September 28, 2011

"Democrat Governor Bev Perdue of NC Wasn't Joking: She Wants to Cancel the 2012 Congressional Elections."

I haven't blogged about this story yet because I've been assuming she had to be joking, since it's such an incredibly stupid thing to believe is possible under the Constitution. But here's the argument — from Rush Limbaugh — that the humor excuse is not available. He's got the clip of Perdue speaking and it couldn't be more dour and staid. Rush observes:
No laughter. No applause, either, but there was no laughter; there's no jocularity there. This effort to say that she was just kidding is gonna fall flat because she wasn't. She was dead serious....

The Drive-By Media spends a lot of time and a lot of effort trying to make Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, the South Carolina governor Nikki Haley look dumb. The Drive-Bys try to make them look stupid, bumbling, and foolish; and all the while they have a female politician in their midst who is dumb, stupid, bumbling, and foolish; and they're out there trying to make excuses. "Oh, she was just joking! You shouldn't take this seriously. She was just joking about this." No, she wasn't joking. If they could get away with canceling elections, they would do it...
ADDED: Sorry about the Purdue/Perdue misspelling. It was copied from Rush's site (where it is now corrected).


William said...

All one has to do is listen to the audio. She was serious. Unbelievable.

Expat(ish) said...

That's how Bev usually sounds.

Like Fred in the last presidential race - wakes up, sounds good, goes back to sleep.


PS - She is doing a much better job than I thought she would.

traditionalguy said...

Well Obama now has a revised short on SCOTUS nominations.

Justice Bev Purdue can make the decisions Obama needs in these hard times.

traditionalguy said...

It is all about The Living Constitution getting cancer.

Female compassion is needed here.

ndspinelli said...

Republicans are stupid and heartless. Dems are smart and care.

Anonymous said...

Not only is she incredibly stupid/ ignorant (to have made the comment in obvious earnestness),

but she's also a LIAR for sending her spokes-hole out a few hours later to say that it was a joke.

Pity that NC does not have a gubernatorial recall provision, to my knowledge.

Scott M said...

The nail in the coffin of the "joke" defense is that she doubles down after making her suspension comment by stating that she really hopes others will agree with her.

(psst - how long until Godwin's law is fulfilled in this thread?)

G Joubert said...
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Triangle Man said...

Deadpan is not an option in political humor.

Lyle said...

Democrats and especially the progressive section of Democrats, seem to not appreciate the fact that their neighbors across the street disagree with them and can disagree with them all they want to.

This is America people, your neighbor doesn't agree with you on something. Get over it.

Power to the people of our obese, acne'd face Republic.

Psychedelic George said...

You know she must have her finger on the state's pulse, and she must be hearing bad things. She's been in politics 30+ years. Before that she was briefly in education. Coal miner's daughter.

I'm a NC resident, and we are supposed to have one of the nation's strongest economies. Eastern NC has been in the doldrums for years due to lack of tobacco subsidies. Hatteras just got hammered much harder than most Americans realize by the hurricane. State universities are all looking at continuing budget/staff cuts.

I went to two different post offices yesterday, ended up chatting with two different clerks, both of whom were middle-aged black guys. Weirdly, they both spontaneously started expressing severe concerns about the economy and too much government regulation.

Those guys were as nervous about their jobs as the Gov. is about hers.

gerry said...

She's a Nazi!

(How's that, Scott M?)

Anonymous said...

"Even if NC does [have a provision for recalling the governor], is merely saying something incredibly stupid really adequate grounds for a recall?"

It depends upon the particular stupid thing that was said.

This qualifies, particularly when coupled with the obvious lie she offered thereafter (saying that it was not meant in earnest).

Good heavens: If a public official believes she has the power to suspend scheduled elections like this, and seeks to persuade others to that effect, you get rid of her BEFORE she can go Hugo Chavez on you (if possible), not after.

Put differently, this isn't just some run-of-the-mill stupid political statement.

MikeR said...

Meh. It wasn't a joke, it was a "Well, if I were king" comment. She doesn't think Congress is working well right now. Elections are getting in the way. It sure would be nice if we could skip them for a few years till they get things straightened out.

Something like that. I don't think she's fomenting overthrowing the government or wishing for it, if that's what everyone is suggesting.

Lyle said...

Our Republic may be obese and acne'd face, but it's still precious.

Christopher in MA said...

Cue garage snarking "remember when George Bush said things would run better if he was a dictator?" in 3. . .2. . .1. . .

Fred4Pres said...

She is doubling down on stupid.

She had the perfect oportunity to say it was a humerous remark to make a point. Now she is a national dumbass.

Here is a woman that will find she will wish she was ignored when she spoke this.

sane_voter said...

She's been polling well behing the presumptive GOP candidate for next year's election. This seals her defeat.

It's also already posted on her wiki page.

MikeR said...

I see that her press secretary didn't claim that it was a joke; he claimed that she was "using hyperbole" to make a point. That sounds right to me.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Rush is right. When I saw the "Perdue is joking" headlines I assumed they were correct. Nobody would say that in seriousness! But listening to the tape it is clear she meant every word. We need to pay very close attention to this kind of talk, folks.

Issob Morocco said...

Now she can add lying to her resume of bad intentions and deeds.

Pettifogger said...

A Democrat calling for canceling Congressional elections equals a prediction that the next election will decrease the number of Democratic Congressmen.

Anonymous said...

How hilarious - dead white males still foil the socialist Dems.

Congresses' current fracture notwithstanding, the system is working exactly as designed.

Gridlock is a feature, not a bug.

chuckR said...

"If they could get away with canceling elections they would do it."

Absolutely. Why take the 5% chance that incumbency won't save you when you can forgo that possibility entirely?

George Washington had the opportunity to become king of the US. His erstwhile King, George III, told portraitist Gilbert Stuart that Washington would be the greatest man in the world if he retired to his estate instead.

We elect entirely too any ethical midgets to political office today.

Scott M said...

I see that her press secretary didn't claim that it was a joke; he claimed that she was "using hyperbole" to make a point. That sounds right to me.

Then why follow it immediately with "I really hope I can get someone to agree with me" or whatever the quote was?

Bender said...

Most "jokes" by the left are passive-aggressive attacks.

This was a joke like the guy next to you at the urinal turning and peeing all over your leg and then when you protest, he increduously says, "What? Can't you take a joke?"

Brennan said...

It couldn't be a joke. Even if elections were suspended, taxes still could not be raised. There is just no political will to raise taxes.

Bender said...

Of course, instead of ramming this down Democrats' throats, especially when the Dems have their National Convention in North Carolina next year, the leaders of the Stupid Party are sure to tell people to "settle down, nothing to see, let's work with these people rather than cause trouble."

MadisonMan said...

I think she took the idea from a meeting with mostly men, and no one reacted to it. And she thought she could run with it and get credit.

Seriously, though, as someone who doesn't follow NC politics (go figure), is this Bev Purdue person actually a viable candidate?

gerry said...

I see that her press secretary didn't claim that it was a joke; he claimed that she was "using hyperbole" to make a point.

What was the point?

Republicans were sent to Congress to obstruct the Democrats' socialist agenda. The strategy is working.

Brennan said...

As the Obamacons are deslippering, be sure to fling them at Governor Perdue.

Scott M said...

is this Bev Purdue person actually a viable candidate

She's the incumbent, isn't she?

sakredkow said...
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MikeR said...

"I see that her press secretary didn't claim that it was a joke; he claimed that she was "using hyperbole" to make a point. That sounds right to me.

Then why follow it immediately with "I really hope I can get someone to agree with me" or whatever the quote was?"

That sounds clumsy, true, but I don't think she was drumming up support for her wacko suggestion. She was saying she hoped people agree with the point she's trying to make.

frank said...

@ MikeR said...
Something like that. I don't think she's fomenting overthrowing the government or wishing for it, if that's what everyone is suggesting.

Ya, a state governor calling on help to cancel Constitutionally required congressional elections. Nothing to see here. If it were the Gov of Arizona well Ericka Holder would be right on it.

Scott M said...

She was saying she hoped people agree with the point she's trying to make.

I don't buy it. If she was trying to make a point she would have tried to make that point and then said something like, "I mean, if THAT's the way the want it, why not just suspend elections until this crisis is over?"

That's not what the audio shows.

Sue D'Nhym said...

It really sucks for politicians having to deal with the opinions of their voters.

Scott M said...

That's not what the audio shows.

Feel free to flame away at that one. It's like a big red target pointing directly at my writing skilz.

Does "skilz" have one or two "Lz"?

Anonymous said...

So one more time I'll tell one of my favorite stories.

I was sitting in a small class for training while I worked at the State Department. Beside me was this ugly, wacky, dour, humorless, leftist woman. It was when George W. Bush was president and somehow, in context, she states her belief in the strong possibility that there would not be a presidential election in 2008. I laughed. I called her an idiot.

Perhaps the issue is that people on the left frequently think about the suspension of elections. It's not something that ever occurs to me. Obviously, it would be a grave constitutional crisis that would prompt a coup at best and a very likely a civil war.

Mary Beth said...

I don't understand how it could be hyperbole. What was she exaggerating? It sounds more like Friedman's "What if we could be China for a day? Could authorize the right solutions".

frank said...

Oh wait, I'm sorry. This is just a 'teachable moment'. We all know the WI Law School admissions process allows for 'teachable moments'--army math center murder for example.

Wince said...

MikeR said...
Meh. It wasn't a joke, it was a "Well, if I were king" comment. She doesn't think Congress is working well right now. Elections are getting in the way. It sure would be nice if we could skip them for a few years till they get things straightened out.

Something like that. I don't think she's fomenting overthrowing the government or wishing for it, if that's what everyone is suggesting.

I tend to agree with this, but the problem for her is:

1.) She is the one who said it was a joke,

2.) it reveals that it's her side that fears accountability to the voter, and

3.) what's good for Palin et al. is good for her.

Shouting Thomas said...

Anybody who would vote against the Democratic agenda is obviously a bigot.

You cannot allow bigots to destroy our democratic system.

Somehow, we've got to find a way to stop these fucking bigots from voting.

Bayoneteer said...

Who has the authority to cancel federal elections? Just asking.

Lincolntf said...

I've heard the same thing posed as a hypothetical by one of my Mother Jones-reading Lib friends many times. It's a standard issue hyper-Lib talking point.

frank said...

I hear Gov Perdue is coming to Madtown to campaign for cancelling recalls against incumbent governors.

Big Mike said...

Yesterday I said that if she was joking, it's nothing a politician should joke about. And if not then words fail me.

Words fail me.

Alex said...

Come on guys, this is ridiculous pandering to the rethug base. Anyone with half a brain and half a heart would know she was just making a deadpan joke.

Calypso Facto said...

It sounds more like Friedman's "What if we could be China for a day?

Exactly. It's the "We are the ones we've been waiting for, now why won't these pesky serfs bow to our genius" mentality.

frank said...

Presidents--in times of 'emergency', see Lincoln and next year Obama.

tree hugging sister said...

Old girl acts out her belief in rights suspensions when she can, though:

North Carolina governor suspends gun rights

State of emergency order makes criminals of concealed handgun permit-holders, sport shooters and hunters.

[Raleigh] Yesterday, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue signed Executive Order No. 62, declaring a State of Emergency in advance of Hurricane Earle. In doing so, Perdue suspended the right of state residents to use or carry firearms outside their premises.

MikeR said...

"She is the one who said it was a joke,"

Is that so? When? The closest I saw in an actual quote was "hyperbole", which is much closer to what I was saying.

Joseph of FP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lincolntf said...

If the brilliant Ivy League minds that go into politics didn't have to pander to the great unwashed, Utopia would be upon us. Alas, all those Harvard luncheons in Cambridge cafes, all those break-out groups on Nantucket, the interminable Hilton Head bull sessions, go wasted. The Paradise is blocked by the mean, the base, the "regular Joe". Just got to get around that guy and they're IN! Forever.

virgil xenophon said...

The Dims are--as Powerline today notes--"coming out of the closet" on this. Compliments of the New Republic via Drudge we note that Peter Orszag, Obama's former budget director, said much the same thing--that we have 'too much" democracy and have to use "apolitical (right) commissions and executive orders etc. to by-pass Congress..

Scratch a lefty and you'll always find a potential Robespierre.. It was not for nothing that it was named "The Committee on "Public Safety."--who could argue against that, right?

edutcher said...

About once a quarter (i.e., three months), one or another of the commenters here has talked about GodZero pulling a stunt like this and now here's someone recommending it.

To whomever you are, and however many there were, you were right and the rest of us are a lot less inclined to laugh it off than we were when you first said it.

gerry said...

She's a Nazi!

Probably more like a Commie. sounds like the Ortega brothers.

Anonymous said...

Alex said: "Come on guys, this is ridiculous pandering to the rethug base. Anyone with half a brain and half a heart would know she was just making a deadpan joke."

Can't tell if serious, or just joking.

If serious:

I'm listening with my ears, not just my brain and heart. Have you listened to the audio? That's sorta the ENTIRE POINT to this day-afterwards post, i.e., that we now have the audio and can listen to decide for ourselves whether it sounds like a joke.

coketown said...

This critique of democracy routinely comes, ironically, from Democrats. If you're the party of democracy, it seems poor form to point out the shortcomings of the system.

But beyond the constitutional absurdity of suspending elections, Purdue is correct. Politicians would be much more willing to "get something done" if they didn't have to answer for it. This is one of many, many, many things Thomas Friedman loves about China's politburo. It gets things done.

But if you're like me, you probably think the less the government "gets done," the better off the nation is. I have that in common with many displaced Chinese peasants, whose homes were submerged after China's politburo decided a giant dam was desirable.

Denis Navratil said...

Lighten up folks, she is just trying to boost Obama's "jobs saved" numbers.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

And just yesterday I read an article in TNR by another Democrat, former Obama administration official Peter Orzag, who argues we have too much democracy and it needs to be curtailed. He trots out the tired argument that "polarization" is keeping Congress from doing stuff. And by gosh we need stuff done, and since Congress can't get stuff done, Orzag suggests we give up our liberty and give it to experts and technocrats to run our lives for us.

Today's Democrats hate liberty. They are fucking totalitarians.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Limbozo on Khrustie: I will withhold my review until I hear from some of you what you think, because when I say what there is to be said, there's generally nothing left to be said.

Fat corrupt republicans think alike

Joseph of FP said...

Of course, this really shouldn’t come as a surprise. Dems don’t trust us to decide what to eat, what light bulbs to buy, what cars to drive, etc… If they don’t trust us with even those mundane decisions then why would they trust us with having a say in government?

Shouting Thomas said...

Althouse, at her extreme, agrees with this philosophy.

Gay marriage failed 0 to 31 in elections.

It is being imposed on the electorate by administrative fiat.

And, Althouse agrees.

Because, you can't trust the fucking bigots on any issue that might invoke their bigotry... which is every issue.

Joseph of FP said...

Democracy is hard.

edutcher said...

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

And just yesterday I read an article in TNR by another Democrat, former Obama administration official Peter Orzag, who argues we have too much democracy and it needs to be curtailed. He trots out the tired argument that "polarization" is keeping Congress from doing stuff. And by gosh we need stuff done, and since Congress can't get stuff done, Orzag suggests we give up our liberty and give it to experts and technocrats to run our lives for us.

Today's Democrats hate liberty. They are fucking totalitarians.

Considering they loved Ho Chi Minh, Yassir Arafat, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro, this is not a surprise.

BTW, Orszag got that argument from (Godwin alert) Dr Goebbels and General Tojo.

Steve Koch said...

I listened to it, she was as serious as a heart attack. The dems are all about "the ends justifies the means" so this isn't that surprising to me. It is no wonder the dems want a constitutional convention, the current constitution is such a bother.

Quaestor said...

Joubert wrote:
Even if NC does, is merely saying something incredibly stupid really adequate grounds for a recall?

There is no gubernatorial recall provision in the NC constitution.

Which is the better policy, to recall a governor for advocating something incredibly stupid and illegal, or to wait until the advocacy becomes incredibly stupid and illegal action?

J said...

shouting Assclowns prevented from voting --a good thing. The ghost of James Madison would agree . As would HL Mencken (you're too stupid,pissant-tommy, to understand this so don't bother responding)

Mandating a triple digit IQ as a requirement to enter the voting booth--would keep klansmen as well as thugs and gangsters from casting votes

Joe Schmoe said...

What's hilarious to me is the counterintuitive approach. The govt. is impotent and failing, so let's fix it by keeping the same people in place for an unspecified amount of time.

If I were in a fist fight, and losing, my solution would not be to keep getting clobbered.

Quaestor said...

It sounds more like Friedman's "What if we could be China for a day?

If we could be China for a day we could shackle J to a sewing machine and be done with the hackneyed little troll.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm voting twice in the next election, J.

Have they let you out of the treatment center and into the halfway house, yet?

Quaestor said...

J wrote:
Mandating a triple digit IQ as a requirement to enter the voting booth--would keep klansmen as well as thugs and gangsters from casting votes

Finally a good suggestion from the Althouse peanut gallery! Such an ordinance would certainly keep J a safe distance from the polls, would it not?

John said...

"Mandating a triple digit IQ as a requirement to enter the voting booth--would keep klansmen as well as thugs and gangsters from casting votes"

Damn committed of you to be willing to disenfranchise yourself there J. You don't see that often. Bravo.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Whats that shouting wicca-trash?? Time to lie and make things up, peasant? You're the stoner here, like 70+...geritol tweek! Your MO white trash jew

Looks like a threat against Miss Althouse as well, perp

Andy Freeman said...

> Orzag suggests we give up our liberty and give it to experts and technocrats to run our lives for us.

As Eisenhower said in his farewell address: "Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."

J said...

Johnny the sockpuppet, Madison and Mencken are way beyond you (and the rest of the A-tards, actually). Stick to like..the Book of Mormon and Ayn Rand for dummies

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Mandating a triple digit IQ as a requirement to enter the voting booth
The Irony is Strong with this one……

Quaestor said...

Whats that shouting wicca-trash?? Time to lie and make things up, peasant?

The inevitable J pattern resolves it self once more. Next up is incoherent abuse.

wv: cocalimp - Crack makes you impotent, J.

J said...

Tweek test time A-tards. Pronto

That would keep yokels from voting as well. (got that queeerstor, trash--another sockpuppet as well)

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Whats that shouting wicca-trash?? Time to lie and make things up, peasant? You're the stoner here, like 70+...geritol tweek! Your MO white trash jew

Looks like a threat against Miss Althouse as well, perp

You’re a little late Quaestor, I can’t even tell who it’s directed at…I believe the Haldol is wearing off, rapidly.

J said...

Joejoe , the Small Pathetic jew--yr the dumbdumb here yid . You don't even have a degree, demon ,do you. Like most of the retards here

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Joejoe , the Small Pathetic jew--yr the dumbdumb here yid . You don't even have a degree, demon ,do you. Like most of the retards here
Heck I don’t even have an E-grade…

Quaestor said...

So you think you're a Menckenite, eh?
Quickly, name a prose work by Mencken, any one will do. If you take more than one minute to reply we'll know you've been to Wikipedia for the answer.

J said...

queerster, I don't use dope, klanboy. That's an Alt-tard Limbaugh mobster MO,isn't it

taking on the jewmafia---too f-ing eazy

Quaestor said...

Time's up! You're a pathetic fraud, J.

Steve Koch said...

Althouse should have some minimal requirement for behavior. If a poster relentlessly makes ad hominem attacks to derail discussions, this is the blog free speech equivalent of yelling "fire" in a theater. If the moderator never moderates, then the blog will certainly deteriorate.

It is an absolute shame to bother Althouse with something like this. We should all realize that insulting people anonymously on the internet is childish, cowardly, rude, and degrades the conversation.

J said...

Yes, even reading comments a bit beyond you, Joejoe pedo scum.

STFU, perps. Maybe you get that

Quaestor said...

Anyone who anything about H. L. Mencken knows that he was the first American writer to introduce the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche to American readers. That you couldn't quickly produce this bit of east trivia about the author you love to quote (or more properly, misquote) proves you're just another little ignoramus toady.

Michael said...

J: SanFernandoValleyHipsterDude!! Out of the gym and baiting the Jews on their high Holy Days are you.

Lightweight swine.

Quaestor said...

Correction, Anyone who knows anything.

Quaestor said...

What would J be doing in a gym, do you suppose? Ogling the bench pressers?

Michael said...

I believe J is looking to do his own weight. 450.

Quaestor said...

Of all the possible things one can do in a gymnasium, the one thing J is certainly NOT doing is reading the works of H. L. Mencken.

fivewheels said...

The difference between the right and left in a nutshell: Both sides agree there's too much politicking and not enough governing.

The right's solution: Term limits to remove the temptation of holding power from the officeholder.

The left's solution: Abolish elections to reserve power permanently for the ruling class (me).

MadisonMan said...

@ScottM, thanks. I guess I should have done a little search on the internet before asking my question. What a stupid thing to say!

Her picture on wikipedia makes me think of Florence Henderson.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


J is another Mary. (If s/he isn't literally Mary; on the Internet, no one knows your gender. Or your initials.)

Can't you please ban? Or at least reprimand?

Joanna said...

Purdue was testing the waters. (Temp check: chilly but warming up.)

Personally, I'd like to test the waters of slamming my fist in her face. (That, of course, was a joke. Or was it? Who gets to decide?)

I am so sick of the gut melting feeling that in my lifetime, I will have to literally fight to protect my country from a mortal battle with its govt.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

We are this far (see my thumb and index finger about 1/2" apart? No? Well imagine) from becoming a dictatorship.

The left wants to shred the Constitution and dispense with those pesky voters who just don't seem to understand what is in their best interests. The dummies keep voting for things that the liberals don't like. This MUST be stopped. After all who knows best. A bunch of rubes out there in fly over redneck tea party land or the uber smart liberal elites.

Don't give up your guns people. Stockpile ammo. This is going to be the only thing that will save us.

vw: mullas. seriously.

Alex said...

DBQ - stop it with the wingnuttery. I'm sure you see the black helicopters circling even now.

edutcher said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


J is another Mary. (If s/he isn't literally Mary; on the Internet, no one knows your gender. Or your initials.)

Can't you please ban? Or at least reprimand?

There's always shunning.

Automatic_Wing said...

Tell us about those E-grades again, J. That was awesome. Do you know whether a Navy Captain and an Army would have the same E-grade, or different ones? And what about those Coasties, do they use E-grades, too?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

DBQ - stop it with the wingnuttery. I'm sure you see the black helicopters circling even now.

LOL. Nah. I'm too far away from their flight path.

Our guns and ammo are to keep you guys from the cities away from us when the feces hits the oscillating mechanism. And for deer hunting.

Tarzan said...

The potty-mouth postings are most likely done in the hopes of getting your blog on the nanny-filter list.

Allowing them may give you a warm feeling of tolerance, free speech and that sort of thing, but I would strongly advise against it. Obliterate these posts, please.

I want to continue reading this blog from time to time at work, and hope my kids will read it someday from school.

Carol_Herman said...

Who cares?

If Bev Purdue thinks she has a gig for life ... she's mistaken.

AllenS said...

Whoever challenges Beverly Perdue in the next election, only has to use one sentence of this fucking idiot's thoughts.

Toad Trend said...

DBQ posted

"DBQ - stop it with the wingnuttery. I'm sure you see the black helicopters circling even now.

LOL. Nah. I'm too far away from their flight path.

Our guns and ammo are to keep you guys from the cities away from us when the feces hits the oscillating mechanism. And for deer hunting."

Right on. Libs are helpless, as evidenced by their appetite for big brother 'federal family' government. Moderates, not much better.

If things get worse it will be very evident who is self-sufficient and who is not. The left's bleatings will become more pathetic than they are now (NC gov's stupid statement). It will be the equivalent of the kids moving back in with their parents (shit, thats already happening...).

wv - merstanc

Re electing Zero would be a big merstanc...

Anonymous said...

What would J be doing in a gym, do you suppose? Ogling the bench pressers?

Sniffing the bike seats.

PaulV said...

L is a member in good standing of the party of Jim Crow, the KKK and the late kleagle Byrd-D WVA. He supports the poll tax and keeping people he disapproves of from voting. A sad homophobe.

Toad Trend said...

"What would J be doing in a gym, do you suppose? Ogling the bench pressers?"

Fitness types don't appreciate pickle-sniffers.

wv - sessess

I wish you years of sessess.

Cincinnatus said...

Democracy sure is inconvenient to the party that calls itself "Democrats".

AllenS said...


Washington (CNN) - The public's trust in the federal government has dropped to an all-time low, according to a new national survey.

Bev Purdue want to cancel the 2012 Congressional Elections.

Pragmatist said...

Well, if Rush says it it must be true. Of course the so called "drive by" media (as opposed to the Right Wing media that just spins the news)doesn't make them look dumb, they make themselves look dumb. The media, unless it is the Right Wing media, just reports it.

Cedarford said...

Coketown - "But if you're like me, you probably think the less the government "gets done," the better off the nation is. I have that in common with many displaced Chinese peasants, whose homes were submerged after China's politburo decided a giant dam was desirable."

A fine John Galt world! No dang gummint! Let the bankers and Wall Streeters rule as the great Freedom Lovers. Robber Barons! Give them the freedom to fire any ungrateful worker that tries to organize off their private property! Gumint taken land and such from hero freedom loving private property owners to build dam and irrigation projects when No Price was high enough to get them to move off soil their ancestors were buried on.

No Agriculture in the SW if no Hoover or Grand Coulee Dams, No TVA. No Fascistic Eisenhower trammeling the sacred property rights of anyone to build his dang Nazi-based interstate highway system.

In short, an end to the America that worked in the past as well as the Chinese system is now working for collective betterment of the people. When government is more aligned with the people vs. the Owner classes, but still benefiting the Owner classes as it works for the collective good - that was when America and China substantially advanced.

David R. Graham said...

So many here believed at first the pitch that she was joking, mostly because they assumed no elected official would be so stupid as to say such a thing.

Boy, rubes live on one way or another! It wasn't a stupid thing to say. Her audience concurred or considered it a viable possibility, and moreover a desirable one.

Orzag is saying the same thing in different terms. Too much democracy, he says, pointing at Congress as the block on progress. Perdue too fingers Congress. Of course they paint the same target.

This is a progressive wing of the Democratic Party meme. They're running it by their associates. It's been on their minds for years and they're field testing its viability now through Perdue and Orzag and doubtless others more privately.

These people want very much to suspend congressional elections, because they do not want to lose the Senate. Their wish to suspend says they calculate they will. The Senate is their concern here and now and suspending elections saves their control of it.

After the 2010 congressional elections, the next time they hold both House and Senate, if there is a next time, they will have learned their lesson and will want to suspend congressional elections forthwith to sustain their control of both houses. Suspending now, at least they can keep the Senate.

So far they do not want to suspend presidential elections because they calculate they have that won. If they calculate they don't, they will pitch suspending presidential elections. Very simple.

This clique, this progressive monopoly that hag rides the country really is power hungry and they really are willing to do anything to keep it, to stay in position. They are deadly serious about suspending elections they can't figure out how to win. They operate in a morality-free, Constitution-free world and they are serious about that. Their scandals show it poignantly.

I am astonished so many here believed the pitch that she was joking, at least until they heard the tape or read what others heard. It means many, many remain in torpor regarding what these people intend even when they say it straight out, as this governor in NC did. Astonished and not a little depressed. After all this time still thinking the personalities and plans that populate that monopoly can't really mean what they say. That's stupid.

X said...

I wonder what country she thinks the politicians will live in if they suspend elections?

Quaestor said...

Her audience concurred or considered it a viable possibility, and moreover a desirable one.

Pardue's audience was a Rotary Club in Cary, NC. In case you're not aware Cary is a bedroom suburb of Raleigh and has one of the highest per capita incomes in the South. It is almost entirely inhabited by high-ranking state government bureaucrats and tenured academics, a friendly venue for floating treasonous ideas.

wv: materser - Mom's mistake.

Quaestor said...

I wonder what country she thinks the politicians will live in if they suspend elections?

Cuba might take them in for a small honorarium.

wv: inhaddin - central character of the tale of the Wonderous Clamp

Hoosier Daddy said...

Isn't it funny how fascism always seems to be descending on the GOP but lands on Democrats?

Cedarford said...

cubanbob - "A question for Ann, why does she tolerate such anti-semites as J and C4 along with their homophobia but she probably would not allow anywhere near that if the venom was directed at blacks?

A question for you, if you can hear with your head shoved so far up Zionist ass...
Would you also support a ban on criticizing members of other religions for their activities? Like Islam, the religion of peace? The Muslims are smart enough to see how successful the Jews were in stigmatizing any criticism of them or their lands abroad - in America as intolerant and bigoted. And logically demand the same "immunity from scrutiny" and the 'right of Muslims and Leftists to support the lands of the Ummah, even at the expense of vital American interests".

1. Why shouldn't Muslims also be on your "imunity from criticism list"? Islam is smeared daily from association with oil wealth...just as Jews were in the 19th and early Century by association with international banking and communist machinations. Why do Jews deserve diffferent criteria?

2. Muslims and Chicommies and Russians all suffered grievously. Was it a mistake for America to ignore their (endlessly) well-documented tales of woe and suffering and disparage them from time to time. Bigotry and hatred for not paying homage and deference to their great victimhood? Like you feel the Jews are entitled to??

3. Why is it that people like you ignore the rest of the world long went past the US in looking at the Middle East, Israel, and involvement of various groups in scandal with a more balanced approach than the US? Why is every other nation prepared to vote for Palestinian Statehood. Is it because the entire rest of the world is bigoted and hateful towards the ever-entitled Jews and Israel? Or is it because the US alone is the only nation now subject to heavy Jewish influence and suppression of opinions jews dislike? Perhaps as well, is it because the US alone has a breed of evangelical Christian called a "Christian Zionist" that believes in a religious duty to do as Israel wants, even if it harms American interests??

If you, Cubanbob, believe no member of a different religious group or atheist, no nation of a different religious groups or atheist and sorely persecuted in the past should ever be criticized in order to be consistent with you belief about persecuted Jews - fine. Shut up about Cuba, shut up with any negative comments about China and various Muslim factions and nations.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Perhaps the issue is that people on the left frequently think about the suspension of elections.

I'm quite confident they have re-education camps running a close second.

The Dude said...

Bev Perdon't, brought to you by the same commie democrats who foisted Senator John Edwards on you. When you need a stupid, drug addled joker-clone, call on Bev - she will always answer.

I understand her campaign is being investigated - doesn't surprise me, our last dem governor was a criminal, too.

Now if only we could gerrymander away David Price, we could actually start cleaning up this dump.

The Dude said...

Quaestor, Cary stands for "Containment Area for Relocated Y*nkees". And it is. Sadly, they, like a plague, are spreading. NC is now NJ lite.

mtrobertsattorney said...

Bev Purdue's idea ties in with what I observed during a recent visit to Madison where I attended a public seminar on the future of democracy offered by the UW Department of Sociology.

The seminar was conducted by a guest professor from Germany. During a Q and A session, a UW professor pointed out that thoughtful progressives of the left are coming to the realization that even if a committed progressive gets elected president and his left wing party controls both houses of Congress, entrenched institutional barriers operate to prevent any real social change. He was, of course, referring to the Constitution. The professor pointed out that many on the left believe that if there is to be any positive and significant change in this country, the obstruction and resistence created by the Constitution will have to be dealt with. A number of those in attendance (who appeared to be graduate students) shook their heads in agreement.

The guest professor appeared to be appalled at this suggestion.

Ned said...

"I've been assuming she had to be joking, since it's such an incredibly stupid thing "

You know I feel the same way when I hear the SCOAMF but nope...he's serious!

Blue@9 said...

The Left is somewhat obsessed with this nonsense. I remember back in the Bush years the Lefty message boards would light up in the months leading up to elections with the claim that Bush would fake a terrorist incident and cancel elections. I thought it was just deranged paranoia, but likely it was just projection.

J said...

"Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good." H. L. Mencken

HL realized the dangers posed by populists, aka teabuggers a few decades ago

DADvocate said...

No surprise that this suggestion came from a left wing Democrat. The group that complained Bush would find a way to declare martial law and do away with elections. Ironic how the Democrats are anti-democratic.

DADvocate said...

HL realized the dangers posed by populists, aka teabuggers a few decades ago

I'm more concerned about the left wing, Democrat fascist totalitarians we have currently, not your imaginary ponderings of someone a few decades ago.

Have you considered Christian based counseling? It would do you a world (and Heaven) of good.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Franklin said...

As Ann Coulter says: whatever the Left is accusing you of doing is what they actually plan to do.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exhelodrvr1 said...

Just calmly, rationally vote for her.

Crimso said...

"The guest professor appeared to be appalled at this suggestion."

Probably because he was familiar with what happened in his country when the entrenched institutional barriers were circumvented in order to permit real social change.

The problem with the sociology crowd is that they appear to be woefully ignorant of very well-documented history.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ralph L said...

Bev helped elect the first Republican NC legislature since Reconstruction. I can't imagine she wants to be stuck with them if she manages to be re-elected.

J said...

No,Sorepaw AKA Bubba the LDS sockpuppet, it's another name you had to google for hours. Then since you flunked out of Casa Grande in your first year of nursing program---intro to bedpan changing was about the only thing you ever learned. And maybe..Subluxation! and the Book of Mormon

DAD--sockpuppet (probably the same dimwit). We'll see. Yr games are about over. Hey how's Barbara doing?

J said...

sorepunk--not that you would understand, aka Nursey yidronius, since that was your very first reading of Mencken's bio. Now defending FDR eh, phony? It was MittRomney or was it Perry an hour ago. Yr too confused to be online, chandala

J said...

Now don't try to suck up to Cedarford, sorepaw the LDS-zionist punk (and Demo--lets see, Abbie Hoffman ringa bell? yr avatar on DU). THose days are gone, for you trash

Quaestor said...

"Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good."

Earlier I challenged J to name one book or essay written by Mencken, just one off the top of his head as a test of his knowledge of the famous Baltimore cynic, seeing as he has lately taken to leaning on Mencken as some kind of prop for his laughable opinions. (Opinions?! Hell, it's generous of me to credit J's schizoid rants as opinions. Mewlings are more accurate) After five hours, doubtless spent Googling "famous Mencken quotes", the above quote is what he's produced.

Hey, J! Look up "poseur" next time. Γνῶθι σεαυτόν.

DADvocate said...

J - Catholic Social Services has excellent counseling centers in virtually every medium and larger size city. Check out some of these self-administered mental health tests. You might find them enlightening.

traditionalguy said...

Now Bev is a chicken heiress instead of an Engineer from Indiana.

David R. Graham said...

"Pardue's audience was a Rotary Club in Cary, NC."

Yes, than which a more self-serving collection of alphas would be difficult to assemble.

David R. Graham said...

"The problem with the sociology crowd is that they appear to be woefully ignorant of very well-documented history."

How about "straight up insane"?

Gary Rosen said...

"Now don't try to suck up to Cedarford"

How could he? There is no room in between J and C-fudd.

Gary Rosen said...

"Why is every other nation prepared to vote for Palestinian Statehood"

Bolshevik C-fudd, the champion of non-white anti-American leftwing regimes the world over. I always knew he was a self-hating Joooo.

Gary Rosen said...

" Islam is smeared daily from association with oil wealth..."

Well, there's also that funny little habit they have of flying planes into buildings that C-fudd gets his kicks out of.

Gary Rosen said...

"The Muslims are smart enough"

Well, maybe not *that* smart

Jack said...

To a Democrat/Progressive like the NC Gov, the "living" constitution is there to support the rightness and virtue of their world view. This is only a small logical step on the long march to Alinsky Nirvana.

Carnifex said...

@J Why so much venom? You have to realize that people reading your posts are going to dismiss you as a nut job. Regardless, you advanced no argument, other than argument for arguments sake.

@Cedarford There are billions of decent Muslims on this planet who allow too many fellow Muslims to commit atrocities. If you were to ask them why. its because there is no good or bad Islam, there is only Islam. And Islam, as a religion, promotes some of the most heinous behavior ever by man, slavery, torture, know the list.

As far as the UN, that they allow dictators to head up their human rights panel sez all you need to know about them.

For everyone else...this penchant for tyranny is a hallmark of "Liberal Progressivism" since the days of Woodrow Wilson. I can live with old school liberals, I can live with old school conservatives. I cannot bare progressives of any stripe.

From her allowance of such free weilding discussion on this board, I imagine Prof. Althouse to be an old school liberal. In fact, when I started reading this site I assumed the professor was a conservative. Since this is one of the few sites I do peruse daily, that should be taken as a compliment from this old "Rethuglican"

PS I can't stand a majority of the Rep.s in office. TEA! Ohh! if Dem.s had any sense they would realize that tea party people "take out" (not a threat) more Rep.s than they do Dem.s

Erik Robert Nelson said...

I hoped, rather than believed, her to be joking. But I suspected that she wasn't. I figured the audio would come out eventually.

You have to wonder what she was thinking. First, she had to actually have the thought and take it seriously. Second, she had to believe somehow that the thought wasn't a half step from crazy.

If that sort of fascism is really rearing its head among mainstream Democrats, we've got a serious problem on our hands.

X said...

Perdue's comments are unacceptable. She needs to go. Now. Non-negotiable. Hard way, easy way, I don't care. She's unfit to hold elective office. She has to go.

Methadras said...

Of course she wasn't joking. This is how leftards operate. Why are any of you shocked? Constitution? What Constitution? They believe they can fabricate law out of whole cloth and make you like it.

Steve Koch said...

Perdue is up for reelection next year. Rather than force her out of office now, wouldn't it be smarter for the GOP to defeat her in the 2012 election?

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