October 12, 2011

"Last month, Mrs. Obama shopped at a suburban Virginia Target store, her face masked by a baseball cap and sunglasses."

"The first lady says it's easy to go unnoticed when she shows up at places where no one expects her, like Starbucks or Chipotle."

She says she sneaks out of the White House "as much as possible."

I think it's funny to take that literally.


Pastafarian said...

Yeah, I'd say she spends quite a bit of time at Chipotle.

They have a burrito there that would choke a grizzly. That fucking thing probably contains 80 grams of fat.

erictrimmer said...

Careful, Ann.

Ann Althouse said...

"That fucking thing probably contains 80 grams of fat."

Is that only when you say yes to the sour cream, the cheese, and the avocado?

There are a lot of choices.

And I like those burritos.

garage mahal said...

Is it too soon to remark about the size of Gloria Cain's ass? Or the BLING BLING she's wearing on any given day?

AlanKH said...

They forgot to mention the Secret Service agents. There are more federal agents around her than there were around the Branch Davidians.

coketown said...

Didn't it turn out that the Administration tipped off an AP photographer on Mrs. Obama's impromptu Target run? I guess after Her Majesty's Spanish vacation and opulent taste in fashion, it's good to get a few pictures of her being just a regular person, shopping at target, getting photographed with Canon 1D Mark III's. I can't tell you how many times that's happened to me!! Like, so annoying!

coketown said...

And too bad she didn't go unnoticed in the first place I didn't expect her: the White House.

Damn, this woman is irritating.

Rose said...

I wonder what's up with this charade.

Is it a case of 'be careful what you ask for' and not liking being IN the White House?

Or is it a cynical attempt to pretend to be 'just like you.'

Maybe both - but does anyone really believe she 'sneaks' - when the Secret Service has to go in ahead of time and surround the place.

Eh, who even cares.


Ann Althouse said...

"Didn't it turn out that the Administration tipped off an AP photographer on Mrs. Obama's impromptu Target run? "

Yes, but unless she's lying, she's going out all the time, getting fast food and dog food and what all.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe the gall of this woman, pretending she is the "First Lady" of the United States of America, just because she happens to be married to the man who was elected President by a majoprity in our constitutionally-based democratic process?

The arrogance of some people! And she's a black lady!

Fred4Pres said...

The best burrito I have ever had was in Napa when I saw some Mexican guys in cowboy hats coming out of La Luna. I knew it had to have great food. So I went in with the kids.

It was mind blowing good. Forget French Laundry, try the food there. It is just as good at about $6 (as opposed to $600).

Fred4Pres said...

I would think her wearing a hat and sunglasses with several secret service agents (and probably a staffer or two) in tow might raise some attenion.

Pastafarian said...

Althouse: "And I like those burritos."

Yeah, I bet you like about 1/4 of one. I'm a hog, and I couldn't finish that thing. And I've seen your food-blogging where you daintily split a burger with Meade.

Now, Mrs. Obama, I could picture her going to town on one of those things. Not that there's anything wrong with it; other than the mind-boggling hypocrisy of her hectoring school children to eat their fucking broccoli.

Anonymous said...

If it is true that she sneaks out then I feel really sorry for her security detail because she is putting their lives in danger.

And if it isn't true that she sneaks out then she is simply a liar.

Either way it isn't pretty and indicative of the nonsense that is going on in the White House. Then again does this surprise anyone? Anybody remember the nonsense that happened when the Obamas went on a "dinner date"? The traffic, the hassles, the security issues.

There were, and are, a lot of reasons to not like George Bush but one of the things to like about him was that he didn't go out of his way to inconvenience people or put his security detail in unnecessary danger.

coketown said...

Yes, but unless she's lying, she's going out all the time...

You can be honest and disingenuous at the same time. I suspect this sudden emphasis on Michelle's middle class shopping habits is part of Campaign 2012. She's just like us. Drinking Starbucks Coffee and eating Chipotle (which is so good). But then, she's NOT like us, because who wears sunglasses indoors? And, you know, who rents out entire floors of Spanish luxury resorts?

traditionalguy said...

And ask Mick if she is qualified to be First Lady if her husband is a British subject.

She probably secretly sneaks out to drink English Earl Grey Tea and crumpets.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to go unnoticed when there are three men surrounding you, and a bunch more out in the black armored car?

That doesn't wash.

I think she's trying to make this look like Washington DC Holiday and she's playing Audrey Hepburn.

Pastafarian said...

garage: "Is it too soon to remark about the size of Gloria Cain's ass?"

Maybe you should wait til she's called a fashion plate, and compared favorably to Carla Bruni and Jackie Kennedy. Because then it would have some purpose, serving as a counter to an obvious bit of propaganda, instead of just being nasty douchebaggery.

Fred4Pres said...

I should not dis French Laundry, but the burritos at La Luna are really really good.

Anonymous said...

"The arrogance of some people! And she's a black lady!"

Was that supposed to be snarky?

meh. unimpressed.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Chipoltle. Lolz!

DADvocate said...

I wonder if she sneakes out the bathroom window. That's probably the only place the SS don't follow her. (I understand the bathroom windows are larger than usual in the White House.)

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Is it too soon to remark about the size of Gloria Cain's ass? Or the BLING BLING she's wearing on any given day?..."

Sure. I'll join you when Gloria is preaching about eating healthy.

Sigivald said...

"No-one expects Michelle Obama!"


Is that where people eat when they don't have actual Mexicans around to make burritos?)

garage mahal said...

Maybe you should wait til she's called a fashion plate, and compared favorably to Carla Bruni and Jackie Kennedy.

So when someone does I can dive bomb her relentlessly about her weight and appearance? Something tells me the rules would be different.

cubanbob said...

Snark aside, I really wish the president and his wife were able to go incognito to a supermarket to buy groceries, fill up a tank of gas and shop like average folks. It would certainly help ground them in reality and acquaint them with the real world effects of his policies.
I wish every president and their spouse could do the same. Getting them out of the bubble would be a great help in our leaders understanding of the realities of the average American. Reports, statistics, briefings are all well and fine and necessary but first hand sticker shock and reality check truly drives the lesson home.

Michael said...

Garage: No, the rules will not be different. If Mrs. Cain as first lady is on the cover of Vogue and Vanity Fair as an example of chic you are more than welcome to opine on her fat ass if indeed she has one. And if she launches campaign after campaign to do X and you catch her doing Y you have absolute permission to carpet bomb. As much time as you hang around Conservatives you would think that you would have learned we are a much more fair group than a bunch of lefties.

garage mahal said...

So why wouldn't you terrorize Vogue or Vanity Fair?

Michael said...

Why would someone go to Chipolte to eat Mexican food? There are 12 million goddamn Mexicans here and a hell of a lot of them are eating fantastic food. I myself went to a restaurant the other day called Oaxaca where I ordered chapulines. They came out of the kitchen to watch the gringo eat them. I expected applause but only got approving nods. Chipolte. Wisconsin needs help.

Michael said...

Because Vogue and Vanity Fair are not going on and on about what we eat.

David said...

I don't think she likes being First Lady that much. Can't say I blame her.

BarryD said...

She goes around disguised as Lindsay Lohan violating parole?

DADvocate said...

Something tells me the rules would be different.

Speaking as a liberal, of course the rules will be different. Much harsher attacks and criticism will be acceptable and common, just as with Sarah Palin, etc.

Shanna said...

I feel ya, Mrs. Obama. I would sneak out for Target too!

cassandra lite said...

I often see her down at the Lincoln Memorial, chatting with antiwar protesters.

Anonymous said...


garage mahal said...

Because Vogue and Vanity Fair are not going on and on about what we eat.

I sure hope Gloria Cain has absolutely nothing to to say about anything, or even if someone says something about her. Because then, I'll be left with no choice. She had better stay home, and keep her mouth shut.

rhhardin said...

I disguise myself in tee shirt and shorts and shop anonymously as well.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I'm hoping Cain wins soley to see the tolerant and progressive liberals go into full meltdown.

gadfly said...

Althouse sez: "Yes, but unless she's lying, she's going out all the time, getting fast food and dog food and what all."

Barry and My Belle Michelle do not prevaricate . . . ev-ver!

FedkaTheConvict said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FedkaTheConvict said...

I guess she was carbing up for her jumping jacks world record.

FedkaTheConvict said...


Paula Deen: Michelle Obama loves fried food and ate more than any other guest I've had on my show

FedkaTheConvict said...

This entire story is bullshit on stilts. Its quite a coincidence that she showed up at Target just the day before the Daily Mail broke the story of her spending tons of taxpayer money on a "goodwill trip" to Africa.

traditionalguy said...

Garage...If you think that Gloria Cain is worth your time to ridicule, we Cainiacs take that as a true compliment.

Christopher in MA said...

If you believe her, Althouse, I've got a SCOAMF to sell you. OF COURSE she's lying.

"She (Gloria Cain) had better stay home and keep her mouth shut."

For once, you actually make sense, garbage. I am no fan of any First Lady being the National Scold (like the current hypocritical fool) or the National Representative of A Noble Cause (like Laura Bush and reading). This is not a monarchy and the President and First Lady are supposed to be first among equals.

But I do look forward to you and all the other tolerant lefties explain why the Indonesian / Kenyan / Hawaiian private school mulatto is more authentically black than Herman or Gloria Cain. In fact, I suspect we will no longer hear the left employ the neologism "N-word" when "ni**er" will suffice so much better for those uppity Cains.

Tank said...

I love Paula Deen.

Hey, Michelle looks pretty good in that clip.

Ah, let her be a phony baloney.

Tank said...

I also love baloney.

kjbe said...

Damn, this woman is irritating.

Only b/c you let her, Coketown.

LordSomber said...

Making fun of her looks is unnecessary. What she says is a different matter.
Honest words can be edifying in both a positive and negative manner, though no amount of charm or beauty can erase inner ugliness, once revealed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A TMZ presidency..

And Cain 999 is unserious?

garage mahal said...

But I do look forward to you and all the other tolerant lefties explain why the Indonesian / Kenyan / Hawaiian private school mulatto is more authentically black than Herman or Gloria Cain

Actually it's Herman Cain that's already playing the race card on that. He's says Obama isn't authentically black. Not to mention Limbaugh and the right constant blathering about Obama not being fully black. Or something painfully fucking stupid to that effect.

Fred4Pres said...


Is that where people eat when they don't have actual Mexicans around to make burritos?)


Fred4Pres said...

Fedka, I saw that the other day. So Michelle eats more fried food than any guest Paula's ever seen, hey hey...

Sorry, I could not resist channelling some Jim Morrison.

Fred4Pres said...

Paula Deen lost me with the pea recipe that involved dumping the frozen peas in butter.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Or something painfully fucking stupid to that effect.

I seem to recall Biden saying something about candidate Obama.

Chip Ahoy said...

I did take it literally and it seemed ordinary if a bit Lady Di-ish. So that made me go back up to see what's funny.

… her face masked by a baseball cap and sunglasses.

Baseball cap directly over the face then the sunglasses over that would be a literal interpretation.

James said...

Speaking of Mexican food; I saw this ad in the Computer section of Craigslist last week: http://i.imgur.com/15Stt.jpg

I'm Full of Soup said...

Prez Obama will become a big boozer when he leaves office in 2013 just to get away from his wife.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... I seem to recall Biden saying something about candidate Obama...."

It's always different for liberals.

deborah said...

lol 7, that was a good Onion.

ricpic said...

Once you go fat ass you can't go back.

Known Unknown said...

I like Chipotle a lot (naked burrito bowl), but I don't pretend it's Mexican food.

Michael said...

Garage: Haven't heard that Cain called Obama unauthentically black.

On the other hand it is established that Cain's parents were both African American.

coketown said...

I decided to have Chipotle for lunch. Thanks, Michelle!

And yeah, no, it's not Mexican food. Locally, the best Mexican food is sold out of vans on the side of the road. Tamales, burritos, etc. So good! And so cheap! A dozen chicken tamales for $5. Nom nom nom nom nom.

garage mahal said...

Michael: This conversation reminded of buying a dog. "He's a purebred, with papers!"

Christopher in MA said...

At least a dog is loyal.

BJM said...


...instead of just being nasty, racist douchebaggery.


ndspinelli said...

Target..not Walmart. That's quite political. And eating @ a McDonald's chain restaurant instead of the many good, local, ethnic restaurants owned by the "small business people" that all pols say they love and respect. Another statement.

Anonymous said...

"I don't think she likes being First Lady that much. Can't say I blame her."

Some us feel exactly the same way, she's so annoying. We don't like it either. On the other hand, blessed relief for her and her husband is just a year and a few months away. We look forward to the day.

bgates said...

I don't think she likes being First Lady that much. Can't say I blame her.

Yeah. I don't like her being First Lady either.

Dustin said...

If she isn't traveling with a major entourage, she's putting national security in jeopardy.

Especially to boast about this. There are plenty of bad guys in that area who would be aware of Michelle's habits and able to stage violence or even a kidnapping.

Of course, Michelle is traveling with a huge entourage that secures the places she visits before she's there. It's not like Joe Psycho Schmo can be sitting in chipotle with some kind of weapon and Michelle Obama sits at the table next to him.

Michelle Obama explained she wasn't proud of America, so I don't know why she wouldn't lie to us. She doesn't like us. She thinks we are stupid and can be easily fooled.

BJM said...

Something tells me the rules would be different.

Exactly when has that been true? Maybe I missed it, but every Republican FLOTUS (and children) since Pat Nixon has been ridiculed and chided in the press. You do remember Pat's Republican cloth coat and the kerfuffle over a fucking cocker spaniel. Nancy Reagan's replenishing of the WH china is still liberal "rich bitch" dogma, contrary to facts.

Why is it okay for Michelle Obama to borrow clothing and jewelery but not Nancy Reagan, especially when both women are millionaires in their own right?

Fred4Pres said...

Michael, acutally Cain said:

Boortz, at the tail end of the interview, asks Cain how he’d do in a debate against Obama:

“It would almost be no contest.”

Ticking off ways he could compete with Obama, Boortz says that Cain would be able to talk about the black experience in America.

Cain’s response: “[Obama's] never been a part of the black experience in America.”

That may be slightly broad. Obviously Obama is part of American Black experience from adulthood, but he sure did not grow up in it.

BJM said...


Especially to boast about this. There are plenty of bad guys in that area who would be aware of Michelle's habits and able to stage violence or even a kidnapping.

Egg-actly...no way it's true given yesterday's news re the Iranian DC terrorist plot and another reason, besides the pure cheesiness of it, to believe it's campaign hackery.

Fred4Pres said...

And garage, what Herman Cain said is not playing the race card. Unless you think when Obama mimics a southern accent some times that is racist. Herman Cain grew up in a black household in Atlanta where his dad worked as a janitor, driver, and other similar jobs. Barack Obama was mostly raised by his white banker grandparents or his mom in Indonesia. His "black" connection at that point was from his Kenyan father (not an African American one).

Unless of course you want to consider the influence/involvement of Frank Marshall Davis on young Barack (which if some of the theories are true may shoot Mick's natural born president theory out of the water).

And Harry Belefonte is free of course to call Cain a "bad apple" and other nonsense.

caplight said...

garage said, "So when someone does I can dive bomb her relentlessly about her weight and appearance? Something tells me the rules would be different."

Especially given that they will be called Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima by your friends and will have their faces photo shopped to look like a minstrel show. That is what they do to Black conservatives.

garage mahal said...

Obviously Obama is part of American Black experience from adulthood, but he sure did not grow up in it.

Blacks disagree, supporting Obama 91-6 over Cain.

Fred4Pres said...

Blacks disagree, supporting Obama 91-6 over Cain.

Do you have the poll link? But if true, it is rather sad. Especially given how the Democrats take the black vote for granted.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Blacks disagree, supporting Obama 91-6 over Cain

Which to me, shows REAL “Uncle Tom-ism”. As I understand it Uncle Tom had a tendency to side with the Slave Holders…and African-Americans have been abused by the modern Welfare state, but they continue to support those who have enslaved them…you tell ME, who’s the Uncle Tom.

garage mahal said...

It was a PPP poll, tweeted.

Even as Cain surges we've still seen no evidence he has any appeal to black voters- trails Obama 91-6

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Even as Cain surges we've still seen no evidence he has any appeal to black voters- trails Obama 91-6

I don’t doubt it, like many Jews Blacks simply can’t bring themselves to vote for “those people.” Doesn’t make it wise.

chickelit said...

garage mahal wrote: So when someone does I can dive bomb her relentlessly about her weight and appearance?

You mean like you do whenever Chris Christie comes up?
Something tells me you make up your own rules

Fred4Pres said...

garage, depends where it was taken. The numbers may be true. My guess if Cain was the GOP nominee, he might get 25% of the black vote. Because I think withwith him debating Barack Obama he would gain ground.

chickelit said...

Because I think with him debating Barack Obama he would gain ground.

I think so too.

Fred4Pres said...

Here is an interesting story.

But garage, if you find the link let me know. I would like to see that poll you referenced. Thanks.

Fred4Pres said...

Since we are discussing the "black experience" in America, how about we experience this!

garage mahal said...

Fred, they didn't link. It was tweeted 4 hours ago. If you're on Twitter, ask them: @ppppolls

Fred4Pres said...

I suspect that is a nod to Ann's sixties roots.

Fred4Pres said...

Thanks garage, and that link I did immediately above is a nod to Ann's sixty roots. My bad on grammar.

chickelit said...

@Fred4Pres: Great link. Too bad Caveat wrecks at the 1 minute mark with his updated remarks.

Jimi Hendrix did way more for race relations than Barack Obama did or ever will do. Maybe POTUS should strap on a Fender (not a Gibson, of course) and drop some acid.

jacksonjay said...

At my Chipotle in Texas, Mexicans run the place! They also run McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King and Taco Bell!

When Michelle went to the Farmers Market in D.C. in 2009, they took
3 dozen vehicles, bomb sniffing dogs and magnetometers. The market was a block from the White House.

Anonymous said...

Michele Obama is not overweight. She is not a petite woman and has a derriere that is most likely genetic and not uncommon among her race.

The insults regarding her size by those like Rush Limbaugh and others like some the commenters here, is nothing more than vicious.

How does anyone know how much she eats at Chipotle? Can anyone here say they don't on occasion eat junk food? She is promoting good eating habits for the basis of ones daily diet. She NEVER said having treats were verboten, that is just another petty way to insult this woman.

deborah said...

Fred, I love that clip, but it's not complete without the second one:

Dig the audience:)

The Dude said...

Mitochondri-Allie thinks Moochelle doesn't have a huge ass. Probably thinks Obama is smart, too. Nice. That Koolaide has worked wonders on your intellect.

And Rush is a formerly obese drug addict - who gives a rip?

Deborah M. said...

Gloria Cain

"Gloria wants to remain out of the limelight during her husband's campaign. "Don't expect the traditional amount of exposure you normally get from a campaign wife," Herman has said.

chickelit said...

@deborah & Fed: I wonder now whether Cavett mentioned the paratrooper thing because he had chatted with Hendrix and Billy Cox before the show or during a break. Cox and Hendrix served together at Ft. Campbell.

Anonymous said...

If Obama were smarter, he would've told his haters to go to hell long ago, instead of being so gentlemanly. His base would've respected him for it.

sorepaw said...
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sorepaw said...
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garage mahal said...

C'mon sorepaw hit us with some robot humor. It never gets old man.

garage mahal said...

Beat me to it! Nice work sorepaw. It never gets old man. Never.

Michael said...

Mito-allie. He told us all to go to hell with the cram down of obamacare. Remember? And the base was very pleased. Then he lost the house for the Dems. Remember? So, please tell us to go to hell yet again, Mr President. Please.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nora said...

This women shows herself as an idiot each time she opens her mouth. Should not she shut up about getting out of WH? Unless she wants to waste taxpayers' money on increasing her security in addition to overblown staff as it is.

Anonymous said...

Michael, the base was not pleased with Obamacare. It could've been much better, there could've been a Public Option. He basically told his base to go to hell when he capitulated in this and the Bush tax break extension, when he capitulated in Debt Ceiling deals , when he capitulated and got rid of Van Jones and Elizabeth Warren.

Conservatives should be relieved he is really not a liberal.

Fred4Pres said...

Thanks for the additional Cavett-Hendrix clip!

Ben Calvin said...

La Luna is in Rutherford, not Napa

Anonymous said...

She's probably pigging out in secret

deborah said...

Perhaps, chick, perhaps...:)

y/w Fred.

Cedarford said...

Dustin said...
If she isn't traveling with a major entourage, she's putting national security in jeopardy.

Because the security of the nation and the chain of command would be at risk if some mishap befell Michelle ........how???

I don't like her and I think she is irrelevant in most aspects. But I do feel a little bad for her that she knows she was once thought to have the possibility of being a great 1st Lady by many - and now knows she will wrap things up and be remembered as disliked and irrelevant.
(Unless the Republican Religious Right somehow messes things up royally and hands Obama a 2nd term by going in the Primaries to a nomination of charismatic, fire breathing, but badly flawed candidate who is rejected by regular US voters in the general election. )

avwh said...

"I don't think she likes being First Lady that much. Can't say I blame her."

Well, she vacations like she loves it and certainly our money is no object.

OTOH, she had that sweet UC Hospital gig that paid her $300K just b/c her hubby could get the hospital federal grants, and she was so essential they didn't even replace her when she left. So that was certainly easier "work" than the White House.

I'll take her seriously, though, when she stops spending taxpayer money on these ultra-deluxe vacations.

Christopher in MA said...

"He basically told his base to go to hell when he capitulated in the Bush tax break extension, when he capitualted in debt ceiling deals, when he capitulated and got rid of Van Jones and Elizabeth Warren."

Funny that, Allie. I mean, Little Black Jesus still has a majority in the Senate; maybe you should go talk to the Democrats about capitulation. After all, it's not like he needs Republican votes (oh, by the way, did you see that Democrats voted against the SCOAMF's "pass this now" jobs bill? Please explain to me how that's the GOP's fault).

Van Jones? The racist anti-Semite? Elizabeth Warren? The pig-ignorant economic illiterate who is slavering at the mouth to turn the mob on those evil capitalists who dare object to The One? Yes, I have no doubt you find them to be worth your admiration. Poor Hussein. If only he could be strong and fight the Republicans. Maybe he ought to put them in their place by saying "I won." Or perhaps he could warn them that the only thing standing between them and the pitchforks is him. You know, something bold.

But it doesn't matter, does it, Allie? You'll still strap on your kneepads and swallow like a good obedient little Obamabot.

Anonymous said...

But the base couldn't elect Obama, independents and a waning, fractious conservative party did. Obama was a bit glamorous, a teleprompter upon which people projected their dreams.

Now that the economy is still terrible, and Cash 4 Clunkers, Solyndra, the huge EPA regs, the old Civil Rights crowd in the DOJ, and Obamacare, I'd say I'm sick of him.

I can see how the Leftist true believers feel abandoned by centrist,cautious ineffectual Obama, but I have no sympathy for the progs. Back from whence you came. You don't deserve power and you don't have the ideological nor political majority, let alone the maturity to lead.

I will certainly vote against Obama.

garage mahal said...

I bet Chrisopher in MA is a real hit at parties.

Milwaukee said...

Don't forget the warning we received: Obama issues warning: “You don’t want to be between Michelle and a tamale”

Advice on dieting and exercise would be better received from somebody who is more adept at same.

Oh, and she has those fabulously toned arms. Oh my. What a bunch of baloney. She must love the entourages, she seems to enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

Garage, yes at Tea Parties. Drunk on tea Christopher in MA, dons a lampshade with little tea bags hanging from it and channels rush Limbaugh, he gets guaranteed invite to al Tea Party bacchanals.

garage mahal said...

I bet he's been told "say it, don't spray it!"

I Callahan said...

"Gloria wants to remain out of the limelight during her husband's campaign. "Don't expect the traditional amount of exposure you normally get from a campaign wife," Herman has said.

OK, I looked at those pictures, and I could vote for Huntsman. But only if his wife promises to do something visible if her husband's elected.

Fred4Pres said...

Ben Calvin, true. I meant the valley (people who know where Rutherford is don't need me to tell them about La Luna).

AlanKH said...

Dustin: If she isn't traveling with a major entourage...

...then there's no way in Hades that she can shop unnoticed.

"Guy talking into his lapel pin isn't buying anything - First Lady's here again."

Dustin said...

"Because the security of the nation and the chain of command would be at risk if some mishap befell Michelle ........how???"

The most powerful man in the world loves her and she's the mother of his children. Kidnapping here, or simply assassinating her, would be dreadful and harm this country, which I care about.

AllenS said...

She snuck out of the White House? Bullshit. So, you think that the Secret Service said: "Hey, see ya later, First Lady", as she left? How did she get to the Target store? Walked? Rode her bicycle? I doubt if she even owns a car. How many vehicles and agents were involved in this photo op?

Christopher in MA said...

Garage, Allie, you two just keep on laughing. We'll see who's got the right to gloat next November.
And I note you don't address the dissonance of your position, Allie - you want the SCOAMF to tell his "haters" to go to hell, but you'd have been the first to scream "Hitler!" if Dubya had been a tenth of the thin-skinned man-child Obama proves himself on a daily basis.

Oh, and how can I pass by the display of Algonquin Round Table-like repartee you and garage share? "A lampshade with little tea bags hanging from it." "Say it, don't spray it." Wilde himself would be in awe of your wit.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
Actually it's Herman Cain that's already playing the race card on that. He's says Obama isn't authentically black. Not to mention Limbaugh and the right constant blathering about Obama not being fully black. Or something painfully fucking stupid to that effect."

Maybe you can provide some actual evidence to support this? Because I thinks it's more garage mahal bullshit.

sorepaw said...
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sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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