August 14, 2011

No homophobia or sexism here... because we're the good people.

Let's look at the way the liberal comedy website "Funny or Die" treats Michele Bachmann (and her husband Marcus):

1. "Michele Bachmann's Migraines":

(There's some connection between that and the fuss some lefties are making over this picture of Bachmann eating a corn dog.)

2. "Behind the Scenes of Michele Bachmann's Newsweek Cover":


ndspinelli said...

Example #245,823 of the double standard.

chickelit said...

That first video is a parody? Seems to me to accurately reflects the thoughts and feelings of Sullivanists everywhere, including lurkers and posters right here at Althouse.

Curious George said...

Hey, at the risk of being "uncivil", I vote "Die".

Disgusting and vile.

Lincolntf said...

I have a bit of a "crazy eyes" pic of my own from last week. (Please note the lobster rolls, one "traditional", one "Connecticut style".)

Crazy delicious

chuck said...

I'll never buy another Pepsi.

Anonymous said...

Another vote for "Die". A bit harsh maybe, but I was only given two choices and the other one sure as hell doesn't apply.

Lombardi Chick said...

It's fascinating to watch the left grant themselves license to express hate for women and minorities, while at the same time pretending to champion those groups.

If you follow Andrew Breitbart's Twitter feed, you'll see dozens of examples of this, with leftists declaring him gay in the most disparaging and graphic terms. He's married with children, of course, but the left has decided he's gay, and that being gay is something to be horribly ashamed of. And believe me - there is no bottom to what they will say to him.

As long as you're conservative, they get to say anything about you and do anything to you. You aren't human.

Honestly, I think a lot of them are pretty scary in that regard. Given real power, what would they do with it?

Anonymous said...

Shocking! but funny as hell.

Shouting Thomas said...

I think, Althouse, that you are deluded in believing that equality is really the goal for leftists.

I believed that until my late wife, Myrna, moved to Woodstock to live with me.

At first, the women in Woodstock were entranced with Myrna, because she was beautiful and Filipina. The bisexuals and lesbian drooled over her.

Everything changed when they discovered that she wasn't the helpless victim looking for a leftist savior. In their imaginations, this was what a Filipina was... or ought to be.

When they discovered that Myrna made three times as much money as they did, that she was a tough street fighter who didn't need anybody's help and that she was smarter, prettier and more talented than them, the Woodstock leftist women were outraged.

They literally hated Myrna for not being a helpless victim who needed their help.

This experience completely upended my view of lefties. I no longer believe that equality and respect for difference is really their agenda. What that agenda really is.... well, that's a long and different discussion.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, the Pigford lawsuit and settlement was pure political corruption and pork.

Shouting Thomas said...

Sorry for the consecutive posts.

Isn't it interesting that the underlying theme of this video is that old reliable lefty theme, white guilt?

Matt Sablan said...


Do as I say, not as I do.

Matt Sablan said...

Notice even how they describe the other candidates in the end.

How much of a fit would go if last year Republicans had described the Democratic nomination field as the Woman, the Black and the Sex Act... OK, no one knew that about Edwards until after he dropped out (well, OK, people knew, but no one talked about it).

Also, good to see they're hitting on Obama's potential campaign theme to "kill" Romney. Mormons are WEIRD, y'know?

Anonymous said...

The Left has a huge problem with racism, homophobia and sexism. The hatred is usually expressed towards conservatives. When I call them on it they never acknowledge the prejudice. They always say, "well it's true he is an Uncle Tom" or "she is a cunt "or "he us a faggot".

I worked for Clinton's campaign in 2008. I heard Clinton called many names and many derogatory comments. But never from a conservative or moderate.

Rialby said...

That chick who plays Michelle Bachmann only dreams she'll look 10% as good in 25 years. Look at those snuggle teeth.

chickelit said...

Isn't it interesting that the underlying theme of this video is that old reliable lefty theme, white guilt?

People are defaulting in droves from white guilt and it pisses them off to no end.

wv = huntin

Matt Sablan said...

Who is the woman playing Bachmann? Is this an attempt to increase her half-life as an actress like Tina Fey did with Palin?

Rialby said...

Btw, here is my prediction. If Romney beats Obama, there will violence against Mormons. From either the white Left or from Black people. Guaranteed.

Andy said...

I'm one of those delightful hardcore Lefties so I figured I would pop in to say that I think making fun of Marcus Bachmann for being effeminate is wrong.

Also, some attacks on Michelle have crossed a line (the corn dog picture), although I didn't think the Newsweek cover was sexist.

Matt Sablan said...

Wait -- this is the cover, right?

Her eyes aren't all that crazy. But "Queen of Rage" sure seems like it is designed to play specifically on the fact she is an angry woman.

WV: etrap.

mike said...

So we can go back to making fun of gays now? Awesome.

Matt Sablan said...

"I'm one of those delightful hardcore Lefties so I figured I would pop in to say that I think making fun of Marcus Bachmann for being effeminate is wrong."

They're not insulting him for being effeminate. They're insulting him for being a conservative and consider being effeminate something so terrible and horrible that being considered that would be a damning insult.

I don't insult people by saying "You're a grand master chess player" or "You can bench press 350" or "Your favorite color is red!" Neutral or positive things aren't things you insult people with; you only insult people with things that you consider negative (or think they consider negative, if willing to play at their level.)

It has nothing to do with him being effeminate -- look at how many people insist Andrew Breitbart is gay. I've seen him speak and interact with people, and he doesn't come across as effeminate. It is simply a slur in the toolbox, so they have no problem brandishing it against those who they won't receive any condemnation for using it against.

Look at how when it was Kerry-Edwards and there were jokes about Edwards being gay, even though he isn't. Those were generally light-hearted and not mean spirited. This is clearly not: "Hah, isn't it funny how much he cares about his hair? Kind of woman-ish, eh?"

It is: "Gays are ridiculously weird. How can this guy be so weird and gay? Isn't he a man?" The shift in tone is startling.

Shouting Thomas said...

The most interesting thing about both videos is that they're not funny.

At all.

The videos are just a test for those who adhere to strictly enforced PC.

Carol_Herman said...

Don Knotts ran for President. Carol Burnett just pulled her ear for good luck.

Nobody told Michelle Bachmann to lunge at the corn dog like that!

Trump would have asked for a plate. A knife & fork. And, wouldn't have touched anybody's hands.

The queen of england would have NOT opened her jaw. IF she had to hold up the corn dog, she'd have waved it around ... like a "wave to the crowd" ... which she does by keeping her elbow bent, and upper arm to her side.

Does it matter what the camera catches?

Bachmann doesn't have a shot.


You think people really pay attention to what's happening in Iowa?

The locals just care about who won the blue ribbon for pie. The other stuff is just a show.

It's like when Ed Schultz visited Madison. To announce the recall results.

Nobody seems to care very much where he stood. Or where he ate. Or where he slept. Pretty disposable "famous people" to me.

chickelit said...

The videos are just a test for those who adhere to strictly enforced PC.

A lithmus test?

Lincolntf said...

I demand strictly enforced PH!

jungatheart said...

As a fiscal conservative and social liberal Independent, I think both vids are hilarious.

edutcher said...

The Lefties are so neurotic, they had to ban the work of Sigmund freud because he had their number - especially the projection part.

And put me down as another Not funny.

PS As for Mrs Bachmann and the corn dog, all those closet heterosexuals on the Left just wish it was them.

caseym54 said...


Use it. Make them deny it.

jungatheart said...

Agreed on the projection aspect.

Rialby said...

Snuggle teeth was supposed to be snaggle teeth. Damn auto correct.

Hagar said...

Shouting Thomas,

Pigford that was was legit.

It is Pigford that very much is (100,000 claimants and rising), though rarely reported on, that is beyond the pale.

X said...

why does bill maher hate conservative women? because he has little man syndrome and even Michelle Bachmann is taller than him. that's why Real Time has stagecrafting more intricate than Shane right down to his high chair. check that out sometime. something that actually makes his show funny.

Shouting Thomas said...

Interesting that lefties think they're carrying on the tradition of Lenny Bruce.

Trouble is, in fact, they are prosecuting the great governmental, corporate crusade... the Diversity Crusade!

They aren't rebels. They're toadies.

William said...

I saw Bachmannn on the talks shows this morning. She is smart, attractive, and knows where her true north is. I don't think she projects the sense of fun that Palin does, but that has more to do with her being a tax lawyer than with her politics or religion. Tax law for all its absurdity is not a subject to enhance one's sense of humor.... Hillary's dullness was portrayed as wonkiness. Michele's wonkiness is portrayed as zealotry. Go figure......It's always the dogs that don't bark. No jokes will be directed at Maxine Waters and the special breaks provided her banker husband. No light hearted kidding about Barney Frank's lisp and his boyfriend's fine work at Fannie Mae. The funny bone of the left is located in their left elbow with wich they constantly jab you.

Moose said...

Jeebus. I like how we're all supposed to be outraged by Limbaugh's marginal Obama references, but this is considered "humor".

William said...

Re Freud and Christ. The Freudians believed that homosexuality and autism (!) were caused by ineffectual parenting. I'm sure such beliefs caused as much grief and pain to the families involved as any Christian dogma. A lot of Democrats in the previous generation tried to psychoanalyze the gay away. Why not direct a similar amount of mockery and abuse at the primitive beliefs of psychologists.

chuck b. said...

Is the sexism and homophobia to be deplored here, or are you just upset about the double standard? Please enlighten me about the politically correct feelings I should have for Chris Rock's black people vs. niggaz skit. Because right now I think it's hilarious.

DADvocate said...

"funny or Die" could have parodied Barack Obama using the same skits with an Amos and Andy theme. And, it wouldn't have been any more bigoted.

purplepenquin said... is no more of a Liberal website than is a Conservative website.

Seriously, what (other than a desire for wanting to rouse the rabble with some red meat) would prompt anyone to label the webpage as "liberal"? There are plenty of other videos skewing the left as well.

A VERY quick search found these couple examples...

...and there are plenty more of 'em.

pm317 said...

Ann, I am glad you guys have started fighting against sexism and other such woes now that you have two prominent women presidential possibilities. Where were you when the same thing happened over and over again to Hillary during 2008 primary? You didn't even use it to portray yourselves as better than the lefty liberals then.

Alex said...

All I can see is crazy-eyes-Bachmann. Also her husband is a fucking whackjob. I fully support all efforts to defeat them.

Alex said...

Oh Michelle might be a muff diver.

Anonymous said...

It's time America had a President who looks good in a bikini.

Kev said...

(the other kev) is no more of a Liberal website than is a Conservative website. is basically Adam McCay's little ego writ large. has a narrower focus which tends to result in funnier stuff.

There's really one consistently funny humor site out there and The Onion is its name.

themightypuck said...

liberal comedy website wow.

traditionalguy said...

Oh, no. The spirit behind the Progressive's false cult is a sadistic hater of men and women who live in peace on God's earth.

The mask is off slipping fast.

"Hypocrisy" simply refers to actors putting on masks for a performance, like these clips.

What is amazing thing is how educated people fall for it.

jungatheart said...

Good catch, purplepenguin.

Heart_Collector said...

Isnt this everything they are aganst? You wonder why we dont take you seriously.

virgil xenophon said...

ndspinelli at the top/

Better check your math, I think you're WAAAYY low..

Carol_Herman said...

Is it my computer?

When I got here earlier ... I saw both videos. Now? Nope. Gone.

Does it really matter?

Didn't Nixon say he didn't think it mattered what you said about him, as long as you spelled his name right?

(Remember, the FBI took him out! And, yes. JFK also got murdered on an inside job operation.)

After JFK got killed ... somehow ... Hollywood began producing films that the CIA was evil. And, the young star was at risk of losing his life ... because he hadn't learned to distrust his bosses. (Till the end.)

HOW things get expressed over the whole distance of this planet ... is not how they are perceived when you're just standing on local ground. Peering up at stuff that has parallax views.

Anonymous said...

As Garrison Keillor once said, the reason that Democrats aren't more successful is that   they're   just    too   darned   nice.

James Pawlak said...

"Homoaidia" Not "Homophobia"
The term "homophobia" should not be used as that word is based on the word for "fear", which emotion is not the usual reaction to (Male) homosexuals. I suggest the term "Homoaidia" based on the word for the usual and natural reaction to such creatures, disgust or revulsion.

The only time a "fear" based word should be used is when discussing male homosexuals as disease vectors (HIV/AIDS) or when considering those who sexually abuse boys.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Nixon say he didn't think it mattered what you said about him, as long as you spelled his name right?

No, I believe that what Richard Nixon said was, "Oderint dum metuant."

chickelit said...

@purplepenguin: is no more of a Liberal website than is a Conservative website.

Are you also implying that Andrew Sullivan is a moby?
I just don't get your gist.

Wince said...

The issue Althouse presents isn't whether the videos are funny, it's whether there is a double-standard on the boundaries of humor based on the political orientation of the supposed humorist.

Revealingly, those commenters here who say they like these Bachmann videos tend to elide that issue.

Anonymous said...

These "funny" attacks ads are so ugly they are going to work in Bachmann's favor.

Andy said...

Actually, I think the different way that liberals and conservatives use "gay" as a point for humor or attack is slightly more complicated than the post implies.

To the extent that liberals do this, I think it is almost entirely directed at people who are perceived to be a) closeted and b) anti-gay. Now there are plenty of people these attacks are directed at that are in fact closeted and anti-gay (and we could argue whether or not it's ok to attack such people in such a way), but this kind of attack also gets directed at people who are anti-gay but not actually in the closet. I think it's extremely rare for liberals to go after out-gay people because they are gay or effeminate. (I would also think liberals might be inclined to use an Uncle-Tom type attack against a prominent uncloseted gay Republican politician, but I'm not sure if there are any of those.)

Conservatives, on the other hand, are much more likely to attack gay/queer people just for being gay or queer (as a group, or as individuals). Barney Frank for example, or anyone who is trans.

At the moment, I think it's fine to attack Marcus Bachmann for being anti-gay, but not to make that attack about how he is effeminate or possibly closeted. If evidence comes out at some point in the future that he is actually in the closet, then I think the hypocrisy is something that would also be relevant (although i think hypocrisy as a political attack is over-rated).

Synova said...

"I think it's extremely rare for liberals to go after out-gay people because they are gay or effeminate."

I suppose they weren't calling her effeminate but Cheney's daughter certainly was "gone after", so that's one data point.

It didn't seem to me that anyone at all was worried about increasing hostility toward gay people when they were using Cheney's daughter, in fact it seems to me that in order to effectively use her against Bush and Cheney, that increasing hostility was the plan. When Kerry oh-so-casually pointed out that Cheney's daughter was gay, he wasn't doing it to be nice.

Jakle said...

First rule of Conservative Club is to cease employing political correctness. The second rule of Conservative Club is...

Once again, the radical Reich is going apoplectic over innocuous comedy, and it is quick to draw the pistols, firing aimlessly to vent out their misplaced rage. What a rabble.

P.S. Painting someone in lights of a trait that she/he so openly despises, does not make the trait itself a target of contempt. Low cognitive functionality apparently is plenty in this neck of woods.

Time to imbibe in your Kool-Aid once again.

Lincolntf said...

As a MA voter for decades, I can tell you that we ridicule Barney Frank because he's a criminal and a fool. The fact that he's supposedly genetically programmed to mistake the rectum for a reproductive organ doesn't much play into it.

Methadras said...

The guy playing Marcus Bachmann gives me the impression of what Titus is really like.

Methadras said...

Lombardi Chick said...

It's fascinating to watch the left grant themselves license to express hate for women and minorities, while at the same time pretending to champion those groups.

It's not fascinating, this is what they do. They hate women, they hate minorities, they hate children, they hate homosexuals, they hate these people because they are lesser than they, but they are needed to vote and promote their agendas, so if they give them goodies in the form of activism and money, then it's a fair trade.

Andy said...

The fact that he's supposedly genetically programmed to mistake the rectum for a reproductive organ doesn't much play into it.

Thanks for demonstrating my point.

Methadras said...

Rialby said...

That chick who plays Michelle Bachmann only dreams she'll look 10% as good in 25 years. Look at those snuggle teeth.

The budget at funny or die must be small or dwindling. They'll take any crackwhore to be an actress now. I wonder if she got some meth or crack as payment over there. Some of there stuff is great, but they really over-reached here.

Synova said...

"Painting someone in lights of a trait that she/he so openly despises, does not make the trait itself a target of contempt."

Do you really believe that? Does it make you feel better when you do it?

I'm trying to think of a situation where I use something that I approve of and people I support as an insult and open them up for additional ridicule or hostility from the people I believe hold them in contempt.

It's not just progressives/liberals thinking that calling someone gay is such a zinger, it's also the sexist attacks on Palin and Bachmann, the "uncle tom" and offensive racist attacks on black conservatives, it's the classist "snow-billy" and "hoochi-hoop" insults as well.

Conceivably the persons acting this way excuse their behavior on the basis that conservatives are supposedly anti-gay, racist, sexist, and against poor people. Oh, and fat. Liberals looooove to call someone fat.

But the notion that anyone else with more than two brain cells has to accept this justification is ridiculous. The contempt for women, for blacks, for people who live in trailers, the working class, and the unlovely, is real.

At what point does someone say to themselves... I may have made someone's life harder and their quest for acceptance harder... maybe I should shut the fuck up?

Methadras said...

Andy R. said...

I'm one of those delightful hardcore Lefties so I figured I would pop in to say that I think making fun of Marcus Bachmann for being effeminate is wrong.

Better go tell that to your fellow travelers because they've clearly hypocritized their dogma of defending the effeminate for their own personal gain. Being a hardcore leftard neither conveys delight or any other characteristic of happiness at all.

jungatheart said...

Starting at 4:26 in this clip, listen for what George will says with relation to Bachmann and Perry and which should have control of nuclear weapons.

chickelit said...

Starting at 4:26 in this clip, listen for what George will says with relation to Bachmann and Perry and which should have control of nuclear weapons.

So you're touting the Sullivanist line that you wouldn't trust Bachmann or Perry with nuclear weapons? Or are you just calling BS on George Will?

Also, can I just say that Kay Henderson probably out earns Laura Ingraham?
wv = "preging" Multiple meanings here. First there's the suggestion of impregnating. More subtle is the Italianate meaning of praying, based on pregare, to pray.

jungatheart said...

Wellll...I was a little surprised to hear Will say that it was a given who should be trusted. I assume he meant Perry, but Perry isn't obvious to me, as so far he's coming across as doltish, and Bachmann seems surprisingly grave and measured (I saw her in the last debate, not the first). But I think neither of them should be nominated, as far as my personal preference, and as far as having a chance to beat Obama.

And I thought it fitting to point out a conservative saying something sexist (if in deed he meant Perry).

I can't bear to click on Sully; has to be a really good reason for it.

Lincolntf said...

You know what it proves, Andy? That even when people jump through all the stupid verbal and logical PC hoops in order to appease the gay-Left fringe, they're still wrong. Fucking dope.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Shouting Thomas said...

The most interesting thing about both videos is that they're not funny.

At all.

I have to agree. I'm willing to forgive major assholery if it is funny. These people need new writers.

Andy said...

That even when people jump through all the stupid verbal and logical PC hoops in order to appease the gay-Left fringe, they're still wrong.

Why do you dislike gay people?

Lombardi Chick said...

P.S. Painting someone in lights of a trait that she/he so openly despises, does not make the trait itself a target of contempt. Low cognitive functionality apparently is plenty in this neck of woods.

I don't know if you're referring to the attacks on Breitbart that I mentioned earlier (more likely Bachmann's husband, I suppose) - but if Breitbart disapproves of gay people in some way, I am completely unaware of it.

But they don't care. They smear him anyway. The fact that they use homosexuality as a slur - graphically, in the most vulgar way - doesn't really convince me that "the trait" is just A-OK with the attackers.

But gee, I guess I just don't understand. /

grackle said...

Honestly, I think a lot of them[leftists] are pretty scary in that regard. Given real power, what would they do with it?

You have your answer with Obama. But he’s saving the really scary stuff until he wins that 2nd term.

There's really one consistently funny humor site out there and The Onion is its name.

Not so. Lileks and Iowahawk both beat The Onion hands down.

Lincolntf said...

I don't dislike gay people you fucking twit. I dislike dishonest shitbags who co-opt the language to push a transparent political agenda and are then horrified when they see their own position re-stated in simple terms.

Andy said...

I don't understand why someone who doesn't dislike gay people would say this, "The fact that he's supposedly genetically programmed to mistake the rectum for a reproductive organ doesn't much play into it."

Maybe you're just rude to the people you like.

Also, can you explain what you mean by this, "I dislike dishonest shitbags who co-opt the language to push a transparent political agenda and are then horrified when they see their own position re-stated in simple terms."

I don't understand what you're getting at.

Lincolntf said...

I'm going to assume you're being deliberately dense.

Andy said...

I dislike dishonest shitbags who co-opt the language to push a transparent political agenda and are then horrified when they see their own position re-stated in simple terms.

Can someone explain what that means? Lincolntf doesn't seem to want to answer.

jamboree said...

I have been paying so little attention that I didn't even realize ppl thought her husband was gay until seeing these.

There's a lot of overlap between the stereotypical gay and the Evangelical accent. I leave the whys to someone else. It's just something I've noticed even out here.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

"Can someone explain what that means? Lincolntf doesn't seem to want to answer."

Yep. He's being dense. The meaning of it is pretty clear to me. It might not be a politically correct description of homosexuality, but there's nothing factually wrong about it. Stating things clearly and stripped of politically correct euphemism does not imply dislike. Got it now?

Andy said...

Wait, so this comment:
I dislike dishonest shitbags who co-opt the language to push a transparent political agenda and are then horrified when they see their own position re-stated in simple terms.

was a defense of this comment:
The fact that he's supposedly genetically programmed to mistake the rectum for a reproductive organ doesn't much play into it.

And that's because
It might not be a politically correct description of homosexuality, but there's nothing factually wrong about it.

You realize Barney Frank doesn't think an ass is a vagina right? And that being gay is not just about where you put your penis?

If this is how you people try to claim that you don't have a problem with homosexuals, you're not doing a very good job with it.

XWL said...

Sometimes a hot dog is just a hot dog (or so Michelle hopes, judging from her expression in the background).

Alex said...

Hey Andy - what do want from Althouse hillbillies? They can't see the liberal demographic freight train coming. Teens are already pro-homo by 90-10%.

Trooper York said...

I think Andy is new here but if he ever read a series of posts by Jeremy he would see that it is typical that liberals accuse conservatives of being gay as though it is a big insult and that it will make them slink away in shame.

Michelle Bachman is not my cup of tea but that weiner photo could make me change my mind.

I love a good Kay Parker impression.

Lincolntf said...


Andy said...

liberals accuse conservatives of being gay as though it is a big insult

I think in calling these conservatives gay (to the extent that happens), the insult is usually that so-and-so is a deluded self-hating closet-case, not that there is anything wrong with being gay.

Lukedog said...

@Andy R. said,

"I don't understand what you're getting at."

I'm sorry to report Andy, that this will happen to you constantly if care to stick around and comment on this blog.

Many folks here barf out talking points and don't have the brains or balls to explain their point.

Then, like clockwork they say things like this...

"I'm going to assume you're being deliberately dense." (lincolntf)

and call you douche, idiot, libtard, etc.

Predictable and pathetic

dbp said...

I think the term "homophobia" is pernicious and should not be used in this context. The videos are properly described as, among other things, anti gay bigotry.

chickelit said...

Again: how does this alleged parody differ (except in intensity) from what Andrew Sullivan dishes out regularly on Bachmann and her husband? He hasn't quite reached 2008 level Palin gynophobia yet but give him time.

dbp said...

Some liberals rationalize that it is okay to insult conservatives by calling them gay--since the conservatives would presumably be insulted.

All this is evidence of their anti-conservative bigotry.

Saint Croix said...

To the extent that liberals do this, I think it is almost entirely directed at people who are perceived to be a) closeted and b) anti-gay.

It's not limited to gays.

They do and say absolutely racist things about black Republicans.

They do and say absolutely sexist things about female Republicans.

I have heard people on the left claim that Clarence Thomas is not really black.

And Sarah Palin is not really a woman.

This is the exact same thing.

What they are saying is, he's not really straight.

And it seems vile and vicious to us because it is such a fascist way of thinking about people.

You have to be the way we say you are. And if you're not, we'll destroy you.

Here is an example with Condi Rice.

It's hateful and vile to the person subject to it, yes. But it's also a warning to other people.

"You better stay on our side. Or this will happen to you, too."

MadisonMan said...

My Dad gets Newsweek, and when I was there past week, I have to say that Bachmann's Newsweek cover made me look twice. Something is just odd about the shot. Not sure what.

It didn't make me want to buy the magazine, however, so it failed in that respect.

Joe Schmoe said...

The Libs have nothing substantive to offer so their sole playbook is attack the opposition. The party bereft of a platform that resonates with people resorts to bitterness. Already the big story lines in the MSM are Romney saying corporations are people, and the Newsweek cover fabricating a meme about Bachmann out of whole cloth. (Queen of Rage? Really?)

Corporations ARE vehicles whereby real, live people invest in an operation that relies on real, live workers to provide a product/service for a profit.

Also it's too bad that Newsweek has gotten so much mileage out of its Bachmann cover. That magazine was hemhorraging (sp?) cash; it may have gotten enough publicity out of this to last another week. That's too bad. Again, typical of liberal idealogy, Newsweek has nothing substantive to offer, so relies on sensationalist gimmickry to sell magazines. Let's not run to Tina Brown's dog whistles any more.

KCFleming said...

"the good people"

At some point, it would be good to see evidence of it. Anything at all they did that was 'good' would suffice.

jungatheart said...

Chick, the difference is that Sully was batshit serious and these vids are parody. The gay theme comes directly from Marcus' pray-the-gay-away clinics.

It's not like conservatives haven't parodied liberals. For example, the faux rap video that had Hillary and Obama in bed at the end.

Phil 314 said...

Lincoln is irritated & tends to use such words. You've been a little dense in your responses.

As for the video, not funny, rather sophomoric.

MadisonMan said...

Can batshit be serious?

I thought batshit was crazy.

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Some liberals rationalize that it is okay to insult conservatives by calling them gay--since the conservatives would presumably be insulted.

That's been the MO for conservatives defining liberals, gay or not, since I can't remember when. That's what so fucking funny when you hear a conservative bellyaching over when the gay horn is blaring from inside the GOP house.

And in the case of Marcus Bachmann, it's "AHOOOGA!!"

jungatheart said...

Sorry, MM, thought it needed emphasis!

Anonymous said...

A tag for Marcus Bachman?

I think AA has an inkling that a new Bachman / anti-Bachman meme is in the works.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann, I am glad you guys have started fighting against sexism and other such woes now that you have two prominent women presidential possibilities. Where were you when the same thing happened over and over again to Hillary during 2008 primary? You didn't even use it to portray yourselves as better than the lefty liberals then."

Um. Have you read all my old posts about Hillary from 2008-2009? You're just talking out of your ass!

Ann Althouse said...

And what's with the "you" business, with "you," addressing me, signifying Republicans. I voted for Obama.

Valentine Smith said...

Best news I've read in years, if true. Nine of 10 teens are pro-gay. That would eliminate the ridiculous advantage in voting numbers the dams have. When African Americans finally wake up to the fact that their overseers on the left are the true racists, the dem party will disintegrate.

Leftist racism and sexism simply illustrates the internal contradictions of Marxism and the left. It's pure Alinsky, "make the opponent live up to their own standards." It is fractured logic in that the underlying assumption is that all Americans think as they do, ie, are racists and sexists. It's a pure power formulation, only it is stupidly wrong.

The left is all about resentment and revenge. Just picture the deranged Marx hunched over books in the British Museum for 10 years formulating his bastardized "scientific" economic theory.

The foundation of the left is hatred, and that's why the meme spreads endlessly.

Titus said...

It's fucking funny.

Quit being the grieved upon minority.

Maybe her gay obsessed husband is just a very femmy straight guy. Nothing wrong with that!

Enjoy, laugh.

We can laugh at Obama being a big Commie too! We will all feel much better.

bagoh20 said...

What's funny about it? The flaming gay guy is so worn out. Every sitcom, every day in an office, every bar, every amateur comedian, everyday. Sheese, what next, knock knock jokes? There is absolutely nothing...nothing fresh in either of those videos. Stale, dead, old, did I mention stale? They left out "That's what she said." The corndog excitement is more of the same. Come on, funny? I'm embarrassed when I stoop to that level and I don't consider myself funny at all.

This is funny in the way the cool kids think they are funny when they pick on the nerds. One of the chearleaders says soemthing mean about the smart girl with glassses, and then the rest of them giggle. It's just mean trying to play funny, and it's even lame as meanness, but mostly it's just stale.

AlphaLiberal said...

"liberal comedy website?"

I think it's just comedy.

Now, to be fair, most conservatives lack a sense of humor, so comedy may seem to have a liberal bias.

But then, so does reality.

No commentary on the Michelle Bachmann corn dog photo? I think it's intentional. To say otherwise calls her intelligence into question.

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