Michelle Obama asked her husband back in 2006, according to Ron Suskind's new book, "Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President."
And he said: "This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
I look at my fellow Americans like they have never met the Reality Principle.
Nor has Obama, needless to say.
You know, I think he actually was right.
But it wore off.
That is the one thing Barack did accomplish.
If he would quit all the Marxist appropriation of money that he can hide under Green BS and Stimulus BS, no one would be so angry at him.
Too bad he does not have the ability to accomplish anything past image
That's all sweet and nice. But it's not a qualification to do the job of president.
Ridiculous. Bill Clinton's story is far, far more interesting and heroic, as is Ronald Reagan's. Obama has always been an unoriginal hack and now he's a failure at the only job he couldn't stay at just long enough to climb to another job.
If he wasn't such a laughable narcissist, I'd feel sorry for him.
He has to know he's going to get creamed in the 2012 election, right?
What a dick.
Why? The NWO Central Bankers have installed him to effect the breakdown of the American political, and economic system. He is attempting to set the precedent of one born a British subject (father was a British subject, thus Obama 2 not natural born) serving as President. He is living proof of why the Framers would have prevented foreign influence from the Oval Office. This is an all out assault on the Sovereignty of We the People, by the degradation of our Constitution.
The Republicans have their own Candidate , as an attempt to protect Obama, who is not eligible. First it was McCain (born in Panama), next Rubio (born of Cuban resident aliens). All of Congress is guilty of Treason.
All done while "law profs" look on, saying nothing.
Shear decadence. He might as well have said, "Oh but honey, if I'm President we'll be famous! Think of all the attention we'll get!" which is the gist of what he said, just translated to be less self serving.
This book makes Obama sound like just another fame-whore.
The NWO Central Bankers have installed him
Obama won the popular election and the electoral college. There have been no allegations of cheating.
But, anyway, it's Mick! Awesome. Tell us about your plan to prevent Obama from winning the presidency in 2012, dude. How is that grassy knoll coming along?
"This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
The only way Obama could have said this is if the next thing out of his mouth was "And it will all because of me...me...ME!"
He's an image man all right, oh what an image man he is.
But it's gone now.
This sort of thing makes me wonder if he'll imitate Carter's post-presidency behaviors as well.
And he said: "This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
It is all about his fucking skin color! So much for a post-racial president. He pimped his AA look all his life and now this was his grand moment. Imagine on the other hand he was really everything they made him out to be and governed successfully, how would that have made the country and the world look him and others like him. No wonder he thought getting elected was his job, period.
Mick, I'm curious, what will you say when and if Marco Rubio runs?
He hasn't done anything yet.. Michelle Obama.
Yea, I gotta admit I thought that too. I was a sap. People only care about skin color when they got an axe to grind. Take away the axe and you hear nothin'. I however did NOT fall for the fine crease in those pants. Nor did I need Obama to show me what liberal governance is about. I already knew that.
Girls still have to wait to have their big moment. And the world has to wait before they see America as the great, woman-electing country.
"This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
And that's the important thing. So stop all your stupid whining about jobs, debt, and the impending economic doomsday. A black guy became president! Yay!
"Mogget said...
This sort of thing makes me wonder if he'll imitate Carter's post-presidency behaviors as well."
After replacing Carter as the worst POTUS ever, he will replace him as the worst ex-POTUS ever. Carter was driven by altering his legacy, Obama his narcissism. He will continue to damage this country until the day he dies.
Yep, even the President knows he was an Affirmative Action hire. Sometimes that works out and the hire turns out to be great. This was not one of those times.
If Rubio runs, Mick will cite the same dumb shit that he has cited here ad nauseum since 2008, including using court cases that denied women the right to vote to prop up his arguments. Also the writings of some obscure European courtier.
Mick fancies himself a great constitutional scholar.
What Seven said and how Curious George answered Mogget's question.
See? His sense of what he hoped to accomplish ended the day he took the oath of office!
How's that make you feel, Obama voters? A little used, maybe?
"When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently."
— and say, "Isn't that the 3-card Monte dealer from in front of the NY Public Library?"
By not running, Obama can have what he believes will be his ace in the hole: the chance to recreate the magic of that strange, strange year, 2008.
I say there's a good chance he bows out. He has to know he's getting pummeled. The writing is on the wall.
He's no Jackie Robinson. Jackie threw like a man, and never wore his Mom's pants...in public.
A black guy, a muslim and a communist walk into a bar.
Bartender says "What'll it be, Mr. President?"
That's a unique accomplishment, right?
It is all about his fucking skin color!
Yes it is. I lived with and around black Americans long enough to know that for 90% of them, race is their favorite hobby, thought, and topic of discussion.
So basically he just has to stand there and be black. Oh, wait, and raise his right hand. Great. Job well done. Off to the golf course.
More and more epitaphs are being written everyday. That can't be good for the incumbent community organizer.
Seven, what would Obama get by withdrawing? He gets to see one of two scenarios - a Repub succeeds him or a Dem does. The economy etc will/ should get better in either case and Obama goes down as a loser and failure. I can't see him choosing that. If he stays in it, he retains a chance [howeever slim] to win again and see things get better.
You know, he went around saying this in many different ways -- something like, America can't be so bad, look at me, they elected me! That was a line in most of his speeches in the first year, especially abroad. So he really thought he was doing the world a favor by letting Ann like people elect him.
Sixty, That's beautiful, but don't forget there was a white guy there too. People seem to forget that for some reason. It's like he's out parking the car or something. Where is MY President - the half white one?
Who is the "us" that Obama is referring to? Him and Michelle or black people in general? Or bastards?
Amartel said...
So basically he just has to stand there and be black. Oh, wait, and raise his right hand. Great. Job well done.
Actually he fucked up his oath and had to retake it the next day.
Pardon me, Bagoh - I must go denounce myself now before the State does it for me.
Seven Machos said...
By not running, Obama can have what he believes will be his ace in the hole: the chance to recreate the magic of that strange, strange year, 2008." You are in dream land. First. there is no way Obama bows out. Not because he is a fighter. Because the word hubris was created just for him. Second, there is no way to "recreate the magic". For the same reason Harold Hill never went to the same town twice.
This I know: He's a dick.
MLK in some form ... weeps.
The real racists in this country are those who voted for that ... boy ... because he was black. Ish.
I voted against him because he was (and remains) an arrogant, narcissistic, intellectual idealogue who's never had to work for a thing in his life, yet thinks he can force the rest of us into his mold.
Not the black, people, the RED.
Mogget raised a good point. Once Obama has vacated the White House (and please, dear God, let it be in 2013!), will we have to endure decades more of the sort of meddling, backbiting, busybody, post-Presidential antics that we've seen from the likes of Jimmy Carter?
There's something unseemly about a former president constantly insinuating himself back into the national spotlight.
Now what really happened: "You need to ask yourself why you want to do this... What are you hoping to uniquely accomplish, Barack?"
Obama: "It's the closest I'll ever come to being white"
Michelle: "Me too?"
Obama: "Ha! No. But you can go to Spain"
"This I know..." ?
Wow. He even sounds like the title of an Oprah-recommended book selection.
Who fell for it and voted for this guy anyway??
Obama will take credit for any eventual recovery no matter what. I just question whether his psyche can deal with losing, and he has to know it's grim. I merely said there is a chance. I'm not predicting his withdrawal.
"This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
This I know (fuck, isn't that just about the most pretentious expression ever?), that was only reason to ever vote for him.
It wasn't near enough to offset his all-to-obvious deficiencies, but the idiots, the grifters, the race-baiters, the white liberals consumed with guilt got their affirmative action president, and cannibalized America's future with unprecedented debt.
Congrats. You won, and America lost.
November '12: It's not just an election, it's an intelligence test.
Don't fail again, America.
or a pre-packaged Milli Vanilli record...
You have to think that maybe Michelle was not all that enthused about her husband running for president.
You also have to think that Michelle took it for granted that he had the right politics.
And so, with his answer, Barack didn't need to explain his politics, not to Michelle. He only needed to make it impossible for her to say no.
The first sap was Michelle.
so, in other words, it's all about him.
No question, Black Americans will get into trouble for Obama! (Even more trouble than Jesse Jackson could cause ... because Jesse Jackson is actually his own and only fan boy.)
But obama's problems don't stem from Kenya. Don't come to him because of his dad! (I know too many Black people ... So that I know COMMON SENSE among Black people of all sorts, abounds.)
Drugs? That's a separate issue. And, it's not genetically intertwined, either. So, I don't rate drug and alcohol abuse as particularly genetic.
On the other hand? EVERYTHING THAT'S DUMB ABOUT OBAMA is there because of his mother!
Anita Dunn? That's his mother ... being offered a seat at his wife house table.
Larry Summers? A fat male version of his mother!
You just can't fool me!
Eric Holder is a Black criminal. YUP. But "common sense" isn't particularly a gift with the criminal class ... And, I don't care where you look! Go as white as russia. And, as yellow as china.
Criminal minds all think alike.
But a president with common sense? Wouldn't have brought these thieves to the table ... Because they are eating his reputation alive! As did Pelosi.
Do democraps have more thieves in their tent than the republican country club side?
Well, at one time the demoraps had more savvy people. And, better comedians.
It was all about Barack being elected to the presidency, and not actually being president.
He was (for some) an inspirational candidate, but also a candidate without a plan beyond his own election.
Hence the emptiness that causes his isolation, golfing, depression etc.
There's no spread sheet you can use ... where you fill in numbers ... and you gain access to the future. Might as well use a Ouija Board. Or throw chicken bones, around.
If one of our supreme court justices should happen to die shortly? You're gonna see chaos run amok, here. You're going to see Obama trying to reach for Lui. Or some other incompetent chinese dude.
Which won't help things, ahead ... as politicians go reeling!
They're all reeling, now!
Nobody's got coattails.
And, ALL obama does is DITHER!
John Bolton has a great article up, today!
He said the "whole thing with the paliestinians at the UN?" It's a Broadway Production. Whatever "state" change they get ... it will move a chair of theirs a few feet ... at the UN ... So their chair will be closer to the one the vatican occupies.
He also said Disneyland should apply for Statehood. (There'd even be fewer complaints.)
Obama is just riding out these storms.
If he plans anything at the white house ... it has to do with dinner parties. Where Michele is in charge, anyway.
Or golf games.
A man can never play too much golf.
While you weigh obama's falling approval ratings ... you should look over to congress ... to really see how low approval ratings can go.
Yes children, you too can grow up and be a mediocre President.
Americans will vote for POTUS Obama, just like that.
The GOP has no idea the power he has over the voters.
The re-election of the greatest POTUS in our history is already in the bag.
The challenge how big the victory will be. I predict he will get 70% of electoral college.
He expects us to believe Michelle really talks like that?
The woman who said, "All of this over a flag?", at the 9/11 commemoration.
What she really said was, "If we pull this off, we can get even with white people forever".
Seven Machos said...
Ridiculous. Bill Clinton's story is far, far more interesting and heroic
Ridiculous is right. Willie has been a coward, liar, cheat, and bully all his life. In many ways, he and GodZero are soulmates, particularly in their sociopathy.
The only difference is Zero doesn't have zipper failures, probably because he loves no one as much as himself.
While you weigh obama's falling approval ratings ... you should look over to congress ... to really see how low approval ratings can go.
Uh, Carol, when have the approval ratings for the United States Congress ever not been low?
May be Ann will do another post on this but I find this to go with the theme here..'elect the black guy and then what?'
From the Dailybeast:
The major takeaway from the book is about how quickly it became clear that Obama was out of his league running the administration. But Obama’s relation to reality, in addition to his managerial skills, comes into question. In August 2009, with health-care reform bogged down and his staff dissolving into frantic infighting—“the worst period of his presidency,” according to Dunn—Obama seemed to be blissfully detached from his political struggles. “My name is Barack Hussein Obama and I’m sitting here,” he said, “So yeah, I’m feeling pretty lucky.” It was only after Republican Scott Brown won the race for a Massachusetts Senate seat that Obama seemed to realize his inspiring life story wasn’t a governing strategy. “What is my narrative? I don’t have a narrative,” a lost-seeming Obama told senior staff. One staffer who was there told Suskind, “For someone like Obama, that’s like saying I don’t know who I am.”
With 44 total, so far, we've had our fair share of mediocre presidents.
Given that obama should have used Dubya as an unacceptable base line ... it's his STUPID WHITE BLOOD ... half of his genetics ... that have landed him in so much hot water!
Why is Michelle there?
HELLO. Women have EGGS. They want to have babies.
Obama was willing to impregnate her. And, she thought the life of being like Jackie Kennedy was going to be attractive.
No. I'm not kidding!
IF ONLY Obama's BLACK HALF ... were in charge! Instead of his STUPID MOTHER'S WHITE HALF! Kapish?
I look at myself like I (we) are F#@ked!
Okay. Unique accomplished. So why has he announced his candidacy for a second term? He's done his bit for history, now he can step down and back Hillary to try to set another first.
Anita Dunn should be your clue!
She's a very bitter woman!
When she talks her tongue flaps out of her mouth! She wanted to take over at the White House ... and this nitwit ran into trouble!
Let's go one administration, back.
Both Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are bright guys. Who chose to be republicans. And, both were born into POOR households. They're OUTLIERS. Brilliant enough to climb up.
What did Dubya do?
He actually saw Arik Sharon get a stroke and become a vegetable. And, he turns around, and tries to give Dick Cheney a heart attack.
RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING, Colin Powell KNEW Richard Armitage was the "leaker" of the plame story. But the press went after Cheney. And, Scooter Libby was hung out like bait!
The "special prosecutor" Patrick Fizgerald was INCOMPETENT then. And, he still is! Dubya wouldn't "pardon the Jew!"
Dubya thought everyone should jump on a sword to entertain "the cowboy."
When Obama got into the presidency ... he knew what the press could do. And, he tried to appease them by throwing not only meat ... and trillions ... But going "socialist." Which was his mom's philosophy ... that he slurped up with his mother's milk.
Keep blaming black folk.
They are not the problem!
Jews aren't, either.
Obama's life is now a mess?
Could he have done better? Nope, not with his mom's genetics taking to the fore of his system!
(For the good news ... Ed Rollins can't lick Rick Perry's boots. Hallelujah about something.)
No, American Politico. Obama's re-election is NOT in the bag! And, Wisconsin is a toss-up state!
Today, an article said "what if New York State votes for the republican candidate?"
No one can foretell the future.
You want to play guessing games? No one so far has nailed any of the toss up states. So far? Nobody can be declared the winnah.
Youthful voters, however, are looking at Ron Paul.
Long ago, and far away, unhappy youthful voters looked at Ralph Nader.
Carol_Herman: I was wrong. I should say: POTUS Obama will win every-where, including WI.
Are you part of the daily K-street jamborees? Do you get daily morning message of the day? ETC.
I am "in" in the campaign. I know things. I can predict things. You have no idea of how the brutal defeat will be for the GOP.
If I were Perry, Bachman, Palin, or Romney, I would very, very, very worried. Why do you think their staff are leaving? They are scared, very scared.
"This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
Yes and they do!
They see the first black president bungle the job badly.
They see the first black president as a socialist who is blinded by his own dogma.
They see the first black president do everything he can to alienate the other two branches of government.
They see the first black president start a whole new war (boots are on the ground in Libya) without any provocation from that country.
They see the first black president set back the cause of blacks about 100 years of effort.
Way to go Barack! 2012 can't come to soon!
I don't think that Obama ever thought he was going to actually be elected this go round, I think it was a dry run, preparatory for the real thing farther down the road.
When he saw that he'd bamboozled enough voters to win, he took it and ran with it.
What kind of annoying spouse asks what her partner hopes to "uniquely" accomplish?
"... should Rubio run for President or Vice-President, Mick will presumably be on about him endlessly."
I think I'll just preemptively die now, in self-defense.
Obama will be like Gosling. The theme for re-election of the greatest POTUS will be: Tick of the Clock.
Wait for the campaign to get started. It will be the beginning of the end for the GOP.
Jackie Robinson understand that it wasn't enough for him to play in the major leagues. He needed to do an outstanding job as well.
MayBee said...
What kind of annoying spouse asks what her partner hopes to "uniquely" accomplish?
LoL, thread winner. A jealous and competitive wife perhaps, who does not think he amounted to a hill of beans in the first place.
Chaz is on DWTS! Priorities peeps.
That's the thing.
This guy thinks that as long as his lips move, everyone will listen, and will be changed forever.
In a way, he's right.
He's energized people in a way not imagined.
Keep talking Barry. Its the equivalent of being in a hole and shoveling faster.
Bullshit artists never last. Never.
Gotta give Michelle credit; she asked an intelligent question.
I worked for McCain 2008 here in Florida. Not with much enthusiasm. I recall going to social events in the immediate aftermath of the election and saying that I had always reserved a 5% chance of being wrong about Obama. I thought he had some potential to surprise, and I said that I hoped he would use his unique position to influence African Americans in a positive way regarding education, crime, drugs, illegitimacy (or whatever you call it euphemistically), etc.
I still say that the question has to be phrased as this: What quality would he have to pull out of his hat and put on display from here on out for his first term to be a success? And there really is no answer to that. If he had such a quality why wouldn't he have expressed it by now? No true leader would see the country in the condition it is in and stand by, waiting to spring this or that campaign theme on the populace. If he was a leader we would know it by now. He is not a leader and he is showing that single every day.
Seven Machos said...
"Ridiculous. Bill Clinton's story is far, far more interesting and heroic, as is Ronald Reagan's. Obama has always been an unoriginal hack and now he's a failure at the only job he couldn't stay at just long enough to climb to another job.
If he wasn't such a laughable narcissist, I'd feel sorry for him.
He has to know he's going to get creamed in the 2012 election, right?"
That depends on if the Religious Right and the other fruitloops manage to inflict another candidate that will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
"Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...
MLK in some form ... weeps."
I doubt it. Your Saint Martin was a socialist.He'd be delighted!
Three things Saint Martin would be upset about.
1. Briefly, that Obama was the best Negro in the whole country? No way. Then realizing that with Bush, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Palin - the whiteys haven't fielded their a-game either.
2. Disappointed with Barack that while he was just a civil rights leader he had a travelling whore and party show going on. Drink, drugs, getting to fuck and beat up all the white and black whores he cared to. And Barack got none of those perks of high power going on and he be President! "And my Coretta Scott King be a finer piece of ass than that skank face Michelle any day of the week!"
3. Pacifist Saint Martin would be unhappy that Obama be killing brown brothers without trial with missiles....while palling up to what Saint Martin thought were the "revolting Muslim sorts".
What quality would he have to pull out of his hat and put on display from here on out for his first term to be a success?
The quality to stop holding up free trade left and right and to realize that what's preventing economic growth is an unpredictable business environment caused by too much bad law.
other fruitloops
It'll probably be a rabid anti-Semite.
Why I'm not surprised that Obama saw the oath moment as the end and not the beginning. He is exceptionally shallow even for a politician.
I said it back then and I'll say it again: Barack Obama did not campaign for the office of President of the United States. Barack Obama auditioned for the role of President of the United States.
When Obama won, people kept trying to cast him as the new Lincoln or the new FDR. Who knew that his model was David Palmer?
Yep. The world looked at us differently and they haven't stopped laughing since.
Mogget said...
This sort of thing makes me wonder if he'll imitate Carter's post-presidency behaviors as well.
9/20/11 7:36 PM
There is worse scenario - Obama becoming a Secretary of UN (I hope he does not)
The Middle East, now aflame, and the heightened racial tensions of flash mobs and the CBC and Maxine Waters has proven him wrong, wrong, wrong.
Now what?
There is worse scenario - Obama becoming a Secretary of UN (I hope he does not)
It's a great scenario. It's utterly perfect. The UN is an utterly useless organ controlled by the actual power brokers of the Great Powers. It never had any power and it has even less now. (I know of what I speak.) Let Obama be tucked away there, making meaningless pronouncements.
Obama got selected because the democraps faced a problem! They saw Dubya as inept. And, they saw him whallop Kerry.
Within the democrapic "alliance" are a lot of left wing lunatics. But "dumb" isn't one of their characteristics!
HANGING ONTO POWER is, in fact, one of their JUMBO characteristics! And, even though they're not "large in number" ... they did ... through thrusts made in the 20th Century ... pretty much take over academia AND CULTURE!
(Or you wouldn't have been seeing a post about "hot pants" here.)
After Kerry ... They SAW they needed to do "something." (Hillary? She's not really very appealing.)
The democraps were like movie studio bosses ... "ON THE HUNT FOR TALENT."
Obama was loaded with that "talent."
Hey! In Hollywood Ronald Reagan didn't have "it." Jimmy Stewart had "it." And, Reagan was cast to be his next-door-neighbor. Or the guy in the film you could kill off ... before you got to the last reel.
Reagan did learn how to deal with these highly egotistical bastards! Politics isn't any different. And, Obama caught the eye of the "casting agents."
He also actually DELIVERED! He actually tried to toss his his "mom's socialsim." As if HE COULD DO THIS! While no other democrap quite knew how to do this trick. (Even Bill Clinton couldn't quite "do it.")
So there you have the "magical mystery's tour" beginnings."
It didn't work out so well.
It didn't because the "stimulus just robbed your grandchildren!
And, we're all still stuck with fewer banks ... and much more dishonest bankers and wall street types.
They are getting desperate!
They're fucking house is on fire!
And, obama can't wiz out the fire, either.
He's like a vaudeville act, now.
And, those who count the size of the house ... see, instead, empty chairs.
CUSTOMERS ARE NOT GOING TO BE BUYING THIS SHIT. No matter how much chrome you stick on top.
Is obama now aware that he's got a lousy act?
Well, at least he's capable of learning this! Dubya wasn't.
"This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
What's wrong with you people? That was the reasonable thing to say.
Right, Ann?
There's no spread sheet you can use ... where you fill in numbers ... and you gain access to the future. Might as well use a Ouija Board. Or throw chicken bones, around.
Oh my God. Carol_Herman is Christopher Walken.
That was the reasonable thing to say.
The first part was great. Yeah, obviously, people would look at the Obama the president differently than Obama the candidate. Things started going rapidly downhill for him as soon as that transformation occurred.
It's the second part of the quote that's so ridiculous and telling. Obama apparently believed that people would see themselves differently because of something that happened solely to him. That's really a bizarre thing to say under any circumstances.
...and the oceans will receed,
Crack Em.....Barry seemed to think that although he has accomplished nothing in his life, he is still a great hero who people worship.
That is what is wrong with this.
Reagan did more for society as a lifeguard by the time he graduated from high school.
And I ask again...is Barry a so-called "black man"? His biological father was from Kenya, but he isn't any more black than our fist black president (Clinton).
"I voted against him because he was (and remains) an arrogant, narcissistic, intellectual idealogue who's never had to work for a thing in his life, yet thinks he can force the rest of us into his mold."
He was born with a silver spoon named CIA in his mouth. Mother, father and maternal grandparents all CIA-connected through Kenya and Hawaii. The HI bank where his grandmother worked was conduit to SE Asia SE Asia activities.
Codevilla explored the facts at Claremont Institute and neither Althouse, Reynolds, Jacobson. McCain, Rhiel, Malkin, Burge nor Hoft touched it:
The guy is powerfully protected and amply repaying his preparation by the ecclesial/academic/media/bureaucratic monopoly centered around the CIA. If he does not re-swear on 20JAN13, he'll have his and her egos to blame, not their performance for their master.
Typo: The HI bank where his grandmother worked was conduit to SE Asia SE Asia activities.
Should have been: The HI bank where his grandmother worked was conduit to SE Asia CIA activities.
Whoa! David R. Graham pulls out the seriously fucking crazy.
To what end, David? You realize that the CIA can never operate in the United States, is almost exclusively a mere collector of information for policymakers, and is filled with numbskulls who make $60,000 a year who couldn't even predict the fall of the USSR or the Iranian revolution. You realize all that, right.
But I am curious, because I love a fucked up nut case. What's the point of it all? What's the end game of your glorious fiction?
The HI bank where his grandmother worked was conduit to SE Asia CIA activities.
So what?
Mission Accomplished!
"Question: How many narcissists [like ObamaMe] does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Answer: One. He holds the bulb while the world revolves around him."
So can we get a new choice?
People forget that Bill Clinton had a temper! And, in 1994, when he saw the public's reaction to his "socialism," he swung right.
Sure. Newt Gingrich took control of da' House ... But Newt Gingrich gave Clinton the chance to MOVE RIGHT!
Boehner hasn't done this! Boehner is in the "grip" of his own agenda! And, he's not really giving obama "wiggle room."
Plus, Bill Clinton was a SMART politician. Obama's intellect is rather ordinary.
People have also forgotten Ronald Reagan! When Ronald Reagan won in 1980, he jetisoned his whole California crew! And, picked, instead James Baker. Who was the real operator in town. And, Reagan just played "sleepy." You couldn't argue in front of him. Because he seemed unimpressed by arguments. James Baker became a billionaire on influence peddling.
Obama's got nothing to show for his troubles!
Yes, Obama's WHITE mom raised him to be a socialist. And, to expect his ass kissed ... because Blacks were gonna get "certain benefits."
This was NOT apparent when Obama was born! (When Obama was born his best hope was to grow up and be a waiter.) Where he could make tips.
But "something changed."
LBJ wanted to block Robert Kennedy from entering the White House ... (But Robert Kennedy went to the senate through New York State ... in 1966) ... And, this brought LBJ ... of all people ... promoting affirmative action ...
Which also got blessed by the Supreme Court.
And, Obama's ass was shined by his mother to believe he'd go much farther than just a restaurant's waiter's career. (Starbucks hadn't been born, yet. A cup of Joe was just a dime. It came with free refills.)
What's Obama's problem now?
As stupid as his mother. And, like her, he likes to poke people in the eye. (It's NOT a Black American quality at all!)
One that belongs, though, to Stanley Ann Dunham.
Bill Clinton overame his mother, Lillian's, shorcomings. HE RACED TO THE MIDDLE.
Obama? He can't figure out "how."
He can't figure out how to rid himself of the leeches.
That Reagan got rid of ... as soon as he reached DC. And, all the California set got to go home. (Except Ed Meese. And, Deaver. Who was a MEDIA GENIUS.)
Obama hasn't got a single genius.
Reagan had a few.
You only need a few.
Bill Clinton, on the other hand, was his own genius.
And, Dubya "should'a been" an easy act to follow.
What can you do? Life doesn't always hand you aces.
When did Robert Kennedy get to the senate? I think he was already one of NY State's senators by 1966.
In 1968 Robert Kennedy may even have been due to run again ... but knew his numbers in NY State were terrible.
It doesn't matter. LBJ escalated in Vietnam, STUPIDLY. And, LOST his gamble.
Affirmative Action, on the other hand, took hold. It changed hiring, because suddenly the glass ceiling didn't keep women down.
And, it changed admissions in every single college and university.
(Then, we had those riots! 1970? But if you were going to school then? You got a "free" semester without classes. As all the students moved, ahead, anyway. To make room for the "incoming.")
Whatever it was ...
That Moochelle Obama exchange has enough saccharin and Hollywood BS in it to trigger my gag reflex.
Howzabout Moochelle saying to Barack--you best get your lazy backside down to winning that there election so I can have 4 years of great vacations--and 8 years if you don't screw things up you miserable worm you.
Now that exchange I could believe.
The world did look at them differently.
And now that he's been President for a while, they see him differently differently.
It would not be fair to project Obama's failings on all those kids though.
"Obama has always been an unoriginal hack"
Give him some credit. Before now their plan has been tax and spend. He's changed the plan to spend and tax. It's new and improved!
Isn't marxism cool? Shit, the only thing missing the Che shirts.
Did anyone ask "us" who?
Notice that use of an adverb: "uniquely accomplish," as in: "What are you hoping to uniquely accomplish, Barack? That's a pretty weird and a not particularly functional way to put something (especially in this case in terms of the something that was probably intended but was poorly expressed). Yet it says a lot.
And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
That didn't happen. Or, in the cases in which it did, it was mostly only temporary. In the die-hard cases, it's unlikely to be permanent, though the die-hardest of cases will no doubt have planted gardens to start the cycle again. It's what passionate planters do.
So, Michelle was talking about something or some things that could be accomplished, in terms of a conversation with her husband about things he wanted to see accomplished [that he wanted to accomplish] {that he wanted to be the person to accomplish}. And she purportedly said, as part of a longer response to something embedded in their conversation the true nature of which we'll never know, "What are you hoping to uniquely accomplish, Barack?" In response to that, he purportedly said, also as part of a[n indicated longer] answer, "This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
What. the. hell. How was that a good answer, even hypothetically?
I do not believe for a second that he ever uttered those words. Sounds completely made up to me. Wouldn't be the first time.
NYTNewYorker said...
"Mick, I'm curious, what will you say when and if Marco Rubio runs?"
The same thing I've said here. Rubio is not eligible either (born of Cuban, non US Citizens in Miami).
Seven Machos said...
"If Rubio runs, Mick will cite the same dumb shit that he has cited here ad nauseum since 2008, including using court cases that denied women the right to vote to prop up his arguments. Also the writings of some obscure European courtier.
Mick fancies himself a great constitutional scholar."
Ah, the fake Conservative meme presented by the Obama Internet Brigade Bootlickers.
Minor v. Happersett is Precedent for the definition of natural born Citizen and is up held by the holding of Perkins v. Elg (i.e that Miss Elg was a natural born Citizen-- born of naturalized US Citizens in NY-- her US Citizenship would still be intact at the age of majority when taken back to Sweden in her minority.).
In M v. H the question was "does a US Citizen have the Constitutional right to vote?"
Judge Waite said that the fact of Virginia Minor's Citizenship was not determined by the 14 Amendment but by A2S1C5, since she was a natural born Citizen, i.e born of US Citizen parents in the US. He also SAID HIMSELF that the fact that she was a natural born Citizen was part of the holding-- since it first had to be deterimined that she was a US Citizen, then that Citizenship did not convey the right to vote-- thus it is precedent, and was upheld by Perkins v. Elg 54 years later. The 19th Amendment in 1920 gave women the right to vote.
Rubio certainly does not fit the definition, and will be challenged, as will Obama in the next election. The Usurper may not run in the next election since he knows that millions are now awake to his Usurpation-- he wants to keep the precedent of his non natural born Presidency.
Obama was installed in by the NWO Central bankers by corrupting the Democratic party caucuses, the allowance of Billions in foreign donations, and the Candidacy of another non natural born Citizen-- J. McCain -- which neutralized Quo Warranto.
7 Machos said,
"But, anyway, it's Mick! Awesome. Tell us about your plan to prevent Obama from winning the presidency in 2012, dude. How is that grassy knoll coming along?"
You'll know it when you see it. Scared for the Usurper ? (your boss).
obama didn't fool me. He is doing what any community organizer of a black neighborhood would do. Take taxpayer money and spend it. Did his endeavors increase black graduation rates, decrease black on black crime, decrease illigitimacy, create jobs in the black neighborhood? No. Those community organizers never do. That's why he thinks he can just spend any amount of money that he wants. It's all he knows how to do. He's never had to answer to anyone when whatever he does turns into a failure.
Seriously, how could people not see this coming?
Funny, that's exactly the same thing Barack told Michelle while they were dating, and he announced he was going to run for President of the Harvard Law Review! Barack's rapidly running out of things he can become president of, and thereby change the thinking of millions . . . .
The Norma Desmond presidency.
This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently
And he was right. The main problem, and his greatest error, was thinking that it would last. The global euphoria over the USA electing a half-white guy to President ended rather quickly and has not paid any dividends since.
If getting the world to look at us a little differently was the goal, mission accomplished. Unfortunately, there's a whole lot more to the gig...
As I've said, he's the first meta president: it's all about him as president and observing and analyzing himself in the symbolic role of president.
Not much time for governance, but hopefully he will produce his first scholarly paper on the whole thing after his retirement in 2012.
Why do you think black people "lose" if Obama loses? Still operating under the assumption that white people can't make distinctions between black people? Also, did black people "win" when Obama was elected? (I mean, other than in Obama's mind.) Could it be that this "black half" v. "white half" thing that you're on about is a difference without a distinction? It's not worth belaboring in any event since both of the Obama parental units were demonstrably silly and selfish each in his or her own special way. Obama was raised mostly by his grandparents; grandma brought home the bacon and grandpa introduced him to the politics of resentment. Whether you believe in nature or nurture, this guy was doomed either way.
Those millions of kids can now look at themselves and think...I'm broke.
"This I know... When I raise my hand and take that oath of office, I think the world will look at us differently. And millions of kids across the country will look at themselves differently."
I wonder how the kids of the long term unemployed look at themselves? More importantly, how do they look at Barack Obama now?
That's his standard response: "I should President because I am totally awesome!"
Everyone see the picture of him raising his hand today?
I think "the the world [looks at him] differently," alright.
And what they see isn't good.
(I thought -- maybe it's a photoshop?)
Rubio is not eligible to be president. Unfortunately for Rubio, the situation is clear on multiple counts. However unfortunate that may or may not be for the American people, much more conservatives or at least Republicans, the situation is clear is on multiple counts. He is not eligible.
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