Vineyard hotel managers urged guests to plan their exits as soon as possible, and emergency officials told locals to stock up on four days of food and water....Of course, the little people — even rich little people — have to make their escape early, when they are dependent on commercial operations that will be overtaxed as everyone tries to leave at once. But the President has his own transport. He can leave at the precise moment he chooses, as long as the storm is not so close it's grounding the planes.
The only issue is optics. Should he be "enjoy[ing] a low-key day amid the white sands and tall waves of the private Pohogonot beach" when the commoners are scurrying for their lives/safety? As you answer that, please consider all the many disasters that have befallen our young President, making a wreck of the years of his presidency, years once envisioned as Camelot.
Ah.. sorry... it is so sad. This loss. Of the hopes. The dreams. Of the fleeting wisp of glory.
Now, let our king rest for a few brief shining moments on that beach in... <dramatic whisper> Camelot.
There's a good sized public school inland on the Vineyard that is an evacuation spot. Maybe Obama can take his kids there and say they've been to public school. Rahm can fly up just ahead of the storm and do the same. Wait..all "progressive" pols should seize this rare opportunity.
So what if he can leave when he wants? The issue is not his personal safety, the issue is his duty to this country.
Obama casually sunning himself on the beach while people flee and emergency crews work around him is the perfect symbol for just about every major complaint lodged against him. We have a president who doesn't care about his country.
He has given up. The last decent thing he can do is announce that he will not run for reelection.
He's made a speech telling other people to do what their told.
I'm betting he's doing what he's told.
When the obamas decide to leave, the little people who are dependent on commercial operations will have to completely stop their evacuation, while the current occupants of the White House close down the air space while they flee.
Prince O should never have gone, especially since it's come out his suddenly indifferent queen, the Princess of Livin' Large, has blown 10 mil in vacas in the past year.
But let him stay.
Maybe Irene (the bad one, not the nice one) will go upside his head and show him the error of false pride.
PS What tim said.
Not to mention the roads that will be closed for the obama motorcade.
Please! He needs more time to work on his huge gigantic plan for saving and creating jobs! I don't think you people appreciate what a hard job being president is.
It's not about arranging things, it's about not clogging up crap when the sh*t hits the fan. It's about making emergency person's jobs easier.
The president should be the first to leave so all of his security is out of everyone else's way.
"The only issue is optics."
No it is NOT! When he decides to leave, no-one else will be allowed to leave for 'Security'. All other flights will be grounded, cars in the area will not be allowed on the road and so on.
He should either stay for the whole storm or leave now. Waiting until the last minute will endanger many more people than otherwise.
Would faux Roman columns help?
And the owner of his $50K rental property will have to stay late to board up, or else just hope there's something left when the storm is done. You know The Won isn't going to bring in the patio furniture, take down the awnings, batten down the windows, etc.
As you answer that, please consider all the many disasters that have befallen our young President, making a wreck of the years of his presidency,...
A touch of sarcasm, perhaps?
Up to this point, the greatest disaster for Obama has been a double bogey on the 12th hole.
Camelot....itis a silly place
He's gotta stay to show what a man he is.
He should spend the day at the beach with a good book. :-b
He and the First Lady could choose to leave a couple hours apart, thereby tying up the airspace for twice as long.
Oh, I don't blame him for wanting to stay. Remember the first time you got a vacation from your very first job? You didn't want to go back. I'm sure the SCOAMF doesn't either.
And besides, the earlier he packs up the sooner he has to be paired with the First Scowler, and I can't imagine he looks forward to that.
So I don't think it's about "optics" at all, if by "optics" you mean that it looks good to others and staying looks bad.
Sure, the presidential helicopter (what is it, Marine One or some-such?) can drop down and take away Obama, Michelle and the girls, but his staff and all of his security have to leave, too, and one thing that the president always does, if you like him or not, if you love him or hate him, is comprehensively disrupt everything when he travels.
No one preparing for a hurricane landfall or a possible hurricane landfall needs extra disruption.
It's not about arranging things, it's about not clogging up crap when the sh*t hits the fan. It's about making emergency person's jobs easier.
Woah!! That would require him to think about someone other than himself. Put other people first. Duty and Country before self.
No way!!
"COME ON!........YOU CALL THIS A RECESSION?!?!?!..........."
"... please consider all the many disasters that have befallen our young President, making a wreck of the years of his presidency, years once envisioned as Camelot..."
Anyone have any good tips for cleaning puke off a keyboard?
"He and the First Lady could choose to leave a couple hours apart, thereby tying up the airspace for twice as long."
"And the owner of his $50K rental property will have to stay late to board up,..."
That, too.
Isn't this exactly what's happened to a lot of the businesses that Obama visits to show off "green" jobs? He comes and goes, and the business shutters within a couple months.
I see he's gotten much better on his speed. It only took a little over a week.
If the setting and events were fiction, it would be bad fiction. Whatever you do, Mr. President, don't let them take a picture of you looking out the window of AF-1.
Irene is collapsing faster than:
President Obama's polls,
The US economy,
Weather modeling's credibility,
Quadaffi's army,
Wisc. Supreme Court's reputation,
and .....
Didn't Art Bell used to have exercises for his listeners like concentrating on a hurricane in order to shift it's path?
Well done Professor, very well done. For some reason, Jim Morrison keeps singing in the background (not Riders on the Storm). Wishful thinking?
Irene is set to hit the D.C. area Saturday late afternoon/evening or thereabouts. If Obama isn't leaving to go back to D.C. now, he isn't planning to go back until after the hurricane hits. What's he going to do, try to land in D.C. in hurricane-force winds?
the many disasters that have befallen our young President
That's the crux of it. isn't it - something in him evokes feelings of maternal protection. He is not young. He should be a man, but he isn't. That's really the problem. He's a whiny, think-skinned wimp.
And if he gets re-elected it will be because people see him as being picked upon. NOT because he is worthy, or has done a single good thing.
What a weasel. DON'T fall for it.
errr - thin-skinned - pimf
What with the East coast weather, this would be a good time to fly off to Vail for another weekend away.
He needs to get out of everyone's way. If he waits until the last minute and he really has to leave, his exit will take priority over the the commoners. That would not be nice.
It's all good. As Irene approaches, Obama will stride purposely out to the beach with his hands outstretched Moses-like and with his deep, silky baritone, cry forth:
You shall not, PASS!!
He should simply be thrown out of office early, since he is an ineligible non natural born Citizen, due to his birth as a British subject of a British subject father.
I know he is something of a nut, but I miss Art Bell's show. Just the stuff he would throw out and his "experts" would always be a good listen during a long late night drive.
Plus, what if he was right on even any of that stuff. Fun to think about.
I don't know who envisioned this administration as "Camelot." Seems like it's a pretty ridiculous daydream outsiders would conjure to project their fantasies on to.
Maybe he'll choose to ride out the storm, and help fill sandbags or something. I'd at least respect that.
For some reason, Jim Morrison keeps singing in the background
I'm picturing Jim Morrison singing Build Me Up, Buttercup.
Interesting fact: Mick is the bastard son of Art Bell and Carol Herman.
The question is: Is Mick a natural-borne bastard, or does he owe allegiance to Art Bell's sovereign, Emperor Zorg of Alpha Venturi III?
I'm picturing Jim Morrison singing Build Me Up, Buttercup, while exposing himself.
You shall not, PASS!!
If he does recklessly attempt to fly back to D.C. on Saturday, President Nagin will necessarily divert a number of first-responders away from their jobs to protect his sorry butt.
I, like Althouse, also feel sorry for Obama?
What to do?
So unfair to have to decide things while on vacation from having to decide things-
With many differing opinions, no matter what he does is bound to cause a Clash
Why doesn't the President just hold another press conference and whine about how the hurricane isn't compromising?
It looks like he'll ride the storm out, which may force him to (darn it) extend his holiday by a few days.
Between rounds of golf, he'll pose with a shovel filling sandbags, and these will be the only images from Obama's extended stay that will make the nightly news.
It's only a model.
the Princess of Livin' Large, has blown 10 mil in vacas in the past year.
Where has this talking point come from? I've seen it several times in recent days and my BS detector is going haywire.
It's only a model.
DBQ wrote:
Camelot... it is a silly place.
I followed your link (MP vids always lighten the day) and no sooner than the kniggits began their big song and dance number
We're Knights of the Round Table,
We dance when 'ere we're able.
then up popped an Obama re-elect ad. Random irony generator at work? Dee-lich.
Clearly Pres. Obama is braver than Sir Robin.
Bender said...
Irene is set to hit the D.C. area Saturday late afternoon/evening or thereabouts. If Obama isn't leaving to go back to D.C. now, he isn't planning to go back until after the hurricane hits. What's he going to do, try to land in D.C. in hurricane-force winds?
8/26/11 11:16 AM
If he had any political sense never mind common decency he would cut the vacation short and go to his house in Chicago and return to the WH next Wednesday. That way if the storm is that bad he won't have burden the poor WH staff crews that maintain and operate the WH any more than necessary and would give the residents and vacationers on Martha's Vineyard enough time to evacuate and prepare without the presidential burden. God forbid that Michelle might actually have to cook a meal for the kids in their Chicago home.
Speaking as a parent, I think he should leave so as to get his kids out of harm's way. The storm will be far enough east of DC that there should be minimal damage there.
Still, I don't see why the BHerald story is bitching about something that wasn't done yesterday. Prepping for a hurricane does take days -- move all the boats, batten down the hatches, etc. -- but why should BHO leave while that's being done? It's not that hard to get off of MV.
If Obama isn't leaving to go back to D.C. now, he isn't planning to go back until after the hurricane hits. What's he going to do, try to land in D.C. in hurricane-force winds?
Maybe he could borrow the Bush's Crawford Texas digs for a short while.
This is the provenance for that story.
Many excuses can be made for her, but you have to admit it looks very bad.
He's showing he's unruffled, not perturbed by a little wind and rain.
Only when he deems it is in his best interest will he get on that plane.
Or they don't want to finish it up at Camp David?
Mick said...
He should simply be thrown out of office early, since he is an ineligible non natural born Citizen, due to his birth as a British subject of a British subject father.
8/26/11 11:22 AM
Mick we got your memo. So unless you convince the Joint Chiefs Of Staff to surround the WH with tanks the guy isn't leaving the WH until 20 January 2013. Give it a rest for your own mental well being. Just be sure to vote for any one but BHO in the next election and do your patriotic duty.
Not to mention the roads that will be closed for the obama motorcade.
It's an island. Maybe on the way to the airport. In a way, what he is doing is a good thing because everyone else's evacuation will not be delayed and he can leave last.
Where's Joe again?
How does the Secret Service protect Obama from kidnapping by a submarine that sends a Navy Seal type force ashore to get him?
The confusion of the Hurricane scrambling will make him more vulnerable.
The enemy submarine will be safe but the surface craft protecting Obama will be gone.
Does the Tea Party have its own submarines?
".. Nerd..."
I always liked hurricanes.
School closed, candles in the house, interesting trees down.
Maybe Michelle brought candles.
Where has this talking point come from? I've seen it several times in recent days and my BS detector is going haywire.
It is actually supposed to come from a disgruntled White House source. Only they would know.
Many excuses can be made for her, but you have to admit it looks very bad.
The Daily Mail in UK as a source.
By the way, Scott M, I loved that Nerd response. Perfect. LOL.
At age 50, I do not remember anyone commisserating with me due to my youth.
It was more like, "Jeez Hagar, you're certainly old enough to have known better!"
Or is the Professor chumming again?
First Camelot: early 6th Century Romano-British hill fort -- rather squalid and with tenuous hold on reality.
Second Camelot: middle 20th Century delusion attached to young, tanned (heh) handsome, happily married (heh) Democratic president -- -- rather squalid and with tenuous hold on reality.
Third Camelot: late 20th Century public relations screed attached to young, tanned (heh) handsome, happily married (heh) Democratic president -- -- rather squalid and with tenuous hold on reality.
Obama is what, the fourth coming of Camelot? What's with these progressives and their obsession with dressing presidential tenures with monarchical allegories? You'd think they had no faith in self government.
Ok so I was at Starbucks and I see this Asian guy sitting there and he's kinda singing badly like those people do and I could make out some words he was singing like ......come on I gave him a piece of my mind saying dat shit ain't funny and that storm could cause a lot of damage, people could be hurt, Obamas reelection chances dashed..
So he stands up and says no, Dexys Midnight Runners, Come on Eileen.
Boy was I embarrased.
The Braves are playing the Mets in NYC this weekend.
With the wind blowing out to left field at Cat 1, the HR records can all be broken.
But the umphs may call everything strikes to get the hell out of there.
Obama is what, the fourth coming of Camelot? What's with these progressives and their obsession with dressing presidential tenures with monarchical allegories? You'd think they had no faith in self government.
Are you suggesting that Obama doesn't have a good tan?
So he stands up and says no, Dexys Midnight Runners, Come on Eileen.
It was only a matter of time...
@Hoosier Daddy, was he Japanese?
he won't have burden the poor WH staff crews that maintain and operate the WH any more than necessary
The White House needs to maintain a substantial security detail in any event, even if Obama were to run away to Chicago. They can't leave the building empty.
But they could come back to D.C. and allow all of the servants, cooks, etc. to stay home. They can make their own sandwiches and make their own beds and wipe their own butts for a change.
Obama going back tonight.
Michelle and the girls flying out separately tomorrow.
Here's hoping their carbon-spewing doesn't draw the hurricane like a magnet.
Not just Daily Mail:
◼ U.S. sued over Michelle's secretive 'family outing' - 'How much did the American people spend to send the first lady' on safari? - Bob Unruh/World Net Daily
◼ Judicial Watch Sues US Air Force for Documents Detailing the Cost to Taxpayers for Michelle Obama’s Family Trip to Africa - Judicial Watch
Sofa King said...
Maybe he'll choose to ride out the storm, and help fill sandbags or something. I'd at least respect that.
If he does that, he'll just screw up his protection detail and preparedness efforts. Secret Service will be having kittens trying to keep him covered, and they'll all just get in the way of those who actually know what they're doing.
Just picture Mr. Obama in his mom jeans struggling with a shovel trying to fill a sandbag.
If he causes so much as ONE SINGLE injury or casualty by his continued presence there as the working folks try to protect their homes and families, he should simply accept that he'll be a one-term president, and not a very good one at that.
Scott M wrote:
Are you suggesting that Obama doesn't have a good tan?
OK, OK... Point granted. Obama's got a good tan.
Just heard on cable news that Obama's heading back to DC. Michelle isn't returning until tomorrow. Once again, they take the more expensive option. Marie, Marie, Marie...
He could garner a lot of good will by offering to fly some people off of the island.
I mean, as long as he and Michelle are flying two planes and all.
I'm surprised the secret service allows that.
flying into bad weather?
"I always liked hurricanes.
School closed, candles in the house, interesting trees down."
I hear ya.
cubanbob said...
"Mick said...
He should simply be thrown out of office early, since he is an ineligible non natural born Citizen, due to his birth as a British subject of a British subject father.
8/26/11 11:22 AM
Mick we got your memo. So unless you convince the Joint Chiefs Of Staff to surround the WH with tanks the guy isn't leaving the WH until 20 January 2013. Give it a rest for your own mental well being. Just be sure to vote for any one but BHO in the next election and do your patriotic duty."
The truth sets me free.
Your sentiments are exactly why this Constitutional travesty has been allowed to happen, as you turn a blind eye to treason. I will do more than not vote for him, I will get him disqualified as ineligible in the next election, and while you sit on your non- principles, I will live up to my voter oath to defend the Constitution.
If the very reason for the natural born Citizen requirement is to prevent "any avenue" (see Federalist #68) to foreign influence of the Oval Office and Commander In Chief, then how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born British, of a British subject father, is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
None of you "brilliant" lawyers, "law profs", willfully blind Usurper apologists, nor "Conservatives" can answer that question. You should all be embarrassed and ashamed.
Why should He leave?
The oceans are falling and the earth is healing. It has been so decreed. There is no danger to Him.
I said...
He and the First Lady could choose to leave a couple hours apart, thereby tying up the airspace for twice as long.
MayBee said...
Obama going back tonight.
Michelle and the girls flying out separately tomorrow.
I'm gonna have to up my snark, as it is currently not enough to overtake reality.
I tell you what. If he promises to leave the White House early he would get my blessing for him and his family to stay on Marthas Vineyard forever.
Anybody remember that old Flintstones' character Schleprock? Everything he touched turned to shit and a storm cloud followed him around? Maybe Obama is Schleprack.
None of you "brilliant" lawyers, "law profs", willfully blind Usurper apologists, nor "Conservatives" can answer that question. You should all be embarrassed and ashamed.
This is the broken record that you keep trying to spin, but you have yet to answer the most important question yourself.
What Are You Going To Do About It?
@Rose, I'm not asserting that the trips don't cost money. I'm specifically questioning the $10M figure (that seems to have been plucked out of someone's kiester). Your linked-to articles just go back to the Daily Mail to make the claims in the article seem credible. Echo chamber.
It reminds me very much of the DOA's laughably bad estimates of how much damage protestors caused at the Wisconsin State Capitol earlier this year.
Plus, innumeracy just bugs me.
For the record, I could give a shit what the President does. It's irrelevant to my life.
WV: endest.
2012: Thus endest one of the worst Presidencies ever.
Anybody remember that old Flintstones' character Schleprock
No. And I watched the Flinstones constantly after school in Jr. High.
(Goes searching on google).
Aah. It was in the Pebbles/Bambam spinoff in the early 70s. Didn't watch that.
Once again, they take the more expensive option.
Michelle and daughters flew ahead and gained about four hours extra vac time for the expense of the plane, security, staff, vodka, Prada sandals, etc. Now they're flying back separately to enjoy another beach day? Are these people just goddamn stupid? I mean WTF?
Liburuls like to point out that George W. Bushitler took more vacation time than Obama has at this point in their respective presidencies. Yet one must point out that the Republican fuhrer took most of his time off at his own home in Berchtesgaden... er... Crawford, TX (a real four star destination, listed in black type in all the Michelin guides) which though luxurious and exclusive to the jet set, is still slightly less expensive than Martha's Vineyard.
Aah. It was in the Pebbles/Bambam spinoff in the early 70s. Didn't watch that.
Thanks for the correction. I watched all of that stuff in syndication/reruns when I was a kid and it all ran together for me.
Anybody remember that old Flintstones' character Schleprock
But I remember Joe Btfsplk from the Al Capp comic strips
"He's well-meaning, but is the world's worst jinx, bringing disastrous misfortune to everyone around him. A small, dark rain cloud perpetually hovers over his head to symbolize his bad luck. Hapless Btfsplk and his ever-present cloud became one of the most iconic images in Li'l Abner."
Maybe this is Obama.
Has Guinevere had enough of Camelot?
Michelle to Barack et vv—
"I ain't going. You do what you gotta do, I'm doing what I gotta do."
"But honey, it doesn't look good what with the expense of it all."
"Exactly, Barry, exactly."
The heirs of Al Capp oughta sue the heirs of Hanna-Barbera. What a rip...
Who killed Marilyn Monroe?
Why was the Kennedy Family so shy about pointing fingers at JFK's assassination?
Why was Chief Justice Warren allowed to write the cover-up?
Does it matter, when everyone forgets?
And I'm not claiming the Daily Mail is chapter and verse. But you have to admit it looks bad. You remind me of Matt Yglesias, condemning a claim I never made.
On the other hand, the Mail cites a White House source. If there is any truth in this, and I'm pretty sure there is no smoke without flame, things are in a sad state in the Obama homestead.
One other thing-- remember who it was that scooped the universe on the John Edwards misadventures. Hint: it wasn't the New York Times.
Oops, Carol Underscore Herman is awake now.
wv: aduck - marxist currency
On the other hand, the Mail cites a White House source.
Actually, the Mail cites an anonymous source who spoke to The national Enquirer. Not that that's bad. The Enquirer got the goods on John Edwards, and they're the go to for all the news on Bigfoot...
Ann's right that the only issue is optics. The presidency is a tough job and we can't hold it against the president for going on vacation. But between Michelle's constant jet-setting and Barry's endless golfing, it seems all the first family does is relax. In style. At great expense. Renting out the entire floor of a luxury Spanish hotel is bad optics. Taking off to Martha's Vineyard and then acting jovial while everyone else evacuates because you have a private 747 to get out in time is bad optics.
I suspect that beginning in January of 2012 the Obamas are going to be MUCH more restrained in their vacations. Good optics. Probably rent out a small beachhouse in North Carolina or just stay at home and have a BBQ. No more international vacations. No more exclusive destinations where only rich people go. Probably a lot more dropped-g's. "We're goin' on vacation where most folks go, either at home or just down the road. We gotta tighten our belts too!"
Scott M said...
"None of you "brilliant" lawyers, "law profs", willfully blind Usurper apologists, nor "Conservatives" can answer that question. You should all be embarrassed and ashamed.
This is the broken record that you keep trying to spin, but you have yet to answer the most important question yourself.
What Are You Going To Do About It?"
Nunya. What are you gonna do?
Why can't you answer the question? Cognitive dissonance?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
2012 the Obamas are going to be MUCH more restrained in their vacations. Good optics. Probably rent out a small beachhouse in North Carolina or just stay at home and have a BBQ. No more international vacations. No more exclusive destinations where only rich people go. Probably a lot more dropped-g's. "We're goin' on vacation where most folks go, either at home or just down the road. We gotta tighten our belts too
No, Coketown, that’s when the dough rolls in…look at Clinton, he didn’t become rich-rich ($100 million-plus) until AFTER his retirement. The Obama’s will be able to step up their vacations, combining them into business/speaking engagements. True, it may cost them more, but they’ll be making more, and a lot of the transport cost will be borne by the hosts and the security by the US taxpayer…the Room Service will cost the Obama’s but that’s about it.
MadisonMan said...
Plus, innumeracy just bugs me.
In engineering school it was pounded into us that, just because a number comes up on your calculator, doesn't make it true. For each and every result you have to ask if that number makes sense given everything you know about the problem.
Forty-two days of vacation for the First Lady, a number not under dispute, could easily cost ten million dollars. Transportation, security, accommodations for a very large entourage-- I think ten mil is probably lowballing it. In other words, the number makes sense.
Why can't you answer the question? Cognitive dissonance?
We'll try this again, Mick, since you seem to have cognitive failure each time this comes up. Regarding me personally, I have never once said I disagree with your claim. Thus, I have no question to answer.
You, on the other hand, have never answered mine. It's quite simple. You obviously feel strongly about this issue and believe yourself to be provably on the right side of the law. Given this, you're a piss-poor patriot if you don't do something about it. So, given that, what are you going to do about it besides posting on a blog a tiny, tiny sliver of the American voting public reads.
No, Coketown, that’s when the dough rolls in…look at Clinton, he didn’t become rich-rich ($100 million-plus) until AFTER his retirement.
No, no. Optimistically, retirement for Obama won't come until 2013. 2012 is a campaign year. Optics. But thanks for reminding me. I'll be depressed the rest of the day: That douchebag and his whole family will be leeching taxpayer money for the rest of his life. >:(
The heirs of Al Capp oughta sue the heirs of Hanna-Barbera. What a rip...
I will offer one other viable position. Maybe the Pebbles show's writers did it as a sop to the parents who might be watching the show with their kids. The parents would see it and laugh cuz they'd get the reference to Joe Btfsplk.
Much the same as how Disney includes a lot of adult humor references in their kids' movies, apparently to keep us entertained while we watch said movie with our kids.
Schleprock and Joe Btflspk: Loving tribute or blatant ripoff? You decide.
And really, people actually like Clinton. I see why people pay him to speak. A friend of mine is going to a healthcare seminar in Vegas next month and the keynote speaker is Bill Clinton. Mind you, this isn't a healthcare policy seminar; this is like Beckman-Coulter machine training. There's no reason for Clinton to be speaking there! But he is.
If Obama's current plummet-to-earth-and-keep-digging trajectory continues, the DNC might pay him $150,000 NOT to show up at their conventions.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
That douchebag and his whole family will be leeching taxpayer money for the rest of his life
No, Coketown as I understand it, Dubya and Obama only get Secret Service Protection for 10 years. It was a reform put in under Dubya….true we’ll pay a pension and health benefits for life, but the administrative and security costs are limited, now. Mind you being very well off, on the speaking tour, the Obama’s will be able to afford hi –class security, and massages…and top shelf Vodka Martini’s-if the Daily Mail is to be believed.
not sure if he should leave Martha's Vinyard early, but he should definitely leave the presidency early by resigning.
Mick the troll wrote:
What Are You Going To Do About It?
I dislike indulgence of a thread hijacker on principle, but here goes:
Just for the sake of argument let's assume everything you claim regarding Obama's citizenship or lack thereof is true. If the process started today the House couldn't return a True Bill of Indictment before next spring, say March or April. Then it's off to the Senate for trial, which requires 67 votes to convict. The last time I checked the Democrats are in the majority in that chamber, so unless there are defections there is zero change for conviction. Bill Clinton was clearly guilty of willful false testimony under oath, but the Democrats rallied and saved his ass, remember? However, even in the unlikely event of a conviction, impeachment would only deliver us into the hands of Joe Biden. Do you really think that's an improvement?
Why not wait for a humiliating defeat come November 7th, 2012
Sorry for the typo. I'm obsessed with change.
There are times when the demand of the President to suspend vacation so he can address a minor crisis du jour or perform some abstract ceremonial function get a little ridiculous.
1. Why hasn't Clinton ended his vacation so he can personally greet the fallen heroes of Mogodishu arriving in caskets at Dover?
2. The usual "Hurricane! Disaster!" dodge so effectively deployed against the hapless Bush.
3. How DARE Obama be vacationing in Hawaii when much of the Midwest is buried in a blizzard.
Journalist idiots that see the President as Superman, flitting from place to place to "Take Charge" of any event big or small.
Screw what a media cabal in NYC defines as "optics" and "appropriate vacation duration" as a function of events.
In defense of Obama (his vacation happy wife is a completely different story) - the guy has taken less "real vacation, working vacation" time than Reagan, Bush II did. More foreign junkets in his 1st year than anyone, but he has wound down on that.
not sure if he should leave Martha's Vinyard early, but he should definitely leave the presidency early by resigning.
No, please, not that! We'd just get the same idiocy for the next 14 months that we're already fated to receive, but administered with the frenetic gusto summon-able only by the truly demented.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Quaestor, you’re too hard on “Slow Joe” and I believe that a place must be found for him in the Palin Administration…the guy does more to lighten the mood of the country than most anything I’ve seen recently…you know “three letter words, like J-O-B-S” or “Stand Up Chuck”…
The nuk-que-lar football would pass into these hands if Mick the troll had his way. Wowzers...
Would be kind of awful if there was ANOTHER earthquake just as the hurricane smacks into Martha's.
Awful cause the country would be left in Joe Biden's hands. And nothing is safe in that buffoons hands.
Having Biden as president is like having a monkey driving a tank.
but he has wound down on that
There aren't any olympics to wrangle, undeserved peace prizes in the offing, or climate conferences to attend during a snow storm.
Yeah, I'll lay off...
Having Biden as president is like having a monkey driving a tank.
Hey! Speaking for tank-drivin' anthropoids everywhere, we resent that remark. Besides you an do more damage up in the turret.
I believe that a place must be found for [Biden] in the Palin Administration…
How about Secretary for Nap Time, or Special Assistant for Regulating Bristol's Tattoo Urges?
How about Secretary for Nap Time, or Special Assistant for Regulating Bristol's Tattoo Urges?
Minister of Silly Walks, if Monty Python doesn't mind.
Forty-two days of vacation for the First Lady, a number not under dispute, could easily cost ten million dollars.
$250K a day? I'm skeptical.
With Hurricane Irene blowing in ... my guess is that EVERYONE who has a home on the mainland ... leaves Martha's Island!
And, everyone who has a yacht ... has gone and floated it to "elsewhere." (Or they have great insurance!)
What about summer's end, ending on a horrific hurricane? Will it create billions in shovel ready jobs, after it's over?
How people will vote ahead, is hard to predict. Both sides have angered up enough independents ... it's hard to say whose umbrella will suddenly find new voters underneath?
I don't predict.
But if I had to draw a Venn Diagram ... I put two circles far apart. And, I'd cast a circle in the middle filled with most voters.
Both parties haven't quite landed on the music, yet.
While those who have the powers within their firmly grasped paws ... want to give NOTHING away!
And? They're not LEFT! They're the ones at haarvahd, though. Who grasped the strings of power ... while without the Internet ... we'd have NOTHING.
Minister of Silly Walks, if Monty Python doesn't mind.
La marche futile
wv: equicard - unsecured credit for thoroughbreds
MadisonMan said...
$250K a day? I'm skeptical.
Do you realize the costs include flying those big Air Force jets? What do they cost an hour, just for fuel? How about the other jet that carries their vehicles? Have you ever seen pictures of the number of secret service people alongside them? Do you realize that there are even more out of the view of the camera? What does those people cost? Remember, they also have to be fed and housed, more than likely in the same hotel. Give me your estimate what that would cost per day. $100? $10,000? Give me your best guess.
What does those people cost?
Nice, real nice.
Quaestor said...
"Mick the troll wrote:
What Are You Going To Do About It?
I dislike indulgence of a thread hijacker on principle, but here goes:
Just for the sake of argument let's assume everything you claim regarding Obama's citizenship or lack thereof is true. If the process started today the House couldn't return a True Bill of Indictment before next spring, say March or April. Then it's off to the Senate for trial, which requires 67 votes to convict. The last time I checked the Democrats are in the majority in that chamber, so unless there are defections there is zero change for conviction. Bill Clinton was clearly guilty of willful false testimony under oath, but the Democrats rallied and saved his ass, remember? However, even in the unlikely event of a conviction, impeachment would only deliver us into the hands of Joe Biden. Do you really think that's an improvement?
Why not wait for a humiliating defeat come November 7th, 2012"
While Congress certainly has a slew of Crimes or misdemeanors to hang on the putative POTUS Obama, attaining the office of POTUS ineligibly is not necessarily a crime. The Constitutional remedy for his ouster is Quo Warranto in the DC District Court. However there are no patriots w/ standing to commence that legal preceding, and Jeffery Taylor abruptly resigned when faced w/ the pressure to do so. When Obama becomes a Candidate again there will be millions w/ standing to challenge his eligibility. Defeating him will not cure the damage he has done to the USC, explelling him from office or preventing his candidacy will. An expulsion by QW would allow congress to appoint a President-- it would not be Biden necessarily.
what those people cost
Quaestor said...
"The nuk-que-lar football would pass into these hands if Mick the troll had his way. Wowzers..."
No it wouldn't. Read the 25th Amendment.
What are YOU going to do about it, Mick?
ScttM said;
"You, on the other hand, have never answered mine. It's quite simple. You obviously feel strongly about this issue and believe yourself to be provably on the right side of the law."
And if you believed I was correct (or were not an Obama Internet Brigade member) you would also feel yourself to be on the right side of the law. The fact is that you can't answer the question w/o admitting that I'm right, just like everyone else who can't answer the question. You should all be ashamed, especially any "lawyers" or "Law profs" here.
Scott M said...
"What are YOU going to do about it, Mick?"
You don't need to know. You'll know when it happens.
You don't need to know.
Then you don't need to know my answer to your question.
Fun, huh?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
It’s kind of sad, when “J” is more responsive than the likes of “mick” but there it is Scott. “Mick” is less worthy of notice than “J”….
What I want to know is whether his continued presence on the island is complicating islanders' efforts to get ready for the hurricane. I'll bet it is (didn't they have to shut down the airport when they arrived?) I'm sure they'd be relieved if he'd clear out and take all his jets and SUV motorcades and extra mouths to feed back where they came from.
It's mostly the symbolism, though, of vacationing serenely while the rest of the east coast scrambles. I have never seen such a politically tone-deaf president -- and he was supposed to be the great political genius!
“Mick” is less worthy of notice than “J”….
Whoa, there, coshise...put the crazy on the floor and take two steps backwards.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Whoa, there, coshise...put the crazy on the floor and take two steps backwards
*LMAO* Ok, you’re right, especially today…
What will Boston look like when I return?
What about my fab. loft?
I am a mess.
tits and clouds.
@Allen, they're being paid -- the Secret Service people -- whether they are on vacation with the FLOTUS/POTUS or not.
My per diem is about $42/day for those rare times that I travel for work.
Perhaps Obama hopes to die in the hurricane, since that might be his only shot at history remembering him in a positive light.
Mick wrote:
No it wouldn't. Read the 25th Amendment.
Maybe you should read it again, slowly and aloud might help.
Mick also wrote:
An expulsion by QW would allow congress to appoint a President-- it would not be Biden necessarily.
a) A president cannot be expelled with a QW writ. Though he may be forced to produce his original birth certificate. The Latin means "by what warranty or authority?" It's a question, not an order to vacate. There would still be an impeachment. That's the only way to lawfully remove a president.
b) Congress doesn't have the authority to appoint a president. According to the 25th Amendment, Section 1 the Vice-President automatically succeeds. The reason for Section 1 was to make it clear to the Ruskies that decapitation wouldn't spare them from immediate retaliation. Yes, Biden would get the launch codes.
c) The Patriot Action Network are moonbats. Don't cite them on Constitutional issues.
Joanna said...
Perhaps Obama hopes to die in the hurricane, since that might be his only shot at history remembering him in a positive light.
8/26/11 3:12 PM
Unless it blows bin Biden away with him its close but no cigar. Give O credit for the one 'smart' thing he has ever done, he found the only person dumber than him in the nation to make him VP.
Perhaps Obama hopes to die in the hurricane, since that might be his only shot at history remembering him in a positive light.
I like the way you think.
Do you really think that they make the secret service pay for their rooms? Pay them $42/day for food and hotel room. Do you know what a meal would cost in the hotels that they stay at? Or what it costs to stay at these places. Do you think that they are staying a Motel 6?
Quaestor said,
"a) A president cannot be expelled with a QW writ. Though he may be forced to produce his original birth certificate. The Latin means "by what warranty or authority?" It's a question, not an order to vacate. There would still be an impeachment. That's the only way to lawfully remove a president.
b) Congress doesn't have the authority to appoint a president. According to the 25th Amendment, Section 1 the Vice-President automatically succeeds. The reason for Section 1 was to make it clear to the Ruskies that decapitation wouldn't spare them from immediate retaliation. Yes, Biden would get the launch codes.
c) The Patriot Action Network are moonbats. Don't cite them on Constitutional issues."
You are correct. The 25th Amendment provides for the removal, but the VP takes over.
25th Amendment:
"Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office."
The "other body that Congress by law may provide" is the DC District Court, although the QW case of Obama's eligibility would probably be appealed to the SCOTUS. Even if Obama was declared Ineligible by the SCOTUS, I assume there would be traitorous members of Congress on both sides that would try and prevent Obama's removal. Obama knew very well that the vetting process, controlled by the political parties, was a sham, and that once past the Electoral College (where no calls for objections were made, according to law) it would be very hard to remove him. His transition to "candidate" however, provides a much clearer path, and there are plenty of citizens w/ standing to challenge his eligibility at that point.
It is the 20th Amendment (section 3) that allows Congress to choose a POTUS if neither the POTUS or VP "shall have qualified".
Now the news is reporting that they are all leaving the island today.
Titus! Nice to hear from you. Where were you for the Leadville mural post? It had tits AND clouds. Obviously Ann set you up beautifully and you demurred.
I didn't know Mick was such a hardcore birther. I wonder what Keith Richards thinks of all this?
wv: tomatim - lycopene supplements in pill form
move all the boats, batten down the hatches, etc. -- but why should BHO leave while that's being done?
The Coasties have cutters off the cape as part the POTUS security bubble, they must head out to the open sea in advance of the storm. There are also other waterborne "assets" such as SEAL teams and landing craft that must be pulled back.
Then there's the matter of AF-1 and the C5's that carry support equipment; limos, Suburbans, Helios, etc. All aircraft rotates at given windspeeds, be they on the ground or in the the air.
I've seen B-52's trying to takeoff in in advance of a cat 3 typhoon that changed course and it's pretty hairy and C-130's were flipped over like toys. The Hercs can carry and drop a tank...they are not small aircraft.
You also forget that any POTUS, not just Obama, requires considerable air assets, unless you've seen them fly in, you have no idea what is involved. Back in the days before 9/11 when you could watch aircraft land and take off at urban airports, we watched Clinton's fleet arrive at Moffett Field in the south Bay (we worked nearby).
At some point the SS, Coasties and MAC command will make a decision to move the air & sea assets and Obama will either go with them or not, but move they will.
I've seen B-52's trying to takeoff in in advance of a cat 3 typhoon that changed course and it's pretty hairy and C-130's were flipped over like toys. The Hercs can carry and drop a tank...they are not small aircraft.
Irene != Cat 3 and it won't be. Microwave data pretty clearly shows the collapse of the eyewall, and absent an inner core it's gonna be very hard for the hurricane to intensify.
This manufactured outrage about whether or not he leaves is interesting to read.
This manufactured outrage about whether or not he leaves is interesting to read.
More so than your manufactured excuse making for Louis and Marie.
commercial operations that will be overtaxed
You mean "paying their fair share".
He can leave at the precise moment he chooses, as long as the storm is not so close it's grounding the planes.
Even then, he can decree it to be the moment the waters begin to recede and he'll be in the clear.
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