Jane Hamsher finds it "just weird" that one of Obama's people is denouncing Paul Krugman and the “Firebagger Lefty blogosphere."
I know the goal is to attract the much-prized Independent for 2012. But who do they think is keeping Obama’s poll numbers afloat?
Congresswoman Maxine Waters complains that Obama's bus trip didn't include any black communities and has this colloquy with her audience:
WATERS: We don't put pressure on the president.
CROWD: That's right!
WATERS: Let me tell you why: We don't put pressure on the president because y'all loooove the president.
CROWD: No! (grumbling, shouting)
WATERS: You loooove the president. You're very proud. You're very proud to have a black man...
CROWD: That's right! Yes, we are.
WATERS: ...first time in history of the United States of America.
CROWD: (shouting)
WATERS: If we go after the president too hard, you going after us. When you tell us it's all right --
CROWD: It's all right! (shouting)
WATERS: When you tell us it's all right and you unleash us, and you tell us you're ready for us to have this conversation, we're ready to have the conversation!
"Crowd" is really mostly one woman maybe 2.
WATERS: When you tell us it's all right and you unleash us, and you tell us you're ready for us to have this conversation, we're ready to have the conversation!
You are the ones you've been waiting for.
These people are confuuuused,...
But who do they think is keeping Obama’s poll numbers afluff?
"Congresswoman Maxine Waters complains that Obama's bus trip didn't include any black communities ..."
He's already got your vote, dope. This is what happens when you're easy.
This is what happens when you're easy.
Well played.
Maxine Waters demonstrates her ignorance of the midwest.
Unleash the Kraken!
This is what has Hamsher fired up:
(written by one of Obama's people)
Paul Krugman is a political rookie. At least he is when compared to President Obama. That’s why he unleashed a screed as soon as word came about the debt ceiling compromise between President Obama and Congressional leaders – to, you know, avert an economic 9/11. Joining the ideologue spheres’ pure, fanatic, indomitable hysteria, Krugman declares the deal a disaster – both political and economic – of course providing no evidence for the latter, which I find curious for this Nobel winning economist. He rides the coattails of the simplistic argument..
What? They're just noticing this -now ?
But Hamsher is right-the Left is getting Sister Souljah'd.
Obama needs to paint himself as a Centrist-because unlike the Left-the Centrist know how to play-
hard to get.
Why is it that only black Americans can do the vital thing that is the Greek chorus well any more?
Hamsher is afraid her boy might get a primary challenge which would almost guarantee a republican victory even if the republican were Sarah Palin.
This is all a ploy - a staged act - to make Obama look centrist and independent.
I am sure that at any time Maxine can pick up the phone to the White House and air whatever grievances she has.
She doesn't need to go public.
Racist. For them, their support is based only on his race. Is it wrong to oppose him based on race? Why? Affirmative racism is good. So can I vote only for (wha am I?) white candidates.
This is a systemic problem that will lead to massive trouble.
So is "-bagger" now the new go to suffix to attach to a story? Does that mean we can once and for all put away "-gate"?
I am sure that at any time Maxine can pick up the phone to the White House and air whatever grievances she has.
She doesn't need to go public.
Think about the political ramifications, though, if she DOESN'T actually have that access.
Time for Obama's people to say "This is what we thought they were."
Waters, she sure is a piece of work. Blackbagger.
from Hamsher's piece:
This smacks more of narcissism
I'm not sure if she's aware of the depth of truth in that statement.
Elections have consequences, lefties. You elected him. You bought him. No refunds, no returns, no change, no hope.
See ya next November, suckers.
What did the black community expect him to do? Give them all jobs or reparations???
He did all he knew how to do - spend a trillion dollars. It didn't work and he isn't going to get any more money to spend.
What EXACTLY are they going to do to him? He knows he is untouchable. They ain't voting for a Mormon or a southern governor without a D next to his name.
@ AllenS
She's more like a TWO-bagger!
Three bagger! One for her, one for you, and one for your dog so he doesn't have to witness the travesty.
One of the best political quotes of all time came from Maxine Waters. Motivating a rally about to march in support of abortion rights, she said: "I have to march today because my mother couldn't get an abortion!!"
"But who do they think is keeping Obama’s poll numbers afloat?"
Frankly, we've been wondering who those people were.
I saw the Waters item on the news this morning. Sadly my first thought was, she's holding herself hostage
In other words I'll shut up if BO can get the House ethics committee off my ass
(another famous self-hostage situation. Note Professor, I didn't say "it".)
I agree with her on the one thing. Obama should've taken his misery bus tour through some black neighborhoods in Des Moines and the Twin Cities. WTF?
This is all a ploy - a staged act - to make Obama look centrist and independent.
Here is why the Obama campaign is doing that- (and what Hamsher is either refusing to show her audience or is not following on that very same Gallup chart)-
Moderate Democrat support dropped from 75% to 67%-in one week.
Again-that's an 8% drop.
(Keep scrolling past the point Hamsher stopped at.)
If you know anything about stats that's a significant drop well beyond the MOE.
(via Instapundit)
Krugman is mad about "hippie punching"
The comments are revealing. The commenters seem to really believe it was liberal sentiments that elected Obama. They see the growing legion of people in favor of sane fiscal behavior as extremists.
I hope this blindness continues for the rest of the next fifteen months!
he's the only thing standing between himself and the pitchforks
I'd love to know how Hamsher thinks Little Zero's poll numbers are afloat.
He's losing Jersey and the Empire State and has already lost 20% of blacks.
Which is what is scaring Kerosene Maxine. If her constituents stay home, she might have to find a real job.
Adios MoFo!
Maxine Waters was partying with the gang bangers who started the so called Rodney King riots. She is an associate of organized crime. She is an irrelevant gnat and should be ignored.
From everything published how can anyone say Obama's numbers are afloat? His boat is leaking and listing badly.
When you tell us it's all right and you unleash us
Leaders lead, right?
Popcorn time for conservatives, right garage?
And, Jane Hamsher is who? Daughter of New Hamsher?
Tina Fey is famous now. But that's because lots of people love to laugh.
Corner the laughs and it's catching.
Doesn't do anybody any harm, either.
Oy, Maxine Waters is like Al Sharpton, but without a TV show.
Given the hate that's actually in the air, I think lots of people are grateful Obama takes the heat. Without causing a forest fire.
Dubya was actually hated more.
They say Obama is now at 39%. Dubya, in 2008, when he left office, had his number sinking to 31%.
I don't think we've had a star shining in the Oval Office since Reagan. Maybe, Bill Clinton. But even there I'm not so sure.
Nor was Camelot real.
But it was like Princess Diana, when she was alive. And, she stole the camera's eye.
Doesn't amount to a hill of beans, afterward.
Before you get excited about Chris Christie ... Should he show up in the presidential race ...
People will be guessing the size of his suit. And, if it would fit a whale.
Christie's catholic. Wait. JFK's not coming back, fat.
When did "bagger" become a suffix? By context I take it to be a combination of "vile" and "extreme." If Hamsher gets caught in a criminal act, do we call it "firebaggergate"?
Ah, but at least Ray Sandoval avoided the "Krugmanbagger" smear. Or "Dogbagger". That would be hitting below the belt.
I saw Paul Krugman on one of the talk shows recommending a little "controlled inflation". A shadow fell across my grave. That's one way to take care of all those unfunded liabilities: make them valueless. Inflation is the transfer of wealth from the holders of currency to the holders of debt, and debtors are the virtuous in the Democratic playbook. If they knew how to make it happen in a depressed economy, they would make it happen......Maxine Waters has a crooked banker husband and a horrendous record of saying stupid things. Look at the criticism (i.e. none) that she has received in the mainstream media versus the coals of fire that have been heaped upon various black Republicans. My goodness, that sure is annoying.
The mistake Waters makes is assuming Obama is "one of us". Obama could give a fuck about real blacks.
Krugman is pure evil. He essentially wants to condemn the next generation to poverty to string the current one along.
Well Maxine, when 95% of voting Blacks voted for Barry, that should tell you something. The One does not need to do anything for you. He will pander to the white folk as he is losing their votes right now.
Jon Stewart was also skewering Obama over this "non-campaign" bus trip.
"He's already got your vote, dope. This is what happens when you're easy."
Orig Mike said it better than me.
Waters pretty much said it all. Blacks feel "good" about having Barry in there, more then they care about improving their own situations. That's very sad.
Blacks vote their self-interest. They don't vote Democrat at 90 plus percent because they are enslaved by a plantation mentality. They vote 90 plus percent Democrat, and have been doing so for my entire lifetime, because they understand that Democrats will pay for their votes with generous and ever growing welfare entitlements. It is a conscious calculated decision on the part of blacks to vote for ever greater transfer payments from the general population. I at least respect blacks enough to acknowledge that they are making a rational decision when they vote their self-interst, as opposed to the racist beautiful people who assume blacks can't make a rational decision but are under the sway of a plantation mentality.
Bill Clinton used to take those famous "photo op" vacations. Bill Morris polling found out that Americans like their presidents to vacation in western national parks. So in election years, instead of hanging with his rich pals on the east coast, he would go out west to be photographed at parks.
I think Obama sees his trip like that. Go to smaller towns in the upper midwest and get his picture taken eating at a small restaurant, posing with smiling white kids. That sort of thing.
Wake me up when liberals are criticizing Obama in August 2012.
ricpic, I agree. I used to believe the line that Blacks really have conservative values and Republicans just need to reach out to them.
But after living in a couple of major cities and seeing the entitlement mentality, I see that it has nothing to do with African-American abortion rates or gay marriage (things the conservatives can try to reach out on).
Even professional blacks I have worked with have worked the affirmative action angle to get jobs and promotions, or free education.
About the only thing fuglier than sentimental lib-ralls such as Jane Hamster and Miss Waters (tho' MW has at times taken on the ..DoD) are crypto-klansmen-- aka Alt-tards-- whining because they can't go out and lynch some n****rs
Carol asked;
And, Jane Hamsher is who?
Wasn't she Donald Trump's first wife?
Or maybe Jack Benny's side kick and that radio show he did what was it called? "You bet your life", yeah that's it.
No maybe she is Harold Lloyd grand daughter. I think she wrote a biography of her famous grandfather "The other Marx brother"?
I could be wrong.
Have I mentioned how much I don't like Michelle Bachman?
The Waters word to Obama in public is "What have you done for us lately."
The minute the Free Borrowed Money was stopped by replacing Pelosi with Boehner and his new Tea Party friends, the power of Obama to payoff black voters stopped.
Underneath this is a good cop / bad cop game's intentional message that Black Americans will be the bad cop by rioting and stealing what Congress will not give them for free anymore.
Stay tuned.
crypto-klansmen-- aka Alt-tards-- whining because they can't go out and lynch some n****rs
The Alt-tards are opposed to the new Obama slavery: chaining hundreds of thousands of young blacks to a future of devalued welfare payments.
It never helped anyone to pay them to do nothing, unless their bones were mending.
J, your so-called compassion has and is utterly ruining a whole segment of our society, and you're either too stupid to know or too evil to care.
"Congresswoman Maxine Waters complains that Obama's bus trip didn't include any black communities ..."
Because who wants to go to Detroit?
Earth to Maxine, he isn't black.
Quayle, as in Dan?
You simply can't read, Danny. The point was that Waters has usually voted against DoD bills--That should please the A-house libertarians. Unless maybe they're lying--ie, cut govt. programs except DoD. Raygunism.
And who said anything about compassion--perhaps you're like having a flashback of yr favorite Ayn Rand book? For that matter, your TP hero Boehner was pulling for raising the debt ceiling, and for saving some...fiendish entitlements (and college loan programs). Ratted out by one of your own, Danny: the Boner--a collectivist!
"a little "controlled inflation"."
Saints preserve us.
Controlled inflation, targeted interventions. These guys think they're smart enough to control these things. They. Are. Not.
Liberal arrogance will sink us all.
With wallstreet taking nother -400 nosedive today and Obama bicycleing round like Pee Wee Herman, it won't be long till everyone wants him in CHAINS.
His 'Hope and Change' shick has ran it's course. But most of you gang voted for him, so eat the you-know-what-on-a-shingle sandwich.
What did the black community expect him to do? Give them all jobs or reparations???
wv: borose. portmanteau, Barack Obama + morose
"...and Obama bicycleing round like Pee Wee Herman,"
That's it! That video reminded me of something, but I couldn't quite place it.
J -- What about the Jewish angle? Tell us how you feel about Jewish people.
What about your racist angle, Nachos. Tell us what you think about urban minorities not in the GOP
Better, STFU about politics, Nachos grrl, and go back to yr Ayn Rand's favorite recipes book.
Tell us what you think about urban minorities not in the GOP
Simple. Trapped by the own "leadership" for decades of bad policy and neglect. For those that description doesn't apply to, look to the suburbs because they had the strength to get themselves and their families out.
Irony is Barry is about as black as Barry Manilow. His biological father is from Kenya, but other than that, Mr Hawaii prep school is pretty white.
I think urban minorities not in the GOP are just swell.
But, come on. You can't resist telling a gas chamber joke, can you? You know you want to. Open up. Tell us once more how you really feel about God's chosen People...
What about your racist angle, Nachos. Tell us what you think about urban minorities not in the GOP
Better, STFU about politics, Nachos grrl, and go back to yr Ayn Rand's favorite recipes book.
How to lose friends and influence enemies to hate you, in one easy lesson by J.
“Paul Krugman is a Nobel prize winning New York Times columnist who consistently sits at the top of every poll of “most influential liberals.”
Paul Krugman stopped being credible a long time ago. At best, Krugman’s provides only that part of the truth that supports his political objectives.
Reading his column is like reading a study that shows women are taller than men- because, it identified ten unusually tall women and ten unusually short men and finds that the shortest woman is taller than the tallest man! That is, even when his column is factually correct, he’s presenting a carefully cherry-picked basket of facts.
So who, exactly, does Paul Krugman influence, other than those who already agree with him? Does providing talking points to those who already support his politics make him “influential”?
Carol_Herman* said...
Before you get excited about Chris Christie ... Should he show up in the presidential race ...
People will be guessing the size of his suit. And, if it would fit a whale.
*Hey, Titus, how ya doin'?
No, Nachos, that's not it: you're just a lying bag of opportunistic shit like the rest of perps on A-tard. Im opposed to religious extremists of all types--(including those who think Leviticus was written in stone)
Could you read, you'd note that I recently linked to an essay by Chomsky on my blog--and to Krugman, and a while back to Nat Hentoff. But I guess those aren't the sort of semites you approve of. Alas, no Kissinger or Lieberman or Eric Cantor, Nacho.
I recently linked to an essay by Chomsky on my blog
Yeah, I bet people are reading that like crazy. You linked to Noam Chomsky Oh my. You must be so moderate and reasonable.
But tell us: why you come here to rant? I mean, if that blog of yours is so heavily trafficked. That's your blog but this is your forum. Right?
Anyway, it sort of saddens me that we won't see any Belsen jokes today. On the other hand, I'm happy you are on your medication.
But I'll bet you'll crack.
"most influential liberals."
Jumbo shrimp.
Color-safe bleach.
Living dead.
WATERS: Let me tell you why: We don't put pressure on the president because y'all loooove the president.
CROWD: No! (grumbling, shouting)
WATERS: You loooove the president. You're very proud. You're very proud to have a black man...
CROWD: That's right! Yes, we are.
Da1: Y'all are dumb as bricks.
Crowd: No! (grumbling)
Da1: But you're proud, black bricks.
Crowd: Yes!
Hey Nachos wicca trash: is it shofar season for ya, little bitch? That must be it. Stuff yuo goat horn up ur ass, fag.
How's that. You're the irrationalist scumbag here, dreck.
Better, STFU about politics, Nachos grrl, and go back to yr Ayn Rand's favorite recipes book.
Because inflation is going to be eating us up alive and the socialist policies of Obama have made Rand not just a terrible author but also a prophet, I suggest this recipe from her cookbook...
Red Beans and Rice are a cheap, tasty meal and are a complete protein even without any meat added to the pot.
One cup of dried Red Beans or Red Kidney Beans
3 cups of water
1 cup of chopped onion, approximately one small onion
3/4 cup chopped celery, 2 stalks
5 cloves minced garlic
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
Optional: 3 sausages
Optional: 1/2 tsp liquid smoke
Wash the beans and sort to remove bad ones. Put all of the ingredients except the sausages in a small/medium crock pot and cook on medium for 5 to 6 hours or until the beans are getting tender. Stir occasionally to make sure the beans are getting evenly done.
Slice or cut up the sausages. Stir into the beans and continue to cook for about another half hour or longer.
Next: Dagny's lemon tarts
J swinging wildly in the air.
No blows landed yet.
Shoot....forgot the rice. White rice steamed separately and serve the beans over the rice or on the side. Nice salad and a good cold Blue Moon beer or two.
Maxine Waters. The poster girl for stuck on stupid.
Slowly it dawns on the black community that Obama doesn't give a rat's fart about them.
Ka thump! And an entire community goes under the bus. The wheels on the bus go round and round...
Touched a nerve, eh Nachowski??
Play that funky shofar medley, schmutzz
heh heh
...cook on medium for 5 or 6 hours or until the beans are getting tender.
You've gotta be pretty patient to go the beans route Just say'n.
Carol Herman thinks Tina Fey is funny.
I rest my case.
I knew if I was slightly persistent, the crazy would come out.
Awesome. Thanks, man.
There is something receding and its not the oceans.
J said...
Touched a nerve, eh Nachowski??
Play that funky shofar medley, schmutzz
heh heh
8/18/11 1:19 PM
Do the world a favor: do the only worthwhile thing you will ever do in your execrable existence and kill yourself in a Gaea friendly manner and have a nice day.
Do the world a favor: do the only worthwhile thing you will ever do in your execrable existence and kill yourself in a Gaea friendly manner and have a nice day.
Be charitable. Allow him the nice day first.
The quote about not wrestling with pigs comes to mind.
Maxine Waters demonstrates her ignorance. Period.
Little miss No Justice No Peace can go screw herself. I wouldn't do her with Titus' equipment.
wv: deetion - what happened to the "l"
Well, at least he closed Gitmo. There is that for him.
If Obama loses in 2012 I wonder if Michele will still be proud of her country.
If Obama loses, I'll eat a donut in Michelle's honor.
do the only worthwhile thing you will ever do in your execrable existence and kill yourself in a Gaea friendly manner and have a nice day.
Are you telling J to go compost himself?
"If Obama loses in 2012 I wonder if Michele will still be proud of her country."
No you don't.
Go compost yourself. LOL.
Why do you pick on J?
Why do you pick on J?
He shouldn't. J says he can bench 400 pounds.
DBQ, I like green chilis in my Galt's Gulch Red Beans and Rice. And the crockpot is a marvelous invention.
Knaves who barely know how chess pieces move won't know when they've been checkmated, will they. That's the case here. Merely outshouting people..posting endless insults and fallacies and lies-- and out-shofar farting!-- people doesn't prove anythin, except how f-ing tasteless Alttards really are.
Ayn Rand was a seditionist (not to say untalented, boring skankbucket). For that matter, most teabuggers misread her drivel: she was a moderate. Voted for JFK, and was not supportive of Nixon-Kissinger (or ortho-jews, or any religious people).
J - why is this you?
J is an internet tough guy
Merely outshouting people..posting endless insults and fallacies and lies
An excellent autobiography. You even drive the 'outshouting' point home with an exclamation point and then wrap the whole thing up with two insults in the following two sentences.
Put your comments where your accusations are. Go a whole week of comments without insulting someone.
cuban bob----chinga tu madre, puerco. step into the street, roscoe- 405, joto
NOw, even Aynnie Rand however disgusting would not bless the likes of Sarah Klondike or Bachmann or Hoss Perry--or Romneytoid . Be sure of that, swine
If we go after the president too hard, you going after us.
Why are these black people so racist?
Why are these black people so racist?
And whatever happened to verb conjugation?
Scott-tard-- they allow jew queers out there in the heartland, Squatt Stein? Or maybe you found some klansmen to suck for tweek or something
Fuck you satanists, and yr dyslexic okie whore Sarah
Like dem apples?
Like dem apples?
Yep. I like dem apples in a ....
6 large apples
1 tbsp cinnamon
5 tbsp sugar
2 3/4 cups flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup orange juice
2 1/2 tsp vanilla
4 eggs
1 cup chopped walnuts
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a tube pan. Peel and core and chop the apples into chunks a little less than one inch. Toss the apple with the 5 tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp cinnamon and set aside.
Whisk together the flour, baking powder, 1 tsp cinnamon and salt in a large mixing bowl.
In a separate bowl mix the sugar, oil, juice and vanilla. It will look totally disgusting. Don't worry about it. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ones. Then add the eggs one at a time. Scrape down the side of the bowl. Don't lick the spatula.....OK....go ahead lick the spatula.
Pour half of the batter into the tube pan. Top with half of the apples and some of the nuts. Cover with the rest of batter and top with the rest of the apples and nuts.
Bake for about 1 1/2 hours or until wooden skewer comes out clean.
Oh.....that wasn't what you meant?
And...go compost yourself.
First he said,
Merely outshouting people..posting endless insults and fallacies and lies
Then he said,
they allow jew queers out there in the heartland, Squatt Stein? Or maybe you found some klansmen to suck for tweek or something
Earlier he called someone a fag. That explains quite a bit.
So what we have here is a semi-employed, poorly coded spambot who, while capable of actually writing entire paragraphs of cogent thought, decides to delve into nonsensical and adversarial attacks for no reason that make sense beyond masturbating to someone else's pageviews. Since he's not getting any he's not getting it at "home", he has to come here, so to speak.
Scott -- I had forgotten that J. can bench press 400 pounds and wants to beat me up. Thank you so much for that hilarious memory.
Why do I pick on J.? I agree that it's not very sporting. But you have to admit that it's fascinating to see him melt down. The key, for whatever reason, is to mention Jewish people. It's like tapping out Shave and a Haircut when Roger Rabbit is around.
Save your mumbling for your man, Squat-tard--
Don't you have tweek to cook, dreck?
As predicted-- J, 1. Alt-tards, 0. AS usual. The tale of the tape--read it and weep!
Buh bye for now, TP-schmutz--
Good Lord--J is back with his illiteral posting and his psuedo macho postings--get a life mofo--your an internet macho guy. you have neither a brain nor the ability to back up your senseless challenges--nobody takes you seriously--really you are a pathetic piece of shit whose better part of you dribbled down your mothers crotch.
OMG I said illiteral when I meant illiterate--oh the shame.
Roger J, that's not the worst of it. But I'll leave that to others to sort out.
WV: doued - totally!
"Atrios says, “politicians gotta do what they gotta do and if attacking the Jane Hamshers Of The Left and KRGTHULU is the way to get money, love, and votes, then more power to them….If.”
I totally agree, if they’re doing this because they think it’s a good campaign strategy, do what you have to do. The qualifier, of course, is the if."
This is the liberal elite at its most visceral level. They will eat their own to protect the anointed among them.
@Phil 3:14
"You Bet Your Life" was Groucho, not Jack Benny...but your point holds.
Save your mumbling for your man, Squat-tard--
Don't you have tweek to cook, dreck?
As predicted-- J, 1. Alt-tards, 0. AS usual. The tale of the tape--read it and weep!
Buh bye for now, TP-schmutz--
J inadvertedly provides an argument against drug legalization. Can you image tens of millions this baked?
DBQ, you owe me a new monitor. Oh, yeah. I like dem apples, too! -CP
wv: "denes" the menes.
Movie idea....
Speed, but replace Keyahnah Reeves (However you wanna spell his name)with Obama, replace the public transportation bus with the million dollar special. Watch as the bus demolishes emotional set pieces in suborbia america, such as a daycare, a playground, a mosque.
Like dem apples?
Did J just reveal that he/she is apfelkuchen?
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