The city is Madison, Wisconsin.
ADDED: Meanwhile, at the Wisconsin State Fair (near Milwaukee):
Police said the group of young people attacked fairgoers who were leaving the fair grounds. Police said that some victims were attacked while walking. They said others were pulled out of cars and off of motorcycles before being beaten.
1 – 200 of 316 Newer› Newest»My first thought was this was about the beatings at the State Fair last night.
Stigma time
a) Wiggers?
b) Wingers?
c) Whingers?
d) Bangers?
d) none of the obove?
Or as drudge report says:
'Mob' beatings at WI state fair...
'Hundreds of young black people beating white people'...
Fairgoers 'pulled out of cars'...
'They were just going after white people'...
Now this is what democracy looks like.
As opposed to other kinds of mugging, which somehow do not involve selecting a victim?
It's probably union activity.
Obama has big birthday bash at WH...
Point 'em out, knock 'em out.
Two of Alinsky's Rules, right?
chickenlittle said...
Stigma time
cynical me always expects that when the story doesnt say "white" that the gang is black or hispanic. Marcus and Rodney likely aren't illegals from Oaxaca, so....
And we know that Wingers could never be black. (excuse me, Crack MC :)
Wisconsin is in the news a lot lately.
My mother used to like the phrase: "If you stand still long enough, the world comes to your door." I never liked that sentiment. Maybe it's time Wisconsin got moving again. Just a modicum of motion.
As opposed to other kinds of mugging, which somehow do not involve selecting a victim?
Its racial. Blacks deliberately targeting Whites.
This is the second such incident in Milwaukee in as many months. The police seem both unable and unwilling to do anything at all about it.
I wonder if the Milwaukee police chief will say that the attacks at the fair were "random" and committed by "youths." (wink wink)
Witnesses' accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.
Is it bigoted of me to correctly guess the race of the perps before I even read the article?
Always interesting to follow some of the links on a local news site, to see what else goes on in Madison
Campus Connection: Report suggests UW students are trading sex for tuition money
Six arrested for alleged sexual activity in Token Creek County Park
These people need to be publicly belittled.
Shame on them.
Its racial. Blacks deliberately targeting Whites.
Where in the article -- about the Madison events -- is the race of the victims noted? The law of averages might argue that they were white.
The State Fair thing, no question about that.
There have also been 2 muggings on Madison's westside, both older gentlemen - one on a dicey area of a bikepath and one just off Monroe St. Not sure what to make of it all.
"...Where in the article -- about the Madison events -- is the race of the victims noted? The law of averages might argue that they were white..."
What does the law of averages tell you about the perps..they should be white also but there not..does that tell you anything?
What we have here is what is known in a certain community as a 'rabbit hunt'.
I would have written 'Imagine if the race-based beatings in Milwaukee had been gangs of whites beating on blacks, the incident would have gone worldwide in the MSM', but what's the point?
Milwaukee has already seen several black youth mobs raiding/stealing from small stores and beating passersby in the process.
In my little SE MN town, a couple near my house on the riverside walking path got attacked by 4 Somali teenage boys on bicycles. One victim had a knife and slashed an assailant, so they left. Two were caught when they went to the ER to get sewn up.
I now carry a switchblade and baton on our evening constitutional. I am considering concealed carry, but it freaks my wife out.
Once when I was whining about our small town being taken over by Chicago transplants and their criminal behavior, Althouse suggested I move.
It's all fun and thuggery until some young person gets his ass shot off.
Youths is code for Muslims when it comes to car burnings.
Where in the article -- about the Madison events -- is the race of the victims noted? The law of averages might argue that they were white.
The State Fair thing, no question about that.
I'll be charitable and say that you must be the most naive poster here.
Wonder what will happen when conceal/carry is in full swing here in the Milwaukee area and some of the victims become aggressors.
One of the Madison muggings occurred at the Princeton Club gym. I don't see the wisdom of mugging guys coming out of a gym.
MadisonMan, go to Drudge. He has the information that your media doesn't think you need to know:
What does the law of averages tell you about the perps..they should be white also but there not..does that tell you anything?
You don't need the law of averages for the perps. It is stated that they are black.
The original statement would have been more accurate as: Blacks targeting victims.
"...I don't see the wisdom of mugging guys coming out of a gym..."
They're tired and sore from a grueling workout.
When will Rev. Al Sharpton come to Milwaukee and Madison and demand racial justice?
Never mind.
Witnesses told WTMJ-AM (Radio 620) that dozens to hundreds of young blacks were beating white people as they left the fair late Thursday night. Patrice Harris, a Fair spokeswoman, said a police alert she was given indicated four people were hurt.
"It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people," Norb Roffers of Wind Lake told WTMJ-AM.
I guessing that Scott Walker and the Koch Brothers hired them!
Interesting that the Journal Sentinel describes the State Fair activity as 'some charge racist attacks'. Last year when a similar thing happened at the Iowa State Fair, a police officer was disciplined for suggesting race had anything to do with the attacks. I seriously doubt they will find Black victims of White perpetrators. Both Iowa and Wisconsin are just easing up concealed carry laws. The next thing to modify is the castle doctrine. If you are in your car, and perpetrators come up to the car and start pounding on the windows, how is that not threatening? Especially when you are stuck in traffic? Word to the wise: Never pull up close to the car in front of you at a light: leave room to maneuver should the lanes on either side become open.
Milwaukee has had a history of violence with Black youth at the Mayfair Mall. Most of it is not this bad, so this State Fair event marks an escalation in the violence.
Something like just 5 r 10% of Black homicide victims had a non-Black perpetrator, while about 33% of White homicide victims had a non-White perpetrator.
Rev. Jesse and Al could not be reached for comment.
MadMan, you need to buy a clue from someone. Anyone.
First, there are horizontal-carry baton holsters that work very well for the sort of encounter you're talking about.
If you decide to carry one, please, please, please get some training on how best to use it properly. Time well spent.
fen, the victims I was referring to were the Madison event victims.
You might note that I agreed with your assessment for the State Fair. (Who wouldn't?)
Maybe Karl Rover or Halliburton was involved???
Mario Brown, Quincy Dixon, Rodney Bland,and Marcus Johnson.
Isn't the tea party express rolling through Wisconsin right now?
MadisonMan: The original statement would have been more accurate as: Blacks targeting victims.
No. Witnesses say the blacks were deliberately targeting whites, bypassing other blacks.
Why are you trying so hard to ignore the obvious? This was a racist attack.
Milwaukee has had a history of violence with Black youth at the Mayfair Mall
That's the first thing I thought of last week -- was it then? -- when althouse posted about seeing the Palin movie at Mayfair.
"You don't need the law of averages for the perps. It is stated that they are black."
No, the perps' race is not in the Cap Times article.
Their pictures were televised locally, but their race was not stated anywhere I could find.
It's not allowed.
a) Wiggers?
One of the Madison muggings occurred at the Princeton Club gym. I don't see the wisdom of mugging guys coming out of a gym.
If you were real smart, you would mug people coming out of a concealed carry class. The chances that any of them are actually carrying (prior to getting a permit) is very low.
"....Isn't the tea party express rolling through Wisconsin right now?..."
Yeah but they are all pasty, fat white people remember?
Or do you need to change the narrative like your kind are wont to do?
We have had a rash of black-on-white youth violence in downtown Denver for several years. Groups of black youth, both men and women, select, surround, and attack a white victim, also both men and women. The objective is to beat the victim--many times they weren't even robbed.
I have several friends who are Denver Police. They were instructed specifically not to report the crimes as race-based. The news media dutifully complied, failing to note the racial aspect until some of the assailants testified openly in court that they were targeting whites.
Denver Police increased patrols downtown but the problem continues. Colorado is a Concealed Carry state and lots of people carry. It's only a matter of time until some kid gets killed.
Just glad Fen is here to explain it all to us!
Scott M,
I have read about their use and seen videos, but no one around here teaches about baton use or self defense except via martial arts (I did TKD).
I have had some training with handgun use. Need more. Thinking about a S&W Bodyguard 38 with Laser.
I knew some guys from high school who did stuff like this (I knew it after the fact) and got caught because they repeated it in the same location. There is really no gray area here, you absolutely know robbery and assault are bad things. They were about 18. At the same time, I was heading to college. This is when one's paths in life diverge.
Nat turner reduce.
Garage: glad Fen is here to explain it all to us!
Hey, I'm just linking to the witness accounts that your MSM censored.
No surprise black youths resorting to this level of crime. 50% plus unemployment, and the "Obama cash" promises now clearly a myth. The see their black hero golfing and rubbing elbows with rich whiteys. They know they are "house n*ggers" to Barry. Props. Time for the revolution.
That's racist.
You know, if Wisconsin just built light-rail none of this would be happening.
Racial inequality-gone
Happy faces zooming to their destinations, the friendly brakeman smiling at each perfectly equal child-citizen on the way to the State Fair, inspiring speeches from dear leader over the loudspeakers.
To each according to his needs, you filthy pig-dog capitalists!
In Philly we have the flash mobs doing the same thing in weekend nights. SOP is 50-100 black kids run down center city streets and gang up on smaller groups of adults [victims tend to be white].
Yet none of the black community leaders say a word except for the obligatory PR from the black public officials. Why don't well respected accomplished black men speak up and condemn this behavior? I am talking to you Michael Jordan and Colin Powell and Jesse Jackson and Charles Barkley and Prez Obama.
I have had some training with handgun use. Need more. Thinking about a S&W Bodyguard 38 with Laser.
Look at the Crossbreed holsters. Very well-made and extremely concealable. Comfy too.
As far as the baton is concerned, if you know anyone at all in law enforcement, ask them if they know someone that teaches their classes or seminars. Chances are for $50 you could get a couple of very worthwhile hours. Even watching videos can help, but you need repetition and practice to be effective with them.
"... you need repetition and practice to be effective with them."
Watching golf never improved my swing.
Why don't well respected accomplished black men speak up and condemn this behavior?
Because growing up white in south Chicago taught me that the black community, and particularly the local black leadership, hold it as axiomatic that you don't air out your dirty laundry in public. It's very frustrating.
The State Fair wilding is a sad and disgusting event that further outlines the racial divide in Milwaukee, but at least in Madison they have four in custody.
I blame Sarah Palin's violent, eliminationist Facebook posts.
Those guys I knew did their robberies at Willowbrook Mall, in Wayne, NJ. They repeated it for several nights which was their undoing. The cops just waited and nabbed them.
Talk about screwing up one's life, that is the way to do it. They waited for people they thought might be carring money when the stores closed. I am sure it was traumatic and horrible for the victims.
They ended up in the county jail in Paterson. As they should have.
"white girl bleeds a lot"
Detroit's downtown mass transit in the 70s was called the mugger mover.
It may still be, if pickings aren't too sparse to attact muggers.
"Point 'em out, knock 'em out."
Do that to Obama and let's get this whole thing over with.
Putting such an irresponsible asshole in the White House, in the way they did, was naturally going to lead to this.
RV said:
"...disgusting event outlines the racial divide".
And your comment outlines idiotic but typical librul rationalization.
Gee....I wonder why no descriptions of the perpetrators or photos?
Somehow it is hard to picture a bunch of pasty young Wisconsinites rampaging and beating up random people.
I hate to go all racist on y'all, but when the glove fits....
In almost every story about senseless and cruel violence you don't even NEED to look at the photos to know what is happening.
Groups of black youth, both men and women, select, surround, and attack a white victim, also both men and women. The objective is to beat the victim--many times they weren't even robbed.
This is why you should never go unarmed and alone.
This is also a symptom of the coming chaos and anarchy brought to you by the left who refuse to see the results of their policies.
When the shit hits the fan, they will still say..."We meant well."
Fucking morons. I wish that all the people beat down by these animals are liberals.
chickenlittle said...
Stigma time
I read that as Stigmata time. I don't know why.
roesch-voltaire said...
The State Fair wilding is a sad and disgusting event that further outlines the racial divide in Milwaukee, but at least in Madison they have four in custody.
A divide that leftards like you created over decades of using minorities as your tools to advance your perverse and bankrupt ideology. I blame this on you and people like you. You created these monsters and then you blame others for trying to fix the problem, while you are really the problem.
If we can stipulate for a moment that these attacks are solely due to the race of the criminals (it is genetic and they are predisposed to this behavior) like some are claiming, then I have to ask what solution are you seeking?
Fucking morons. I wish that all the people beat down by these animals are liberals.
After the recent beatings in the Milwaukee Riverwest neighborhood, a white female resident (presumably liberal) was overheard asking "Why are they attacking us?"
I guess she thought that being a liberal would protect her.
"If we can stipulate ...that these attacks are solely due to the race of the criminals (it is genetic and they are predisposed..."
Let me be the first to say that purplepenquin is a disgusting and repulsive racist, and his comments should be ignored or deleted.
Four young men with gang ties were arrested Wednesday night for an alleged attempted mugging and mugging in separate incidents on the east side, Madison police reported.
The gang members in Madison sound very well dressed. It is good that the police there can tell which gang a member is in by the tie he is wearing.
disgusting event outlines the racial divide
What divide? The divide between the number of black mobs that do this and the white mobs that do?
Or the divide between reality and what the MSM would report on the subject?
Or possible the divide between rationalizing this abhorrent behavior and punishing the guilty?
I wish that all the people beat down by these animals are liberals.
If so, I doubt they are any longer.
then I have to ask what solution are you seeking?
First, kill all the purple penguins.
The reason the many responsible black leaders don't speak out is because they remember what happened to Bill Cosby. They will be castigated by the Sharptons, Jacksons and Wests of this world.
purplepenquin is a disgusting and repulsive racist
Purplepenguin is a moby. Still a disgusting racist, but not the way you think.
" is genetic and they are predisposed to this behavior) like some are claiming,.."
Who is claiming?
Using cell phones.
One way to stop the "yoots" is to make sure if a kid has a cell phone ... it's traced back to a home that better not be on welfare!
Okay. The suggestion is unrealistic. But how come we see welfare used by people who get income streams "some other way?"
How did that War on Drugs work out for us?
How do bands of wolves roam free?
I'd bet if you were on a Disney property ... where everyone coming in produces money at the door. And, you don't SEE security ... But somehow security is done.
Isn't there a security advantage at Disney?
The people most affected at a State Fair are the people who buy space. And, open booths.
Remember how the Madison police let a homeless person intimidate a jeweler?
Tubbs is a moron. An example of an affirmative action hire.
In a lot of other towns, outside of Madison, "yoot gangs" would fear passing by the local bars.
So? For how long will the "yoots" continue their attacks?
I think the focus on the race of the criminals - both here and in newsrooms - is the problem to begin with:
To keep asking why don't they show the race of the perps? is just as bad as the reason they don't show the race of the perps - because they're black. Both sides are playing the game, they just don't know it.
Just as the people who voted for Obama, to see a "black president," didn't spot their own racism either.
All I want to know is - no matter what color they are - can they catch the criminals?
Yeah, he's a lefty troll. I want him to defend his 'conclusion' which preceded his 'question'.
Typical marxist internet moron.
I wish that all the people beat down by these animals are liberals.
If so, I doubt they are any longer.
That's what was my experience. I was attacked in SF in the 70's for no other reason than I was white and driving on the wrong street.
I wasn't all that 'liberal' in the first place, but it sure opened my eyes to the reality of the world and the consequences of the liberal agenda.
The reason the many responsible black leaders don't speak out is because they remember what happened to Bill Cosby. They will be castigated by the Sharptons, Jacksons and Wests of this world.
We also remember how their white supporters disappeared as soon as the heat was on, too.
Let's not forget that,...
"why don't they show the race of the perps? is just as bad "
Good point.
Crime is crime.
But there is something happening here, across the nation, and I don't know what it is.
It's beyond 'just another crime'.
There is something happening here, across the nation, and I don't know what it is. It's beyond 'just another crime'.
It's racial, of course - it's the natural consequence of the forces unleashed by liberals playing the race card.
But the answer isn't to continue playing it. It's to flip the table upside, scattering the cards everywhere, and saying, "I'm not playing this game anymore!"
What I don't know is if Americans are ready to do that yet, white or black.
To keep asking why don't they show the race of the perps? is just as bad as the reason they don't show the race of the perps - because they're black.
I agree both sides are focusing on race in the question, but I disagree that it's equally bad. The side asking why is, at first and last, pointing out hypocrisy. The side that doesn't mention it is practicing hypocrisy. Those two are not equally bad.
If a given group of people easily linked by some commonality are perpetrating repeated behavior, it is completely fair a astute to ask why that particular group in engaging in that behavior and what can be done to stop it or reduce the likelihood it will happen.
Well, at least we have hate crime laws on the books so that these racist thugs can be punished accordingly.
I think the media and police should emphasize the racial aspects of this. They've been trying to bury it so far, and the problem is getting worse. These kids are having fun and getting away with it. Time to try a new approach.
We also remember how their white supporters disappeared as soon as the heat was on, too.
Bill Cosby's supporters disappeared when the heat was on?
Curious George --
" No surprise black youths resorting.... Time for the revolution."
Then shouldn't they be targeting the portion of the population that voted in the upper nineties for his election?
You're reasoning was just a stretch. It belittles all men and women who are experiencing the same pressures and *do not* act like deranged animals.
My own guess is this is the final outcome of destruction of the family, immature, violent and tribal.
Fatherlessness and government subsidized lives lead to tyrannies like this.
"...To keep asking why don't they show the race of the perps? is just as bad as the reason they don't show the race of the perps -because they're black..."
Is it just as bad? Ok then we can finally shitcan the whole 'hate crime' thang since focusing on the race of the perps is bad.
I love it when the left creates a nice juicy shit sandwich and is forced to take a bite.
And eat your peas too.
@Crack: "...flip the table upside, scattering the cards everywhere..."
You know, there was a guy 2000 years ago who did something just like that, in a temple in the Middle East.
Fatherlessness and government subsidized lives lead to tyrannies like this.
When I first read that, I thought you were invoking David Feintuch's "trannies" (not the genderbender type) and, frankly, thought that would have been apt.
Look, you guys, what we lack is common sense. I've pointed out, countless times, that fraud stalks our lives - there's a psychic working practically on every corner - but we don't bust anybody for fraud for a billion different reasons I don't understand.
The same thing applies here - this is, at it's simplest, assault and maybe burglary - no need for rationalizations, or a desire to know what their motivation was, or even what their race is (except to identify the criminals).
All we lack is A) common sense, and B) the willingness to stop crime.
purplepenquin -
"If we can stipulate for a moment that these attacks are solely due to the race of the criminals (it is genetic and they are predisposed to this behavior) like some are claiming, then I have to ask what solution are you seeking?"
Either *you* are stupid or you're attempting to portray others are stupid, but no one has claimed this to be genetic. They're claiming it's cultural, if anything.
My own guess is this is the final outcome of destruction of the family, immature, violent and tribal.
Fatherlessness and government subsidized lives lead to tyrannies like this.
This and the high unemployment for blacks especially and young men in general. High unemployment which is going to continue even if the economy recovers. Who in their right mind would want to hire any of these thugs. They have no skills (thank you government funded public education), have no social skills, lack morals, unreliable and not an asset to anybodies business.
Those few who do escape from the liberal created cesspool and trap that has been laid for them are exceptional and should be praised instead of treated badly by both blacks and liberal whites. Called Uncle Toms and worse.
As Americans in the 21st century, race should hold only two roles in our lives:
1) First and foremost, jokes - we must NEVER give up the right to make fun of a motherfucker based on what they look like.
2) To identify the ignorant. Anyone today who thinks race has done anything, beyond allowing our ancestors to erect a cruel and dumb system for making money, is a fool. Period. End of story.
We can discuss our history, and the roles that have been dealt out to us because of it, but to continue with the outlook that made that history possible is the height of stupidity.
The Colt's Patent Firearms Company did not make its fortune selling six shooters to the Army, Navy, Texas Rangers, and itinerant cowboys.
It made its fortune selling six shooters to shopkeepers and other people at risk in places like New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore.
Sounds like they're in for another growth spurt.
Unfortunately, I think the government response to this will be another "jobs" program for black youth. All that will happen is some shysters will get rich from it, and the dependency hole will get even deeper.
"...We can discuss our history, and the roles that have been dealt out to us because of it, but to continue with the outlook that made that history possible is the height of stupidity...."
I don't disagree with you Crack but liberals have been putting every single issue into a racial context that its difficult to not point out that the sword cuts both ways. When so many want to insist race had no bearing on these attacks it only proves liberals only believe racism and here crimes are only sins of caucasions and they need to be called on it.
Creak, you are a very racially motivated writer. That's fine by me until you start carping that the rest of the world is racially motivated. A kettle of the case calling the black pot. Makes about as much sense. You don't get a bye.
The perps made no bones about the beatings being racially motivated, what makes you think that's of no importance? Or, more accurately, what makes you think your view trumps mine in some manner?
*googling for 30 round mags and speedloaders*
The PC mind-set is VERY difficult to break--even when confronted by reality. Circa 1994 in New Orleans it was also the common practice not to mention race in crime, or ANYTHING ELSE in daily reporting until a famous incident where a little black girl was lost and the news media began idiotically putting out bulletins of her description that included everything BUT race. The child's mother complained publicly and loudly that this omission was hardly helping narrow the search-field and the resultant outpouring of public criticism caused the media to be temp shamed into including race when describing not just lost/kidnapped children but of criminals as well. Alas, this lasted for only a few years, and post-Katrina things are back to the uber PC status-quo ante.
This was circulated yesterday to building owners in response to flash mobs of "youths" in Philadelphia.
"[Police] Commission Ramsey also requested that if you have video of a crime or “mob attack” to share the information with only the police and not the news media. He also advised to be mindful when speaking to the press since a negative image projected by news stories on a national basis will only damage the very heart and soul of Philadelphia."
Awww, they were just ' empowered' by obama.
Madison is worse than Chicago. They refuse to identify the gang or put the faces of the arrestees on the front page.
Political correctness run amok.
All I want to know is - no matter what color they are - can they catch the criminals?
Of course they *can*. The real question is, *will* they. And the answer appears to be, no, they won't. It wouldn't be politically acceptable.
Those guys I knew who mugged people at the mall, they were caucasian. I am not sure of the race of their victims.
I am not sure why it should matter. Shouldn't the criminal behavior be the issue?
I am not rationalizing this behavior by pointing out the growing and historical divide between the races in Milwaukee. Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
I am not sure why it should matter. Shouldn't the criminal behavior be the issue?
You must have been homeschooled. I was beaten with the PC ugly stick all the way through school and understand that the issue is society. Why do you want to blame the real victims, those that are driven to theft by an uncaring, right-wing, imperialist government?
I am pretty sure the primary motivation of robbery is to steal property. Selections of race, gender, etc. maybe about looking for a target who will not fight back, looking for a target who might have lots of cash in their pockets, etc, etc, and I suppose, someone might pick another race to rob because that somehow "justifies" things.
So what.
Sometimes we over think these things.
Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
You can start with the racism of lowered expectations, social advancement, penalizing welfare recipients for being married, indeed, destruction of the black family.
Those are all pretty easy to grasp. Start there.
Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
There are two ways to think about your own employment. 1) You make it happen for yourself. 2) You expect someone else to make it happen for you.
Would never happen in TEXAS....
We shoot such people who do this.
Over here we have the "Stand Your Ground" law as well as the "Castle Doctrine" law.
Don't mess with Texas (or mug them or beat them or rob them or....)
Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
Easy Explanation: Your Nanny-state has raised a generation of uncivilized animals.
Assaulting white people is not the way to redress whatever grievances exist within the black community. Post assault, the victim feels bruises and fear not warm feelings of brotherhood. Any cross racial crime is racist simply because it inspires racism.....I truly wish that the black community would demonize such criminals in the way that the white community now ostracizes KKK types. I have yet to see a black person suffer criticism from the black community at large because of his anti-white hostility. It just doesn't happen.
am pretty sure the primary motivation of robbery is to steal property.
Witnesses are saying the motivation was not robbery (victims were not robbed), it was to beat up white people.
No surprise black youths resorting to this level of crime. 50% unemployment...
Resorting to crime? They were CELEBRATING. They were whacking whitey upside the haid with GREAT JOY. Will the rationalizations for willful savagery never end?!
Don't mess with Texas (or mug them or beat them or rob them or....)
Yeah, right. When this comes to Dallas or Austin, we'll see...
Those guys I knew, they grew up in Wayne, NJ (where Ann used to live as a teenager). In fact, one of them was from Packanack Lake "hood" where Ann was from(someone needs to update that Wikipedia to include Ann as a notable former resident). They were caucasian. They were from middle class families. I do not think they were severely abused as kids (I had no knowledge of any abuse). They were just stupid 18 year olds looking for easy cash. They screwed up and screwed up bad. I have not kept in touch but my guess is it had a very negative impact on their lives.
That is why I support conceal carry. People have the right to protect themselves.
Easy Explanation: Your Nanny-state has raised a generation of uncivilized animals.
Specifically, "apes," according to your earlier poster.
WV: fecia.
Anyone remember the scene where Crococile Dundee gets mugged and he pulls out an enormous kife of his own and says to the mugger "now this is a knife"!
I may start carrying mine in certain areas.
I don't disagree with you Crack but liberals have been putting every single issue into a racial context that its difficult to not point out that the sword cuts both ways. When so many want to insist race had no bearing on these attacks it only proves liberals only believe racism and here crimes are only sins of caucasions and they need to be called on it.
No, we can bypass their bullshit. But we've got to make our minds up to do so. If we continue to "fight fire with fire," all we get in the end is burnt.
Creak, you are a very racially motivated writer. That's fine by me until you start carping that the rest of the world is racially motivated. A kettle of the case calling the black pot. Makes about as much sense. You don't get a bye.
A "racially motivated" writer? I don't think think that description would fly with anyone here familiar with me. I grow weary of race - and, yes, occasionally fall in line with the culture I'm living in - but to say my occasional personal failings outdo the basic message of equality I've promoted, from Day One, is a lie. I may not get a pass, but I will be be understood. The perps made no bones about the beatings being racially motivated, what makes you think that's of no importance? Or, more accurately, what makes you think your view trumps mine in some manner?
Because A) I don't think you understand shit about the issue, because you don't even understand that B) continuing to discuss race as an important issue - as a way to eliminate it - will never make it go away.
This is an assault. I don't care if it was because people are white, or for money, or just out of anger. Make the penalties stiff and stress we won't stand for it.
That's all that needs to be done.
"Once when I was whining about our small town being taken over by Chicago transplants and their criminal behavior, Althouse suggested I move."
I can already see story in the Milwaukee and Madison media if any of these cases ends up in the WI Supreme Court.
"Writing for the minority, Justice Bradley says the youths were framed by a fascist judge appointed by Dictator Walker because it was the white oppressor who savagely and repeatedly threw his face at the fists and feet of several hundred peaceful fairgoers who were just minding their own business."
Not to worry, an element of the long-promised US Domestic Security Force, to be as well-funded and powerful as the US Armed Forces. Punishing the evil white devil, who deserves it. Nothing to see here beyond that long since foreshadowed, move on.
They have nothing to lose. In Wisconsin.
Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
I would think that the explanation IS no skills and no motivation.
to be as well-funded and powerful as the US Armed Forces
Did he, Gibbs, or anyone else in the administration try to explain that comment?
The State Fair wilding is a sad and disgusting event that further outlines the racial divide in Milwaukee, but at least in Madison they have four in custody.
Open season. Eric Holder didn't prosecute.
Maybe we're not looking @ a logical explanation for this wilding. In a few weeks, citizens will be armed. Maybe this is one last "party" until the party is over!
Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
Of course there are easy explanations why they are unemployed.
which state had the highest average unemployment rate among blacks during 2010? (Scroll to the last page at the link if you're stumped.)
That's not an excuse for violence. It may not even be an explanation. Just a data point from the pre-Walker era of cheesy bliss.
All I want to know is - no matter what color they are - can they catch the criminals?
Not to worry, an element of the long-promised US Domestic Security Force, to be as well-funded and powerful as the US Armed Forces.
Swell. Just what we need. Napolitano is on it as we speak/comment.
See Red said: Open season. Eric Holder didn't prosecute.
I understand that Tammy Baldwin is good chums with Eric Holder. Maybe she can get him to look into this. Couldn't hurt.
"Guess which state had the highest average unemployment rate among blacks during 2010?"
Why work? I'm sure Wisconsin has fabulously progressive social programs.
"..Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation..."
Actually there are several and Scott highlighted them. Whether you choose to accept them or continue to believe its a 'complex issue' is another story.
"Putting such an irresponsible asshole in the White House, in the way they did, was naturally going to lead to this."
Amen, Brother! And it wasn't "blacks" who put him there. It was "white" females. There's the real culprit today and long since, "white" females sans self-confidence.
The great irony of "women's liberation" (no woman ever needed it) is that it made women less secure and more frantic and thus easily driven by fantasy. It made them females, animalistic in their sensibilities. Fantasies by "white" females got the asshole in the White House. And may well do again.
The most striking feature of the "tea party" movement, to my eyes, right from its start in "deep blue" Seattle(!), is the number of women, mostly "white" but not inconsiderably "black," from all walks of life who drive it. There are the "white" women, the "white" females of the species, having self-confidence and thus not in thrall to fantasy.
Ultimately the intrinsic power of self-confident women has to exile "white" and "black" un-self-confidence females, those who demand deference and respect and other undeserved powers and screw with everyone's minds by promoting, simultaneously, racism of low expectations and fantasies of "black" ecstatic potency.
Woman, thou art not weak. Areas of WI sound poisonous indeed, as do other areas of the nation. The snakes deserve exile.
I'm looking forward to the President's speech denouncing this mob violence categorically. Maybe he could fly to WI for a big anti-wilding rally.
"I would think that the explanation IS no skills and no motivation."
No, the explanation is one word: values.
I have known, and have myself been, unskilled and unmotivated, but if you value other people, their rights, and your own dignity, this is not an option.
These "youths" believe what they did was cool, and right within their set of values.
Poor does not equal evil.
roesch-voltaire said...
I am not rationalizing this behavior by pointing out the growing and historical divide between the races in Milwaukee. Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
Couple factors to consider:
1. Paying people not to work.
2. Criminalizing drugs and making their sale a money machine it otherwise would not be.
3. Increases in the minimum wage, each of which prices more "minority youth" out of the market.
I'm looking forward to the President's speech denouncing this mob violence categorically.
He's not going to say a thing until he gets his cue cards from Oprah.
How soon do you think it'll be before some of these scum run into the business end of a Taurus loaded with .410 and #3 shot?
Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
If only there were some state-funded institutions that could successfully impart skills and motivation to people between the ages of, say, 5 and 18.
'But the answer isn't to continue playing it. It's to flip the table upside, scattering the cards everywhere, and saying, "I'm not playing this game anymore!"'
OK - and I'm serious, not toying - then what? Please, I'm serious. I take your point, request to hear what one does/what happens after one upends the table.
For example, does one upend the table on one's own or do other players assist? Again, what's the room in which the table, chairs, cards, money and players occupy? What happens to the room, and to the players who wanted to keep playing the rigged game that, I agree, deserves to be upended?
Yesterday was Day 1 of the State Fair.
Will attendance this year be down?
"...I'm looking forward to the President's speech denouncing this mob violence categorically..."
The youths acted stupidly.
'Blogger Chip S. said...
Further I do not think there are any easy explanations for the growing unemployed minority youth who have few skills and less motivation.
If only there were some state-funded institutions that could successfully impart skills and motivation to people between the ages of, say, 5 and 18.'
Come on now, Chip! No learning, no skills, no values but lots and lots of 'self-esteem'.
"My people" are having a "spirited debate" with the "cowards" over their "lack of resources".
I've instructed the Civil Rights Division, which was established to prosecute whites that commit bad acts against blacks, to strictly enforce the law-
Any retaliation resulting from well deserved beatings will be prosecuted under the law-
Eric Holder
"Blogger Hoosier Daddy said...
"...I'm looking forward to the President's speech denouncing this mob violence categorically..."
The youths acted stupidly."
Saying it was stupid is to deny the real malevolence on display.
Just announced: after 5 pm, minors will not be admitted without an adult escort.
Shame it had to come to this, but probably for the best.
"All we lack is A) common sense, and B) the willingness to stop crime."
Concur. The willingness to stop crime, especially, is wide-spread and deep and very dangerous, including to all those unwilling to stop it.
It's not that there aren't enough crimes defined by law or regulation. It's that there is fear of stopping the really damaging ones because the society as a whole is stuck in webs of very significant crimes. Almost everyone is benefitting from genuinely dangerous (not just bureaucratically prissy) crimes, one way and another. Or, to use your metaphor, almost everyone is at that table playing that rigged game. Throwing over the table or cutting up the webs means nearly "all are punish'd," including the dealers/spiders.
That may not be a bad our even unjustified outcome.
blythe masters said: "We have had a rash of black-on-white youth violence in downtown Denver for several years. Groups of black, surround, and attack a white victim..."
No, no, no, you're confused, blythe. Those are Broncos/Chiefs games, and the victim is Kyle Orton.
We need someone to go undercover in one of these wilding groups and report the extreme racial prejudice not just during the attack but when they are planning it and regular conversation, in their own words. I hope Breitbart can pull this off within the year.
Interesting that Althouse made no comment. She gets irate when politicians get in trouble for sending pictures of their not so private parts but is silent when black mobs seek out whites to beat them up. She didn't even provide a clue that it was black on white violence.
Was this mob a flash mob, organized via phone texting?
The racial divisions in the USA are profound. It is fundamental Dem political strategy to maintain and exploit these racial divisions. They are not going away. Whites need to organize and learn how to play the game, they are already suffering the consequences of reverse racism.
I was disappointed to see how passively and cowardly the Wisconsin whites were in taking their beatings and not helping victims at/near the fair. Is Wisconsin niceness partially just cowardice?
Forgive my ignorance, but I don't live in Wisconsin and I may have missed the implementation dates - I thought Wisconsin had (just passed) concealed carry? Or was it implemented so recently that people haven't completed the courses, background checks, etc.? I mean, you have mob action like that in my neck of the woods, and there will be some defensive action featuring firearms (properly permitted, of course.)
One of the many disappointments of President Obama's term is that he's done almost nothing to improve the most negative aspects of modern day Black culture. The culture of many young Black males in particular, anti-learning, anti-success, anti-"acting white." If you don't think those issues exist, then we're just living in different worlds.
But he's passed up on the opportunity to use his pulpit and example to press aggressively for change.
I suppose you could give him some credit for setting an example and there was his one comment during the campaign about "brothers pulling up their pants." But largely nothing.
There's a reason. The man, I think, simply, in his heart, doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone outside of his immediate family. No empathy, no sympathy, no caring.
It's just who he is.
"I mean, you have mob action like that in my neck of the woods, and there will be some defensive action featuring firearms (properly permitted, of course.).."
I guarantee you if one of the beating victims had pulled out a gun and shot one if the thugs, Al or Jesse would have been down there ASAP to denounce the vigilante violence brought on by Scott Walker.
Because we believe that the guilty are the victims we will never solve this problem. Until we can use shame we are out of luck. Until we can judge people by applying concepts of right and wrong without twisting the concepts into pretzels of logic and rationalizing we are without hope.
Nowadays I lead a chaste, sober life. Back in the 80's I lived in E Harlem and closed out the bars. At the corner of 96 St and Lexington Ave, I was set upon by four black guys about one in the morning. While, admittedly, I am a total pussy, it must be vouchsafed that I am a pussy of robust size. I never considered myself in the muggable class. But, nonetheless, four black youths, all of them somewhat smaller than me, came running at me with mayhem in their eyes. I ran into the middle of the busy intersection and squared off to face them. It is very difficult to mug someone in heavy traffic. Two of them peeled away immediately. But one of them ran directly at me and started throwing wild punches, although at a discreet distance. I'm over 6 feet and a natural heavyweight. He was about 5'8 and nothing impressive to look at. He yelled that he wasn't afraid of me. One of his companions grabbed him from behind and said let's get the fuck out of here.....I don't know what moral this story illustrates. I have lived and worked around blacks for most of my life. More often than not we get along fine. I didn't join the KKK after the incident, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I felt a great deal more suspicion and hostility towards young black men afterwards.
Wisconsin, where the sheep roam free, and the wolves are no longer extinct.
After the muggings, the youths were heard proclaiming:
"Sic semper tyrannis"
"...While, admittedly, I am a total pussy, it must be vouchsafed that I am a pussy of robust size..."
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a robust pussy.
Ok, I just could not let that slide.
David R. Graham,
OK - and I'm serious, not toying - then what? Please, I'm serious. I take your point, request to hear what one does/what happens after one upends the table. For example, does one upend the table on one's own or do other players assist? Again, what's the room in which the table, chairs, cards, money and players occupy? What happens to the room, and to the players who wanted to keep playing the rigged game that, I agree, deserves to be upended?
The "room" is America, of course, and, yes, we'd all participate. Those who still want to play the game are marginalized or, if necessary, jailed as they do in Germany. (Al Sharpton would be walking a fine line on a daily basis,...)
Look, all I'm saying is we'd revert to the mean of common sense, critical thinking, reason, logic, and ethics. If I was in charge, I'd put a focus on fraud. "Birds of a feather" dictates that criminals hang with criminals, so as we bust them, we get more information on the others and start to root out the corruption in our midst. And I'd be as serious about it as Rudy was with small-time crime in New York. Serious penalties and no excuses.
We seem to have a serious problem with saying "no," or passing judgement - calling it "Mccarthyism" or something - when the willingness to act like adults in the face of threats to our republic is exactly what's needed. I'd slash whole departments in government, like energy and education. I'd prosecute Al Gore for Global Warming. (I'd eliminate recycling altogether.) I'd prosecute Oprah for The Secret and Deepak Chopra, just on principle. I'd send the likes of Martin Bashir and Fareed Zacharia back where they came from - let them cause problems there. I'd shame Paul Krugman and Thomas Friedman until no one will hire them for anything. I'd try to get all businesses to eliminate the Human Resources-level of their operations.
I'd do a lot of things that are currently considered crazy.
...but I would be lying if I didn't say that I felt a great deal more suspicion and hostility towards young black men afterwards.
Jesse Jackson feels this way too.
I was mobbed one night by a group of drunk Aboriginal "youths" in Sydney. When they discovered I was an American (by my speech), they left. It's not always just about race. But mostly it is.
Black mob "wilding" may have been a trickle of a trend before the election of Obama but it's at near flood-tide now, emboldened as elements of the black community are with the view that Obama's election signals that it's "our time"--especially with the "demonstration effect" provided by Holder's blatantly political (AND racial) refusal to prosecute the 2 black thugs in the voter intimidation case..
Someone has to post this, and it might as well be me!
The lyrics are begging to be changed.
Argue this.
It might seem counter-intuitive, but being attacked by four guys at once is not four times worse than being attacked by one.
It's very inefficient on their part because they don't get good shots in and sometime strike each other. Also, they may individually be pussies since this is how they want to battle.
A person shouldn't give in just because they have multiple attackers. "Youth" attackers will kick you in the head if they can get you on the ground. You don't want that.
Aim for the nuts.
I must admit that the whole Twitter flash mob dynamic has me a bit scared. The mass murders in Rwanda were fanned on by a man in a radio station and a few crates of machetes.
How far are we, really, from such a thing being enacted here? Granted, we'd get a lid on it eventually, but how do we prevent this from even happening?
Local officials decide which crimes are hate crimes
0.3 percent of inter-racial crimes reported to the police are considered to be motivated, even “in part,” by racial bias
In 2002, only 2,168 of the 5,738 so-called hate crimes were violent — insignificant next to the average 1.68 million violent inter-racial crimes committed annually from 2001 to 2003, the vast majority committed by blacks against whites
Hispanics are a victim category but not a perpetrator category, which may be why the FBI reported that in 2002, 130 “whites” committed anti-white hate crimes
Of the six hate crime murders committed in 2002 (three “white”-on-black, one “white”-on-Hispanic, one Indian-on-”white” and one black-on-Hispanic), only three appear to have been racially motivated: one white-on-black, one black-on-Hispanic and one Hispanic-on-black, the latter reported as “white”-on-black
franglo said...
Chase is right, the left is very violent these days. Which explains the Oslo massacre and the numerous other left-wing inspired acts of violence lately.
Got to despise the "irony" of the Left. Thinking being arch and sarcastic shows their intellectual superiority (as if..)
Point out an exception to the general rule of things and you create "moral equivalency". 10,000 Muslim attacks vs. one McVeigh and one Breivik and you have liberals and progressive Jews saying the threat of Islamists and right wing Christians is "equal".
They were so desperate to pin guilt on the "white punks of privilege" at Duke for savagely raping a Nubian Princess. Why? To show all the black rapes of white, asian, and hispanic women had a counter that showed the concern about black rapists was "racist and silly". Alas, the Nubian Princess was a psychotic liar. As were the liberal democrats at the DA's office and the black, liberal, and progressive Jew profs at Duke.
As for the idea of criminals on the left...that franglo disputes...why is it that Democrats and the usual suspects at the NYC ACLU and Ivy law schools are the ones that want the vote to be restored to violent felon ex-cons and even those still incarcerated?? To help enfranchise "right-winger Christianists?" Or, some other reason??
How many black thugs, of those that ever bother to vote, have ever voted for a Republican?
"..Youth" attackers will kick you in the head if they can get you on the ground. You don't want that..."
Any attacker, a smart one anyway, always tries to get you I'm the ground. Real fights don't last long, 20-30 seconds because unlike in the movies, most folks can't withstand 3-4 full on punches to the face before going down. I've been in a few tussles and it consists of a couple of punches, body grapple then get the other guy on the ground. If I get on top its game over cause I don't stop punching until the thug is unconscious.
Sorry, forgot the link where I got that discussion.
The lyrics are begging to be changed.
Those lyrics are begging for the Old Yeller treatment.
Bart Hall,
Let's hope they run into something considerably more substantial.
Regarding batons, I'm fortunate in that a friend of mine is part of a group that teaches "unarmed combat" at Ft Lewis (as a civilian contractor.) A few of us have been doing some informal study with him, and it's very eye-opening. (Of course one of the eye-opening things is that formalized systems like TKD, while better than nothing, have a lot of shortcomings when the scenario is fending off an assault rather than going on the mat with an opponent who's following the same rules you are.)
Anyway his recommendation for carrying the baton is in a cross-draw position so you can draw, extend, and strike all with one continuous motion. (One of his principles is "you only get one or two chances...")
"They will be castigated by the Sharptons, Jacksons and Wests of this world."
Wouldn't that be a badge of honor?
Fred4Pres - "I am not sure of the race of their victims.
I am not sure why it should matter. Shouldn't the criminal behavior be the issue?"
I have a small amount of believe that in a perfect world, IDEALLY, (since tolerance of any and all things is now believed to be one of the highest virtues one can have) -we should be blind to the culture, ideology, socioeconomic status, ethnic values, and religion of any person we encounter. They in turn IDEALLY should be equally as blind or "tolerant".
In reality, that makes us blind to the dangers of the black underclass, the connected financiers of global banking, the Islamists. Or that for every "criminal that only an all-wise jury can call a criminal" - there are 20 people that enable them by looking the other way, refuse to 'snitch' on them, socially accept them. You can't just think cops and courts will solve all the problem. You have to recognize and try to change or in extremis...NEUTRALIZE the source of the disease.
Maybe someday, what we evolve into will allow us to ignore whole groups for classification as a threat and say..."no need to be concerned about going into Yemen with bibles and preaching the word, because they are the same as us as individuals"! Or that two drunk little Chinese-American sluts in miniskirts out on the town - could stumble into a white area, a black area, or an Asian area and expect equal outcome of people saying "hey, you're soused. Go home and sleep it off". Instead of having the bad luck of going in the black area and getting gang-raped by 9 thugs while two dozen black neighbors just watched and didn't call the cops and after.."didn't know a single one of them black boys...who must have been from a different 'hood going through ours when they found those slope 'hos.."
Speaking of Race, Ralph Nader's claiming "almost 100% chance of a primary challenge" to POTUS. I'm curious how a Democrat could pull that off in the face of "racist" tirades from President Obama's most monolithic supporters.
Scott M said...
Speaking of Race, Ralph Nader's claiming "almost 100% chance of a primary challenge" to POTUS. I'm curious how a Democrat could pull that off in the face of "racist" tirades from President Obama's most monolithic supporters.
It's a numbers game. If the number of independents President Obama loses exceeds the total expected black vote by a significant amount, expect the Democrats to find an excuse to oppose him.
wv: fismob. This is a fake Turing test, right? There's really some human making up the wv's, right?
My son lives in Milwaukee now.
Kirk Parker,
"They will be castigated by the Sharptons, Jacksons and Wests of this world."
Wouldn't that be a badge of honor?
Not in this situation. Being right offline is currently as good as being right online.
Go on, win an argument online. Right here on this blog. The loser is just going to go to another thread. Garage gets creamed every day, where's the penalty? There is none. In many cases, he can dominate a thread, with all the so-called "smart" people all jacked up to prove Garage wrong - when they know Garage is wrong.
And that's exactly how the Left dominates the conversation offline. Mention Global Warming. It's not enough to say it's bullshit - you'll get trapped by actually trying to PROVE it's bullshit. That's the trap - arguing the "science" when all that's necessary is to marginalize anyone who'd dare go there.
Unless we establish a basis of understanding, and stick to it, we might as well give it up.
Crack, I like the card table upending approach myself. I can see actually using it.
Here you go Fred - "Witnesses said blacks were intimidating and attacking whites for no apparent reason."
We all know the reason was race and the atmosphere of racial hatred nurtured by the race baiters.
Witnesses said blacks were intimidating and attacking whites for no apparent reason.
Did someone put some nooses in a tree a few weeks ago? Cause that would explain it.
7 officers hurt last night. State Patrol and an accompanied minors policy added as of tonight.
Sounds like so much fun.
We all know the reason was race and the atmosphere of racial hatred nurtured by the race baiters.
Jesus Christ, you guys, why do you care? Whites - by a wide margin - are still the dominant race in this country. I betcha, if the whites in Wisconsin who were attacked would've gotten out of their cars and fought back, they could've dominated the situation with ease. So what's the point of all this?
There isn't one. You just can't leave it alone. Race, race, race, race, race - get over it. There are criminals. Catch them. That's all that's necessary. If somebody shoots me, I don't care WHY they shot me - the son of a bitch shot me!
All this tripping on why this happened just justifies it:
None of you - blaqck or white - can let it go.
None of you - blaqck or white - can let it go.
At least you could say that much.
It matters because we're constantly told by Bill Maher, Al Sharpton, Harry Reid, and ever other lefty that we're racist because we don't support this program or that program. And, because we're racist, we don't deserve to exist.
Those of lesser minds who hear this stuff from the day they were born believe it and learn to hate those racists who are holding them back and not paying their fair share. Eventually, some of them feel perfectly justified in attacking, and sometimes killing, those racists.
In the mean time, a culture of violence has grown in much of the black community. They kill each other at a rate the KKK could only envy. But, of course, this is blamed on the racists also, as their policies have held down the black man and create the conditions where this has festered.
Face the truth and tell it the criminals and liberals. Which I'm sure you do on occasion. I respect you as an independent thinker, but don't ask me to turn a blind eye to the truth.
Crack, there are two problems:
1. There are criminals.
2. Why there are criminals.
Tougher enforcement like you suggest solves problem number 1.
Some people -- James Taranto is one, and likes to point out others -- believe that tougher enforcement solves problem number 2 as well. In other words, there are criminals because there are too few consequences for being a criminal. I suspect you would agree. A friend of mine used to hang with guys who would take and do what they wanted for only one reason he could explain: they could, and no one would stop them. Eventually he grew up and realized how wrong that was; but most of them didn't.
But some people -- rightly or wrongly -- believe there is a way to solve problem number 2 at the root causes. And those root causes may certainly involve racial politics and the racial spoils system in this country.
(Note: many liberals and conservatives will read that last line and nod agreement, while not realizing that they completely disagree on what the racial spoils system is and whom it favors.)
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