September 8, 2011

"Reid turns tables on Obama speech-skippers by setting Thursday-night debt vote."

Oh, that's mean!

Feel free to opine and emote about Reid's maneuver and the speech itself in the comments.


SteveR said...

Reid'a an ass. I won't watch the speech.

Chase said...

"Mean" is the nice word for it.

Reid is a "____________" is the word we're all looking forward to hearing you say.

At least Boehner had the class to not do a response to the President's speech tonight and let Americs enjoy football.

Go Republicans! 2012!

Carol_Herman said...


It's gonna be a good night to enjoy a bowl of SCHWEDDY BALLS.

Can't fool me.

Look how you can wrap plain vanilla so that it sells!

Remember, that going forward the EURO dies, first.

I think I've seen this movie, before.

TWM said...

There are plenty of nice bars near the Capitol so I'm sure they can hang there and head back a few minutes before the vote. Or just take a nap in their offices. Or play poker. Or get a fricken root canal. Anything is better than having to listen to that moron one more time.

Paddy O said...

That's good, fun politics. No harm, no foul.

But pretty much defines the tone of upcoming debates. Bipartisanship is out the window under the present leadership, and they're going to remind you of it at every point.

Plus, it does seem a bit petty and an ineffective assertion of authority for no good reason (at least Boehner had the debate issue to think about). But that's Reid for you. Has there been a worse majority leader in history?

edutcher said...

That's Harry.

No class.

As if the Republicans' being there is going to change the fact they'll still be outvoted.

And what TWM said.

Anonymous said...

Reid is a juvenile weasel.

Not sure which is the dominant trait of the two.

Chip S. said...

Harry Reid hates football.

It's nothing but the Game Show Network for him after hours.

Matt said...

Oh, he's making the Senators do their job. How mean!

Did you see this:
Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), who had sent an e-mail to supporters Wednesday trumpeting his decision to skip the speech and host a New Orleans Saints party instead....

Okay, so watching a football game is more important than the business of the country? Goodness.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Vote. Then get up to go to the bathroom or go to one of the local bars or just take a nap. Come back after the speech. Vote.

Too bad they don't have chairs that can be repositioned and sit with their backs to the President. That would be cool.

Charlie Martin said...

Okay, so watching a football game is more important than the business of the country? Goodness.

No, watching a football game is more important than Captain Vacuous demonstrate he still hasn't a clue.

Mark O said...

If Senate Republicans had balls, they would star away in droves and say, "we had to study the legislation to prepare for the vote."

Chase said...

Okay, so watching a football game is more important than the business of the country?

What country are you talking about, Matt?

In this country, skipping a completely politically motivated campaign speech by a failed President in front of Congress is fine by me.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Maybe they could just all break out their Ipod and earbuds and listen to some good music while Obama drones on and on.

Maybe do like all the college students do. Text each other like crazy while the professor drones on. Surf the something on Amazon!!

Play angry birds.

Chip S. said...

Okay, so watching a football game is more important than the business of the country?

If it's really urgent, why not take care of it before the speech? I mean, apparently there's not a moment to spare.

Brian Hancock said...

Can someone, anyone grow the freak up in Washington?

Life in the Fifties said...

If government "leaders" would host more private parties and spend less time micro-managing the rest of us it would be a win-win.

Mark O said...

This speech is pure theater and has nothing to do with the business of the country. Unless, of course, he is going to lead from behind and declare war on the GOP just as the unions asked.

What a buffoon. He's officially irrelevant.

mesquito said...

Okay, so watching a football game is more important than the business of the country?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Of course it is. And so is re-election, obviously.

Big Mike said...

Democrats don't understand that real Americans like to watch football?

Just thought I'd ask.

Leland said...

So, does the vote afterwards prompt our host to want to live blog the speech?

KCFleming said...

Good God, how embarrassing for Obama. They have to force people to watch his speech.

He used to be a rock star, speechifying at stadiums. Now he's singing medleys of his 'greatest hits' to the drunks at the bar in East Squat-n-pee, Utah.

Ann Althouse said...

I'm watching, but I can't see live-blogging. It feels so unlively.

I'll write something if anything strikes me.

Keep the comments flowing and it's kind of a live-blog.

Simon said...

I have no problem with that. That's smart politics-as-contact-sport stuff.

mesquito said...

I'm ready for some football.

Tim said...

Is this the moment the Obama presidency jumped the shark?

Or was it before now?

TWM said...

"Urgent time for our country" - but I got lost a year ago on the way here so I'm just now getting started

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Obambi is on both Fox Channels. News and Business.

We just switched to the DIY Channel.

Big Mike said...

I can't bring myself to watch the speech. It's not just that I'm a Republican (though that has a lot to do with it), it's that he really doesn't give a very good speech. Was there ever a time when he really did give a good speech? I have to doubt it.

TWM said...

"Fairness" - ugh.

garage mahal said...

"They don't care about politics". Camera zooms in on Cantor.

Simon said...

If the bill is written, give us the bill and skip the speech, Mr. President.

Fred4Pres said...

Reid is rotten curd forgotten in the corner.

TWM said...


garage mahal said...


Sal said...

Chris Matthews wasn't listening last night but he's listening now. And he has a boner.

mesquito said...

We've already got a public transportation system that can get anyone to any place on the continent in a mmter of hours, don't we?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Here you go...

Barack Bullshit Bingo Card

TWM said...

They aren't laying teachers off in Wisconsin. Just ask Gov. Walker.

garage mahal said...

Repubs stand for vets, but not teachers.

Mark O said...

He doesn't care about politics, the check's in the mail and I won't.

Simon said...

garage mahal said...
"They don't care about politics"

The problem is, people who say that they don't care about politics are idiots. Because what those people mean is, "can't they put politics aside and do what common sense dictates?" And the answer is, of course, no, they can't—because the reason that they're at odds in the first place is because they really disagree on what the right thing to do is, and they really disagree on what constitutes "common sense." It's disappointing to me when fully-grown adults, many of them partially-educated, have still not yet understood that common sense is not a platonic, universal concept accessible to all people. And the trivialization of political difference is really quite disturbing.

Anonymous said...

This president is a spending maniac.

TWM said...

What about unicorns? What does he offer them? They deserve jobs, too.

Hagar said...

Harry Reid is a Las Vegas mob lawyer and not much of a politician.

(Now I have to do PREVIEW and then EDIT in order to get WORD VERIFICATION so that I can publish. Anyone else have this trouble?)

Rose said...


Does he think he is governor of a STATE? What's all this about the feds taking care of schools?



Simon said...

garage mahal said...
"Repubs stand for vets, but not teachers."

I stand for abolishing government-operated schools. Teachers are a secondary issue to me.

Simon said...

Say what you like about this speech, but at least he's barelling through it like a freight train going downhill.

mesquito said...

Is he really proposing, after Labor Day, a summer jobs scheme for teens?

A. Shmendrik said...

Lemme see...joint sessions are held in the House Chamber by adding about 100 additional seats and making everyone skrunch together. So, they have to walk back to the Senate Chamber to hold this vote, where all of the GOP Senators who did not attend can be waiting. What's the problem?

Dark Eden said...

At the very least you can say Reid knows how to play the game, unlike Obama.

Anonymous said...

Spend now, cut later.

Okie-Dokey then....

TWM said...

"Repubs stand for vets, but not teachers."

Hmm, how about giving returning Vets preference in the hiring of new teachers? Nationwide. Cull out those union teachers for the type of workers who doesn't need a union and is willing to work hard.

Rose said...

That head swivel.... aarrrrrggghhhh!!!

Tim said...

The people would be happier if the feds spent all that money on hookers and blow.

Simon said...

Here's a simple plan for a tax code that gives everyone a fair shake: A flat tax with the first $30,000 tax free and no other deductions for anything. The odds that Obama has that in mind? Zero.

TWM said...

"A tax code where everyone gets a fair shake and everyone pays their fair share."

So like the 51% of Americans who pay NO taxes at all will now pay?

Rose said...

Is anyone gonna ask him if Buffett has paid up on his taxes? He just doubled down on Buffet's lie.

mesquito said...

Oh, I see. The purpose of this speech is to announce that he'll announce another plan in ten days. Gotcha.

Anonymous said...

The words are all there:

-spending cuts

-reduce deficit

-reforming tax code

-drag on economy

-small businesses and middle class families

All the phrases and jargon and no coherent plan or meaning.

Rose said...

RIGHT AWAY - again, how many times is that?

Simon said...

I'd pay real money to see the Veep and the Speaker playing cards behind one of these lookatme-a-thons.

Rose said...

Bingo Card #1

J said...

GOP-TP fratboys love their Reid-bashing--like they loved roofie parties back in the day. He's a partay-pooper (and while not perfect, HR took on the Mob--far more than the usual Rush-bo can say)

Lauderdale Vet said...

Nice move, Harry. If the Republicans had done it in a similar context, I'd have said as much to them, too. I have a feeling there's much, much more of this coming down the pike.

"Repubs stand for vets, but not teachers."

Do you think that Teachers would be suffering more - or less - if we had school vouchers, more local control and less tyrannical public unions?

...and what of the students?

I know what side of that line I am on.

Rose said...

Bingo Card #2

mesquito said...

So, how long has President Genius been working on this suck-ass speech? A month?

garage mahal said...

Jefferey Immelt looks like he could be Andrew Breibart's brother

Anonymous said...

The president of the United States hawking car brands.

TWM said...

Well, Ann, as a former Obama gal, are you buying any of this? Inquiring minds want to know. (Yes, I'm making an assumption you are no longer one.)

Anonymous said...

-We need jobs that pay well.

-We need to tax corporations so they pay their fair share.

-We need to reduce the drag on small businesses.

-We need to reform the tax code gently to not be disruptive.

-We need to reduce our deficit.

-We need to reduce taxes on the middle-class.

-We need to tax the rich so they pay their fair share.

-We need jobs for young people.

-We need to save money.

-We need to spend money.

-We need more sunlight.

-We need more shade.

-We need more up.

-We need more down.

-We need more north.

-We need more south.

That's about all I'm hearing.

Simon said...

When Sarah Palin told Charlie Gibson that they'd get into the regulations and find some fat to trim, she was pilloried. Now Democrats are clapping Obama for telling him he's doing just that.

Anonymous said...

He's bullshitting for his political life!

J said...

Yr no Vet, Lauderdale

But your site 's been bookmarked (along with other frauds on here). Real vets don't take kindly to people defrauding the Fed.govt with fraudulent vet. claims (yo, Sarge)

The lies about to end at A-house

Simon said...

"Many of you in this room genuinely believe X. That's not who we are." So much for setting politics aside.

TWM said...

He wants to roll back regulations, but, not really.

And there is NOTHING about him that is either rugged or individual.

Anonymous said...

Aawww he's gonna make me cry.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It look like the affable laid-back Obama is gone..

This is a campaign kickoff.

Mark O said...

@J "The lies about to end at A-house"

Let me be the first to say we will not miss you and thanks for taking your lies with you.

Balfegor said...

RIGHT AWAY - again, how many times is that?

Was listening to it (not watching) on my way home, not particularly interested in listening to it now that I have arrived. "You need to pass this bill RIGHTAWAY" is . . . not sure how best to describe. The President sounds younger and more juvenile than I've ever heard him before. Not in terms of content (apart from "rightaway" "rightaway" -- who wrote that?), but in terms of delivery, he sounds more like a high school speech contestant than anything else.

The "rightaway" refrain and the "republicans proposed this/that" bits were delivered in a kind of whiny/pleading tone. The delivery is mostly shoutier than I recall his delivery usually being, but then where he sort of tightens his voice , makes it breathier, e.g. at the start when he was emphasising how millions of people are out of work -- that's the kind of delivery I recall from high school speech and debate.

Substance sounded fine, I guess, what I heard (payroll taxes, infrastructure spending, cutting red tape, lalala), but the devil is always in the details.

TWM said...

"But your site 's been bookmarked (along with other frauds on here). Real vets don't take kindly to people defrauding the Fed.govt with fraudulent vet. claims (yo, Sarge)

The lies about to end at A-house."


Sorry, I really did laugh out loud. You got a "VetOMeter" there, slick?

What does it ping on me?

Mark O said...

I've long thought that Obama was no more or less than a Model UN high school junior.

TWM said...

Even if ANY of this stuff was true, there is no way in hell it is going to have any real impact within 14 months. If at all.

So I'm afraid, Mr. President, this is not gonna help you get reelected.

Anonymous said...

What kind of a country would we be if past congresses refused to fund IBM to build the System 360, or Microsoft to develop PC-DOC, or Apple to develop the iPod and the iPhone?

Where would be we then!?!

Life in the Fifties said...

The truth comes out. He needs another excuse for travel he can coordinate with campaign activities.

Lauderdale Vet said...

Yr no Vet, Lauderdale

USN. Participated in Provide Comfort, Deny Flight, Restore Hope, and numerous other Operations.

But you don't need to know that.

You're just trolling. I shouldn't have fed you.

mesquito said...

I've said this in previous Althouse threads, but it's worth repeating here.

What a dick

Anonymous said...


Simon said...

I think the best answer Congress can give to that speech is to politely thank the President for his contribution, table the bill, and move on with business. Ignore him and he'll go away in about sixteen months.

TWM said...

Breaking in for a terrorist threat? That's gonna upset Barry what with hurting his news cycle and all.

George said...

Stating over and over again "pass this bill" doesn't convey strength on the part of the president. Actually it rather comes across as plaintive begging.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When I applied for a job at DHL last week and I must have spent about 4 hours filling out paper work.
I did it gladly, don't get me wrong. But my point is all those forms and signature corresponded to some regulation that has been imposed on that business that cost money.. money that in turn cost jobs.

Simon said...

TWM said...
"So I'm afraid, Mr. President, this is not gonna help you get reelected."

He's counting on looking like he's doing something and destroying the GOP nominee being enough. It's a fifty fifty shot, truth be told.

mesquito said...

So, does the President actually have a bill to go along with all this bullshit? You know, a proposed law? Something to lay before Congress to consider?

I didn't think so.

J said...

We'll see Lauderdale, with no blog, no posts,no info. (Yo Mr Schmidt)

Buh bye crypto-klan

Shouting Thomas said...

Same old bullshit.

Obama is above politics.

Republicans are political hacks.

TWM said...

"He's counting on looking like he's doing something and destroying the GOP nominee being enough. It's a fifty fifty shot, truth be told."

I know, but I'm not sure it's as good as 50-50. First, I imagine the GOP might just go with one or two or three of his proposals which will make them look like they are being bipartisan, thus cutting into his "they won't work with me" campaign speech. Secondly, I don't think anyone but the hard core left is even listening to him any longer.

Cedarford said...

Obama? Or football? Or some of the really good US Open tennis matches?

Federer plays the red-hot Jo-Willy Tsonga of France.

I do think the well-paid members of Congress do have the DUTY to hear out Obama's nationally consequential economic proposals - even if they chose to drink in a bar, root for the great Swiss tennis star, or Green Bay vs actually sit for the Great TelePrompter Orator.
The rest of who us do not get 174,000-195,000 Congressional salary plus plush lifetime benefits may have a little more freedom to "opt out of it all and have a Saints Party, etc."

One thing I hope happens is we get some intelligent Republican response (vs. media whore Michelle Bachmann who will be in front of any camera she can find to say with her Leadership and her Fighting, Fighting, Fighting for jobs - she is the One, not the poopyhead in the Oval Office.)

Like to see Herman Cain available to opine if what Obama wants to do really would create jobs in the private sector he knows.
Same with Perry. It would be a good idea for him to be visible and chip in constructive critique.

And most of all, Mitt Romney, who just came out with the first specific economic recovery program. I'd like Romney to finess this a bit with a crumb, a half a loaf or two of some things Obama wants that WOULD make sense to impliment, and stupid to wait a year and a half on. But also say that if Obama gets some things because of the urgency - it is similarly stupid for Democrats to fight job creating measures of the Romney Plan a broad consensus agrees would create new private sector jobs.

And for Romney, Perry, and Cain to point out what components of Obama's plan appear to be not directed at new jobs - but welfare to support current levels of pay and benefits for presently employed state union workers - or welfare in the form of shovel-ready jobs that do not create new hires but is sucked up by state consultants and already employed union workers.

J said...

What was your E grade, Lauderdale? Where did you ship out of?? And what did you on Restore Hope??

Now, make up some good shit. Ive got a navy vet online ready to laugh at ya (and a marine pal too...tho he's not likely to laugh)

garage mahal said...

I think the best answer Congress can give to that speech is to politely thank the President for his contribution, table the bill, and move on with business. Ignore him and he'll go away in about sixteen months.

That will produce zero growth and zero jobs. USA! USA!

Cedarford said...

First, I imagine the GOP might just go with one or two or three of his proposals which will make them look like they are being bipartisan, thus cutting into his "they won't work with me" campaign speech. Secondly, I don't think anyone but the hard core left is even listening to him any longer.

And the black tribal voter who will not desert the Black Messiah under any condition - short of him being caught snorting coke off the bare naked ass of a boy, while facing Mecca.
Even that would only lose him 1/3rd of the black votes.

TWM said...

"That will produce zero growth and zero jobs. USA! USA!"

Maybe zero job growth in the WH, but productivity will spike.

mesquito said...

That will produce zero growth and zero jobs. USA! USA!

And that would still beat President Shortpants by about 3 million.

Simon said...

TWM said...
"I know, but I'm not sure it's as good as 50-50. First, I imagine the GOP might just go with one or two or three of his proposals which will make them look like they are being bipartisan, thus cutting into his 'they won't work with me' campaign speech."

Ah, yes, but there's a contingency plan for that. They roadtested it to great success during the debt ceiling debate: "The Republicans are being intransigent by rejecting a balanced approach."

"Secondly, I don't think anyone but the hard core left is even listening to him any longer."

Presidents don't lose just because they're unpopular. They lose because they're unpopular and

Obama knows that every democrat in the country will turn out for him, and even if the GOP doesn't nominate someone who frightens independents, he's going to spend a billion dollars making the nominee into the most frightening Halloween ghoul you can imagine. If even some Republicans balk at repealing Social Security, how do you suppose independents will react when Obama tells them that Rick Perry's for repealing it by putting quotes from Perry's own book on every television set in America.

I'm not saying that it can't be done. In November 2012, we're going to take the son of a bitch out, to borrow the charming vernacular of Jimmy Hoffa. But it's going to be tough.

TWM said...

"What was your E grade, Lauderdale? Where did you ship out of?? And what did you on Restore Hope??

Now, make up some good shit. Ive got a navy vet online ready to laugh at ya (and a marine pal too...tho he's not likely to laugh)"

Are their names Google and Bing?

edutcher said...

J said...

What was your E grade, Lauderdale? Where did you ship out of?? And what did you on Restore Hope??

Now, make up some good shit. Ive got a navy vet online ready to laugh at ya (and a marine pal too...tho he's not likely to laugh)

Sounds like J knows shiloh.

Simon said...

I forgot to finish a sentence. I meant to say something like "Presidents don't lose just because they're unpopular. They lose when they're unpopular and because the opposition candidate doesn't repulse independents."

TWM said...

"I do think the well-paid members of Congress do have the DUTY to hear out Obama's nationally consequential economic proposals - even if they chose to drink in a bar, root for the great Swiss tennis star, or Green Bay vs actually sit for the Great TelePrompter Orator.
The rest of who us do not get 174,000-195,000 Congressional salary plus plush lifetime benefits may have a little more freedom to "opt out of it all and have a Saints Party, etc.""

Wouldn't reading it be just as good? Or really looking at the facts of the proposal (if there are any) and ignoring the rhetoric?

Scott M said...

Possibly the best speech of the Obama presidency. Now, to the details...

BJM said...

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, pass this bill.

J said...

TWM-- don't care for the Truth,eh?
Letting some punk make shit about phony vet records is cool with you, eh.
Wait and see, little mobsters

TWM said...

"They lose when they're unpopular and because the opposition candidate doesn't repulse independents."

Agreed. Fortunately I believe that both Perry and Romney may be able to pull that off. Especially considering how bad the economy is still going to be next year.

Scott M said...

"E grade"

How do you know when someone doesn't know what they are talking about? When they use terms they looked up online incorrectly or unlike those who DO know what they are talking about.

Lauderdale Vet said...

E-5. M Div. I worked in The Pit, and that's all you're getting.

Why all the hate?

I seem to have struck a troll-nerve.

Either that, or I'm simply the amusement of the moment.

Do you have anything to say on topic? Sadly, I don't. I didn't get to watch. Was looking forward to the back and forth about it, though. It's why I watched this page.

wv: slyinati

Suddenly I've gotten the attention of the slyinati.

TWM said...

"TWM-- don't care for the Truth,eh?
Letting some punk make shit about phony vet records is cool with you, eh.
Wait and see, little mobsters."

He says he's a Navy vet and that's good enough for me. To quote Sean Connery in "The Untouchables" . . . "Who would claim to be that who was not?"

(Just messing with ya Lauderdale.)

BTW, former regular Air Force here, now Reserve.

Automatic_Wing said...

Obama's buying us high speed choo-choos? Wooooooo! Full employment here we come!

BJM said...

Well at least San Diegans were spared the Zero's zombie jobs plan.

jungatheart said...

A plaintive speech.

J said...

--"Lauderdale"--you're a liar, and in fact fraudulent vet claims are a fairly serious crime (especially if ah suspect--you use it as like part of your telemarketing schtick. Hello, CA Consumer affairs...).

Scott-tard youve obviously never worked in Feds...though maybe you can get some tips of defrauding the Fed govt. from your new boyfriend Lauderdale (and we got yr wife ready to testify in you too, you little perp).

Pathetic, as per usual

Lauderdale Vet said...

Air Force NCO clubs are the place to be, TWM :)

Thank you for your continued service.

pauldar said...

Thanks Nevada

TWM said...

?Air Force NCO clubs are the place to be, TWM :)

Thank you for your continued service."

Thanks and yeah, the Air Force does have take quality of life seriously lol.

John henry said...

Howcum you aren't liveblogging Obama's speech like you did the Rethuglicans last night?


John Henry

ken in tx said...

This speech seems to be all about a bill Obama is going to send to congress. Henry Ford is supposed to have said that no one ever made a reputation out of what he was going to do. Wait and see what comes of this.

Michael said...

He got the trains in and millionairesandbillionaires and crumbling infrastructure and teachers. I didnt hear any specifics but those will likely come in a few weeks. Seems our cointrh is in need of a dynamic leader and our president is hoping we will think he is the man for the job. A very bizarre speech from a man who has been president for two and a half years. Like, wyf have you been doing before now?

bagoh20 said...

I'm all for the free speech ethic of the house, but does that apply to the buzzing of mosquitoes. Can't that damned thing be swatted? Blood sucking little gnat. They carry disease you know, so it's in the general interest.

Michael said...

J. Lightweight with a rich fantasy life. And you would too if you were hunkered down in the freaking sfv with the lawn blowers going and no smoking anywhere. E grade indeed. Bwaaaaaahahahaha. Amble over to the vfw and ask around.

Clyde said...

Didn't watch Obama's speech because it was during my sleep time. I woke up early at 7, took a look at the clock, and went back to sleep until the alarm went off at 8:20. And I doubt I missed anything of substance.

I did turn on the NFL pregame show when I got up. Now THAT has jumped the shark! You'd have thought it was the friggin' Super Bowl with Kid Rock singing outside the stadium and fireworks going off. Hey, it's just a regular season NFL game, for chrissakes. Back in the day, that wasn't the reason for orgiastic celebration.

Scott M said...


Scott-tard youve obviously never worked in Feds...

Calling you out, J. Please provide what is so "obvious". Back it up with actual facts, please.

ic said...

The House can always send him another slightly different one for him to vote on again. Better still, the Dems are on record for trying to bankrupt our children, and lower our credit rating one more time.

B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B said...

Back it up with actual facts, please.

That'll happen. Have you ever seen a link from Binky?

TWM said...

"Calling you out, J. Please provide what is so "obvious". Back it up with actual facts, please."

Ain't gonna happen. All my years in the Air Force I've never heard anyone use the term "E-grade." You ask rank and sometimes if you are unfamiliar with a rank of another service, you might ask what pay grade they are. But even then you rarely do it because you don't want to come across as a doofus. You know, like J.

Scott M said...

All my years in the Air Force I've never heard anyone use the term "E-grade."

Ditto. Pay grade is the most commonly used term in this context. In all my years of service, both of my grandfather's careers, my father's, my uncles', and the current three family members on active duty (all career as well), not once have I ever heard it referred to as "e grade".

Come on, J. Please explain how you know more about military pay than over 150 years of combined service. My suspicion is, as Garage might put it, "you got nothing".

BRuce Gee said...

You boys need to go get a room somewhere. Take it outside. Somethin'.

J said...

where's your link B,--oh that's right --it s on your lame s-name-- invisible blog, no posts, no visits. I link all the time.

Grazi for evidence,tho' mormon chiropractor-fraud. The State of CA thanks you as welll.Hasta la buh bye bunko boy

J said...

Keep the lies coming-- working on the trace right now Belcharoni

E grade. If you don't know what it is you were never a Fed employee you dumbass AZ hick --can't even get his bunko right.

Scott M said...

You got nothing and you're continuing to prove it.

Scott M said...

E grade. If you don't know what it is you were never a Fed employee you dumbass AZ hick --can't even get his bunko right.

It was immediately apparent that you don't know much about military service.

B said...

Well, with all due respect, what did you expect? You asked him to give you facts. That implies that he reference something to support his accusation. I've never seen Binky link or reference any cite in his comments. I've never noted him even offering something anecdotal.

John henry said...

I spent 7-1/2 years in the Navy then another 22 teaching sailors at a Naval base.

Never heard the term "E-Grade" either.
You have to remember that as a Honduran, J has a very loose understanding of the culture and customs of the US. Mainly from Mexican and Colombian comic books.

(He seems scared of me for some reason. Don't know why. I'm just a big fuzzy teddy bear)

John Henry

Titus said...

I was devastated to hear David Vitter wasn't going to attend.

I love Vitter. He is the best. A true family values man.

Gays getting married is a bigger threat to our country than Vitter's words. Love him.

Now please bring up Barney and Ted and Clinton and Weiner and every other libtard.

Tits, Clouds and Family Values.

Titus said...

David Vitter wears a diaper while doing it with whores.

David Vitter.

Barney Frank

Ted Kennedy

Bill Clinton!

Blow Jobs!

Family Values; hate gays; David Vitter; Rhodes Scholar? Went to Harvard? Ugly motherfucker. Uglier wife who would of left Bill Clinton if she was Hillary but is happy as a peach staying married to a diaper wearing, family values, hooker visiting whore.

David Vitter.

Louisiana, The South. Not the creative economy environment. Gross, fat, pregnant, uneducated, racist, homophobic SOUTH.

Thank you.

test said...

Who cares, it'll never pass the house.

But why hasn't the President rebuked him for plyaing politics?

SGT Ted said...

oooh did I get a bookmark too?

Can't wait for your apology post when you fail to "out" me as a "fake vet".

what I really despise is fake Americans, like J, who revile the foundations of the country and want to turn it into a Europe style "all rights stem from government" soft authoritarianism.

You're such a pussy, J.

garage mahal said...

Who cares, it'll never pass the house.

Of course it won't. It would create jobs and jobs are the last thing anti-American Republicans want.

Tarzan said...

Play angry birds.

Yes, we have a winner!

Christopher in MA said...

". . .jobs are the last thing anti-American Republicans want."

Are you questioning their patriotism, garage? Don't you know that makes little baby Barack cry?

test said...

garage mahal said...
Who cares, it'll never pass the house.

Of course it won't. It would create jobs and jobs are the last thing anti-American Republicans want.


It would put ten people out of work for every one hired, but as long as the hiree contributes to the Democratic Party Garage counts it as a positive. After all, only union employees count as Americans.

But please, lets hear more leftists whine about their patriotism being questioned. Then let's watch them turn around and claim anyone against their policies are anti-American.

By Any Means Necessary, right garage?

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