said...

Ron Washington v TLR..Wash in a landslide. Both flawed[as are we all]. Wash got busted for Coke, TLR drunk @ the wheel. Wash is genuine..TLR is Captain Queeg.

ndspinelli said...

I should say I'm not a Pepsi rep..Wash got busted for coke. Sorry Coke addicts.

Having lived in KC..it's more southern than STL. Ironically, like Gloria Swanson, STL thinks it's really a cosmoplitan Eastern City than Midwest, or God Forbid, the South. Many Card fans reflect that inflated self image. Not all..I know some good, knowledgeable Card fans. But even those tend to be quite chauvanistic

Chuck66 said...

Texas all the way!!!

Chuck66 said...

Oh, and I hate Tony LaRussa died hair.

Tony, you are old. Just live with grey hair.

Superdad said...

The Cards are the Brewer's biggest rival. I naturally want to root for Texas - call it schadenfreude or the enemy of my enemy is my friend or whatever.

But baseball is different than most sports in that the two leagues have different rules - the designated hitter. Since the DH is the worst rule in the history of sports, I find it almost impossible to root for an AL team (thank goodness the Brewers left the AL when they had the chance).

Scott M said...

I have no sense of what it's suppossed to be about.

We like to keep it that way.

Scott M said...

Ironically, like Gloria Swanson, STL thinks it's really a cosmoplitan Eastern City than Midwest, or God Forbid, the South.

That's not true at all and I never hear references to such. We're solidly midwest and pretty much the Anti-Chicago, which DOES think it's an eastern city.

homo œconomicus said...

Rangers, but not because of Bush. What kind of reasoning is that?

Rangers because a) the team's in Texas (hard to fathom why anyone would root for any non-Texas team) (ever) and b) because they're going to win, and it feels good to back a winner.

kjbe said...

As much as it pains me (as a lifelong Brewers fan, and it really pains me today), I'm going with the National League Cards, even though I think Texas is the slightly better team.

And as a Badger alumn, I also cheer for the OSU and Michigans come bowl time. It's not the easiest thing to do, but I like to see the Big Ten do well.

Original Mike said...

Now that the Brewers have lost, we stop paying attention.

It's baseball, for crying out loud.

ndspinelli said...

Come on Scott..your city is crumbling. KC is flourishing and you still consider KC folks hicks although they passed you a few decades ago. I'm not from Mo. so I can be pretty objective. StL has really been in decline since they stopped being the biggest city west of the Mississippi a couple generations ago. And, I'm not from Chicago but did also live there. STL is not even close to Chicago in culture, food, music, architecture..how long a list do you want?

A. Shmendrik said...

Texas, home of ZZTop!

SteveR said...

Texas always has been and always will be an expansion team. Bogus.

St. Louis is a real team.

Please list the "real" teams. Is there a point in history when real teams became locked in?

The Texas Rangers were never an expansion team. The moved to Texas from Washington D.C. in 1972 although the last version of the Senators were formed to replace the original Senators that moved to Minnesota. I'm confused. Are the Yankees a bogus expansion team since they moved from Baltimore?

Salamandyr said...

But if St. Louis wins, I will be happy!

traditionalguy said...

Texas needs some consolation after Perry's falling down. The eyes of Texas will be upon the Series and hopefully they win.

Toad Trend said...

Texas - long time Nolan Ryan fan, and redemption (Ron Washington, Josh Hamilton) is a good thing.

AA said

"I was conceived there".

The mind races.

wv - droiddi

I became a 'droiddi' when I got my new phone.

Scott M said...

STL is not even close to Chicago in culture, food, music, architecture..how long a list do you want?

You should go back and read the original statement I was referring to. I never made any statements alluding to anything you're talking about. St Louis does not consider itself an "eastern" cosmopolitan city. I also said St Louis was the anti-Chicago. Not better, almost polar opposite.

And I DID grow up in Chicago until 18 and have lived in St Louis since '94. I'm fully aware of the differences and shortcomings of each metro...of which there are legion for both. That being said, give me St Louis any day.

Who said anything about KC?

Bob said...

You made the right decision!

Now you just need to get up to speed:


I'm Full of Soup said...

My team, the Phils, lost to the Cards and I am rooting for the Cards. In this Series, the two teams are so offensive minded, they might score so many runs it will look a slow-pitch softball game.

victoria said...

What, the Dodgers aren't in the world Series?
If it's not my dodgers, who cares?

Vicki from Pasadena

Known Unknown said...

What, the Dodgers aren't in the world Series?
If it's not my dodgers, who cares?

Thanks to the lovely McCourts, the Dodgers are barely in the world, let alone the series.

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

I have some Texas connections.

My younger son lives there.

I was conceived there.

We presume the site is duly honored.

victoria said...

What, the Dodgers aren't in the world Series?
If it's not my dodgers, who cares?

Vicki from Pasadena

They aren't the Dodgers. There haven't bee any Dodgers since 1957.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
2yellowdogs said...

"Who said anything about KC?"

No one. But they've had a flaming inferiority complex where StL is concerned since, well, forever.

And always will it be thus.

FWBuff said...

Woo hoo! Thanks for supporting the Rangers, Ann! We enjoyed having the Packers down here for the Super Bowl earlier this year, and we were happy when the TCU Horned Frogs met up with the Badgers in the Rose Bowl. We were hoping for a third Texas/Wisconsin contest with the Brewers in the World Series, but it wasn't to be. Go, Rangers!

Joe Schmoe said...

Texas for sure. I'm American League all the way. Yay for the DH!

My rooting interests in the NLCS were split. I vastly liked Milwaukee's team over San Louis', but when it comes to beer, Miller is pure piss while I don't mind the occasional Bud or Michelob.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Texas. St. Louis has won the WS recently. Time for new blood.

Also, having recently given up my cable TV...it was painful that the ALCS was on TBS. Is baseball that unpopular that its "semifinals" are not even on one of the major networks?

Scott M said...

Also, having recently given up my cable TV...it was painful that the ALCS was on TBS. Is baseball that unpopular that its "semifinals" are not even on one of the major networks?

Yeah, I thought the same thing until about third inning when I switched over to AMC for Walking Dead's season premier. Slightly more entertaining than baseball, although the action moves about as fast.

Titus said...

I wanted Detroit and Milwaukee in the World Series.

Now I don't care.


KT said...

Trust me Ann, you will be happy with your choice - Ron Washington's Rangers are a great team to root for. These guys deserve it, and watching Wash do a little dance every now and then makes my heart sing.

As for the Cards, we're gonna drop a claw on 'em, 'cause that's how baseball go.


Pettifogger said...

Texas, by golly!

Never ask a man if he's from Texas. If he is, he'll tell you soon enough. And if he's not, it's still no call to make him feel bad.

Joe Schmoe said...

You want George Bush to be happy? Oh the Occupy (blank) Street/City is sooooo mad at you now, Ann Althouse. Your right wing street cred has never been higher.

Especially since the gajillionaire Bush managed to get public funding for a new Rangers stadium when he owned the team! My mind reels at your stark embrace of inequality.

Is it now a big slur to call someone a one-percenter? Because you, madam, are a one-percenter!

ndspinelli said...

When does LaRussa start doing Grecian Formula ads? He could donate the proceeds to ARF or whatever the hell his PETA group is called.

The professor conceived in The Lonestar State and raised in Delaware. Big v Little might explain the bipolar tendencies.

Beta Rube said...

The Brewers exit was God's way of telling us it's time to give our undivided love and affection to the Packers and Badgers.

But after ass-hat La Russa threw at Braun twice and denied it once, I wouldn't mind if Texas beat them by a bunch.

Scott M said...

When does LaRussa start doing Grecian Formula ads?

Ever see "Kentucky Fried Movie"? If you haven't I suggest you stop whoever you're doing and go rent or see if you can stream it. The crew that wrote and directed "Airplane" were responsible and it's hysterical. It's basically a series of sketches, news, and faux-commercials built around a central movie within a movie.

There's a hair tonic ad near the beginning with a couple of ball players in the locker room and it's completely serious until the very end. As they sit the product down and the announcer starts doing the quick spiel, the two ball players move back to the out-of-focus part of the shot and start making out.

Hysterical. The whole movie is like that sans the gay.

Strelnikov said...

Go Cards.

ndspinelli said...

Scott M, I did see Kentucky Fried Movie years ago and you're correct it was hilarious and really cutting edge for the time.

Scott M said...

The best part was the very last bit with the man and woman in front of the evening news...when the anchor realizes he can see what's going on in their living room. THAT is one of the funniest scenes I think I've ever seen and that was probably '84 or so when I saw it for the first time.

I Callahan said...

I wanted Detroit and Milwaukee in the World Series. Now I don't care.

I'm with Titus. At least, when it comes to the above...

Anonymous said...

I saw what the Rangers did to my Tigers.

My advise to the Cardinals: DON'T PITCH TO CRUZ!

I got Rangers in 5.

Curious George said...

Cubs fan, so hate the Cards.

Plus it would be great to see W throw another one right down the middle. Wonder if they'll have him throw out the first pitch at one of the games?

lohwoman said...

The ALCS was on Fox in 2011. We watched it. The NCLS was on TBS. At least that's how it was in my neck of the woods. And that neck is so scrawny I doubt if Fox and TBS did something special just for us.

Cina said...

A Reds fan from birth, in addition to that many Cards fans (including members of my husband's family) are so arrogant and full of it, I say GO RANGERS!!!!!

Conserve Liberty said...

Cards in 6. 'Nuff said.

Well, not. Kansas City is the easternmost Western City. St. Louis is the westernmost eastern city, northernmost southern city, southernmost northern city, least industrious industrial center, least charming social center and most parochial baking center in the country.

But a great place to raise children.

Cards in 6.

Conserve Liberty said...

baking = Banking

Peter Hoh said...

How much land did the Cardinals acquire through eminent domain?

Conserve Liberty said...

What to wear to the World Series Cardinal Fairisle Sweater

Big Mike said...

Texas? Good choice.

Michael said...

You have to root for your league. If STL wins the Brewers can claim to be the second best team in baseball. If Texas wins, the Tigers, the Rays, and whoever finished second in the AL West can all claim to be the second best.

Meade said...

George W will be happy either way as long as it's a good series. He's a uniter not a divider.

Elliott A said...

If your team is not in the series, you should sit back and enjoy the series without a favorite. There are compelling stories on both sides. You should be a true baseball fan. The exciting aspect of the series is the frequent use of players in a different manner than in the regular season, especially pitchers.

It is recommended to root for individuals to perform well, such as Albert Pujols, the greatest hitter of this generation.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Both teams have Dominicans.. so thats out.

After giving it some thought.. I'm going to go with..

I'm going to be rooting for Texas because I like Texmex food.. and I cant drink beer.

Elliott A said...

Was the shirt Pres Bush wore to the last game Laura's?

Clyde said...

I'm going with the Rangers, and in honor of that, a little Lyle Lovett:

That's Right (You're Not From Texas)

Craig said...

All six divisional champs coasted into post season play. Tampa Bay got their wild card berth with a Heimlich maneuver. The Cards overcame a ten game deficit and played .750 ball for the month of September just to get into the playoffs. They are far and away the hottest team in baseball. Their utility player won MVP in the NL Championship Series with the Brewers. He apologized for winning the trophy and excused it by admitting that he grew up in St. Louis.

Curt Flood never made it to the Hall of Fame, but nobody ever had more impact on the game.

Corky Boyd said...

Texas, because W will throw the first pitch. He throws strikes. Obama throws a girlie pitches.

SteveR said...

Was the shirt Pres Bush wore to the last game Laura's??

Was it pink?

Jeremy said...

David Freese, the guy that won the NLCS MVP, is not a utility player. He's the starting 3rd basemen. He was just hurt this year so didn't play too much.

But having grown up in St. Louis, I do have to agree with the comments about people in it thinking it's a sophisticated city as opposed to Mid Western

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aronamos said...

This post made me smile, Professor, thanks.

Plus it's always wise to be for the team who beat your team, which could make your team look better.

Issob Morocco said...

Texas. The enemy of my enemy thing.

Issob Morocco said...

Tank is right about the Yankees though. When they exited, baseball ended for the season.

Tari said...

STL IS an East Coast city, because it's all about whether you were born there and that all-important question "where did you go to high school." It's their favorite question. Go look at the partners' offices in the big law firms there: they all hang their Country Day School diplomas up with their college, law school and Bar licenses. How nuts is that? It's a town that's about who you know and who your parents know.

That said, we're rooting for the Cards because my husband was born and raised in STL. And his Country Day diploma is stuck in a closet somewhere, thankyouverymuch.

John said...

But having grown up in St. Louis, I do have to agree with the comments about people in it thinking it's a sophisticated city as opposed to Mid Western

Ummm... are "sophisticated" and "Midwestern" mutually exclusive all of a sudden? Sounds like East Coast chauvinism to me.

St. Louis all the way, in 6.

John said...

Oh, and Tari, I went to Hazelwood West, but my folks now live down by Ted Drewes.

Tari said...

John, I could murder some Ted Drewes! If we lived in STL I'd weigh 300 lbs just from eating concretes. My husband was from North County, but his mom had major Ladue aspirations - hence the school choice. I guess it didn't work: she lives here in Houston now, too. ;)

I've never thought of STL as eastern in the sense of sophisticated or cosmopolitan - it just likes things old, kinda like Boston. People just care too much about where you came from. Unlike Houston, which is much more a "what have you done for me in the last 10 minutes?" kind of place.

G8rbabe said...

On the other hand, if St. Louis wins,Ken Misemer will be happy. His late father was a lifelong Cardinal fan who attended four World Series and went to bed listening to Redbird games on the transistor radio neatly fitted into his pajama pocket.

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