September 26, 2011

About that anti-cheese billboard going up in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

There's some opposition, and not just from cheesemakers. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has a depiction of the Grim Reaper wearing a foam Cheesehead.
Foamation, which makes those cheese hats, says "It's a very negative thing and we don't want to be associated with something like this."...

"Cheese is an unhealthy food product," [said Susan Levin, a registered dietitian with the Physicians Committee.] "Cheese is the antithesis" of what we're supposed to be eating.
By stirring up discord, they've got everyone looking at their damned poster.


Joe said...

Cheese covered bacon. With toast.

Joe said...

All eaten while wearing a fur coat.

Ah, the life.

chickelit said...

Levin has something in common with Hitler.

I hope that ends the discussion.

Automatic_Wing said...

So what exactly is the antithesis of cheese? Arugula?

chickelit said...


Of course. Grown with natural fertilizer from cows. But take away the cows when the veganazis take away the cheese, and they have precious little to fertilize their arugula.

Freeman Hunt said...

This anti-fat stuff is behind the curve. Get with the science, "Physicians Committee."

Peter V. Bella said...

The Committee for Responsible Medicine is a bunch of charlatans and frauds practicing junk science and medicine.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it's a quack.

Bender said...

Yes, an unhealthy food product. Cheese, only the most fundamental food type next to bread in all of human history, with some historians believing that cheesemaking originated around 8000 B.C.

mbabbitt said...

I'm sick of the push for expensive organic food, green this, green that, and the junk science industry. Please, someone with a still functional brain, Help!

traditionalguy said...

Cheese and other dairy products are the most healthy diet for B Blood types that evolved as herders on the Mongolian Plateau. They do well on sheep/lamb too.

The meats from cows and wild game is the most healthy diet for O Blood types that evolved as hunters.

Vegetables and seed grains are the most healthy diet for A Blood types that evolved in urban areas that were the first agricultural places.

When this Cult stuff pops up it can usually be traced back to Hindu culture and its sudden burst of Yoga practitioners who just cannot stand to see a cow used instead of worshiped.

Wince said...

The late, great John Candy.

"I feel like a big mouse."

Of course, yours is good plumbing here, right.

I would imagine.
Don't worry about it.

Everything will be fine.
I've been bound up lately.

It's driving me crazy. I've been eating a lot of cheese for some reason.

I got a craving for the stuff.
Do you think maybe that's an allergy?

I don't know, I can't get enough cheese.

I feel like a big mouse.

chuck said...

How the heck would a dietitian know what you should be eating? Seriously, no sarcasm tag here. Diet is hard to research and separate out cause and effect, and the effects are often small, and then there is a lot of individual variation. I suspect the field is overrun with voodoo science promoted by government grants.

Joe said...

That's stimulus to you, chuck.

c71ff said...

ya know, that illy Halloween billboard made me realize... I want a CHEESBURGER. Oh yeah, with onion, pickles, and ketchup. Gotta have my vegetables! Yes, and BACON. I better get two.

Carol_Herman said...

Wait a minute. Were these the doctors who were with the Rotunda protesters ... when the teachers took off from their jobs ... and they were handing out medical notes?

The cheese doesn't fit the diagram. But with Halloween coming ... perhaps UNDER the billboards ... someone with a pumpkins to sell can open a stand. (Or do they call them "a patch?")

Cheese is better for ya than chewing gum. (As a kid ... I loved getting the gum that the boys didn't want ... that came with their baseball cards.)

I think the billoard is just the wrong approach.

Doctors who view medicine as something fit for the grim reaper ... really aren't in the business of making people feel better.

Cheese is a comfort food.

What else goes as well with macaroni?

Steve Burri said...

Sorry, guys, it's settled science. The UN's IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel of Cheese Calamity, has concluded that cheese is the greatest killer of humanity, next to American imperialism. 80,000,000 scientists have signed off on it. Al Gore is offering Cheese Credits.

rcommal said...

Levin has something in common with Hitler.

How unattractively coy. If you mean vegetarianism, why not say so.

I hope that ends the discussion.

Great. A coy reference to Godwin's Law. How unattractively clever.


Bottom line: So much for discussion. Bother not.

bgates said...

The article didn't mention the caption that appears underneath the picture:

"You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once: I am going to kill you. I don't know whether you'll be awake, or what direction you'll be facing - but you'll be holding cheese."

Jason said...

My word verification is "dingly."

Just, you know... putting it out there.

Revenant said...

Cheese is delicious. Who gives a shit if it is *healthy* or not?

Cedarford said...

Put up a poster of Dennis Kuchinich. With caption "A cheese-free vegan diet is the way you can look like Dennis"

(Elizabeth Kucinich is director of public affairs for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and wife of Dennis Kucinich.)

Fred4Pres said...

Lies, Lies, Lies.

If cheese is wrong in Wisconsin, what is right any more.

Fred4Pres said...

I love Wisconsin curds. They are squeeky and oh so good.

Anonymous said...

Since when is the depiction of a product with no identifiable name on it (the cheesehead) an "infringement"? Can these litigious folks be serious making such a claim? It's yellow, it sits on someone's head, it's triangular, but there's no company name on it. It's generic, for heavens sake.

clint said...

Can anyone actually point to a study showing that cheese is unhealthy?

Fred4Pres said...

I tried some 12 year old cheddar in Wisconsin. It was amazing. I am sure if could prolong life.

Fred4Pres said...

I am sure that cheese prolongs life. It was heaven sent.

With a hellish price. But it was worth it.

Anonymous said...

They are vegan promotion organization with a misleading/misdirecting name.

BJM said...


BJM said...

What else goes as well with macaroni?


Wince said...

On the billboard, it looks like tiny or distant birds are flying into nesting holes cut in yellow cliffs that could be made of cheese.

rhhardin said...

It's an anti-scythe movement.

Gary Rosen said...

Kucinich has the same Mideast policy as C-fudd. But Kucinich must be a Joooooo, by Fudd's "one drop or any vaguely Central or Eastern European sounding name" rule.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He he.. Althouse said the word poster.

wv hyped

ricpic said...

Eat Stilton and die is right up there with see Venice and die.

lemondog said...

Cheese in the Bible

One of the 10 Commandments and in Bill of Rights.......the right and duty to eat

edutcher said...

I'll bet Michael Bloomberg is on the Physicians' Committee board.

Bartender Cabbie said...

Cheese is good. Who cares if it is fattening? I like burgers and shakes and I smoke. Also circumsized. Do gooders need to STFU.

DCS said...

I'm a physician and on principle refuse to consider joining an organization with "Physician" and "responsible" in the name. They are usually fronts for a far left outfit with a nanny state agenda. Very bad.

Rocco said...

"Cheese can sack your health". Actually, the ominousness of the image is pretty effective.

At the next home game, I think some Packer fans should put up some bedsheets with several of the images - and the uniform numbers of the pass rushers on defense.

Anonymous said...

Anti-cheese? That's what Italians eat before the cheese, isn't it?

Dave said...

"They are usually fronts for a far left outfit with a nanny state agenda."

Yes. PETA.

MisterBuddwing said...

And yet the French Paradox lives on...

WV: shawanut.

Paco Wové said...

Dang! Dave beat me to it. The PCRM is the exact food analogue of PETA. All the shit they do is strictly about scraping up publicity for their only real agenda, which is promoting veganism.

Unknown said...

Cheese is a gift from God. It is among the finest things known to man, along with sex, wine, beer, bacon, potatoes, and tomatoes.

Derve Swanson said...

Don't be jealous, professor.

See? You don't have to use your breasts to get everybody to look...

That was just the path you chose, to prominence.

Derve Swanson said...

and where's my hat tip??

A. Shmendrik said...

Just try shit like that in Green County!

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am sick of people who go to med school, become a doctor and decide they don't want to practice medicince because they would rather be our buttinski nanny [i.e. this Levin lady, Rahm Emanuel's brother, every doctor who is now a librul talking head].

Phil 314 said...

If this movement is successful, this is Wisconsin's fate.

a little fermented curd would do the trick

I'm Full of Soup said...

Plus I am confused so maybe Michele Obama can help me: are there a lot of hungry people in America or is obesity and bad diets the bigger problem?

I'm Full of Soup said...

So basically Mrs. Kucinich is a lobbyist huh. I did not know that.

Henry said...

Cheese is probiotic.

Very few experts have as poor a track record as nutritionists. Nutritionists have probably harmed more people than bond traders.

Fred4Pres said...

How about trying some chef's wife's breast milk cheese?

lemondog said...

PCRM wants in on the Government Food pyramid

I've seen Dr. Neal D. Barnard, founder of PCRM on PBS doing his diabetes presentation.

Derve Swanson said...

"I am sick of people who go to med school, become a doctor and decide they don't want to practice medicine "

Where did you get that Levin is a doctor??

Known Unknown said...

Can these litigious folks be serious making such a claim? It's yellow, it sits on someone's head, it's triangular, but there's no company name on it. It's generic, for heavens sake.

But it's not ... it's a very specific, iconic product. Using a foam finger made of cheese would be generic (but make less sense), since they are ubiquitous and not tied to one particular region, sport, or team.

I associate 'cheeseheads' as predominantly Packers fans, so the company does have a point.

I would suggest they spend their money running pro-cheese, pro-cheesehead billboards rather than wasting the court's time with litigation.

Fred4Pres said...

Good advice E.M. Davis.

Plus any sane person loves cheese. It sells itself.

KCFleming said...

Fur fascists, food fascists, energy fascists, light bulb fascists, salt fascists.

The left sure is into the fascism thing.

They cannot win the war of ideas, so they employ the state.  Ads against cheese will have zero effect, and in Wisconsin will likely lead to a spike in cheese use.

Their only success comes in the use of force.  The ideas are first trotted out under voluntary programs, using ads like this.  Then come the laws.

See New York City and salt, smoking, etc.  Ban incandescents. Ethanol in gas. National health insurance. Carbon credits. These vegans are just telegraphing the left's next set of laws.

And they do loves them some fascism.

Curious George said...

If they want you to stop eating cheese they should Susan Levin on the label.

wv: kildpa as in we are not sure what kildpa, but it wasn't cheese

Calypso Facto said...

"The science of nutrition being therefore so practical in itself, and intended for such practical purposes, a matter which requires experience, and even more experience than any person can gain in his whole life, however sagacious and observing he may be, it is with infinite caution that any man ought to venture upon pulling down an edifice, which has answered in any tolerable degree for ages the common purposes of health, or on building it up again, without having models and patterns of approved utility before his eyes."

With apologies to Edmund Burke...

prairie wind said...

"Not even Wensleydale?"

Winston Smith Rides Again said...

The cheese doesn't fit the diagram. But with Halloween coming ... perhaps UNDER the billboards ... someone with a pumpkins to sell can open a stand. (Or do they call them "a patch?")

Luck may be the residue of design, but pure stupid is the result of Carol's posts.

Titus said...

Everything in moderation.

Like this is going to stop the fattys in Wisconsin from eating cheese.

KCFleming said...

I could not help but notice in med school and residency that Dietitians and nutritionists were always very thin and seemed to locate their offices close to the toilets, which were often in use and had the faint odor of vomit.

And lacking cheese, their bone densities were always below normal, risking premature fractures from osteoporosis.

Proselytizing vegans are nuttier than bible thumpers, and more dangerous.

Wince said...

Anybody remember when all this nannying started with Time for Timer? At the time, cheese was double-plus good.

Time for Timer: I Hanker for a Hunk of Cheese

Time for Timer was the collective title for a short series of public service announcements broadcast on Saturday mornings on the ABC television network starting in the early 1970s. The animated spots featured Timer, a tiny (often ranging on microscopic) cartoon character who represented the sense of "time" in the human body. Timer was in charge of when a person felt it was time to eat, time to sleep, etc. He carried a large pocket watch inside of him, which would often set off an alarm whenever something was about to happen.

Titus said...

Does this include cheese in uncircumcised hog?

Fred4Pres said...

Titus, you need to blend that with breast milk cheese.

Can you milk a rare clumber?


prairie wind said...

The power of cheese.

Fred4Pres said...


Fred4Pres said...

What would Rickey Branch do? Rickey?

ndspinelli said...

The billboard should have a collage of many well endowed women w/ the statement: THIS IS THE ONLY MILK YOU NEED. The photo array could include the one of the good professor from yesterday. The billboard would then get positive attention..@ least from men.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mary- that is even worse; Levin is an under-credentialed public health Nazi.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Rickey Branch- LMAO at the user name. We must have the snarkiest of commenters here!

ndspinelli said...

Add pasta, or "macaroni" as The Ditz calls it, to the long list of things this idiot doesn't know shit about @ all!

ndspinelli said...

They can have my Parmesan Reggiano when they pry it from my cold, dead, hand.

KCFleming said...

Do they seriously think a poster claiming Cheese is Death will convince anyone except nanny Bloomberg?

Uh oh.

MadisonMan said...

I made baked mac and cheese for dinner last night. Butter and onions, add flour to make a roux, then milk and cheese, heat til the cheese melts, pour over cooked noodles, top with grated parmesan, and bake til bubbly and crusty brown on top.

Perfect food for a rainy fall day.

Joseph of FP said...

Blessed are the cheesemakers.

KCFleming said...

They want you to eat People Chow, every day, like dogs.

It was suggested by the British food Nazis as the Polymeal.

Yes, they want you to eat the same meal every day of your state-run life. Every. Day.

And yes, they are totally serious.

KCFleming said...

What a friend we have in Cheeses.

garage mahal said...

Creeping Cheesria.

Synova said...

Chickenlittle: Levin has something in common with Hitler.

"How unattractively coy. If you mean vegetarianism, why not say so."

I figured chicken meant totalitarian control freak.

Patrick said...

Some people just can't leave others the hell alone. what is it with these idiots that try to make everything their own business?

Derve Swanson said...

"I made baked mac and cheese for dinner last night. Butter and onions, add flour to make a roux, then milk and cheese, heat til the cheese melts, pour over cooked noodles, top with grated parmesan, and bake til bubbly and crusty brown on top."

People who brag on their food consumption, even to the point of posting daily pictures ... I always wonder, when will they begin posting their BM's the next day?

Thanks for sharing, but ... yeah, we all eat daily. Poop too.

(Must be a Madison thing. ?)

Fred4Pres said...

Drive recklessly

Fred4Pres said...

Mary--I know a guy who does that! He even shows photographs of his plates after he finishes.

Bowel Movements are definitely next.

ricpic said...

Is the worst thing in the world to be a fatty, Titus, you svelte homo?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Cheese is good for you. I can't drink milk but I can tolerate cheese, yogurt and other milk products that have been processed.

The food nazis need to be stopped!! They have already ruined crisco and snack cakes ;-)

@ Madison Man Next time you make mac and cheese substitute about half of the cheese with a smoked gouda cheese

glenn said...

First they came for the Foie Gras,but I didn't eat Foie Gras so I didn't complain. Then they came for ... you all know the words folks ... feel free to sing along.

Derve Swanson said...

"Bowel Movements are definitely next."

At least there'd be a scientific angle there (eat this; it comes out like this ... healthy, or not?)

I'm not sure the purpose of the "what I ate" posts though. Bragging that you cook? I mean, a special meal you created is one thing ... but daily? Eh, so what is your point exactly?

garage mahal said...

I'm not sure the purpose of the "what I ate" posts though. Bragging that you cook?

The dish MM posted sounds damn tasty. What's your effing problem with that?

Derve Swanson said...

Btw, it's been scientifically proven that babies, and growing children, NEED a good degree of fat in their diet to promote healthy brain growth.

Also, to keep them warm in winter.

Now I'm not for obese couch kids. But plenty of healthy, active, fit Wisconsin kids eat non-fat-free cheese.

I wonder what Susan Levin knows of that? Seems kids were healthier back when they ate more REAL foods, instead of factory-produced, long-shelf-life manufactured stuff. Ask an old woman with strong offspring how she fed her boys and girls. Likely, you're hear about things like bacon, eggs, pancakes with butter, and vegetables/hamburgers/hotdish with ... wait for it ... cheese!

Don't let the obese people control all our diets is all. Maybe, it really isn't the foods, but the lifestyles, Ms. Levin?

DADvocate said...

Now I know what costume I'm wearing for Halloween. Striking fear into the hearts of vegan dieticians everywhere.

Synova said...

Sociologists and anthropologists would explain that food and eating together is profoundly important to the social structures that humans have. Go to some remote village some place where you can't speak to the people and they can't speak to you and (if you're not killed) you'll be fed. Feeding someone is symbolic. We present food for special occasions, feasts and observances. "Let us break bread together." Tea ceremonies or sake ceremonies. etc., etc.,

Food represents peace and communion.

How hostile is "No, I won't eat with you?"

It's about the most hostile social action a person can take.

Derve Swanson said...

"The dish MM posted sounds damn tasty. What's your effing problem with that?"

I guess, if it's your first encounter with a macaroni and cheese recipe, you get all excited to "learn", eh?

(I think: he was just bragging that he actually cooked, and something not from a box. Wowsie wow!)

Now, everyone on this thread: post what YOU ate for din din last night. (Why, I cooked an acorn squash, smothered with butter, and a stir fry with garden fresh veggies ... wait, let me post a picture...) Yawn.

Joseph of FP said...

Eh, I don't mind folks posting about what they cook and eat. We all need hobbies and that is about as harmless as a hobby can get. :)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Now, everyone on this thread: post what YOU ate for din din last night.

OK. I made a salt crusted marinated pork tenderloin roast with fresh oregano from my garden. Salad of romaine lettuce with cherry tomatoes halved, seeded armenian cucumber (both from my garden)and fresh mozzarella balls (those tiny ones marinated in olive oil)with an Italian dressing and linguine tossed with garlic, olive oil, butter, parmesan, basil (also from the garden).

Sorry, I didn't think to take a photo. I'm not going to take a photo of the 'end result' either.

Derve Swanson said...

You read any blogs where they take pictures of their plates, day after day after day?

Trust me: that's a very weird way to take your meals, photographing everything and putting it up for show.

What is the point exactly? The only hobby you have is showing other people what you consume daily? Something very odd about that ... can you imagine waiting to eat, so mamma can snap a picture of her creation, before you eat? Something very odd about that indeed...

Derve Swanson said...

Oh next time, DBQ. Tonight, and from here on forward, make everyone at the table wait while you gets us the photos of your work...

The BMs just seem a natural extension of that mentality, no?

The Dude said...

UNC - it figures. Levin is a long distance runner, problem is, she keeps finding her way home.

MadisonMan said...

The part of the story that made me chuckle when I read it at breakfast was that Foamation was going to go after them for using a cheesehead hat without permission. Seems to me they have a good case, but who knows.

Known Unknown said...

OK. I made a salt crusted marinated pork tenderloin roast with fresh oregano from my garden. Salad of romaine lettuce with cherry tomatoes halved, seeded armenian cucumber (both from my garden)and fresh mozzarella balls (those tiny ones marinated in olive oil)with an Italian dressing and linguine tossed with garlic, olive oil, butter, parmesan, basil (also from the garden).

Holy crap, that sounds delicious.

Trooper York said...

We went out for Mexican food last night. We had casa dias smothered in guac and black olives with a big platter of super nachos with chorizo's as the appetizers. Then the wife had chicken frajita's and I had some black bean burritos along with a couple of beers.

Then I went home to finger a few Little Debbies while I watched Terra Nova on my wide screen plasma TV.

ndspinelli said...

Tanti auguri, Trooper. Good to see you're branching out to other food cultures. The Ditz is an expert on "macaroni" you didn't know that.

Trooper York said...

However I did cook on Sunday. I made my famous Trooper York meatballs.

Along with a simple salad of lettuce, tomato, red onion, walnuts, goat cheese and black olives with a simple olive oil and lemon dressing.

Blueberry cheesecake for desert.

prairie wind said...

Take a pill, Mary. It's just food. Some of us enjoy it. We also enjoy looking at it. We had spaghetti last night. And, sticking with the theme here, parmesan on the garlic bread.

I'm fascinated by odd hobbies.

Trooper York said...

Tonight I am making veal cutlets along with some luigini and a side of a string bean and potato salad in balsamic vinegar and oil.

We taped the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Most Eligible Dallas so we have some stuff to watch.

ndspinelli said...


I had barbeque chicken w/ Gates BBQ sauce from the 'hood of KC. Kale sauteed in olive oil and garlic w/ cannellini beans and cornbread w/ fresh roasted corn and red peppers baked into it. This was a mixture of two great food folk and dago.

Remarkably, the nursing home where The Ditz resides had close to the same menu. Only it was all blended up for her and she drinks it through a straw. The blending of her food is both for digestive and safety reasons. She can't be trusted w/ utensils.

Bayoneteer said...

These kooks have free speech rights but they are undermining their own credibility by attacking wholesome foods people have been eating safely for thousands of years. You can eat pretty much anything assuming good health done in moderation.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Trooper

You are so lucky to be able to get veal! For some reason, it is unheard of in our local grocery stores. I have to pre-order from a specialty meat market and travel to the 'big city' about 80 miles away to get veal.

I'm making Wor Wonton shrimp soup tonight. Making the broth with left over chicken parts from a fried chicken a couple days ago. Don't have the chinese smoked ham, but the pork loin from last night is salty enough that a few slices in the soup will be good enough.

Trooper York said...

By the way my maid quit yesterday. Well actually she came to work with her brother and she was too upset to talk so he had to talk for her. She came to say she couldn't work and had to go home but wouldn't say why. I asked her why she didn't just call me but she just mumbled something and didn't tell me anything. I offered to help her if I could but she didn't want any help...she just wanted to say she had to stay home and couldn't come to work for a while.

Now I don't know if it was immigration or if her husband was smacking her around or what the fuck. She wouldn't tell me anything and wouldn't let me help her so I am at a loss.

Plus I have to ask every Mexican woman I see walking by on Court St if she wanted a job cleaning my house.

It is very distressing.

I hate to wash my own underwears. Just sayn'

Anonymous said...

The dish MM posted sounds damn tasty. What's your effing problem with that?

Word. It sounded great.

I just heated some leftovers yesterday, but the day before, we roasted some acorn sqaush halves, then stuffed them with a mix of basmati rice, carrots, celery, onions, walnuts, ground pork, cream cheese, and spices, then topped the whole thing off with montz and parm, under the broiler.

Brought some leftovers for lunch, and my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Hey Trooper, what'd you think of Terra Nova? We liked it- a lot of your typical sci-fi cheesiness, but better than I anticipated based on all the negative talk.

- Lyssa

Trooper York said...

I love veal.

I really love milk fed veal.

The terror that the baby cows feel as they are held suspended in a box and fattened until they are killed by getting hit with a hammer right on their skull gives their pale flesh a paticularly piquant taste.

Derve Swanson said...

"Take a pill, Mary. It's just food."

If you eat enough good real food, you don't have to take a pill, ya know...

Can't sleep? Try dairy -- choose cheese! over Lunestra...

Trooper York said...

I paticularly love veal piccata with a lemon butter sauce with caper.

That's good eating.

Derve Swanson said...

"She came to say she couldn't work and had to go home but wouldn't say why. I asked her why she didn't just call me but she just mumbled something and didn't tell me anything. I offered to help her if I could but she didn't want any help...she just wanted to say she had to stay home and couldn't come to work for a while. Now I don't know if it was immigration or if her husband was smacking her around or what the fuck. She wouldn't tell me anything "

Stop questioning. She was offended by your cheese consumption Trooper. (Sorry, somebody had to say it!)

Anonymous said...

For dinner tonight, my husband requested "Pots of Gold", which, as far as I can understand, is camping food for kids on scouting trips.

But it's tasty- You just take biscuit dough (traditionally, you use the canned stuff, but we just make our own), and wrap it around some nice chunks of cheddar cheese. Then you cook them in simmering tomato sauce. I'll probably add a spinach salad.

I might even top mine with some parm just to piss off the cheesehaters.

Trooper York said...

I enjoyed Terra Nove Lyssa.

I just wish they would go back to classic sci-fi like the original Star Trek.

More Yeoman in tight mini-skirts and green alien chicks in slave girl costumes.

Anonymous said...

I love listening to some wobbly vegan feebly shaking their finger in my face, staring out of their hollow eyes beset upon a withered frame and telling me about how much healthier they are then I.

Then I usually reach out and tip them over backwards.

Trooper York said...

You know Mary I just was in the fridge and I counted the cheeses.

I had twelve different kinds of cheese.

Locatelli, pecorino, gouda, manchego, assiago, cheddar, provolone, goat, mozzarella, gorgonzola,swiss lorraine and Montery Jack pepper.

I have to go to "Good Food" to pick up some more.

ndspinelli said...

This is a classic cheapskate Wisconsin story. When you drive by dairy farms you'll often see veal calfs. And, Provimi Veal has a facility in Wisconsin. However, although there is a large German culture in Wisconsin, this Italian has to search long and hard to find good veal. After a long search I asked a butcher why I could only find the cheaper cuts. He casually replied, "Good veal is expensive, Cheeseheads won't pay the price."

Are you folks aware that veal is male calf. Since a male can't produce milk, they're used for veal. That's why Gloria Steinem eats veal but won't eat cheese or milk[just starting a viral rumor..pass it on].

Trooper York said...

I thought Gloria Steiman liked the fish taco?

Anonymous said...

lyssa spake:

But it's tasty- You just take biscuit dough (traditionally, you use the canned stuff, but we just make our own), and wrap it around some nice chunks of cheddar cheese. Then you cook them in simmering tomato sauce. I'll probably add a spinach salad.

This sounds like a Wisconsinite cheese ravioli actually. Good Eats!

Joseph of FP said...

Frozen dinner for me last night. I don't even remember what kind. lol - Sad sad bachelor chow.

To make up for my frozen dinner life, I plan on making a GIANT batch of chili for Halloween.

Joe's Chili of Sufferin'!!!! (it actually isn't terribly hot, but it sounds more exciting this way) - I will make sure to post about it. Heh heh

kimsch said...

We watched TerraNova last night too. We had McDonald's for dinner because we had to go to pick up The Little Guy's alto sax and have his first lesson at 5, then our Cub Scout Pack meeting at 6 and we didn't get home until after 7.

I made Chicken Piccata on Saturday. Sunday we had pork medallions with a homemade dry rub, sauteed in olive oil, apples and cinnamon cooked down in butter with a little sugar, and green beans with a homemade apple tart for dessert. Today will be turkey-apple soup made with even more apples from the orchard picking we did a week or so ago and homemade chicken stock.

Sometimes I'll have a vegan dish, but only because there just happen to be no meat, dairy, or egg products in it.

I just won't make a dish vegan by adding fake stuff. Fake eggs to make a cake? Blech! Fake cheese? Blech! Fake Buttercream frosting? Blech? Tofurkey? Gag me.

Let's start a Real Ingredient movement!

wv: grony - the thought of fake butter, milk, cheese, eggs, meat, etc makes me all grony.

kimsch said...

Real cheese can be good for your dental health as well.

Real cheese is full of protein and probiotics.

wv: dizooder

David said...

Bratwurst, baby. Much better than cheese and worse for you!

Sigivald said...

PCRM, like CSPI, are a bunch of hacks and pseudo-scientists.

(In PCRM's case, a PETA-like "animal rights" group fronting as A Spokesman For All Responsible Doctors.)

They should be laughed at and derided - they deserve little more.

I shall eat meat in their name today.

ALP said...

Good lord, I wish I had not read that article.

My parents went organic/vegetarian around 1975. Soon thereafter, my dad became a vegan in addition to deciding he was allergic to wheat. Then came the endless stream of nauseating herbal potions that were supposed to promote this or that function in your body. When I was 15 or so, I got my first vaginal infection, which I told my mother about. Imagine my horror when, instead of taking me to the doctor to have it looked at, my dad insisted I douche with some ridiculous herbal potion! I had to BEG to be taken to the doctor, which was NOT a pleasant experience at 15.

I feel like I've been around this oppressive food fascism for DECADES. I cannot complain about my childhood, which a friend describe as idyllic. But this issue is the one thing from my childhood that gives me this deeply visceral reaction. Almost violent - I would love to take a sawed-off shotgun to that billboard - how cathartic would that be? Or maybe an AR-15?

Many, many times over the years I'd find a piece of mail from my parents, only to find they had sent me ANOTHER fucking article written by "The Physicians" telling me to stop eating this or that or suffer certain doom.

And now, I'm getting a second degree in mid life, surrounded by 20 somethings who have been raised on this food fascism! If there is EVER a time in your life when you can live outside nutritional rules once in a while, its when you are young. To listen to these kids nitpick their food: is it organic? is it local? does it have too much fat? blah blah blah blah....just fucking EAT and enjoy your resilient youth for fuck's sake!

It saddens me deeply to see the idea of moderation get so little attention.

Thank god for earplugs. And for the fact that I don't live in Green Bay. Or have an AR-15. Yet.

Thanks for letting me vent. Ann can send me a bill for allowing me to use this post as therapy!

Trooper York said...

Wait I found Brie, Fotina, muenstar and primosalo.

I will keep looking. I am preparing a cheese plate for a snack tonight.

Strelnikov said...

Packers will be missing a golden opportunity if they do not adopt the Cheesehead Reaper as their unofficial mascot. I'll buy the T-shirt.

kimsch said...

I have some Irish cheddar, some White Silton with candied lemom peel and lemon zest, fresh mozzarella, and plain and blueberry goat cheese in the fridge. Add in some shredded romano, shredded parmesan, cream cheese, and shredded "mexican style" cheese and you have my cheese inventory. I also have some rennet to be able to make my own cheese.

wv: picalici

Anonymous said...

I'd rather eat cheese than the substance these frauds are best known for eating.

Nora said...

I hold anything coming from organisation with the word "committee" in it as suspect. "Committee" has direct association with "guillotine" for me. So this "physicians committee" trying to guillotine cheese from our diets is not a coincidence.

Richard said...

Aha! A golden opportunity for Wisconsin wingnuts to redeem themselves.
Now, here is an issue to go berserk over.

Derve Swanson said...

"Wait I found Brie, Fotina, muenstar and primosalo. I will keep looking. I am preparing a cheese plate for a snack tonight."

Yeah, let me know if you need the recipe for homemade soap to help you scrub the skids out of your underwear.

That cheese-hating maid of yours isn't coming back any time soon you keep this up...

Michael said...

Very late to this conversation about food but back in the 80s when I lived in the Bay area I tried to buy some salt pork for turnip greens for New Years. I was puzzled to find that the local swank stores had neither and had heard of neither. I headed for the "ghetto" of West Palo Alto where I found both in abundance. Pork shoulders with the skin on were verboten in California. Perhaps Veal is as well.

Fred4Pres said...

Trooper, I find in watching old Have Gun, Will Travel episodes on Netflix that if I find the episode especially good, it tended to be written by Gene Roddenberry.

Anonymous said...

"Now, everyone on this thread: post what YOU ate for din din last night."

Chicken masala curry + lamb vindaloo + naan + tea

Roux said...

I just put cheese on my BLT and my wife looked at me like I was crazy... Hey, I love the stuff. Of course their was the bacon and I'm sure these idiots will have a billboard against that soon. But my guess there will be riots in the streets before we ban bacon.

rcommal said...

The only hobby you have is showing other people what you consume daily?

How is that not like most every blog in the universe? Consumption isn't limited to food, after all. And most blogs are, in the end, about what folks consume or want other people to consume.

verification thingie: proni

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