Hell, I would have thought she'd be in a nunnery at this point. The problem with that, though, is that even Mother Superiors have wicked senses of humor and have probably heard all the cigar jokes.
Hard to feel sorry for her. She was a silly girl who just had to gossip about her affair and didn't have the sense to wash the dress and tell Starr's staff to go to hell when they intruded into her private life.
Sad really. We are beyond the social pariah imposed by the outside--so she cannot blame her victimhood on that. Monica is pretty tame (and rather pathetic) compared to those hacks who promote themselves by notoriety out there today. She was just a young silly girl who put herself in a very bad position and is now paying the price for that. Bill Clinton was a pig who took advantage of that. She can end all of this by moving on and getting on with her life, but she doesn't know how to do it.
In life, you have to be able to take a joke. I don't see what could really hold her back at this point other than an inability to do so. That and the fact that she was never really bound for greatness in the first place.
I'm always torn on her. On one hand, 21 is, IMO, old enough to know better than to get involved with a married man, period. She's responsible for that bad decision.
On the other hand, she was young, and she was naive, and I have some sympathy for her. Clinton really took advantage- it wasn't just the sex that was wrong of him, but the fact that he really jumped onto a girl who was in such an inferior position to him. I feel bad for her that she has to carry this for the rest of her life. Can you imagine any man wanting to tell people that he was seriously dating Monica Lewinsky?
WV: hymen. Really. I've been getting the weirdest WVs the last few days.
A girl who Lewinskied Bush (hmmm) and subsequently blamed him for taking advantage of her would be a media darling. Companies would pay her thousands to tweet about their products. She'd be bigger than Kim Kardashian (hmmm, again).
I'll give her credit for not turning on Bill. OTOH, I don't think there was ever a significant market inducement for her to do so. The news and entertainment media don't want to dredge any of that stuff up, so they won't touch her with a 10-foot pole or a Presidente cigar.
Sad, and unnecessary. Trooper (showing a flash of confidence in human nature) has it right. Stop being a victim, and just get on with it. There are plenty of people, including some decent men, who will befriend you. Many of them engaged in serious indiscretions at one time or another too. Just not on the biggest stage in the world.
Now, as for the slimeball pig Bill Clinton . . . . .
Ah, memories. It reminds me of former Time correspondent Nina Burleigh telling the Washington Post in reference to Bill Clinton: "I'd be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal." Quite a classy lady, eh? It's not surprising that willing debasement goes hand in hand with infanticide.
There is only one Trooper York out there Freeman...and I hear he is taken.
But you are all giving good advice to Ms. Lewkinsky. She needs to find a regular job, be a regular sort of gal, and find a big brash guy who can take on any jerkoffs to make fun of her. And eventually things will be all good.
I was in a bar once and Tonya Harding was there playing a video game with a drink on one side and a cigarette on the other. A friend of mine I was with went up to her and said: "I hear Tonya Harding hangs out here..." Tonya took a drag on her cigarette, looked at him and dryly said, "No shit." She apparently did not get the joke. Or maybe she did. I have no sympathy for Harding.
There were 12 lawyers at the Impeachment hearings interviewing her. And, she did NOT give clinton over to these dogs!
Maybe, she wouldn't have gotten married anyway? I know lots of single gals who bypassed getting married. And, some who did are now divorced.
She's got wide hips. But other than that she's dressed in expensive clothes. And, I doubt she lacks for male companions.
She just couldn't find another Bill.
And, she never even demanded that he say thanks to her for saving his ass.
(She probably thinks Linda Tripp caused her all of her problems, anyway.)
Expecting her to be married is the wrong test.
She's also NOT someone's secretary. She's not working at a drag-ass job where she has to bring in the coffee.
That she's an easily recognized name? She got there without killing anybody.
That she stood up to 12 lawyers in da' House? Probably cost Newt Gingrich his Speakership. And, it shows ya, Newt's "contract with America" didn't amount to a hill of beans, either. Anybody can stick a sheet of paper into laminated plastic.
A home in LA and an apartment in New York, living off of family money?
I'm sorry, I having a lot of trouble feeling sympathy for her. We're supposed to feel bad that her narcissistic lifestyle isn't giving her self-esteem?
Maybe she should, you know, do something with her money and her life.
There are people all over the world in need of help. There are men and women all over this country who are scraping and saving and working their ass off to pay for more schooling to become a contributory professional.
It's like feeling sorry for Bertie Wooster. After a certain amount of time, she needs to take responsibility for herself and live a life that earns respect, because the jokes that are being made are pretty much about the only thing she has done with success, it seems.
Stop being a narcissist and you'll find a lot more people like you. She's the butt of jokes because she can't move on to doing anything other than feel sorry for herself.
"The Lewinsky affair exposed feminism for the sham that it is, not about women really, but just a political tool for abortion."
This. Times 1000.
If Republicans guaranteed no one would ever touch Roe again and that every pro-life protest would never happen again, you could whip out whole chunks of the federal government and the left wouldn't care. The "right" to murder the inconvenient parasite that somehow made its way into a woman's body is the one, absolute, non-negotiable bedrock position of the Democrat party.
In short, she tried to capitalize on her name and its notoriety. And the world yawned.
Are we now supposed to feel sorry for her because her name is associated with “that woman”? If she didn’t care for the association, why did she try to build a brand name from it?
It's not just that her 15 minutes are (very) over, but that she's chosen to let the Clinton incident define her. Perhaps that's pathetic, but, it appears to be her choice.
I think most of you are being way, way too generous with Lewinsky. She lost my sympathies when she conspired with the Big Creep to set a perjury trap for Kathleen Willey. That was despicable, and that poor woman suffered far more than Lewinsky did for nothing more than having been made a confidant for Lewinsky's shameful behavior.
Stop being a narcissist and you'll find a lot more people like you. She's the butt of jokes because she can't move on to doing anything other than feel sorry for herself.
I do not disagree that victimhood wears thin after a while. Lewinsky needs to move on. I do feel a sorry for her. But, so what, the power to fix her life remains with her not me.
I did read American Lion when I was on the road. Mrs. Jackson was the butt of jokes and she sadly passed just after Jackson won the presidency but before he took office. Still, Andrew Jackson did not hesitate to defend his wife's honor when she wa attacked (and I think he killed at least one man in a duel over it).
I feel kind of sorry for her. Fine, it was a mess of her own making, but it's been a long time. Heck, Mike Vick killed a bunch of dogs and he's back on the field in two years. She was just a naive girl working on her bucket list.
Blue, I agree. She's still letting it, but this is not something that has to drag her down the rest of her life. My hope is that she sees that and acts on it.
They filmed a "What Not to Wear" with a third tier sitcom star and she thought that her shit didn't stink. I wanted to tell he "Sweetheart...you don't understand you are Potsie...it's not a big deal."
I thought Cohn has had pretty good success in the voiceover/voicework business.
Monica is dressed well enough that she's not hurting for cash.
And, she has more fame that a lot of people who came along in 1996 ... whom you wouldn't even recognize if you got introduced.
The only thing she didn't get was a thank you from Bill Clinton, which she indeed deserved. But he probably still carries a grudge that she's still way more likable than Hillary.
I'd even bet half the guys who jerk off here would like to meet her! And, they wouldn't forget her name.
The other good thing? When people see her ... and react in a way where they think "she looks familiar?" She takes it in stride.
Oh, yeah. The author of the article found a paycheck waiting. If he wrote about Tonya Harding? He wouldn't get quite the same pay day.
Trooper - got me. But then again, I don't care about any other team than the Sox. Actually, I'd rather look at a nice pair of shoes all day than go to Yankee Stadium.
You see Monica, the problem is that without that marriage certificate it never pays well. What do expect - anyone can do it. Just simple supply and demand.
It's doing the laundry that pays the big bucks, and you skipped that.
Ah CH likes Monica. Maybe..because ML reminds her of like the young Carol, back when she at least brought in some shekels as a mob cocksucker. Maezultuggies
Wrong again, B the mormon queer-FZ detested white trash churchies like you, Romneyite, more than anything. And even wrote a tune about yr mama!--not Jew.Princess--but.... Dog Breath variations. Heh heh
Here's the score, faggot--wait, first yll need to read treble and bassclef, and like those 16th notes with the lil dots after them.
Sorry, wussy boy. I bought Zappa fresh from the racks and still own the vinyl. I'm that old.
Beats me why you even come here. There isn't a subject that you aren't beat up on. Upping your game would be a futile expectation. You need to adjust your internet experience to what you can manage instead. I suggest cleaning up your language and trying Nickelodeon. Better yet, try Nickelodeon España. That could only help.
My bet is a sociopath like Bubba, who cheats @ everything, including golf, strays off the vegan when nobody is looking. I had a friend in college who was a sanctimonious vegetarian[early 70's before fashionable]. We would see his car parked near a good bar that made killer cheeseburgers. We would then walk into the bar, catch him eating[the pig usually got 2], and help ourselves to what he hadn't yet eaten, telling him it was for his own good.
What's that, B-boy (b as in butt!) you lying sack of filth? You mean your first Osmond album? You never had any FZ records--don't know Peaches in Regalia from yr crack pipe. or an argeggio from yr mama's whore ass (you know, Byro--the one you helped to an early grave--as the Phx. cops know as well).
Yr lies about to end white trash, too cowardly to link to a real site. Get the fuck offline, and get out of CA you bag of Mormon trash. Capiche, joto?
The Dept Of CA onto yr bogus mail order hustle as well.
Her family is doing her no favors by continuing to let her live on family welfare and pursue fantasies of starting her own PR firm. All that does is let her continue to view the world through a privileged JAP lens. Knock some of that out of her by forcing her into the workaday world and she might refocus on a perfectly acceptable workaday beau.
Wrong again B the little mormon, with no blog, no posts--you're the mental patient here, the delusional psychotic, and don't know fuck about real music. jus STFU. Vinyl buyer .Woweee. Here's the score, phony garbage trash. Whats the key, scum? Wait! Google it, joto
Maybe Ann Taylor (or whatever the womens clothing store is called) at the mall will hire her. She seems destined for a career in retail sales (not that there is anything wrong with that).
Bill Decried The Moralizing Over Some Oval Office Oralizing Monica Had Loads of Spunk In Yaffling Her Hunk But the Spunk on Her Dress Was Transformal-izing.
You would be crazy too if you lived on the wrong side of the 405 and on the wrong side of the hill. Especially if you saw yourself as a real hipster, VB or even south side. Horrible when all you have is the internet and your fear and those not very noir suburban LA basin blues. Carl's and waitresses with art hair and cheap tattoos. You would be stark raving mad.
ah...B again chiming in with his TP rightist pals (yo Digby, here's yr Romneyite, hangin' with white supremacists again). Now tell us about yr zappa-mothers collection, dreck.
She seems destined for a career in retail sales...
You've nailed it and what's wrong with that? is right. Downward mobility is her only hope for salvation. Salvation being a very ordinary life as the wife of a middle level executive in retail sales or retail anything who she'd meet through work.
"You would be crazy too if you lived on the wrong side of the 405..."
It's a kind of cliche about the 405 freeway, but it is strangely like a wall. If you look at maps of census-type data, it's a stark line with totally different populations on each side, even though it doesn't impede cross-traffic at all. To the west it's white, rich and relatively crime free but east of that line and it's another world. I cross it multiple times everyday.
Actually it was Linda Tripp who didn't do well. Not then. And, not now, either.
The other person who really didn't do well, but started as an intern the same time Monica did, is HUMA.
I don't think Monica is even jealous. Given that she might have wanted a pregnancy of her own ... But it's Huma's whose got one. And, nobody wants Anthony Weiner as a husband.
What's that, B the Romneyite? Making up little names, coward, with no blog, no posts, no visitors. Google's on to you as well.
Binky--maybe that's like one of yr mail order gimmicks? Here's your first cadence, joto--we were discussing music, remember, trash. Googles away, scum (and we got mental health people on you, mormon swine)
The problem is that people want to start at the top. It doesn't work that way.
I think the main problem is that no matter who she goes to work with or for, the whole scandal thing will always be the 800 pound gorilla in the room. People cannot control their innate curiosity and they want to KNOW.
I agree with the earlier comment. She's a prime candidate for a name change and a relocation. Maybe she can go shack up with Cassie Anthony and Elvis.
One commenter at the Dailymail is on trget.Why she is the pariah( BTW: social pariah is redundant)and not Bill? He reached an agreement with Juanita Broderick over alegations of rape. He sexually atacked Katherine Willey, se harrased Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky( She was his subordinate and he had sex with her in the working place) . But he did not received the Tiger Woods treatment
"The problem is that people want to start at the top. It doesn't work that way."
Maybe not in fashion, but Monica did jump right to the top in service of the powerful. She is the envy of every hooker in America. How did she score that gig anyway? I hope the first woman President pulls a Billy Clinton. Just that scene in my head cracks me up. What kind of dirty talk would be going on there? Do I call you Madame President, or just Chief? Are there sex acts that the Secret Service will recommend against?
Jose K, that is interesting. I wish I could get a Democrat to open up on why they support rapists like Bill Clinton, or douchebags like John "Don't worry, she'll be dead pretty soon" Edwards.
Is it that their hatred of Republicans is so strong that they will worship a rapist if he is a Demorcat?
If a Republican did those things, I would demand that he get removed from office.
Or is it like the Israel thing. It is said that there will never be peace in the mideast as long as the Arabs hate the Jews more than they love their own children.
You would like to think that Quentin was around every corner out there in the Valley in the flat light watching your every cool move but he isn't. He is way bored with that. There are the Mexicans with their blowers giving you the look but they would not know a hipster from a vendor down Topolobampo way. You would like to think Quentin would see you there in the hot midday as just escaped from the prison outside Los Mochis where you had to buy your food. But Quentin would look right through you. You would be barking crazy but Quentin is on to other things.
No, binky, we weren't. I couldn't care less about your opinions on Zappa, music in general, or anything else. For that matter, what value would any discussion with an incoherent hysteric offer me?
I tossed you a bone because you quoted something from Zappa that I hadn't thought about in a bit. That's all. Nothing more. And a bad move on my part since all you did was take said bone, shove it up your ass, and spin on it like some mad dervish with Tourettes.
I'm surprised she hasn't found a husband. Everyone knows she gives head.
As Fred4Pres says, sad.
I've wondered of a long time if a lot of weird stuff went on in the Clinton White House. My niece clerked for Clinton and Gore. She's very pretty, but built a little heavy like Monica. Within months of returning from her clerkship, she had to be hospitalized for depression. Maybe it was related to clerking, maybe not. But, I wonder.
It's doing the laundry that pays the big bucks, and you skipped that.
A quarter's worth of club soda and a dinner napkin would have taken care of the dress+spunk. But being a needy freak, she decided that it all should remain in situ. She probably looked at it more than once.
Clinton's a dog, but understand that a man married to a dyke has many unmet needs.
The backstory was that she had daddy issues from her father's divorce. I forget the details, but there was some other scandal where she slept with a married man and let the wrong people know about it. She wanted to punish married men for her father's infidelity and divorce....That said, she was an intern in the President's office. OK, he was not in loco parentis, but, for God's sake, the President of the United States is supposed to act with more discretion and morality than the horndog drummer in a one hit rock bank.....I think she seduced not just the President (not a difficult task) but the resulting scandal. Why confide in the older, Republican woman?....I don't think it's all that difficult for her to meet men, but her sense of entitlement is such that she feels only world leaders are suitable matches for her. Sadly DSK is already taken, but there would be a match made in heaven.
A line of sex toys might sell really well. A porn website.
This really pisses me off. Maybe--just MAYBE--she's a decent person. Maybe she always was. Decent people make mistakes and decent people let them recover.
This happens to girls all the time. It happens in junior highs, in high schools, in colleges. You sleep with the wrong guy, people talk, and suddenly you're a pariah.
She was young and made a mistake, but now it is time for her to forget herself and go on with her life. She said that she will never love anybody else, I don't think so, she is just feeding that love from good memories, but she is forgetting the bad ones. Her lack of self-esteem keeps her in a self-imposed prison.
It seemed when Bill got in trouble with women, he discredited them to the point to make them look like objects or things that, by accident, were on his way and served the purpose. He expresses about Monica in the same way as he expressed about many other women.
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Hell, I would have thought she'd be in a nunnery at this point. The problem with that, though, is that even Mother Superiors have wicked senses of humor and have probably heard all the cigar jokes.
Hard to feel sorry for her. She was a silly girl who just had to gossip about her affair and didn't have the sense to wash the dress and tell Starr's staff to go to hell when they intruded into her private life.
Sad really. We are beyond the social pariah imposed by the outside--so she cannot blame her victimhood on that. Monica is pretty tame (and rather pathetic) compared to those hacks who promote themselves by notoriety out there today. She was just a young silly girl who put herself in a very bad position and is now paying the price for that. Bill Clinton was a pig who took advantage of that. She can end all of this by moving on and getting on with her life, but she doesn't know how to do it.
The Daily Mail quoting the National Enquirer. Well, maybe it's true, but I'm suspicious.
In life, you have to be able to take a joke. I don't see what could really hold her back at this point other than an inability to do so. That and the fact that she was never really bound for greatness in the first place.
The Lewinsky episode exposed feminism for the sham that it is, not about woman really but just a political tool for abortion.
While Monica suffers as a recluse, Bill flits the globe raking in $Millions.
The Mail building an article around the National Enquirer's reporting. THAT'S what's sad.
"The publicity over her affair with Clinton ruined her chances of ever finding a decent guy."
How ridiculous is that for an anonymous quote? The Mail.
Heh. The end claims she's still in love with him. Chances of that being true? Nil.
I even know this famous blogger who ended up married to a gardener.....
Monica and Angeline Jolie were classmates at Beverly Hills High School [learned that watching American Pickers]
I'm always torn on her. On one hand, 21 is, IMO, old enough to know better than to get involved with a married man, period. She's responsible for that bad decision.
On the other hand, she was young, and she was naive, and I have some sympathy for her. Clinton really took advantage- it wasn't just the sex that was wrong of him, but the fact that he really jumped onto a girl who was in such an inferior position to him. I feel bad for her that she has to carry this for the rest of her life. Can you imagine any man wanting to tell people that he was seriously dating Monica Lewinsky?
WV: hymen. Really. I've been getting the weirdest WVs the last few days.
She just needs to date a large, brash guy who will answer Lewinsky jokes at adjoining tables with increasingly offensive insults at the jokesters.
Basically, she needs to find another Trooper York.
A girl who Lewinskied Bush (hmmm) and subsequently blamed him for taking advantage of her would be a media darling. Companies would pay her thousands to tweet about their products. She'd be bigger than Kim Kardashian (hmmm, again).
I'll give her credit for not turning on Bill. OTOH, I don't think there was ever a significant market inducement for her to do so. The news and entertainment media don't want to dredge any of that stuff up, so they won't touch her with a 10-foot pole or a Presidente cigar.
Sad, and unnecessary. Trooper (showing a flash of confidence in human nature) has it right. Stop being a victim, and just get on with it. There are plenty of people, including some decent men, who will befriend you. Many of them engaged in serious indiscretions at one time or another too. Just not on the biggest stage in the world.
Now, as for the slimeball pig Bill Clinton . . . . .
Ah, memories. It reminds me of former Time correspondent Nina Burleigh telling the Washington Post in reference to Bill Clinton: "I'd be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal." Quite a classy lady, eh? It's not surprising that willing debasement goes hand in hand with infanticide.
There is only one Trooper York out there Freeman...and I hear he is taken.
But you are all giving good advice to Ms. Lewkinsky. She needs to find a regular job, be a regular sort of gal, and find a big brash guy who can take on any jerkoffs to make fun of her. And eventually things will be all good.
I was in a bar once and Tonya Harding was there playing a video game with a drink on one side and a cigarette on the other. A friend of mine I was with went up to her and said: "I hear Tonya Harding hangs out here..." Tonya took a drag on her cigarette, looked at him and dryly said, "No shit." She apparently did not get the joke. Or maybe she did. I have no sympathy for Harding.
I am sympathatic to Lewinsky.
Bill Clinton never said "thank you."
She saved his skin!
There were 12 lawyers at the Impeachment hearings interviewing her. And, she did NOT give clinton over to these dogs!
Maybe, she wouldn't have gotten married anyway? I know lots of single gals who bypassed getting married. And, some who did are now divorced.
She's got wide hips. But other than that she's dressed in expensive clothes. And, I doubt she lacks for male companions.
She just couldn't find another Bill.
And, she never even demanded that he say thanks to her for saving his ass.
(She probably thinks Linda Tripp caused her all of her problems, anyway.)
Expecting her to be married is the wrong test.
She's also NOT someone's secretary. She's not working at a drag-ass job where she has to bring in the coffee.
That she's an easily recognized name? She got there without killing anybody.
That she stood up to 12 lawyers in da' House? Probably cost Newt Gingrich his Speakership. And, it shows ya, Newt's "contract with America" didn't amount to a hill of beans, either. Anybody can stick a sheet of paper into laminated plastic.
A home in LA and an apartment in New York, living off of family money?
I'm sorry, I having a lot of trouble feeling sympathy for her. We're supposed to feel bad that her narcissistic lifestyle isn't giving her self-esteem?
Maybe she should, you know, do something with her money and her life.
There are people all over the world in need of help. There are men and women all over this country who are scraping and saving and working their ass off to pay for more schooling to become a contributory professional.
It's like feeling sorry for Bertie Wooster. After a certain amount of time, she needs to take responsibility for herself and live a life that earns respect, because the jokes that are being made are pretty much about the only thing she has done with success, it seems.
Stop being a narcissist and you'll find a lot more people like you. She's the butt of jokes because she can't move on to doing anything other than feel sorry for herself.
She should join the Witless Protection Program.
"The Lewinsky affair exposed feminism for the sham that it is, not about women really, but just a political tool for abortion."
This. Times 1000.
If Republicans guaranteed no one would ever touch Roe again and that every pro-life protest would never happen again, you could whip out whole chunks of the federal government and the left wouldn't care. The "right" to murder the inconvenient parasite that somehow made its way into a woman's body is the one, absolute, non-negotiable bedrock position of the Democrat party.
“her line of handbags failed to catch on …”
In short, she tried to capitalize on her name and its notoriety. And the world yawned.
Are we now supposed to feel sorry for her because her name is associated with “that woman”? If she didn’t care for the association, why did she try to build a brand name from it?
It's not just that her 15 minutes are (very) over, but that she's chosen to let the Clinton incident define her. Perhaps that's pathetic, but, it appears to be her choice.
Some questions are not worth the time required to ask.
The end claims she's still in love with him. Chances of that being true? Nil.
Well, I hope not.
That would be the most pathetic part of the story.
I think most of you are being way, way too generous with Lewinsky. She lost my sympathies when she conspired with the Big Creep to set a perjury trap for Kathleen Willey. That was despicable, and that poor woman suffered far more than Lewinsky did for nothing more than having been made a confidant for Lewinsky's shameful behavior.
I know this is a drastic measure, but she should change her name.
Wait, no, not Kathleen Willey. It was poor Linda Tripp who Monica and Bill conspired against and tried to force to commit perjury.
Monica Lebowski.
Bowling career.
C'mon, Trooper! Name names! Who was the third tier sitcom star? Was it Mindy Cohn?
Stop being a narcissist and you'll find a lot more people like you. She's the butt of jokes because she can't move on to doing anything other than feel sorry for herself.
I do not disagree that victimhood wears thin after a while. Lewinsky needs to move on. I do feel a sorry for her. But, so what, the power to fix her life remains with her not me.
I did read American Lion when I was on the road. Mrs. Jackson was the butt of jokes and she sadly passed just after Jackson won the presidency but before he took office. Still, Andrew Jackson did not hesitate to defend his wife's honor when she wa attacked (and I think he killed at least one man in a duel over it).
Monica needs to find a guy to defend her.
In early 1999, Lewinsky declined to sign an autograph in an airport, saying, "I'm kind of known for something that's not so great to be known for."
At least she recognizes that.
Monica, if you're reading these comments, you should feel encouraged that there's not a single fat joke in here.
Monica just needs to hook up with a famous ball player.
I feel kind of sorry for her. Fine, it was a mess of her own making, but it's been a long time. Heck, Mike Vick killed a bunch of dogs and he's back on the field in two years. She was just a naive girl working on her bucket list.
Serves as a cautionary tale though, doesn't it?
Billy Bob Clinton wasn't one to discriminate....
with a garlic aroma/ that could level Tacoma. (grazi to... Zappa)
"If I win I am flying everybody who comments here to Yankee Stadium for the World Series."
Thanks, Trooper. Are you going to fly us back after the Red Sox win?
"she should change her name."
Or at least her hair.
'with a garlic aroma/ that could level Tacoma. (grazi to... Zappa)'
I can forgive a lot (well, some) of your nonsense for reminding me of that song. Man was a genius.
Trooper on fire!
Blue, I agree. She's still letting it, but this is not something that has to drag her down the rest of her life. My hope is that she sees that and acts on it.
The Daily Mail quoting the National Enquirer. Well, maybe it's true, but I'm suspicious.
Which one of these "news" organizations broke the Rielle Hunter story again?
They filmed a "What Not to Wear" with a third tier sitcom star and she thought that her shit didn't stink. I wanted to tell he "Sweetheart...you don't understand you are Potsie...it's not a big deal."
I thought Cohn has had pretty good success in the voiceover/voicework business.
I guess that's not enough for her.
B: fuck off, mormon swine.
Don't pretend to know anything about Zappa either, dreck
Monica is dressed well enough that she's not hurting for cash.
And, she has more fame that a lot of people who came along in 1996 ... whom you wouldn't even recognize if you got introduced.
The only thing she didn't get was a thank you from Bill Clinton, which she indeed deserved. But he probably still carries a grudge that she's still way more likable than Hillary.
I'd even bet half the guys who jerk off here would like to meet her! And, they wouldn't forget her name.
The other good thing? When people see her ... and react in a way where they think "she looks familiar?" She takes it in stride.
Oh, yeah. The author of the article found a paycheck waiting. If he wrote about Tonya Harding? He wouldn't get quite the same pay day.
Just change your name. This is a case where it makes sense. Any suggestions?
Trooper - got me. But then again, I don't care about any other team than the Sox. Actually, I'd rather look at a nice pair of shoes all day than go to Yankee Stadium.
You see Monica, the problem is that without that marriage certificate it never pays well. What do expect - anyone can do it. Just simple supply and demand.
It's doing the laundry that pays the big bucks, and you skipped that.
Ah CH likes Monica. Maybe..because ML reminds her of like the young Carol, back when she at least brought in some shekels as a mob cocksucker. Maezultuggies
Hell, J, you can quote him, but you'll never get him. You're exactly the sort of poseur Zappa mocked unmercifully.
I feel sorry for her but you have to ask, if you want to avoid the publicity, what are you doing going out in Hollywood?
She needs to try harder.
Trooper's store sells to Monica size women.
He could hire her to do a testimonial for blue dresses that get their man every time.
Then she could afford law school tuition and go on to become an expert in sexual harassment law.
Wrong again, B the mormon queer-FZ detested white trash churchies like you, Romneyite, more than anything. And even wrote a tune about yr mama!--not Jew.Princess--but.... Dog Breath variations. Heh heh
Here's the score, faggot--wait, first yll need to read treble and bassclef, and like those 16th notes with the lil dots after them.
Go back to utah, you lying bag of garbage.
B and J arguing with each other on a Lewinsky thread. Perfect!
That's very sad.
Sorry, wussy boy. I bought Zappa fresh from the racks and still own the vinyl. I'm that old.
Beats me why you even come here. There isn't a subject that you aren't beat up on. Upping your game would be a futile expectation. You need to adjust your internet experience to what you can manage instead. I suggest cleaning up your language and trying Nickelodeon. Better yet, try Nickelodeon España. That could only help.
Maybe she should go vegan..like Bubba.
My bet is a sociopath like Bubba, who cheats @ everything, including golf, strays off the vegan when nobody is looking. I had a friend in college who was a sanctimonious vegetarian[early 70's before fashionable]. We would see his car parked near a good bar that made killer cheeseburgers. We would then walk into the bar, catch him eating[the pig usually got 2], and help ourselves to what he hadn't yet eaten, telling him it was for his own good.
Maguro said...B and J arguing with each other on a Lewinsky thread. Perfect!
What's that, B-boy (b as in butt!) you lying sack of filth? You mean your first Osmond album? You never had any FZ records--don't know Peaches in Regalia from yr crack pipe. or an argeggio from yr mama's whore ass (you know, Byro--the one you helped to an early grave--as the Phx. cops know as well).
Yr lies about to end white trash, too cowardly to link to a real site. Get the fuck offline, and get out of CA you bag of Mormon trash. Capiche, joto?
The Dept Of CA onto yr bogus mail order hustle as well.
J descends into incoherent Tourette's mode once again.
Just can't get any respect on any count, can you wussy boy?
Her family is doing her no favors by continuing to let her live on family welfare and pursue fantasies of starting her own PR firm. All that does is let her continue to view the world through a privileged JAP lens. Knock some of that out of her by forcing her into the workaday world and she might refocus on a perfectly acceptable workaday beau.
Wrong again B the little mormon, with no blog, no posts--you're the mental patient here, the delusional psychotic, and don't know fuck about real music. jus STFU. Vinyl buyer .Woweee. Here's the score, phony garbage trash.
Whats the key, scum? Wait! Google it, joto
Take yr shit back to Digby's joint, phony
My favorite part of the taped phone calls (from memory, exact workding me be slightly different):
"I haven't had sex with all that many men"
"But oral sex is still sex"
"OMG, I've had sex with dozens of men."
A line of handbags?
A line of sex toys might sell really well. A porn website.
She has a name that has become part of the vernacular. She could exploit that.
How you use something determines whether it's an asset or a liability.
Maybe Ann Taylor (or whatever the womens clothing store is called) at the mall will hire her. She seems destined for a career in retail sales (not that there is anything wrong with that).
Bill Decried The Moralizing
Over Some Oval Office Oralizing
Monica Had Loads of Spunk
In Yaffling Her Hunk
But the Spunk on Her Dress Was Transformal-izing.
Another Anny with no posts. Most likely the Romneyite stalker-troll, aka...B
You would be crazy too if you lived on the wrong side of the 405 and on the wrong side of the hill. Especially if you saw yourself as a real hipster, VB or even south side. Horrible when all you have is the internet and your fear and those not very noir suburban LA basin blues. Carl's and waitresses with art hair and cheap tattoos. You would be stark raving mad.
Maybe not so much for her, the public relations gig.
Hard to say what would be the right line of work, though.
Hard to say what would be the right line of work, though.
Taste tester?
'Hard to say what would be the right line of work, though.'
Oxyclean spokesperson?
That's good, Michael, did you write it?
ah...B again chiming in with his TP rightist pals (yo Digby, here's yr Romneyite, hangin' with white supremacists again). Now tell us about yr zappa-mothers collection, dreck.
"Basically, she needs to find another Trooper York."
But in reality, is there another? Could there possibly be? Sounds like you're condemning her to a life of singleness.
She seems destined for a career in retail sales...
You've nailed it and what's wrong with that? is right. Downward mobility is her only hope for salvation. Salvation being a very ordinary life as the wife of a middle level executive in retail sales or retail anything who she'd meet through work.
Wrong side of the 405 Mikey? AS opposed to Monica L's side, the rich Brentwood side. BS.
Ahouse Bloombergism marches on
The sad part is she never got it through her head what a creep he was and is. If she still carries a torch, she has no sense.
J said...
Billy Bob Clinton wasn't one to discriminate....
For once, J is right; Willie was a pig with any woman he met.
"You would be crazy too if you lived on the wrong side of the 405..."
It's a kind of cliche about the 405 freeway, but it is strangely like a wall. If you look at maps of census-type data, it's a stark line with totally different populations on each side, even though it doesn't impede cross-traffic at all. To the west it's white, rich and relatively crime free but east of that line and it's another world. I cross it multiple times everyday.
I wonder if Monica knows that the dick she sucked on was used to rape Junaita Broaddrick.
If I was a gal (or Barney Frank), it would kind of takes the fun out of it.
Actually it was Linda Tripp who didn't do well. Not then. And, not now, either.
The other person who really didn't do well, but started as an intern the same time Monica did, is HUMA.
I don't think Monica is even jealous. Given that she might have wanted a pregnancy of her own ... But it's Huma's whose got one. And, nobody wants Anthony Weiner as a husband.
So, there ya go.
Monica Lewinsky keeps coming up the winnah!
The single most meaningless pairing of words in the English language—
self esteem
J said...
Sorry, binky. Done with you for today. You'll have to feed your need for attention at your 4 o'clock session.
At least she's eating well.
What's that, B the Romneyite? Making up little names, coward, with no blog, no posts, no visitors. Google's on to you as well.
Binky--maybe that's like one of yr mail order gimmicks? Here's your first cadence, joto--we were discussing music, remember, trash. Googles away, scum (and we got mental health people on you, mormon swine)
The problem is that people want to start at the top. It doesn't work that way.
I think the main problem is that no matter who she goes to work with or for, the whole scandal thing will always be the 800 pound gorilla in the room. People cannot control their innate curiosity and they want to KNOW.
I agree with the earlier comment. She's a prime candidate for a name change and a relocation. Maybe she can go shack up with Cassie Anthony and Elvis.
Oops, sorry Michael, I see now. Still it's great.
"The problem is that people want to start at the top. It doesn't work that way."
She stared half way up and never got any farther.
One commenter at the Dailymail is on trget.Why she is the pariah( BTW: social pariah is redundant)and not Bill?
He reached an agreement with Juanita Broderick over alegations of rape. He sexually atacked Katherine Willey, se harrased Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky( She was his subordinate and he had sex with her in the working place) . But he did not received the Tiger Woods treatment
and not Bill?
You can't make a pariah out of the first black president. It's simply not seemly.
"The problem is that people want to start at the top. It doesn't work that way."
Maybe not in fashion, but Monica did jump right to the top in service of the powerful. She is the envy of every hooker in America. How did she score that gig anyway? I hope the first woman President pulls a Billy Clinton. Just that scene in my head cracks me up. What kind of dirty talk would be going on there? Do I call you Madame President, or just Chief? Are there sex acts that the Secret Service will recommend against?
Oh, Chuck.
Jose K, that is interesting. I wish I could get a Democrat to open up on why they support rapists like Bill Clinton, or douchebags like John "Don't worry, she'll be dead pretty soon" Edwards.
Is it that their hatred of Republicans is so strong that they will worship a rapist if he is a Demorcat?
If a Republican did those things, I would demand that he get removed from office.
Or is it like the Israel thing. It is said that there will never be peace in the mideast as long as the Arabs hate the Jews more than they love their own children.
You would like to think that Quentin was around every corner out there in the Valley in the flat light watching your every cool move but he isn't. He is way bored with that. There are the Mexicans with their blowers giving you the look but they would not know a hipster from a vendor down Topolobampo way. You would like to think Quentin would see you there in the hot midday as just escaped from the prison outside Los Mochis where you had to buy your food. But Quentin would look right through you. You would be barking crazy but Quentin is on to other things.
we were discussing music, remember
No, binky, we weren't. I couldn't care less about your opinions on Zappa, music in general, or anything else. For that matter, what value would any discussion with an incoherent hysteric offer me?
I tossed you a bone because you quoted something from Zappa that I hadn't thought about in a bit. That's all. Nothing more. And a bad move on my part since all you did was take said bone, shove it up your ass, and spin on it like some mad dervish with Tourettes.
"There are a lot of guys like Trooper York around."
My dear friend, there's a little Trooper York in every man, but since you are Trooper York, there must be more it in you!
(Adventures of Trooper York, 1948)
Um, I don't want a Little Trooper York in me. Not that there's anything wrong with that... but I just don't go that way.
Ivanna Morehead?
I'm surprised she hasn't found a husband. Everyone knows she gives head.
As Fred4Pres says, sad.
I've wondered of a long time if a lot of weird stuff went on in the Clinton White House. My niece clerked for Clinton and Gore. She's very pretty, but built a little heavy like Monica. Within months of returning from her clerkship, she had to be hospitalized for depression. Maybe it was related to clerking, maybe not. But, I wonder.
She sucks at her job.
WV: rerim - a job for Titus.
I'm surprised that people are boorish enough to make jokes about the scandal in her presence. She should move to the South or the Midwest.
What are her friends doing while people at other tables make jokes?
If someone is doing that to your friend, isn't the only proper response to publicly rhetorically eviscerate the offender?
Monica Lewinsky turns 50. Can you believe it?
It seems like only yesterday,
She was crawling around the White House on her hands and knees,
Putting everything in her mouth.
They grow up so fast, don't they?
Oops, she's only 38. Maybe time isn't flying by that fast afterall. Maybe it's my life that's flying by fast.
Whatever happened to Monica Lewinsky? Not much.
Bullshit. She has been turned into a pariah while the man who exploited her towers over the world, living a life of luxury and power.
Some feminist you are,...
It's doing the laundry that pays the big bucks, and you skipped that.
A quarter's worth of club soda and a dinner napkin would have taken care of the dress+spunk.
But being a needy freak, she decided that it all should remain in situ. She probably looked at it more than once.
Clinton's a dog, but understand that a man married to a dyke has many unmet needs.
The backstory was that she had daddy issues from her father's divorce. I forget the details, but there was some other scandal where she slept with a married man and let the wrong people know about it. She wanted to punish married men for her father's infidelity and divorce....That said, she was an intern in the President's office. OK, he was not in loco parentis, but, for God's sake, the President of the United States is supposed to act with more discretion and morality than the horndog drummer in a one hit rock bank.....I think she seduced not just the President (not a difficult task) but the resulting scandal. Why confide in the older, Republican woman?....I don't think it's all that difficult for her to meet men, but her sense of entitlement is such that she feels only world leaders are suitable matches for her. Sadly DSK is already taken, but there would be a match made in heaven.
A line of sex toys might sell really well. A porn website.
This really pisses me off. Maybe--just MAYBE--she's a decent person. Maybe she always was. Decent people make mistakes and decent people let them recover.
Clinton is a scumbag. Always was.
"Why is she the pariah and not Bill?"
"I wish I could get a Democrat to open up about why they support rapists."
NYTNewYorker nailed it way up at the start of the thread.
That's it.
This happens to girls all the time. It happens in junior highs, in high schools, in colleges. You sleep with the wrong guy, people talk, and suddenly you're a pariah.
It just happened to her on a very public scale.
She was young and made a mistake, but now it is time for her to forget herself and go on with her life.
She said that she will never love anybody else, I don't think so, she is just feeding that love from good memories, but she is forgetting the bad ones. Her lack of self-esteem keeps her in a self-imposed prison.
It seemed when Bill got in trouble with women, he discredited them to the point to make them look like objects or things that, by accident, were on his way and served the purpose.
He expresses about Monica in the same way as he expressed about many other women.
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