September 21, 2011

Rick Perry's intense new ad.

Too theatrical?/Nicely Reaganesque?

The ad is...
Absurdly over the top.
Intense and theatrical, but not really terrible.
Passionate and Reaganesque... in a good way.
A brilliant, strong, and well-deserved attack on a failed President. free polls 


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Fred4Pres said...

I was pleasantly surprised. Good ad. Takes the fight where it belongs. As Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) said, the Democrats own this economy.

Sal said...

I have a tingling feeling going up my leg.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Who the hell is Nate Berkus?

Hanah said...

Maybe slightly over the top, but I like Rick Perry a lot more now than before I watched that ad.

Henry said...

The first 20 seconds is brilliant.

After that. Blah. Partly the problem is that I can barely hear Perry's voice over the bombastic score. His voice sounds tinny in comparison.

It is also, after that damning first 20 seconds, utterly banal. Anyone could say what Perry says and most politicians have.

The ad is at once a brilliant attack and well-deserved attack on a failed president, absurdly over the top, and completely boring.

pm317 said...

too theatrical..anybody sensitive to sounds will find it over the could barely hear him over all that background noise. Toning it down will work.

Anonymous said...

It's morning in America and there's a bear in those woods, baby.

If and when Rick Perry reaches the pomposity of ordering the oceans to recede, framed by Greek columns, Obamites can talk about style versus substance issues. Until then, let those right legs tingle...

Sal said...

Show it once during the Super Bowl, then retire it.

Ads you show repeatedly shouldn't be headache-inducing.

Fred4Pres said...

Henry, I agree it needs work. Perry needs to look less Mitt-TPaw. But definitely a step in the right direction. He should be doing one of these a week to really shake up da One. I think they will help Perry a lot in these primary races too.

traditionalguy said...

I saw more the second time I watched it.

He flashes in the 7th Calvary charging to the rescue to bring to mind John Wayne for Trooper.

He flashes in a boy holding up a Corsair fighter plane against a sky of F-22s to bring to mind the winning WWII confidence.

He offers to lead us from defeat to victory. Hmmm.

viator said...

Over the top. But, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
We have been visually and aurally trained by MTV, ads and contemporary films and TV. That is why old movies look so visually dead. I still think uplifting and positive political ads work better. Also, isn't the general election about eleven months away?

Dustin said...

Jobs jobs jobs.

There's Perry's campaign in a nutshell.

It's the main argument that will sway independents and undecideds to Republicans instead of to Obama's dishonest 'I will take rich people infinitely and you will get lots of goodies and it will just work because rich people have infinite money and aren't you!!!'.

Perry brings something others cannot to this job creation concept: a real record. He has a simple refrain to any attack on him, unlike his competitors.

He is not perfect or ideologically pure, but at least he stands by his mistakes instead of pretending he changed his mind.

That means he actually is telling the truth about his core views, and can be expected to be conservative on spending at a key time where real reforms are possible if and only if the GOP is not led by an establishment candidate who actually LIKES the K street system.

And I Don't Really Like Perry. That's what I like about him. I don't want another cult of personality. I think those are unhealthy and I think Perry is at no risk of having one.

Real American said...

a moving, powerful ad.

Fred4Pres said...

It is like Michael Bay made it. Or the guy that does Ralph Lauren ads.

ndspinelli said...

Spooky! I felt like I was watching an ad for a Billy Graham revival. But, maybe that's what he's going for in this piece? If so, it's good. For me it's spooky.

Curious George said...

Obama: "Adios mofo"

pm317 said...

Ann, you want to see a political ad, do you, do you? Evaluate this. Here it is.
I am loving this woman. She was thrown under the bus royally by Obama and his minion Geithner. If Rick Perry acknowledges half of what she says, he could make a better ad. In fact, Palin might steal her idea pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

People -- These two-minute ads aren't for television. They are for you to go to youtube and see, which you did.

Incidentally, I foresee Bill Clinton giving Perry his endorsement should Perry be the nominee, given Clinton's desire that Obama loses, and Perry's own centrist Democrat roots.

MadisonMan said...

Yes, too loud.

I suspect the farmland shots are not Texas.

FleetUSA said...

Just like the Perry we saw in Richmond last week. Great.

This country can move again. We just need to eliminate all the liberal c*** this administration has included in regulations. More than enough to choke a horse.

lemondog said...

Agree with Henry on first part - depressing, disturbing and hard-hitting.

Not paid much attention to the GOP’s but from what I’ve seen, Perry is too manicured, too mechanical, too.... John Edwards.

Anonymous said...

I see white people.

AFG said...

Are like 90% of the commenters here 50+ men? TURN THAT SOUND DOWN SONNY!

FYI - us young people blame YOU, not Obama for fucking the country up.

Carol_Herman said...

Don't confuse wishful thinking with a good ad!

This is NOT the Daisy Ad! (Which felled Goldwater.)

This is not an ad Ronald Reagan would EVER run!

Were things bad back in 1980? Yup. Home mortgages were sailing up to 17% interest rates. The economy was so bad ... Jimmy Carter came out and suggested that people wear sweaters ... to offset the heat costs they couldn't afford!

No. Being bitter is something, unfortunately republicans just do.

It's Obama's WHITE SIDE that fails! And, it's the republican's white side that fails.

Oh, yeah. FDR didn't run these sorts of film commentaries, either. He gave radio speeches. Those speechers were extremely successful!

FDR also quipped with the journalists of his day! Every day in the white house ... the journalists got to dish. And, have "sessions." Which gave them news to report.

This ad? It makes Perry look like a bully.

Anonymous said...

50+ men

So, like Obama. Right?

Get your facts straight, dumb ass.

Richard Dolan said...

Everyone (including his Rep opponents) want to tag Perry as a dangerous, superficial flake. This ad counters that image with its opposite. The ad works at several levels, in framing the choice, not an echo, that would be presented if Perry is the Rep nominee. Obama = a proven failure who's "just gettin' started" (scary thought); Perry = successful, take-charge military guy, sensible not scary.

Nice ad, not great but effective.

FleetUSA said...

@pm317. This Warren ad may play well in Blue Massachusetts but blaming everything on GWBush is so over the top that it won't wash in the USA.

It is a bit like blaming everything on LBJ.

Sounds like an old Red Sox comment on how they're going to win the AL pennant.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Young people are stupid.

Dustin said...

" This ad? It makes Perry look like a bully.
9/21/11 1:27 PM "


Obama sucks, and being straight about it is 'mean'.

Is that your point?

BTW, Reagan would have run an ad like this. Perry is the Reagan in this race. Not exactly, but I don't want a cult of personality anyway. You want Reagan? Your best choice is Perry. Experienced governor, not an idiot but not an elitist, loves his country.

And has never made a show of how he's not trying to return to Reagan's leadership (as Romney did, of course).

traditionalguy said...

It is visual.

It is directed to our subconscious memories.

It offers to give what people want most, which is strong leadership.

But Perry's personality is not actually that stubborn and steel backbone-ish.

And the rest of the GOP field is going crazy trying to point to out to the Tea party drones that Perry uses a merciful leadership style and not a stubborn legalist's style that a Tea Party ideologue ununcodemands.

Perry maybe our modern day FDR, which seems to be exactly what we need to survive the coming fight.

Sal said...

I see white people.

The Hispanics in this ad look way too much like Anglos, especially with the quick scene changes. They should've worn sombreros.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BarryD said...

"When you live by hopenchange, you die by hopenchange." The Bible or something.

This is what network news should look like, at this point, not a political ad. God knows it would if a Republican were President.

Maybe Perry can mention gasoline prices next. I'd love to see that.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pm317 said...

fleetusa said...

Blaming Bush is not at all the point of Warren's video. She is going after corporations and politicians who coddle these corrupt corporations. In her announcement (video on her website), she asks plainly why is not GE/Immelt (Obama sap) paying any taxes? Palin is making the same argument these days that politicians and big corporations are screwing the little people. In this tough economy and after two administrations running the country to ground, it is a strong message. The candidate who aligns with the working class men and women will resonate.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sloanasaurus said...

Awesome. I like the dissolve of the Obama campaign poster to where it is all ripped up.

The negative stuff about Obama is much more potent that the positives about Rick Perry. Obama really is a failure.

Levi Starks said...

I liked the ad, too bad he's not a citizen.... Whats that? Texas is a state? Well I'll be.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lemondog said...

Did Warren Buffett trade his soul for that Freeedom Medal....or is Alzheimer's setting in?

J said...

Tex Perry. Like a rerun of TexBush.

Anonymous said...

Hey J. -- Will there be British zionists? What about that John Edwards plan to eliminate the poor? And will you beat people up when Obama loses?

edutcher said...

What oldhoya said - whether he had the sarc tag on or off.

Anyone who remembers the '84 campaign will see the similarities.

PS Either of the last 2 options works.

Toad Trend said...

Checking the 'LIKE' button on this one.

Some refreshing 'change' from the dour administrator Zero.

wv - irdstra

James said...

Wasn't Elizabeth Warren Obama's first "consumer protection" czar? She's enforced the laws and regulations that is screwing individuals and small businesses. Plus she's Cass Sunstein's wife. Why should I even listen to anything she has to say?

James said...

Oh, and she was responsible for overseeing TARP too. How did that work out?

pm317 said...

Elizabeth Warren is not Cass Sunstein's wife. Do a google search and you may find something about her that you like or not.

Anonymous said...

James -- TARP worked out quite well. It was the exact necessary response to a liquidity crisis. The absence of TARP would have resulted in a depression.

Don't confuse Obama's stimulus with Bush's TARP. They are different.

ic said...

Too many white folks to represent America who want a new direction.

coketown said...

Everything in the ad was great except that faux-heroic music! Who was that? Klaus Badelt? Hans Zimmer? Is this an ad for a presidential candidate or a vampire slayer? Good Lord. Next time, Michael Nyman will suffice. Unless he's still bitter at America for leaving him out of Oscar nominations year in, year out.

But yeah. So far as visuals, sound bites, and juxtaposing Obama's arrogance to Perry's whatever-he-has (Hope and Change? God forbid we do that again!), it was a powerful ad.

X said...

FYI - us young people blame YOU, not Obama for fucking the country up.

of course you do. your little ADHD brains (waaa, I can't pay attention) would have to accept some responsibility if it was Obama's fault.

X said...

E Warren, the consumer finance protection czar who never held a job in the private sector, much less finance.

ricpic said...

It's true, the alien hasn't gotten started yet and look how bad it is. I'll even pull the lever for that squish Romney if I have to, but please make it Perry or better yet Sarah.

kjbe said...

Wow, kind of overstimulating. The first half had an effective message. The second half was unimpressive.

Anonymous said...

In the end, the oceans may stop receding after Obama leaves, but on the bright side people will have jobs.

Also, it's good to see that cocaine-addled film making isn't just for Michael Bay any more.

Sofa King said...

This wasn't a political ad. It was more a political trailer.

It would have been pitch-perfect if, after the first part, the deep-voiced announcer started with, In a world... and then the Inception music started pounding.

James said...

>>James -- TARP worked out quite well. It was the exact necessary response to a liquidity crisis<<

Really? So why can't small business get loans if there is no longer a liquidity crisis?

Dustin said...

" J said...

Tex Perry. Like a rerun of TexBush."

Are you better off today than you were during Bush's administration?

Anyway, it's quite stupid to say two people from the same state are the same people. It's so encouraging that even now, this is basically all the left's got.

It will look so pathetic compared to Perry's jobs jobs jobs jobs mantra. 'but he's from Texas!'

Who gives a shit? You think the unemployed guy, or the senior who is paying the bills for her unemployed kid, really gives a shit about that?

Democrats have been running, for centuries, on the idea of finding something bigoted about whoever they run against. Mccain was old and senile, and I guess Perry is too Texan. Palin needed to stay home with her kids and was an irrational woman, and oh let's see her naked and talk about her sleeping with black people in our fantasies.

It won't work.

Toad Trend said...

"Are like 90% of the commenters here 50+ men?"

Could be, but more likely they are folks with a heckuva lot more sense than you have at your current (young?) age.

Live and learn? Its the truth, kid.

When you get a gander at your first pay stub, come on back and tell us how great big-government socialist policies are and show us examples. And while you are at it, showcase just 1 european superpower based on socialism and name its contributions in lifting the standard of living for the rest of the world.

James said...

>>Elizabeth Warren is not Cass Sunstein's wife. Do a google search and you may find something about her that you like or not<<

You're right. She's not Sunstein's wife and I should have checked before repeating what I'd heard several times. However, I see nothing in her performance as TARP and consumer protection czar that persuades me she's a better choice than Scott Brown.

coketown said...

I also thought the Obama montage was less effective for its lack of people. Parks, supermarkets, city streets are all deserted. 2008 was an election, not a rapture. We should see footage of people unemployed, at soup kitchens, fretting over bills at the kitchen table, living in their parents' basement--the misery! When I see dilapidated bus stops and run-down city parks, I think, "Infrastructure spending! GOBAMA!"

Lombardi Chick said...

He flashes in a boy holding up a Corsair fighter plane against a sky of F-22s to bring to mind the winning WWII confidence.


My dad was on Iwo Jima, so I can't help but give him bonus points for showing the hands from the Iwo Jima Memorial.

I liked it (and I really like Perry) - but I do think the selection of music could be tweaked a bit. The ominous sound sort of hangs with you and it's a little spooky.

Will Cate said...

It's a good ad, but the audio quality sounds like hammered shit.

garage mahal said...

RIck Perry wants you to know he is AN AMERICAN!

Tully said...

Agree with Fred4Pres. It's like Michael Bay made it -- looks impressive in the promos, in the execution it just kicks the crap out of you with sensory overload without ever really meshing into coherence.

Lucius said...

I was with it till the President from "Escape from LA" showed up.

Trooper York said...

garage mahal said...
RIck Perry wants you to know he is AN AMERICAN!

Yes. That would be a refreshing change from what we have now, doncha think?

Sofa King said...

The sound definitely was not leveled correctly.

Saint Croix said...

Oh I did not like that ad.

It's like he's running for God. He opens with a dark apocalypse. And then it's "let there be light."

Rick Perry, the Messiah.

Basically it's scare tactics and "give power to me."

Fear-mongering works. Look at what LBJ did to Goldwater. I just don't know if this is effective fear-mongering. Homelessness, no jobs, zero, zero, it's so dark.

And then, the light! Rick Perry! God!

You'd think God would have a better music editor.

You know, there is this thing called the Tea Party. Maybe you heard of it. It's a populist movement. Of the people, by the people, for the people. Do you approve? Cause populism looks like this.

I don't know. Scary, mean vibe. Isn't it kinda early for a scary, mean vibe? Are we going to have scary, mean ads for the next 60 weeks?

I'm Full of Soup said...

David Brooks called - he said Perry has to work on those pants creases.

garage mahal said...

Yes. That would be a refreshing change from what we have now, doncha think?

Hahahahahahaha. But didn't Perry want to secede from America? Not very Americanish.

Anonymous said...

So why can't small business get loans if there is no longer a liquidity crisis?

Because banks aren't lending money, particularly against things they can't easily possess, and that's because of the ridiculously uncertain business environment, which is Obama's fault.

On the bright side, the banks did not cease to exist. And you can thank exactly TARP for that.

Heywood Rice said...

That would be a refreshing change from what we have now, doncha think?

Ja, Obama ist ein ausländer.

Anonymous said...

Garage -- It's sad when all you have is that lame non-story as your argument. For the first time, I feel real pity for you, because I know you are a well-meaning fellow.

MoonPie said...

It reminded me of 'Armageddon', perhaps the best of the meteor-disaster movies. A bit over-the-top, but not horrdily so. Certainly not the worst we will see in this election cycle.

Carol_Herman said...

FDR got elected 4 times. His first time out, in 1932, was AFTER the Great Depression took hold.

We still had the depression in 1936. And, in 1940. Didn't interfere with FDR's ability to win presidential victories.

In 1944, FDR was so sick ... he won without actually even having the ability to campaign! (And, that's where he changed his veep from Wallace to Harry S. Truman.)

Rick Perry's ad appeals to all those close-minded white people who thought they were doing such a heck of a job with slavery! Mean spirited doesn't even begin to describe these people!

And, Rick Perry comes out appeal to these idiots?

He should fire his media adviser.

Even if he decides not to run this ad to often ... it's VIRAL now! And, that's NOT a compliment!

Calypso Facto said...

I like it as an intro. I think MarkG's Super Bowl idea is a good one and the appropriate place for that dramatic trailer.

"RIck Perry wants you to know he is AN AMERICAN!"

Finally! Someone Mick can vote for with a clear conscience.

X said...


Lombardi Chick said...

RIck Perry wants you to know he is AN AMERICAN!

9/21/11 2:14 PM

And it's just like someone on the left to think that's a negative.

Roger J. said...

I would have liked to seen a few clips of Mr Obama bowing to foreign royalty--but this gets the message across: ZERO Mr Obama is Mr ZERO

Calypso Facto said...

"because of the ridiculously uncertain business environment"

Also, increased capital requirements. In classic left hand / right hand disorganization, FDIC bank inspectors forced banks to shore up balance sheets by holding cash in direct contravention to the TARP goal of increasing liquidity.

Mary Beth said...

No, this is the way Reagan did it. If the beginning of the Perry one had segued into something like this it would have been much better.

Irene said...

The ad will be edited easily for primetime. The ominous voice in the background says, "President Zero" at exactly 0:30.

It's about as good as the "daisy ad" at stirring up fear. The first forty seconds make it appear as though America has undergone a nuclear holocaust.

Terry said...

Hahahahahahaha. But didn't Perry want to secede from America? Not very Americanish.
No, Perry did not want to secede from America.
A dose of thorazine is often recommended for the delusional, Mr. Mahal.

Roger J. said...

At least GM did not bring up Mr Perry's grades at A and M--of course if that becomes a campaign trope (and it will) It might force the zero to publish his grades.

BTW--Mr Obama--(oceans ceasing to rise and all of that shit) proclaimed before the UN today that "peace is hard." Meaning, of course, he hasnt got a fucking clue--rhetoric just doesnt get it Mr Obama--

Anonymous said...

FDIC bank inspectors forced banks to shore up balance sheets by holding cash

Exactly! This!

The whole point of our banking system is to force assets into play. This is why, for example, cash-poor people with paid-for assets are -- to their chagrin -- not eligible for much in the way of free financial aid. The government wants your property being useful in the market, not just sitting there, and rightly so.

Despite this bedrock principle, banks and institutions are sitting on trillions of dollars. They have no good place to put it.

The economy is going to come roaring out of this gloom as soon as sensible people are in charge (if that ever happens).

Roger J. said...

Agree totally with Seven--the banks are awash in cash--when the dam breaks we will see some inflation, but it will be a good thingi

Heywood Rice said...

RIck Perry wants you to know he is AN AMERICAN!

Are we supposed to simply take his word for it? When will the lamestream media do their job and demand to see his birth certificate?

edutcher said...

Seven Machos said...

James -- TARP worked out quite well. It was the exact necessary response to a liquidity crisis. The absence of TARP would have resulted in a depression.

Wrong on both counts. The market would have corrected itself - note how Barclays bought up the profitable operations of Lehman.

Banks have been failing at a profligate rate, only the huge ones that can make big campaign contributions have really benefitted ("too big to fail" ring any bells?). There's also the $75 billion dollar (and I'm being charitable - a lot of people will tell you nothing's been paid back) bag the American taxpayer has been left holding.

Don't confuse Obama's stimulus with Bush's TARP. They are different.

Like Hell. It's another corporate bailout.

On the bright side, the banks did not cease to exist. And you can thank exactly TARP for that.

Oh, for Christ's sake. Is Seven's real name Timmy Geithner?

Banks would have continued to exist, but the ill-managed ones would have gone belly up.

The way free markets are supposed to work.

Cody Jarrett said...

God. Carol Herman says FDR didn't make ads like that in his day.

Ya fuckin' think?

Jesus. It's like Biden all over again.

Pragmatist said...

The desperate howling of a moral degenerate. Clean up your own house, Ricky, before you want to finish the job your neighbor did and ruin this country for good. It takes more than passing the mess on to the next person to absolve yourself from creating it. That is junior high thinking.

SukieTawdry said...

Obama's voice at the conclusion of the first half saying "I'm just gettin' started" with its you-ain't-seen-nothin'-yet timbre could be very powerful if it didn't get lost in the cacophony.

The ad has great bones, but there's too much of, well, too much of everything and Perry's slow, deliberate speaking style is a jarring contrast to its frenetic pace. And I don't like his logo. Don't like it at all.

garage mahal said...

Good point antiphone. What kind of Murkin would say something like this:

"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."

Understand, I'm not SAYING Perry hates America, or that he wasn't born in America, but there are just a lot of people out there that are wondering. Not sure why Perry wouldn't just come out and show us his birth certificate. The LONG FORM please!

prairie wind said...

Saint Croix, that was an beautiful ad! I hadn't seen it before. Maybe that's why Perry's ad was so heavy-handed...because the real talent is used elsewhere?

Roger J. said...

GM: please 'splain: just who out there is wondering about Perry's provenance?--nobody I know, and I suspect nobody you know either

Pragmatist said...

That idiot ad will appeal to the choir in his infernal church but to the rest of America it will be buffoonish. Keep it up Ricky, you can relive it on the general election when you try and buy it back.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Geeze. Tone down the music!!!! and slow down the clip transitions especially those showing the devastated businesses and cities.

Otherwise it is pretty good.

Roger J. said...

Guessing that Pragmatist doesnt like the ad--he's probably a hopey changie kind of guy

Anonymous said...

The market would have corrected itself

You are touchingly naive. The market did correct itself. Banks made bad loans and sold them down the line to other banks that were going to cease to exist, which would have utterly frozen our financial system.

I know there is a certain specimen of conservative and libertarian who believes that problems will magically solve themselves. However, this is simply not possible in a complex economy, especially when only government fiat makes money possible.

The proof that there is a God is that every decent economist has understood for decades that the proper response to a liquidity crisis exactly like the one we faced is to throw money at banks like mad. That was TARP.

Henry said...

@Mary Beth -- Great contrast. A candidate that speaks to a specific point with a clear explanation. You don't need the flyover music for that.

BarryD said...

Realistically, as terrible as he is, Obama is the incumbent, and the default choice. People do prefer the devil they know, all things being equal.

So, a campaign against an incumbent President has to soften up his opponents' defenses early on in the campaign battle. Ads like this seem like pretty good artillery -- not for winning in November 2012, but for establishing a beachhead.

Anonymous said...

From what I have heard so far I like Perry.

What I have not heard so far is this Texans stance on illegal aliens.


Roger J. said...

The Perry ad makes me wonder what Mr Obama's message in going to be going into next year--I suspect he will run against the evil republicans in the house, but other than that he hasnt much of message

Heywood Rice said...

Not sure why Perry wouldn't just come out and show us his birth certificate. The LONG FORM please!

It is strange. You'd think that it would be common sense by now to have a vetting process in place for all candidates not just Obama.

Rob Crawford said...

Too many white folks to represent America who want a new direction.

Can someone translate this out of gibberish for me?

Joe said...

Oh bore me with the Reagan ad. Marketing has changed in the past 30 years. That's reality.

The thirty second version of this ad--the first thirty seconds--is all you need. Let Obama damn himself.

BJM said...


Young people are stupid.

That's their job.

A couple of kids and a mortgage will wise them up.

Fred4Pres said...

Maybe Perry should get Ladd Ehlinger on board to do a ad that can go viral on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Can someone translate this out of gibberish for me?

I would, but I will not stand for the insane grammar errors.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

But didn't Perry want to secede from America? Not very Americanish.

The answer to that is

He pointed out that for Texas, it could be an option. Not the same thing.

You know, no matter how nice the Titanic was and how much you paid for the tickets, when it hit the iceberg, you are a moron not to use the lifeboat.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The first forty seconds make it appear as though America has undergone a nuclear holocaust.

Have you seen Detroit?

This is the future in a progressive socialist democrat blue state model.

Get used to it.

Heywood Rice said...

You know, no matter how nice the Titanic was and how much you paid for the tickets, when it hit the iceberg, you are a moron not to use the lifeboat.

Yup, that whole civil war thing worked out really well.

Fred4Pres said...

Meanwhile, Obama is generating his own copy all on his own. The power of the bully pulpit!


Matt said...

Won't matter because Romney will beat Perry and ultimately be the GOP nominee. Perry would not beat Obama. Romney actually has a chance to beat Obama even though he bores the GOP base.

Anonymous said...

Phone -- If you don't understand why a Texas politician would make cleverly evasive allusions to independence, it only proves that you don't understand Texas politics.

This makes you a moron. Because Texas politics are really very easy to understand.

So, maybe reed a book or something. Then come back when you have something that is interesting, and not only interesting to you because you don't have a clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Thanks. I'll bill you.

Toad Trend said...

Roger J said

"The Perry ad makes me wonder what Mr Obama's message in going to be going into next year--I suspect he will run against the evil republicans in the house, but other than that he hasnt much of message"

That's easy Roger, Alinsky dictates that he will necessarily choose a target and go negative.

Because, when you have nothing of value to sell, yourself included, knocking the competition is the only thing left.

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's Matt!

Hey Matt! Remember when Obama tried for about five minutes to schedule a joint session of Congress on the night of a Republican debate, and you said you hoped Obama would "kick there ass." You remember that?

How'd that all work out for you, dude? How'd that ass kicking go?

Anonymous said...

When will this stupid Alinsky stuff be done? Don't you realize it's as stupid as the Cult of Karl Rove on the left?

Heywood Rice said...

If you don't understand why a Texas politician would make cleverly evasive allusions to independence, it only proves that you don't understand Texas politics.

Oh I see, it's a Texan thing. I wouldn't understand. By the way do they issue birth certificates in Texas? That's something I'd like to reed.

Anonymous said...

Phone -- Sad.

Toad Trend said...

Seven Machos said

"When will this stupid Alinsky stuff be done?

Um, ask Zero and his handlers yourself, if you really want the answer.

Maybe you think Zero only read the foreword, or that Frank Davis just drove him to and from White Sox games.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"You know, no matter how nice the Titanic was and how much you paid for the tickets, when it hit the iceberg, you are a moron not to use the lifeboat."

Yup, that whole civil war thing worked out really well.

You got Civil War from that statement?


So if Texas DID decide to withdraw itself from the sinking ship of the United States, you think that the United States would declare war on Texas? Really.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh I see, it's a Texan thing. I wouldn't understand. By the way do they issue birth certificates in Texas? That's something I'd like to reed.

Perhaps you would like to make it into a basket. Was that your major in college? Basket weaving?


Anonymous said...

Tread -- There are certain people who feel the need to see a trickster at work in every human scenario. For goofballs on the left, it has been Karl Rove, Lee Atwater, and even, quite hilariously, Leo Strauss.

For goofballs like you, it's an obscure activist named Saul Alinksy.

Nobody's pulling the strings, dude. There's no magic. It's just politics. Always just politics.

Carol_Herman said...

Obama's campaign is already selling 2012 pins.

Don Surber ran with the one for West Virginia ... which wasn't shaped, exactly like West Virginia. (More like a blue ghost.)

I figured the pin would become a collector's item.

Maybe, there are 57 pins? You can recognize the logo though. Same as last time. Without the words.

Obama campaigns well.

So, too, by the way, does Sarah Palin.

While Donald Trump calls Perry "Jim."

If Perry thinks he's gotta go negative? LET HIM! It's stupid.

But it will work with his "base."

You can't just win, however, if you collect Texas. You need to throw in some other states. And, you need to say Texas does more than just absorb jobs.

Henry said...

@Fred4Pres -- I like the sardonic captioning at your link: Now, many veterans of the Great Photoshop Wars of 2003-2010 will take one look at this photo and see about a hundred things “wrong” with it. Not only does Obama’s hand seem Photoshopped into the image, but Obama himself seems to have been awkwardly pasted in. In fact, under closer inspection, about half the people in the image appear to have been inserted artificially; in other words, the whole scene looks to be constructed almost from scratch.

Obama looks awkwardly pasted in all on his own.

BJM said...


Marketing has changed in the past 30 years. That's reality.

So I take it that you haven't seen the Simply Orange or Haagen-Dazs ads?

Riney proteges, Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein continue to evolve the soft sell.

edutcher said...

Seven Machos said...

The market would have corrected itself

You are touchingly naive. The market did correct itself. Banks made bad loans and sold them down the line to other banks that were going to cease to exist, which would have utterly frozen our financial system.

And Seven is touchingly fatuous, not to mention mendacious.

The market HASN'T corrected itself.

That's why Moody's downgraded BoA.

That's why housing prices aren't coming back for at least 4 more years.

That's why everybody (who still believes we've had a recovery) keeps saying we're looking at a second dip.

Third, if you count Seven.

Carol_Herman said...

Assholes who don't know "ads" were made on FILM. And, films were shown in movie theaters. Maybe, they weren't called "ads" back then. But you bet! THERE WERE NEWSREELS!

FDR starred in NEWSREELS!

And, he gave speeches on the radio.

Uplifting stuff!

Reagan learned this technique from FDR!

No need to go negative when your opponents are too stupid!

Now, as far as I care, Perry can run on this crap as much as he wants!

It's not a mind-changer.

Heywood Rice said...

The state of Texas declared its secession from the United States on February 1, 1861, and joined the Confederate States of America on March 2, 1861, replacing its governor, Sam Houston, when he refused to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy.- Wikipedia, Texas in the Civil War

So if Texas DID decide to withdraw itself from the sinking ship of the United States, you think that the United States would declare war on Texas? Really.

I don't know, I was refering to what happened the last time it happened. Maybe this is something Perry should be asked about, his position on whether States have the right to secede or not.

Fred4Pres said...

Your headline is intense. I almost feel like drinking a Monster and watching that video again. For the Rick Perry intense ad experience.

Heywood Rice said...

Perhaps you would like to make it into a basket. Was that your major in college? Basket weaving?

reed a book or something I really can't take credit for that innovation.

Toad Trend said...

Seven Machos said

"There are certain people who feel the need to see a trickster at work in every human scenario."

Quite a different proposition, Machos. Keep it real - Zero and his ilk Alinsky demonstrate Alinsky influence. Do you deny?

No 'strings', but bad ideas put into practice. Not the same as calling out an active 'handler' like Karl Rove.

"For goofballs like you, it's an obscure activist named Saul Alinksy."

Goofball, huh? Haven't been called one of those since my grandfather called me that when I was in the seventh grade.

Well played.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that has been watching and doesn't think that Saul Alinsky is at the core of how Obama does things, well....

Anonymous said...

That's why housing prices aren't coming back for at least 4 more years.

Dude, the drop in prices was the correction. You apparently believe that a market correcting itself is some good thing. Most of the time, it's not.

Perhaps you do not understand what a market is. It's when people by and sell stuff. That's it.

Housing prices were artificially high and now they are lower. Housing prices will do mo such thing as recover. It will take either many years or much inflation for prices to reach 2006 levels, and no one will call it a recovery in either scenario.

BJM said...


Romney actually has a chance to beat Obama even though he bores the GOP base.

Yeah, right up to the minute that the left starts with the Mormon underwear and gay activists go nuts.

Romney doesn't have a snowball's chance of surviving the media onslaught...the only religion the Left/MSM despise more than Christianity is Mormonism.

Carol_Herman said...

A housing price from personal experience.

Way back in 1927 my grandpa (whom I never met. He died before I was born.) Invested in two houses. They were called "semi-detached." In Brooklyn, NY. And, together these two "houses" contained 8 units. When the crash came he lost one to the bank. But held onto the other. Where he and grandma lived. And, the 3 units that were rented out, had rents that paid the mortgage.

My grandma lived in this apartment until 1955. When she was 85. And, she fell down, and broke her arm. After which she needed to stay in an old age home. So the 4-unit house was sold.

LESSON: Price in 1927 was the same price at which this house sold in 1955. (Real estate just didn't go anywhere!)

At first? Values SUNK. Then, when values returned ... and men came back from WW2 ... with GI loans available ... men like Levitt, and Trump (Donald's dad), bought undeveloped real estate in Long Island. And, a building boom began.

People wanted homes with back yards, for the children.

Men went to work by Amtrak, instead of subway. But the commutes were long. Usually took a good hour to travel by train in one direction.

While the prices for residential property in Brooklyn "stagnated."

Toad Trend said...

Grammatical correction to my prior post for the 'anal' Machos:

'Quite a different proposition, Machos. Keep it real - Zero and his ilk demonstrate Alinsky influence. Do you deny?'

Anonymous said...

Anyone that has been watching and doesn't think that Saul Alinsky is at the core of how Obama does things

In a way, it's wonderful to see that the right has its own goofy demonology and tricksters to whom it assigns special powers. It reminds us that the trickster pattern is a part of human nature.

Carol_Herman said...

Soon, Michael Lewis' new book BOOMERANG is coming out.

He tells of the ten year BOOM in Ireland ... where Ireland was a very poor country of about 40-million people. THEN, THE BOOM. Where Ireland sold itself (over and over again) to build housing for 80-million people. Which the politicians THEN guaranteed the taxpayers would pay for ... if this "applecart" got upset.

And, the "applecart" blew up.

The people who had been pouring the concrete for these ghost towns, by the way, all came from Poland. (Must have something to do with a Catholic connection; though Michael Lewis does not say.)

Lewis does say, however, that in Ireland everyone had "borrowed money" from the 3 banks they had. Including the Polish workers. One day, at the Dublin airport ... the valets noticed the lots were full ... but nobody was flying back to get their cars. They called the police.

Lo and behold, all the polish workers FLED. They left their fancy BMW's in the airport lot. The cars weren't theirs, really. They all belonged to the banks!

The police flew to Poland. But no trace of any of these thousands of workers could be found.

Anonymous said...

Zero and his ilk demonstrate Alinsky influence.

I vigorously deny. Saul Alinsky was a guy who wrote about trying to grab power (and not a very original one at that), during a time when the political landscape was vastly different than it is now. The whole point of his program, such as you can call it a program, is that there are entrenched powers to be morally coerced.

The moment you are in power, you cannot coerce the people who are in power because you would be morally coercing yourself. That is circular.

Give up the Alinsky stuff. It's stupid and wrong. Alinksy is simply a bogeyman for you, serving the purpose of a villain in a fictitious narrative you have created.

Carol_Herman said...

Just in case you think we're gonna have a "real estate recovery" in four years. Think again.

Even if you can do spreadsheets, you can't foretell the future. Your numbers won't check out, ahead, with what's gonna happen. Because only God knows the future.

Patrick said...

It's pretty theatrical, but not too bad. Frankly, they ought to be running against "theatrical," because that's all Obama ever had

Anonymous said...

Phone -- Good luck with drumming up support against secessionists. That's certainly going to be an election issue, dude. You bet.

Anonymous said...

Obama cut his teeth on this Alinsky technique, it worked well for him in Chicago and now not so much on a national scale.

Obama doesn't know much as we can see but he knows his community organizer Alinsky methods. They are in his words and ideas.

Think what you will and I'll do the same but spare me the derision.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Antiphone

I see. You didn't do it first. reed a book.

Yes States should have the right to secede. The original intent of the Union was that each state would be a separate entity in their internal workings and subject to a limited federal government that would represent through a representative government the states as a conglomeration.

Originally, each colony or state had their own standing army (which is still evident in the remnants of their State police).

The heavy hand of the Royal Government from England made the frames sensitive to the individual states and their rights. It was never intended to have a central powerful government meddling in the minute affairs of the individual states or in the every nuance of our personal lives. (like what we eat, light bulbs, schools etc.)

Since the Federal Government has begun to act worse than the British Kings and has become ever more centralized, oppressive and burdensome on the states, I say YES. We have the right to secede.

It will never happen. But, a girl can dream. Just like we would love to jettison southern half of California and be free at will never happen.

BJM said...


Maybe this is something Perry should be asked about, his position on whether States have the right to secede or not.

Are you kidding me? Had a look at your 401k lately? How about the value of your house? Got a job (other than trolling)?

So by all means, let's ask questions about dumbass shit like secession.

Good try, but no hijack banana.

Once again the left tells us whom it fears. One would think they'd catch on by now that we can read their tell.

BJM said...


It reminds us that the trickster pattern is a part of human nature.

Dude, your avatar.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Dude, the drop in prices was the correction. You apparently believe that a market correcting itself is some good thing. Most of the time, it's not.

Depends on which side of the situation you are looking at. For the home owner or seller it is not a good thing. However, for a buyer or future buyer the correction from the artificially inflated housing prices is a good thing.

It is what it is. It isn't good or bad any more than it is good or bad if the tide comes in or goes out.

We actually have quite a bit more 'correction' to go. Once there is a balance between supply and demand and the government gets out of the way, the housing market just like any other market will naturally reach an equilibrium.

Heywood Rice said...

So, maybe reed a book or something. Then come back when you have something that is interesting, and not only interesting to you because you don't have a clue what the fuck you are talking about.

Thanks for the advice Seven Machos. I'm doing some studying online. I didn't know about this but it's an interesting part of Texas history.

In the late winter of 1861, Texas counties sent delegates to a special convention to debate the merits of secession. The convention adopted an Ordinance of Secession by a vote of 166 to 8, which was ratified by a popular referendum on February 23.[1][2]

Separately from the Ordinance of Secession, Texas also issued a declaration of causes spelling out the rationale for secession.[3] The document specifies several reasons for secession, including its solidarity with its "sister slave-holding States," the Federal government's inability to prevent Indian attacks, slave-stealing raids, and other border-crossing acts of banditry. It accuses Northern politicians and abolitionists of a variety of outrages upon Texans. The bulk of the document offers a justification of slavery and white supremacy, including this extract:

We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.
—Secession Convention, "A Declaration of the Causes which Impel the State of Texas to Secede from the Federal Union"
- Wikipedia,Texas in the American Civil War

Anonymous said...

it worked well for him in Chicago

What Obama did in Chicago most certainly did not work well for him. He was a massive failure at everything he tried, something Alinsky certainly wouldn't have wanted because, right or wrong, Alinksy stood for trying to improve the lives of poor people through government largesse. Obama failed in this utterly.

You have Obama wrong. There's nothing devious. Obama is simply a careerist. He's The Music Man. He's a charismatic guy who has been able to jump from good job to better job, and he was able to ride a goofy wave of platitude to the presidency. There was nothing Alinsky advised that helped him.

Now that Obama has a job where there's nowhere to go up from, he has failed miserably. Nothing devious. Nothing from some handbook. He got a job and he did a bad job. And now he's going to lose if he runs again.

Nothing any obscure writer about community organization and moral coercion accounts for or changes any of these obvious facts.

Anonymous said...

Once there is a balance between supply and demand and the government gets out of the way, the housing market just like any other market will naturally reach an equilibrium.

I disagree. The housing market is nicely at equilibrium right now. If anything, overly easy credit put it out of whack. The problem is that the equilibrium price is too low for sellers who owe banks tons of money.

Michael said...

antiphone: you are way out of your league here. That you don't know it certifies it. I can barely watch. It is excruciating to read what you write.

Toad Trend said...

"The moment you are in power, you cannot coerce the people who are in power because you would be morally coercing yourself. That is circular."

What do you base your assumptions on Machos? Personal experience? Thorough study?

What you wrote may sound good to YOU; I call bullshit.

Apparently you fancy yourself part of the wise 'middle'. In a sense, it isn't much different than a politician that believes his own twaddle despite evidence to the contrary.

edutcher said...

Seven Machos said...

That's why housing prices aren't coming back for at least 4 more years.

Dude, the drop in prices was the correction. You apparently believe that a market correcting itself is some good thing. Most of the time, it's not.

Most of the time it is; markets do become overvalued, particularly since many are speculative in nature.

But we aren't allowed to think that - it conflicts with Seven's view of reality is challenged.

Anyone that has been watching and doesn't think that Saul Alinsky is at the core of how Obama does things

In a way, it's wonderful to see that the right has its own goofy demonology and tricksters to whom it assigns special powers.

Funny how "Rules For Radicals" is GodZero's favorite book (according to him) and the ideas in it are clearly the way the Left has operated for 40 years.

All Seven needs is a video of himself in a corner with his hands over his ears singing, "La la la, I can't hear you".

Scott M said...

That certainly spoke to the Gen-X'r in me. I'm very pleased that he's using "President Zero". The fade from new poster to ragged poster was particularly effective.

Calling POTUS "President Zero" in his first major ad gives me some "hope" that Perry, as a GOP nominee, will go for the jugular during the debates. That's where this election is going to be won.

Heywood Rice said...

antiphone: you are way out of your league here. That you don't know it certifies it. I can barely watch. It is excruciating to read what you write.

How so Michael?

Michael said...

SevenM: "The problem is that the equilibrium price is too low for sellers who owe banks tons of money."

Therefore the market is not in equilibrium. That was DBQ's point. Equilibrium is when those sellers/banks capitulate or when buyers hit the ask.

Anonymous said...

What do you base your assumptions on Machos?

Irrefutable logic. The entire program of community organizing assumes that you are appealing to people in power. When you are in power, you cannot appeal to yourself.

At any rate, none of this matters. Obama is a failed president and Alinksy has nothing to do with it. Nor did Alinsky have anything to do with Obama's strange, meteoric rise.

You are clinging to this Alinsky goofballery because you need to have some explanation for the success of people you don't like and don't want to ascribe good characteristics to. That's the beauty and usefulness of the trickster fiction. See Karl Rove. See Lee Atwater. See Leo Strauss. Those are the left's tricksters -- their versions of Alinsky.

The good news is that Obama, while a successful candidate in 2008, has been a disastrous president and will not win in 2012. But nothing Obama has done has much of anything to do with Alinsky.

Jeff in Oklahoma said...

The ad was brilliant, and got me thinking (dangerous, I know).

You know how Presbo likes to blame everyone and their dog for the nations woes?

He hasn't yet blamed his pawns in the MSM.

But you could make a case that it is the MSM's fault we are in this mess. IF they had "properly vetted" the Zero, there is a chance we wouldn't be in this debacle in the first place. Instead of falling all over themselves to anoint him,, had they taken the opportunity to scrutinize him (and how long could that have taken); many may have never cast that ballot in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Therefore the market is not in equilibrium.

Actually, markets are always in equilibrium, particularly markets like housing where there cannot be buyers or sellers who have substantial power in the market.

The fact that people cannot sell their homes for enough money to pay off an existing mortgage has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with market prices. What you'd like to sell your stuff for isn't the market price.

I'm Full of Soup said...

One could say the market is always at equilibrium.

Anonymous said...

Phone -- Because you obviously have no clue what you are talking about. You have admitted to going to Wikipedia to read about Texas. That is simply embarrassing.

Up your game, dude. Or don't talk about things you know nothing about. Real simple.

Secession will not be an election issue.

Pettifogger said...

MadisonMan says: "I suspect the farmland shots are not Texas."

I've lived in Texas all my life, and they went by too fast for me to tell. One of them clearly was green enough that I am skeptical that it was Texas this year.

But if they're not from Texas, does that matter? Isn't he running for president of the United States?

Jason (the commenter) said...

I want to see this movie!

Trooper York said...

At least he wasn't using farms from Kenya.

Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Those photos would suck because all of the crops would be destroyed by all those guys training for the Olympic marathon.

Toad Trend said...

"When you are in power, you cannot appeal to yourself."

This. Pretzel logic. Actually a great offering from Steely Dan.

"But nothing Obama has done has much of anything to do with Alinsky."

That is willfully obtuse Machos.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I disagree. The housing market is nicely at equilibrium right now.

Really. What about all the OREO properties that banks are unable to move without taking large losses? Eventually, they will be forced, by regulations, to liquidate that inventory and take the losses. Until then those OREO properties continue to depress the market and keep the prices at artificially higher levels.

The inventory of unsold existing homes is large and unlikely to diminish anytime soon. The new housing starts has dwindled to a trickle and will stay that way until the old inventory reaches a price level that is attractive to purchasers.

Until the government stops artificially propping up the housing market and interfering in the lending process, there will never be equilibrium. Equilibrium only lasts for a moment (metaphorically) until things begin changing again. However, if left to its own natural devices without outside interference from government or disasters, the swings in prices in any market are generally mild.

BJM said...


Re photo: MOM has the backstory.

Anonymous said...

Tread -- Show us how a person can appeal to themselves to make changes that said selves don't want to make.

Further, I find "willfully obtuse" to be interesting. The concept of the trickster is ancient and happens all the time, in all civilizations. You see it all the time. You can't admit that Obama won the presidency with his own wiles, so you have to resort to some obscure person pulling strings with, in this case, some set of rules.

Oh well. People in New Guinea prayed for the gods to deliver the planes that bring cargo long after those planes stopped coming. And there's nothing I can do about that.

Anonymous said...

DBQ -- Your underlying assumption seems to be that market price cannot occur if sellers must take a loss.

That's simply not so. It's grossly wrong. Market price is under the cost of production (or, this case, the purchase price) all the time. All the time.

Market price is the number of dollars that a buyer and seller agree to make a transaction at. That's all it is.

Heywood Rice said...

You have admitted to going to Wikipedia to read about Texas. That is simply embarrassing.

You're an asshole, feel better now?

Anonymous said...

Being an asshole is far better than being an idiot.

Carol_Herman said...


Don Surber just put this up:

"Sarah Palin is within 5 points of Obama, and she hasn't spent a plug nickel of campaign funds! No wonder James Carville just said the dems should PANIC!"

JR said...

The ad’s both.

Perfect and over the top.

Perfect for showing broken America. Ruins overlaid by Obama’s high rhetoric and false hope. That part’s perfect.

Over the top when it switches to Perry. The ad needed understatement and minimal torque on Perry. The tones should have changed. Less imagery. Quiet strength. Understatement. John Wayne’s “Quiet Man.

Perry won’t out-rhetoric Obama. He might go 12 rounds to a draw. But even if Perry won rhetoric-wars with Obama, rhetoric-wars are still playing to Obama’s empty game. Yes, let Perry parade Obama’s empty rhetoric and show images of broken America. Then let Perry speak in quiet strength about his own substance. Facts in Texas. Concrete plans.

And admit a few failures, Rick.

Stand in line at a soup kitchen.

Be human. Not heroic.

Carol_Herman said...

This ad is all over the Internet. And, it's Sarah Palin with the Drudge headline that she's within five points of Obama!

No ad.

Sarah Palin campaigns better than anyone else!

Will she run?

I don't know. (But Perry gets no thunder from his viral ad.) Ahead? He's gotta come up with something else. Maybe? He'll be on a horse. And, he strum a guitar.

Anonymous said...

Carol -- The Drudge Report frontpaged that headline yesterday. Drudge drives news. Everyone knows this.

Carol_Herman said...

You know, if Perry chooses a horse. I hope he chooses a honey colored one. He could call it TRIGGER. Because Perry looks like Dale Evans.

A. Shmendrik said...

I like it!

I would consider it proof that the same old, same old Republican Media advisers have been taken where they belong, out back, and shot.

Carol_Herman said...

You know when times are bad, people tend to hunker down. And, not change things in their lives so much. They stay unhappily married. They DON'T SELL their home. They just look to get by.

FDR actually kept winning re-election through terrible economic times!

It's when times are good ... that the husband comes home ... and tells you he fell in love with somebody else.

It's a BIG TIME for people to get divorced ... because everything outside looks so rosy!

We're in bad times now!

And, it's only when people look back that they glimpse how caught up they got in the "bubble." How they borrowed money on their homes ... that today leaves them underwater.

But it's the good times that politicians should fear!

Now, if you want to have good times, again, you have to hope a better set of politicians come on board ... kicking out ALL the only CRONIES ...

Which is why I think Sarah Palin's message resonates.

But that's just me.

Terry said...

Mahal quoted:

"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."

So Mahal lied when he said Perry wanted TX to secede from the union.

Chuck66 said...

The first part is wayyyyy over the top. The economy is bad, and there are super serious issues like the $100,000,000,000,000 in unfunded liabilities.

Don't show a post-apacoliptic (not even checking spell check on that) society. That is liket he ads that Democrats have been showing since 1982 of old folks starving to death due to Republican policies.

Roger J. said...

Hey seven--since you called me an asshole a while back I feel much better now :) Must have made the varsity. Keep on trucking guy.

garage mahal said...

You have admitted to going to Wikipedia to read about Texas. That is simply embarrassing

So what? It's more than you did. Perry was the one talking about something that sounded a whole like seceding. He should be asked exactly what he meant if he wants to be President.

Terry said...

My governor, a Democrat, has done more for secessionist cause than Perry has ever dreamed of doing: a race-based governing entity within the borders of the United States:
“This is an important step for the future of Native Hawaiian self-determination and the ability for Native Hawaiians to decide their own future,” stated Governor Abercrombie. “This Commission will put together the roll of qualified and interested Native Hawaiians who want to help determine the course of Hawai'i’s indigenous people.”

The Commission will be responsible for preparing and maintaining a roll of qualified Native Hawaiians as defined by the Act. The roll is to be used as the basis for participation in the organization of a Native Hawaiian governing entity. The Commission is composed of five members, one from each county and one at-large seat. Once its work is completed, the Governor will dissolve the Commission.

Anonymous said...

What have you done Garage?

Carol_Herman said...

Okay. Ad #1 is in the can.

What's Perry going to do for a follow up?

Obama's not responding, yet ... But I'd suggest to Obama to get the tape where Donald Trump calls him JIM PERRY.

You know. Trump loves everybody! Knows him. They all call him!

So, you bet. A JIM PERRY tag line would be hilarious.

Sarah Palin? She's not going to be running ads on TV! She'll say "Katie Couric is no longer there," so why should she bother?

Imagine a campaign that's done on the Internet!

And, pictures of her bus ONE NATION traveling around.

Perry shot his wad. It's hard to imagine "Ad #2" ... except if he's on a horse. Strumming a guitar. "SERENADING SUNSET" ... if he needs a title.

Roger J. said...

you missed it GM--he wasnt talking a bout seceding--he was talking about success.. Its an easy mistake to make when you are on a bratwurst and cheddar high :)

Terry said...

So what? It's more than you did. Perry was the one talking about something that sounded a whole like seceding. He should be asked exactly what he meant if he wants to be President.

Why don't you ask him? Or maybe use the internet to find out if someone else has asked him?
Are you stupid or something?

garage mahal said...

Uh huh, sure Roger. C'mon.

Roger J. said...

Gotta tell you Carol--you a real piece of work--I will never forget the ricky branch thing--your apogee of hilarity!

but do keep on posting there young lady--I enjoy your comments, and when you dont know anything you make it up--hilarity ensues.

Roger J. said...

dont take it personal, GM--it was a high hanging curve ball--if we cant make fun of ourselves who is left? Oh yeah--politicians and lawyers

Anonymous said...

I like it; Perry understands the role of hokum in American politics. There is a seriousness and a sharpness, but a little bit of a wink, too. A little breathless? Of course: and damned effective.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Why not entirely accurate as an option?

Titus said...

I loved it.

Loud, proud and ready.

I am horny.

Roger J. said...

It seems to me Mr Perry is taking the fight to Mr Obama--very early in the campaign season and Mr Perry is by no means assured of even getting the nomination. But Mr Obama now has to respond--god knows his record is going to get it--interesting times ahead indeed. While the MSM hasnt covered Mr Obama's fuck ups, somehow I think they will find their way into the campaign.

Roger J. said...

oops: his record isnt going to get it

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