August 31, 2011

“Some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.”

So said Rep. Andre Carson, a Democrat from Indiana. A Hoosier!


I Callahan said...

Let me guess - he's from Gary Indiana, the armpit of the state.

Rialby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rialby said...

I deleted my uncivil comment.

What is wrong with Leftists?

Mark O said...

Moreover, you are a certified racist for pointing out his racism.

Anonymous said...

I think racistism just jumped the shark.

Anonymous said...

Safe districts have a real downside.

AllenS said...

Is there a difference between hanging on a tree, and hanging from a tree? Where's Raul, when I need him?

edutcher said...

I thought Little Zero wanted us all to be civil.

Or did that apply to just us white folks?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Andre Carson is 7th districts which is Marion county, Indy, which I thankfully moved from. I see he's as dumb as his grandma.

cubanbob said...

Yes he is right. We would love to see every communist in congress hanging from a tree. As the saying goes "the only good communist is a dead communist".

Typical democrat rabble rouser asshole. He can see the writting on the wall. Welfare and entitlements are going to get cut so that leaves him with nothing to offer his constituents. And without that, no job. I'm sure this probably the best gig he has ever had.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

What are you baggers angry about, the truth coming out about your nefarious plans, or the fact that someone insulted you?

Scott M said...

Saw this wonderful bit of video last night. Just wonderful. If Gabby Giffords had died, she would be turning over in her grave right now.

DADvocate said...

An asshole, liar and racebaiter.

Christopher in MA said...

"You and me hanging from a tree." Oh, no. Not JUST you, jackhole. Not by a long shot. Almost all the Democrats and about three-quarters of the Republicans, along with their staffers, pages, gofers and other parasites who've been bleeding us dry since the 1930s ought to be swinging from lampposts.

Instead of whining like the spoiled, ignorant child you are, you should be on your knees thanking the God you don't believe in that this is the United States where the "rule of law" is still observed - mainly in the breach, if not in practice - instead of the Third World hellhole you and your toadies are trying to turn this country into, where you most definitely WOULD be hanging from a tree.

PatHMV said...

What a reprehensible bigot.

vet66 said...

The tired trope of racism has lost it's meaning. What used to be a trump card in a conversation has devolved into a deck of cards where the charge of racism is akin to the clown.

If this is all he has in his "go bag" we are not his target demographic. He is trying to fan the flames among Obama's base who are deserting him. MLK would not approve.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... What are you baggers angry about, the truth coming out about your nefarious plans, or the fact that someone insulted you?..."

I'm not angry. Like the mentally disturbed homeless guy who yells at the lightpost on the corner by my office, I just expect this kind of talk from people like him.

AllenS said...

True racists will always use the race card. It will never go out of favor.

Shanna said...

If he were in front of me, I would be resurrecting the cut direct.

Scott M said...

MLK would not approve.

Typical Righteous Black Ragemonger: How DARE you sully that MLK? YOU can't use MLK! Only WE can use MLK! That's OUR street!!

edutcher said...

cubanbob said...

Yes he is right. We would love to see every communist in congress hanging from a tree. As the saying goes "the only good communist is a dead communist".

You get the feeling that the Lefties, if not outnumbered, have the same thing in mind for us.

Scott M said...

Saw this wonderful bit of video last night. Just wonderful. If Gabby Giffords had died, she would be turning over in her grave right now.

Somewhere, Victor McLaglen is smiling.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I'm not angry. Like the mentally disturbed homeless guy who yells at the lightpost on the corner by my office, I just expect this kind of talk from people like him

Sure, you SAY that, but secretly you’re boiling that Rep. Carson has found out about your hood, rope, and arborist’s map in the garage of your house….

geokstr said...

He's also a convert to Islam, who refused to repudiate an endorsement from that noted advocate of civility, Louis Farrakhan.

And so it begins.

Maxine Waters says "...the Tea Parties can go straight to hell", Alcee Hastings (Rep-FL: yes he of the impeachment for taking bribes) says "Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks", now this.

The black base of the Democratic party is being stoked to a frenzy because Obama has nothing else to run on now that he has a record of devoid of accomplishment as the rest of his career. (Unless you believe that the destruction of the US economy and the "fundamental transformation" of the United States has been deliberate.)

There is a very strong possibility of racial violence as the election nears. And it won't be whites hanging blacks, either.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Rep. Carson for Speaking Truth to Power about those POS rethuglicans.

Chip S. said...

Andre Carson is also the guy who claimed to have heard the n-word shouted multiple times by Obamacare protesters.

He's an utterly contemptible race baiter who took over his grandma's seat in the House.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Al Gore: “My generation asked old people, ‘Explain to me again why it is okay to discriminate against people because their skin color is different?’ And when they couldn’t really answer that question with integrity, the change really started”

It’s funny, but Al Gore gets it right, only it’s HIS side that can no longer answer with Integrity, everything is “Racism, Sexism, Homophobia”…I tell friends, and I have a few, that the Left is increasingly Intellectually, Spiritually, and Morally Bankrupt.

Carol_Herman said...

Here's my worry.

Boehner is PREFERRED by lots of the democrats in the House ... Why? Because they HATE Pelosi. And, Pelosi didn't leave!

Sometimes support is "quiet." But it is there.

And, with Congress so disfavored ... with worse ratings than Obama ... thre are plenty of politicians who are READING TEA LEAVES.

Doesn't mean we're gonna get a "Tea Leaf" party, because we won't.

And, it also means the republicans suffer from the religious zealots ... who have already frightened enough people that they reluctantly still cast their votes for democrats. (You see this when you look at election results.)

I also see that the schlemiel can win. He can win because a majority of Americans do NOT want to be entangled in fighting wars we cannot win. And, Americans, as a general rule, want no part of Europe. And, their travails ... Let them go choke on their EURO.

That's why as bad as things are for Obama's ratings ... he's got wind to his back. (Libya? We proved when we're serious we can see locals killing Saddam. While Kadaffi has flown away. But is probably gone. And, the "rebels" aren't gonna be bringing sunshine. Or American rebuilding business to Libya, anyway.) LOSE-LOSE. But we at least "practiced."

Irak and Afghanistan belong to Dubya.

And, yes. Obama has moves he can make. He can cut some fat to ribbons. But it won't be the fat you want cut.

And, if one of our illustrious Supreme Court justices retires (or gets carried out), next term ... he picks another justice ... And, that one won't have to please the religious zealots.

Sometimes, you think you're close to winning.

But you forget the other side gets to play. And, even if all we see is "The Schlemiel." At the end of the movie ... He's Charlie Chaplin. (People still imitate him, today.)


Original Mike said...

"“some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree.”

Absolutely despicable.

Carol_Herman said...

Al Gore?

Read Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain made people laugh, and recognize just how evil slavery was.

Jim is his most humane character.

Tom and Huck represent every man. Or actually "every boy."

Surrounded by religious folk.

And, Twain dealt them all blows!

Al Gore wasn't even liked by Bill Clinton! Politics is politics. Has nothing to do with good hearts or reason.

Al Gore did attempt a "globalizing jump." And, the first American politician that pulls out of the UN ... will become America's next hero.

geokstr said...

Joe said...
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Sure, you SAY that, but secretly you’re boiling that Rep. Carson has found out about your hood, rope, and arborist’s map in the garage of your house….

Now, now, let's wait to hear what he has to say first before we start making fun of him. Who knows, he might actually condemn what someone on his team said.


Scott M said...

And so it begins.

I absolutely hate this phrase and it's preponderance in the blogosphere, but I'm inclined to believe, and become more so with each turn, that it may actually apply to the topic at hand.

There is a very strong possibility of racial violence as the election nears. And it won't be whites hanging blacks, either.

The demographics of cross-racial violent crime certainly bears this out.

Shanna said...

I might add that this is yet another example of people taking a general rule/political philosophy that they disagree with and taking it intensely personally (assuming this isn't all just political posturing which it probably is).

Again, people need to be reminded that not everything in life is about you. You are thinking about yourself WAY more than anybody else is.

Tea party: Taxes are too high
Idiot in Congress: You want to kill me.

Original Mike said...

There is a bright side to this kind of race baiting. It speaks of desperation. Their polling numbers must be scaring the hell out of them.

Wince said...

Well, if the hanging is a suicide, evidently it's okay, at least with some Democrats in Congress.

In the Asian culture we do things differently. During the Samurai days, we just give you a knife and ask you to commit harakiri.

le Douanier said...

"Tea party: Taxes are too high"

So, if the feds are collecting less than fifteen percent of GDP, what would be an acceptable level, according to the TPers?

Five percent?

Who's the idiot?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Only WE can use MLK! That's OUR street!!..."

LOL! I always think of the Chris Rock standup routine when he talks about streets named after MLK.

Alex said...

I want to hug a Democrat.

Alex said...

pbj - how about spending is too high? I guess you missed that part of the TP platform.

G Joubert said...

If that's really and truly the case, he should be naming names.

Daryl said...

Doesn't Congress have rules about insulting other members?

Saying that some members of Congress, identifiable as Tea Party supporters, want to murder blacks by reason of racial animosity, seems like it should invite discipline.

If it's okay to say this, then why is it wrong to say "You Lie" when Obama lies?

Obama is a liar. He should speak out against this, if he wants Republicans to treat him with civility. Because right now, he deserves none.

Scott M said...

Who's the idiot?

You, if this is what you believe. Most Tea Party members I know, and from what I've read on der interwebz, point to spending that's out of control. With an overwhelming burden of uncontrolled spending, yeah, I can see not raising taxes at all. To do so is to enable. Why are you excusing spousal abuse, pbandj?

Chip S. said...

Then there's the clear demonstration that Politico is written by idiots, embedded near the end of the linked article:

Carson is hardly the first lawmaker to use heated rhetoric. Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) yelled “you lie” as President Barack Obama was addressing Congress. Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) yelled “baby killer” at former Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) as abortion was being discussed during the health care debate.

I hope some day to be able to look back on these times and laugh. But I think that the best I can hope for is to shudder.

Wince said...

One of my favorite movie lines, delivered by the father of a well-known environmentalist no less.

"Hang 'em."

bagoh20 said...

Not hanging on a tree, just sitting beneath, playing bridge would be just fine. Doesn't that sound nice? Better than being blamed for the mess you've created isn't it. Please consider it, we are.

Christopher in MA said...

Oh - he's black. Even better.

I can practically see the images dancing in his fevered brain - Scottsboro Boys, Emmett Till, Selma, 1963, KKK, Bull Connor and firehoses - yes, they're all part of the Tea Party platform. Because nothing says 'constitutional republic' like an old fashioned lynching.

Chip S. said...

So, if the feds are collecting less than fifteen percent of GDP, what would be an acceptable level, according to the TPers?

I'm certain that you know that the feds are spending 25 percent of GDP right now, and that's what has the Tea Party agitated. Because they understand what this implies about future taxes.

If you don't also understand that, you should try. If you do understand that, then you should try being honest.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"So said Rep. Andre Carson, a Democrat from Indiana. A Hoosier!"

Refreshing to see a fuckstick who is not from Wisconsin.

Real American said...

another delusional anti-American commie Demoncrat who wants to kill your children and bankrupt this country by stealing money from the people who work and giving it to people who don't because they're minorities. Leftists are retards.

Original Mike said...

Sorry I missed Chris Matthews last night. He is big on the "Tea Party is racist" schtick. Would have enjoyed hearing him defend this.

Anonymous said...

As a white male partially raised by a black female (after my mother died) and a past member of the NAACP, I think I'll write a check and make a donation to our local Tea Party (of which I'm not a member). Good job Congressman.

le Douanier said...


Yes, I do believe it, because it is true. I don't mind you saying it's idiotic to believe the truth, look at data, and compare historical reality--e.g. looking at tax revenue as a percentage of GDP during the Reagan years (north of 18%), which, btw, were deficit years even though payroll taxes were substantially raised such that the revenue above ss expenses could be used to fill in the non-ss budgetary holes).

Yes Chip,

We have a spending problem. But, we also have a revenue problem. The fed gov will never work as long as it's collecting less than fifteen percent of GDP--See above historic data.

But, the TPers and R candidates say that taxes can never be raised, not even w/ a ten to one (cuts/taxes) ratio. In imaginary land (though not the Reagan years) less than fifteen percent of GDP is plenty of dough to fund the gov sans deficit spending.

garage mahal said...

He should speak out against this, if he wants Republicans to treat him with civility.

Yea I'm sure that would work. The Tea Party has been so understanding up to now haven't they?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Refreshing to see a fuckstick who is not from Wisconsin..."

Everyone has a crazy uncle they pray doesn't show up for Christmas dinner.

AllenS said...


When the original bogus charges of racism were raised against the Tea Party, I immediately joined and sent them money. Other friends did the same.

Scott M said...

Everyone has a crazy uncle they pray doesn't show up for Christmas dinner.

I strive to be that uncle, but it's not working out. I keep getting invited.

bagoh20 said...

"So, if the feds are collecting less than fifteen percent of GDP, what would be an acceptable level, according to the TPers?"

I think that's the question for all of us, but only the Tea Party is asking it. The Dems are only asking: "Can't we talk about something else?"

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

Who really thinks that a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, an organization formed to discriminate based on race, is going to take responsibility for the black president's policies that have led to 41% black teen unemployment, which in turn has contributed to lawless mobs of black youth terrorizing cities on an almost daily basis?

Falsely labelling the Tea Party as a bunch of aspiring racist lynchers is a way to deflect attention from the fact that the black president's policies have failed the black community in a huge way.

Michael said...

Garage: Comrade, use your search engine to find pictures at "Left Wing Bush Monkey."

Thanks for playing, comrade.

bagoh20 said...

Being called racist by a modern liberal means you are winning the argument on it's merits.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... But, the TPers and R candidates say that taxes can never be raised, not even w/ a ten to one (cuts/taxes) ratio...."

Well Obama shouldn't have extended the Bush tax cuts.

The dim bulb extends the very cuts he railed against then cries that we don't have enough taxes.

The man is an idiot.

bagoh20 said...

"is a way to deflect attention from the fact that the black president's policies have failed the black community in a huge way."

That was the white half that did that.

Christopher in MA said...

Oh, my, garage. Your google search on "tea party racist" brings up photos of a bunch of boneheads making foolish signs about the SCOAMF. Are you expecting me to be ashamed? To apologize? To rend my garments in abject supplication?

Forget it. After the eight years your party slandered George Bush and engaged in outright treason in order to bring him down, I don't give a tinker's damn what you, Carson or Little Black Jesus think of the Tea Party.

Or, in the immortal words of Mxine Waters - go straight to hell, garbage.

garage mahal said...

The man is an idiot

The Teahadis were threatening to shut the government down, ala Gingrich. But you're right, he should have told them to get bent.

Chip S. said...

@pbjFR--If everyone would agree to discuss the facts, then we might be able to get somewhere. So, thanks for sticking to the facts.

Right now both our revenue problem and our spending problem are in large part caused by the weak recovery/double-dip recession. Without a looming entitlements crisis, we could pretty much ride out the deficit and expect to return to the long-term GDP percentages for spending and revenue.

But the entitlements crisis is at hand, and it's been made even bigger by the future prospects for Obamacare. Without structural reforms of old-age and medical entitlements, we will absolutely have to raise taxes to unprecedented levels and beyond.

To tie all this back to the topic of this thread, it's pretty clear that people like Andre Carson are not contributing anything useful to the discussion. In fact, people like him are making things impossible to discuss rationally.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Garage: Comrade, use your search engine to find pictures at "Left Wing Bush Monkey."

Sorry but Obama is exempt from the caricatures, effigies, or other visual protests that have been lain against Presidents since the founding of the Republic.

Because he doesn't look like those guys.

Please do try and keep up. We are all created equal except when we are not and the liberals will let you know when that is.

Original Mike said...

Amartel @11:45:

Very well said, sir/ma'am.

Christopher in MA said...

". . .but the TPers and R candidates say that taxes can never be raised. . ."

To use Massachusetts as an example, it is the general rule that once a tax is raised, it is damned near impossible to cut it. I do not trust this sleazy, dishonest congress or president to cut nearly as much as needs to be cut in order to raise any taxes.

Years back, a ballot question to eliminate the state income tax was decried as the end of the world by the "bow-tied bum-kissers" at the Boston Globe, while those who were tired of the rapacious cuttlefish of government had the slogan "put their backs to the wall!"

And that's how I feel about the congressional clown college. Unless their backs are to the wall, they will never cut anything. If saying "no new taxes, not now, not ever" is the only way to stop them, then that's the method that must be used.

Sofa King said...

Yes, I do believe it, because it is true. I don't mind you saying it's idiotic to believe the truth, look at data, and compare historical reality--e.g. looking at tax revenue as a percentage of GDP during the Reagan years (north of 18%), which, btw, were deficit years even though payroll taxes were substantially raised such that the revenue above ss expenses could be used to fill in the non-ss budgetary holes).

Just to point out, you don't have to be an idiot to honestly believe the federal government is way, way, too large and has been for almost a hundred years now.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Wasn't membership of the KKK drawn from the Democratic party?
Carson must be aware of this since nearby counties in Indiana like Brown county had lots of KKK activity.the Democratic party?
Carson must be aware of this since nearby counties in Indiana like Brown county had lots of KKK activity.

Lincolntf said...

Oh fucking yawn.
It's shitbag Democrats like Carson, who "represent" their constituents by keeping them bottled up in disgusting public housing projects with zero hope of getting out, who are the real racists. They see black Americans as stupid cows to be milked for votes and then returned to their filthy stalls. Scumbags, every one of them.

Hoosier Daddy said...


" At the signing ceremony, Obama said passage of the law was propelled "by the fact that tax rates for every American were poised to automatically increase on January 1st." If that had happened, "the average middle-class family would have had to pay an extra $3,000 in taxes next year," he said. "That wouldn't have just been a blow to them; it would have been a blow to our economy, just as we're climbing out of a devastating recession."

Obama declared: "I refused to let that happen. And because we acted, it's not going to. In fact, not only will middle-class Americans avoid a tax increase, but tens of millions of Americans will start the new year off right by opening their first paycheck to see that it's actually larger than the one they get right now."

Oh dear....and here I was told those tax cuts only went to rich people!

Shut down my ass.

Tank said...


You really don't want to shut down your ass. Really.

Bagoh hits it. You know they're either losing the argument, or just plain stupid, when the racist crap comes out. OK,OK, Carson qualifies for both.

DADvocate said...

Oh, I forgot - hatemonger.

As we've noted before the Democrats need hate, they want hate, they cultivate hate. Without hate, Democrats don't get elected.

From Inwood said...

Actually, I understand that all the Tea party guy said was:

"I'd like to see 'em on the Rye Beach Playland Roller Coaster wearing a scarf!”

jeff said...

Dude's a moron. However I suppose even moron's deserve representation. But why do they get so much of it?
"But, the TPers and R candidates say that taxes can never be raised, not even w/ a ten to one (cuts/taxes) ratio."
Possibly because the TPers and R candidates know that any mythical ten to one cuts/taxes offered would be on the Wimpy plan. "I would gladly raise taxes $1 today in exchange for $10 in cuts tomorrow." Perhaps if actual cuts were ever proposed (actual cuts, not cuts in proposed increases) then the TPers and R's would have a different answer. But you already know all that.

Anonymous said...

“Some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.”

He should name names. Otherwise, it didn't happen. (Sort of like the "If you don't have video, it didn't happen idea." Of course, all the video at the rally in Washington was like the dog not barking in Sherlock Holmes. It proved nothing happened and he was a liar. As he is now. Because if he had to name names, I'm guessing he would disappear right quick.)

Curious George said...

garage, you are correct sir. We Tea Party...sorry teabaggers...look at Obama and marvel at the fact that he doesn't have a Negro dialect (unless he wants to) but that may because he is light skinned. We also note that he is the first black that is clean, articulate, and bright. We think that he should be serving us coffee, not be the President. We call him The Magic Negro.

I mean if that doesn't make us racist, what does?

gerry said...

“We are talking about child nutrition, job creation, job training, housing assistance, and Head Start, and that is just the beginning. A child without basic nutrition, secure housing, and quality education has no real chance at a meaningful and productive life.”

Then why do Democrats keep opposing Washington, D.C.?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... You really don't want to shut down your ass. Really...."

Well maybe if Titus is around.

gerry said...

Whew. I somehow really screwed up the post at 12:25. I couldn't even delete it, which is what I wish I could do!

traditionalguy said...

I say don't fall for this like Prosser did to the Bradley charge and fist waiving in his face.

It is a total desperation move to reignite the white guilt flaming arrow that was extinguished and pulled out of voters 3 years ago.

But Tea bags hanging from their strings need to be removed from ads, or they will be the cause of mitightan insane guy lynching Congresswoman Giffords next.

BTW she is walking without a cane now. Good for her.

Chuck66 said...

My background is a bit more lower-middle class blue collar than many of yours. In my youngster days, I drank quite a bit of beer at the bar in the labor temple building.

The most vicious racists I have known were Democrat union dudes. Pretty decent guys overall, but its just the way they are. Example? They are not Arabs. They are sand-xxxxxers. Nor are there any Native Americans, but instead timber-xxxxers.

Joe said...

There are many in the tea party and without who would prefer their critics to use comprehensible English grammar.

Sigivald said...

There are Tea Party Congressmen now?

Not many, I imagine.

She got any names to name?


Disgraceful* hack.

(And the "explanation" for it was equally disgraceful.)

(* But then, the very existence of a "black caucus" is disagraceful in 2011.

A racially discriminatory body of Congressmen?


traditionalguy said...

sorry, mitighan was the wv.

Original Mike said...

“We are talking about child nutrition, job creation, job training, housing assistance, and Head Start, and that is just the beginning."

How long are these people going to get away with crying wolf?

Pragmatist said...

Reading the comments here I would say he is more than half right.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... A child without basic nutrition, secure housing, and quality education has no real chance at a meaningful and productive life.”..."

Um, aren't these things that Mom and Dad should provide and not the Federal government?

I know I'm a bit old fashioned but...

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Reading the comments here I would say he is more than half right...."

The remedial reading and comprehension class is down the hall and to your right.

Good luck.

rhhardin said...

Give a man enough rope and he feeds himself forever.

Original Mike said...

"Reading the comments here I would say he is more than half right."

For example?

North Dallas Thirty said...

Pragmatist said...
Reading the comments here I would say he is more than half right.

8/31/11 12:42 PM

Of course. Because, you know, expecting black people to go out and earn a living and be responsible for their children the same as white people are is racist.

We're glad to have people like you around, Pragmatist. You remind us daily that the liberal worldview is that black Americans are not people, just feral animals who are dependent on the government to feed, shelter, clothe, and educate them.

Just like your plantation owner forbears believed.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... We're glad to have people like you around, Pragmatist. You remind us daily that the liberal worldview is that black Americans are not people, just feral animals who are dependent on the government to feed, shelter, clothe, and educate them...."

For some people every day is 1860.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Well done Pragmatist…you say “They’re racist” but provide no evidence…leaving your foe to “prove a Negative.” I say “Well Done, Sir, Well Done.”

PB&J(Troll)…we have a spending problem, not a revenue problem…you could confiscate ALL the wealth of the “rich” and not pay off the debt. We cannot “tax” our way out of this problem…and that seems to be the TEA Party’s point.

Scott M said...

For some people every day is 1860.

Didn't Ministry have a song about that?

The Elder said...

Some Hoosiers are not very "hoosierly." Your phrase, Ann, and its a good one.

damikesc said...

Joe, when Gore said they spoke to the older generation...does anybody think he meant noted segregationist Al Gore Sr?

Steven said...

You know, I expect your average Tea Partier would rather have a Supreme Court of nine Clarence Thomases than nine Anthony Kennedys.

edutcher said...

Carol's point about the Demos preferring someone like Boehner is not without merit.

People like Chuckie Schumer, even in the minority, can wrap the RINOs around their little finger if they talk enough about compassion and racism and stuff like that.

But the Tea Partiers have religion (small "r") and want to pull down the rafters of entitlements and Social Justice and the whole Lefty order. They aren't as easily intimidated and a big Republican victory with a Tea Party majority in Congress would be Armageddon for the Left, especially if the economy is demonstrably worse a year from now.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Joe, when Gore said they spoke to the older generation...does anybody think he meant noted segregationist Al Gore Sr

Well it was easier for AlGore Jr. to ask his father that question, I guess…or mayhap Wm. Fullbright or Senator “Sheets” Byrd, I bet that young AlGore met them all.

J Allen said...

The racist shows his racism. Looks like the same old playbook and the new civility of the left.

cubanbob said...

pbAndjFellowRepublican said...

Yes, I do believe it, because it is true. I don't mind you saying it's idiotic to believe the truth, look at data, and compare historical reality--e.g. looking at tax revenue as a percentage of GDP during the Reagan years (north of 18%), which, btw, were deficit years even though payroll taxes were substantially raised such that the revenue above ss expenses could be used to fill in the non-ss budgetary holes).

Yes Chip,

We have a spending problem. But, we also have a revenue problem. The fed gov will never work as long as it's collecting less than fifteen percent of GDP--See above historic data.

But, the TPers and R candidates say that taxes can never be raised, not even w/ a ten to one (cuts/taxes) ratio. In imaginary land (though not the Reagan years) less than fifteen percent of GDP is plenty of dough to fund the gov sans deficit spending.

8/31/11 11:50 AM

Everything the government does that directly benefits me and mine is covered by the current tax collections. Its the rest of the spending that the taxpayers can do without. If that means cutting your benefits or salary, sorry but I really don't give a shit.
Better my money in my pocket that my money in tour pocket.

Joseph of FP said...

I used to think such ridiculous claims were merely cynical ploys, but now I think people actually believe it when they say such things. Left and right often don’t just have different values, but literally see a different world. As a result, meaningful conversation is near impossible.

I say “potato”, you say “racist!”
I say “tomato”, you say “shut up!”

Kirk Parker said...


Start selling life insurance, and be sure to bring it up at every opportunity. Problem solved!

J said...

Carson's description fits the majority of teabuggers--crypto-klansmen and mormonic swine (perhaps we quote some Brigham Dung on blacks)

Carol_Herman said...

What if you looked at everybody as a voter; and, it was your job to invite them in to make a sale?

Clyde said...

Not trees. Lamp posts. That's where bad politicians who flagrantly waste the taxpayers' money and flout the will of the people should end up. But we believe in equal opportunity, so any politician whose malfeasance is so evident should swing, regardless of race, color or creed. It's not because you're black, Congressman. It's because you are spending our children, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren into bankruptcy.

Alternatives: Tar and feathers, being ridden out of town on a rail, etc.

gerry said...

Reading the comments here I would say he is more than half right.

He's more than half-empty.

Kirk Parker said...

"You know, I expect your average Tea Partier would rather have a Supreme Court of nine Clarence Thomases than nine Anthony Kennedys. "

No way, that would be a disaster! We need at least a couple of Scalias in there just for balance.

Lombardi Chick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Didn't Ministry have a song about that?..."

No. It was Halloween.

I still have my cd somewhere.

Scott M said...

No. It was Halloween.


Then they went industrial heavy metal and sucked. Not that industrial heavy metal sucks...just Ministry's version of it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This sort of Democrat crazy talk seems to be inherently dangerous.

Is there a threshold level of such loony comments that finally provokes the reaction, "Well OK, whatever you say, get me the rope."

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Then they went industrial heavy metal and sucked. Not that industrial heavy metal sucks...just Ministry's version of it...."


chickelit said...

Carol_Herman said...
What if you looked at everybody as a voter; and, it was your job to invite them in to make a sale?

Suppose we looked at J, AndyR, pB&J, Raul, etc., as Obama cheerleaders?

Not even the team QB would date them because they have one hideous thing in common.

Drew said...

If that's really and truly the case, he should be naming names.

Absolutely. Call his bluff. He accused "some" Congress members of wanting to lynch him. Ask him for names. If he can't provide any names then demand he apologize, and then that he resign for the smear.

(Perhaps Andrew Breitbart should put out a $100,000 reward for those names.)

J said...

yr the queer, here chicken-- Log Cabin style-- Larry Craig-chicken. Not approving of yr TP-GOP heroes doesn't imply membership in the Dems, either, you lying sack of garbage.

Lincolntf said...

What implies your membership in the "Dems" is your inarticulate bigotry against belief systems ranging from Catholicism to Mormonism. That kind of incoherent garbage comes tripping off the lips of only one brand of idiot, your brand. Now go get your shinebox, pissant.

Big Mike said...

Back in the 1960's one of the really offensive things that white bigots used to do was refer to adult male Black people as "boy." That was disgusting.

But 50 years later along comes Andre Carson, and he really does seem to think like a child.

Very painful.

I Callahan said...

The most vicious racists I have known were Democrat union dudes. Pretty decent guys overall, but its just the way they are. Example? They are not Arabs. They are sand-xxxxxers. Nor are there any Native Americans, but instead timber-xxxxers.

I grew up in Detroit, and I'll tell you that this is 100% true. Get a couple of older auto workers with a few beers in them, and the grand kleagle would blush at some of the things I'd hear.

Cedarford said...

I Callahan said...
The most vicious racists I have known were Democrat union dudes. Pretty decent guys overall, but its just the way they are. Example? They are not Arabs. They are sand-xxxxxers. Nor are there any Native Americans, but instead timber-xxxxers.

I grew up in Detroit, and I'll tell you that this is 100% true. Get a couple of older auto workers with a few beers in them, and the grand kleagle would blush at some of the things I'd hear.

I would give them a little dispensation. They saw blacks, far more than "foreign competition, the unions" - turn Detroit and many neighborhood 'burbs from great to shithole status. Many were direct crime victims of blacks, many saw the taxes become as bad as the schools the taxes fed became.
Expecting white ethnic auto workers round abouts Detroit to have nice things to say about blacks is like asking a Tibetan what part of the Han Chinese takeover they really like. No doubt the Tibetan may have some positives somewhere, something about the Han..amy even claim to like some Han as people...but you know where the general sentiment is, and why it is so if you read up on the Tibetan situation.

Do the Tibetans cross into racism on occasion when talking about Han execution squads and land thefts? Why, yes! What a surprise!

Christopher in MA said...

Callahan and Cedarford, it only reinforces what I , as a born and bred Massachusetts native, always say: there's not a Southern KKK man can hold a candle to a Northern racist.

AllenS said...

I'm really disappointed that Raul didn't show up and straighten everything out. He's an expert on bigotry. Don't you know? Maybe he's nothing but a pussy/sissy, I guess.

KCFleming said...

"Maybe he's nothing but a pussy/sissy, I guess."

That's sexist and homophobic, and me pointing it out is also sexist and homophobic.

AllenS said...

On the other hand, if we don't have Raul, by God, we've got J to take his place. You can't beat that.

Anonymous said...

This puke Carson and the others of his ilk are desperately trying to hold their base together.

Racism is the biggest chunk of red meat they have, what will be used for the encore?

There's over a year before the election and they're using their nuclear weapon NOW.

Francisco D said...


No matter how you spell it, Racism jumped the shark a long time ago.

Al Sharpton's Tawana Brawley suit, Jesse Jackson's shakedowns that left him and his kids multi-millionaires, .... I really don't need to go on.

sorepaw said...

Andre Carson is also the guy who claimed to have heard the n-word shouted multiple times by Obamacare protesters.

So did Jim Clyburn, Emmanuel Cleaver, and Richard Trumka.

But isn't Carson younger than any of those three?

He can't plead that he's hard of hearing. (Unlike Clyburn, who is 70.)

Tom from Virginia said...

I continue to be amazed at how often projection explains these things.

Greg said...

Scott M -

Ever listen to Ministry's synthpop album, With Sympathy? A classic! :)

J said...

I'd like to see lots of politicians hanging from trees.

test said...

He's just saying what everyone on the left thinks. This is what happens when you allow your education system to be converted into indoctrination camps.

He's an idiot, the left are idiots and fools, and those running the system are smiling and clapping. While America falls apart the leftists at the top make 6 figure salaries, guaranteed retirements, and the only risk they face is that they won't be able to extort twice as much within ten years.

Toad Trend said...

Just more proof for the progressive dossier that points to their mental illness.

Cry and whine about 'incivility' and in the next breath puke out the stupidity uttered by Carson (D) of Indiana. This, on the heels of the hateful statement of Waters (D) of California.

Such wonderful examples for our 'utes.

Liberals - defining deviancy down for over 100 years.

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