September 14, 2011

"Obama Approval Plummets on Jobs Plan."

"The downbeat assessment of the American Jobs Act reflects a growing and broad sense of dissatisfaction with the president. Americans disapprove of his handling of the economy by 62 percent to 33 percent, a Bloomberg National Poll conducted Sept. 9-12 shows. The disapproval number represents a nine point increase from six months ago."


Mogget said...

Reality bites.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Well no shit. We tried this very same thing $778 billion ago and we have 9% unemployment to show for it.

Even the single digit IQ types figured that out.

Fred4Pres said...

I think Rasmussen had Obama approval going up slightly (like a point or two) after the speech. I did not get the impression of a plummit on the jobs plan, but on hte economy overall.

Anonymous said...

Garage to be jumping in with unrelated comment, meant to reflect poorly on GOP, in 3, 2 ...

Hoosier Daddy said...

When Michele said Obama would not let us go back to our lives like before, she wasn't kidding.

Peter V. Bella said...

That's because there is no jobs plan. It is all a sham.

The Drill SGT said...

The people, well actually all of the people except blacks and the far left have discovered the O'bama is in way over his head and this jobs plan, delivered 4 months after he promised it in April. This Jobs bill is a rehash for the same shit that failed in 09. People know if and so they recognize that the ship of state is going to have nobody at the helm for 16 months.

Obama is under water with Whites, Hispanics, and Asians.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

OK Smurf-house tards did you see that the FBI raided a top former aide of Gov. Walker? Why isn't Althouse blogging about that, huh, Wiccan Zionist Imperialists??????

Joe said...

And Foot Fungus, why no postings on FOOT FUNGUS!?

traditionalguy said...

The drumbeat of reality based thinkers has been on to the shell games by three card monte Obama all along. Tea party folks have understood him since 2009.

Now the rest of the people are out of their shock and are royally pissed off about Obama wasting time stealing money for his friends with his lies and lies and lies while they are being ruined.

Perry could win by simply telling the truth. Romney might win if he can remember his latest version of the truth long enough.

Fred4Pres said...

That’s the president’s best Approval Index rating in roughly three weeks. It’s five points better than just before his speech last Thursday, suggesting he has received a modest bounce.

Still the president trails a Generic Republican by five points in the race for the White House. He also trails Republican hopeful Mitt Romney by three.


David said...

I am surprised that his ratings are not lower, but the media continue to shield him. Partly because of bias, partly because they report on nearly everything as politics rather than digging into the messy difficult substance.

Is there one policy that Obama has tried that has worked? The answer, unfortunately, is no.

Just by luck, something he does should work, shouldn't it?

Curious George said...

That should be "Obama Approval Unexpectedly Plummets on Jobs Plan."


Carol_Herman said...

Yes, Obama is in trouble!

I saw where Thomas Friedman wants to see an Independent coming in to challenge Obama.

So my guess is that challengers will be there!

And, possibly? Obama has already decided he's a one-termer ... But he's staying silent enough ... that the democraps ... inside there ... can come up with other solutions.

You didn't really think the "jobs plan" was going anywhere, did you? But the money from Congress? It's in the stream. He got his $500 billion. Taxes will go up.

And, politics is ugly, anyway.

Nomadic100 said...

The fact that Obama's approval is tanking, taken together with the vote of NY9, can be inferred to mean that the populace is, at long last, tumbling to some fundamental truths about Obama and the left. Better late than never, and in time for the 2012 elections, while it seems that Obama's opportunity to do damage will be limited until then.

To our detriment, however, these truths have to be relearned every generation or so as there seems to be a predilection for utopianism.

Anonymous said...

Obama gives me the creeps. He's so ... calculating. Everything the guy does is cold, calculating, self-aggrandizement and promotion. It's like he doesn't live among us, he just observes us. Creeeee-peee.

Anonymous said...

Incompetence on parade.

Fred4Pres said...

The GOP should propose its own payroll tax holiday for a six month period and get the Dems to vote that up or down. Take the initative GOP, take the fight to the Dems.

Anonymous said...

Another day, another speech in front of cheering college students or union goons.

These adoring optics are not fooling the people at large anymore.

WV: comical.....I swear!

le Douanier said...

"The GOP should propose its own payroll tax holiday for a six month period"

Will it include matching spending cuts to offset the impact on the budget for this year, since TPers would never add to the debt? What will be cut to add up to $115 billion in FY 2011? How likely is this considering they never got close to this sort of cutting (especially when the fine print was examined, e.g. looking at real numbers rather than a growing baseline) w/ other so-called spending cut plans /rhetorical_question?

cubanbob said...

Among the brilliant ideas in his plan is this nugget of brilliance: allow people who apply for an interview and are unemployed the right to sue if they are not hired. Absolutely brilliant! Now what employer is going to even look at an application of someone who is presently unemployed? The stupidity never stops. And the republicans are supposed to be the stupid party. The democrats have taken stupidity beyond the imaginable. They are now truly the brain dead party.

edutcher said...

Since everyone had seen the plan before, but were expecting something new, they said, "I've seen this movie before", and walked out.

Now all we need is a market crash and AQ takeovers in Libya and Egypt and his work will be done.

Carol_Herman said...

Yes, Obama is in trouble!

I saw where Thomas Friedman wants to see an Independent coming in to challenge Obama.

He may want that, but I think her name's gonna be Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Well technically, Obama's "jobs plan can't be called that.
Since No Dem introduced Obama's bill in the House, a Republican introduced the "American Jobs Act" (Rep. Louie Gohmert’s (R-TX) but his legislation offers a tax cut not the $450 Billion dollar Stimulus Part II that Obama has been talking about as the Americans Jobs Act, LOL!! Got it from WZ at

Big Mike said...

Hey! Today I figured out who our old buddy America's Politico is. It's Timothy Noah!

Hoosier Daddy said...

Obama is under water with Whites, Hispanics, and Asians.

So much for the oceans receding....

rhhardin said...

Palin should challenge Obama for the Democratic nomination.

Bill S. said...

What surprises me is that there are no adults in Obama's inner circle giving their boss the hard truth: record levels of government spending, increased regulation, threats of higher taxes and vilification of success have combined to scare would-be employers the past two years and have made our economy WORSE. His policies are simply not working. And now he wants to double down on them? No thanks.

le Douanier said...

"Palin should challenge Obama for the Democratic nomination."

According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.

Anonymous said...

Oh and btw, when Obama gave his big speech today in N.C., he did it at WestStar Manufacturing Company to promote jobs growth. Unfortunately for Obama, his staff did no research,as WestStar Manufacturing actually has a great deal of its manufacturing done in..............Costa Rica! Way to go Mr. President, praise a company that ships American Jobs to another country to promote American Jobs.

Anonymous said...

That's it!

I'm reporting damn near all of you to Attaaaaack

Ignorance is Bliss said...

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...

"The GOP should propose its own payroll tax holiday for a six month period"

Will it include matching spending cuts to offset the impact on the budget for this year, since TPers would never add to the debt?

It should more than offset the holiday with a rise in the retirement age to leave social security more financially sound then it is now.

garage mahal said...

OK Smurf-house tards did you see that the FBI raided a top former aide of Gov. Walker?

Sly was mean! Gumby! Ron Paul is dreamy! Obama sucks!

Titus said...

I forgot how loud it was living in the city. Car accidents, fights, honking horns, car stereos blasting, police sirens, dogs barking, cats in heat, drunk people.

It makes me feel alive.

Maggie, the cat is ALIVE.

I am married as well. The husband is in Mexico right now. A 50 hour flight, could you imagine? He returns to Bangalore tomorrow and has a 19 hour layover in Amsterdam. He gets home on Sunday.

Tonight is a big night for me though. Meeting friends at Stella in The South End and then on to 647 Tremont. Judging will take place on all sides and it is important to stay as well preserved as possible.


Fred4Pres said...

Yes Kensington, there is a Titus.

Titus said...

Many physical demands can take place in one year. Has a friend gained too much weight, worked out like hell and is now the buffest? Any cosmetic procedures? Clothes? What are the new styles? I don't know. My friend who is a sales girl at Niemies will be there and she won't mince words. Another friend of mine manages Barney's and she doesn't take any prisoners. I am afraid she may let my clothes have it.

There may be a serious sit down conversation regarding weight, muscles, clothes, shoes, hair etc.

Wish me luck.


Titus said...

I am much more concerned about my polling tonight than Obama's.

Just saying.

I am a mess.

DADvocate said...

Even the single digit IQ types figured that out.

Only in the 5-9 point range. At 2.4, Garbage hasn't figured it out yet.

Carol_Herman said...

When do you think it helps democrapic politicians to find out they have a problem in the White House?

I don't think Obama is in as bad a shape as Jimmy Carter. But it is very possible (given that he's a narcissist) ... which makes him familiar with a loss of stature ...

That he needs to do something ... to repair "something" ... about the way he has handled the Mideast.

If he had to buy a clue? What does he do to repair himself?

Perhaps? When Bibi Netanyahu called him ... (And, there were about 100 Jews in Egypt) ... they needed Obama's help in extracting 6 security officers ... who were in a safe VAULT. But there were about 450 Egyptians looking for blood.

They couldn't bang their way into the vault! And, Obama made the necessary phone calls to the Egyptian military ... And, perhaps? Perhaps, he read them the riot act?

When the Eygptian commandos got to the vault. And, cleared out many of the Eygptians who were still there ... They discovered they couldn't open the vault's door. And, nobody, it seemed knew the combination.

Where was the combination? In the pocket of the Israeli Ambassador. Who just landed back in Israel.

I have no idea how long it took to get the combination to the Egyptians. Luckily, unlike a bank's vault, this door wasn't also on a timer. Where you can't open anything, until you get permission from "the clock."

Anyway. All is well.

And, the news fell silent.

I always know things are going well for the Israelis when silence takes hold.

But Obama? What's he gonna do if he tries to support the palestinians in their quest for statehood? He hasn't shed enough voters, already?

REMEMBER THIS: What counts for points in November 2012 ... for Obama, alone. Is the Electoral College count.

What if right now Obama can kiss Florida goodbye? Wisconsin is a toss-up state.

While 90% of the American population that is employed, is willing to keep their jobs.

Probably, an additional headache is that people can't sell their homes at a profit. Though you can probably get a great discount rate on a moving van.

Obama is not flying by the seat of his pants. He likes flying in Air Force One, however.

And, the republicans haven't come up with a "ticket winnah" either.

You know, I don't think the Americans are handing the Israelis a "bill" for services rendered in Cairo.

Why is that? Because Obama figured out Cairo could have been his "Tehran."

The race is on!

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, Titus! Your polling is way better than Obama's. Do not worry.

DADvocate said...

Obama gives me the creeps. He's so ... calculating. Everything the guy does is cold, calculating, self-aggrandizement and promotion.

Trouble is, if he was competent he could pull it off by actually helping the country and us citizens. But, he'd rather play the role of Uber Snake Oil salesman, sell us a bag of shit.

DADvocate said...

Titus - are you sure it isn't poling you're concerned about?

test said...

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
"Palin should challenge Obama for the Democratic nomination."

According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd

Funny how the leftists - in this case both the author and PB&J - so love every race angle they can find. You have to understand small minds can only hold so many thoughts, in their cases one.

Titus said...

Dad, I am married, but still want to look my best.

Sometimes friends can be your worst critics.

I don't care about the other mens in the place.

By the way it was 85 in Boston today, 75 currently. We will be doing the outside seating def.

Do you know my friends and I don't go to gay bars anymore? We just go to "lounges" that are gay friendly.

Gay bars are so early 90's.

Oh my first cab ride back in Boston, abs. deslish. It would be better if some tourist from Mississippi was in Harvard Square and I could push their ass while I jump in the cab.

Anonymous said...

Was it Obama who said, "I'd rather be a mediocre one-term president than a great two-term president"? Or something like that...

Mark said...

So, how long can Hillary! wait before jumping in?

Anonymous said...

According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.

What the fuck is the point of this? Let's assume it's all true. What problem do you have, exactly, with a white woman who wants to fuck athletic black guys?

What is the point of your utter and total douchebaggery? Besides showing yourself as a racist prick.

KCFleming said...

No matter how bad his plans, no matter how high unemployment gets, despite the crony capitalism, multiple expensive vacations, and The unpayable trillions in debt, he can still on a good 45% of the US willing to pull the lever for him.

Worse, there are now and will still be "undecideds" ready to re-elect this guy.

I hope to God I'm wrong, but the US doubled down on FDR during the middle of his wholly unnecessary creation, The Great Depression.

I do not understand people. Obama should be staring at a 10% approval given the total clusterfuck the economy has become. But no, he's more popular than Bush.


le Douanier said...


Anonymous said...

It's true, PBJ. You make racist comments. Therefore, you are a racist. No different than any of the worst Mississippi hick.

At least that guy is honest with himself. You don't even have that going for you.

Sad. Unbearable, really.

le Douanier said...

"You make racist comments."

Care to provide a quote?

Anonymous said...

According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.

That's a racist comment, dude. Utterly and totally. There is no getting around it. There was no context to it. There was no point to it. It was simply, stupidly racist.

Congratulations. However, this is a place for substantive comments where racism has no place. Take your sorry ass to some white power outfit.


exhelodrvr1 said...

Hoosier Daddy,
"Even the single digit IQ types figured that out."

I disagree. Obama's approval rating is still in the 30s.

Saint Croix said...

Just by luck, something he does should work, shouldn't it?

No, because he keeps trying the same damn thing, Keynesian economics. The Fed rates are down to almost zero and he is spending us into oblivion. More spending is not anything new, or different.

The #1 thing he can do for jobs is start repealing statutes. Repeal Obamacare. That would be huge. Repeal Sarb-Ox. Repeal Dodd-Frank. Repeal EPA regs. Sigh Free Trade agreements. Destroy the public unions. Shrink the damn government.

Anonymous said...

Croix is onto something important. There's nothing particularly wrong with Keynesian economics. It has its merits as a macroeconomic theory about how the world works and what governments should do.

What's far superior, though, is basic microeconomics. Stores aren't hiring. People aren't buying stuff. And the reason for that is that there is too much bad law gumming up the works. All the Keynesian stimulus in the world won't work if the systems in place aren't any good. And they aren't.

le Douanier said...



sorepaw said...

According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.


Your local Klavern is proud of you.

The rest of the world finds your statement puke-inducing.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Pogo: I do not understand people. Obama should be staring at a 10% approval given the total clusterfuck the economy has become. But no, he's more popular than Bush.

The hardest thing to do in this world is to get someone to change their mind. That's why advertisers focus so much attention on the young, they don't have opinions yet.

It's not Obama these people approve of, not really, it's Bill Clinton, or some governor, or "the gays", or some celebrity.

Give it time, it's not working to Obama's advantage.

Anonymous said...

Don't let the screen door hit your racist ass on the way out.

Terry said...

Mr. Seven Machos, I've always thought that the Keynesian diagnosis of a recession being caused by a lack of aggregate demand would be similar to a doctor's diagnosis that a patient was ill due to "lack of aggregate health".

Anonymous said...

It's not Obama these people approve of, not really, it's Bill Clinton, or some governor, or "the gays", or some celebrity.

Absolutely. I am reminded of my friend who won't vote for Republicans because she is scared about abortion. Or one of the Althouse Cohens, who is so stuck on evolution -- of all the things in the world -- that he doesn't think he can vote Republican.

Irrational fears are hard to let go of. You can't reason people out of them.

The good news is that those people are either torn or disillusioned, and their solution will be to stay at home on election day.

Anonymous said...

I've sat through my share of Keynesian theory courses. It all makes very good sense on paper. The algebra can be fun. And the federal government needs some macroeconomic theory because the federal government operates at a macroeconomic level. The Fed, particularly, needs a macroeconomic theory.

le Douanier said...

"The rest of the world finds your statement puke-inducing."

According to the "world" racism involves favoring/preferring one race over another. So, your trumped up outrage in response to a comment that does no such thing is quite lame.

Anonymous said...

PBJ -- Why are you trying to defend your dumb ass, pointless, racist comment? You should apologize. You are truly an idiot not to.

But I'll bat you around a bit. Why did you make your pointless, racist comment? What point were you trying to make? What goal were you trying to achieve?

Be honest. With yourself.

Anonymous said...

I asked this question on another blog today, and I pose it to Ann's readers now:

If you are Obama's re-election campaign manager, what do you run on in 2012?

Terry said...

So the statement "I'm not going to put up with any white chicks fucking niggers" is not racist?
Nice to know!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jason said:

"The hardest thing to do in this world is to get someone to change their mind."

I never voted for a REPUB for president until I was 48 years old in 2000. Unions and voting for DEMS was in my blood. Clinton helped me see that slime was bipartisan and that made me see the light. But it took a long time so I did not vote for 8 years until 2000.

Cedarford said...

Seven Machos said...
According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.

What the fuck is the point of this? Let's assume it's all true. What problem do you have, exactly, with a white woman who wants to fuck athletic black guys?

Look, if Sarah in her youth loved black cock and had a serious case of jungle fever...she could have ended up like Kim Dunham - Mother to an affirmative action basketball playing President.

Is there a societal problem with black men infatuated with white and hispanic and Asian pussy that consider dating black women, let alone marrying them a step down in status?
Look at the black illegitimacy rate we all pay for.
Is there a problem with white or other race sluts chasing black cock? Perhaps, the marriage success rate of blondes who hooked up with exciting black athletes is pretty dismal - leading in a majority of cases to single Mom blondes once the philandering promiscuous and oversexed black athlete moves on to greener pastures. Other than the few truly rich black athletes, the taxpayer ends up paying for the slut and the offspring. Not every black athlete is a Tiger Woods. Most don't make money, the few that do have problems hanging on to it vs. living the high life.

Shawn Kemp in his basketball career proudly noted he sired 14 children by 10 women. 6 white, 4 black. And had 100s of others as word of his sexual prowness spread. Was bankrupt two years after he retired. The "pussy" on the side and their spawn are covered by taxpayers. Kemp stayed with his "real family" of his HS sweetheart and 4 kids a year longer. Then they were also split and on the dole.

Automatic_Wing said...

Tell us more about Palin's interracial love scandal from the 80s, pb&j. Were the basketball-playing negroes fond of watermelon and fried chicken involved as well? inquiring minds know.

Anonymous said...

If you are Obama's re-election campaign manager, what do you run on in 2012?

Hope and Change!

Anonymous said...

It's PBJ and Cedarford: racist shitheads together!

Are you an anti-Semite, too, PBJ? Or is it just miscegenation?

Unknown said...

Einstein said..."Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome..."

Paul said...

His ratings plummet for MANY reasons. His 'Jobs Plan' is just one of them.

Face it, he is a Fu*kup. A conceited, narcissistic, elitist, tone deaf Fu*kup with a learn curve of a zucchini.

le Douanier said...


I was demonstrating that the pro argument re Palin entering the D primary was absurd. Of course, blatantly calling the absurdity out would be lame. So, I countered the absurd pro argument w/ an absurd con argument: that Palin's marriage to Todd was the equivalent of her deciding to not primary BHO based on sport and race preferences.

Terry said...

Ah! This Palin nonsense seems to be the result of Joe McGinniss’s yet-to-be-published book on Palin! Apparently McGinniss says she had a hook-up with some black NBA player more than two decades ago.
This is big news on the left because it kind of, sort of, whether it is true or not, can be made into a strawman argument about teh hypocrisy of Palin's supporters or something that might be a strawman that people on the left can be made to believe reflects on the hypocrisy (or whatever) of Palin supporters.
This as as pathetic as the story about no Dem rep's bothering to even introduce Obama's "American Jobs Act".

Anonymous said...

I was demonstrating that the pro argument re Palin entering the D primary was absurd. Of course, blatantly calling the absurdity out would be lame. So, I countered the absurd pro argument w/ an absurd con argument: that Palin's marriage to Todd was the equivalent of her deciding to not primary BHO based on sport and race preferences.

You failed utterly and miserably and totally. Your comment was pointlessly racist. The pointless part -- I keep harping on it -- comes from your gross failure to provide any context. That's on you.

That lesson now given, it's sad and ridiculous that you think that any person's choice to have sex with someone of a different skin color is ever relevant to virtually any serious conversation.

Automatic_Wing said...

You failed utterly and miserably and totally. Your comment was pointlessly racist. The pointless part -- I keep harping on it -- comes from your gross failure to provide any context. That's on you.

He's just trolling. Now we're talking about Sarah Palin having sex with black people instead of what a miserable failure Obams is, which was his intention all along.

le Douanier said...


You expect me to believe that you really think I was earnestly saying the reason Palin won't primary BHO is because she is steadfastly opposed to primarying a black guy and/or a basketball player?


Eric said...

What surprises me is that there are no adults in Obama's inner circle giving their boss the hard truth: record levels of government spending, increased regulation, threats of higher taxes and vilification of success have combined to scare would-be employers the past two years and have made our economy WORSE.

They can't tell him that. They can't even contemplate the possibility it's true, since it would mean a repudiation of everything they've ever stood for. Nope, like Krugman they'd rather double down on failure than admit they were wrong from the start.

Anonymous said...

You are right.

Obama is an utter and total failure! Hey look! It's Sarah Palin!

The sad part is that PBJ makes a lot of valid points here. But he also says truly pointless, vapid thing. And now racist things.

Oh well.

test said...

"This is big news on the left because it kind of, sort of, whether it is true or not, can be made into a strawman argument about teh hypocrisy of Palin's supporters"

McGinnis wrote it and the media cover it because they believe a significant portion of conservatives are racist and this will hurt Palin.

PB&J wrote it to elicit negative comments about Palin which in turn would validate his sense of self, namely that he's an anti-racist. Then he could further trumpet these findings about the internet to "prove" his theory.

It must hurt to be proven so utterly wrong PBJ. Will you ignore this complete failure and persist in your stupidity?

Wince said...

DADvocate said...
Trouble is, if he was competent he could pull it off by actually helping the country and us citizens. But, he'd rather play the role of Uber Snake Oil salesman, sell us a bag of shit.

Agreed. Ideological extremism or self interest aside, a president can survive if he seems "competent".

I think Obama is vulnerable on the competency issue, on several fronts, and I think that's why Democrats are worried.

Anonymous said...

No. PBJ, I expect you to see that saying what you said is racist and has place here. There was no context for it. I cannot imagine the context for it. It was a stupid thing to say. You should apologize.

le Douanier said...



le Douanier said...

Or are you saying this is the place for racism?


Peter V. Bella said...

Warning: Committee to Reelect the President(CREEP) has launched a new site. People are to use it to report any criticism or ridicule of the President. You can even report forwarded emails.

CREEP is encouraging people to become stool pigeons, snitches, and rats.

CREEP cops will be coming out of the woodwork. These are the new cops Obama wants to hire with his jobs bill.

So clean up your act on ALthouse or you will be dragged to the Gulag or worse. They will use the Chicago Way. You will be trunk music.

Mark said...

Pogo: I do not understand people. Obama should be staring at a 10% approval given the total clusterfuck the economy has become. But no, he's more popular than Bush.

You aren't factoring in the "Reverse David Duke" effect. I bet a very significant percentage of former Obama supporters can't make themselves say anything bad about Our First Black President, but are hoping fervently that he pulls a "If nominated I will not accept; if elected I will not serve."

Hell, Sherman only savaged the economies of the Confederate States. Obama's upped the standard considerably.

Carol_Herman said...

When you look at the list of "possible choices" for November 2012, Obama could really still "pull it off."

But, first, he has to mend what he purposely broke!

He can't get there by now playing with Tony Blair, who shoves the Israelis. So that the palestinians get a state in the pre-1967 war borders.

What Obama didn't know, though, was that there was a cost to his Mideast "luv" of Islam.

Europe is also about to go up in a pile of smoke against the EURO. With borders springing up in Europe like nobody's business. What used to cross borders ... and sue in the Belgium courts ... could also turn meaningless.

Israel just needs to stay quiet.

But, ya know what? I don't see the finger pointing at Israel, that Israel got back in 1981 ... when it blew out the Osarik reactor in Irak. (Then? Reagan complained.) Now? It's really all rather silent.

While in Libya, Kaddafi is hiding out in the Sahara. Which is a dessert as large as the United States. They haven't caught him. Qatar hasn't been given the "win." And, the saud's are still stinkers. Who buy our politicians "wholesale."

Let's see what their puppet, Tony Blair, does.

And, it's wonderful to see Obama now stuck with this problem! He can't do what he wants!

Seems it's almost perfect.

Sure. It would be better if a real businessman came on the scene. And, ran for the White House; without the connections you get from all of the politicians.

But what can ya do? We've had stinky choices, before. And, for the Year 2000 ... most Americans are grateful that Algore LOST!

Big Mike said...

This is unbelievable. I click on the comments for two Althouse posts and both have been hijacked.


Speaking for myself, I think that Obama's approval rating may be related to the fact that there is still considerable money left unspent from the original stimulus bill (you know, the one that stimulated greater unemployment) because the "shovel-ready" infrastructure projects turned out not to be quite so ready for a shovel. Now Obama proposes more of the same. Riiiight.

Speaking of overwrought Democrats, does anyone know where it was that Al Gore broadcast his 24 hour marathon global warming rant from? I'm thinking he's in Aspen, Colo., since I read on Drudge that Aspen has snow.

Good for skiing (if only I skied!) but not so good to have snow this early in the year if you're trying to argue phlogiston. I mean AGW.

Anonymous said...

To seriously answer a question above, in a way that allows me to continue to hammer PBJ's racist stupidity, I have been predicting in these pages for three years now something I long ago termed blacklash (TM). I predicted that the left would make race a huge issue in 2012 -- that the left would say that Obama's impending loss (very possibly a landslide loss) was at root an indictment of the racism of the American people.

We have seem this very theme I predicted bandied about in the leftist press for sometime now, and I predict that Obama will run on race, somewhat overtly -- there will be a speech invoking Martin Luther King --- but mostly in the undernews.

This lame, sorry story attempt by PBJ to inject racism by PBJ is one example of the very meme I predicted as early as December 2008.

Note to Perry and Romney advisers: I am available to run campaigns in Illinois.

Fred4Pres said...

At least he has his secret weapon...

Joey "Plugs" Biden, aka Kid Scratton.

le Douanier said...

"and I predict that Obama will run on race, somewhat overtly -- there will be a speech invoking Martin Luther King --- but mostly in the undernews."

So the only non-undernews aspect will be a speech invoking MLK.

And, that is a campaign run on race.


Saint Croix said...

If you are Obama's re-election campaign manager, what do you run on in 2012?

Hope and stay the same.

Anonymous said...

So the only non-undernews aspect will be a speech invoking MLK.

Nowhere was the word only actually there or implicated.

You are letting your anger get the best of you. I called you out on your stupid racism. You are having a hard time dealing with it.

Get yourself together! Talk about Obama's failure!

Peter V. Bella said...

I have two shovels that have been ready for over a year. They have been looking for projects.

Are they eligible for unemployment?

Carol_Herman said...

You know, it's actually funny that Sarah Palin is being accused of having had sex with Black basketball athletes, before she married her husband Todd Palin.

Given that she lives in Alaska, it's much more likely that she'd meet a bear. Or a caribou. Before she'd see a Black basketball player. But that's just me.

How come she's not being accuse of having had sex with a skiing instructor? Wouldn't it be easier to find skiing instructors in Alaska? Basketball players? Where are the courts? If they are outdoors ... do the players wear snow shoes instead of sneakers? I bet a game would be so much fun to watch! But you'd need to wear gloves. And, have a hat that had ear muffs.

Maybe, she had sex with Putin? He still tries to look so hot!

McGinniss could write she saw Putin from her front porch. If Joe's book takes off ... I hope people are prepared to do the spoofs. And, not just leave it to Tina Fey at SNL.

Hey! The Black players are easy to spot! They're 8 feet tall! They'd certainly be noticed in Alaska. Lucky their legs are long enough ... so they can run fast! Even in snow shoes!

BY THE WAY: DICK CHENEY'S BOOK, "IN MY TIME" IS DELIGHTFUL! A really recommend this one!

Real American said...

maybe President HopeNChange shouldn't announce a blatantly cynical strategy of producing a "jobs plan" (LOL) full of stale and failed big government ideas and tax increases knowing the GOP won't go for it, just so you can use it to run against them. People see right through that shit and it doesn't play.

Roger J. said...

agree with EDH above--comptency is the issue along with a proven track record--if the results of the NY special election are any indication, Mr Obama has lost some of the "jewish" vote. And he appears to be losing support from other minority voters

as to a democratic challenger" they dont have the balls (or ovaries)

It will be Mr Obama against whomever the GOP puts up

It will be a an interesting campaignm with the dems playing the race card as their only response.

DADvocate said...


Roger J. said...

agree with EDH above--comptency is the issue along with a proven track record--if the results of the NY special election are any indication, Mr Obama has lost some of the "jewish" vote. And he appears to be losing support from other minority voters

as to a democratic challenger" they dont have the balls (or ovaries)

It will be Mr Obama against whomever the GOP puts up

It will be a an interesting campaignm with the dems playing the race card as their only response.

Carol_Herman said...

Cubanbob @ 6:46 PM. That is absolutely delicious!

Known Unknown said...


I was demonstrating that the pro argument re Palin entering the D primary was absurd. Of course, blatantly calling the absurdity out would be lame. So, I countered the absurd pro argument w/ an absurd con argument: that Palin's marriage to Todd was the equivalent of her deciding to not primary BHO based on sport and race preferences.

Analogy fail. Big time.

I have no problem with fighting absurdity with absurdity.

However, I feel the original absurd statement (re: Palin/D primary) was in fact, facetious.

And you chose to follow that up with a Garage-esque 'fact' dump that has an extremely tenuous relationship to anything else in the thread.

Eric said...

If you are Obama's re-election campaign manager, what do you run on in 2012?

He can't very well run on his record, can he? Were I his campaign manager I'd have him propose some legislation I knew wouldn't pass and then run against an intransigent Republican Congress, telling everyone happy days would have been here again if only they'd passed the bill.


Roger J. said...

Eric has it--Mr Obama is going to to try a Harry Truman campaign running against the reupblican house--of course I knew Harry Truman, and Mr Obama is no Harry Truman

Carol_Herman said...

No Name. At 9:03 PM.

What did FDR run on in 1936?

Obama doesn't need to campaign.

He just has to get out of the way of the tumbling bricks that are falling in Europe.

Hillary, however, is doomed.

Her Mideast meddling (where she's watching Tony Blair "carrying the ball") ... isn't gonna produce results worth much.

And, the Mideast isn't worth a single ding-a-ling.

While I hope we stay in Irak. And, Afghanistan. If we have to pull troops out? Let's pull them out of germany. And, korea.

And, let's get the hell out of the UN!

Obama? If he wants to win ... and we're in "spring time" ahead ... in 2012. He goes to congress and he asks for a 3% cut across the board. EVERYTHING. Just to lower the overhead.

Jobs won't increase, either. But Europe is gonna see the borders going up. And, worried about brain drain ... they're not going to be hiring over there, either.

When the swamp starts to drain, we're going to need the private sector!

Oh. And, I'm waiting for a sign to go up on some American highway that says "WORK'S BEEN COMPLETED." Obama can try to put his name on that one. It would improve his ratings.

Not that it's my job to help him improve his ratings.

"Hope & Change?" I think the tag will be offered to the republicans. Who should turn it down.

Emil Blatz said...

This is why it was astute not to follow his address with a GOP rebuttal message. Just let that steaming turd sit there be pungently bad, all by itself.

plainjane said...

Get your "attack watch" T-shirt here:
Get your official "attack watch" shirt here:

Known Unknown said...

If Titus had a swimming pool in his backyard it would be shallow at both ends.

Known Unknown said...

Someone should just start AttackWatchWatch.

Known Unknown said...

Also, I thought in the African-American community, it wasn't cool to snitch?

WV: mettl. I still have to pruve my mettl.

Seeing Red said...

According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.

is that good or bad?

Almost Ali said...

Keep in mind that the jive turkey had plenty of help.

Eric said...

According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.

What is this, high school?

I wonder if it's as true as all those quotes people on the left variously attributed to Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld. If we follow this one to its source, will we find it, too, was made up out of whole cloth by a left-wing blogger looking for attention?

Saint Croix said...

According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.

PB&J is citing gawker, who in turn is citing the National Enquirer, who in turn is citing Joe McGinniss, who is so desperate to recoup the year of his life he spent in Alaska that he is selling excerpts to the National Enquirer.

Specifically the allegation is that Palin slept with Glen Rice 24 years ago, when she was 23 and right out of college (pre-Todd).

So basically the allegation is that she wasn't a virgin at 23. And that she's not a racist.

Awesome. I'm so terrified to vote for her now.

Cedarford said...

Eric said...
According to her neighbor, her days of going after basketball playing black guys ended a little less than a year before she married Todd.

What is this, high school?

Nah, supposedly that one tryst with Rice was while she was 23 and he was a 20 year old sophomore. Its all salacious and not confirmed by anyone save retired black superstar Glen Rice - nor is anything denied yet by Palin. One WOULD presume McCain did a little vetting....but then again, with McCains judgement and the fact he wanted pro-abortion Good Ol' Joe as his VP...McCain's judgment isn't exactly stellar.

One neighbor said Rice wasn't the only one. As a sports reporter, Palin supposedly had a thing for interviewing a number of black baketball athletes coming to Anchorage for tournaments and signalling her easy availability to players that caught her fancy. .

More troubling are the drug use and cheating on the 1st Dude allegations.

Naturally, the liberals are hoping the stories are true and the Sarah Cult hopes they aren't true or somehow can be squared with the religious right as 20-25 year old scandals that shouldn't be important now.

Obviously, Palin will seek to address the allegations

le Douanier said...

"So basically the allegation is that she wasn't a virgin at 23. And that she's not a racist."

Seven will be happy to know that by this measure I'm not a racist -- several times over, if you know what I mean ; ).

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I know what PBJ is citing. It's a racist story. If Althouse calls attention to it, I'll probably call it a racist story again.

The only people pimping this story are people looking to make money and racists. In McGinniss, the groups overlap.

Cedarford said...

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
"So basically the allegation is that she wasn't a virgin at 23. And that she's not a racist."

Seven will be happy to know that by this measure I'm not a racist -- several times over, if you know what I mean ; ).

And Kim Kardashian proved she wasn't a racist dozens and dozens and dozens of times, sometimes in the same week - if I know what you know what you mean.

Not that the salacious stuff has been addressed by Palin, yet..With Kardashian, you can go to the video tapes or black basketball player divorce papers talking about her in 4-ways.

Anonymous said...

PBJ -- You and Cedarford should have lunch sometime. It could be a daily thing even.

le Douanier said...


He might not like that just as my love life proves I'm not racist against black folks (by Saint Croix's standard), it also proves that I'm not anti-sematic.

Anticipatory comment: Asians too. A lot!

Simon said...

Seven Machos said...
"Or one of the Althouse Cohens, who is so stuck on evolution -- of all the things in the world -- that he doesn't think he can vote Republican."

Yeesh! Talk about irrational fixation on an irrelevant issue!

Anonymous said...

You have degenerated into blather at this point.

Saint Croix said...

my love life proves I'm not racist against black folks

And yet you think a white woman sleeping with a black man 23 years ago is a scandal? Why are you gossipping about it, moron?

le Douanier said...


I think you prefer to have everything spelled out. Me?...not so much. I like it when I need to take a second to put the pieces together.

Maybe we could be very explicit and go a few rounds re the constitution and the Supreme Court's legitimacy re judicial review?* ** ***

*Additional info for those who prefer specificity (i.e. Seven): This vague reference is related to an extensive back and forth you and I once had. I don't recall what my "handle" was at that time. Even if I could specify the handle, you may not recall the exchange.

**Additional, additional info for those who prefer specificity (i.e. Seven): I don't really mean that I want to jabber about the Supreme Court.

***Additional, additional, additional info for those who prefer specificity (i.e. Seven): So, you may be wondering why I would bother bring up this old conversation since I don't really want to chit chat about that topic. I did it so that I could get to this third additional bit of info. This is my way of highlighting your preference for having everything laid out w/ every detail explicitly stated. Me?....I would have been happier w/o all of this additional blather...if the tables were turned.

Different strokes for different folks.

Anonymous said...

And PBJ falls back into his favorite delusion: that he's smarter than everybody else.


le Douanier said...

"And PBJ falls back into his favorite delusion: that he's smarter than everybody else."

So you do remember the time when we discussed the Supremes. I was definitely way outside my wheelhouse on that one.

Or, maybe you're just playing the odds. Because it is true that I frequently over estimate my own intelligence.

bagoh20 said...

The economy is so bad that even the President might lose his job.

Anonymous said...

PBJ -- Look, man. You can't just throw a racist comment up in context and then claim that everybody didn't get the joke. You have to be more circumspect than that.

Saint Croix said...

Palin hits Obama on crony capitalism.

I don't know if Perry can make this charge. Anyway, he's not making it. But Palin is hitting it hard. Palin's populism really hits home with me.

Anybody else notice that she is pitching her message to liberals and independents? She's populist, populist, populist. And she's going after Washington corruption hard.

She declares herself a union girl, and then attacks the union bosses. She declares her love of GE, and then attacks crony capitalism.

It's a brilliant message, one that is so Tea Party, and yet also plays well in the general election.

I think this economic populism will resonate with independents, and even some liberals (if they hear it!).

Establishment Republicans, not so much.

le Douanier said...

BTW Cedarford,

Even you must be must be able to rise up in appreciation of bar.

Carol_Herman said...

What kinds of confidence to any of the Supreme's have ... if they're looking to hold on until after the November 2012 election?

Is Ginsberg, for instant, enthralled with Sotomayor? (REALLY?)

And, what about Kagan?

Didn't Dubya's appointment of Harriet Myers (sp?) spell disaster for Dubya in the "selection of supremes" department?

What would it look like if the republicans sweep?

Which branch of government would "cede" their authority?

Of course, it would be funny to see Kagan and Sotomayor as "bumps on a log."

But a new president ... making the "wrong" picks ... could find out his election lets him pull what Obama pulled?

Didn't Obama's balloon burst when early on, he said "the cambridge cop acted stupidly?"

You really think Obama is friendly with Harvahd's Professor gates?

One phony pony show after another.

By the way the only number that counts is the electoral collage vote. Obama doesn't own this one, yet. And, if he pisses off Jews ... he's giving himself "neck to neck" races in New York State. And, Florida.

This is what's producing the real sweat stink.

And, you might also notice the press is steering clear of Pelosi! Heck, Newt Gingrich gets more coverage than she does.

Sometimes, all you need to do is ask yourselves the right questions.

Terry said...

"Or, maybe you're just playing the odds. Because it is true that I frequently over estimate my own intelligence."
No fucking kidding. Maybe you should run for party spokesman.

Bruce Hayden said...

I am not the least bit surprised that Obama's approval ratings have plummeted on his latest jobs plan. It is recycled junk, failed policies, and appeals to envy.

Who really believes that bailing out government employee pensions last time around really saved or created any jobs? (They can maybe claim such, but only by ignoring all the jobs lost due to the deficit spending).

Millionaires and billionaires are now apparently defined to be a couple making over $200k. Huh? And, GE still is getting sweat heart deals, and not paying taxes.

Those infrastructure projects are still not shovel ready, and so wouldn't hit until we should be coming out of the recession (hopefully), thanks to federal regulations and laws. You should be asking why he doesn't just waive those rules - esp. some of the procurement, environmental, and financial rules for the duration, as well as enforcement of Davis-Bacon.

He can't, of course, do that. His base constituents would freak out if he did. So, instead, his Administration is writing rules as fast as they can, none of which will help us get out of the recession, and most of which just make it worse.

The American people are slowly becoming aware of all this, and so, no surprise, his approval ratings continue to plummet. They are coming to understand that any Republican would probably do better - and likely could not do worse.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don't see Hillary! as being all that able to just step in, if Obama falters. The problem is that the world has gone to hell in a handbasket under her watch at the State Department. Esp. the Moslem world.

The real tipping point may be if she cannot head off the Palestinian vote in the UN. She always got along with the Jews, at least in the past, and probably as well as did Obama. But Israel's security has plummeted under her watch, almost with the connivance of the Obama Administration.

NY9 Tuesday may be an signal that it is ok for Jews to vote Republican, if the choice is the safety of Israel. Not so much for the ethnic/non-practicing Jews, but for those who are more devout and esp. those with ties to Israel.

Toad Trend said...

Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors.

Usually, trips to the fun house are temporary in nature. Those that try to sell it as a way of life are doomed to failure.

A recurring theme, no???

Toad Trend said...

Almost Ali said

"Keep in mind that the jive turkey had plenty of help."

Encouragement. And plenty of it. From the likes of the moron Biden and all the other demonstrably mentally ill troggs like Waters, Lewis, Dingell, et al.

The democrat party has steadily morphed into the largest parasite in the history of the world, the host being the fortune of the American citizen en todo. They aren't smart enough to keep the host alive, however, as evidenced by the deranged spending 'ideas' put forth in the last 2-3 years. The host is dying, and like all mentally ill mothers using their child for attention, the Munchausen-by-proxy dems are in serious trouble.

wv - unteat

This. A prescription for all dems.

Toad Trend said...

Wasn't ’Clueless’ a movie?

Wrong, on many levels.

J said...

Carol the Hobo blathers on (it's a male, people--and a not very bright one)

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Maybe Obama just needs a new slogan to sell his plan. How about:

Stimulus 2, all the results of Stimulus 1 at half the price!

J said...

Why do the conservatives/alttards hate Obama's jobs package--? It's a tax cutting, fairly conservative plan. Hardly FDR--more like, Reaganish. Beside supply siders/GOP yacht club types are not usually too troubled by unemployment--why at times, high unemp. can be good for bidness/management (and lay offs save on labor costs). That is, unless they're...evinrude club... who fancy themselves in the yacht club.

Toad Trend said...

"Why do the conservatives/alttards hate Obama's jobs package--? It's a tax cutting, fairly conservative plan."

You are a moron.

J said...

No,you are a moron, Treadboy.
It's at best a moderate plan,dimwit--extension of payroll taxes, and unemp benefits. Not FDR, except to paranoid teabugs. Though I doubt you can even read it and understand it,trash.

Roger J. said...

The Obama "jobs plan" isnt going anywhere--its his earlier stimulus plan lite--My suspicion is that it is simply a trojan horse to run against the republicans in the coming election.

But as always YMMV

Roger J. said...

Of course if we love mr obama, we have to pass it--sorry--i will pass on that as will the republican house. Other than that mr obama can run on his record.

gerry said...

Evil incarnate James Carville Voldemort has gone nuts.

Just think of the skeletonic dance that bank presidents will choreograph if Obama indicts anyone on Wall Street?

Democrat cannibalization. A feast freedom-lovers everywhere can enjoy! --Observed from a safe distance, of course. You don't want to be struck by a bloody, fang-marked femur.

Roger J. said...

Actually mr carville has some good points--mr obama, of course will not take them--all well and good, because the less he does the more likely he will be a one term president.

gotta like mr carville--the ugliest man on the plant

Roger J. said...

oops--planet--although he does look like a rutabaga

Saint Croix said...

Why do the conservatives/alttards hate Obama's jobs package--? It's a tax cutting, fairly conservative plan. Hardly FDR--more like, Reaganish.

He is spending more money ("jobs!") and raising taxes on the rich to pay for it.

Obama is hostile to capitalism, hostile to corporations, hostile to small business owners. He taxes them, he regulates them, and then when unemployment goes up, it's "unexpected."

Beside supply siders/GOP yacht club types are not usually too troubled by unemployment

You actually sound like somebody in the Obama Administration.

Oh, I just remembered. You don't like the Jews.

Are you Barack Obama?

Saint Croix said...

How was your vacation? You seem grumpy.

Roger J. said...

Saint Croix--I know your vacation comment wasnt addressed to me, but I got back from 10 days in Hungary--GREAT place. inexpensive and a wonderful experience even if I couldnt make heads or tails of magyar. I recomment to anyone who wants a wonderful experience--just dont spend too much time in budapest--we went to sopran, pecs and eger--great wines great people

Saint Croix said...

nice hijack! :)

Drop a racist turd = bad hijack

"I know you weren't talking about me, but I just had a great vacation!" - funny hijack

Roger J. said...

Saint Croix: here to serve
if I didnt hijack the thread we would have to put up with J

Original Mike said...

cubanbob said: "Among the brilliant ideas in his plan is this nugget of brilliance: allow people who apply for an interview and are unemployed the right to sue if they are not hired."

You've got to be kidding?

Saint Croix said...

sometimes I forget what the frickin' topic is

cubanbob said...

"If you are Obama's re-election campaign manager, what do you run on in 2012?"

You don't. You pull an LBJ and leave with what little dignity you have left. But he won't so he will have along with the congressional democrats an ass whipping of historical proportion.

cubanbob said...

"Mark said...
So, how long can Hillary! wait before jumping in?

9/14/11 8:21 PM"

Not going to happen. She isn't that politically bright but Bill is. Bill knows that the next president is going to have the mother of all shit sandwiches to deal with thanks to the jumped up affirmative action hire who is way past his Peter Principle. He will advise Hillary even if you win you lose. Let the republicans have it and you can always go back to the senate.

Saint Croix said...

Just think of the skeletonic dance that bank presidents will choreograph if Obama indicts anyone on Wall Street?

Yeah, #2 was stupid. This is why Carville wasn't given a job in the Clinton administration.

#1 is pretty good, though. Why has he not fired anybody?

Actually mr carville has some good points...

gotta like mr carville--the ugliest man on the plant

I've always liked the guy. He says what he thinks and it's from the heart. And he married a Republican.

Saint Croix said...

the next president is going to have the mother of all shit sandwiches to deal with

Yeah, but there's nowhere to go but up.

Obama is Hoover. The next President gets to be FDR.

frank said...


My AV detected a malware virus in the following link in post:

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
BTW Cedarford,

Even you must be must be able to rise up in appreciation of bar.

9/14/11 11:55 PM


cubanbob said...

Original Mike said...
cubanbob said: "Among the brilliant ideas in his plan is this nugget of brilliance: allow people who apply for an interview and are unemployed the right to sue if they are not hired."

You've got to be kidding?

9/15/11 9:17 AM

I wish to hell I was. But its true. That nugget is in there. And not withstanding J's comment about it having tax cuts, a one time one year tax cut, he conveniently overlooks that in 2013 those cuts are rescinded and hefty tax hikes on employers are imposed. They are so sure of their brilliance that they assume the rubes can't read and that no one would notice. So let them demagogue the non passage of the bill as to why the economy is stalled. All the republicans have to do is show the excerpts of the stupidity of the democrats and ask "who are you going to believe? the democrats or your lying eyes?"

cubanbob said...

Saint Croix said...
the next president is going to have the mother of all shit sandwiches to deal with

Yeah, but there's nowhere to go but up.

Obama is Hoover. The next President gets to be FDR.

9/15/11 9:39 AM

Please God, no! One FDR was enough. When you get past the mythology it was Roosevelt's policies that prolonged the depression. The depression didn't end until 1943 when there was a labor shortage brought on by drafting 14 million men. It was FDR's policies that made the depression far deeper than necessary and many more years longer than necessary and that in turn inadvertently lead to the rise of Nazism and Japanese Imperialism. And its his progressive policies that finally have bankrupted the country. No we don't need another FDR.

J said...

He is spending more money ("jobs!") and raising taxes on the rich to pay for it.

Wow. radical. as you and most the teabugs forget, tax rates are still low. The complaints are that he's not doing enough--and anyway, it's not a tax raise per se--he proposes to end some deductions on the wealthy. And to end some subsidies to oil--one reason the GOP Senate hates it,since they are whores for big oil.And Turtle McConnell doesn't care for it. NO no no . What is the GOP orTurtle's jobs' plan? Maybe like caddy-apprenticeships , or croupier-tech, ..yacht-wash detail. And cut taxes on the Kochs.

Lets put it this way--they better do something before the real left uprises,and out of nowhere the sudden you got a Hugo Chavez marching in LA streets

Terry said...

Lets put it this way--they better do something before the real left uprises,and out of nowhere the sudden you got a Hugo Chavez marching in LA streets
Why don't you go to Cuba, J, and study how the socialists there have managed to produce a dynamic, powerhouse economy.
No oil companies, no corporations that aren't owned by the state. It must be a regular workers paradise.

Original Mike said...

@cubanbob: That nugget you found is brain-dead-stupid. I have long held that liberals do not understand incentives. However, it's probably more along the lines of "refuse to acknowledge", rather than "do not understand".

Saint Croix said...

cubanbob, clink on the link.

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