NOTE: The judge's name is Foust, not "Faust," as misspelled in Isthmus, perhaps hoping he'd sell his soul to the devil.
August 8, 2011
"Judge Foust plans to appoint special prosecutor in Wisconsin Supreme Court dispute."
"Asked if he was expecting any backlash regarding an appointment, Faust dryly replied: 'I don't know because I haven't made it yet.'"

NOTE: The judge's name is Foust, not "Faust," as misspelled in Isthmus, perhaps hoping he'd sell his soul to the devil.
NOTE: The judge's name is Foust, not "Faust," as misspelled in Isthmus, perhaps hoping he'd sell his soul to the devil.
This is a big gun?
This is aimed at Prosser?
By now I've confused the players with the cheese.
Is it Foust or Faust? Only one of them sounds like a bargain.
What fun! I see scores of Althouse posts on this topic.
I meant "collective bargainer."
The Dane County DA doesn't want any appearance of impropriety for his office.
So he gives the task of appointing a special prosecutor to the Dane County judge who is the former Dane County DA.
(She noted dryly.)
So, Yenta Carol, how did they get rid of you at Belmont Club?
BTW do you prefer "Yenta Carol" or "Glossolalia Herman?"
Going where no man has stepped before ...
Is Governor Walker just chopped liver, here? While the various robed wonders play "here come da judge?"
What can a "special prosecutor" do? Tell Prosser he's gonna be locked away for ten years?
Do judges really play this badly with each other?
Is this just a media ploy, like Tina Brown's Newsweek cover?
Whom do you believe? Yourself? Or those lying eyes?
If I had to bet ... I'd bet part of the bargain is to depress the upcoming recall votes. But what do I know about Wisconsin?
On the other hand, "Faust" means fist in German which "fits" the protest imagery.
Is this guy even handed?
Dane County, Madison, WI seems to have an inbreeding problem. Get that Planned Parenthood grant money going, and put some comdoms over the Progressive microphones.
Every time they open their mouths to be more transparent and removed from bias, the more the thickened pot of crony stew boils over.
Faust is a good man. Unless I see evidence to the contrary, I believe he'll appoint someone fair.
I would really hate to live there. Autocrats and people who still defend their vote for Obama.
It seems like it could become a dangerous place, like a state fair or something.
Isn't self help a beautiful thing?
Does he get his eyeglasses from the Lions Club?
Wisconsin should be dubbed the vacation state. It seems that no one there has anything important to do.
Nichevo, at 3:50 PM common decency rules you out. And, your handle is a fake name. You're such a coward.
I even thought that Belmont's "club?" wasn't really a club at all.
Because, I've never belonged to a club in my life! You know, I thought "club," there, referred to soda. Which you could spritz out from a seltzer bottle. Who knew it for was members only?
Whom do you believe? Yourself? Or those lying eyes?
Polonius: This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!
Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 78–82
The article made the typo "Faust" instead of "Foust" now immortalized in the quote Althouse pulled. Interesting that they got it right in the headline, the photo caption, and twice in the text before bungling it in the final quote.
"Chip S. said...
Does he get his eyeglasses from the Lions Club?"
I've been a resident of Wisconsin for over a dozen years and this entire thing is making my head hurt...almost any other state (w/exception of CA) looks like sanity.
Does the judge spell his name two different ways, as does the newspaper?
"Foust" has probably been anglicized from German "Faust". Some ancestor probably got tired of hearing Americans say "Fawst" when the proper pronunciation is "Fowst". Something similar happened with my own surname. And, no, it isn't Slothrop.
Chickenlittle, (@ 4PM)
Hamlet's a ghost story! I don't think anybody believes the plot, anymore. Let alone that a father can get his son to "take action" against his mom. Not in American Pie-land.
But the words, themselves are sure pretty.
All you have to do is suspend belief, and accept ghosts as a working premise.
Oh, and Carl Reiner. Before he was on TV. Was an actor who performed on stage. And, couldn't remember the lines that would bring in the actor, off stage, waiting for his cue.
Shakespeare gets even more interesting, when you're before an audience. And, you're making shit up. But you can't be saved until you remember the "cue line."
Why are we discussing Hamlet here?
The fellow may have a REAL cross to bear if his brother is John Foust of Jefferson......
So be nice.
Carol_Herman said...
Nichevo, at 3:50 PM common decency rules you out. And, your handle is a fake name. You're such a coward.
Again, as usual, you make no sense. What about "my 3:50 PM rules me out?" Nothing else got your attention. I suspect you have a very short attention span for anything that YOU don't say so I had to boil it down to a one-liner.
As for my nick, I use it because my Russian great-aunt always told me that "Nichevo covers a multitude of sins." Anonymity on blogs is pretty common, bubbeleh.
I even thought that Belmont's "club?" wasn't really a club at all.
It's not a club in the sense of having a membership list, dues, etc. But, as I tried to explain to you before you shat the bed, they do have standards, to keep the rabble out. You're welcome to join, but you should fit in. Plenty of people there pee in the pool, but you leave turds as long as your arm.
Because, I've never belonged to a club in my life! You know, I thought "club," there, referred to soda. Which you could spritz out from a seltzer bottle. Who knew it for was members only?
8/8/11 3:59 PM
Just as I was saying - you are a deeply ignorant loudmouth, without the modesty and humility which that knowledge should instill in you. In other words, YOU ARE A YENTA.
Do you even understand why people are annoyed with you?
It's unfortunate, but I do think a decent inquiry is justified.
It sounds like Prosser was assaulted, and when he defended himself mildly, a campaign of lying and corruption began.
Wisconsin deserves replacement of anyone on the bench who has in any way attempted to mislead the public.
The corrupt really hate Prosser. That's basically all I know about him.
Mark O, Wisconsin's not BLUE!
Stephen Green (at Vodkapundit), shows the 2012 map. And, I saw it there the other day, on InstaPundit.
So I went back to look, again.
Wisconsin's 10 electoral college votes are UP IN THE AIR!
So he gives the task of appointing a special prosecutor to the Dane County judge who is the former Dane County DA.
I'd search for a clown car video, but that would be insulting an honorable profession.
For instance, can you possibly believe that your post which began:
Chickenlittle, (@ 4PM)
was in any way worth writing, let alone wasting electrons and people's time to read or skim over?
And,,, ... Carol, do, you ... get, it,,, about ... your. Moronic writing, ... Style? And, you're constant. Mistakes, in ... spelling. And, ... gramer?
Hey, people who go to Belmont's club must eat a lot of beans. They sure fart a lot, Nichevo.
Due Process of Law is processing through the headlines as it gets closer and closer to a criminal charge against the Enemy of the People.
Wisconsin is oh so civilized in its disguised lynch mobs.
Carol_Herman said...
Hey, people who go to Belmont's club must eat a lot of beans. They sure fart a lot, Nichevo.
8/8/11 4:38 PM
See, Carol, I could whine about your decency, but the fact is that means nothing. I literally don't know. What, your saying!
Though I shouldn't mock you, that was mostly correct English. And, thank God, it was short. Nu, first let's work on the style, then the content.
Thanks, I have always had a fondness for older women, but Carol is a self-advertised 72. Althouse was about my limit...and that was before I started listening to her audio and realized what a ruined old-woman voice she has now. Not sexy. (I could guess why but that wouldn't be nice, though scientifically of some value to explore.)
a faustian slip?
Mary said...
Faust ... Foust.
At least it's not Foist. Yet
60, I am, mocking ... her writing. Style!
TW: speltul. Carol needs a speltul but that's not all she needs.
I love how nobody in Madison wants to investigate or prosecute this case.
Which should tell you all you need to know about which party is likely the one at fault.
So, how come they used a photo of Geraldo Rivera?
The pity is her heart is kinda in the right place. Like I said, next to "J" for example, she's practically perfect. Then again his writing is worse too. I blame the meds.
But, of course, when you shoot a Gabby Giffords and kill a bunch of people no one remembers, you have to expect the jail dispensary to load you up real good. I just wonder how he can get so much blogging time in lockup - must have had his teeth removed to help him earn Web access.
@Nichevo, If you don't think Carol Herman's comments add value to a thread, why do you think that a running commentary on her comments does?
Perhaps I can improve her, Chip. The experiment is cheap enough.
Nichevo, Carol may have a high noise-to-signal ratio, but there are occasional gems in her comments. /metaphormixing
Plus, they're easy to identify for people who want to skip over them.
Also, Carol H. inspired the brilliant Herman Carol to comment here, er, briefly.
What happened to him, anyway?
Woody Allen played gin rummy for his soul at a tenth of a cent a point to keep it interesting.
"I play better when money is involved."
"Perhaps I can improve her..."
Carol is unique. Perhaps you could learn something from her.
Sure, I learned that Sen. Church, or was it Warren, had his cock and balls chopped off down to a stump. Never a dull moment on Althouse. Decency!
Hey, I said her heart was in the right place. Cedarford's writing is almost twice as good as hers, sometimes, and I still can't stand him.
Nichevo, the distorter!
Frank Church had testicular cancer. When Nixon was going down, Church went after Executive Powers. (Had nothing to do with testicular cancer, which he had overcome.)
But, yes. I did have a girlfriend, who saw what was left, when she was invited to a party. On a yacht.
The Warren Commission report was a disaster for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren. Who had also been one of California's governors.)
How did Earl Warren deal with LBJ? He resigned his post ... and headed up the Warren Report's Commission into JFK's assassination.
Reports don't get this "funny," again, until Richard Feynman is called in to the commission put together by Reagan. To find the cause of the Challenger accident.
That was "space," then. Space, today, is only what a person can remember. In an Internet world, where you don't have to be a pundit to speak. Even while sitting at home, I could be heard by someone I don't know. Out there.
I can also assure you I'll never join a club!
Dane County: where policy becomes law.
In virtue of what - on what legal ground - is a special prosecutor warranted and why does Foust get to appoint one? Why a special prosecutor and not a grand jury? Why anything at all?
Owed to Carol
Carol really greats...cheese so fine... melts in the mouth...not in the hands...spritz from a member's seltzer bottle aimed at Prosser.
Bis durch Boehner furzen.
wv = twivers: That's Twitter-speak for getting the willies.
Wisconsin has 10 electoral votes.
Yesterday. Or the day before. Glenn Reynolds posted VodkaPundit's electoral college's projected map for 2012.
Neither side reaches "win." But there are red and blue states, easily defined. And, the number of electoral votes they carry, are also pictured.
Here, because Mark O posted it ... I ran to look at Stephen Green's map. Mark O said Wisconsin, ahead, will be blue.
So, is Florida's. Which made me gasp out loud: OH, NO! Not 2000, all over again!
Aren't ALL politicians, now, concerned over what happens in 2012?
Isn't it even possible ... if Sherlock is out there ... That Judge Foust wants to HIDE THE BALL?
Where better to hide it, than in Dane County.
Nothing's in my rearview mirror, where I've learned that everything I see will be larger than what I can see.
Here? Gosh. Isn't Prosser already sworn in for another ten years?
Didn't Tubbs interview all the other justices? Wouldn't his notes be considered "under oath?"
What's really missing, however, is how the Judiciary Committee ... where Prosser filed his complaint ... is handling their paperwork.
Can there be a complaint that generates no paper?
Perhaps? Perhaps? Perhaps, Judge Foust wants to have someone special ... that can do a Wendi Deng ... on the pie plate that's coming?
I don't think anyone's even been told what Prosser wrote in his complaint.
But what if it's not about the lady, Bradley. But actually swings out at Shirley Abrahamson?
When does court reconvene again? When does summer end, in Wisconsin?
Carol Herman wrothe: I can also assure you I'll never join a club!
Heh. That reminds me of Groucho (the other Marx)'s one liner:
Please accept my resignation. I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.
Carol_Herman said...
Nichevo, the distorter!
Don't blame me. Go back to that thread, Carol, and see what is left of your posts.
I got this about your German girlfriend only in passages of yours that other posters had quoted, because apparently Wretchard, or some admin, finally got nauseated and pulled the plug on you. You apparently laid several other turds that also got fished out of the pool but left traces of E. carol.
So, impossible as it seems, maybe you said something that made sense. Doubt it, but you never know.
Frank Church had testicular cancer. When Nixon was going down, Church went after Executive Powers. (Had nothing to do with testicular cancer, which he had overcome.)
And why would your loshen hara choose to mention this fact? For what reason? I will grant you that theoretically, just conceivably, your remarks about Bob Woodward and Mark Felt being fags together in some kind of cabal had some relevance to the Watergate blowup.
What about Church? A powerful clique of eunuchs? Maybe his lowered testosterone led to bad decision-making? Is that why we had to know this?
But, yes. I did have a girlfriend, who saw what was left, when she was invited to a party. On a yacht.
You know what, I don't believe you. Or, you were a fool to believe her. What, Church went out on boats to flash this wound? Maybe to get some chickie to rub his stump?
Yes, decency! You chaleria! And I know Church harmed this country. You think that has something to do with why? That would be like me hypothesizing that to be as stupid as you are, you must be ugly too. What if you are? What has that got to do with anything?
Dan Fouts went to law school? Not bad for a footballer.
The 20's called, they want their moustache back.
So ... a special prosecutor has some stringent record keeping and transparency requirements, no? I seem to recall reams of records when Star was SC-ing The Libido in Chief's sad little crime.
So ... depositions of multiple justices and staff attesting to what they saw with their own eyes & heard with their own ears. We have reports already of one justice saying "You weren't choked."
What's statutes does false accusation fall under? Criminal as well as civil, I think.
I suspect that appoint-somebody-else-guy, more than picking an attack dog wants some distance when this blows up, so the rabid pro-hordes don't blame him.
Nichevo? Did you know I'm annoyed with you?
I feel certain that fact will make you a nice person.
Wow, I came to the Faust thread in search of a vision of the macrocosm and all I find is a Struggle Session between Carol Herman and Nichevo.
""Foust" has probably been anglicized from German "Faust". Some ancestor probably got tired of hearing Americans say "Fawst" when the proper pronunciation is "Fowst". Something similar happened with my own surname. And, no, it isn't Slothrop."
But "Foust" might be pronounced/mispronounced "Foost."
BTW, Althouse is a respelled German name, originally Althaus. I think it was respelled not to keep people from mispronouncing it, but to get them to spell it right, by making the misspelling the correct spelling.
"Foust" could be the same thing. People keep spelling it that way, so let's adapt to America.
But then people also continue to spell it the old way, as happens with Althouse.
I don't think most immigrants from a non-English-speaking country care if the Americans pronounce their name American-style.
The fashion for saying foreign names with a foreign accent is much sillier than straight-out Americanizing the pronunciation.
all I find is a Struggle Session between Carol Herman and Nichevo.
It was worthwhile for having coaxed Herman Carol out of his limiting state.
I don't even like when people try to give the "Alt" in "Althouse" a German pronunciation! (And, of course, to say "Althouse" with a whole German accent, like some Americans do with Hispanic names, would be quite ridiculous.)
Yeah, me too. I was hoping to sell my soul for something good. Since I can’t get much for my soul on the Cartesian meat market. S & P downgraded my soul’s rating. A strong likelihood my soul’s going into default. Think I’ll put it up for sale on eBay.
Nichevo said to CROL HERMAN, "Do you even understand why people are annoyed with you?"
Who is annoyed with Carol?
So what is Althouse in French then? - la petite femme de diable?
Would I take a law course from a prof who published under that name?
Althouse wrote: But "Foust" might be pronounced/mispronounced "Foost."
Suppose that Foust gives Prosser the oust while Shirley cites Proust to rule the roost.
"Wow, I came to the Faust thread in search of a vision of the macrocosm and all I find is a Struggle Session between Carol Herman and Nichevo."
Nichevo, give it a rest. We like Carol. Skip her posts if they bother you.
Well I don't like Carol, but I dislike Struggle Sessions even more.
wv = fustst
The fashion for saying foreign names with a foreign accent is much sillier than straight-out Americanizing the pronunciation.
That's exactly why people cringe when Obama pronounces Pakistan. It's so not Middle American!
In virtue of what - on what legal ground - is a special prosecutor warranted and why does Foust get to appoint one? Why a special prosecutor and not a grand jury? Why anything at all?
This is the statute governing special prosecutors in Wisconsin. Basically a court on its own motion or at the request of the district attorney can appoint a special prosecutor. One of the reasons enumerated in the statute for appointing a special prosecutor is if the DA determines that there is a conflict of interest regarding the DA or their staff. I think that is that the DA is claiming here although I’m not sure how broadly “conflict of interest” is defined in Wisconsin.
One other interesting thing is if the appointment is going to exceed more than six hours per case, the judge or DA is supposed to request the assistance of “assistance from a district attorney, deputy district attorney or assistant district attorney from other prosecutorial units or an assistant attorney general” as the special prosecutor or else they have to notify the department of administration that they were unable to do so. I doubt that anyone is expecting this to be cleared up in six hours or less so it should be interesting to see whether this gets sent to the AG’s office or to another DA (and if so which one) or if the judge tries to appoint another attorney (although I’m not sure what the basis for that would be).
Mark O,
Who are you?
Don't you think she enjoys the attention? Besides I am making her bring her A game by getting her to acknowledge that other people exist and respond to them like a person and not a bot.
Besides, tell me that you would not flunk her out of any class you taught if she wrote papers like she posts. The only value of old people is that they were brought up in the good old days, when schools were better. So how can she, a law professor's pet, write like a glossolaliac speaks?
TW: coesses. Althouse's coesses failed to soothe Carol.
"The fashion for saying foreign names with a foreign accent is much sillier than straight-out Americanizing the pronunciation."
I entirely agree, which is why I had to stop listening to NPR.
I have never heard a non-English speaking person attempt to pronounce American names in an "American" accent, and I'm glad! It's a ridiculous affectation, some weird hold-over from when Americans with cosmopolitan pretensions felt the need to try and impress the Continentals.
Worse is when a native English speaker attempts to "correct" my pronunciation of an obscure proper name, or worse, "corrects" my use of a word like "Florence" with "Firenze". Physical violence usually ensues.
caplight said...
Nichevo said to CROL HERMAN, "Do you even understand why people are annoyed with you?"
Who is annoyed with Carol?
8/8/11 6:33 PM
caplight, it is not easy to get yourself kicked off the Belmont Club. Anyone who is not annoyed with Carol Herman is no friend of hers - they are the sort who like to watch crippled flies crawling around, even if they did not pull off the wings themselves.
I have never heard a non-English speaking person attempt to pronounce American names in an "American" accent, and I'm glad!
Tracey Ullman?
... let's see, synonyms for "course" (as in taking a law course from "Uber-alt-House"), now these are not Germanic synonyms, of course ... properly Anglicized synonyms for “course:” ... "of liquids," and "to take part in a hunt with hounds," and "a biting match," and "a course of bricks, as in masonry"...
Also, Palladian, what is a Struggle Session?
Nichevo, give it up!
I don't like at least 50% of the people who post comments here but as I learned a long time ago it's better to simply scroll past their comments than bitch about them.
Sure, I get tired of scrolling past Carol's thousands of words a day, but as I already scroll past so many other commenter's words unread, it's really not too big of a deal. Irritating commenters (usually) eventually burn out and disappear. Carol, too, shall pass.
"Also, Palladian, what is a Struggle Session?"
Too precious!
Well, Palladian, I don't give a fuck what Althouse says, but if you think I should lay off, okay. I guess I really just wanted to shake things up a bit - aside from being nuts, after a while the nuts is boring.
I also did want to see if she had a top gear - as I think I mentioned, the one thing that irked me just a bit about Trooper York is his character's poor English. Seemed improbable, hackneyed, fake.
But I recall that on some occasion, some grave occasion where he came out of character, he wrote like a cultured person, and I was much reassured about his quality.
So I wanted to see if Carol could even briefly snap out of her shtik and talk sense. I didn't imagine driving her off the board or doing her any harm, just wanted to pressure-test to see if there was a mind hiding under all that rot.
But apparently I should give up. Carry on, Carol, with whatever it is you think you are doing.
“The sheriff department's report made no recommendation on whether to charge anyone ...”
Okay, Foust appoints a special? The Wisconsin Judicial Commission (is this an ethics commission?) works first? Or, the special prosecutor first?
Or they stare at each other playing chicken - blinkering at each over the sheriff department non-recommendation?
Is Wisconsin the same state today which gave us the great Oshkosh women’s anarchist strikes? Why can’t we get some real action out of Wisconsin?
Doesn’t anyone out there in Wisconsin really know how to choke anymore?
If we took a vote right now as to who stays, you or Carol Herman, it wouldn't even be close. You're gone.
Carol has, after all, been cited for one of her comments at Althouse by non other than the Instapundit himself.
I find her writing has a certain James Ellroy quality as in his later noir LA Quartet works, especially White Jazz. Of course her work is not nearly as dark and brooding.
Which brings up C-4.
I wish just once someone on this thread-would assert herself in that direction...
If Ron Paul having his name on something means he owns the opinion-or responsibility-than just once someone should take a certain festering poison and at the very least address it.
Is it enough to say I was once married to an, erh Englishman?
You know what?
I still think Prosser complained NOT ABOUT LADY BRADLEY ... of "chokehold" fame. But directly to the Wisconsin Judiciary Oversight-seers ... about the chief justice herself.
So, if we go back for a moment. We know that Prosser, and other judges (justices?) ... without Crooks ... were walking around the Supreme Court ... at 5:30 PM. Because an ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION ... malfunctioned.
Everything else from, "foost," to faust." And, "hoist" to "foist" ... is a RED HERRING!
What are "duties" when you swear an oath? What were Abrahamson's administrative duties on that fateful day? (Yes. She was found hiding in Bradley's office.)
Prosser is a lawyer. As well as a judge. He can't complain about legal opinions. Because they are individually composed. And, all are Kosher.
Yet' "chokehold" flamed in and out ... While Prosser's complaint is hidden from view.
Is he going after Abrahamson on "technicalities?" What's the rule on "publishing opinions" ... by the court ... that Abrahamson tried to ditch, before you read the opinion that dealt with ... what I think ... (which means I'm depending on faulty memory) ... had to do with Wisconsin's legislature passing legislation that 14-fleeing politicians couldn't kill.
It's also some sort of meetings rule.
The Supreme Court decision was not unanimous. Abrahamson was in the minority. Prosser added to the majority opinion ... with an assortment of stuff that came out of the newspapers ... Because he wanted to create an official document.
What's Foust really doing?
Isn't the "special prosecutor" gonna be seen in political terms, like it, or not?
And, yes, too. Wisconsin, on an electoral map Glenn Reynolds posted ... is shown as being a TOSS UP STATE.
Not Blue.
In play.
If you were a player in Dane County ... what would you think the law there, is up to?
Judges are very vested in politics! (For example. If obama wins in 2012 ... what will he be able to do? You think judges are picked from a non-political pot?)
You bet I'm curious. That's why 'm asking.
I mean that could be a reason to despise the English.
Maybe they're feckless...
And being that you're German..
Achtung Baby.
That may be - but Althouse or any vote here has no power. That's one thing she sacrifices by not paying for the blog. You tolerate Titus, you tolerate Carol, you tolerate Cedarford and J, you have to tolerate me. So nyahh.
Besides, as Althouse might say, you are not reading closely. Where did I say that Carol must go?
Nichevo said about Trooper York: But I recall that on some occasion, some grave occasion where he came out of character, he wrote like a cultured person, and I was much reassured about his quality.
Just last night I happened to be listening to Bob Dylan doing his Old Time Radio Hour (a few years old recordin now). His affected voice was really, really annoying! Such a contrast to the Bob Dylan captured by Martin Scorcese in interviews "No Direction Home." Dylan, when he's being himself with his mask off, speaks with a flat, deadpan Midwestern "accent." This makes a lot of sense given when and where he grew up. I'll bet that's the voice he uses when he goes back and talks to friends and family as Bob Zimmerman.
Also, funny, but I would pronounce Foust "foost" thinking it French, I guess.
Can't anybody figure out what Prosser wrote in his complaint?
Nichevo v Herman. We could have a civil lawsuit captioned that way or a boxing match. I prefer the latter. I know a guy w/ a portable boxing ring and I'll be happy to officiate. We need 3 judges but I think it will be decided by KO or TKO. Trooper, Frau Althaus and Titus will judge. However, Titus needs to pass a urine test. If he fails the test Chip Ahoy is the alternate. We just need the must be neutral.
At some point the stupid spitting contest is gonna end.
But I'll keep pressing keys, here.
Because I really want to know how Prosser approached his complaint.
No. It won't be a boxing match!
And, yes. His complaint is still a secret.
It's also not about chokeholds.
It's about fundamentals. Politics. And, the judiciary's ability to "hide da ball." (I know. A man asks the tailor to just leave a lot of room.) /s
Is Chief Justice Shirley Abarhamson's career, ahead, in any jeopardy?
Wow, you really do misunderstand. I am giving Carol the benefit of the doubt that she is more worthwhile than say Titus, who is obviously more literate, but whose whole bloglife is a lie and who has never got anything to say of any importance whatsoever - has even given up on the mobying.
In Carol's case I still imagine there might be a pony under there. I'm not hating on her. I'm not telling her to go fuck her mother or to go die or anything. I can't imagine what the objection is to my engaging her, other than that I'm wasting my time.
To profess enjoyment of her antics, IMHO, marks one as the sort of person who enjoyed bear-baiting or visits to Bedlam, back in the day. Or reality shows, which upon reflection may be most of you.
Nicky, Nicky, Nicky,
No, you didn't read close enough. I never said you said Ms Herman must go. Ya gotta keep up and read fast but accurate.
Now, ndspinelli, I am going to suggest that we use the rotunda of Wisconsin State Capital. It is the People's House after all. And while it may not be neutral the acoustics are quite awe inspiring.
I love Titus! He even taught me things about "pinching" and sex that even at my age ... didn't know.
But makes me laugh.
The lunatic from russia, here? Not on the same plane. A dickless hyena.
We tolerate Titus? We tolerate C4? We tolerate the divine Ms Herman? Nay, we do not tolerate rather we revel in their presence and count it a joy to know them as fellow Althousians. You we tolerate, you little twit.
Nichevo said...
Mark O,
"he wrote like a cultured person, and I was much reassured about his quality."
If I let myself judge a commenter's "quality" by their conformity to the rules of the paternalistic fascist overlords in casual blog comments, I'd be looking for a psychoproctologist.
" I'd be looking for a psychoproctologist."
Titus probably knows one.
Oh, are we ever going to stop talking about "ta ta's" here? Though, yes. I give Titus credit for making me laugh. And, for adding new words to my vocabulary.
On the other hand?
If we can go back to Wisconsin. Which is a toss up state, so far ...
Does Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson have anything to fear from Prosser's complaint?
The special prosecutor isn't being tasked to follow "THE BIG ONE!"
Yeah. I actually liked reading stories about Sandra Day O'Connor. She carried forks into arguments. And, she plunked down plastic reindeer ... to make public displays of Nativity Scenes Kosher.
All by herself, Sandra Day O'Connor ran circles around Rehnquist!
Wisconsin's supreme's, by comparison, is small potatoes.
But small potatoes can be put into the first just as well.
What's behind Foust's back?
Is Prosser able to work his way around his chief ... like Sandra Day O'Connor proved she can. Can? Can?
FIRE! (That error wasn't even due to spell-check.)
"We tolerate Titus? We tolerate C4? We tolerate the divine Ms Herman? Nay, we do not tolerate rather we revel in their presence and count it a joy to know them as fellow Althousians."
I wish people would stop with this "we" shit. This isn't a commune. "We" don't like things because the management does. Just because "we" don't bitch about certain comments or commenters, it doesn't imply that "we" love them. There is no "we" here, though this thread is certainly beginning to fill up with wee-wee.
I give Titus credit for making me laugh. And, for adding new words to my vocabulary.
Penny for your thoughts.
Maybe instead of café threads, Althouse should post regular denunciation threads, where we can conduct these "struggle sessions" weekly. Eventually Althouse will be down to two or three commenters.
Carol, seltzer and club soda are not the same. Seltzer is usually kosher and club soda may not be, plus seltzer is more sour than club soda. I can tell the difference in a blind test--especially when mixed with scotch.
Sixty Grit said...
Who needs reality shows when we have "Lake Mendota Shore", featuring a huge cast of misfits and damaged goods who make Snooki look fit and normal.
"Mendota" is not just a Madison lake--it's also code for "looney bin" or it used to be. Mendota State Mental Hospital is over on the northern shore. That's where they tucked away Ed Gein until he died. When we were kids, we'd say to each other: "you belong in Mendota!" We knew exactly what that meant.
We consider ourselves chastened for the presumptuous use of the first person plural.
Club soda and seltzer are ostensibly the same thing, carbonated water, though in practice the difference between the two is production method: seltzer is usually produced by dissolving gaseous carbon dioxide in water under pressure and club soda is sometimes produced by combining solid ingredients that create carbon dioxide gas in the water through various reactions. Club soda sometimes contains small amounts of these gas-producing substances, such as sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride, and therefore often has a measurable quantity of sodium. Seltzer water usually contains no additives of any kind, and no sodium.
Ken in SC @ 8:02 PM ... REALLY?
I thought you just got larger bubbles when you squirted out seltzer. It never happened, but I was told back when I was a kid, that those glass bottles to blow up.
Meanwhile, if I stir chocolate syrup and a little milk into club soda ... I still get the foam. Which is half the pleasure in a chocolate drink.
How come no one is willing to bet that Prosser can do a job on Shirley Abrahamson. That, yes. Maybe ... He found a complaint where she didn't do her "due diligence."
While I have no idea, really, what "due diligence" means. I do know lawyers ... when the going gets tough ... are adversarial.
People seem to want this to go away. I am happy to end the "spitting contest" and let you keep drooling. I can declare victory and get out because you seem to have improved slightly, and if that's all you got, that's all you got - question answered.
I'm very sorry though, but even at the price of peace on the Internets, you shall never see my big fat cock. Let alone have it, because if you spread your legs, dust, bats, cobwebs would fly out.
Plus if you can't tell I am not from Russia, you definitely fail an intelligence test (quel surprise).
shall I start slow at Whatever or skip straight along to GFY?
I will not plead or ask sympathy, but only mention this for the record:
We are having dreadful houseguests, who have been here far too long, and who cannot be packed off as they deserve.
Among our trouble are two horrid little children, girls two and three, only one of whom can speak, but both can scream at the top of their lungs, fling chocolate milk and yogurt, attack each other, wander into trouble, and generally make life seem not worth living.
It just now occurred to me, watching the older one flirting at the dinner table with a white-hot casserole, in total ambivalence as to whether to let her burn herself or not, that my mental state may be altered on their account.
While confident in the rightness of everything I have been saying, perhaps I nonetheless should have said things differently or kept silent. One does not realize at such times, I think, how one is affected by the sound of shrieks and the smell of diapers.
Paternalistic what? Huh?
I give up, I do assure you.
TW: outterse. Indeed.
Carol: 1
Nichevo: 0
If you have any idea what Prosser might have on Abrahamson, please tell us. I'm sure I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
I think that remark is in poor taste.
I just practically vomited thinking of a T-shirt that said Carol: 1, Nichevo: 30.
But of course you were not thinking of the SEALs.
So Madison has a nuthouse close by. That explains a lot.
We should have a thread on the Milwaukee JS story on how Milwaukee city is quite a bit better off do do Governor Walker's bill.
It is 5:30 at night. Crooks has already left for the day. But "an opinion" that the rules (somewhere) say must be published hasn't seen the light of day.
4 justices. With Prosser among them. Get curious to know where their chief justice, Shirley Abrahamson is.
Sure. First, they look in her office. But she's not there.
How thorough was the search of the building? How soon before Bradley's door was knocked? I have no idea.
But sitting at her desk was Bradley. And, seated nearby was Abrahamson.
Abrahamson, by law, is tasked with administration functions, the other justices don't have. (Something to do with ordering toilet paper for the bhilding. And, also for pushing opinions TO publication ... "Somehow.")
Can a person fail doing an administrative task ... and be fired for this? Why not?
All that I know is that Prosser, on his own, goes to the Judiciary Committee with his complaint.
While Bradley goes public with the "he choked me," while I was flying through the air. (Did Prosser end her trapeze act?)
What if Prosser seeing the force with which Bradley began coming at him ... just put up his arms to protect himself? (You know. The way a kid holds up his arms when he's being beaten by a bully.)
This is what gets turned into the current complaint Judge Foust needs to appoint a special prosecutor for. Where we also already know that Tubbs went in and took testimony the very next day. Form all 7 justices. So here we are including Crooks.) And, when Bradley charged "choke-hold" there were 4 witnesses who disagreed. I don't know.
Heck, I don't even know "whose are first." "What's on second." "And, I don't know is either on 3rd. Or he's playing short stop.)
How far can Prosser's complaint go?
It's been so quiet, all everyone hears are crickets.
I have never heard a non-English speaking person attempt to pronounce American names in an "American" accent, and I'm glad!
I do hear that all the time. On Spanish stations especially. There you are going along Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish then POW! "Hollywood" or "Barack Obama" spoken as an American, then back to Spanish Spanish Spanish.
"Bob" is an Americanization of the nickname for "Robert". The real nickname, "bob", is an honorific that descends from the shuttlecocks of Lavendear...
But this is probably not the thread for that discussion.
Ummm Nichevo, If I had to choose a more pleasant poster I would choose Carol Herman over you any day. IMHO you could up your maturity a notch.
"Patrick said...
Ummm Nichevo, If I had to choose a more pleasant poster I would choose Carol Herman over you any day. IMHO you could up your maturity a notch."
To 11.
Are you trying to feed the fire? Never mind me, but I think that others would not welcome your effort. You'll excuse me if I do not treat this further.
Nichevo is freaking boring.
It's been so quiet, all everyone hears are crickets.
How old is Abrahamson in Risser years?
I left Madison in 1983. Fred Risser* and Shirley Abrahamson were old then. Paul Soglin was youthfully spright. David Prosser was probably still in law school. Sooner or later some of the named people in this story will just keel over from exhaustion. It happens to best and the brightest too.
Risser is not a named character but he is included as part of the genrontocracy.
Can Prosser have his dog with him when he testifies? Because this might be very traumatic for him.
What a chickenshit. Why doesn't he just go and fucking ask the judges what happened, tell them to stop being naughty and to stop tattling and go home.
Carol, respectfully, who is Crooks? Is this your nickname for someone involved in the case? Crooks s a judge? This is the sort of thing that confuses me.
BTW I think I Give Up may have been the short stop. I Don't Know was definitely "Third Base!"
And yeah, club soda has the salt which gives it flavor. Probably unimportant or unwanted in an egg cream, but it gives it a certain savor in mixed drinks or drunk straight. I suppose that's why cops or other nondrinkers who find themselves at a bar will order a club soda. I doubt it matters which you use for getting out stains.
This is what gets turned into the current complaint Judge Foust needs to appoint a special prosecutor for. Where we also already know that Tubbs went in and took testimony the very next day. Form all 7 justices. So here we are including Crooks.) And, when Bradley charged "choke-hold" there were 4 witnesses who disagreed. I don't know.
***Scratches head***
So Prosser is counted as his own witness?
N. Patrick Crooks
Give it 15 seconds
Crooks is one of the justices on Wisconsin's Supreme Court.
By the way anyone who thinks Abarahmson, who is 77, should be ready to roll over and die ... Isn't paying attention.
You can't predict what happens to others.
I even remember a story where a doctor told a patient he was so sick, that the patient only had weeks to live. When it's the doctor who died. The patient is still telling this story. Believe what you want.
While I do remember George Burns. I can remember when he was coming up to his 100th birthday ... tickets were sold to a live performance. Sold out crowd!
Alas, he died a few months later. But he hit 100! He was born in January 1896 and he died in March 1996.
So, I'll keep a marker on this question. What does the law say if the Chief Justice made a "technical" error ... with the paperwork on an opinion the law said she had to publish?
Start with the 5:30 PM time line. Then, notice that Prosser and 3 other justices ... do a bulding walk-about ... looking for their chief.
Put a legal focus on this?
What's in Prosser's complaint?
Why would Prosser need a dog if he were questioned, again, about Bradley's flying leap? Tubbs can't make up witness testimony.
You've already heard that when Tubbs was questioning ALL the seven Wisconsin Supreme Court justices ... the "chokehold" got shot down.
And, yes. It's too late now for Bradley to start wearing a neck brace.
HOT POTATO? I thought you'd have to go to Idaho.
Small potato?
Then why the crickets?
Or better yet, try N. Patrick Crooks
James @ 9:12 PM. I haven't seen the paperwork.
What if there was still one secretary in the building? Maybe, even one person who car-shared?
If it's Prosser's word, PLUS 3 judges who were standing with him in the hallway ... how does Bradley's story fly? (Yes. I know. She flew over her desk. And, also that she's taller and bigger and heavier set than Prosser.)
I don't even like when people try to give the "Alt" in "Althouse" a German pronunciation!
You prefer when the the "Alt" in "Althouse" sounds like the "alt" in "altitude"? Really?
So let's see.... we had 6 justices in a room and two were involved in an altercation. Wouldn't that leave 4 witnesses? One, Abrahamson, supports Walsh's version so wouldn't that leave 3 witnesses in support of Prosser?
No wonder Tubbs is confused; perhaps they should bring in Crockett.
I don't know. How many witnesses are law students taught they need to establish credence at a crime scene?
How do jurors choose whom they want to believe?
You know, Prosser strikes me as very "bookish." Not apt to make a legal mistake.
The 5:30 PM "walk-about" was just a friendly group? No agenda? No desire to find the Chief Justice? Did they whistle while they walked?
We are, indeed, at the end of the day. Where, I think, the fake "chokehold" is cock and bull.
Bradley couldn't "choke" anybody while she was sitting in her chair. And, only sitting next her desk was Abrahamson.
And, the opening of the door ... where you've got 4 colleagues in the doorway ... and the only thing Bradley can think of is to fly out of her chair?
This story holds up for you?
No wonder Tubbs is confused; perhaps they should bring in Crockett.
"You prefer when the the "Alt" in "Althouse" sounds like the "alt" in "altitude"? Really?"
I'm no expert on German pronunciation, but I pronounce the "Alt" as in "salt."
Then why the crickets?
Beetles me.
I am learning an awful lot from you though tonight!
Okay, our local nuthouse was "Winnebago". Its in Oshkosh, but close enough to the Valley to be our local nuthouse.
Sometimes i think Carol should spend a few days there ... but mostly i get a kick out of her.
WV rologart. Winnebago residents are transferred on rologarts
What dispute? Prosser won, the BrilloPad finally conceded. Are they talking about that counting snafu in Ozaukee County that turned out to be an innocent mistake?
Somehow, now that Prosser won no more Wisconsin news gets down to Florida.
Thank you, Carol.
Thank you, Patrick, though if I had the full name instead of "Crooks" I could have indeed googled it. Try googling "crooks" sometime. Hint: your namesake isn't on the first page.
I don't know what kind of political dynamite Prosser could have on the Chief Justice, though. Is this another coverup-is-worse-than-the crime deal? ISTM Prosser could have complained of two things: Malfeasance (non-posting the law or breaking her pinky swear or whatever) by Abrahamson, and/or assault and battery by Bradley.
Where I'm struggling is - this is all old news. What hasn't been covered here before?What would be interesting to know is how Prosser's complaint, whatever it is, will be handled, and in what timeframe. Who is on this committee? (Does this matter?)
Nichevo...Carol is very intelligent, but she does machine guns out her thoughts as she has them.
To me that is very entertaining. You called her a glossolaliac for using that style. Do you even know what that means?
OK, she thinks faster than you seem to enjoy reading. But that doesn't make her ideas uninteresting.
I also enjoy your writing style. It comforts me.
While the Professor's writing skills always amaze me, and Carol's entertain me.
We all have something to offer, if only being the bad example.
I'm down with Nichevo. I can't fucking stand Carol_Herman. I've endured her on other blogs elsewhere, and I'm very annoyed that she's decided to set her withered ass down here. She has nothing to add, unless you think the blog commenting equivalent of "Disco Duck" is meaningful to you.
Carol is a unique troll, bred to haunt our dark hours with howls of stupidity. The sooner she migrates to some other poor, dumb bastard's blog, the better.
Ann Althouse said...
BTW, Althouse is a respelled German name, originally Althaus. I think it was respelled not to keep people from mispronouncing it, but to get them to spell it right, by making the misspelling the correct spelling.
When my grandparents married in about 1919, they still spelled their surname "Leimbröck". Some time later they changed the spelling to Limebrook, as we still spell it. My mother's theory was that they were embarrassed about having a German name because of WWI, but they lived in St. Louis where nearly everybody was German. It wasn't until I took German in high school that I realized that "Leimbröck", pronounced in German, sounds like "Limebrook". Improperly pronounced, the way most Americans would pronounce it, it sounds like "Leembrock". I think they were tired of having their ears offended.
Ask yourself why Althouse hillbillies think it's A-OK for Prosser to choke a female judge.
There are at least two people in this thread who desperately need to sign off for the evening and go get themselves laid.
By any means necessary.
I think Nichevo, Carol and everyone else can all agree that Alex is actually the most tiresome and annoying commenter at Althouse.
I have the Althouse hillbillies on the run!
I think Althouse needs a post per thread limit. If you're not funny, no one wants to read you go on, and on, and on, and on.
Stop camping out on someone else's bog, Get your own.
Oh wait, you wouldn't - 'cause no one would read it.
Didn't Carol Herman once have a blog? "Eggagog" I think it was.
I would like to be very meta and make a comment about the comments on comments, but I just saw Captain America and now my head really hurts.
So I will only add that the best thing to happen to this most minor of complaints is that the Prosser item will be slowly forgotten, after all blameless procedure are tried.
"Didn't Carol Herman once have a blog? "Eggagog" I think it was."
No, Eggagog was funny.
Ann Althouse said...
I don't think most immigrants from a non-English-speaking country care if the Americans pronounce their name American-style.
The fashion for saying foreign names with a foreign accent is much sillier than straight-out Americanizing the pronunciation.
I think that became especially prominent in the 80's when all the white bread PC news anchors and reporters, including Jerry Rivers himself, were waxing eloquently on the first time the commies took over a certain Central American country. It was hilarious as they would suddenly contort their lips and spit out NEE-CHAR-OW-GWAH and then went back to prissy white English again.
The fashion for saying foreign names with a foreign accent is much sillier than straight-out Americanizing the pronunciation.
Exactly, I wince every time Obama pronounces Pha-KEY-stan.
"I'm no expert on German pronunciation, but I pronounce the 'Alt' as in 'salt.'"
Same as a German would, then, not different.
Oh good grief. There's certainly no tolerating of C4, at least not while I'm around!
And Dustin....
I'll grant you Nichevo scores zero, but C.H being awarded one? No way, they simply don't make negative numbers big enough.
@Tyrone Slothrop
I think they were tired of having their ears offended.
Same with my Dutch grandparents, they dropped the "van der" prefix and adopted the Anglo spelling.
"I'll grant you Nichevo scores zero, but C.H being awarded one? No way, they simply don't make negative numbers big enough."
I just said that to make him mad. He was so freaking boring.
I have no problem with Carol. I don't read all her comments, and that seems like a good solution. Sometimes she's interesting. Often I do not agree with her. I don't see her fucking with people for no reason.
It's interesting how that works. A lot of the most provocative commenters manage to avoid directly attacking anyone (at least starting it).
Same as a German would, then, not different.
That's what I was thinking. Ann must mean the ones who go way over the top with a Schwarzeneggeresque glottal "Aauulthouse".
trad, I think I have been desired to stop saying what I believe, so let me reply to you minimally, not to fan the flames.
I don't use words I don't know the meaning of.
Speaking in tongues; speaking a language one does not know, or speaking elaborate but apparently meaningless speech, while in a trance-like state (or, supposedly, under the influence of spirits).
The defense rests.
I imagine her saying the words and men in short white coats rushing to sedate her.
You couldn't conceive of my reading speed. Honestly. That is not the problem. I too have some interest in her ideas but I believe she is her own worst enemy in presenting them in this fashion.
I also write in rapid fire at times but I do spell check, know basic rules of grammar, and generally either know my facts or do research before asserting them.
I am happy that my writing style is comforting. I don't know how you mean that but it sounds like a nice thing to say. Then again I wasn't sure if Curious George was insulting me or complimenting me before (i.e., 'turn up to 11')
I am not entertained by the sight of cripples, though, my reaction is to turn away hoping they do not notice my emotions.
As for Althouse, meh. I gave her more credit back when I wanted to bone her, as men do. These days I see her as more ditzy. One of these never-wrong types.
If you want to see a writer and thinker, go to Belmont Club and read Richard Fernandez. THIS is what people should think of when they hear "Harvard man." By comparison, Althouse is about fit to be his comfort woman. Except he is a Filipino-Australian, so Mort would probably say that was racist if he were awake (and inaptly so):>.
Always appreciate your support. I don't feel as unkindly as you; my reaction is more mixed with pity. At least she's not a Lefty.
Thanks again, and I hear you, but Dustin is trying so hard, I don't want to give Alex the title just yet.
Eggagog? Looked. OMFG. Um, I dunno. Yes, funny. That's a word, funny :>
Without whining, or anyway without meaning to whine, I think I have had more abuse from more posters on this one topic than C4 does on most threads. Maybe I deserve it - but C4 deserves more. Yet through persistence it's gotten to where he spouts bilge, somebody makes a token attack, he usually doesn't reply but if he does gives it right back, Gary Rosen comes in to remind us what he's really like, time marches on, next topic. Althouse has never said one word in contravention of anything C4 has ever said, to the best of my recollection. Even I often don't bother anymore - and he wants to turn me into soap! ;>
I may not be a Breen.
But you do not exist.
TW: ackend - and I hope we can all take that to heart.
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