The quote is sound, and I'll bet a lot of people of the Northwoods love it, but the Cap Times is using it to leverage a whole theory that Simac only cares about the Second Amendment.
The pathetic Madison newspaper — does anyone in the Northwoods read it? — begins by joking that Simac is "apparently a graduate of the Sharron Angle School of Constitutional Scholarship" and reminds us that Angle — the Nevadan who tried to unseat Harry Reid in 2010 — once referred to using “Second Amendment solutions” to deal with the excesses of government. Note, Simac didn't say "Second Amendment solutions." Her quote is about defending life and property from "aggressors," which would make most people think of criminals — attackers and home invaders. If "aggressors" makes you think of the government... you might want to think about joining the Tea Party yourself.
The Cap Times touts Holperin's "record of taking the whole Constitution seriously."
He has championed the right to speak, to assemble and to petition for the redress of grievances.Is there any evidence that Simac doesn't respect First Amendment rights? Of course, Holperin has a record: He's been the Northwoods senator for decades. But what has Simac ever done to deserve this smear?
He has worked to protect the right to privacy.Now, that's a specific aspect of constitutional law that conservatives and liberals disagree on. But it has nothing to do with "the Sharron Angle School of Constitutional Scholarship" and whether one loves some clauses of the Constitution and ignores others. It has to do with how expansively one ought to interpret the Due Process Clause and whether one supports finding constitutional rights when there is no explicit constitutional text. That's a difficult area of constitutional law that is a perennial issue in American political debate. It has nothing to do with Sharron Angle, enthusiasm for gun rights, and the failure to respect the entire Constitution.
The Capital Times — I've said it before — is a rag. It should be ashamed of itself. As we say in Wisconsin: "Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame."
"But what has Simac ever done to deserve this smear?"
Isn't it obvious? It's the same reason the left hates Palin, Bachmann and you. women who do not line up lockstep with their agenda are inconvenient, and must be dealt with makes the in a) Whatever way makes them shut up and b)Discourages other women from making the same "mistake."
Althouse wrote: The Capital Times — I've said it before — is a rag.
It's not even a rag rag anymore. It's an e-rag.
William T. Evjue, founder of The Capital Times, once wrote "the public interest always must be placed above private interest." Modern day followers of Evjue have confused public interest with public sector union interests. It's really that simple of a corruption.
Shouldn't Wisconsin legislators have, I dunno, opinions on the Wisconsin state constitution or something?
I'm not so daft as to want state legislators who ignore the principle points (rights or otherwise) of the US Constitution, but--
Isn't some of this a little above their pay grade?
Unless perhaps the voters would like to hear how well their candidates assert the prerogatives of their state vis-a-vis the federal goverment.
That might be worth their hearing.
Is there any evidence that Simac doesn't respect First Amendment rights?
Good question. Equally interesting would be finding out what Holperin's respect of the Second Amendment amounts to. Lip service or does he have a record of supporting it?
If you're going to make an argument of the form "unlike their guy, who only believes in A, ours believes in A, B, and C", it doesn't do you a bit of good to quote their guy asserting A. You need to quote their guy denying B and C. That editorial was so shoddy that even J might be ashamed to have written it.
It doesn't matter that no one in the North reads the Cap Times. The purpose of the editorial was to create a "headline" that Holperin can use in ads in the North.
The editorial is not intended to be a logical or reasoned exposition of principle - it is a partisan campaign contribution, nothing more, nothing less.
If you're well armed, it is a lot easier to protect your printing press, web server, etc. and thus your ability to effectively exercise your right to free speech.
Standing in the woods, sharing your political opinions with the trees is a valid exercise of your 1st Amendment Right, but if you can share your opinions with lots of like-minded and persuadable citizens, then it becomes a much more effective exercise, and that sharing requires property - money and goods - and sometimes that property requires defending.
She strikes me as another one trick pony, even Wil Losch, the Libertarian candidate finds her only a "conversational narcissist". As for the Cap Times being a rag, perhaps, but they also have given better in-depth coverage to a number of issues. One that stands out is this article by Finkelmeyer: Power grab: Is UW’s involvement in providing Internet access an invaluable public good?
Read more:
"Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame."
I suddenly had a Gomer Pyle flashback.
Most journalists are not all that smart, nor are they required to think carefully.
Oh, no!!! Another strong conservative woman. Liberal heads are exploding!
Oh, no!!! Another strong conservative woman. Liberal heads are exploding!
In other news, duct tape sales are way up in traditionally left-leaning districts.
Holperin takes the whole constitution seriously, even the parts that don't exist.
The timing of this editorial was not so great. The London rioting has highlighted the idiocy of relying solely upon "law enforcement" for personal protection, the same with the Wisconsis State Fair attacks. And Simac's statements are completely mainstream in the US.
What is scarier to people, Simac's statements, or being helpless in the face of a mob?
The Cap Times has always been reliably anti-gun for as long as I can remember. Pacifist too. Bill Evjue only reluctantly got behind the armed opposition to Hitler. It took the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor to get him on board. But that's ancient history. Just look at the Cap Times' more recent history regarding gun legislation.
"Holperin takes the whole constitution seriously, even the parts that don't exist."
You mean the penumbral parts?
Momma Grizzlies are roaring and the Progressive's fantasy media is Piling it Higher and Deeper.
After all they have the Phd's in advance fantasies while Simac lives in the real world of working with her hands, raising a family, and going to Church ... the poor little darling.
You mean the penumbral parts?
Are those parts before or after the emanations?
I continue to hope to move to Wisconsin as soon as it seems safe.
"Are those parts before or after the emanations?"
I'd say after. I don't think you can have a penumbra without emanations.
You mean the penumbral parts?
Are those parts before or after the emanations?
I think the penumbral emanations occur after you release your chakra.
"I continue to hope to move to Wisconsin as soon as it seems safe."
We'll have concealed carry soon.
We'll have concealed carry soon.
I had to roadtrip from Missouri to Illinois (the last holdout without CCW) last week and pulled over just shy of a bridge over the Mississippi to secure my weapon in a vault mounted under the seat.
Odd feeling.
What the fuck is a conversational narcissist?
wv: blest-- We are blest that J hasn't shown up yet. He must have been up late watching Star Trek Voyager.
The Professor weighs in on self-defense:
"Holperin respects the whole Constitution"
Except, most obviously, this part: "The legislature shall meet at the seat of government at such time as shall be provided by law"
Odd the NRA endorsed Holperin instead of Simac with her staunch 2nd amendment advocacy. Wonder what that's all about.
I forgot to take Meade up on the friendly bet for tomorrow's elections.
It's on.... like Donky Kong!
I'm taking both fleebaggers to win easily, in routs. Holperin by 8pts, Wirch by 14 pts.
It's on.... like Donky Kong!
My niece put that on the side of her cardboard boat for this year's race. Is that from something?
Just wait until Amazon lists a Sony Digital Cam with a built in taser.
The Professor will promote enough sales to have it named after her: The Double Shot of Althouse Love.
It will make shocking videos.
Try reading the Cap Times like you would The Onion, it makes it more bearable.
Blood on the Dance Floor song.
Barney Frank released his chakra recently...or maybe he just lacked control after all that wear and tear.
It's on.... like Donky Kong!
You're probably right about Wirch but Holperin by 8%?
Yep, and I'm sticking to it. Holperin maybe even by double digits.
Maybe I'm missing something, to wit: the phrase in the Constitution (pick one--Wisconsin or US) which outlines the "rights of aggressors."
Any time a Democrat says he believes in the whole Constitution, it only means he believes in poking holes in it.
And, after all the hoo hah about people getting jumped at the WI State Fair, I don't doubt Simac's view will resonate a bit more.
Ann Althouse said...
The Capital Times — I've said it before — is a rag. It should be ashamed of itself.
I wonder, what's the Cap Times' history as far as our own Miss Ann is concerned?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
even Wil Losch, the Libertarian candidate finds her only a "conversational narcissist
Because Wil Losch isn’t going to be a candidate for the Senate is he? He’s an “Also-Ran.” Why don’t you ask some Democrats about the Republican, too, R-V? I’m sure they’ll have some unbiased impressions, as well.
Walker won Vilas County by 63%.
Florence County by 65%.
Langlade by 61%.
And Lincoln by 55%.
I know Holperin is the incumbent-which a lot of people forget what a huge advantage that is-but still-
you think he is going to win by-8%?
uh oh Leetle Joe-jo the Stalchek is again winding up his wit like a watch.-- Lets see how it strikes.
13 O'Clock, in Bloomzburgville!
Holperin maybe even by double digits.
Well I am so out of state it's not funny.
Is there some current polling results I'm missing?
Alternative headline and pic that the Cap Times decided not to go with:
Death Wish Simac
Anyway, according to the TP-GOP (and most Dinkocrats) the Constitution is synonymous with the 2nd Amend--. After the 2nd, it's..shit to be repealed.
Citations to back up your point, please?
Is there some current polling results I'm missing?
PPP just came out with these last two races as a matter of fact after I posted. Holperin by 14 and Wirch by 13. Simac hemorrhaging indys. Could be an outlier though?
"defending from aggressors" is racist code-words. Everyone knows that.
garage openly admits to voting for fleebaggers. He openly admits he has no honor. Anything to advance the Marxist state.
All the recalls are outside Dane Cty, I can't vote.
PPP is a democrat pollster so there's that-plus I was looking at the ward by ward results-that neck of the woods is the sticks.
So what I would suspect is that it would be damn hard to get enough people at random to answer their phones to get a good results.
What was the margin of error on the poll-the MOE-I'm willing to bet it was above 3%....
*If* I were betting I'd go within 5 or 3% I think.
Just to be safe.
I'm off to go take a look at that.
I'm almost willing to bet they didn't publish their internals-that would be the demographic breakdown of their polling sample.
So they did show the demographics and I think this is the problem right here:
Tom Barrett 638 46%
Scott Walker 665 48%
Their polling sample has only 48% Walker voters.
Didn't Walker win district 12 by more than that?
I can only find a county by county breakdown-I can't find the District 12 election results for that race.
They're also polling-
Women at 53%
Men 47%
Really- guys are outnumbered by that much in the North Woods?
"Is there any evidence that Simac..."
No. Or at best, very little. Because she doesn't show up at town halls or listening sessions or debates to put her views on the record.
According to the 2009 census Wisconsin has a female distribution of 50.7%.
Now it's true that once you get up into the older ages females outlive men-but it shouldn't pop up by that much.
My friend in Holperin's district said he's knocked on at least 700 doors, and told me he didn't think it would be as close as people are saying. That's less than half the sample from PPP, but it seems to confirm.
Well all politics is local.
I was wondering why Hopper did so poorly and oops! had completely forgot about the mistress and all that.
If he was in Menomee county or whatever that is-he could be getting a false sense of security-that county went by some 70+% for Barnett-but Walker ended up winning.
It's Menominee.
78% for Barnett.
Kim Simac gets to address Madison's inane cop misdirections ... And, she gets this where at least hundreds and thousands come. Some who will be voting on Tuesday!
It's the best media! (Meade-ia)
Because it doesn't cost Kim Simac one read cent. She didn't have to "dial for dollars" to get her campaign tooting along.
Glad she's seen!
Glad she didn't have to dip into her own bank account ... or even ask others for money.
Though she should.
(By the time "O" gets to meet his competition ... as we draw closer to November 2012) ... I want to see someone clever ... Doing a DUMP TRUCK button. With a feel of 3-dimentions. Doesn't have to cost a fortune. But it will say across the side: "DUMP-O"
And, I hope Kim WINS on Tuesday. So she can see all this political business FROM THE INSIDE!
Professor, I feel profoundly less intelligent for having read that op-ed. How obliviously insular is Madison?
Another potential. For a shirt with either maw or paw kettle on front.
And, a slogan:
SAME. SAME. SAME. Things haven't changed much since _______________ blew into town.
Pick your "winner" ... (I was going to put in Woodrow) ... but then I thought I'd just confuse enough people who wouldn't know who Woodrow was.
Men outnumber women in the northwoods. See page 10 of this census report.
Menominee county is the Menominee Indian reservation. Population of about 4,600 I think.
Okay. Next try.
Are these people screaming shame over Bill Clinton's bent penis getting exposed? Where have they been?
Why let them control where the word "shame" falls?
It used to fall (before the invention of Pampers), onto the heads of little kids ... who didn't make it to the potty in time.
"Professor, I feel profoundly less intelligent for having read that op-ed. How obliviously insular is Madison?"
It's the Capital Times. Even publishing in Madison, they went belly up.
"garage mahal said...
I'm taking both fleebaggers to win easily, in routs. Holperin by 8pts, Wirch by 14 pts."
Our peerless prognosticator!
Triangle Man
Thanks for that link. Still reading it through...
Indian reservation-I kind of expected that from the name-plus the number of votes in the wards is extremely small.
Even publishing in Madison, they went belly up.
Its editorial slant didn't help, but what really killed it was that it was published in the afternoon. Are there any afternoon papers anymore?
"Its editorial slant didn't help,..."
Its editorial slant didn't help, but what really killed it was that it was published in the afternoon. Are there any afternoon papers anymore?
That was stipulated at the time when the two papers merged their production facilities into Madison Newpapers Inc, (MNI) back in 1948 IIRC. At the time, the afternoon publishing time was considered plum because reporters had all day to write up the day's news. The Cap Times lost that gamble going forward in time. They would have changed to a morning paper, but that would have meant dissolving MNI which only came into being as a cost savings for both papers.
@MadisonMan: I researched the history of Madison Newspapers, Inc. back in the late 1970's. My dad worked there as a printer (paste-up artist) from 1960 to 1977.
You might recall that there was long and very bitter newspaper strike at the time.
You snark at the capitalist media whores you HAVE, not the capitalist media whores you WISH you had.
It has been educational to see crowded media scrums of Tea Party events that match or even dwarf their actual attendance, faithfully carrying their messages forward, even as they become ever more unpopular. If there's one thing Ye Olde M$M is adept at it's following elite money.
PROTIP: That the Tea Party bases its goals on a menu of false threats from the government does not in any way magically eliminate the very dire, very real threats the government contains, just as 9/11 Truthers do not magically discredit all state conspiracies by virtue of erring in regards to the one event they've chosen as a totemic fetish, no matter how hilariously or egregiously they may err. In fact, some might argue that those with vested interests in keeping the full account of said event obscured could do little better in terms of organizing & executing a psyop than to instigate, finance & direct something exactly like Teh WAEKUPSHEEPLEZ 9/11 Really Real Truth At Last Judean People's Front.
"Odd the NRA endorsed Holperin instead of Simac with her staunch 2nd amendment advocacy. Wonder what that's all about."
Why is that odd? Obviously, Holperin supports gun rights too. It's mentioned in the editorial, and how could he have been state senator from that district all these years if he didn't support gun rights?
Your standard for oddness is just bizarre.
"Your standard for oddness is just bizarre."
Garage lives in a very simple world.
Your standard for oddness is just bizarre.
How many times do you see the NRA support a Dem when a hard right wing 2nd amendment Repub is on the other ticket? Obviously they see something in Simac they don't like.
"Obviously they see something in Simac they don't like."
Not obvious to me. Seems likely their happy with his past performance on the issue they're concerned about.
NRA has a pro-incumbent policy. If two candidates are equally pro-gun, NRA supports the incumbent.
"NRA has a pro-incumbent policy. If two candidates are equally pro-gun, NRA supports the incumbent."
Not everybody's thinking stops after they've determined party affiliation, garage.
Uh huh, and when the next gun thread comes up you'll see the flying monkeys swarming with "the LEFT! wants to....!!!"
And you'll pretend not to notice.
Everything's black and white in your world.
Running on an anti-gun platform in northern WI is political suicide, regardless of party.
Apparently that makes GM believe that "the LEFT!" is now pro-gun.
Apparently that makes GM believe that "the LEFT!" is now pro-gun.
The pathetic Madison newspaper — does anyone in the Northwoods read it?
I've been in Vilas county since June and haven't heard the Cap Times mentioned a single time.
"The pathetic Madison newspaper — does anyone in the Northwoods read it?"
It's only a keystroke away!
Shirley it's more than one keystroke...
Don't call me surely.
My understanding is that irrespective of the outcome of tormorrows elections, the republicans still control the legislature. No?
"The pathetic Madison newspaper — does anyone in the Northwoods read it? — begins by joking that Simac is "apparently a graduate of the Sharron Angle School of Constitutional Scholarship""
I just heard Simac being interviewed. Didn't sound like a loon to me.
You are correct, Roger. Republicans control by 1 Senator, with the chance to add to that tomorrow.
Holperin disrespected the majority of voters in WI that put the majority in place and wanted the work to be done. Holperin respected democracy for himself, but by leaving the state no citizen was able to speak to him freely, request a grievance be addressed in his presence, this is the goofy's thing to me...or have access to the group of Dems, which seemed to be such a big deal, when the Progs/Dems couldn't get in the chambers during the hearings or debate. How could they get in to hear the Dems if they weren't there, that was the most "closed" meeting behavior I've ever seen...take it to another state. WTF can make sense of that.
John Nicoles at the Cap Times are a Soros machine. He really sold his soul when he became joined at the hip with MSNBC's Ed "the screamer" Schulz outside the capitol on election night. News journolists, spelling intended, spewing propaganda. They made Bernie Madoff look clean.
Didn't get a chance to reply to you yesterday, but more than likely I'll take a trip to Lubbers in May.
Garage--keep me posted--I am pretty flexible when I go to lubbers, but almost always in May--I will introduce to you dock fishing at night for mutton snapper wherein kalik beer (bahamas beer and good) and gin and tonics are consumed while waiting for the fish to bite--great fun.
hope all is well with you and yours
Sounds good Roger, trying to round a few dudes to ease the cost of the cottage/boat. I suppose I could just go solo too. Muttons right of the dock eh?
Garage--indeed--some guys at Paul and Robbie's caugh 22 of their dock (right next door) in the week they were there--The mutton snapper come in off the reefs to spawn inshore in may and are most active at night--not as good as walleye (but what is?) but awfully good eating.
Garage--you might check with Paul at pura vida--He might be able to integrate you into a less than full party--nevers hurts to ask
Dale Schultz.
I would take snapper over walleye, although I can't speficially remember eating a mutton, but I'm sure we caught a few wreck fishing. Lots of reds and yellowtails though. You use squid? I bet baitrunner spinning reels are perfect for that.
I really had the urge to go now, I was going to call them up and see what was [still] biting, then decided against. I'll call them up though this week and get the skinny on all the particluars. Cannot effing wait!
Muttons are great but there are also some good size mangrove snapper that are active at night--all good. Yellowtails are my fave but they are usually on the reefs. Also lane and schoolmaster snapper all good.
Squid works, but dolphin skin is the best because its tough and the little guys can't eat it up before the big ones move in. Bait is not a problem. I use 8 pound test spinning gear but with a 12 inch shock leader--just enough weight to sink it--I have lost some big fish with the light tackle, but its a hell of a lot more fun. Sometime the rays or sharks pick up your bait and head south and theres nothing you can do.
garage--have tied up the professors blog with the fishing stuff--I will email you on your private email and give you the full particulars about lubbers including a word about a good bonefish flat on the west side of the cay. check your private email tomorrow
Sounds good. I have a few questions.
They didn't endorse Sharron Angle either.
Might have had something to do with this:
The world's largest and most comprehensive shooting range opened in North Las Vegas.
The massive range and support facilities cost $60 million to construct.
The world’s largest and most advanced shooting range officially opened today in North Las Vegas with a host of dignitaries. The $60 million Clark County Shooting Park is both large and comprehensive, designed to attract not only locals, but shooting enthusiasts from around the world.
Nevada’s politicians came to praise the facility along with the NRA, National Rifle Association.
Nevada Senator Harry Reid spoke today at the opening ceremony for the Clark County Shooting Park. Reid was instrumental in securing land and more than $60 million in funding for the park.
@ScottM: I had to roadtrip from Missouri to Illinois (the last holdout without CCW) last week and pulled over just shy of a bridge over the Mississippi to secure my weapon in a vault mounted under the seat.
Were you traveling TO Illinois, or THROUGH Illinois? It makes a difference, because the FOPA (Firearms Owners' Protection Act) protects you from prosecution only if the gun is legal for you to possess at both ends of your interstate trip. I don't know Illinois law well, but given all their other regulations, it seems highly likely that you would need an Illinois firearm owner ID card to be legal.
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