August 25, 2011

No criminal charges against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser or Justice Anne Walsh Bradley in the so-called "chokehold" incident.

Special Prosecutor Patricia Barrett said today:  "The totality of the facts and the circumstances and all of the evidence that I reviewed did not support my filing criminal charges."
In a statement, Prosser praised the prosecutor and slammed Bradley.

"Justice Anne Walsh Bradley made the decision to sensationalize an incident that occurred at the Supreme Court . . . ," Prosser said in a statement. "I was confident the truth would come out and it did. I am gratified that the prosecutor found these scurrilous charges were without merit.

"I have always maintained that once the facts of this incident were examined I would be cleared. I look forward to the details becoming public record."

In her own statement, Bradley said the case "is and remains an issue of workplace safety."

"My focus from the outset has not been one of criminal prosecution, but rather addressing workplace safety. I contacted law enforcement the very night the incident happened but did not request criminal prosecution. Rather I sought law enforcement's assistance to try to have the entire court address informally this workplace safety issue that has progressed over the years," Bradley said in the statement. "To that end, chief of (Capitol Police Charles) Tubbs promptly met with the entire court, but the efforts to address workplace safety concerns were rebuffed. Law enforcement then referred the matter for a formal investigation and I cooperated fully with the investigation."
If the issue really was "workplace safety," as Bradley says, why did she "sensationalize" it — to use Prosser's word — by taking it public in a way that was, I think, quite unfair to Prosser?

Click on the "Wisconsin Supreme Court" tag to see how this issue played out over the summer, with protests sliming Justice Prosser. I will write more about this later, but I want to get the post up to let you discuss things.


Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

The “fix was in”….Bradley needs to seek a Federal violations of civil rights case, now! We must have JUSTICE!

roesch-voltaire said...

Are you sure Bradley sensationalized it? I thought from your previous blogs that it was "others" who brought this to the public attention and as Bradley stated she wanted an internal discussion of how to improve the workplace environment.

BigFire said...

1. Raise your fist and lunge at your victim.

2. Forcing your victim to defend himself.

3. File False Charge against your victim.

4. Profit!

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
as Bradley stated she wanted an internal discussion of how to improve the workplace environment

AND “Anger Management” classes, IIRC…pre-supposing Prosser’s guilt, but showing the “magnanimity” of Bradley, but castigating her attacker, but seeking to “improve him.” The self-righteous approach, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

My bet is that David Prosser and Anne Walsh Bradley are both incredibly huge assholes.

Irene said...

Justice Prosser is, and always has been, a gentleman.

Michael said...

Shouldnt this call for a protest? With singijg and perhaps puppets?

Trooper York said...

Seven Machos said...
My bet is that David Prosser and Anne Walsh Bradley are both incredibly huge assholes.

Well they are both lawyers and no bet.

The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.

Levi Starks said...

Law enforcement doesn't deal with "issues of workplace safety"

Richard Dolan said...

It's a classic case of how not to handle a "workplace safety issue." They've managed to turn the court into a laughing stock.

Pathetic, all the way around.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My focus from the outset has not been one of criminal prosecution..

Notice how she tries to run away from what she caused to happen.. from a false police report.

She should be made to pay the state for the waste of time and money.

Levi Starks said...

What Bradley did was like me breaking out the 12 gage to take out that pesky mole in the front yard.

Levi Starks said...
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AllenS said...

In other words, Justice Anne Walsh Bradley is a liar.

PatHMV said...

Who calls the police to discuss "workplace safety"? Seriously? And who calls the police when they want something addressed "informally"? Does she consider the police to be her private employees, rather than public servants sworn first and foremost to uphold the law?

And if she DIDN'T think a crime had been committed, as she's now trying to suggest, then why did she not simply say that once the police made it clear that they would do their job, rather than act as her informal workplace safety counselors?

Kudos to Barrett for promptly bringing this matter to a close.

Michael K said...

The similarity between this case and the case at Widener Law School is striking. In both cases, it pitted a confirmed victim industry woman against a man she was determined to punish for violating the unwritten laws of feminism and racial preference.

In both cases, the woman seems to be in trouble with her campaign against the penis.

Automatic_Wing said...

There goes Bill Lueders' Pulitzer Prize.

gerry said...

Shouldnt this call for a protest? With singing and perhaps puppets?

And BALLOONS! Lots and lots of red, heart-shaped balloons!

Until a statehouse employee goes nuts and stabs them with a knife.

Henry said...

the efforts to address workplace safety concerns were rebuffed wrote Justice Anne Walsh Bradley.

The special prosecutor has completed her investigation and yet the passive voice remains.

Shouting Thomas said...

The reason Bradley sensationalized the issue was probably because she wanted to force the it into the quasi-legal kangaroo court system that colleges now use to prosecute thought crimes.

edutcher said...

As I said, 5'2" man going at 5'9" woman in heels with the objective of choking her (as opposed to pulling her down or socking her in the midsection)?

Forget it.

Lance said...

"Rather I sought law enforcement's assistance to try to have the entire court address informally this workplace safety issue that has progressed over the years..." (emphasis added)

So is there some law that's been broken over the years that, if enforced, would ensure the justices' workplace safety?

bagoh20 said...

Bradley - part of the the creme de le creme of the judiciary in Wisconsin. Such judicial temperament, such quality. Quite impressive. You are in good hands. That must feel very reassuring.

Anonymous said...

What was the workplace safety issue, exactly?

As other here have noted, is it normal in Wisconsin to have workplace safety issues investigated by the police?

Anonymous said...

It's hard to be a pimp, err, Democrat, these days.

Patrick said...

"Rather I sought law enforcement's assistance to try to have the entire court address informally this workplace safety issue"

That's such bullshit. she wanted to ruin Prosser, nothing more.

Chip S. said...

Workplace safety? Well, she can forget about getting help from OSHA:

...the occurrence of acts of violence which are not "recognized" as characteristic of employment and represent random antisocial acts which may occur anywhere would not subject the employer to a citation for a violation of the OSH Act....At this time, we feel that the situation you described is best handled through your company's employee relations activities.

The justices apparently should go to the WISC's HR department for counseling.

They should probably eschew the group hug, as that sort of thing is a likely trigger for violence in this group.

David said...

Workplace safety my ass. Justice Bradley is a liar and also a wimp.

And what's this about the "court" refusing to address the safety issue through Tubbs. That's not Tubbs' job. If there really were an issue of workplace safety, Justice Shirley should be addressing it. But like Bradley she is an unreliable partisan who can not be believed.

hoop said...

In other news:

The sky is blue. (And there's OXYGEN in it!)

Caffeine is a stimulant.

Water is wet.

Joanna said...

workplace safety

This sounds suspiciously like union language. Hmm.

traditionalguy said...

The liberal lie of a man Choking a Woman shall live on in propaganda pieces asserting it as a known fact.

WineSlob said...

Like Duke's LaCrosse Accuser Walsh- Bradley
Didn't See It Ending This Badly
Maxi-Pad Lies
BagdadBob Hue and Cry
Now Her Sphincter Command is Egad-ly.

Anonymous said...

I don't dispute that workplace safety is at issue. I have long argued that the robes judges wear are woefully inadequate to protect against the vicious hits in which judges engage. A helmet, a mouthpiece, and crotch guards should all be mandatory.

We know from our experience with hockey, however, that even if these additional safety devices were mandated, current judges would be grandfathered out of any mandatory provisions. Only new judges could be required to wear them.

eddie willers said...

"is and remains an issue of workplace safety."

What....were there open buckets of paint laying around?

Curious George said...

Another huge lefty win!

Cedarford said...

Perhaps as a law professor, a later Althouse post can go past the "well, nothing CRIMINAL happened!!" angle to opine whether or not the incident and media leaks by a Justice or two brought DISCREDIT on the Court and the legal profession.

Is this a matter not of main concern of hero cops and hero prosecutors...but of main concern to the Bar and the attendent Judicial Conduct Committee? Should the Bar have disciplinary hearings, even up to asking some parties to consider resigning their office?

Palladian said...

Does OSHA have a standard for State Supreme Court Justice chambers?

Molly said...

I hope none of you Prosser-ites out there think that this matter is closed. This game isn't over.

Anonymous said...

I hope none of you Prosser-ites out there think that this matter is closed. This game isn't over.

What asshole move happens now? Please tell us. I am so excited!

Anonymous said...

As good-ole' Russ let everyone know, it won't be over until the Democrats win.

Palladian said...

"I hope none of you Prosser-ites out there think that this matter is closed."

What the flying fuck is a Prosser-ite?
Molly, Molly, come back from the edge of the abyss.

garage mahal said...

What asshole move happens now?

Judicial Commission is next.

Palladian said...

and after that TOTAL RECALL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Judicial Commission is next.

Is a judicial commission a fact-finding venture?

alan markus said...

There is some robe removal here, as well as dialogue about safety:
Unauthorized Video Reenactment Prosser/Bradley Incident

David said...

Molly said...
I hope none of you Prosser-ites out there think that this matter is closed. This game isn't over.

What do you expect the next move in the game to be, Molly? I mean beyond drum chants, editorializing and internet palaver? Do you expect the Judicial Commission to remove Prosser from office? A civil lawsuit by Bradley? An OSHA complaint? A recall election?

Please enlighten us.

Tom Spaulding said...

The Dem/Lefty game in Wisconsin IS's very annoying for the rest of us for y'all to keep thinking - insisting - that it it is not. It is. Deal. Given a choice, the people keep not choosing your ideas, candidates, failed institutions, grievances.

A sentient being would conclude something from this, other than that your messaging/thug tactics/demonizing has not gone far enough. It has. The evidence that it has is that you keep losing.

Derve Swanson said...
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Derve Swanson said...
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alan markus said...

If there is a next step, I suspect it would be a collective effort to take a peek up CJ Shirley A's robe to see if she is fit for her position. Either counseled to retire, or recalled.

rcocean said...

What's odd is there's absolutely no reason why Bradley and Posser need to be in the same room, except for public appearances.

All their inter-judge chitchat can be done via email and teleconference.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Weren;t those the foe that Ash faced in “Army of Darkness?” No, my bad, those were Dead-ites.

David said...

Judicial Commission proceedings are confidential unless and until the Commission decides to file a proceeding with the Supreme Court. The procedures to get to that point are lengthly and complicated.

Among the actions the Commission may take are the following:

Sometimes, instead of taking the more formal "cause to proceed" route, the Commission will simply invite the judge to a meeting to discuss specified concerns arising out of an investigation. These informal appearances will usually conclude with a private letter to the judge expressing the Commission's concern or warning. Of course, this type of informal resolution often follows a cause to proceed formal appearance as well.

Unless the members of the Commission are hacks and partisans (always a possibility but there is yet no evidence this is true), does anyone really expect this will be referred to the Wisconsin Supreme Court for a formal proceeding?

Extremely unlikely.

Roger J. said...

kudos to Ms Barrett who handled this hot potato skillfully and expeditiously--viz our commenter Molly, Ms B's finding wont end the sad incident, but Molly appears to be a bitter clinger. rather like dingleberries.

The Wisonsin Supreme Court is now a bad joke. On Wisconsin

Fr Martin Fox said...

If I were Prosser, I'd decline to attend meetings with Bradley.

As Rcocean observed, it can all be done via phone and email. I recommend email, it's all written down.

Roger J. said...

Oh--and Ms Justice Bradley "work place" safety thing--what a load of steaming shit--Bradley is clearly unfit to collect garbage. You guys got some winners in wisconsin.

garage mahal said...

and after that TOTAL RECALL!!!!

There are several more Repub senators eligible for recall come November. And of course Walker Ranger himself.

Brennan said...

What's the score of this "game"?

Is it still Prosser 0 and Bradley 0?

I'm pretty sure Prosser has at least reached first base on a wild pitch, but these charges that he reached second are superfluous.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I am concerned about workplace safety, I call a liberal activist journalist and leak the story to him. It is the best way to make the workplace safer.

Roger J. said...

Seems to me Ms Justice Bradley let her elephant mouth overload her hummingbird ass and is now trying to shift the argument--methinks I it was Justice Bradley in the library with the lead pipe--

Anonymous said...

Clearly what she means by workplace safety is that when they are in full session, she wants her area cordoned off in conservative-proof glass..

David said...

I looked up the members of Wisconsin Judicial Commission. Turns out I know two of them. These two are about as far from being hacks or partisan as you can get. If the others are half as good, there will be a sensible review of the matter.

Writ Small said...

Let's get a Democrat elected Governor.

Let's stage a massive protest to stop the anti-collective bargaining law.

Let's have our elected officials flee town to stop the anti-collective bargaining law.

Let's defeat conservative judge Prosser.

Let's stage recall elections to give the Democrats control of the state house.

Let's promote a story that judge Prosser choked another judge.

Let's give it a rest, shall we?

Anonymous said...

So, by saying This game isn't over, what you are saying is that there will be more recall elections?

And that's going to affect this bout between these judges how?

Roger J. said...

given how things appear to work in Wisconsin, I do fear for Ms Barrett's safety--hopefully the capitol police will not be her bodyguard detail.

Mr. D said...

There are several more Repub senators eligible for recall come November. And of course Walker Ranger himself.

I think Wisconsin should just have an election every day. Maybe all public officeholders could be determined by internet polling.

jungatheart said...

I think the biggest loser is Wisconsin Chief Justice Abrahamson. She should have been smart enough to shut this down from the beginning.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Molly said...

I hope none of you Prosser-ites out there think that this matter is closed. This game isn't over.

So its a game.. its not "work place safety".

Feingold agrees with Molly.

AllenS said...

garage mahal said...
and after that TOTAL RECALL

How do you propose that the counties pay for this? The cost of these recall elections were not in the original budgets. Where should this money come from?

Roger J. said...

Deborah: you are right, of course--but I think the biggest loser is the state of Wisconsin--looks like a pre-school playground.

Beldar said...

@ Molly: You wrote, "I hope none of you Prosser-ites out there think that this matter is closed. This game isn't over."

If you want us to take it seriously, you might start by not calling it a game.

But in fact, that's exactly the right word, isn't it?

lemondog said...

edutcher said...
As I said, 5'2" man going at 5'9" woman in heels with the objective of choking her (as opposed to pulling her down or socking her in the midsection)?

May yet to be played out: Bradley Demands Cage Match

...though his corner-man noted “Dave is unlikely to fight that far outside of his weight class”.

Roger J. said...

molly remains a dingleberry: a bitter clinger

Anonymous said...

What if the Democrats actually "win the game"?

If they were completely in charge of the WI state senate, house and governorship (and lets throw in WI supreme court)....what would that look like?? Ummm, how about rewind to a few years ago with Jim Doyle et al. running up debt, begging our neighbor Minnesota, illegally taking money from patient compensation funds and chasing business out of the state. Is that what winning looks like?? No. It is what losers look like.

Come up with some actual, you know, good ideas. Then you will start to "win the game".

KCFleming said...

""My focus from the outset has not been one of criminal prosecution, but rather addressing workplace safety."

I find it disturbing that a sitting WI Supreme Court judge doesn't seem to know that workplace safety is not a matter for the criminal system but a management responsibility in places of employment.

She is either incompetent or a liar.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...

There are several more Repub senators eligible for recall come November. And of course Walker Ranger himself."

And more Democrats.

Good fucking luck.

Roger J. said...

Pogo: false choice. she is both

Lipperman said...

The Sauk County DA in charge of this investigation is a Republican. I suggest we run with that.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

I think I'll call the police to address why my computer has been slow recently.

Maybe while they're here, they can take a look at my garage door and my prostate. Both seem to be ... hesitant.

These clearly fall under the law enforcement penumbra.

JohnJ said...

"There are several more Repub senators eligible for recall come November. And of course Walker Ranger himself."

Like a slow-acting, fatal disease.

What an embarrassment for representative democracy.

Anonymous said...

The Madison lefties are melting........melting.........melting......

David said...

deborah said...
I think the biggest loser is Wisconsin Chief Justice Abrahamson. She should have been smart enough to shut this down from the beginning.

Yes, that's the point, isn't it.

JohnJ said...

"I hope none of you Prosser-ites out there think that this matter is closed."

I have never met/phoned/e-mailed/friended or exchanged greetings with Prosser. However, as best I can make out, he was the target of a hastily contrived frame-up that now appears to have been done in by its own hysterics.

I'm relieved for Prosser. Given slightly different circumstances, such as the absence of an impartial witness, this easily could have turned out differently.

hoop said...

I think the biggest loser is Wisconsin Chief Justice Abrahamson.

But the biggest winner is us out-of-staters (and, by extension, the microwave popcorn industry). Nothing good is coming out of all this, but at least I get to munch my popcorn and get all this cheap entertainment out of your otherwise awesome state.

Hey, we all stop maturing somewhere around 7th grade. Some of us just make a more spectacular show of it.

Roger J. said...

the State of Wisconsin has been reduced to a really bad joke--well done wisconsin--

KCFleming said...

Bradley is just playing By Any Means Necessary.

"In New Law School thinking, the law does not embody a rational system of justice—or even strivings toward such a system—but is essentially a political construct that has historically operated to keep the rich and powerful in their places of wealth and power and other groups—women, racial minorities, the disabled, and the poor—in their socially subordinate places. If this characterization sounds Marxist, that is because Critical Legal Studies—and its intellectual progeny, Critical Race Theory and Feminist Legal Theory—grew out of the New Left radicalism of the 1960s, which viewed American governmental and social structures as systems of oppression. It has also been influenced by postmodernist literary theory, with its assumptions that there is no objective truth or reality. In New Law School thinking, reason, free will, and personal responsibility are illusions, for all legal battles are actually struggles of race, class, and gender, in which power, not justice, is the ultimate goal.

In New Law School scholarly writing, rigorous analysis of court opinions and the drawing of fine distinctions underlying legal arguments have been supplanted by “story telling": personal narratives typically involving the law professors’ own experiences as members of an oppressed group with the race-gender-class matrix that is the source of their oppression.

Since a shift in the power structure, not justice, is the goal, any tactic that coerces the recalcitrant into conforming to the new power regime is permissible in New Law School thinking.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Yeah, let's recall Walker next November. As if that could possible help Obama.

chickelit said...

deborah said...
I think the biggest loser is Wisconsin Chief Justice Abrahamson. She should have been smart enough to shut this down from the beginning.

I think she may have been too distracted with poetry & getting the narrative to rhyme.

Roger J. said...

Yo Althouse: This whole contretemps should give you some rich material to use in your class--do you plan to use it at all? Now I teach public health emergency management amd have the Japanse tsumanmi as a case study as compared to how NOLA dealt with Katrina--do you use real life events in your classes?

chickelit said...

The greater the love, the more false to its object,
Not to be born is the best for man;
After the kiss comes the impulse to throttle,
Break the embraces, dance while you can.
*Chief Justice Abrahamson writing for the majority and quoting W.H. Auden.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"the very night"

As opposed to the unparticular night(s) it happened, one should presume.

Justice Bradley is so smart, so able to use language for her means, she should lead us all with as much power as can be bestowed by us mere Americans.

After all, when's the last time you were able to manipulate words, because or your superior understanding of such, in order to weild as much power as Justice Bradley?

Ha. That's what I thought. You haven't used words to weild power because you're incapable, unlike Justice Bradley, and hence this bitterness exibited along with the expected whining of the impotent when confronted with superior intelectual firepower.

jungatheart said...

"*Chief Justice Abrahamson writing for the majority and quoting W.H. Auden."

I'm out of it; which case was that?

(Auden is a downer, fer shure :) )

Roger J. said...

if Justice Ms Bradley is relying on her words as firepower, she is totally disarmmed

Guildofcannonballs said...


It appears I might have been (words I can't spell but mean dishonest but in kinda not bad but artistic but without the artistry kinda like deal type thingy) underinformed.

There is, it appears as of this writing, some type of history with regards to intellect and conservatives.

wv: spinged



garage mahal said...

Bradley is just playing By Any Means Necessary

Oh please. There isn't anywhere here that doesn't really think the volcanic tempered Prosser didn't put his hands around Bradley's throat. But since he is a Republican like you, you simply do not care.

Roger is correct though, Wisconsin is the biggest joke in the Union. But for opposite reasons I suspect.

chickelit said...

@deborah: I cited it back here I think. :)

AllenS said...


How do you propose that the counties pay for these recalls? The cost of these recall elections were not in the original budgets. Where should this money come from?

KCFleming said...

"There isn't anywhere here that doesn't really think the volcanic tempered Prosser didn't put his hands around Bradley's throat."


No one but you and Bradley think he did that.

The police and prosecutor agree with me.

I think Bradley is a liar who flailed at Prosser and tried to blame him for her batshit craziness. Absolutely looney tunes, and by that I mean a WI Democrat, but I repeat myself.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Q: Do you think you have any chance of winning?


Q: How many votes do you expect to get, conservatively speaking?

WFB: Conservatively speaking, one.

Automatic_Wing said...

Oh please. There isn't anywhere here that doesn't really think the volcanic tempered Prosser didn't put his hands around Bradley's throat.

Anywhere other than Special Prosecutor Patricia Barrett, ya mean?

chickelit said...

@garage: Spare us the sanctimony!

Your fellow Dems have thrown a non-stop hissyfit since Walker was elected. It really all started back then. One thing after another.
Get a grip instead of a gripe, man.
This is all a matter of record.

Dustin said...

A sad day for Garage is a good day for justice.

Anonymous said...

There isn't anywhere here that doesn't really think the volcanic tempered Prosser didn't put his hands around Bradley's throat.

I adamantly do not think Prosser did this. I think he put his thumbs and forefingers around each of her nipples and twisted hard counter clockwise. I think this was in response to Bradley giving him a wedgie in the men's room urinal the previous Wednesday.

That's what I think. Tell us, Garage: did the finders of fact find differently? Will your judicial commission somehow find differently? Is said commission a finder of fact? Do you know what a finder of fact is?

DaveW said...

As usual, the commenters here have gotten to the point far before I saw the thread. This woman is either an idiot or a damned liar. You don't call the police over a workplace safety issue.

Her statement on it's face causes me to think the entire thing was a stunt and part of the effort to get rid of Prosser. It is her statement itself that is the clearest evidence I've heard about.

Phil 314 said...


oh, never mind

chickelit said...

"Her statement on it's face causes me to think the entire thing was a stunt and part of the effort to get rid of Prosser. It is her statement itself that is the clearest evidence I've heard about."

The concertedness of the effort is what has me worried. All of these efforts--all prosecuted by members of one political party--it's the timing that's suspicious. It's not that they shouldn't oppose the measures Walker introduced via ordinary political means and channels--it's the timing and the unusual tactics that stand out. It's all very un-Wisconsin.

Phil 314 said...

There are several more Repub senators eligible for recall come November. And of course Walker Ranger himself.


Democracy has jumped the shark in Wisconsin.

john said...

Hoop said ...
Hey, we all stop maturing somewhere around 7th grade

Wha....?? Noone told me. Is this something new??

rhhardin said...

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même choke.

chickelit said...

The choke même-you can say that again.

Sal said...

"Her statement on it's face causes me to think the entire thing was a stunt and part of the effort to get rid of Prosser..."

And a stupid stunt at that, since Ranger Walker would presumably appoint a young, tall, and manly replacement for Prosser if he did have to go.

garage mahal said...

No one but you and Bradley think he did that.

Really? Just two people? What are you on?

The police and prosecutor agree with me.

I've seen nothing formal yet, from anyone involved, claiming he didn't put his hands around her neck. Not even Prosser I don't believe. Today he admitted an "incident" happened, and he was "relieved" no charges were filed.

I think Bradley is a liar who flailed at Prosser and tried to blame him for her batshit craziness. Absolutely looney tunes, and by that I mean a WI Democrat, but I repeat myself.

Prosser has a rap sheet going back to when he was in the Assembly. Bradley has nothing of the sort. You aren't fooling anyone with this weak pathetic shit, and I don't know why you persist.

Obviously an altercation happened, even according to Prosser, and it's just a matter of what happened.

The hot-head with a history of outbursts of anger towards women, reporters, fellow Assembly members, or a justice that has....well.... none?

Carol_Herman said...

Well, Bradley didn't win, that's for sure. Tubbs also lost credibility. Since he looks like a putz at interviewing justices.

Prosser just held his ground!

And, that's the best way!

Oh! There's still Prosser's complaint to the "bar" or whatever oversees the court house drama.

The DA couldn't get that one tossed!

And, the NY DA? You know, I read what they're saying in France. And, DSK isn't "home free" there, either.

As a matter of fact Wigdor (Ken Thompson's partner) was in Paris BEFORE Cyrus Vance thought he'd really mess things up for the immigrant African maid.

But don't be so fast on that!

Because in Paris Wigdor spoke of the PROOF of what happened to Diallo's vagina.

In other words? Diallo's spokespeople can say what they want OUT LOUD. About the 9-minutes in the Sofitel's suite.

A room that Cyrus Vance says was "semen soaked." But no ages for the semen samples was given.

While the maid wore two pairs of pantyhose. One on top of the other. That's a good idea for women to do if they go for a walk in the woods. And, they don't want to be bitten by chiggers and critters.

At the Sofitel? If you worked there, and you needed a defense from BED BUGS ... you'd wear two pairs of pantyhose, too.

Reminds me how our men in Irak, to fight the sandstorms. Wrote home for pantyhose. Manly men, too.

Worth considering, the next time you know there are some white people holding a Klan meeting ... to disparage blacks.

But that wouldn't be "optimistic."

David said...

So apparently Garage and the other disappointed lefties have concluded that Sauk County DA Patricia Barrett is a hack incompetent or a Republican tool? How else could one explain her failure to recommend prosecution?

You really don't care who you trash, do you, Garage, as long is advances the narrative? So much for her long and honorable career.

Trooper York said...

The only thing more disgraceful than the Wisconsin Supreme Court is their football team.

hoop said...

The only thing more disgraceful than the Wisconsin Supreme Court is their football team.

And I thought the Supreme Court football team was on the way back up... ;-)

garage mahal said...

Easy Troop. This be a white woman you be talking bout.

Carol_Herman said...

Before Bradley flew out of her seat ... she knew something about an opinion that was supposed to be published ... but didn't quite "hit the presses."

Crooks didn't care. He went home.

But at 5:30 PM ... there were 4 justices of Wisconsin's Supreme Court, walking the hallways. And, looking to see if they could find their Chief Justice, Shirley Abrahamson.

Lo and behold, someone swung open the door to Bradley's office. And, Prosser was standing there with three other of his "comrades."

That's when Bradley rose to her full height. And, FLEW at Prosser. Her hands were made into fists ... And, she was aiming herself at Prosser.

Where we've learned he didn't get punched down to the floor.

Crooks was missing.

And, when Bradley began screaming she'd been choked ... she managed to turn off all but her most willing accomplices. (Or witnesses.)

Then, the fool Tubbs shows up. And, he "investigated." He questioned each lawyer ... And, crooks who wasn't there when this event went down, said so.

Tubbs thought long and hard. And, "took a report."

Then the media chimed in.

The potato, became hot, hot, hot.

And, the DA just pulled this cooked piece of coal out of the fire.

But what did Prosser do? What did he write up? How come all we get to hear are crickets?

Maybe, Prosser's handwriting is very, very bad? (But if that were true, wouldn't he be a doctor and nto a lawyer?)

Fred4Pres said...

I just returned to Wisconsin today (House on the Rock!) and I got all choked up when I saw the news on the hotel TV.

mariner said...

and after that TOTAL RECALL!!!!!


"Consider that a recall."

AllenS said...


How do you propose that the counties pay for these recalls? The cost of these recall elections were not in the original budgets. Where should this money come from?

Michael Haz said...

Garage - There will not be a recall of Governor Scott Walker.

The Wisconsin Democrat Party leaders have said as much. They want to put their effort and money into the Obama re-election and into the race to fill Herb Kohl's senate seat.

Sorry to disappoint.

Jason said...

Garage - There will not be a recall of Governor Scott Walker.

The Wisconsin Democrat Party leaders have said as much. They want to put their effort and money into the Obama re-election and into the race to fill Herb Kohl's senate seat.

Sorry to disappoint.

Well, if Tammy Baldwin is the best the Dems can do for a candidate for Kohl's empty seat, it frankly doesnt matter how the Wisconsin Dems spend their money. It will be wasted either way.

garage mahal said...

There will be a signature drive, it will be easily successful. But do they have a candidate with money? Huge question mark for sure. But it's not soley up to the WDP. A Utah anti immigration group intiated the Dem recalls, remember? Before the Dems filed, also too.

And why wouldn't Team Obama want a bunch of pissed off WI Democrats at the polls in the general?

Jason said...

There will be a signature drive, it will be easily successful. But do they have a candidate with money? Huge question mark for sure. But it's not soley up to the WDP. A Utah anti immigration group intiated the Dem recalls, remember? Before the Dems filed, also too.

And why wouldn't Team Obama want a bunch of pissed off WI Democrats at the polls in the general?

The signature drive will be "easily successful"? About 600,000 signatures in 60 days? Good luck with that. Especially since by January most people will have come to the realization that Walker's policies are actually successful, and that the world isnt ending like most Dems said it would. Hell, Tom Barrett already has egg on his face by saying the Walker budget would "break" Milwaukee, when in fact the health care changes alone has netted that city at least $12 million in extra cash.

And as far as Obama goes...a bunch of "pissed off WI Democrats" isnt going to save this state or the country for him, because there are plenty of other pissed off people that cant wait to vote him out.

alan markus said...

Here's some breaking news from the Capitol (and it's all Meade's fault):
Protesters arrested, carried out of Capitol rotunda

"The protesters -- many of them the veterans of past protests and arrests -- chit-chatted and sang popular songs like "Build me up buttercup"

Toad Trend said...

Judges behaving badly is now over.

Who cares?

Garage, really? The last few comments of yours don't even rise to the level of drooling vegetable - you are off of your game tonight. Put away the ceiling wax and put the unicorns to bed already.

A. Shmendrik said...

Chief of Capitol Police Charles "They call me Mistah" Tubbs!

Michael Haz said...

There will be a signature drive, it will be easily successful

No it won't be successful. The recall will require a minimum of 740,000 verified signatures. Not going to happen, especially when one third will be bogus names or addresses added by covert conservative teams organized for that purpose.

Trust me, there is a plan. And we will have the "Recall Walker" tee shirts to wear when signing petitions.

Your friend,

Dave. Heh.

jungatheart said...

Thanks for the link, chick, I'd missed it...excellent.

The Dude said...

America's Politiho is Garage. The language is identical - garbled in the translation from drunken Nepalese to English, to be sure, but they are one and the same person.

Roger J. said...

Ahem--I rise to the defense of my friend Garage--we do not agree on politics, but other than than that we are friends--Garage is NOT a guy that would assume another identity to make his point--He's an up-front guy. terribly mistaken, of course, but up front.

Rob said...

I think this calls for some (good?) lawyer jokes. I invite Beldar to join in if he is so inclined.

What is the difference between a dead skunk in the middle of the road and a dead lawyer in the middle of the road?

There are skid marks in front of the skunk.

Rob said...

What do you say about a lawyer buried up to his neck in sand?

Not enough sand.

Rob said...

What do you say about 500 lawyers at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean?

A good start.

Rob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob said...

Why (he asks with as serious a tone of voice as he can muster) does New Jersey have all the toxic waste dumps and Washington, D.C. have all of the lawyers?

New Jersey got first choice.

Meade said...

Maguro said...
"There goes Bill Lueders' Pulitzer Prize."

Heh. But seriously, he deserves some some sort of prize, doesn't he? Is there a Slime-er Prize?

Rob said...

And finally, my personal favorite, which will draw a laugh from court staff every time:

Did you know that lab rats are being replaced by lawyers?

Well, there are three reasons.

1. There are some things rats just won't do.

2. There are more lawyers than rats.

And the third, and most important reason lab rats are being replaced by lawyers...

The lab technicians were getting too fond of the rats.

Meade said...

Ann Althouse, on June 25 with the 64 dollar question:

I want to know not only what really happened at the time of the physical contact (if any) between the 2 justices, but also who gave the original story to the press. If Prosser really tried to choke a nonviolent Bradley, he should resign. But if the original account is a trumped-up charge intended to destroy Prosser and obstruct the democratic processes of government in Wisconsin, then whoever sent the report out in that form should be held responsible for what should be recognized as a truly evil attack.

Joanna said...

Phil 3:14 said...
Democracy has jumped the shark in Wisconsin.


Toad Trend said...

@Mr. Meade

"I want to know not only what really happened at the time of the physical contact (if any) between the 2 justices, but also who gave the original story to the press. If Prosser really tried to choke a nonviolent Bradley, he should resign. But if the original account is a trumped-up charge intended to destroy Prosser and obstruct the democratic processes of government in Wisconsin, then whoever sent the report out in that form should be held responsible for what should be recognized as a truly evil attack."

Its never the actual event, but the seriousness of the charge. Even when the charge is trumped-up, which is often the case in the world of the progressive.

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