September 5, 2011

Yesterday and today.


David said...

Tomorrow: snow?

ricpic said...

The sun may be out in that second picture but I have a distinctive b-r-r-r reaction to it. Maybe it's the wind chop.

edutcher said...

So that's what we'll have tomorrow.

Looks nice, but it is getting chilly, although we shouldn't complain. I read somewhere it was actually 82 (for the high) in Fort Worth.

10 weeks of 100+ is more than enough - I say this having endured 6 weeks of the same in Philadelphia 31 years ago.

Alex said...

Beautiful second shot. I wish I was into boating.

dbp said...

It must have rained one hell of a lot to have made a whole lake where that road once was.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Ann Althouse said...

I was pretty cold! Brisk! Good for the day before school starts. Focuses the mind on studying.

Scott said...

I close on my house in Rahway on Thursday. The process has been nerve wracking. But at the end, I hope Jon and I will have a place with enough space, where we can make noise with our music, where we can have friends over for dinner and guests overnight, where we can have a fenced backyard for a dog, where I can have a reasonable commute to Jersey City without having to drive a car. I want this so badly.

Keystone said...

Are those motorcycles in the top photo?

Carol_Herman said...

More traffic on the water than on the road. Exactly the opposite of what I'd expect.

Carol_Herman said...

A poppa motorcycle and his little bear?

Carol_Herman said...

You'll miss the students by the time the next semester rolls to a close.

And, remember that Tommy Thompson was such a mensh! He realized there would be students lonesome for home. So, he went to the university ... and invited some of them over to his mansion. How many governors think of doing that?

Do they just take the incoming students for granted?

m stone said...

I wish you well, Scott. A place of comfort is invaluable.

Scott said...

Thanks m stone. I appreciate it.

Carol_Herman said...

Is the corn as high as an elephant's eye, yet?

Michael K said...

Those boats won't be on the lake for long now.

Up here, we had light rain this morning and sunny and 75 now.

I spent 40 years sailing but can't do it anymore. Too hard for an old guy. I miss it. When I sold my house I gave serious thought to living aboard my boat at the time. Unfortunately, it was a sailboat and I just can't handle it anymore. The WSJ had a video story on folks living aboard because of the economy. Not in Wisconsin, though.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Whatever happened to the new civility?

Scott said...

@Lem: The "new civility" is still more civil than the "old civility". It's just that in the first two hundred years of our country, we didn't have cheap video cameras and YouTube.

edutcher said...

Ann Althouse said...

I was pretty cold! Brisk! Good for the day before school starts. Focuses the mind on studying.

Be glad you start on a civilized date. School here started a couple of weeks ago. Everybody sweated through the mini heat wave last week which is why, when I was a kid, I was always glad started the week after Labor Day. You didn't have to fight the heat so much

Stay warm.

PS By then, it was getting nippy at night, although the chill didn't focus me that much on studying. More like, "Again!!???!".

Lem said...

Whatever happened to the new civility?

What happened to the USS Arizona?

kjbe said...

The med school M1's have three weeks under their belts already. Things have been hoppin' down here for a while...

Fred4Pres said...

I must say Wisconsin is a pretty interesting state. The curds are just squeeky there. And that is a good thing.

Scott said...

@Fred4Pres: Before or after you eat them? :)

MadisonMan said...

Before. Curds that don't squeak aren't eaten.

It was cold today. But the laundry still dried in the wind. Two blankets on the bed now. Aaah.

Anonymous said...

Well, at the K-street super consultant outing, we got the go-ahead: The campaign for 2012 officially starts tomorrow. Already all the unions are fired-up (see Drudge headlines). The operatives, reporters, and consultants numbered over 50. It was hard to figure out who is doing what. The only thing that mattered was their goal: A total and complete victory of the POTUS Obama over the entire GOP.

It was unbelievable, totally surreal. The people were giving high-five, drinking wine and cheering one another, and simply wanting to start the campaign.

Someone I feel sorry for the GOP. They have no idea what is coming...

Michael K said...

Someone I feel sorry for the GOP. They have no idea what is coming...

They aren't the only ones who don't know what's coming.

Peano said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter Hoh said...

It's been a weekend to say farewell to Summer.

We spent most of yesterday at the Minnesota State Fair. Perfect weather. Lots of good, greasy food, very little of which was on a stick.

I knew that one neighbor took second place in one of the cake categories, but it was hard to identify her cake in the display cooler.

In the Fine Arts building, I was delighted to discover that another neighbor earned an award of merit for her scherenschnitte.

Somehow managed to forget to check out the seed art and the livestock, but then usually we go a second time to catch all that we missed the first time through.

Heading to the exit, we ran into the daughter's Kindergarten teacher and her family. They don't call it the "Great Minnesota Get-Together" for nothing.

Tonight, the annual back-to-school marshmallow roast for our block and the next one over. It's a lovely, low-key event hosted by our very neighborly neighbor.

Deb said...

Thunderstorms & tornadoes in our area last night. More storms expected today.

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