September 1, 2011

If there's a conflict between Obama's speech and the Packer game, WTMJ wants to show the football game.

"Steve Wexler, vice president of radio and TV operations for Journal Broadcast Group, said Thursday that WTMJ-TV (Channel 4) had asked that both Obama's speech and the football game be made available to NBC affiliates across the country. That way, each station can make a decision on which event to broadcast. In the case of the Milwaukee market, Wexler said WTMJ would show the game. The president's speech would be carried on a secondary digital channel, he said."

It's an NBC game, and NBC is interacting with the White House, but here in Wisconsin, we want to watch the game.

I don't know about New Orleans, but Packer fans want the game. At least give us the choice! Does the leader have to take over all the channels? What kind of message is that, in America? Give us choice. And give us football.

You know, a football game merits watching, play by play, in real time. A speech... we can read it quickly later. Like during half time.

From a blogger's perspective, I prefer the text because I can cut and paste and do commentary. Now, that's a reason why Obama should prefer to impose the real-time experience on us. We have to wait to pull it apart. Except we don't really. We live-blog. We tweet. This urge to control, by claiming all the channels, making us sit through the whole thing... it doesn't really work anymore. It doesn't work for the people who want to jump all over the President's words and critique them, and it doesn't work for people who would prefer different entertainments. There are always other channels on cable. There's the internet. Video games. Video on Demand. You can't really commandeer our attention.

But you can mess with a football game we're excited about seeing at a particular time.

IN THE COMMENTS: Meade said:
Obama is a Bears fan (purportedly).
Hey! And remember when he had the Packers to the White House — because they won the Super Bowl — and he kind of snubbed them?

More Meade:
If Obama succeeds in his Packers/Saints blackout, I propose we take direct action.

UPDATE: "White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer told The Associated Press the speech would be completed in time. Kickoff is scheduled for 7:30 p.m." New controversy: What about the "pregame festivities"? "The NFL and NBC are planning a kickoff concert and other pregame activities to mark the opening of the NFL season."


FleetUSA said...

I AM ready for some football.

Go Packers!

Tank said...

IF I'm watching anything, it would be the football game.

Really, just EMail me the speech.

TWM said...

Americans want football over anything - just ask Heidi.

And people loved Heidi. Barry, not so much.

Curious George said...

I'm guessing every local NBC station wants to show the game. Hopefully the lefties at corporate don't care.

KCFleming said...

Obama wants to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding, and the announcer at every football game.

Mark O said...

I'm not going to watch Obama. I could write out his speech this morning with 90% accuracy. What's the point? The fact that he wants a joint session shows it's merely theater. For a man who, as President of the Harvard Law Review, could not write a coherent letter, he does love himself.

As to the creation of jobs, jobs, jobs, I say this: those who can, do; those who can’t, speak.

Kevin said...

Obama droning on vs. a Packer game...

Gosh, that's a tough one!

Meade said...

Obama is a Bears fan (purportedly).

Mick said...

It's always about control w/ the Usurper (born British of a British subject father) and is Left Wing NWO minions and handlers.

kjbe said...

I'm guessing most affiliates will carry the Packers. Anyway, I'll be at the Brewers/Phillies game, hopefully, with the Packers on the headset.

Kevin said...

Obama is a Bears fan (purportedly). the same sense that he is a White Sox fan. Ask him to name one Bears player - hilarity results!

Mick said...

Meade said...
"Obama is a Bears fan (purportedly)".

He can't throw a baseball or a football (he throws like a girl).

Beta Rube said...

This is such a tough one. My Beloved Pack (World Champions, Trooper, FYI) or a droning speech about printing/borrowing/spending even more money on Davis Bacon projects that will further in-debt my grandchildren to our Chinese overlords.

A real brain teaser.

Meade said...

If Obama succeeds in his Packers/Saints blackout, I propose we take direct action.


MadisonMan said...

World Champion Packers.

Glad it's not in New Orleans. Looks like a very wet period coming up.

KCFleming said...

Nothing beats a good Presidential drone as a warm-up to a pro football game.

And since Obama has broken the legs of our economy, he can cheer on the teams with his new slogan:

Win one for the Gimper!

Or he can appeal to the lefties who feel cheated by Obama's failures to close Gitmo and stop the wars, etc.:

Win one for the Gypper!

Anonymous said...

I, along with every other patriotic, non-racist American, will be watching our wonderful President describe his plan to save America from the evil rethuglicans.

Trooper York said...

Well most of America will not be watching the Packers as we know they are not qualified to be Super Bowl Champions as their fathers were from Kenya.

X said...

keep fucking that chicken barry.

ndspinelli said...

What is most befuddling to me is just how politically inept this WH has been. I guess if they're not beating up on a short, old, war veteran they're overmatched.

ndspinelli said...

Since NBC is Obama's bitch, it will be interesting to see what they do.

Anonymous said...

It's time to start spending!
It's time to talk shite!
All my lefty friends are here for Thursday night!

bagoh20 said...

A Packer spokesman said:

What does he expect, we WON!

traditionalguy said...

Both of these teams are in flyover country. And football is barbaric violence.

What do they expect from the NBC intellectuals who think that only they are anointed to run the world's narrative when they are not busy doing each other for promotions over at the Sofitel.

X said...

Americas Politico is doing a brilliant job running Obama's reelection campaign.

I'd also recommend preempting ESPN Sunday NFL Countdown with a POTUS/The View roundtable.

jrberg3 said...

This will be funny because I imagine even the Chicago affiliate would rather show the Packers-Saints game than broadcast some over-hyped campaign speech from their native son.

geokstr said...

And his speech is on NBC, of course, just coincidentally the station that is in the bag for Obama on green jobs and AGW, that passes off his press releases as news, owner of MSNBC, Obama's go-to for Lewinskys, and the corporation that paid no tax last year.

And the company that's closing down a century old business in WI to ship the jobs and a cool $100 mil to China to set it up there instead.

Oh, and headed by his new jobs tsar, the millionaire or billionaire Immelt. How do you pronounce "United States jobs tsar" in Mandarin, anyway?

bagoh20 said...

"Since NBC is Obama's bitch, it will be interesting to see what they do."

They aren't torn about the football, they would go with Obama, except they know this speech is gonna be bad, so they are torn between the Obama the hoped for and the one they got.

I say, they will choose The Packers. At least that way someone gets to win.

Tim said...

Those in America who'd choose Baracka Flacka Flames over the NFL season opener are pretty much committed voters of the NPR listening pansy Left...which means this whole exercise is just one in vanity.

Like his election and his whole pathetic term.

Scott M said...

. And football is barbaric violence.

I couldn't tell from the font if this was ironic. Please advise.

Mr. Buford said...

NBC interrupting an NFL football game, not possible!
Oh, wait; this is the same broadcast company that went down in NFL infamy for the Heidi Game in 1968.
Guess we will get the 21st Century version - The Obama Game.

Brian G. Heyer said...

Look, reason indicates that whatever soviet-central jobs plan the president has cooked up was important enough to wait until after his tempest-shortened frolic on Prosperity Fantasy Island.

The unicorn-n-rainbow fueled hope can safely be preempted and ignored.

Lincolntf said...

Come on, Obama, think of the Chocolate City.

Tim said...

"Americas Politico is doing a brilliant job running Obama's reelection campaign."

Space aliens don't know much about football in America.

Just ask Dennis Kucinich.

AllenS said...

The only Packers fan that will be upset if the game is on instead of obama, will be garage mahal.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kjbe said...

I'll bet they move kick-off and get both in.

Anonymous said...

How can a person, smarter than everyone else (Clooney), turn giving a speech-

another speech--the same old speech...

into a clusterfuck

This is like watching a slow moving train wreck...

gonna need more popcorn.

(I, Like Althouse, kinda felt sorry for Obama as I wrote this) not

bagoh20 said...

Can't the news outlets like NBC and NPR just pretend he gave the speech and report on it as they would anyway. They already know what they are gonna say. It will be along the lines of:

The ball is in the GOP's court now. The congress has his plan and will either follow it or continue this dismal economy, so they can blame the President during the election.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Can't they compromise and make Obama the halftime show? Maybe he could sing a duet with Lady Gaga. His only concern would be a mom jean wardrobe malfunction.

Ipso Fatso said...

Wisconsin deserves Obama. He should move up there. Go Bears!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they'll put a crawl at the bottom of the tv screen:

....Packers are winning......Obama is 'Winning The Future'.......

bagoh20 said...

When I think of Obama and sports I always am reminded of this video that Althouse showed quite a while back. I watch it ever now and then, and I don't know why.

"I made a mess in my jeans, yea"

Original Mike said...

There's 10 other channels that will be carrying his speech. This is beyond stupid.

rhhardin said...

The only football game worth watching was the Heidi Bowl.

Not counting games played in a sea of rain and mud, or at twenty below, which are entertaining.

Giving the speech at the football game would be the way to go, if they allow substition of styrofoam columns for one of the goals.

Just crank up the PA system.

sakredkow said...

...and it doesn't work for people who would prefer different entertainments. There are always other channels on cable.

The next entertainment, coming up soon on different channels...the continuing wobbling, and perhaps collapse, of the American economy.

But we'll see.

alan markus said...

Isn't Obama supposed to be the "high-tech" president? How about connecting the teleprompter to a live feed that displays in a box on the TV screen? Heck, that could catch on everywhere. Anytime Obama needs to "take it to the people", just feed the teleprompter into whatever is showing on TV.

A few years ago when Obama preempted prime time programming for one of his speeches, we had a lot of laughs at a different blog when it was noted that people would be sitting down and expecting to see "America's Biggest Loser" and would see Obama instead. Now, I guess it is one and the same.

Anonymous said...

The only people who will watch Obama think that football is too violent, anyway. If NBC goes along with this, ESPN should pick up the game.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What is most befuddling to me is just how politically inept this WH has been

Either Obama has the worst advisors in the history of politics in the world. The most tone deaf. Self absorbed. Isolated. Blinded by ideology

Or.... his advisory crew has been successfully infiltrated by Tea Party Terrorist moles.

Or.....Obama is just so freaking full of himself that the thinks he is God or the second coming and doesn't need to listen to ANYONE because he is the smartest, bestest, handsomest man evah!!!!

I lean towards the last theory...although I really wish it were the second.

redcur: run red dog run

Johanna Lapp said...

If you had expected the debate questioning from NBC's selected moderator to be turned-up-to-10 hostile, insulting, demeaning, biased, partisan, tendentious, rude and stupid, fuggedaboudit.

After this insult to President Billy Ray Valentine, you're about to find that these amps go up to 11. And beyond.

Paul said...

Obama.. our first Affermative Action President! And you see the results.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

It's going to be a great moment when the cameras pan out over our wonderful Congress and the vast majority of them have their Bluetooths in the ears; their smartphones tucked into their coat pockets, streaming a webcast of the game....

Scott M said...

Obama is just so freaking full of himself that the thinks he is God or the second coming and doesn't need to listen to ANYONE because he is the smartest, bestest, handsomest man evah!!!!

The behind the scenes tug-of-war over sending the SEALs in to take out OBL, in which his team of advisors were basically fighting Valerie Jerrett, not POTUS. From the various reports, it almost looked like she was trying to shield him from having to make any decision on the matter.

This would seem to explain quite a bit.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Maybe they'll put a crawl at the bottom of the tv screen:

....Packers are winning......Obama is 'Winning The Future'.......

ur doin it wrong

....Packers are winning.....Obama WTF.......

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Your personal bubble space belongs to Obama!

Tank said...


Take another vacation.

We don't miss you.

Come back in a month or two and give the same speech. No one cares.

etbass said...

I'm gonna miss Him when he's gone. I haven't laughed harder than when reading this thread.

Lincolntf said...

As the new saying goes, he's a stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure.
That's the first time I've used that term. Kinda eloquent in it's way.

virgil xenophon said...

Most New Orleanians may be nominally Democrats, but they're SAINTS FANS FIRST and FOREMOST. Anyone thinking watching the game isn't the OVERWHELMINGLY choice is utterly insane...Remember, this is the South--think the SEC and spring football practice for High Schools...not a snowball's chance in Hell that a poll would go any other way.

Mick said...

Trooper York said...
"Well most of America will not be watching the Packers as we know they are not qualified to be Super Bowl Champions as their fathers were from Kenya."

GEEZ Trooper, I know it's a joke, but get the context right. Obama 2 is not eligible as a natural born Citizen because Obama SR was a Kenyan CITIZEN, and thus a British Subject, who Obama 2 ADMITS passed British Citizenship to him at birth, by the British Nationality Acy 1948.

The problem is not that Obama SR. was FROM Kenya. If he were FROM Kenya, and was a naturalized US Citizen before Obama 2's birth, (supposedly in Hi.), then there would be no problem. Obama would then have been born to 2 US Citizens on US soil, thus an eligible natural born Citizen.
Obama 2 was born w/ divided allegiance due to birth as a dual citizen.

Would the framers have been OK w/ one born British (except for themselves, grandfathered in by A2S1C5, "or a Citizen, at the time...") serving as President, after they just fought the War of Independence? Would allowing dual Citizens at birth satify the stated purpose of the requirement-- to prevent foreign influence?

X said...

what country was this dude born in?

Dust Bunny Queen said...


What's the big rush to give this super important world changing (he thinks) speech.

We have been in recession since 2008 and the root causes go back to the 70's or even earlier. After his 'ascension' to office the economy has been in a free fall. This isn't sudden news. We didn't just yesterday get hit with an economic shit bomb.

If it were soooooo urgent. Congress should have skipped their summer recess. If it were sooooooo important maybe Obama and Mooochelle could have skipped their million dollar tax payer funded vacation.

Since neither of those things tells us that this speech is not important and will be just another rehash of the same old same old crappola.

This only difference is that it is going to piss off all of the NFL fans. I guess those were the only people left that he hasn't pissed off yet. Touchdown!!!!!!

traditionalguy said...

Scott M ...NFL Football is barbaric violence when it is done right.

I'm sure that Gabe Carimi and J J Watts agree with me on that one.

Not that there is anything wrong with that especially among the Wisconsin Norwegians who only recently parked their longboats.

Anonymous said...

I think President Obama's team will push hard to block this, since if it happens, one of the big stories on the right side of the internet will be how the football game got much better ratings than the speech.

Scott M said...

what country was this dude born in?

I believe Brett Favre was born in Haiti. That's who we're talking about, right?

garage mahal said...

The only Packers fan that will be upset if the game is on instead of obama, will be garage mahal.

Your simpleton ignorance is once again on full display.

Diane said...

If the speech preempts the game, I'm willing to bet Wisconsin will go overwhelmingly Republican during the next presidential election - regardless of who they have as a candidate.

He's been hemming and hawing about this speech for over a week - surely he can wait until the 9th to bore us?

Scott M said...

I wonder if there's going to be any Solyndra commercials during the game. One would think with $545 million in tax-payer guaranteed loans, they would have bought some tv time.

A green tech company can't let a little thing like the realities of Chapter 11 stop them. When has reality ever stopped them?

Mick said...

Scott M said...
"what country was this dude born in?

I believe Brett Favre was born in Haiti. That's who we're talking about, right?"

Yeah that's it! It matters not where Obama 2 was born. Could've been on the Oval Office desk... delivered by JFK.
He was born British, of a British subject father-- thus not eligible.

Original Mike said...

Have the political geniuses considered what impact this would have on the 2012 Wisconsin ballot? Packer fans have long memories. And for those who don't, you don't think his oppenent would cut a campaign ad about arrogance featuring forlorn Packer fans watching His Highness on the tube?

edutcher said...

Split screen!

Or they could show it on Pubic Broadcasting (unless they're refusing to pre-empt Antiques Roadshow).

X said...

what country was this dude born in?

You just made Mick's week.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

If it were soooooo urgent. Congress should have skipped their summer recess. If it were sooooooo important maybe Obama and Mooochelle could have skipped their million dollar tax payer funded vacation.

If it were so urgent, he would have given it already.

X said...

I think President Obama's team will push hard to block this, since if it happens, one of the big stories on the right side of the internet will be how the football game got much better ratings than the speech.

It goes down like one of those Toshiba commercials.

Advisor: If we skip the soaring rhetoric we can release the jobs plan now.

Obama brainpans out the suggestion seeing talking heads dissecting his plan, bloggers ripping it, followed by a zombie apocalypse.

Obama: No, the jobs plan must have soaring rhetoric!

Original Mike said...

Need to type faster (spelling errors be damned).

ricpic said...

It's a tough choice: watch football or watch Obama throw a hail mary pass.

cubanbob said...

campy said...
I, along with every other patriotic, non-racist American, will be watching our wonderful President describe his plan to save America from the evil rethuglicans.

9/1/11 9:15 AM

Don't quit your day job. You are nowhere near America's Politico. Leave it to the professionals.

As for the coverage NBC could do something terrific and piss everyone off by televising the speech as a picture within a picture during the game with the text of the speech displayed in the crawl.

carrie said...

We and a lot of people have TVs that allow them to watch two channels at the same time, so please offer both.

Original Mike said...

"As for the coverage NBC could do something terrific and piss everyone off by televising the speech as a picture within a picture during the game with the text of the speech displayed in the crawl."

I'd love to see that. But, the football game must be bigger.

Paddy O said...

Next step, nationalize the NFL! It already has national in its name, make it official!

X said...

At some point you've seen enough football.

Anonymous said...

"Obama is a Bears fan (purportedly)."

Sure, he went to a lot of their games at Cominskey!

Mick said...

It's about power and control. This lawless administration has sided w/ foreign governments against American States. It has suppressed evidence of criminal misconduct at the ATF, at the behest of the WH and the DOJ. It has let the Criminal Bankers who caused the Economic meltdown to walk free, and has given them trillions of We the People's money. Civil unrest, caused by the actions of Criminal Bankers and the Usurper's government is coming to a city near you. Here is a warning shot in Pittsburg recently. Is this America?!

MadisonMan said...

I won't watch either, so I don't care.

I might watch Ringer on the CW this year. I've liked SMG ever since she played Kendall.

Lincolntf said...

So now he won't even be doing it in prime time? He came up with the whole idea for the speech, the joint session, the national audience, etc. and he's acting like an overwhelmed first time party planner with ADD. How does this idiot wipe his own ass?

Ambrose said...

In 1985, Reagan rescheduled his inaugral in order to not conflict with the Super Bowl. He actually took the oath in a private swearing-in and had the public event the next day. No need for petty concerns on scheduling when you have well-deserved self confdence.

Anonymous said...

What about Jeopardy!?

I'll take Megalomaniacs for $200, Alex.

Tom said...

Why the fuss? He can speak at ANY time agreed to by Congress. But who says ANYONE else has to carry it live? Isn't that what C-SPAN is for? Let C-SPAN carry it live and anyone not interested in the speech can go about their business, or watch it later. This is not a SOTU speech or war speech after all (and SOTU speeches used to just be sent to Congress in written form anyway).

Carol_Herman said...

If Obama has a sense of humor, he'll come out dressed like the TEXACO MAN ... who used to come on TV one half hour before Milton Berle. His name was John Cameron Swayzee. And, this was America's first taste of televised news ... before Uncle Milty came out. And, did his hour show.

Even funnier ... the networks learned that people came early!

Just like they do to the theater.

Just like they do to ball games.

People come in FIRST. Parking early.

I think Obama should also sing the ditty ... that came with "BROUGHT TO YOU BY TEXACO ...

If there's KARMA Vince Lombardi will do more than just roll in his grave.

And, maybe, after the president's speech ... because the game starts ... Obama thinks NO ONE WILL COMMENT ABOUT HIS SPEECH! So, it wouldn't garner bad press.

Meanwhile, I think there's a fly in the ointment, here.

It's not like he's Marilyn Monroe to the Yankee's Joe DiMaggio.

Beth said...

I will be watching and listening to the game (I prefer our local radio announcers to the network nitwits). Who DOES NOT prefer football to politics?

Edgehopper said...

My fiance is fiercely apolitical and never votes--but might just register to vote against Obama if he preempts the Packers opening game. Not that Obama needs to worry about New York's votes, I suppose, but Wisconsin is certainly in play.

ddh said...

I predict that the closing line of the speech will be [drumroll]

". . . and God bless the United States of America. Now, how about some football!"

Mary Beth said...

Maybe he is hoping that he will get viewers who have their TVs on waiting for the game to start.

He started his last two big speeches an hour late. Why should we believe this one will begin and end on time?

Joe said...

The notion of having all the major networks carry a presidential speech is archaic and asinine. PBS will show it, why should anyone else?

GDawson said...

Meade Said: Obama is a Bears fan (purportedly).

Well purportedly he is a White Sox fan too. But then he could not name a single White Sox player and could not properly pronounce the name of the stadium.

They out smarted themselves on this jobs speech. The had to know they would not be allowed to give the speech the same day as the debate. But I don't think anyone at the WH looked at the football schedule. Only junkies will watch his speech.

Beth said...

And I won't go to any Rotunda unless there are plenty of huge flatscreen TVs mounted all around it, with big speakers. And beer.

JimMuy said...

You know what is going to happen, don't you? It's a giant beach ball rolling at 5mph toward you.
The guy who has been late to every single one of his "urgent" and "important" speeches this year?
The guy who loves to hear himself talk?
Giving a speech to a body filled with Democrats winnowed down to his most die-hard supporters?
Who are looking for the "perfect cheer" to help him win the game?

Ladies and Gentlemen: You are going to miss the first 3 to 5 minutes of the game.

This awful, tone-deaf trainwreck of an administration roll on!

Known Unknown said...

Oh my god, I accidentally started reading a Carol Herman post.


Original Mike said...

E.M.: Don't panic. You'll recover. I did.

Patrick said...

Biased, yes, but I believe it is in very poor taste to mess with Packers' fans. Oh yeah, the Saints too.

Lincolntf said...

Obama doesn't like cheese people!

raf said...

To miss an Obama speech, I would even be willing to watch a Packers game. Of course, since it is also a Saints game, I would be watching it anyway.

WV: sworse. The relationship of an Obama speech to anything else.

Trooper York said...

What are the chances he will be on time and the kickoff will be on time?

Ha you fools.

He wouldn't dare do this to a real football team like the New York Football Giants.

Did I tell you lately that the Giants are going to win the Superbowl.

Anonymous said...

You are nowhere near America's Politico.

Well, of course not. He's a successful political consultant respected and listened to at the highest levels, and I'm just an average joe.

Calypso Facto said...

You are nowhere near America's Politico.

Trooper's got the farcical down, though:

Did I tell you lately that the Giants are going to win the Superbowl.

Original Mike said...

Remind us, Trooper, how the Giant's season ended last year. I've forgotten.

Trooper York said...

They lost.

Because the ref's cheated. They gave it to the Eagles. Because they hate dogs.

The refs suck dead dogs.

Original Mike said...

"They gave it to the Eagles."

Oh, yeah! Now I remember. [Chortle]

Trooper York said...

Hey laugh all you want cheezy. The President is doing all he can to mess up the Packers. They are gonna delay the kickoff just enough so the players will cool off and there will be a bunch of injuries.

He thinks of the Packers as like Libya.

garage mahal said...

I think it was like GB 45 and Giants 17. Rodgers threw for 400+ and 4 TD's, and one of the Mannings threw for 4 picks. Rollicking, good old fashioned butt whomping if I recall correctly ;/

Trooper York said...

Well you did win that one.

But I seem to remember us beating you in the NFC championship game when we went on to defeat an undefeated Boston team in the Super Bowl.

You don't get to win the championship every year. And you get a shitty schedule the next year.

Get used to it sucka's. It's your turn in the barrel.

Jose_K said...

Does the leader have to take over all the channels? Welcome to Venezuela

Original Mike said...

Oh, yes. It's all coming back to me, now. I hope the Giants did an in service on the Heimlich maneuver during the off-season.

Issob Morocco said...

See I told you Ann that Obama was all about himself and collapsing upon himself when the Packers came a callin' to 'his' house a couple of weeks ago. Now he doubles down on the diss, by messing with their game?

Here is a peek at the Obama's Enemies List

1-The Tea Party
2-The Republicans
3-Any business not engaged in supporting his re-election
4-Corporate Jet Owners
5-Wall Street Fat Cats, unless they donate to Obama's re-election.
6-Millionaires (the ones making $200K or more a year.
8-Paul Ryan
9-Right Wing Talk Radio
10-Free Thinkers like Meade/Althouse

ndspinelli said...


Giants Super Bowl wins 3.

Packers Super Bowl wins 5.

I grew up a Giants fan, going back to YA Tittle. My old man would take me to Fairfield University to watch preseason[Allie Sherman days]. However, you're talking out of your ass on this and you know it. The Yanks are the premier baseball franchise. In football, there's not a comparable premier team, but the Packers are certainly in the top 3 and the Giants probably 6-8th. It's cocktail hour. Now go make a caprese salad w/ some great Jersey tomatoes.

marylynn said...

I know this thread is well past done, but honestly the most entertaining one i have read in a long time. Thanks everybody for all the laughs!

Anonymous said...

So is there any truth to the story that the speech had to be delayed because the Roman columns weren't available until Thursday ?

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