Another dishonest, embarrassing editorial in the venerable Madison rag known as the Capitol Times.
A clue to the clueless: One man booed, the surrounding audience tried to shush him, and the candidates on stage couldn't hear it.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Don't let facts get in the way of emotion and lies.
I wonder what Rev Wright's position is on Gays in the Military?
I bet the local Chi-town paper was uninterested, and I know the MSM took a pass on asking candidate O'bama to take a position on any of Wright's teachings.
Par for the course from the "reality-based" side.
It's the morning of conflicting edits.
Anyway, to type it again: I don't think you can say with certitude that only one man booed. One or two is a more accurate statement, in my opinion.
However, readers of the Cap Times have their minds already made up, and will simply ascribe the boos to all Republicans.
I wonder what the writer thinks of those Democrat fascists who cheered and applauded Obama when he mentioned it was tempting to just do what he wanted to do and not bother with Congress.
It's a good thing there are no Democrat bigots or politicians who encourage hate. Not in Madison at least.
Question for someone who knows:
Did the Cap Times sever their ties to Madison Newspapers, Inc, now that they are no longer buying ink by the barrel?
I wonder what Rev Wright's position is on Gays in the Military?
My guess is he is for it, since he runs a very gay friendly church.
I think I heard 2.
he runs a very gay friendly church.
no $hit?
What was Rick Santorum's response?
So one guy booing is more hateful than thousands rallying around nooses and death threats for Republicans? Who gives a shit what these howling hypocrites write, we've all seen the scumbags on their side.
That said, I think that at least one reason that WI Union members are busting their own Unions is that they are sick of being useful goons for shitbag millionaires like Lerner, Trumka and Hoffa. Will the Cap Times ever cop to that reality? Never.
Some black Democratic pollster on CNN named Cornell something went wild over Cain's statement that blacks were "brainwashed" to vote Democratic. I think when people disallow a viewpoint we reflexively move toward recovery of the first amendment principles even and especially when it seems rude to the leftist politburo types. I wish we could interview the booers, but I assume they booed because they still can. It's part of the liberty idea that America was founded on, and which the left would like to take away.
I wonder what your average Madison liberal thinks about the Catholic church. Or if the Jewish state has a right to exist.
Rememeber when the Democrats on the Madison city council held of vote to boycott the Jewish state? I do.
Lies from liberals?! Say it isn't so!!! They need more time to fully quarintine minorities into their government built ghettos.
Par for the course from the "reality-based" side.
Funny you broght that up. I was thinking earlier how the left doesn't seem interested in reality anymore, be it jobs, the economy, presidential corruption, violation of civil rights, Gun Walker, Fast and Furious, etc, etc.
Don't let facts get in the way of emotion and lies.
"Anyway, to type it again: I don't think you can say with certitude that only one man booed. One or two is a more accurate statement, in my opinion."
That is an issue discussed at the linked post. It's possible that more than one booed, but it is not audible in the evidence that we have, so it's just guessing. And obviously the people on stage couldn't have heard more than one person, if they heard anything comprehensible.
You could say about any audience that we can't say with certitude that there weren't numerous people muttering all manner of bigoted things. Since when do we give significance to those possibilities? What do we actually know, with some substance? Only that ONE MAN booed.
The rest is beneath decent political debate.
Between Fast and Furious and Mawlaki, the Obama is rapidly piling up quite U.S. Citizen body count.
Althouse, I know there is dishonesty on both sides, and for a long time you have lived in a potpourri cloud of liberalism, but isn't it clear to you how unbalanced the the two sides are in terms of disingenuousness, naivete and hypocrisy? And if you accept my premise, do you think liberals are stupid or evil?
"... I wonder what your average Madison liberal thinks about the Catholic church..."
Pretty much the same as Bill Maher or Joy Behar.
Remember when Behar got her panties in a bunch over O Reileys comment about Muslims and 9/11 and stormed off the set? Funny how she never had problems mocking Christians though.
Typical liberal.
And if you accept my premise, do you think liberals are stupid or evil?
Doesn't that depend on when they stopped beating their wives?
What is Fast and Furious?
What is Fast and Furious?
Are you making fun of Robert Cook or do you two share a rock?
I'm sorry, Ann, but your post is the disingenuous one on this subject. Governor Gary Johnson was one of the candidates on the stage. He says he heard the boos. At 58, he's younger than some of the other candidates, but I don't think his hearing is that much better than his peers.
Are you really asking or making a commentary on lack of press coverage? F&F is ancillary to Gunwalker. US Govt sold guns to Mexican gangs, gangs killed a U.S. Border cop among many others.
"Doesn't that depend on when they stopped beating their wives?"
I'm serious.
Is my premise incorrect and both side are equal offenders?
If liberals are as, I see it, multiple times more guilty of this, then what explains that? If it's not stupidity, then what's left?
Althouse details it daily here. Is she a biased right wing puppet, or is there a big difference between the sides?
"What is Fast and Furious?" is more important that what Fast and Furious is.
My question for Titus: does the soldier asking the question look like he pumped up and oiled himself before posing the question?
I think I heard 2.
I did too, but I doubt Santorum heard much of anything.
Keeping track of the dishonest, embarrassing pieces in the CrapTimes would be a full-time job. Who could possibly take it seriously?
"... Althouse details it daily here. Is she a biased right wing puppet, or is there a big difference between the sides?.."
Just a bigger difference since liberals dominate print and cable media. Outside of 'Faux News' and the WSJ, I'm hard pressed to find conservative voices in the major media.
I wonder if Islamist fighters would be extra scared of a squad of all-gay ass kicking Navy SEALs as compared to the generic ass kicking SEALs. I bet they would, especially if we add a little propaganda to fuel the fear. Another weapon: homophobia.
O, ye cats!
If you want to talk Lefty hypocrisy, there are better cases.
Why not get into Janeane Garofalo (however you spell her name) and her nonsense that Conservatives', Libertarians', and Republicans' support of Herman Cain is (are you ready?) proof of how raaaacissst they are?
MadisonMan said...
It's the morning of conflicting edits.
Me, too.
Personally, I'd like to see the Cap Times call out that candidate who told his supporters they needed to punish their enemies and that they should be punching back twice as hard. If anybody is encouraging hate -
Oh, that was Obama? A Democrat? He must have been joking. Or taken out of context. Or using hyperbole. Not like those scumbag Rethuglicans.
You could say about any audience that we can't say with certitude that there weren't numerous people muttering all manner of bigoted things. Since when do we give significance to those possibilities? What do we actually know, with some substance? Only that ONE MAN booed.
But let's consider all of the people who felt like booing -- the ones with a more insidious form of homophobia.
Maybe it's my bias, but I don't find FOX personalities like OReily and Hannity while biased, anywhere near as dishonest or deluded as those on MSNBC like Olberman, Maddow, Shults, etc. It just seems to me like these lefties can't possibly care about the truth. They have to know what they are doing, right?
"Imagine if Democrats who had gathered to hear their candidates for the presidency booed a video of a U.S. service member."
"And then imagine if the candidates failed to call the crowd out and say it was wrong to boo someone who was risking his life to protect the US.The outcry would be overwhelming."
That is exactly right...if a Democrat goes outside without a flag lapel pin he gets pounded...accept it, it was an ugly moment...
One or two, who cares? It only takes one to screw it up for everyone. I'd say the horse is out of the barn (and I heard two)...
I didn't listen to the debate, so I can't comment on what happened.
Ann Coulter does comment on it in her current column. You should read it.
Coulter says that the booing did not occur because the speaker identified himself as gay, but because whoever booed disagreed with a policy statement made by the speaker.
If this is true, the question becomes: Are gays now another of those officially sainted species we are not allowed to disagree with?
if a Democrat goes outside without a flag lapel pin he gets pounded
Jeez Ann. Put quotation marks around the word venerable in your post (i.e., worthy of veneration) so we know it's editorial sarcasm on your part else it makes no sense. Unless that's what you meant. C
bagoh20 said...
Another weapon: homophobia.
Getting a bunch of Seals to fess up to being gay, would be tough...
why don't we go with Plan B. It would be cheaper and easier to test.
Titus as an interogator :)
I'd be scared to death if I were a Jihadi, strapped to a chair naked, with Titus in charge...
Oh wait, we tried that with female interogators. The left calls it torture...
It just seems to me like these lefties can't possibly care about the truth. They have to know what they are doing, right?
I don't know, bagoh20. I have some Facebook friends who seem to genuinely believe the shit they promote. The first time I followed her link to Olbermann made me wonder about my friend's sanity...who would possibly take that blowhard seriously? But she does. I don't get it. She's basically a good person and smart. She wears blinders, though.
A friend at church told me that she hates Republicans. "Hate them!" I don't know for sure but I have a hunch that it is more fear of being identified as a Republican herself that keeps her from getting close enough to learn something about Republicans.
Liberals spend more time proving that they aren't the feared Republican than examining why they are liberal or examining what the conservative positions are.
Wow Ann the Man Coulter
Shouting Snitch-queer shows his real colors.
now ,suck off the military like good republican buttboys Atards.
--the questions are almost as stupid and pointless as the GOP candidates themselves.
A friend at church told me that she hates Republicans. "Hate them!"
I don't know what church you're a member of, but I'm betting she's not paying much attention to what goes on there.
I'm wondering if gay servicepersons will serve as interogators, or medics (corpsemen) for captured Islamic terrorists or not assigned as to not offend their religious and cultural sensibilities?
I think that someone pointed this out recently, but the left is all about projection. If they are calling you a racist, it is because they are. If they are calling you insensitive, it is because they are. If they call you uncivil, it is because they are. If they call you a lying scumbag, it is because they are.
Think about it - pretty much everything that they attribute to the right, they are worse at, whether it be dishonesty, incivility, racism, hypocrisy, etc.
I have a number of theories about why this is, but none of them are quite satisfactory yet.
"Imagine if Democrats..."
You don't really think there is a lack of examples of Democrats dishonoring American military personnel do you.? Think back to Iraq and people like Harry (This war is lost) Reid.
I bet that soldier would be more offended by that from the leading U.S. Senator than some homophobia by an anonymous audience member.
Deeep thoughts from Doc Hayden.
You don't know who controls the GOP. It's not small -town WASP dirtbags. It's the rich and powerful, oil barons, defense contractors, corporate/finance execs, developers. Swine. Those be yr people. The people Annie Coulter shines shoes for.
The observation that a bell cannot be un-rung applies here.
It is of comfort to learn that only one man booed the gay soldier's pleas to not reverse the latest changes.
And also to learn that the rest of the shouts out were others in the audience shushing him.
But the wrong impression on live TV at a teachable moment happened.
The eyewitnesses are often wrong, and the eye witnesses to this on TV moment were wrong.
So what does a good lawyer do now?
"Think back to Iraq and people like Harry (This war is lost) Reid."
And don't think dressing that up as some kind of concern for the soldier's life makes it any better.
A guy like this who takes the risks, including the extra ones of doing as a guy man, is not gonna appreciate being infantilized on top of being told the thing he risks his life for is a worthless lost cause that he's not even any good at.
Someone not liking his kind of sex is not real important in comparison, unless you are a liberal.
So what does a good lawyer do now?
Inflate their billable hours and call it a day?
Shouting Thomas said...
I didn't listen to the debate, so I can't comment on what happened.
Ann Coulter does comment on it in her current column. You should read it.
Coulter says that the booing did not occur because the speaker identified himself as gay, but because whoever booed disagreed with a policy statement made by the speaker.
If this is true, the question becomes: Are gays now another of those officially sainted species we are not allowed to disagree with?
You say that as if it's never been the case.
After all, now they want open service for the "transgendered".
I don't know what church you're a member of, but I'm betting she's not paying much attention to what goes on there.
I know this woman. If she learned (and she may already know) that I am a Republican, she wouldn't hate me. She might think I'm stupid or misguided but she wouldn't hate me. She would hate the Republicans she doesn't know, though. Good people say foolish things.
An audience of Democrats called Obama the Anti-Christ the other day. They are hate filled loons.
I want to know why the word hate is thrown around so much like it was a physical object or a noun?
Fox fires back..
Good people say foolish things.
She strikes me as someone who has multiple bumper stickers on their car.
The most important aspect of this "controversy" is the soldier's arms.
It's all about the guns.
The rest of the crap is secondary.
And yes he did pump up and pick the right tight tee and posed to the side to highlight his guns.
There is a gay friendly black church?
She strikes me as someone who has multiple bumper stickers on their car.
Haha! I've never noticed her car but I have noticed that her mind is full of them.
Titus how much can you bench press? I'm taking a poll to see who is in the J category.
Hoosier, not alot. My max is a 1 45 and 1 25 on each side.
I am not big, but I am toned.
"... Hoosier, not alot. My max is a 1 45 and 1 25 on each side.
I am not big, but I am toned..."
That's cool. J could use you for curls.
Titus how much can you bench press? I'm taking a poll to see who is in the J category.
It's better for your heart not to know.
150: Number of words directly quoted from the exec director of "Log Cabin Republicans, the organization of gay and lesbian Republicans" who calls Santorum's response "shameful".
388: Number of words in the entire article.
0: Number of words directly quoted from Santorum's response, described as having "offered some gay-bashing comments of his own -- mixed with a little Taliban-style fundamentalism."
0: Number of words directly quoted from Santorum.
0: Number of words directly quoted from any Republican (besides the Log Cabin guy).
"... It's better for your heart not to know..."
I wonder how much roiding might contribute.
The liberals/progressive have a long history of generalizing and exaggerating accusations of racism, sexism, etc., despite history recording it was their ancestors and predecessors who were the offenders in the majority. Today, they simply do it for profit and power, as they exploit people who believe they are acting in good faith.
Is this tactic still effective?
You don't know who controls the GOP. It's not small -town WASP dirtbags. It's the rich and powerful, oil barons, defense contractors, corporate/finance execs, developers. Swine. Those be yr people. The people Annie Coulter shines shoes for.
And you know this how?
Doncha just love the smell of the Left's 2012 flop sweat in the morning?
It's the rich and powerful, oil barons, defense contractors, corporate/finance execs, developers.
Drats! foiled again, no make that twice!
fish, barrel
"I wonder if Islamist fighters would be extra scared of a squad of all-gay ass kicking Navy SEALs as compared to the generic ass kicking SEALs."
The Thebans were a couple of millenia ahead of you on this. Wiki "Theban Sacred Band"
"if a Democrat goes outside without a flag lapel pin he gets pounded"
I personally curb-stomped 6 of them on my way to work this morning, so point well-taken.
"the candidates on stage couldn't hear it. "
But several other presidential candidates told ABC News that they did hear the boos ring through the Orange County Convention Center, chants that were spurred by a question gay soldier Stephen Hill asked about the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.
You are an apologist and purveyor of falsehoods, Ann.
Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman told ABC News that it was “totally unfortunate and unnecessary when someone in uniform asks a question of a panelist in this case, the first response should be thanking the soldier for his or her service.”
“We all wear the same uniform in America. We all salute the same flag I have two boys starting their journey in the U.S military. We should take more time to thank them for their services as opposed to finding differences based on background or orientation,” said Huntsman.
Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson said he was embarrassed.
“That’s not the Republican Party that I belong to,” said Johnson. “I’m embarrassed by someone who serves in the military and can’t express their sexuality. I am representing the Republican Party that is tolerant. And to me that shows an intolerance that I’m not a part of in any way whatsoever. ”
Johnson added that he could hear the boos from the stage and believes that the other candidates – despite Santorum’s denial – could as well.
Businessman Herman Cain declined to go into detail about the incident saying only, “If you don’t have time to explain your whole position on that, you can very easily be taken out of context so I don’t even want to comment on that.”
There was also more than one persona booing.
But other candidates did hear the jeering. Johnson, who supported the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, unlike many Republican candidates, said that while he was "chomping at the bit" to denounce the boos, he didn't speak out because he was afraid of stepping out of turn at his first debate.
Just more hatred oozing out from the radical right.
I won't hold my breath for Ann Althouse to admit she was wrong.
Of course in a previous debate we had conservatives cheering at the idea of someone dying because he didn't have health care.
These are mean-spirited and cruel people.
It was more than a hypothetical question. A Ron Paul campaign staff leader died for lack of health insurance.
For Ron Paul, health-care question struck close to home
Kent Snyder, 49, served as Paul’s 2008 campaign manager but died of complications from pneumonia two weeks after Paul withdrew from the ‘08 race. As the Wall Street Journal reported in Snyder’s obituary (which happened to be matched with the obituary of Sen. Jesse Helms):
“It was Kent more than anyone else who encouraged and pushed Ron to run for president,” said Jesse Benton, a spokesman for Mr. Paul. “Ron would not have run for the presidency if it had not been for Kent. Ron was really hesitant, but Kent drove him forward.”
However, Snyder did not have health insurance. According to his mother, he had a pre-existing condition that made it financially impossible to buy it on his own. (Interestingly, Snyder is credited with raising $19.5 million for the Paul campaign in the fourth quarter of 2007 alone, but none of that money was apparently used to buy insurance for campaign staffers.)
Here is more deep-seated hatred and sociopathy from the radical right
Tea Party protestors taunt and mock a man with Parkinson's disease.
They are Ann Althouse's peeps.
"But other candidates did hear the jeering. Johnson, who supported the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, unlike many Republican candidates, said that while he was "chomping at the bit" to denounce the boos, he didn't speak out because he was afraid of stepping out of turn at his first debate."
How convenient to say that now.
Sorry. That's some evidence of something, but I stand by my statements.
Liberals would love to turn the issue to how everybody feels about gay people.
It's a big old distraction. The question is the economy and just how bad the administrations efforts to deal with it have been.
It was more than a hypothetical question. A Ron Paul campaign staff leader died for lack of health insurance.
No, he died of a viral infection, in a hospital, getting care, surrounded by his loved ones.
The fact that he didn't have health insurance just meant that he died leaving behind a huge bill.
You are a pathetic liar Alpha Liberal. Lying like that just hurts your cause.
AL: Yes, you must be correct. After all, the Civil rights Act of 1964 was passed with Republicans sitting on the sidelines, their hands in their pockets. All the while Senator Fulbright of Arkansas and Senator Al Gore, Sr. of Tennessee championing and promoting that bill through the Senate way back then. At least that's what the DNC would have us believe.
Still, it must hurt Dems a little bit that in fact Fulbright and Gore were both raging segregationists back then along with a whole bunch of other Dems then too.
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