August 28, 2011

"Labor Day parade organizers confirm that no Republicans will be allowed to participate in this year's Labor Day Parade."

"[Marathon County Labor Council] president Randy Radtke says they choose not to invite elected officials who have 'openly attacked worker's rights' or did nothing when state public workers lost most of their right to collectively bargain."

From Congressman Sean Duffy's chief of staff: "Having walked in this parade in past years, Congressman Duffy was hoping that for a moment, we could set our differences aside and simply have some fun in a family-friendly event."

Fun? Family-friendly? Wisconsin?!


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Anonymous said...
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Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

That makes it all better then…could they march with a banner proclaiming their support for their leaders?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Chip S. said...

Because Republican LEADERS were barred from the parade does NOT MEAN Republican workers are being barred.

Well, no kidding. But can't you see how this intimidates rank-and-file workers who are Republicans? The fact that you defend such crap is hard to understand coming from someone who seems to expect tolerance from others.

You can't seriously be fine with a flagrant demand that a federal holiday be made to serve purely partisan interests.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Let's have some fun! Nothing is more fun than getting a 20% cut in take-home pay from your $28,000 a year public service job and deciding whether to drop health insurance or stop buying groceries

@ brookfield.

Cry me a river.

You have a job from which you probably can't be fired.

You have health insurance through your employer. All you are being asked to do is contribute something towards the coverage. Boo freaking hoo for you. Many people, especially the self employed have NO health insurance.

You have a retirement plan funded by the tax payers that guarantees >>>GUARANTEES<<< you a retirement income. Most people have none or are in market based investments. Ask them how secure they feel about their chances of retiring.

You think you are the only person do deal with making hard choices. Pay the utility bill this month or buy groceries.

You want REAL self employed and wonder where your next job or sale is going to come from. It is a real kick to wonder just what wonderful rules, regulations and laws the government and the EPA is cooking up for us.

Dime a dance. Laugh a minute.

Whiners like you are exactly why people are sick to death of public union workers.

Now shut up and go away or we will taunt you again and fart in your general direction. (monty python for those who might be confused)

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Joe for all I know about YOU, you could be a 40 year old unshaven loser sitting in his parents basement. But of course I'm not saying you ARE with any certainty

Boo-Hoo “Granny”…you come in here insult folks, and then try to hide behind the fact that you’re a “Granny” And then proceed to insult some more…Being a “Granny” is like being an Internet “Tuff Guy” it’s all meaningless, and any way who cares your gender or age…what counts is your position and ability to argue…and so far you’ve been pretty “lame.” You think being a “Granny” means you can call someone an “@sshole?” Even if you ARE a Granny, that’s just ageism and sexism…”Don’t hit the girl.”

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Have non of you a shred of decency left?

Ok. That made me laugh.

Envisioning Applecakes clutching her pearls and vapor locking at her computer.

Anonymous said...
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Chip S. said...

Since Granny Applecakes has not expressed any regret over her use of the term "asshole" and yet is still incensed over being called a "twat," I'd like to know where she draws the line between acceptable and unacceptable body-part epithets.

Specifically, is taint within the boundaries of good taste?

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Chip, no one is redefining the holiday itself, by barring Republican leaders from a parade this year

No not at all…it’s not a Holiday for Americans, it’s a holiday for the right KIND of Americans….At this point I now raise my voice, point my finger accusingly and say, “Don’t you question my PATRIOTISM!”

Anonymous said...
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Chip S. said...

no one is redefining the holiday itself, by barring Republican leaders from a parade this year.

You're a hopeless partisan hack.

Welcome aboard. garage mahal may be looking for a fwb.

Anonymous said...
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Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Dusty, I am hardly a wilting Lilly type, but when commenters lose their sense of decency they will be called on it

So Granny you call all your patients, @sshole? “Good morning @sshole, was it a restful night?” “Doctor, Mr @sshole was just telling me about his pain and its intensity.” “@sshole, the Doctor said you can be discharged today, have you anyone who can give you a ride?”

Oh and BTW, when you questioned my patriotism, I ought to have asked, “Have you NO shred of decency left, Madam?”

Anonymous said...
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Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Chip S, the term twat, was the least and mildest of the bilge that ASSHOLE spewed and you trying to minimize what he said is very telling

Honey when you opened up with @sshole, you opened up the can of whoop-@ss, and apparently you weren’t ready for it… again, I don’t call folks names, and generally, folks don’t call me names. It works the other way too…so now we’re going to have to titrate our name calling? Does “@sshole” merit “tw@t” I or is it excessive? Should we create a panel or committee to discuss it and issue guidelines? I nominate Dust Bunny Queen for the panel, if we form one.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Dusty, I am hardly a wilting Lilly type, but when commenters lose their sense of decency they will be called on it. I was a nurse for over 35 years, I have seen what would make most of you piss your pants.

Oooooh. Upping the ante with the nurse card.

Hey, I can play that game too. I'm a grandmother and I've shot and field dressed several deer (something that makes some people puke) as well as hundreds of geese and ducks. The redneck hunter card.


I take it you've never participated in a good knock down drag out usenet flame war.

Just like there is no crying in baseball....there is no decency on the internet.

Oh. And thank your daughter for her patriotic service.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Apfelkuchen, if you want decency, start by showing some. Until then, you're just another hypocrite demanding civility from the right while you attack from the left.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Martin, what part of EQUIVALENCY do you not understand? If I bumped into you, would you shoot me

Poor Apfelkuchen, not getting the love and respect she’d expected? I don’t know; I can’t say if Tw@t or @sshole is worse than the other…let’s form that study group, what say? Your problem is you started nasty and then didn’t like how it bit you on the buttocks/gluteus maximus and you’ve been whining about it ever since. IF you’re such an old and seasoned human being, just move on…accept your part, in this…”Sorry Macho I oughtn’t have called you an @sshole” and moved on….you didn’t you started whinging about your treatment, upped it with the daughter in Afghanistan…that you’re a granny and plenty tuff…

Listen Honey, I’ve been called a “K!ke”, a Nazi, and worse by “J”….I don’t whine about it….or ask about decency….I just ignore it or move onto the substantive part of the argument (in “J”’s case there is NO “substantive part” of the argument, but I pretend.)

poppa india said...

Apfelkuchen, if you call someone names, they are likely to do the same to you. Why do you think you should be exempt? Is asshole ok, but not cunt? Please give us a list of acceptable names to call each other.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Apfelkuchen said...

Martin, what part of EQUIVALENCY do you not understand? If I bumped into you, would you shoot me?

The only one who doesn't see the equivalency here is you. Take off your emotion-laden blinders. This is not bumping vs. shooting; this is bumping vs. bumping. And you started the bumping, and now you're trying to pretend you didn't.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
The group think that I have seen on this blog is beyond amazing

Yeah, unlike the Marathon County Labour Council…I mean there’s NO “Group Think” there…or with Garage or Montana Urban Legend or Jeremy or Alpha Liberal…I’m sure you think you’re quite the independent thinker as well, Granny.

Next be sure to call us all a bunch of “Doodie-Heads” or something….you’ve done little but complain about the company you keep here, here’s a hint Granny, you can LEAVE…and shake the dust of the place from your sandals…see it’s easy. OR you can keep coming back and whining and be laughed at…it’s your choice. I mean there is a third option…don’t open up with “@sshole” and be reasonable in your points and on-point with your evidence.

Sal said...

I’m not a public employee, but I have friends that are. I, actually, am self-employed. And you’re right, being self-employed, I do wonder where my next client comes from, but I don’t fret about it. I, like you (I’m sure) work my ass off to keep new ones coming through the door. It’s what we do. It’s what we have to do. I consciously made the choice for this lifestyle – I like making my own investments, choosing my own doctors, etc. - being the boss. I’ll take my chances – I’m ok with that. Are you? My public employee friends consciously made their choices – some for a little security and some because spouses landed private sector jobs in the area. These folks on the edge are concerned how they’re going to take care of their obligations. Their scared and they’re mad.

It’s funny, it used to be that these public service jobs were looked down on because there was no future in them – not enough risk, not enough earning potential (brother-in-law). Suddenly, unregulated capitalism implodes and through no fault of thier own, they find themselves sitting on top of the pile – and now they’re the bad guys.

Anonymous said...
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Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Suddenly, unregulated capitalism implodes and through no fault of thier own, they find themselves sitting on top of the pile – and now they’re the bad guys

Silly Rabbit, “unregulated capitalism”…where have you been for the last 70 years.

Next, they are on top of the heap, and the people on the BOTTOM OF THE HEAP ARE PAYING THEIR SALARIES AND BENEFITS…and the people on the bottom are asking that the guys on the top, pay for a little bit of their own healthcare and retirement….what’s so awful about that?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

brookfieldfred said...

It’s funny, it used to be that these public service jobs were looked down on because there was no future in them – not enough risk, not enough earning potential (brother-in-law). Suddenly, unregulated capitalism implodes and through no fault of thier own, they find themselves sitting on top of the pile – and now they’re the bad guys.

You're wrong by about two-decades, roughly. Back then, a government job was a tradeoff: pay not as good (though benefits were decent), but you had more job security. Today, pay and benefits have escalated in absolute terms, not just relative to the private sector. And job security has increased.

In the late 90s, I was better paid than the government software engineers that I knew. That's no longer true today, and my pay has gone up (marginally) over that time.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Granny you didn’t get shot, you got insulted….grow up. Apparently you love to make self-defeating statements…first about Labour Day Parades and then about what happened to you. You insulted someone and then complained about being insulted in turn…and then you decided you’d been “shot”…keep moving up the violent analogies, Granny. Next you’ll be hit by the M-839 APFSDS, for throwing a spit ball or something….

How about this, “I was wrong to insult Macho. I apologize, for my part in this childish exchange.” See then you can move on with your substantive, if flawed arguments…

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Suddenly, unregulated capitalism implodes and through no fault of thier[sic] own, they find themselves sitting on top of the pile – and now they’re the bad guys.

The unregulated capitalism remark is a tell that you are a liar and not self employed. Unregulated my ass!!!

Public employees who are in a union are at the top of the pile (sucking the taxes from the rest of us in the pile) through Union coercion, thuggish tactics, threats, extortion and good old government graft from the politicians that they have bought over the years with the dues paid by and coerced from their members.

No one begrudges public employees a decent wage for a decent return (doing a good job).....however, the wages are out of control and the jobs that most of them do are terrible. They couldn't be employed in the private sector for sheer incompetence and poor union instilled work habits.

(see Applecakes. This is how you do it.)

Chip S. said...

Granny Applecheeks is right that she didn't call 7M an "asshole." She called luxurytwist an asshole.

This demonstrates not only that she has a foul mouth, but that she has no ability whatsoever to detect irony, which luxurytwist's comment was bristling with and which she found so objectionable.

Since luxurytwist never responded to her in kind, it's clear that she owes him/her an abject apology for her meanspirited cluelessness.

Anonymous said...
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Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Granny you poor little victim…oh so shocked and saddened by what happens here…There is NO “decency” here is there…It must be a simply HORRID place, where a nurse of 35 years experience, experiences so raw they’d make most of us p!ss their pants is driven away by the vulgarity and sludge…In fact, Granny you haven’t been insulted since last night…you’ve been called out and laughed at, but you can’t take that too well either, it seems.

Do you need the smelling salts or are you ok, to drive to another blog?

Chip S. said...

Now I see there is no hope for most of your readers, they may like you just fine when you post blogs that fall into line with their world view,which is becoming increasingly radical and hate filled...

You saunter in here, post an illogical comment, get blasted for it, never display any ability to understand what the criticism of your position consists of, initiate vulgar name-calling, and then go crying to the teacher about the meanies who hit you back.

You seem not to have noticed that people gave you the props you asked for regarding your daughter, nor that (AFAIK) anyone other than 7M called you vulgar names.

You also have made it very clear that you have no sense of humor or irony whatsover. That, and not your politics, is why you're uncomfortable here.

poppa india said...

Self-righteous people rarely have a sense of humor.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Apfelkuchen said...

Ann, don't you ever feel dirty after reading what your commenters write, do you ever feel like you have given some incredibly hateful vile people a forum to display their vulgarity?

Yeah, but she's a staunch advocate for free speech, so she didn't delete your post when you initiated the vulgarity.

By your own standards, you're an incredibly hateful vile person. That's not my judgment, that's your own, just applied consistently.

Are you proud to be an incredibly hateful vile person? (Not to mention a hypocrite.)

Calypso Facto said...

Because Republican LEADERS were barred from the parade does NOT MEAN Republican workers are being barred.

A very creative reading of "Labor Day parade organizers confirm that no Republicans will be allowed to participate in this year's Labor Day Parade."

Chip S. said...

@Calypso--Republicans who don't declare that they're Republicans can fly under the radar. It's the new "don't ask, don't tell."

Although I'm not so sure about the "don't ask" part.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Calypso Facto said...

A very creative reading of "Labor Day parade organizers confirm that no Republicans will be allowed to participate in this year's Labor Day Parade."

Well, to be fair, that was the headline. The actual article singles out Republican politicians specifically, not Republicans in general. "Republicans" is simply being used as shorthand for "Republican politicians".

Of course, by the same token, when people suggest barring Democrats from the 4th of July parade, they mean Democrat politicians, not military offspring of hyperventilating elderly Democrats.

But that would be applying equivalence, and hyperventilating elderly Democrats don't really understand that word. [Insert Princess Bride quote here.]

Blue@9 said...

What most of you people don't realize is that I completely understand the argument of the commenter that I quoted, what you fail to understand is that it is NOT an EQUIVALENT comparison. What you fail to understand is that Democrats are not just union members.

Democrats encompass all the same positions in society as Republicans.

Yes, which is why it's retarded to claim that Republicans are against working people. Or that Republicans aren't welcome at Labor Day parades. Republicans aren't just management.

the push back is ALSO unequivalent. Have non of you a shred of decency left?

Right... so you got the reductio ad absurdum, and then proceeded to call the guy "asshole." Then you got slapped back you act the victim "Oh, but I'm a poor widdle grandmother!"

Not only that, but you suggest that SevenMacho killed his grandmother by shoving her over a cliff.

And now you call for decency? Are you for fucking real?

Here's a clue: Don't cuss people out and then cry about decency.

Roger J. said...

What a hoot--poor apple cakes--got her granny nurse asshole (her term, not mine) handed to her and is still whining--Listen Granny: you started it--deal with it--You simply got it back--youre like the little kid on the playground. For a granny you really need to grow up.

furious_a said...


Bonus points for a new angle on chickenhawking.

It's you who've besmirched your daughter's service by hurling the first obscenity than hiding behind *her* uniform when the blowback accrues.

The military parents I know wouldn't exploit their children to score cheap rhetorical points the way you do. Have you no decency, etc.?

Assuming you're actually a grandmother, and have a daughter in the service in Afghanistan (this *is* the internet, after all), you owe your daugther an apology.

Roger J. said...

Gotta love when the mask comes off a liberal and they are exposed as foul mouthed poseurs--nice going granny apple cakes--you do make it easy

Roger J. said...

Perhaps Apple Cakes could expound on the use of "equivalency." Now that term has some use in some liberal definitions of responses in international conflict--of course I do not agree--you start a war, as foghorn leghorn would say, boy, I say boy, this calls for massive retaliation. so I am not at all sure what apple cakes means be equivalency--is "twat" for example equivalent to "asshole?" both refer to antomical features and appear "equivalent." And what, ms apple cakes would be the equivalent for "asshole?" I eagerly await your disquisition.

Blue@9 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blue@9 said...

According to granny

Asshole is a pinch

Twat is a gunshot

Makes sense visually

Metaphorically has traction

But not semantically

Sal said...

The unregulated capitalism remark is a tell that you are a liar and not self employed. Unregulated my ass!!!

Sorry, you're wrong. Oh yeah, and those bankers are great guys...

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Sorry, you're wrong. Oh yeah, and those bankers are great guys

So the FDIC, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the SEC and the Community Reinvestment Act, OSHA, EPA, and various tax agencies equals “unregulated capitalism?” It is to laugh… fact it was the CRA, and the moral hazard of GSE’s like Fannie and Freddie that brought about our current problems…..

And you have yet to answer, who pays the Public Employees salaries, the people on the bottom of the heap? And you complain when the actual payers of the salaries question the salaries? Again it is to laugh.

WV: “zoinks” man wasn’t that one of Velma’s words, that and “Jinkies”? She wasn’t a lesbian, really was she? NTTAWWT.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

My bad “Zoinks” was Shaggy’s word….

Chip S. said...

Oh yeah, and those bankers are great guys...

I hear that they're a lot like the Nazis. [Note to Applecakes: That was meant ironically.]

Do you really expect decisions about lending to the likes of you to be made on the basis of what great guys the bankers are? As a depositor I'd be furious. I want my bankers to wear the proverbial green eyeshades when evaluating the likelihood that you'll pay me back.

harrogate said...

One main sticking point here, clouded by all the vitriol (in this way like in so many others, Althouse's blog mirrors the broader media conversation quite nicely), is disagreement over whether or not the GOP is hostile to American laborers in general. The national and state platforms of the GOP were always contemptuous of the poor, of course, but now we have the final logical conclusion of policies that exude the same contempt for the working class and, increasingly, the middle as well.

I love how people got all in a huff and remain in a huff over the comment made by Obama (who, laughably, many of althouse's commenters seem to see as a "Leftist") "bitter clingers" comment when OF COURSE social issues have historically been used and continue to be used as a way to maintain the support of people whose economic interests are being spat upon.

Obviously you could call a hedge fund manager a laborer too, and technically not be wrong, and thereby show that the GOP is labor friendly, in its way.

So yeah, "labor" as a term can be parsed. Way to show that.

It's as if the Cubs finally won the World Series (once every three Haley's Comets or so) beat the Yankees in a World Series and you guys are mad because the Yankee players are not invited to the Cubs parade.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I love how people got all in a huff and remain in a huff over the comment made by Obama (who, laughably, many of althouse's commenters seem to see as a "Leftist") "bitter clingers" comment when OF COURSE social issues have historically been used and continue to be used as a way to maintain the support of people whose economic interests are being spat upon

Ah the old “What’s the matter with Kansas?” trope….yeah so the people who care about labour, democrats have overseen one of the most disastrous economic down turns in US economic history, and in Connecticut, where they care they are laying off hundreds if not thousands of teachers…Now in WI where they HATE labour, they are NOT laying off teachers and re-hiring laid-off teachers, and lowering the costs of healthcare…just depends oun houw you measure love and hate I guess.

Blue@9 said...

The national and state platforms of the GOP were always contemptuous of the poor, of course, but now we have the final logical conclusion of policies that exude the same contempt for the working class and, increasingly, the middle as well.

See, here's the problem right here.

The Left simply assumes that Republicans hate the poor because the party's policies don't pander to the poor or call for class warfare against the rich.

We don't hate the poor--we just think the Left's policies are misguided and counter-productive.

If you really cared about the poor, you would support policies that actually help them. Instead, you've created a massive culture of dependency that incentivizes terrible behavior and generational poverty.

Chip S. said...

@harrogate--Y'know what really hurts low-income workers? Immigration by low-skilled workers.

Which party is it that hates the working poor?

And I simply can't figure out your criterion for determining who's a "laborer." Surely it can't be union membership, since that means that 94% of private-sector employees would not qualify as "labor." As far as I can tell, you really do think it should be based on party affiliation. Which makes you pretty much a Leninist.

Or is that name calling?

Anonymous said...

I see Grandma Douchebag spent the day here trying to defend her self-defeating arguments today.

Must have really touched a nerve, huh, Apfel? Probably somewhere way up in your bloated sphincter.

Thorley Winston said...

Apparently the City of Wausau is taking the position that this is publicly sponsored event:

Wausau Mayor Jim Tipple is calling on Labor Day parade organizers to include all political parties, or reimburse the city for costs incurred for the parade.
Tipple released a statement Monday afternoon:
"The City is a co-sponsor of the Labor Day parade event, because we provided the payment for the insurance premium for the event, and we agreed to erect a stage and provide city services at no cost to the Marathon County Central Labor Council.
"The banning of a political party from participation at any event co-sponsored by the City is against public policy and not in the best interest of all the citizens of the City of Wausau. And therefore, we encourage the event organizer to invite all interested parties, or reimburse the city for other costs."

Personally I think that the next Labor Day some organization other than the Marathon County Central Labor Council should get a permit for a Labor Day parade for Wausau and invite all comers who wish to participate.

Synova said...

"Martin, what part of EQUIVALENCY do you not understand?"

The part where it's an undisputed principle holding back the tide of escalation. It's just not. Demanding that people let you escalate to name calling but then claiming that they are not entitled to escalate beyond the equivalent of the level of name calling that you set, is playing by rules no one agreed to follow.

If someone called me an asshole, I'd feel no need whatsoever to follow a principle of equivalency. After all, the level of discourse that I established did not include bad words, which means that "equivalency" is already in the toilet.

Synova said...

What I wanted to address, however, because I feel it is profoundly important (and has nothing to do with name calling) is this bit:

"Because Republican LEADERS were barred from the parade does NOT MEAN Republican workers are being barred."

Chip S. already said it, but it ought to be repeated.

"But can't you see how this intimidates rank-and-file workers who are Republicans?"

And is that a feature or a bug? I'm thinking "feature."

Change "Republican" with just about anything else... "Because black LEADERS were barred from the parade does not mean that black persons are barred..." Try it with women, with anyone at all, any "group" at all and the result is the same. People who's "leaders" are banned will not feel welcome.

Now, they may well not give a flying fig if they're welcome or not, but that doesn't change the truth of intimidation going on.

J said...

Don't ever hire someone who was in a union.

Unions are designed to protect the incompetent.

I plan on asking that in every interview I give.

Porkov said...

Martin Luther King was a Republican, and would hence be banned from marching in this parade. What a bunch of racists.

Anonymous said...

Mayor to Labor Council: Invite Republicans, or pay for the parade yourselves:

Mitch's Realm said...

Randy Ratke? Isn't he the Acorn organizers brother?

Sal said...

..however, the wages are out of control and the jobs that most of them do are terrible

Wages are high because the other's have dropped, like a rock, around them (get a clue...they didn't go into these jobs to get rich). The ugly underbelly of capitalism (greed) got us here, not public unions. Shees.

Their "terrible" job performance - no better, no worse than than the private sector.

You're a piece of work dbq. A real piece of work..

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