August 31, 2011
"Sarah Palin Appearance at Tea Party Rally in Iowa 'No Longer Confirmed.'"
That seems to suggest — am I reading too much into it? — that she had intended to declare her candidacy for President has changed her mind — or is in the process of changing her mind — due to the meteoric rise of Rick Perry.
So, what's the word on how Perry and Palin get along?
Palin makes, for now, a much better VP candidate, given her ability to charge up the base, push the conversation, but still lacking what seems to be enough experience for the big job.
Perry's own experience covers Palin's weaknesses, meanwhile he gains a very significant populist ally. Palin gets a whole lot of experience and because she's still young is set up for a 2020 run.
Getting Palin on board the Perry train also almost entirely shuts off a major threat from his right.
I see Perry/Palin '12 as a win-win for all involved, including this nation.
That seems to suggest — am I reading too much into it? — that she had intended to declare her candidacy for President by has now changed her mind...
Or that she is a whacko nutjob idiot and acts in silly irrational ways that are not easily understandable by normal human beings.
Piping is her first talent.
I like Governor Palin and enjoyed reading her book. But she is not ready for the big show. Perhaps she is better off doing the speaking circuit.
I think she knows it's a long shot without Perry and impossible with him in it. She's been just keeping it alive in case the possibility improved. It hasn't.
She will keep it up to make her endorsement important, and then kinda fade as the election ramps up.
I dunno.
Donald Trump said a few weeks ago that he doubts Sarah Palin runs.
And, The Donald also has a new show coming to TV. Which would crowd out profits, were he to declare a run.
The field as it is ... is as it is.
But I don't think farmers in Iowa speak to the whole shebang.
I even don't know why Donald Trump said you have to declare in September 2011 ... if you intend to run in November 2012.
Why did he say that?
Isn't the best thing you can do for a show's opening ... is garner as much anticipation for it's opening as possible?
Or they sent out an invite, got a possible yes and simply assumed it was something more.
I don't think Palin adds much to a Perry ticket. Same goes for Bachmann. Perry's going to generate a lot of enthusiasm on his own among the same audience (interestingly, Palin is probably less overtly a moral conservative than either Perry or Bachmann).
I suspect Perry, if he wins, will go with a predictable but hardworking campaigner for his second.
Only a myopian of epic proportions would think that she is anything other than a reality star buffoon who has many more enemies then she has supporters. And that is just among Republicans. She is loathed by everyone else. If Perry wants to do a "McCain" and lose before he gets a chance to run, go ahead and pick her. Do Obama a favor. Or Michelle Hell with her God sent a Hurricane O Gram to congress. Or anyone else other than a grownup who does not have mental health issues.
Perry definitely could use someone to balance out his social conservatism. I hear Ron Paul will be available....
You got that right:
Is a myopian something the evolved lately? I will check my birth certificate.
Sweet Sarah has a plan, but she had better announce it soon or Perry will lap the field.
I definitely think you're probably reading too much into it, Professor.
You need a poll. My vote is on reading too much into it. "No longer confirmed" is quite different from "canceled." And I doubt Ricky Perry factors into this at all. Palin has a gift of sucking the energy out of other people's moments. If anything, Perry's meteoric rise would compel her to announce immediately.
She'll be there. The organizer has already confirmed the appearance earlier this afternoon.
The only folks saying she wouldn't be there in the initial stories were anonymous "sources."
but this little "story" sure has driven a lot of site hit traffic for blogs today.
I think too much is currently being read into Rick Perry's meteoric rise (which, brace yourselves, is also accompanied by a meteroic campaign in MSM outlets to tell you just how crazy Texas, and Perry, are).
Whether you're respectively pro- or anti- Palin/Perry, give it two or three months and Perry may look like electoral kryptonite as much as Palin is assumed to.
Love or hate Palin, she is very thoroughly *vetted* by now. *Everything* bad that can be said about her, has been. Every toxic meme has been given a go.
Perry may just be too small-govt. and off-the-cuff to be saleable to the electorate. I think everyone needs to consider this.
Anyway, remember Muskie '72, Bush '80, Hart '84, Tsongas '92, Dean '04?
For all this talk about Palin "not being ready," please tell me which of the candidates in the last 4 elections have been "ready?"
I can't buy the idea Miss Sarah was actually going to run.
An endorsement of Perry, with a quid pro quo for a Cabinet position, makes more sense, particularly since they, from what I've seen, get on well and she needs more executive time on her resume.
This may have something to do with Christine O'Donnell, rather than Rick Perry, as the article suggests.
We shall see.
Andy R. said...
That seems to suggest — am I reading too much into it? — that she had intended to declare her candidacy for President by has now changed her mind...
Or that she is a whacko nutjob idiot and acts in silly irrational ways that are not easily understandable by normal human beings.
Whatever gave Andy the idea he's a "normal human being"?
The cool hat?
In any case, she certainly has people like him scared of her.
PS Herbert Obama is now polling at 46% approval in OH, 41% among women, and 44% among Hispanics. I have a feeling Miss Sarah might not want to rock the boat so the Conservative vote is split between her, Perry, and Mrs Bachmann, thus giving Milton the nod, and, quite likely, the White House.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
As this story seems to revolve around the HOSTS, not Palin and is changing, I’d say, “No.”
Pragmatist, another “Well Done Sir” as you turn history on its head, the ONLY time McCain led Obama was when he announced Palin….
I expect liberals to have unkind words for Palin. I'm always amused when the unkind words come form the right, however.
Partisans of various Republican candidates have been going out of their way for a while now to convince Palin not to run. She'll apparently mess things up in the primaries.
My rather obvious questions is how exactly will Palin mess things up for your preferred candidate? If he/she is so strong, he/she should be able to stand on his/her own regardless of Palin.
"Or that she is a whacko nutjob idiot and acts in silly irrational ways that are not easily understandable by normal human beings."
Yeah, do straighten the hat, girlfriend. The douchebag look is very 2008.
Pretty sure this was all about Palin wanting to be sure she was not on same bill as Christine (I'm not a witch) O'Donnell.
Sarah Palin has a mind?
Who knew?
"Love or hate Palin, she is very thoroughly *vetted* by now. *Everything* bad that can be said about her, has been. Every toxic meme has been given a go."
Yeah, but for 2012, a lot of the right wing bloggers have decided to do a solid for the Democrats and the MFM by perpetuating all of those toxic smears for them.
To make things extra special, they'll fawn over Rick Perry with the sort of Messianic fervor the Palin supporters can only dream of.
The douchebag look is very 2008.
The picture is from around 2008, if I remember right.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Sarah Palin has a mind?
Who knew
Yeah unlike the Smartest President Ev-UH, that we currently have.
I don't get the whole "balancing the ticket" thing. Has any electoral contest ever been decided by who the VP candidate was? Does anyone think the Veep's personal positions are going to count for anything in an administration if they conflict with the Prez?
McCain got a momentary bump with Palin because she was more popular among the base than he was - up until he opened his mouth and reminded everyone that he was a dog with fleas.
The only VP in the past half century or so with any sort of juice at all has been Cheney, and only because he was a trusted ally of Bush II before the election. Everyone else has been hidden as much as possible, and sent off occasionally to a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Botswana or the equivalent.
There is one legitimate reason to pick a Veep who doesn't agree with you politically, and that's buying off your primary opponent for the sake of party unity (see Reagan/Bush).
"The picture is from around 2008, if I remember right."
I just hate to see a handsome young man fall prey to douchebagdom, is all.
And I'm not even talking about the hat this time.
And I'm not even talking about the hat this time.
What else needs work?
John M Auston said...
Pretty sure this was all about Palin wanting to be sure she was not on same bill as Christine (I'm not a witch) O'Donnell.
If memory serves, Miss Sarah endorsed O'Donnell. 2/3 of her endorsements won, but I never heard there was any bad blood between the two be Miss Christine did so poorly.
The rumors are coming from the Iowa Tea party hosts.
The invited O'Donnell, then uninvited her when many complained, then re-invited her, and finally they got her agreement not to come.
Palin had threatened not to come if O'Donnell was coming to sell her book and be seen at her side in the optics.
Now Palin will be there.
That's another reason to assume she is running.
"What else needs work?"
Your attitude!
Look, I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin. But I'd take a hundred Sarah Palins over Michelle Bachman or Rick Perry. I just don't get the animus over her, or the need to constantly call her stupid. See, I want handsome young men to be ecumenical in their disdain, and not just go for the easy target.
Pragmatist said...
Only a myopian of epic proportions would think that she is anything other than a reality star buffoon who has many more enemies then she has supporters. And that is just among Republicans. She is loathed by everyone else. If Perry wants to do a "McCain" and lose before he gets a chance to run, go ahead and pick her. Do Obama a favor. Or Michelle Hell with her God sent a Hurricane O Gram to congress. Or anyone else other than a grownup who does not have mental health issues.
8/31/11 12:32 PM
Obama bin Biden. The record for buffoonery has been taken permanently.
Is Althouse reading to much into this?
No, she's just reading too much State-run media lying propagandist.
Wonkette could post she has AIDS at noon, and by 3:00 NYT, WAPO, CNN, ABC, etc, will be reporting on the funeral arrangements.
You can read all the nuanced wiggling at Politico
So, what's the word on how Perry and Palin get along?
Palin endorsed Perry in 2010.
(Also, Palin is running for president... and has been running for months.)
correctio: That seems to suggest — am I reading too much into it? — that she had intended to declare her candidacy for President but has now lost her mind
There's enough psychotics in the GOP race. No need for another. They're going to lose to ObamaCo anyway.
J is America's Politico.
Which explains so much.
got that Edu, the spineless WASP scum? like most of the tweeker scum here, yr too cowardly even to link to a site. Palin's too mentally ill for president anyway--no wonder you like her
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
J is America's Politico.
Which explains so much
I don’t think so, AP is actually more literate and entertaining than the Small Pathetic Voice….
Oh Hey, SPV, how’s the power lifting going? Any Wiccans in the gym today? I wondered to be a Zionist-Imperialist Banker, what are the minimum qualifications? Do you have to be Jewish-Jewish, or can one of your grandparents been Jewish? That’s just my first question.
Are you trying to write again, Little Joejoe the Kissingerite, or maybe that's just yr kazoo practice. You have nothing to say, dreck. But losing Calamity Sarah! Sad. Better suck up to Tex Perry & Co, joe joe the joto.
J is America's Politico.
Hey, I thought I was America's Politico.
yr the one defending the USSR and Stalin a few days ago--Joe Joe Stalchek--a jew for communist anti-semites! Really yr just too stupid, irrational and tasteless to blog-- like most of the A-tards
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I see the Small Pathetic Voice is “sun-setting” earlier than normal today, usually it can get thru one posting before descending into incoherence…OK, so to be a “banker” can you have worked at a Credit Union, or a Savings and Loan, or does it have to have been a “Bank?”
I just don't get the animus over her, or the need to constantly call her stupid. See, I want handsome young men to be ecumenical in their disdain, and not just go for the easy target.
Palin, Bachmann, and Perry would all be terrible Presidents, mostly for the same reasons, but they each also bring their own unique incompetencies to the task.
I'm pretty sure I've previously made disparaging comments about Bachmann and Perry on this site, and I didn't feel it was necessary to reiterate those comments in a thread about Palin.
joe joe on the kazooo! small and pathetic is your IQ, not to say your garbled irrational scrawling. Did you call Israel for some back up too (and btw "Andy"--Im not the one defending rightist anti-semites, or BushCo, or SCOTUS-as this bag of shit "joe" has routinely).
Yr too stupid to argue with, joe the stalchek like the rest of the perps here. No one cares about your finance or accounting crap, dreck
Leftists feel entitled to seek revenge for the slightest perceived infraction.
That's why progs are consumed with 24/7 hatred and rage.
That's why progs are consumed with 24/7 hatred and rage.
We're really not.
more like pity, Apple. Don't hate a creature such as Calamity Sarah-. Pity her.
Like one pities the foo's of Smurfhouse,and you.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
And then there’s the question of, “Imperialist”…I mean if I’m a Jewish Banker, do I actually have to be a national of the imperial power to qualify OR can I just be a stock holder in a company registered in the Imperial Power?
You know inquiring minds want to know? I mean just exactly how does one go about being a Zionist-Imperialist Banker? Are they licensed or certified, is there a continuing education requirement?
I wouldn’t expect the Small Pathetic Voice to be able to answer these questions, having dropped a weight, several times no doubt, on its own head, but still I’m puzzled….
Joejoe, no one reads your incoherent mumbling.
The comment from a few weeks ago concerned anglo-American bankers and finance. You just happen to like Goldman Sachs, AIG, JP Morgan, Countrywide etc . Alas, yr hero Blankfeins' headed to trial
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
The comment from a few weeks ago concerned anglo-American bankers and finance
No it involved Zionist-Imperialist Bankers….holding your breath lifting all that weight may have affected your memory and reasoning skills, but not mine….For a comment that no one reads what are you doing responding? Kinda as evidence of the stunted reasoning of the Small Pathetic Voice, BTW, has anyone actually commented at your site? Ever? In my cursory examination I didn’t see anyone, but your mother or cousins might have wandered by and said, “Hello.”
So what, Joe-dreck. You don't know what it was about, do you perp.
Yr hero Blankfein's headed to trial! How sad, eh Miss Joe.
"Palin, Bachmann, and Perry would all be terrible Presidents, mostly for the same reasons, but they each also bring their own unique incompetencies to the task."
Look how far being uniquely incompetent got Barack Obama. I think it's a requirement for office now.
Joe joe el joto--nearly 10,000 page views, average 40+ clicks a day (and many commenters until I ended anny. posts to keep scum like you off). -IM not a pro blogger anyway--but far grander than yours, eh coward--which is nothing, nada, zilch.
Keep talking tho--we need more evidence, perp pedo
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
So what, Joe-dreck. You don't know what it was about, do you perp
Considering that YOU wrote it and it was half incomprehensible I doubt YOU understood, really…It was about the establishment of Eretz-Ysrael, though IIIRC.
fuck you, satanist
got that joe scum?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I take it my recollection was correct and jarred some set of adjacent neurons into an unpleasant association, like your mother potty-training you or something, or the time the Wiccans’ scared you as a child, and prompted your almost Tourettes-like outburst.
yr thinking of yr mother, you know-- the OinkOink who squirted you out.
Capichay, joe the spineless pig?
Now, say buh bye to yr greedy usurious hero Blnakfein! heh heh
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Happily for your Small Pathetic Voice, someone FINALLY commented on your blog…mayhap you ought to go find it….you could have a blog posting about it! “Someone noticed me enough to write!”
Lincoln suggests you get to your shoe box, is this correct, you shine shoes? Wouldn’t think that would keep you in gym fees….
wrong again, Joe the Swinebag for Sarah
ah sad, Sarah won't be yr Prez.
J's rambling is really amusing.
I hope it's all some kind of performance art. The guy comes across as seriously mentally ill.
BTW, "el joto" is a homophobic slur. Typical democrat bigot.
PaddyO - "I see Perry/Palin '12 as a win-win for all involved, including this nation."
If she did get "annointed" again after not engaging in any of the Primaries, how long would you give her before she "went rogue" on Romney/Perry? Before she quit the VP spot because a plump media contract beckoned?
It's a moot issue really because Palin is loathed by the Left and the Center. You cannot win the Left, but you are nuts to think a Republican ticket is helped in "The Center" by a Palin or a Bachmann.
Crunchy Frog - "The only VP in the past half century or so with any sort of juice at all has been Cheney."
Not true. Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, Mondale, HW Bush, and Cheney all had real juice.
Nixon because though Eisenhower didn't want it, his staff did. Nixon was de facto President for several time periods, on lasting 5 weeks, when Eisenhower was medically disabled. And did a very good job, acc to Eisenhower's men. Carter was so weak he couldn't avoid giving Mondale big responsibilities. Humphrey was definitely subordinate to LBJ, but he was LBJs "White House whip"...hugely important in helping get what LBJ wanted.
HW Bush worked well within the Reagan Administration - confined though he was to foreign policy circles.
Al Gore, thought by media to be important to Clinton, built up that way by the Clintonistas..was later dissed as peripheral by the same Clintonistas.
Cheney was important..perhaps a little too much
If you are looking for news that will impact the Vice President you should note that General David Petraeus retired today.
Has any electoral contest ever been decided by who the VP candidate was?
Probably. There's no way to know. Who knows what the results of the 2008 election would have been if Obama had chosen Hillary Clinton and McCain had chosen Tim Pawlenty?
I see Perry/Palin '12 as a win-win for all involved, including this nation.
Only if burying the GOP is a win-win for all involved.
If Obama had chosen Hillary, he wouldn't be alive today. Picture Vince Foster and Ron Brown.
If McCain had chosen Pawlenty he'd have lost a lot worse.
Honestly--it's pretty easy to tell how things might turn out based on, you know, how things turned out.
Andy R. said...
Or that she is a whacko nutjob idiot and acts in silly irrational ways that are not easily understandable by normal human beings.
Really? Is the substantive proof of your pathetic claim?
Nothing is 100% certain in life, but I'm 99.9999999% sure that TPaw was not going to put McCain over the top.
Obviously, the Sullivanist contingent is not on vacation here.
Did "J" pass out or did they finally come to take him away?
I see connections.
garage mahal said...
I see connections.
By their fruitcakes ye shall know them.
I'm surprised that apfelkuchen hasn't weighed in yet.
By their fruitcakes ye shall know them.
The KKK, for obvious reasons, loathes Obama. Connectimundo!
Is the lack of a question mark indicative of your no longer caring?
Uncareful reading. Never mind.
What does the KKK have to do with bigoted Palin-loathers who post here?
Are you projecting again?
When Sarah announces she'll be the instant favorite, then the Republican nominee and then she'll - oh how I love to say this - beat Obama like a rented mule!
ricpic said...
When Sarah announces she'll be the instant favorite, then the Republican nominee and then she'll - oh how I love to say this - beat Obama like a rented mule!
Yeah, instant favorite. After all, the wise Statesman of the GOP - John McCain Himself - selected her out of the blue. Then she quit her Gov job, made millions in media, and still Kept her Cult of Adoration going amongst older white rubes.
Or that she is a whacko nutjob idiot and acts in silly irrational ways that are not easily understandable by normal human beings.
Elaborate. Site specific examples. Show your work.
"You cannot win the Left, but you are nuts to think a Republican ticket is helped in "The Center" by a Palin or a Bachmann."
Perry's success in Texas helps the center, it's about jobs and economy and hard data.
Palin and/or Bachmann secures the base allowing Perry to reach out even more into the center.
Perry's experience makes the sell, and but he does have to make sure to appeal to the center to affirm he's not a crazy conservative.
Palin would affirm that he's not a sell out to the Left, that he has Principles or some such thing, and that even as he reaches out to the center he's still a man of the Right.
Paddy, if Palin was angling to be Perry's VP, why wouldn't she announce her support for Perry at the Iowa rally?
As SWBarns hints at, Petraeus is the guy who seems to be the ideal VP candidate for Perry -- or Romney, for that matter.
Who said this:
This study recognizes that the Mexican and U.S. sides of the border compose one region, and we must address health care problems throughout that region. That’s why I am also excited that [redacted] is working on an initiative that could extend the benefits of telemedicine to individuals living on the Mexican side of the border.
Dunno, Peter, but sounds like the first President of Atzlán.
Peter, she might. I'm just running with the assumption that Ann posed in the post, that she was going to run but now isn't because of Perry.
I think it probably would be in her best interest, even for that, for her to jump into the race, avoid negative campaigning and get some credibility in some debates.
But who knows what she would do.
Petraeus would make a great VP candidate, I think.
I'll admit, I do think it would be great to have a substantive woman candidate in the mix next year, and I think both Bachmann and Palin bring something unique on their own to the table.
The trouble with Romney as VP is that he doesn't bring anything to the table. He is known for his ability to run things, but he won't be running things. He isn't dynamic and has been out of government too long to give what Cheney did for the ticket. He basically offers what Perry offers. Getting someone who really motivates the core constituents and gets them excited would work out better.
Petraeus adds, obviously his own mix, of very contemporary international experience.
Tim, it's in the 8th paragraph of this speech.
Paddy, I agree that Romney brings nothing to the ticket as a VP. He's a candidate without a real constituency.
Peter Hoh said...
Who said this:
This study recognizes that the Mexican and U.S. sides of the border compose one region, and we must address health care problems throughout that region. That’s why I am also excited that [redacted] is working on an initiative that could extend the benefits of telemedicine to individuals living on the Mexican side of the border.
Telemedicine is coming to many of us all in the future, Peter, not just poor Texans.
It's interesting to me that you would throw that out there though, and why.
Why? Somebody has to highlight some of the things that Althouse won't.
Yes, Rick Perry is quite the immigration enthusiast, that's no secret. It's one of the areas where he and Obama are in complete agreement.
I think that you're probably right.
If you loved George Bush II - you'll love Perry.
I read the message of the incident as a confirmation that she is running. If she were not running, she would not have cared who else was on the program. That she cared about how the event would be reported suggests that she is getting ready to announce.
Why are the people who keep saying that she cannot possibily win the nomination, much less the election, also so insistant that she should not run? If she cannot win, what difference does it make if she runs? People's fascination with the question of whether or not she is running says that at some level, perhaps an unconscious one, they recognize that she may be able to win.
As I've written here before, Palin has never been anything but a pretend candidate for the Presidency. She has been feigning a campaign in order to keep her name in the press and maximize her speaking engagements and other fees.
Seeing it from that perspective, every move she has made makes sense. Presume she was for real and, like our dear hostess, you are forced to propose absurd rationales like Ann's guess that the appearance of Perry in the race has scared Palin out. Wow, what a courageously tough President she would have made.
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