September 27, 2011

Obama does a great job reacting to a heckler who calls him the Antichrist.

He waits calmly, while the crowd defty shifts from denouncing the heckler to chanting "4 more years." When he finally deigns to speak, Obama has the presence of mind to say — responding to the heckled "Jesus Christ is God, Barack Obama is the Antichrist!" — "I agree. Jesus Christ is the Lord. I believe in that." And then he evinces concern that the heckler, who was apparently dragged out, has left his jacket behind. This concern about clothing harmonizes nicely with his recent attention to appropriate footwear.

Great job?
He's calm, perhaps because he is the Antichrist.
He's cool, as ever, because he's a cold fish.
He's blank and empty, which is not enough to count as a good job.
Yes, I agree, Althouse. He did a great job here. free polls 


Scott M said...

My first impression upon seeing that story was a false flag op, but then I'm the cynical type these days.

Joanna said...

"He's calm, because the heckler was a plant."

garage mahal said...


Anonymous said...

I'd bet Moby as well. Anybody see a charge sheet yet?

chickelit said...

The press should mythologize the jacket story into something along the lines of St. Martin; it would make a nice story for Indian Summer.

Anonymous said...

Plant or no, he did a nice job. Shows that contrary to all other appearances, he can learn.

Matt said...

The heckler was not a plant. He is someone named David Serrano.

NY Daily News has the scoop.

Tony Bell, spokesman for Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, says Serrano has been a fixture at county meetings for a couple years, giving long, rambling religious statements predicting earthquakes and the apocalypse.... "He's not a pleasant guy."

coketown said...

Don't confuse "presence of mind" with "political calculation." Like dropping his G's in front of black audiences and complaining of bitter gun/religion clingers in front of San Franciscan white wealthy liberals, Obama was conscious of his audience, which with the media presence meant potentially all of America, and spoke accordingly. He probably scored some points with populist small-d democrats with his "Christ is the Lord" comment.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
coketown said...

And I doubt the heckler was a plant. His heckle is too theologically grounded to have possibly been scripted by Team Obama. If it had been scripted, it would have come out more like, "Christ is God, Barack Obama is a gay!" Because, you know, crazy Christians hate the gays. Etc.

Amartel said...

Remember back when you could get through an entire day without being called upon to think deeply about the President, or even the government at all? This is (part of) what comes from electing the male version of Paris Hilton to the highest office in the land.

prairie wind said...

Does it matter how he handled it? He is still a shitty President.

chickelit said...

I thought Bush was the anti-Christ. Are they related?

richard mcenroe said...

If Obama responded with composure, it was definitely staged.

And speaking as a Popish Idolater, he's technically more of an AntiPope, since he's basically nothing without the dark forces behind him...

ndspinelli said...

Sources tell me the heckler is Carol "Ditzy" Herman's ex-husband.

coketown said...

Then again, I remember back to Obama's Grand Junction, Colorado, trip and how scripted that was. Grand Junction is a small town where everyone knows everyone, and NOBODY watching from home knew anybody in the audience. Local radio hosts interviewing attendees found most of them were trucked in from Denver, and nobody in Grand Junction who wanted to go could get a ticket.

So, with that in mind, maybe it was a plant? When media events are as meticulously crafted as Obama's, things like front-row hecklers just don't usually happen. I doubt it was staged, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. How's that?

richard mcenroe said...

No reason Serrano can't be both plant and flake. And I'm surprised Antonovich even recognized him; the LA City Council is notorious for ignoring citizens speaking before it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Obama does a great job reacting to a heckler who calls him the Antichrist."

Althouse scrapes to find Obama credit.

WV copystri

traditionalguy said...

What a joke. Obama will never be attacked for being an Christian idiot talking about faith in Jesus because everybody knows that he is lying as usual.

Obama was ready for this pop up shout out. I wonder why.

Amartel said...

Remember when you didn't have to keep one eyball on the antics of the puppet-in-chief at all times?

Amartel said...

Remember when you would never ever have even considered the possibility that the President of the United States would be so desperate and shady as to have someone in the audience pretend to be a Krazy Kristian just so he could look like a big hero for a second.

chickelit said...

Althouse wrote: This concern about clothing harmonizes nicely with his recent attention to appropriate footwear.

Yes, it proves that he has sole.

Scott M said...

Yes, it proves that he has sole.

You owe me the second it took to read that plus the ten seconds it took me to tell you that you owe me 11 seconds of my life back.

MadisonMan said...

I do wonder whether Barack Obama felt obliged to say that he believes in Jesus, whether he really does or not.

What kind of politician says they don't believe in Jesus? I'll answer that: one who isn't elected.

Carol_Herman said...


And, he's still winning in his bid for re-election.

Jimmy Carter is the anti-christ.

Chuck66 said...

I voted that I agree with Ms Althouse. One thing I try to avoid is becoming a conservative version of the Walker/Bush/Palin/Bachmann etc haters. That every thing they do or say, no matter how benign, is attacked.

Walker could say "October is a nice month", and the left will attack him for it. I think Obama handled the heckler well, and will say so.

Anonymous said...

He's winning in his bid for reelection? What does that mean at this stage?

And congratulations for writing a post short enough for me to read it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You owe me the second it took to read that plus the ten seconds it took me to tell you that you owe me 11 seconds of my life back.

That sums up the Obama economy.. right there.

sakredkow said...

"Jesus Christ is God! You're the Antichrist!"

It's like people are just bleeding in the street.

Chuck66 said...

Saw a video clip of President Reagan giving a speach. It was soon after he won election (not sure if it was 1980 or 84). He is giving a calm speach to a quiet audience, and some lefty keeps yelling at President Reagan. So Reagan looks at the guy and says "SHUT UP". And then something like "I can say that now that the election is over". The heckler was stunned that the President of the US just told him to STFU (except with out the F word).

Matt said...

I remember back to Obama's Grand Junction, Colorado...and NOBODY watching from home knew anybody in the audience.

Yeah but so what? You fault the crowd for driving a couple hundred miles to see the event? Obama won CO so it clearly was not an aberration.

If this guy was a plant [which he wasn't as previously noted] then what would be the purpose? Who would it benefit?

If you do a plant you make sure the plant fits the stereotype of your opponents. This nutcase does not fit any stereotypes that would benefit Obama.

X said...

good lord carol. neither you or Jimmy Carter or Obama is the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ will have a core level of competency.

ricpic said...

Grand Junction's a great town but I don't think I could take June - August there.

ricpic said...

I think the anti-christ is a stretch but Zippy is a very cold fish.

Scott M said...

The anti-Christ will have a core level of competency.

Well crafted, sir.

Paul said...

The 'heckler' was one of his own team. Fake. Fake as can be.

And Obama ain't the Anti-Christ. A zero can't be the devil.

Thorley Winston said...

And then he evinces concern that the heckler, who was apparently dragged out, has left his jacket behind.

I don’t think it was so much a concern as it was alerting his staff to check the pockets for spare change.

Amartel said...

Obama does a great job of getting out of bed in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Quoting Vice President Joe Biden, Obama effectively laid out his reelection strategy, saying "Don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative.".

Amartel said...

Obama does a great job reading the teleprompter and standing up at the same time.

AllenS said...

This is tied into the previous thread, "If I don't call you, it's because I'm trying to reach David Serrano instead."

coketown said...

Yeah but so what? You fault the crowd for driving a couple hundred miles to see the event? Obama won CO so it clearly was not an aberration.

The only thing I was criticizing was Obama's meticulous scripting of every media appearance and fundraiser. For Obama to pretend he's having some open townhall in rural Colorado, when really he's bringing in liberal supporters from Denver and Boulder to pack the venue, is disingenuous. And while I doubt (as I stated) that the guy was a plant, it's petty bullshit like bussing in supporters from five hours away that makes me say I wouldn't be surprised if the guy was a plant.

And really? You don't think Crazy Christian raving about the Antichrist benefits Obama to his most die-hard supporters and money-givers, namely wealthy secular liberals? You must be delusional!

bagoh20 said...

Over 70% fear the antichrist so much they can't say it's him.


ndspinelli said...

Good people, let's not turn this fine blog into a paranoid Oliver Stone freak show. I've watched the tape a couple wasn't a setup.

edutcher said...

I went with 2, but 3 also applies.

And I agree with Scott M and Joanna.

After repeating the Intercontinental Railroad thing a couple of times, they needed something to make him look as if he was quick instead of the dunce he apparently is.

AllenS said...

There was a time when spectators used to faint. Remember that?

bagoh20 said...

When the TOTUS betrays Obama and we all find out that he is, in fact, the anti-Christ, or at least the cousin of the antichrist's girlfriend's sister,

then those people cheering
"four-more-years" are gonna be pretty embarrassed.

We'll have to ask Mick if being the antichrist makes one ineligible to be POTUS. I know the constitution left that out, but it is a living document, so I think we can allow it.

bagoh20 said...

We have lowered the bar for this guy haven't we. He gets forever to come up with a response, and it's not a bad one. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Obama tires to give away a lady's coat, then blames her.


Psychedelic George said...

I thought his reaction was odd.

First, it seems like he should have said nothing. Responding just gives the heckler the satisfaction of a response.

Second, he cares about the guy's coat. What? He's the President.

Third, he uses this as an opportunity to give witness to his Christian faith. How odd.

Finally, professor, what about President Obama's "Jew...janitor' faux pax. There's one big oops.

Mick said...

The heckler was a plant and so was the former Google exec that asked for his taxes to be raised--- The Usurper is all about political theatre.

Fred4Pres said...

I thought it may (possibly) be a set up (plant), but if not (and I think it is probable it was not), it was a smart way to deal with it.

Of course if it is a plant, that would eventually be found out. Which would be exceedingly dumb.

Fred4Pres said...

It is easier for a supporter to fake fainting. It is harder for a supporter to fake heckling. Presumably you get charged with disorderly conduct in the later case. And if this heckler turns out to not have a history as a committed evangelical, that can be shown.

Hence the reason I suspect it was a heckler. But we will see.

pdug said...

I hate to nitpick, because "Jesus Christ is Lord" is an excellent confession of faith in general BUT....

I wonder.

Obama learned xianity from Wright. Wright is a in a really liberal church. Liberal churches deny the divinity of Christ: he didn't miraculously rise, except in the hearts of those with faith; he didn't feed 5000 people with little food: he encouraged them to share. He wasn't REALLY born of a woman who was a virgin; They 'demyologize' the bible and present a merely human christ.

(old joke. A liberal pastor is accused of denying the divinity of Christ. He says "I'm offended! I can't recall when I've ever denied the divinity of any man")

So when someone (even a nut) says "Jesus is God" and Obama says he agrees, but changes it to Lord, I wonder if he's saying the same thing or parsing out different meanings under cover of orthodox language. Has O said he believes the Virgin birth, the Resurrection? Is there evidence that Wright taught him so to believe?

Wince said...

Antichrist Superstar

You built me up with your wishing hell
I didn't have to sell you
You threw your money in the pissing well
You do just what they tell you

REPENT, that's what I'm talking about
I shed the skin to feed the fake
REPENT, that's what I'm talking about
Whose mistake am I anyway?

Carol_Herman said...

There's another reason, I think, for Obama's success.


A candidate needs to appeal to the base.

Over at the democratic station ... they're not messing with that! People just "accept" Obama as he is. They're not flattering him with their love ... But it doesn't interfere with him getting elected.

(Yeah, the Hillary voters had a "particular sexual attraction" to her ... or something.) But they were able to vote for obama. Because, as a group, the democraps just accept human nature.

It's similar to the uproar over Bill Clinton's penis ... and cigar. Where Newt Gingrich thought he'd start a revolution by getting Bill Clinton impeached.

Didn't quite work like the impeachment of Nixon, now did it?

AllenS said...

And then, there's Carol. I think I'm going to faint.

Carol_Herman said...

Timmcguire @ 2:56 PM

If you owned a retail business, you'd order stuff for your shelves that you hoped would sell.

In this vein ... Obama as a candidate for the dems, running in 2012, hasn't yet got any competition being brought in by a competitor "business" ... that's gonna get a majority of customers.

Knock yourselves out.

The election won't be held t'marra.

But Obama is still winning.

unlike Jimmy Carter who LOST CUSTOMERS for the democraps ... Obama's still got enough voters in his pocket that all the challengers, so far, race. But come in 2nd. Or 3rd.

Anonymous said...

3 months ago....

Perry: Hey, this is the worst wildfire in Texas history. Can we get Federal aid?

Obama: No. We cancelled contracts for those tankers because the Dept. of Interior is running low on cash because we cancelled and the drilling permits. Besides, Mexico needs help, so we're kinda stretched.

2 days ago...

Obama: Hey, that nutjob Perry doesn't believe in global warming, even though Texas is burning to the ground! LOL!

Okay, I thought deeply about feeling sorry for Obama as I wrote these posts, but decided against it.

Carol_Herman said...

You know, there was a real attempt by the GOP to "impeach" Bill Clinton.

Didn't work.

Today, the GOP "thinks" it can insult Obama. And, claim he's not a legitimate president. But they've got NOTHING to run ... that gets more than the social conservative base excited.

Even more interesting. Jimmy Carter caused the democraps to really worry! They thought they couldn't race a democrap who'd win a presidential contest. They had to recover from Jimmy Carter!

Today? Nixon's name is still a drag on the GOP. But Jimmy Carter's got no influence with the public.

And, Obama is NOT hated by a majority of Americans! You want to know whom lots of people blame for our sagging sorry economic ass? The GOP!

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason (the commenter) said...

It's nice to know the President is good with hecklers. I have a feeling that skill will come in handy.

Carol_Herman said...

You know what I noticed?

Obama is in West Hollywood. When the "heckler" screams out his religious message ... it's the AUDIENCE that drowns him out! Obama just waits.

The audience wasn't impressed with the religious "call out."

The jacket belonged to a woman sitting near this "heckler." Where the camera doesn't show you ... how "without God's help" ... the "creature" was led out of the room.

On Obama's HOME COURT ... most of those in the audience WANT 4-MORE YEARS!

Good luck to Willard Milton.

Can't wait for the "funny underwear" questions. Let alone how secretive Mormons are about their underwear!

Obama has no need to worry.

Carol_Herman said...

Herman Cain, meanwhile, has a lock on the veep slot.

Which means we'll see Herman Cain debating Joe Biden. Which should be fun. Biden can introduce us all to what planet he's been living on.

Veeps don't count in the voting process.

Fred4Pres said...

Of course he did a great job, he is the Antichrist!


And Carol, Herman Cain would make a great veep, but so would Marco Rubio (even though my friend Mick thinks he is a non-natural born citizen). Politically Rubio makes more sense, but you never no. I hardly think anyone has a lock on anything yet.

Other than Obama being the nominee for the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that every time a heckler or hater yells something that would reflect badly against the conservative / hyper religious ideology, he is a plant? It seems that it bugs conservatives that there are those that are honestly yelling out what the conservative movement has turned into. Why be ashamed embrace it, it's YOU.

FWBuff said...

Count me in among those who think this guy was a plant. On Sunday, an op-ed runs in the NY Times called "Why the Antichrist Matters in Politics" by Matthew Avery Sutton ( how supposedly there is an influential group of conservative Christians who identify Obama as the Antichrist and that Obama will have to refute that. Where on earth did that come from? Who has even been talking about this? And then today, someone calls him "Antichrist" at a media event? I smell a set up.

Anonymous said...


Why do you even bother putting up these moronic polls when you know the majority of your insanely right-wing commenters are going to choose the most anti-Democrat, conservative answer? On a sidenote: I love watching the GOP debates. I really, really hope Perry is the nominee. Going with him will essentially be handing the election to Obama.

edutcher said...

Keep in mind, the guy with "the presence of mind" is the same guy who put CO in WY's place on the map just today.

I guess it was another one of those 57 - or is it 60 - states he can't keep track of.

Carol_Herman said...

You know, there was a real attempt by the GOP to "impeach" Bill Clinton.

Didn't work.

Hate to tell you, dear, it did.

Willie was impeached in the House, but, in the Senate, the trial was scuttled, thanks in no small part to the usual RINOs.

You really need to get over that seducer. He'll just break your heart.

bagoh20 said...

"Third, he uses this as an opportunity to give witness to his Christian faith."

Obama/Bachmann 2012

"It seems that it bugs conservatives that there are those that are honestly yelling out what the conservative movement has turned into."

Have you seen anything happening in Madison, WI lately? Wanna take ownership of that?

Smilin' Jack said...

Obama has the presence of mind to say — responding to the heckled "Jesus Christ is God, Barack Obama is the Antichrist!" — "I agree. Jesus Christ is the Lord. I believe in that."

I don't see any way to parse that response other than that BO has just admitted to being the Antichrist.

Curious George said...

"Obama does a great job reacting to a heckler who calls him the Antichrist.
He waits calmly, while the crowd defty shifts from denouncing the heckler to chanting "4 more years." When he finally deigns to speak, Obama has the presence of mind to say — responding to the heckled "Jesus Christ is God, Barack Obama is the Antichrist!" — "I agree. Jesus Christ is the Lord. I believe in that." And then he evinces concern that the heckler, who was apparently dragged out, has left his jacket behind."

Not even close to what actually happened.

First, the heckler says "Jesus Christ is god" four times over 20 seconds. By then the crowd is also reacting with booing. Then he calls Obama the anti-christ at the point the crowd is chanting "four more years." I'm not sure Obama heard him yell the anti-christ defamation over the crowd chant.

Then Obama "evinces concern that the heckler, who was apparently dragged out, has left his jacket behind." As a matter of fact he does this three times before he finally responds with "I agree. Jesus Christ is the Lord. I believe in that."

Obama didn't handle the heckler...the crowd did. He played the crowd.

AllenS said...


WV: carpo

Responding to this blog will give you carpo tunnel.

Roger J. said...

in the realm of small shit this one qualifies--the heckler, it seems to me is a nutball. The president, it seems to me is an idiot based on his performance. no harm no foul--a nutball attacking an idiot.

Mick said...

FredforPres said,

"And Carol, Herman Cain would make a great veep, but so would Marco Rubio (even though my friend Mick thinks he is a non-natural born citizen). Politically Rubio makes more sense, but you never no. I hardly think anyone has a lock on anything yet. "

Nope, Rubio is not eligible either-- parents were not US citizens.

It's not about party.

Roger J. said...

Professor: a thought (maybe a mind fart)--but if you think this incident somehow burnishes the reputation of our president, you are a bigger idiot than the idiot you voted for.

get a clue

rhhardin said...

A heckler has to be concise, which is not a simple talent.

Roger J. said...

Mr Obama is not the antichrist--he is simply a bumbling idiot. dont see this as a theological issue--merely political. an incomptent president who is now engaged a reelection campaign of class and racial warfare..not a pretty pretty as I see it, but others may disagree.

Sayyid said...

Heckler: The Christian God is the one and only true living God!

Democratic audience: Scattered boos

Heckler: The creator of heaven,

Democratic audience: Boos growing in intensity

Heckler: and Earth!

Democratic audience: Full-throated booing.

Heckler, being drowned out by boos: Jesus Christ is God! [repeated several times]

Alternative headline: "Unhinged Democratic mob boos Christian faith." I think we need to have a conversation about how much of a liability those bigoted Democrat audiences are. Just like we've had regarding the improper cheering/booing of the audiences in the Republican debates.

What? Double standard? What's that?

Anonymous said...

The Democratic audience were not booing the statements of faith, they were booing the disrespectful heckler. Nice try.

chickelit said...

rhhardin said...
A heckler has to be concise, which is not a simple talent.

You can say that repeatedly, over and over, ad infinitum, until the cows come home, shouting from the rooftops, and some people still won't "get" what you're saying.

Roger J. said...

My personal take: at the end of the day the republicans cant settle on a candidate--Mr Obama wins reelecton based on a an extraordinary campaign of race and class dividing the american public. The public, however replaces the current democratic senate with republicans. On January 1 its Mr Obama as president, but facing a totally republican congress in both houses--dont know if the Rs will have override votes, but Mr Obama no longer has an agenda he can excute. And he will continue to squeal like a stuck pig

my .02 (not as yet devalued)

Anonymous said...

Since when does a Presidential nominee have to have PARENTS that were citizens?

Roger J. said...

Mito allie or whatever--for heavens sake do NOT enourage Mick--you clearly have not been on this site otherwise you would know this is Mick's schtick--

Matt said...


Bussing favorable crowds to events is not something Obama invented. You act like this is some new tactic for politicians. At least the crowds were bussed within the state and not from CA or some other state. But again, CO voted for Obama last election so your point is not really a strong one. If he did this in Alabama then, sure it is somewhat deceptive. Will a Republican stoop to this level? Of course! But it is campaign politics.

And, no, if the dude was a plant it does not help bring in more money to the campaign. If you think it does show me the facts and figures.

Chip Ahoy said...

Suddenly a heckler appeared among the crowd and shouted something unintelligible. The disruption was minor but the shouter persisted with something that actually was intelligible and now the focus was off himself and divided with this stranger.

This happened before. The brilliant yet young and inexperienced president was once momentarily caught off guard for a random incident involving the public and live media, and that one brief lapse could very well have ended his presidency. His team proposed ways to avoid that ever happening again. There is simply too much at stake.

So the president stood there silently before the crowd while their attention was momentarily diverted and shared with the shouter. The crowd was not having it. The crowd denounced the shouter and then outshouted the shouter, and that provided enough time for the team members to slip into action, from their own locations, proposed possible responses, assessed possible ramifications of various responses, culled the ideas, and fed a variety of possible responses directly into the President's TelePrompter. These are clearly set apart on the screen as options for the president to choose, there on the platform, by necessity brief suggestions. Among the four possible responses that were fed to the president's TelePrompters were:

* Sir, you are lost. The Republican fundraiser is thattaway

(comically point)

* Goodwin called

Said he wants his law back

* Jesus is a Democrat

and so is God

and so is the Holy Ghost

it's a family thing

* (concern for jacket)

gadfly said...

My Obama prayer:

Psalm 109:8

Let his days be few;
Let another take his office.

Fred4Pres said...

Salon suggests Republicans are either hypocrites or racists when it comes to Rubio.

While I think both Barack Obama and Marco Rubio are natural born citizens, I know that my friend Mick is neither a hypocrite or racist. He just strongly believes that the Constitution requires both of your parents to be U.S. Citizens for you to qualify as a natural born citizen. And he does have some SCOTUS support to that theory (although it is a bit equivocal).

I guess Chester Arthur is an upsurper too, but he slipped by.

chickelit said...

Obama does a great job reacting to a heckler who calls him the Antichrist.

I think Althouse's statement is like saying that Palin does a great job shaking off Sullivanists, and Christie does a great job shaking off fat jokes. In all three cases, the detractors are puerile nutjobs.

Can we talk about the economy again?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Watch the webcast - Chris Christie Speech Tonight at Reagan Library

Ned said...

Hard to get "great" and "obama" in the same sentence...given he's a SCOAMF...but YOU did it!!!

Roger J. said...

Curse you Fred--this will only embolden Mick--who, by the I give credit for consistency, if not for intelligence

Fred4Pres said...

Didn't anyone yell, "Don't Taze Me Bro!"?

Fred4Pres said...

Roger J, don't taze me bro!

At least I did not encourage Carol Herman to regal us about her trip on her menstral cycle to Sturgis.

Roger J. said...

OK Fred: thats it--you owe me a new monitor for all the guiness I spewed on from you last comment--you are heartless bro :) (but damn good)

edutcher said...

Mitochondri-Allie said...

The Democratic audience were not booing the statements of faith, they were booing the disrespectful heckler. Nice try.

Hard to tell what they were booing; my guess is both, but, considering GodZero's approval among Jews is now 45%, Mitro is the one worthy of the "nice try".

Zero is sinking by the bow, as Axelrod notes a "titanic struggle" ahead.

Roger J. said...

My personal take: at the end of the day the republicans cant settle on a candidate--Mr Obama wins reelecton based on a an extraordinary campaign of race and class dividing the american public. The public, however replaces the current democratic senate with republicans.

Right on 2, but 1???

As they used to say in His Majesty's 14th Light Dragoons, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???

The Republicans will pick somebody; I mean, Milton is the default candidate if none of the Conservatives make the grade.

And, for good or ill, he'll replace our second black TOTUS.

Roger J. said...

Ed: I can only hope

as a member of the 7th cavalary regiment, 3d squadron, C troop, I can only echo your comment

WTF indeed--and I might also add FUBAR

J said...

Obama handled it well.

But could have done ..a chorus of blues afterward

clint said...

Is this a preview of the Presidential election?

Absolutely no substantive issue in sight, the "Republican" the media is focusing on is an obnoxious loon, and all President Obama has to do to look like a great leader is not have a tantrum.


This is not going to be a fun year.

Matt said...


Don't get cocky. Not just anyone will win against Obama. Romney will most likely be your guy. I would not put all your eggs in his basket - although you may have to.

J said...

GodZero's approval among Jews is now 45%

gosh that's important ,Edustein. Like 3-4% of the population? Just because you suck their dicks regularly doesn't mean they're important as a voting bloc.

Roger J. said...

Always disconcerting when I agree with J--but he's right on this contretemp

Roger J. said...

oops--J's 5:59 post rather the mindless crap later in the thread

J said...

Roger J, don't taze me bro!

At least I did not encourage Carol Herman to regal us about her trip on her menstral cycle to Sturgis.

Stupid, ugly ,pointless--definitely Byro Barfboy's MO. Outed, once again (and on the way to ...Demoland and non-conservative-land). Hasta la buh bye ,swinepuppet

chickelit said...

edutcher said: Zero is sinking by the bow...

It was the bows that sunk him in my eyes to begin with. He used to bow to everyone in sight.

Roger J. said...

J man: not my post--but run with it

chickelit said...

Somebody's powder is still dry.

Fred4Pres said...

J said...Stupid, ugly ,pointless--definitely Byro Barfboy's MO. Outed, once again (and on the way to ...Demoland and non-conservative-land). Hasta la buh bye ,swinepuppet

J, were you playing with yourself when you typed that (one handed of course)?

edutcher said...

Garry Owen, Roger.

I take it you were recon, rather than infantry (i.e., 1st Cav Div).

J said...

GodZero's approval among Jews is now 45%

gosh that's important ,Edustein. Like 3-4% of the population? Just because you suck their dicks regularly doesn't mean they're important as a voting bloc.

Gosh, that really is important, because loss of the Jewish vote could cost the Demos NYC and Philly and real big cities which could end up costing the Demos real big states like PA and NY.

That's why the Demos are worried about the Jewish vote, unlike J, whose motto seems to be BOHICA.

chickenlittle said...

edutcher said: Zero is sinking by the bow...

It was the bows that sunk him in my eyes to begin with. He used to bow to everyone in sight.

Very droll.

PS Also tell J God looks out for His People, and the people who stand with them.

Roger J. said...

Ed: gary owen sir--took basic training with the 7th at Fort Benning in 1961--commanded a troop in the 7th in Germany, and then off to the festivities in VN--but yes--cavalry to the core

pm317 said...

Who cares?! Is that the most important thing right now how he handles a crazy heckler? If he is all so smart, he should probably assist his campaign people, because they were turned away from MTV internal ad agency. The campaign contacted them asking for ideas on how to win back MTV generation, LOL!

J said...

Fred4pres-- what , little LDS trashbucket --you were sucking your son's dick when that comment startled you, log cabin joto ??
Hah hah.

Yr game's over--don't pretend to be str8 either. Going to the Obama sites as well

Plok said...

Saw Obama at a rally in Dublin, (it was a blustery day and a crowd of 100,000 turned up)
Pres. O. said :, Just dropped in from in from the windy City,
Voice from the crowd: Go Bulls
Momentarily I think was that Goebels (100,000)or Go Bulls,
He had a wry smile on his face either way and any further mention of bulls saw him throwing up the bulls hand sign with gusto,
Put anyone in the public eye that much and the level of scrutiny becomes absurd

Jason (the commenter) said...

Carol_Herman: Herman Cain, meanwhile, has a lock on the veep slot.

Which means we'll see Herman Cain debating Joe Biden.

He's the frontrunner. He might be debating Obama.

J said...


Fred4pres's def. unique-----, NAMBLApublican.

edutcher said...

Roger J. said...

Ed: gary owen sir--took basic training with the 7th at Fort Benning in 1961--commanded a troop in the 7th in Germany, and then off to the festivities in VN--but yes--cavalry to the core

Glad you made it back OK.

Fred4Pres said...

J, you are crossing a line you really shouldn't be crossing. Who do you think you are? Joe McGinniss?

I also do not go on "Obama" sites and leave comments. I will leave that to you.

Go back to playing with yourself. You are creepier than Carol Herman by a factor of about 100.

Fred4Pres said...

J, you want to insult me that is fine. But leave my kids out of it you sick fuck. You are out of control. I made fun of you, so I guess you think this is appropriate. It's not.

Charlie Eklund said...

"Obama does a great job reacting to a heckler..."

Damning him with faint praise much?

chickelit said...

J, you want to insult me that is fine. But leave my kids out of it you sick fuck.

Althouse has a long sad history with sick commenters going after other commenter's kids. I note that it seem to be only the childless who are capable of such depravity.

Janice Sue G. said...

Unctous with phony inflection but they probsbly loved it.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Synova said...

If he busses people in, or at least mostly has control of who attends, the fact that some well-known local crazy person guaranteed to shout out something like this and make a disturbance manages to get through the door and to a seat is the same thing as planting a ringer.

The NYT article about the antichrist just makes that that much more likely.

Cody Jarrett said...

And there's the professor, starting to get wet by the chosen one.

Slow down Ann. There's more than a year to go before you'll get to breathlessly prance to a polling place and check the box for the zero.

Nora said...

With teleprompter on the ready how difficult it is to remain calm, especially when the disturbance is so clear of any substance.

Anyway, will somebody vote for Obama based on this incident of him handling some village idiot?

I do expect media to occupy themselves in collective navel-gazing for a couple of days, though.

Big Mike said...

Well, if he doesn't know the difference between Wyoming and Colorado, then "blank" seems a euphemism for "not much up there."

caplight said...

"I agree. Jesus Christ is the Lord. I believe in that."

At least the Prez got his theology right.

Chip Ahoy said...

It's not that interesting until the hecklers throw their shoes.

Best with force and accuracy.

Cody Jarrett said...

J is pretty disgusting. Definitely crossed a whole bunch of lines there. Sorry Fred.

wv: anestun

an es stun that most people no love obama like she love obama

Fred4Pres said...

Thanks guys, I appreciate your support.

Mick said...

Mitochondri-Allie said...
"Since when does a Presidential nominee have to have PARENTS that were citizens?"

Since the President was required to be a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen at the time of the ratification of the Constitution.

Mick said...

Fred4Pres said...
Salon suggests Republicans are either hypocrites or racists when it comes to Rubio.

While I think both Barack Obama and Marco Rubio are natural born citizens, I know that my friend Mick is neither a hypocrite or racist. He just strongly believes that the Constitution requires both of your parents to be U.S. Citizens for you to qualify as a natural born citizen. And he does have some SCOTUS support to that theory (although it is a bit equivocal).

I guess Chester Arthur is an upsurper too, but he slipped by.

Chester Arthur was the first Usurper, but this has only been discovered in the past few years. Leo Donofrio dicovered his father's naturalization card, which confirmed that he was not a US Citizen until Chester was 14. At the time of that election (Chester Arthur (CA) was Garfield's VP candidate, and assumed the Presidency upon assasination) there was a big todo about WHERE CA was born-- many thought Canada, it was actually NH. (or VT?).
Obama has used the same strategy, by obscurring the question of his eligibility in WHERE birth occurred. No ONE was aware that CA's father was not a US Citizen (he came from Ireland, thru Canada). CA hid his family history, lied about it, and burned all of his family records before his death. Fraud is not precedent.

Hiding in plain sight now, and admitted by Obama, is the fact that Obama Sr. was a British subject, and Obama was born British-- thus making Obama 2 ineligible. He is relying on lack of knowledge and political correctness of the populace to try and set a precedent for dual citizen at birth to be POTUS. This is why he made such a big deal about his Kenyan, alcoholic, Marxist and absent father before the election-- to cement the precedent.

I will stop him in the next election, if he makes it that far.

As for SCOTUS precedent, Minor v. Happersett is iron-clad and clear:

"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners."

Mick said...

Roger J. said...
"Curse you Fred--this will only embolden Mick--who, by the I give credit for consistency, if not for intelligence"

If you're so smart then answer the question that NO ONE here can answer (even "esteemed" lawyers, and "law profs").

Since the purpose of the natural born Citizen requirement was designed to prevent, to the highest degree possible, foreign influence into the Oval Office, then how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born BRITISH, of a British subject father, is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?

wv--- unrush--- take your time, I'll wait.

Deirdre Mundy said...

There's THE "Antichrist"-- meaning the end of the world is at hand, but people forget that throughout history there have been many LITTLE antichrists. AntiChrist is from the Greek and literally means "instead of Christ." So, someone who sets himself up as a messiah and attracts followers who worship him and expect him to save them and lead them to a better place is automatically and 'antichrist'--he's setting himself up in a role properly reserved for Christ.

I think it's fairly obvious that, while not THE ANTICHRIST, Obama has set himself up as AN antichrist-- a messianic figure to the secular liberals who expected him to bring about the kingdom of Heaven here on earth.

Anonymous said...

How about "the heckler was a Democrat Party Plant"?

I see I'm not the only one who thought this, why didn't it make it as one of the poll answers? this is, after all, "teleprompter man" who's talking, what makes you think he really is capable of thinking on his feet?

Methadras said...

Even Satan acknowledged Christ as the son of god when he tempted him in the desert.

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BobbieQueen said...

The heckler was ocourse a plant. No doubt about it. They werent even slick.
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Anonymous said...

I don't understand why hecklers like these would even bother to show up to an Obama event and try something like that. As you mentioned they are promptly removed from the crowd. I just imagine what they must be acting like/thinking all the while they wait for him to get on stage so they can shout at him, does not add up to me!

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