৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

The Brooklyn police officer "pointed at my outfit and said, 'Don't you think your shorts are a little short?'"

"He also stopped two other women wearing dresses... pointed at their dresses and said they were showing a lot of skin."
He said that such clothing could make the suspect think he had "easy access".... She said the officer explained that "you're exactly the kind of girl this guy is targeting."...
Flashback to the Canadian cop who caught hell and sparked the Slutwalk movement. He said, you may remember: "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised."

You'd think by now the cops would have figured out how to broach this touchy subject. Look at this response from the woman quoted at the first link: "I can't wear shorts? Besides the fact that I wasn't wearing anything that was inappropriate or provocative…. I don't think that should be part of the problem. At all." Of course, she's right, but the annals of crime are full of innocent victims. The cops would like to encourage people to defend against crime, but advice from an authority figure feels like a restriction of your freedom... which the police know and use to control people.

৯৮টি মন্তব্য:

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

The problem here is that the criminal isn't probably a feminist.

So, he doesn't know that feminist theory states that rape is all about power, not sexual arousal.

So, the dumb bastard is going around raping women he finds attractive.

How stupid can you get?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ms. Althouse's view on shorts on men are well known to readers of this blog. Less well known are her views on women in shorts. They would be...?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Yes. We all agree that women should be able to wear what they want.

And have sex with who they want.

And say 'no' at any time, and have it mean no.

So, now that we're all in agreement, what-da-ya say we talk about how to keep from being raped by a heartless criminals.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

That's like a a scorched earth policy towards the rapists. There will be no attractive women left behind for the rapists when police force retreats before the onslaught.

Then there is the method used in the Jody Foster movie, The Brave One.

Let the women keep showing their attractive dress and repeal the ban on guns that has created the mess in the first place.

Rob বলেছেন...

Short shorts + open carry = problem solved.

Not an option here in Canada unfortunately.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Less well known are her views on women in shorts. They would be...?

I'd be more interested in Trooper's or Meade's opinion on that.

Methadras বলেছেন...

I want to know when cops thought that they become the physical arm of the law that they could use that position to abscond peoples liberties via harrassment and why they are allowed to always get away with it. If a cop said that to my wife or girlfriend, shit would not be pretty.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I am continuously amused to see women assuming that criminals are obliged to follow female fashion trends and are barred from using these trends as indicators of soft targets. My approach to the problem is to teach each of my five daughters to shoot and buy each of them a gun.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

This shit is so funny, because I was just as stupid as these women 35 years ago.

I thought that Brooklyn should change to fit my hippie ideals that I had developed in college and elaborated upon in San Francisco.

Surprise! Brooklyn doesn't give a shit about your hip idealism or your feminism!

Here's your choice, girls. Adapt to Brooklyn or get the hell out. And, forcing Brooklyn to change to conform to your high minded ideals is not an option.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

However, if you prefer to be raped and murdered, rather than conform to the reality of Brooklyn...

Be my guest.

Scott M বলেছেন...

but the annals of crime are full of innocent victims

There are many innocent annals that are full because of crime.

Crimso বলেছেন...

An armed society is a scantily-clad society.

Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

"Boy that salami and peanut butter you have in your tent is a really bad idea..."

Warning of a park ranger, Katmai National Park, to Timmothy Treadwell, October 2003.

Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

Common sense people, common sense.

Althouse may like short skirts, but even she criticizes shorts.

Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

NYC should also let ladies defend themselves. Why shouldn't they have carry permits and weapons?

Lyle বলেছেন...

I like short shorts. They and the legs sticking out of them are enjoyable to look at.

edutcher বলেছেন...

Shout is right. And it's a female thing. They want a nice, theoretical world where everything works according to The Rules.

I'm forever telling The Blonde to be a little more defensive in her driving and she keeps saying, "But I've got the right of way", and I always answer that she can tell the EMTs that after she's been broadsided.

In the immortal words of Boris Badenov, "She gives me 'couldn't be', he gives me 'is'".

Surfed said...

Ms. Althouse's view on shorts on men are well known to readers of this blog. Less well known are her views on women in shorts. They would be...?

Well, since we've never seen her legs...

frank বলেছেন...

God, affirmative action, diversity and feminism did not make men and women equal, Smith & Wesson did. Thank the Gov and Legislature for allowing women to "Take back the Night" when the criminal 'pulls his tool' women can 'pull their tool'. No Madison man with a mens rea can handle 6 strong rational random Madison women. It will take 1 or 2 cases for the risk/reward idea to sink in. Just like there will be no 'flash mobs' at next year's WI State Fair, smile.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Close, Rob. You also need pro-self defense laws that let you shoot the rapist before he actually rapes you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

'Jessica Silk, one of Safe Slope's founders, called such interaction with police "completely inappropriate."'

I guess Jessica would rather that women be raped, than that they be told things she doesn't like.

"Feminist": Someone who thinks women are too weak to handle reality.

aronamos বলেছেন...

In fact, women should be draped head to toe in dull colors, and be accompanied by their closest male relative, lest their femaleness cause men to sin, amiright?

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

The proper response to the question would be No, and then you move on.

Presumably, the perps are turned on before they attack a woman. I wait in vain, I suppose, for the Police to accost men that they think look aroused and ask Don't you think you're a little too tumescent?

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Yes, I see your point, aronamos.

The entire world should probably be fixed so that it conforms to feminist ideals. Brooklyn, in particularly, should be fixed as soon as possible.

Relatively easy.

Peano বলেছেন...

Once again, feminism ill-serves women. What a shock.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

You'd think by now the cops would have figured out how to broach this touchy subject.

You'd think by now women would have figured out how to accept reality. They found a decapitated man in northern Kentucky this morning. They believe he was killed for his jewelry. (Guess they had a hard time getting off his necklace.)

Obviously, it's your right to wear jewelry. But, if you flash jewelry, money, drive a Vette, etc, you're more likely to be a crime victim.

prairie wind বলেছেন...

The cop should be telling these women what they think the perps are looking for. "So far, all the victims were wearing short shorts and short skirts." That is information I could use. If he followed up the info with a simple, "Be careful out there," I would probably tell him thank you.

Questioning what I wear gives me the message, "you're asking for it." Feminism has nothing to do with this. Assuming women will make better decisions based on good information...that's good practice.

Shanna বলেছেন...

Officers are not telling women what not to wear—there's a TV series that does that

Ha! You know the department thought this was an awfully clever statement to make.

I think in these cases, if they are talking about what profile the guy is targeting, this makes total sense. If they framed it as needing to wear shoes you could run in, that would make sense. It would be unnerving to have a cop approach you on the street and tell you your skirt is too short, though, so I understand why some of the women were miffed, but they need to get over it.

prairie wind বলেছেন...

You'd think by now women would have figured out how to accept reality. They found a decapitated man in northern Kentucky this morning. They believe he was killed for his jewelry.

Did you mean to connect those two points? That women should accept reality and a man was found murdered? You left out the connection. Can we stop pretending that only women are victims of crime? I know that some of you are enjoying the chance it gives you to bash feminists but if a woman fought back with a gun, you'd love that kind of feminism.

After a rash of muggings, cops don't go around stopping men to tell them they should wear different clothing--"tucking in your shirt lets the perp see that you're carrying a wallet." They assume that men will protect themselves. Lets do that for the women, shall we?

ic বলেছেন...

Streetwalkers walk in their short-shorts, presumably to entice their customers. Does it mean short-shorts entice men?

Women have the rights to wear whatever they want and not be molested. Unfortunately rapists don't care about their rights.

raf বলেছেন...

If we don't assume the criminals are rational, liberal gentlemen, but instead take the position that they are mindless animals, then actions which avoid triggering their mindless reactions are just common sense.

We have all learned that running away from a Grizzly is provocation and the Grizzly's understandable pursuit is not its fault. Maybe looking weak and feminine in a different wilderness is also a provocation. Yes, you have the "right," but maybe there are times and places it is wiser not to exercise your rights.

raf বলেছেন...

And, yes, universal armament might be a solution.

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Did you mean to connect those two points? That women should accept reality and a man was found murdered? You left out the connection.

The connections there. If you can't see it you're dense.

1)Criminals and such are more likely to attack when they see something they want.

2)An immodestly dressed women is showing more of what men, of whon some are criminals, want. A man flashing jewelry is also showing something criminals want.

3)Accept reality that your appearance affects how you are perceived and how people act towards you, good and bad. Crime fighters of all sorts teach this. If you want to wear jewelry or a short skirt, do so. Just accept that sometimes there are negative consequences rather than attack the person pointing that out to you.

coketown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
coketown বলেছেন...

Has anyone done a study looking at fashion in the context of rape? As in: aggregate pictures of rape victims, consider what they wore at the time of the attack, put their outfit on a scale of 1 through 10 of sluttiness (we could even have the outfits put online for the viewing public to vote on and rate. "On a scale of 1 through 10, with 1 being Quaker and 10 being total whore, how would you rate this outfit? Would you be more likely, somewhat likely, less likely, or not at all likely to rape a person in this outfit?"), and either prove or disprove the notion that dressing like a high class skank makes one a more appealing target for rapists.

coketown বলেছেন...

Oh, and whatever happened to that movement in New York City to ban catcalls? Did that go nowhere like everyone predicted? Seems so. Unless they renamed the organization, "Coalition to Amend the First Amendment."

Moose বলেছেন...

OMG - this is quite rank. I mean, the cop is not calling them sluts, not alleging they're loose. He's just, awkwardly, trying to protect them. Lets all take it out of context and pile on, shall we?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Oh grow up, chicas. You're gonna hear it from your dad, your mom, and every other adult who takes an interest in ensuring your safety. You're gonna hear it from the time you're 13, until you finally figure it out, or are dead at the hands of an evil predator. There is relentless remorseless evil in this world, and you have to protect yourself.

When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you do good. For women, good, sharp-looking fashion involves a heaping helping of mystery. You wanna turn heads, while demonstrating your fierce competence? I suggest layers, colors, and mystery. She who gets out of the house with the least amount of clothes on, is not the winner, but instead the future police statistic and family tragedy.

And parents, if you are not sending your daughter back to change into something more appropriate, over her tears and shrieking and accusations and protests, then you are a willful lazy failure as a parent. You must wear her scorn as a badge of honor.

george বলেছেন...

If he was worried for their safety he should have advised them to get a gun. Two more inches of material isn't going to stop any rapist worth his salt.

But a 1/2" of lead is an entirely different story.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And if you're wearing layers, you've got a place to hide Samuel Colt's equalizer.

Otherwise, you have to go everywhere with a group of your girlfriends, or be escorted by your beau of the day. And where's the Liberty in that? You might as well be a Muslim woman wearing the chador and abaya and niqab and all that medieval crap.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Nafi Diallo was in her maid's uniform. She had on TWO PAIRS of panty hose. One on top of the other. Plus, underpants.

The rich naked guy in the room thought he was entitled because the hotel was charging $5000 a night. (For a room, per the DA, that had carpeting and wallpaper floating in ejaculate.) Which, like the bed bugs, was not the maid's problem.

Alas, she claimed more deductions on her taxes than she was entitled to. And, so the DA said she was a lousy witness. And, the rich guy ... who never even faced a line up ... because he was arrested by the publicity hungry DA ... long before the woman's legs came out of the stirrups in the hospital rape examination room ...

But it just shows ya how easy it is to ruin a woman's reputation.

And, what she goes through in our court system.

Go ahead. Blame the cop.

I blame the sticking court system. And, the ripoff artists lawyers have become.

Maybe? Better advice to women would come from Glenn Reynolds. He'd tell them to CONCEAL CARRY A GUN.

Where could they "pack heat" if their skirts were short? Under a vest bolero. With the gun near their armpit. The perp wouldn't know a thing. He'd be concentrating on his erection.

He could die erect. And, the undertaker could charge extra for a coffin he could then nail shut.

But sure. Women can be victimized ... even if they're wearing pants. If the perp thinks SURPRISE, SURPRISE ... he can lift them up in a hurry ... and carry them to a dark spot.

With the surprise also comes a problem of identification. Since the perp can kill ya ...

Which means you could have the advantage of your own SURPRISE ... if you CONCEAL CARRY.

Not good enough? Carry pepper spray on your key chain.

And, also remember to SCREAM AS LOUD AS YOU CAN!

Then, "bang, bang." My favorite.

Triangle Man বলেছেন...

How would he know what a rapist wants? Is he projecting his own desires? Is cautioning women about their wardrobe part of his training? I would like to see the Department's protocol for that scenario.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Obviously, it's your right to wear jewelry. But, if you flash jewelry, money, drive a Vette, etc, you're more likely to be a crime victim.

When gold got to $1600 I realized that I was wearing a LOT of money on my person. I have one ring of gold nuggets with a ruby on it that probably weighs at least 3 ounces, 2 oz of which are the solid gold nuggets. At least $4000 on one finger. Lots of other gold and diamond and precious stones, vintage and antique jewelry that I've worn without much thought for years. Just family heirlooms and stuff I've had for decades.

Going to Reno NV I realized that I was a walking advertisement for someone to rob me as I wandered around the casinos......and it all went into the safe deposit box.

Is it my right to flash my jewelry. Sure. Depending on the area that I am at it may be perfectly safe....or not If I want to take the chance of being robbed I'll keep wearing thousands of dollars of jewelry everywhere I go.

Is it your right to flash your tits or ass. Sure. However, depending on where you are, it may or may not be safe.

Women (and men) need to be smart and aware. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

Common sense people. Dust Bunny Queen is spot on.

Lucius বলেছেন...

I really do try and understand women's perspective on their clothing choices; that they don't dress to entice and provoke men, no, they dress to impress other women.

Men's reactions are just completely collateral, unanticipated.

But why is it some women dress like streetwalkers to impress other women?

Robert বলেছেন...

If women want to be safe, they should strive to look as much like Amy Goodman of Democracy Now as is possible.

David বলেছেন...

The German army raped millions of Russian peasant women. The Russian army raped millions of Polish and German peasant women.

If only those foolish peasants had dressed more modestly . . . . .

Pettifogger বলেছেন...

I strongly concur with enlightened opinion that provocative clothing is not a legal justification for rape. I further concur that it is unfair for women to have to worry about the practical consequences of their dress.

But while a practical need to be mindful of one's dress is probably not the most serious unfairness they will encounter in their lives, the practical consequences of disregarding that need may be among the most serious.

Regardless how the victims are dressed, I'm happy for all rapists to be put away for a long time. But if it's my daughter, I'm going to advise her to think about how she dresses.

jeff বলেছেন...

"How would he know what a rapist wants? Is he projecting his own desires? Is cautioning women about their wardrobe part of his training?"

I've been told its not a good idea to walk downtown with $20 bills hanging out of my pockets in the middle of the night, but now I wonder. How would the cop know money is what a robber wants? Sometimes they take jewelry. Was the cop projecting his own desire for money? Is advising someone how to handle their own money part of his training?

Banshee বলেছেন...

I thought you were going to say that the cop told them to carry Mace and a gun. "Don't you think you're a little unarmed?" would seem to be more to the point.

jeff বলেছেন...

"The German army raped millions of Russian peasant women. The Russian army raped millions of Polish and German peasant women."

Ah, I see the problem. You are somehow under the impression that the German and Russian army is in Brooklyn raping women. That would be incorrect. Always happy to help.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

When militaries rape peasant women ... it's GANG RAPING!

Here a cop told a woman that maybe only cops know?

They know this because they are called in to scrape dead women off the floor. And, they write up reports. (Heavens to betsy if the clothing that's left looks a bit short of modesty.) What do you want this guy to write i his report?

Well, there's always Tubbs. He does stick figures.

Cop just alerted these two gals to what could happen if a perp (who is very aware of women who can't defend themselves) ... sees a woman advertising that she's rather short. Is not wearing racing shoes. And, has a skirt on that's so short ... the cloth won't get in the way ... if he lifts her over his shoulder ... and runs into the woods.

You didn't know that rapes occur in places not chosen by the women? They don't walk into these scenes are their own steam.

Maybe, the cop should have prefaced his statedment:

"I'm not allowed to comment. But if you don't take down my name and badge number ... I can tell you that sometimes perps are turned out by women who fit a certain "profile."

What's the profile, you ask?

Gee. I can't say. It's against the law. And, "I [the cop] can lose my job if I tell ya."

Oh, while you're at it ... don't wear gold jewelry either. Anything that's easy to steal, will be.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Okay. Let's say the woman identifies the perp.

My mom once had a hold up in her store. And, she managed to discover that the kid was known by some of her customers. So she aided the police department in identifying him.

(Among the things he took, was to ask her to drop her engagement ring into the paper sack he provided to her, to use at her cash register.)

Picked up, my mom had to show up at night court. She asked me to accompany her.

The kid's parents hired an expensive lawyer. He showed up in court nicely dressed. And, with a fresh haircut. And, his hair parted the other way. (The other side.)

LUCKILY ... he had a ZIT on his chin! (Afterward, my mom said that it was ONLY the zit that she recognized. Because his lawyer sure dressed him for court to look different than he did when he held the gun to her head.)

So, a deal was cut.

The kid's lawyer went to the fence. And, got my mom's engagement ring back. In exchange for her lowering the charges ... so the felony got wiped away.

And, my mom agreed.

But what an experience! If you identify the perp, remember this. He knows where you live!

The cop's advice was good advice. No one is forcing anyone else to listen to it.

But it would be a real pity if the cop got in trouble! Feminism can't get crazier than this. (OR MORE DISLIKED!)

Paul বলেছেন...

So tell me gang, if a cop comes up to you and says, "that gold you are wearing might very well attract this bandit we are after as he seems to attack people who wear such." Now is that insulting? Is that demeaning? No?

Well the cops in NY were warning the women the rapist they are looking for tents to target such.

Now in NY you can't pack a gun legally to protect yourself so I'd listen to their warnings, but here in Texas women can pack a roscoe and thus they can wear whatever they want!

ricpic বলেছেন...

As Moose pointed out, the cop was just trying to protect these women. It's the defining male trait. And it's there for a reason. Why trash it, ladies?

Titus বলেছেন...

I want to see the girl in the shorts.

Women in my hood wear really really short shorts and skirts that are really high but I like it. Their beaves are always waxed. I try to find some pubes but nothing. I commend them.


Cedarford বলেছেন...

aronamos said...
In fact, women should be draped head to toe in dull colors, and be accompanied by their closest male relative, lest their femaleness cause men to sin, amiright?

Say what you want, but the Muslims have devised a system where very, very few of their women get raped. (As opposed to drunken black or white sluts empowered enough to be on their own out late at night on a strange street or hopping a ride with three excitind new tough guys she just met at the Club)

Of course, while Muslims quite effectively safequard their women, it is also because they fear for their wives ot daughters lives.

Because if one gets raped or even befouls herself with sex with a non-Muslim - they have to consider killing her to save the family honor.

Titus বলেছেন...

I believe bras should be outlawed as well.

Let freedom ring.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Fred4Pres said...
"Boy that salami and peanut butter you have in your tent is a really bad idea..."

Warning of a park ranger, Katmai National Park, to Timmothy Treadwell, October 2003.

That was great, Fred4!
Guaranteed to elicit feminist sputtering and fury!

"How DARE you compare sensible precauions against hungry grizzlies with the RIGHT of every woman to act and dress as they please and not be raped!!"

Grizzlies don't care about campers rights not to have their persons or stuff touched, neither do rapists with respect to "empowered women out on the town".

DADvocate বলেছেন...

You are somehow under the impression that the German and Russian army is in Brooklyn raping women. That would be incorrect.

Roman legions maybe? Don't forget the Rape of the Sabines.

Why is there always some idiot like David saying something incredibly obtuse and thinking he's making a point?

DADvocate বলেছেন...

To get a little factual, you see lots of "dress doesn't cause rape" stuff. Of course, in today's world much research is tainted by political correctness. (Oh my, did I use the word "taint?") Here's an article from a reputable source that says dress may well affect the odds of being raped.

Excerpts: Feild (1978) found that convicted rapists endorsed the view that victims precipitate (i.e., cause) rape through their appearance or behavior.

Because some men are confused about women's sexual consent cues (Holcomb, Holcomb, Sondag, & Williams, 1991), how a woman dresses may be misinterpreted as a cue to her willingness to have sex (Cassidy & Hurrell, 1995). Misinterpretation of sexual consent has potential to result in date rape (Cassidy & Hurrell, 1995; Muehlenhard, 1988; Muehlenhard & Hollabaugh, 1988; Muehlenhard & Linton, 1987).

Ironically, I've read that most men (the normal ones I assume because I fall into this category) are repulsed by a woman who dresses to provocatively or is over exposed. The Skank Factor, I believe. OK to watch but don't want to touch.

Revenant বলেছেন...

What the cop is saying is "if you dressed more conservatively, it would make my job easier".

To which I say, "if you want an easier job, Starbucks is always hiring".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

When a cop's job is easier, it means they're catching more perps, and keeping you safer.

To a point. Within the constraint of the enumerated powers the We the People have granted them.)

Automatic_Wing বলেছেন...

Say what you want, but the Muslims have devised a system where very, very few of their women get raped.

The key words here being their women. The Filipina and Indonesian household help is another story.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

When a cop's job is easier, it means they're catching more perps, deterring more crime, and keeping you safer.

(To a point. Within the constraint of the enumerated powers that We the People have granted them.)

David বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
DADvocate বলেছেন...

One of the other ironies of this sort of thing is that, while feminism protested women being treated as sex objects, woman are sex objects more than ever in U.S. history.

This leads to an interesting conclusion by one writer.

I am led to a conclusion I don’t like. That is: Sexual equality is unstable. If women can’t buy marriage with sex, they’ll have to bid submission instead. This tactic also combines well with hypergamic desire – if the mean social power of men is automatically higher than that of women, more potential pairings constitute marrying up.

I don’t have a submissive wife and never wanted one. I like strong and independent women. It therefore horrifies me to reach the conclusion that sexually repressive patriarchies may after all be a better deal for most womens’ reproductive success than the relative equality they have now is. But that’s where the logic leads.

Essentially, feminism is a philosophy that damages the women that follow it.

The Scythian বলেছেন...

"In fact, women should be draped head to toe in dull colors, and be accompanied by their closest male relative, lest their femaleness cause men to sin, amiright?"

Cute, but stupid.

When I lived in Brooklyn, I saw cops warning college kids about pulling out their money, laptops, or iPods in public.

Oh no! The cops didn't want those poor kids to carry money around! They wanted them to eat out of trash cans instead of buying lunch!

Stranger rapists choose their victims based on certain factors. It is unfortunate that the accessibility offered by skirts happens to be one of those factors, but it is what it is.

Sorry, life isn't fair that way.

Titus বলেছেন...

I wish women wore tops like they did back in the old days where their tits were pointy.

Pointy Tits.

Revenant বলেছেন...

When a cop's job is easier, it means they're catching more perps, deterring more crime, and keeping you safer.

Not really applicable here, as the way the cop's job would be made easier in this case is that there would supposedly be fewer rapists.

Revenant বলেছেন...

When I lived in Brooklyn, I saw cops warning college kids about pulling out their money, laptops, or iPods in public.

The Brooklyn police are, of course, also opposed to letting law-abiding people carry weapons to defend themselves.

Their official position is basically "we like you easy to victimize, but don't attract too much attention -- we hate the paperwork that accompanies a robbery".

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

I'd bet this was an older cop, too.

Who took his job seriously.

And, yes. It's a good idea not to pull a wad of money out in public.

But, of course, if a kid has an "attitude" ... then let life catch up with 'em.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Count yourself lucky IF you haven't been mugged!

And, remember if a cop comes over to give you a good tip about your safety ... don't grow a nasty attitude.

Bad crap happens without warning!

And, ya know what? Some rapists like it if they can wrap your boyfriend up in duck tape ... so he can "watch."

Oh, yeah. Some criminals stake out an ATM machine.

So, it's not so smart to take money out of them after dark.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

The cop knows that there are easy ways to teach lessons.

And, then there are the hard ways.

Wince বলেছেন...

"Who wears short shorts?"

Synova বলেছেন...

"...the annals of crime are full of innocent victims."

I will probably steal this.

If you didn't want it stolen, you wouldn't have written such a pithy observation.


It's like the human-eating bear thing, isn't it? There are predators out there. Chances are you won't meet one, but if you do your best bet is to not act like prey.

It's like the joke... you don't have to run faster than the bear, you only have to run faster than the slowest person with you.

Avoiding the human predator takes having one less check-point on whatever scale the predator uses to single out prey.

frank বলেছেন...

Titus said...
I wish women wore tops like they did back in the old days where their tits were pointy.

Pointy Tits.

9/30/11 7:50 PM

wv: anntitus, a new std virus. main route of transmission is in cyber sex blog posts. results in roflmao, rarely fatal.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Lucky he didn't suggest not running with scissors. I know that would piss off somebody.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Does anyone ever just say: "Thank you, I guess you're right"? Especially when someone is trying to save your life. The cop knows he's risking a backlash, and cared enough to try anyway.

At least that's one way to look at it, and doing so is your option. Wouldn't that make the encounter with the cop a positive experience, improve your mood, your day, and your appreciation of human nature, just for that short moment of open mindedness?

I guess victim-hood is just too irresistible for some people. Too bad for them, and the people they meet every. fucking. day.

Trooper York বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Gary Rosen বলেছেন...

"the Muslims have devised a system where very, very few of their women get raped."

Yeah, women really have it peachy-keen in Muslim countries, what with the honor killings and everything. Fudd is jim-dandy with that, as long as he knows da Jooos aren't getting any.

AlanKH বলেছেন...

Short shorts + open carry = problem solved.

Oh yeah.

flicka47 বলেছেন...

Oh my!
So, (and I'll admit I sure don't have this "problem")just what do you guys suggest for the gal that would still look "sexy" in a sack?

I know several ladies that even if they were dressed in a neck-to-ankles outfit are still going to turn the heads of at least 95% of the men that see them. Most men are not going to rape them,no matter what. I seriously doubt the deviants that are going to commit rape care...

Now I have no idea if these gals looked "slutty" in their shorts or not, but, just what is the 'proper' level of cover-up?

Tim বলেছেন...

I have a better idea for New York. Pass "Shall Issue" laws, and open up shooting ranges all over the city. Then the next woman in a skirt can blow a 9mm hole (or bigger if she finds a larger caliber comfortable, but my wife and daughters find .38 or 9mm to be most comfortable) in ths SOB, which should cool his ardor in a significant way.

Tada, problem solved, and women can wear shorts and skirts all they want (please, no skorts though, in the name of humanity!)

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"just what is the 'proper' level of cover-up?"

That's kind of the point - this is common sense. C'mon, you know without anyone telling you. Women dress like that for a reason. They certainly know when they are doing it. They should know when it's not a good idea. They would avoid it to get a job, to avoid pissing off in-laws, or to fit in where they want to bad enough. Women aren't stupid about when they are being sexy, some just act stupid about it.

Richard Fagin বলেছেন...

Prairie Wind, here in Texas, women, and lots of them, do in fact protect themselves with guns. Nothing like watching vermin get their just reward.

Too bad for New Yorkers their city doesn't have the sense to let responsible people carry guns.

Anne M Ford বলেছেন...

I will wear what I please, thank you. A 9mm is my choice.

caseym54 বলেছেন...

I shouldn't have to lock my car either. But I do.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Now I have no idea if these gals looked "slutty" in their shorts or not, but, just what is the 'proper' level of cover-up?

I would say: that depends.

What you wear at the beach is not appropriate for just walking down an urban street. (bikini top, shorts, sandals)

What you wear to a fancy cocktail party with your husband or boyfriend (sexy lower cut top, high rise or slit skirt, slinky heavier make-up, jewelry) wouldn't be proper at the grocery store.

In addition that type of appropriate slutty dressing when you are already attached is a way for your spouse or boyfriend to vicariously boast and gain prestige. After all, we are still tribal humans at our core: with a very very thin layer of civilization.

What you might wear to the grocery store may not be appropriate for the office. What some people wear to Wal-Mart isn't appropriate for any humans.

If you are a single woman (or even married woman) and want to attract "positive" attention to yourself you don't dress as if you are going to the beach. You don't dress in a way that signals......ready to fuck...I'm easy.....unless you are both of those things.

The fact that you CAN dress a certain way doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

I'm libertarian. If you don't want to wear a seat belt or a helmet when driving a motorcycle...don't. Do what you want. It's your body. Just don't expect the rest of us to have sympathy or pick up the pieces when you act recklessly and go through the windshield or get raped because you dressed like a two dollar whore and got drunk in a bar with strange men.

Banshee বলেছেন...

Actually, quite a few Muslim women get raped by their near and dear. The beauty of the system is that the victims dare not report being raped by anyone, because it's generally a death sentence. Raping a woman who's already married is a favorite, because it makes the crime more difficult to prove.

Of course, this goes right along with the huge number of boys that are raped and molested by their male relations or indeed any older man who happens to catch them.

Banshee বলেছেন...

The point of the Muslim system is not that women should be safe; it's that women (and their dowries) should never become sexually available to anyone not a member of the clan.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Yeah - some women blame cops for being cops.

Some women are stupid when it comes to dealing with reality. They demand you don't say things that are true about them all the time.

I say they have mental issues.

I said "some." I mean "many." Whether or not it's "most" is still open for debate.

Just the number, not the crazy part,...

Gospace বলেছেন...

"NYC should also let ladies defend themselves. Why shouldn't they have carry permits and weapons?"

Why should they need carry permits? You shouldn't need a permit to exercise a right- the right to bear arms.

As for the idiot comment "Say what you want, but the Muslims have devised a system where very, very few of their women get raped." - well, enough others have commented that I don't really need to add anything. Just wanted to emphasize- IT WAS AN IDIOT COMMENT!

CGHill বলেছেন...

@edutcher: The last time a subject along similar lines came up, our hostess advised that she wears miniskirts all the time.

As the kids say, this may be useless without pics, but I'm persuaded that the legs in question are of a superior grade.

charm বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
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charm বলেছেন...

I believe it has nothing to do with the dress. The thing is, the unwanted attitude of the cop and his messy thoughts that overdo things!
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