August 1, 2011

Satan sandwich!

That's another meme... another phrase that will stick with us as we stumble forward into 2012:
A fantastic bit of rhetoric from an enraged leftist Democrat in the House, responding to the outlines of the budget deal: Emanuel Cleaver, a pastor from Missouri, described it as a “sugar-coated Satan sandwich.” And indeed it is. There are no good options for liberal/Left Democrats in the House. If they vote against the bill en masse, they will make Obama look as though he has betrayed his own core principles, and indeed, they may lead to the deal’s collapse if a few more Republicans than agreed to the Boehner bill yesterday decide to vote no. Should that happen, they will destroy the Obama presidency. But if they agree, they are eating that sandwich. 
Obviously, the expression is shit sandwich. You can't say that (yet) in Congress and in mainstream political debate. But how do you substitute Satan for "shit"? Shit has no evil intentions. It's not even conscious. It makes a nasty sandwich filling, but only the eater is laid low. By contrast, eating Satan would destroy him. If Satan were trapped between 2 slices of bread — confined to a sandwich — anyone whoever ate that sandwich would bestow great benefits on all mankind.


Fred4Pres said...

They are delicious!

The deal, not so much.

Alex said...

Ann - you're expecting logic from a Dhimmicrat? Tell me you've been paying attention these last 7 months in Madison to the local loonies.

chickelit said...

He should have just called it a sandwitch. But that may have upset the Wiccans.

Fred4Pres said...

When I worked as a golf caddy as a kid, there was this old guy who would steal our lunches all the time. A few of the guys got pissed off and they made a shit sandwich with dog crap, wrapped it up nice and left it in the charging shed for the golf carts (hidden but not too hidden). Sure enough the old dude went hunting for sandwiches that day, found the special sandwich, and ate some of it. It was a prety mean trick, but he should not have been stealing sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

Dan Rather was elected to Congress??

peacelovewoodstock said...

Obama is polite, he says "turd sandwich".

Anonymous said...

Not sure eating the sandwich would destroy him. He might just indwell you

Titus said...

I thought you were done with the debt limit?

Now bring on some tits.

Original Mike said...

"By contrast, eating Satan would destroy him."

You think stomach-acid is more powerful than Satan? I doubt it.

Bruce Rheinstein said...

From the Washington Post:

What is a Satan sandwich exactly? According to a 2004 Urban Dictionary definition, it’s “The chiefest of hell’s dark delights, it is said that just one bite of it arouses an unspeakable lust of terrific potency.”

I'll take two, please!

The Crack Emcee said...

"Satan sandwich!"

Oooh, no, bad choice of words.

Try again, guys,...

CJinPA said...

FYI: When black liberals refer to "Satan" and "the Devil" they mean white conservatives. (White racists, actually, but same thing to them.)

Rap and black culture is littered with references to the devil that make no sense unless referring to an actual person.

The More You Know....

Anonymous said...

Sweet with the first bite but then the hot sauce kicks in!

Anna said...

We have to rewrite the bipartisanship quote now: 

"Occasionally, the two parties get together to do something that's both evil and stupid. That's called a sugar-coated Satan sandwich."

traditionalguy said...

The key is putting salt on Satan's tail before putting him into a sandwich.

Then eat him with some Devil's Food cake.

But that is rude to say Obama is a sandwich.

Tim the Shrubber said...

I really don't undersatnd what has happened to Cleaver. He was a pretty good mayor of Kansas City...level-headed, and did alot to bridge the blank and white communities in the city. I actually had hopes he would make a good Congressman despite the fact that I would disagree with him politically. WTF changed him into this loon?

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike said...

Gonzo right round the bend. The Debbil made him say that.

What else are these folks going to pull out? And as I write this, I haven't heard that the plan has actually passed either house. Still a few more stones --and boneheads--in the road before it's done.

KCFleming said...

A Satan sandwich is far better than a Kennedy-Dodd Waitress Sandwich.

The filling was prolly OK, but that doughy white bread would make a great white shark say he's gluten free.

Scott M said...

level-headed, and did alot to bridge the blank and white communities in the city

Yes, but let's be fair. There is a lot less animosity between blanks and whites than other minorities in KC, like blacks.

KCFleming said...

Mebbe he's dyslexic and he meant a Santa sandwich.

Cleaver just wants Boehner to sit on his lap.

Bruce Rheinstein said...

Kennedy-Dodd Waitress Sandwich

That would be the "The Teddy Kennedy Fun Room" at La Brasserie. I had lunch there many times, but, alas, I was never invited to join in the festivities. Perhaps if I'd been a Senator.

Hagar said...

I think John Boehner was the original with "crap sandwich." I do not remember if he used the phrase on the floor of the House, though being Boehner he might have, or just in a TV statement, but it certainly was in public.

Richard Dolan said...

A Satanic mass is to a mass as a Satanic sandwich is to .....

As Podhoretz says, it's a nice bit of rhetoric from a "pastor from Missouri," and captures the sense of a 'pact with the devil' that has been part of the lefties' gripe with Obama for a while now.

KCFleming said...

Ted Kennedy had another sandwich, the Chappaquiddick:

After 4 or 5 boilermakers, grab some black bread and a slice of a young bird, and dunk it in a glass of Perrier.

Afterwards, claim you didn't have anything to eat at all.

Freeman Hunt said...

What would Satan taste like? I'm thinking ham.

Dan in Philly said...

Satan being trapped is a notion consistent with Dante, who thought of evil as ultimately self-limiting, satan himself trapped in an ice block. The idea is that good and God is the natural choice which leadds to man's fulfillment, and choosing evil is always a privation. Eating satan would have no effect, as you cannot diminish the ultimate nothing through consumption.

Jeff with one 'f' said...

He meant a deviled ham sandwich- yum!

Fred4Pres said...

Freeman, of course.

garage mahal said...


Lucius said...

Anybody who eats Satan becomes demonic. That's what I take from John Carpenter's "Prince of Darkness."

At least there were no sex-murders of convenience.

BJM said...

I believe the expression "crap sandwich" has been used on the House floor. However I don't think Cleaver was alluding to the shit sandwich metaphor.

The black community has been hit very hard in the recession and the lower middle-class is in danger of slipping back into poverty.

So Cleaver may feel that any cuts in spending that affects his community is evil.

Wince said...

Her Majesty's Satanic Shit Sandwich

Maybe a mentioned this before, but a I knew a porn actor / roadie who was fed a shit sandwich by the guitarist of Motorhead.

Impressed by Hickey’s long march in the name of rock ’n’ roll, Lord Lemmy rewarded his loyal charge with a big lump of speed. Then, he says, Motorhead’s guitarist Phil Campbell offered him a hamburger. “I was starving because I hadn’t eaten for a long time, so I said, ‘Sure,’” Hickey says. “And because my nose was so torn up from all the speed I’d just snorted, I couldn’t smell.” He could taste it, though, and high as he was, it only took him one bite to realize that Campbell hadn’t given him a hamburger at all, but rather a patty of shit stuck between a bun. “That was my appreciation for being so dedicated to the band,” Hickey says. “A shit sandwich.”

Hickey says Campbell’s prank didn’t really bother him. “I mean, that was just Phil Campbell being Phil Campbell, you know? The guy’s twisted. Really twisted. He’s English. He sticks Sharpies up his ass to sign autographs. He sells ass art at the merch booth.” Even so, Hickey’s ex-girlfriend, Rachell Burns, believes the incident hurt him much more than he’s willing to admit.

“He would have done anything for those guys, and they literally shit on him,” she says. “After all the dealing, all the pimping he’d done for them, that’s what he was worth? It broke his heart.”

traditionalguy said...

The Progressive's formula has been violated by ObamaSatan.

Thir formula says that when the DC guys need a vote to save the country, then the Unions and the Victim-o-crats Front groups must all be paid off in huge grants in return for that vote.

This deal in effect says no more payoffs will happen until after 2012.

The Progressives have been badly abused here.

If Palin wins, then payoffs will be history. If Perry wins, then maybe payoff will only be to Friends of Perry.

Shanna said...

I prefer Lafayette's Satan in a Sunday Hat.

ndspinelli said...

I saw Rev. Cleaver's nascent political career when I lived in KC decades ago. He is a classic example of the "peter principle." He should not have been elected anything higher than city councilman.

I also had the distinct honor of working w/ Claire McCaskill who was a prosecutor when I was an investigator. We were on an arson taskforce, w/ arson being her specialty. She is sharp but also the "c word" my bride forbids me to use.

Bruce Rheinstein said...

Ted Kennedy had another sandwich, the Chappaquiddick

Mary Jo Kopechne was not available for comment. (Heh. I could do Teddy the K jokes all day long.)

Carol_Herman said...

It's a shit sandwich.

And, nobody's gonna applaud Mitch McConnell. Or Speaker Boehner.

In political terms?

In political terms you can hear the conductor calling out "we've come to the end of the line."

There may be a song? The Kingston Trio sung it. About somebody who got on the MTA in Boston, for a station in Cambridge? But he was a nickel short. So he couldn't depart.

And, his wife had to bring him sandwiches.

At the end of the line ... the sandwich is shit.

And, if I had to bet? Every single political race, ahead, will be up for grabs!

Wanna describe a "safe seat?" Does it have legs? To sit you need legs. But if the legs move on their own ... your chair can become as empty as the one that once held Teddy Kennedy's tuchis.

KCFleming said...

The Obama sandwich:

He'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.

Ipso Fatso said...

It's 2am on August 1, 1975 and Pervis Spann The Blues Man is on the air: You must try Beelzebub BBQ, 7952 South Stoney Island Avenue!!!! Open late for your convenience!!!! We got pig feet, candy yam, and on and on he would go. One of my favorite openings of all time for a commercial on his show was DON'T LET THEM REPOSSESS YOUR CAR!!!

KLDAVIS said...

The once-great webcomic Goats had a long-running gag that one of the main characters tricked God into assuming the form of a pork chop and then ate him. Here's Woody Allen recapping the story.

Christopher in MA said...

"The Obama sandwich - he'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

Actually, Pogo, he'd be more likely to blame Bush for not paying you on Tuesday for the hamburger you gave him today.

Garbage vomited "Chappaquiddick!"

Yes, Garbage - that lion of the Senate got drunk, drove off a bridge and left a young woman to drown while he hid in his hotel room, trying to get one of his bootlickers to take the blame. Murdering, gutless coward. But since you've no problem with Grand Kleagles leading your party, I'm sure you don't give a flying fuck about Mary Jo.

Chip S. said...

I read "Satan sandwich" as similar to "Italian sub." It's a recipe, not a filling.

In this case, it's something made with evil intent that's sugar-coated to get you to eat it even though it's bad for you.

Like a donut.

garage mahal said...

So we still on for $100 bet on the Walker recall, Cwistopher? Last time you sounded a little shaky, like you wanted to back out. Don't pull a Fen on me.

Bruce Rheinstein said...

Garage: "Chappaquiddick!"

So long as we're going off-topic, here's Teddy talking with Obama during the primary.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...

Chap your own dick, wanker!

Anonymous said...

How is government ever going to make ends meet? We have to double the government size very 10 years or there will be catastrophe!

Ron Johnson Hates the Deal

Christopher in MA said...


My, garbage, you're a regular Dorothy Parker.

I expect Walker will survive. But I won't take your money. If he loses, you'll get yours.

Anonymous said...

"By contrast, eating Satan would destroy him."

Hardly. Even I know better than that.

Johanna Lapp said...

As I said when Nancy was telling me that polls prove that the American people like most of the provisions of Obamacare:

The high-fiber toast is tasty and healthful. The crisp lettuce and sweet tomatoes add color, flavor and nutrients, and keep the sandwich moist. The red pepper dressing is delightful.

But it's still a shit/lettuce/tomato sandwich.

Automatic_Wing said...

Satan sandwich? Maybe he was talking about this stuff. Yum!

gerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gerry said...


Not relevant to Satan Sandwich.

MayBee said...

Sulphur-y deviled eggs.

Drew W said...

When I've finished my Satan Sandwich, there's no better dessert than an R. Crumb Devil Girl Choco-Bar. It wasn't bad. And I have a dim recollection of Prof. Althouse blogging about it once, but maybe I'm misremembering.

garage mahal said...

I expect Walker will survive. But I won't take your money. If he loses, you'll get yours.

Nope. A deal is a deal.

KCFleming said...

President Wimpy Obama: That rich guy over there and your kids and their future children will gladly pay you Tuesday for giving me 4 trillion hamburgers today

KCFleming said...

C'mon garage, wasn't my Chappaquiddick Sandwich a good 'un?

Chip Ahoy said...

Why shouldn't Defense cuts be on the table? Huh? Why not? (<--that there's whatchacall antistrophe, rhetorical repetition at the end of successive clauses. I learned it in a book!)

Don't we have forces that overlap, air, sea, and land? Don't we have unnecessary bases all over the world, two in Turkey ferchrissake, to name only one strange place? Don't we have have ridiculous unaccountable and untenable waste in each and every branch? (<-- that there's whatchacall anaphora)

traditionalguy said...

There is a Julie Weiner article in Vanity Fair that has decided that Obama is going through nicotine withdrawals rather than Deficit spending withdrawals.

She may be right.

Someone give that mean little man a carton of Marlboros.

But no cigars! Those belong to Boehner and McConnell.

Carol_Herman said...

Market's dived down.

Seems like the "plan" isn't selling.

And, we're probably going to have to watch "default" ahead ... because nothing else lets you restructure debt.

Unbelievable? Nah.

Imagine how Abraham Lincoln felt? He had to become an expert on strategy ... because General McLellan was a horse's arse. (Congress, however, gave McLellan ALL the money he wanted! He bought horses. And, parade uniforms. And, I guess, drums?)


PoNyman said...

You are what you eat.

garage mahal said...

C'mon garage, wasn't my Chappaquiddick Sandwich a good 'un?

Low hanging fruit. Make them dried up fruit fallen 40 yrs ago, and not up to your usual standards.

gerry said...

Aw, give Obama a chaw. Or some snuff. Just a pinch, you know, between cheek and gum.

gerry said...

The market's down I think more because the Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index disappointed investors.

Oh, well. More Keynesian fallout.

Bruce Rheinstein said...

Someone give that mean little man a carton of Marlboros.

Better make that menthol. It's what gives him his Kool.

TosaGuy said...

Be a good time for the military to get out of the social welfare business of free health care for dependents and on-base schools at stateside posts. All those things do is encourage marriage at 19, a boatload of kids and then divorce once the soldier gets deployed.

There is a whole sector of the military not at related to defending the nation. Also need to cut the civilian DOD workforce--lots of lazy Democrats there that can stand to experience non-govt work.

Scott M said...

Low hanging fruit. Make them dried up fruit fallen 40 yrs ago, and not up to your usual standards.

Not according to one Teddy Kennedy. He was reported to have always been asking after the latest Chappaquiddick joke.

themightypuck said...

I get the feeling no one says what they mean. It's all politics until after they vote.

edutcher said...

My heart bleeds for the poor Lefties.

They've gotten their way pretty much for the last 80 years, destroying a lot of good people, often just for the fun of it, along the way.

If this is the Fourth Turning, it's about damned time.

Scott M said...

All those things do is encourage marriage at 19, a boatload of kids and then divorce once the soldier gets deployed.

How many soldiers do you know personally?

sakredkow said...

By contrast, eating Satan would destroy him.

Does eating the body of Christ destroy him??

KCFleming said...

Low hanging fruit??


Google sez: " No results found for "chappaquiddick sandwich"."

KCFleming said...

And I have no standards.

Good day sir!!!

traditionalguy said...

Can we get fries with that?

Oh never mind. Michelle is against fries.

AllenS said...

Anybody else old enough to remember a Dagwood sandwich?

Ken B said...

Mmmmmm, Satan. Tastes like chicken.

David said...

NYT editorial today refers to the Republicans as extremist, radical, hostage taking lunatics.

Imagine what they will say once we have a plan that actually addresses the problem fully.

Fred4Pres said...

Maguro, been there done that (see first post). But yes they are delicious.

Bruce Rheinstein said...

Teddy Kennedy ... was reported to have always been asking after the latest Chappaquiddick joke.

That's true. According to his old friend Ed Klein, "one of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself."

Makes Teddy seem a bit of monster, really, but it gives us an excuse to relive old times.

Today in Washington, Governor-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger had lunch with Senator Ted Kennedy. I understand Gloria Allred is now representing the waitress. —Jay Leno

Fred4Pres said...

Will the Dem base cut the legs out from under Obama, Reid and Pelosi?

Hey look, what's for dinner!

Anonymous said...

"Blogger TosaGuy said...

Be a good time for the military to get out of the social welfare business of free health care for dependents and on-base schools at stateside posts. All those things do is encourage marriage at 19, a boatload of kids and then divorce once the soldier gets deployed..."

Great idea! Right after all monies to ACORN, PBS, NPR are stopped, and the NEA, NEH, SBA, Dept of Ed, Dept of Energy, Frannie Freddie are abolished.

I need Defense. I don't need any of the other alphabet soup.

KCFleming said...

Would a Slut-walk Sandwich be pro- or anti-feminist?

KCFleming said...

'Spose it depends on whose inna middle.

Peter said...

"By contrast, eating Satan would destroy him."

Unless Satan is an intestinal parasite. In that case, Satan might reproduce in your gut, causing you to poop out zillons of little Satans.

It does seem curious that the debt ceiling negotiations have attracted a coven of ministers and priests, who have apparently found G-d in the Democratic Party, and Satan in that other political party.

DADvocate said...

eating Satan would destroy him

No. You would digest part of him and eventually Satan would dwell in every fiber of your being. The rest of Satan would defecated out and then you could make the shit sandwich to beat all shit sandwiches, a Satan shit sandwich.

Scott M said...

Merely discussing this topic opens oneself up unnecessarily. Make sure you have a bump light and a Bible and/or crucifix on your nightstand.

KCFleming said...

Satan sandwich and no Alien references?

Fen said...

Garage: So we still on for $100 bet on the Walker recall, Cwistopher? Last time you sounded a little shaky, like you wanted to back out. Don't pull a Fen on me.

DO NOT take any bets with Garage, he's a welcher.

He went on and on about posting his W2 to prove he wasn't a parasite. When I took his bet, he ran away.

Bruce Rheinstein said...

Make sure you have a bump light and a Bible and/or crucifix on your nightstand.

How about if I just eat plenty of garlic for dinner?

Amartel said...

Meh. This phrase has no staying power. There's no imagery that jumps into your head and refuses to leave; it's just swear lite + stoopid + bad alliteration (which is only apparent on the page anyway). Does not rate even a golf clap.

Jose_K said...

Inthe Comedy Satna was been eaten and the world remained the same

dbp said...

Don't touch the Satan sandwich, it is concentrated evil!

AllenS said...

Satan, the other white meat.

Cedarford said...

The funny thing is that any tea partier or liberal Deomocrat moaning about this shit sandwich doesn't realize that it is just the appetizer.

The main courses that address America's decline as a nation, it's debt....are still being fished out of toilet bowls for the chef du jour to fix up to serve.

This "deal" doesn't end it. It just starts to address it.

1. Neocons have to say bye-bye to wars of adventure and the idea of the US as Israel's war proxy and the world's 9/11 service.

2. Liberals are going to scream about the coming ending of entitlements to illegals, the Dream Act and Amnesty dying, and checks to welfare mommas cut.

3. Bush's tax cuts for the rich will go away in the next shit cuisine course...the country remembers that at Clinton taxation levels the Lear jets were not exactly cobwebbed and Tiffany's and Saks 5th Ave shuttered from lack of patronage.

4. MIddle class will take hits too - slow end to the mortgage writeoff, free drugs for middle class seniors to a negotiated discount system. Free traders will take big hits to end the job losses to China. Government employees unions. Defemse spending - where the biggest expense is NOT "weapons systems, those furrin bases.." but personnel & operating costs.

Cedarford said...

"Blogger TosaGuy said...

Be a good time for the military to get out of the social welfare business of free health care for dependents and on-base schools at stateside posts. All those things do is encourage marriage at 19, a boatload of kids and then divorce once the soldier gets deployed..."

Highest defense cost is personnel. It is not wise to offer each employee a lot more money if they just get married, as the military does.
If America is going bad enough, no end to deficits and joblessness in sight - we can scale back the pay and benefits of service members. Increase the time served pension requirement to 25 years. Even think of conscription or offering suitable cons a pass out of prison for signing up. It is hard these days to even get a job at loans are drying up...I know it is a sacred cow..but if you can get the military staffed for less money, we should do so.

Mike said...

If Satan were trapped between 2 slices of bread...anyone whoever ate that sandwich would bestow great benefits on all mankind.

I don't know, Ann. I recall Poltergeist 2 and the evil worm in the tequila bottle.

Of course, in P2 the guy who consumed the worm was possessed by evil. So that would mean that Cleaver and the rest of the CBC would be possessed by...moderation?

TomHynes said...

Google Fight :

Satan Sandwich 333 hits
Shit Sandwich 745,000 hits

Synova said...

That's moronic, Cedarford.

Just make it against the rules to marry before you make Sgt, like it used to be and shoot-up draftees with mandatory contraceptives.

Cuz they're gonna be draftees.

Chip S. said...


"Santa sandwich"--3,380 results

Maybe that Congressdude's just dyslexic, and he really likes the bill.

Philip said...

Religious nerd joke: reverse transubstantiation.

Gentleman Farmer said...

Anonymous said...

dont you all know yet satan rules the earth

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