October 7, 2011

In the Bumper-Sticker Café...

Obama cares, and Scott Walker is killing people.

(Enlarge photo.)


Anonymous said...

And the car isn't made by an American union.

richard mcenroe said...

Is not car. Is Scion.

Petunia said...

Isn't the Toyota plant in Georgetown, Kentucky, where the Scion is made, a non-union plant?

Fen said...

Ah yes...
The sophisticated enlightened liberal.
Everything reduced down to strawmen soundbytes.
Plastered all over their bumper to proselytize to the wicked.

People that need to sport a "brand" to display how intelligent and moral they are... are not.

Anonymous said...

The Scion xB is made in Japan.

JAL said...

What it's missing is the traditional pairing of "Save the Baby Seals" and "Keep Abortion Safe and Legal."

Anonymous said...

God. Bumper stickers. People with message bumper stickers should not expect to be taken seriously. This person is obviously crazy.

Meade said...

That's right, JAL. Also a "Honk If Anything Falls Off"

JAL said...

She should have (for surely she is a she) which says "Irony Escapes Me."

Anonymous said...

Good to see that Russ Feingold is enjoying a night out.

I'm guessing that car was parked near the intersection of Pretentious & Sanctimony.

Simon said...

Meade said...
"That's right, JAL. Also a 'Honk If Anything Falls Off'"

Did the primary buffer pannel just fall off my gorram Scion?

Anonymous said...

I note the "God is Still Speaking" bumper sticker.

Of course that's pretty much the key thing Joseph Smith said and it upset everyone else so much they eventually shot and killed him for it.

James said...

Missing the inane "coexist" sticker. After all, if you are going to be a smug, self-righteous, leftist you might as well do it properly.

SteveR said...

What, no COEXIST bumper sticker?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, really! The coexist sticker really takes the cake - with its smug, condescending shaming of all those petty major world religions.

I mean, get a life you billions of loosers!

garage mahal said...

I hate peace, caring, and workers.

I love torture, animal cruelty, Walmart, and Scott Walker.

Whatever libruls are for, I'm against!

Anonymous said...

My favorite ever bumper sticker: Visualize Whirled Peas.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the driver for living up to the stereotype of the Madison Lefty that dwells in my head.

Wish I could "un-blur" the license plate. I bet it reads "CLICHE".

I have seen a few cars plastered with conservatives bumper stickers in the past, but usually only on OLD junkers. It seems the excessive need to have all of ones political positions on display is an illness that mainly affects lefties.

Anonymous said...

Garage, when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men.

coketown said...

Scions are gay. If I walked past that stupid car with such stupid bumper stickers, I would have tipped backward from rolling my eyes with such feverish intensity.

The girl who used to live above me was one of those sticker-loving liberals that had more stickers than paint on her trunk. We used to sneak NRA/anti-abortion/GOP stickers on there and it would take her months to notice. Oooo she was so steamed when she found them! YOU STINKERS!!!

purplepenquin said...

I have seen a few cars plastered with conservatives bumper stickers in the past, but usually only on OLD junkers

These don't look like old junkers to me...


...but then again, I don't feel the need to buy a new car every-other-year, so they might be considered old/junky to some folks.

David said...

Quayle said...
"And the car isn't made by an American union."

Or by Americans, for that matter.

But that's ok, the owner supports American unions.

In principle.

xnar said...

An inferior collection without the shocking meat video.

Chip Ahoy said...

Cake Wrecks has a photo a cake decorated with a clown holding balloons with text "Happy Birthday Princess Gia".

The order, probably by telephone, was for "princess crown".

KitaIkki said...


The first car is a fairly new last-generation Scion TC. The second car is an at least 20-year-old Toyota Paseo.

DADvocate said...

Isn't the Toyota plant in Georgetown, Kentucky, where the Scion is made, a non-union plant?

The plant is non-union. They make Camrys there. (Mine has over 373,000 miles and still going. What union made car can do that? I'll be in Gerogetown Saturday.)

wdnelson93 said...

Favorite bumper sticker:

Annoy a liberal. Work hard and be happy.

Chip A. - thanks for the Cake Wrecks reminder. Haven't been there for awhile. Always good for a few laughs.


rcommal said...

Go, you chicken fat, go! (L'ingOL and wondering if AA recalls this one.)

rcommal said...

And to think that Jane Fonda and her followers had the temerity to believe that she started the concept of exercise for the mass. NOT! Snort, snort, snort + guffaw. (Repeat.) Deep breath, LOL. (Loop to very start and do it again.)

Alex said...

Hey garage - you on board with OWS demands? F.e., #3 - living wage regardless of employment?

edutcher said...

When somebody has that many bumper stickers, you get the feeling the one they're trying to impress is themselves.

Dan said...

This car is begging to be in an rear end accident during winter time. It will kill the arguments of global warming, and how car insurance compnaies screw people.
Clearly, the owner of this car is a troubled person. I see very few people with so many bumper stickers. So, the owner is looking for attention and hoping someone will accept them as they are- losers.

Chase said...

My favorite ever bumper sticker: Visualize Whirled Peas

My Favorite (and it was on a friend's car, for real):

"Ban All Bumper Stickers"

Chase said...

Second Favorite:

"Don't like how I'm Driving? Dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT"

Greg Hlatky said...

My favorite: "Marines: when it absolutely positively has to be destroyed overnight"

Psychedelic George said...

I tell my children the more bumper stickers a person has on his car, the crazier the driver is.

I remember the days when, if you had a political bumper sticker on your car, you took it off the day after the election. You moved on.

Anonymous said...

Did I stumble upon Legal Insurrection?

Michael Haz said...

Scion is the Subaru for hipsters.

Triangle Man said...

My favorite, seen in Madison, is:

"Bumper Stickers Are Not The Answer"

paminwi said...

Found this on another blog about the "occupy wall street" gang though this one is about "occupy salt lake city"


Phil 314 said...

Isn't the right wing version of "Coexist";

"You can have my gun, when you pry my cold, dead hands off of it"?

Toad Trend said...


I do not see the 'Coexist' sticker.

Without that, it really keeps this car in 'piker' status.

Not even the 'Dog is my Copilot'...

Toad Trend said...

Best sticker I've seen:

Don't Redistribute my Wealth;
Redistribute my Work Ethic!

wv - womba

Rhymes with 'Uma'...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Meade said...

That's right, JAL. Also a "Honk If Anything Falls Off"

As was already pointed out, it's not a union-made car.

KCFleming said...

Babbitt kept a loose-leaf pocket notebook that contained the clippings of newspaper editorials "from which he got his opinions and his polysyllables."

The bumpersticker serves not only as reminders to its owner of Correct Thought, they are religious totems, displays of piety for friends and neighbors in Madison, a show of faith to protect against shunning.

The more badges of strict observance seen, the stricter the requirements of orthodoxy, and the tighter the social control.

I feel for you, Ann.

David Aitken said...

wdnelson93 said...

Favorite bumper sticker:

Annoy a liberal. Work hard and be happy.

I have a friend who has a t-shirt that says: "Annoy a liberal. Use facts and logic."

SGT Ted said...

Henry Ford brought us the weekend and the 8 hour work day.

The 'torture' sticker is leftwing moral preening at its finest: define non-torture as 'torture' then call everybody that disagrees with your proclamation "pro-torture". Then support regimes that actually do torture, like the PLA and Communist run nations.

Notice the pro-WEAC sticker, when WEAC was ripping off the taxpayers and members for a bloated budget so they could keep more union cornys on the gravy train of tax dollar expenditures. The Drama Queen claim of incipient death because some union pukes are prevented from ripping off taxpayers is especially precious.

The Koch sticker is mandatory if you are good little follower.

The faux revolutionary fist in the air in defiance of The Man radio station is yet more Walter Middy coffee house revolutionary drama queenery at its finest. Because nothing says "oppression" like when you denounce The Man on a taxpayer funded radio station and nothing happens to you, other than mockery.

The Progressive values sticker is a hoot; since when have their values been anything but a will to power in order to do away with the pesky Constitution that gets is their way of implementing Heaven on Earth for the rest of us benited proles?

And why on earth would a proud separation of church and state progressive be talking about what God is saying? Or is it the leftwing God that we need to be listening to and obeying?

Automatic_Wing said...

And I thought garage drove a BMW.

Anonymous said...

God Is Still Speaking. Through Me!

MarkD said...

She might as well have "I am an annoying shrew" on one of those stickers.

WV: idsme. Yes, ego too.

Mary Beth said...

A lot of people don't like bumper stickers. I don't mind bumper stickers. To me a bumper sticker is a shortcut. It's like a little sign that says "Hey, let's never hang out." - Demetri Martin

mariner said...

Interesting that the uppermost leftmost bumper sticker proclaims that "God is still speaking", but the other stickers strongly imply that the owner is not listening.

Clyde said...

Last week, I saw a car here in Fort Myers that was literally completely covered in bumper stickers; there was no metal showing at all. It might have been a case of a car so rusty that the bumper stickers were the only thing holding it together, but it seemed more likely to be a classic case of "oversharing": someone with more opinions to share than you want shared with you. I wanted to get a picture of it to send to friends, but alas, I was driving...

ChrisA said...

So Madison...

So Boulder.

Fr Martin Fox said...

A couple of bumper stickers I used to have on my car at one point:

"I love animals; they're delicious."
"Fight crime: shoot back."

Calypso Facto said...

Domestic Content Scion xB - 0%

...just like the guy with a "Preserve Union Jobs -- Recall Walker" sticker on his non-union Toyota I see around here. Get a chuckle every time.

Saw a sticker-covered minivan in Madison last week with this coup de grace: "Save the Post Office -- Mail Something Today". Pretty much sums up the leftist philosophy; please waste your hard-earned money so that I can preserve my lifestyle.

Bumper sticker that my son and I got a couple minutes of discussion out of yesterday: "Eschew Obfuscation"

And as I approach C_H ramble length, got to get in my 2 personal favorites:
"The Lottery is a Tax on People Who Are Bad at Math" and
"Gun Control Isn't about Guns, It's About Control"

Paul said...

The definition of a fanatic is someone who redoubles their efforts after loosing sight of their goals.

That owner of the car is a good example.

SCOTTtheBADGER said...


Someone should stick this COEXIST sticker on her car.

Amartel said...

When you are so dumb you have to put your talking points on your car . . . you might be a progressive.

Janey said...

I remember seeing a lot of union bumper stickers on the cars in Texas when I was there. I can see why people might like to do it. When people see it they start to think about it whether or not they agree with it, and when people see it that don't know what the sticker refers to it makes them curious enough to look it up.

Unknown said...

wow..this is really nice post..

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