"Are you a stripper, an escort, or just a 'young hottie' impressed by an arrogant, entitled governor of Texas? Contact CASH, and we will help you publicize your direct dealings with a Christian-buzzwords-spouting, 'family values' hypocrite and fraud."Ick. Reminds me of Rush Limbaugh, the other day:
I got one of these e-mail things... "Where are all of Obama's former girlfriends?" It's a takeoff on where are all of the students Obama taught who claim to have been inspired by him when he taught law at the University of Chicago.
Where are all of the former classmates of Obama who can tell wonderful stories about their experience with Obama on campus or in the classroom? And it's interesting because those people haven't surfaced. There aren't any ex-girlfriends that have admitted it. Students that have been inspired by Obama as a professor, they haven't come forth. Media hasn't dug 'em up. It is interesting from the standpoint that the guy has not been vetted yet. Look what they're trying to do to Michele Bachmann, what they're planning on doing to Perry and so forth.
The Chronicle is a vile, shitty little rag. They can't even give it away free.
"Students that have been inspired by Obama as a professor, they haven't come forth." Yes, they did. I'm pretty sure I read about it on this blog.
If it is going to be an issue for the left to use, then payback is fine for the left.
There's a majority of people who were more offended at the republicans for impeaching Bill Clinton in the House; than were willing to see Bill Clinton lose his presidency over a BJ.
Not that the topic disappears. It's out there. Especially a snag for the more religious folk. Where there is a political divide, after all.
Here? The GOP started looking for its candidate to challenge Obama, by going to Iowa. Pushes out the "religious bulge" and makes it seem like the core.
Well? It could be the core.
But then the stupid party loses.
What are the journalists going to write about? They're not friends of their subjects. They write what gives them space as close to page one as possible.
And, if you know those are the rules, why b shocked?
Sleezy and irrelevant. Unless there's some sort of reason to believe that there's an issue (I'd accept it for Bill Clinton), what could they possibly prove that would be relevant? It's absurd.
On the plus side, I'm impressed that they're doing this to a man, and not the usual obsession with Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann/Christine O'Donnell's sex lives.
- Lyssa
It's relevant, as it gets behind the publicity machine and tries to figure out what the person is like outside of the spotlight.
But, it's also sleazy. Not inherently so, but pretty close.
It's also inherently biased, and biased in a way that plays off of the supposed objectivity of the press.
However, at this point even a shockingly biased exploration helps the Republicans. We don't need to know about Obama. We see him in action.
And I'd rather have a candidate on the Right who really is who they say they are.
That's one of the good things about Bush, even still. Who he was in public, like him or not, was who he was in private. It seems like, from the emails, that Palin is the same way.
You get what you see. Which is comforting.
Inquiries into whether or not people found candidate Obama an inspiring teacher is not muckraking. He put forward his expertise in teaching Constitutional law as a qualification to hold office. But inviting people to get publicity and attention by telling stories about sexual encounters with either Obama or Perry - especially if there's no effort to verify such encounters past the word of the person telling the story - is much different. I wouldn't equate the two.
It's too difficult to sift through these things and figure out who's lying. If there was a problem, you have to figure that after 10 years as governor something would have been said. So I said sleazy and irrelevant.
In answer to the post title though, no I have never had sex with Rick Perry. I can't prove it though.
Oh so sadly, I was in my first quarter as a 1L at Chicago just when Obama was running for the Senate. A lot of students seemed excited about the fact that one of "our" professors was running. But I don't actually recall any substantive comments about either him as a professor or his class. Interesting that a guy who supposedly inspired millions doesn't seem to have inspired that many of my upper-classmen. Either that or my head was too buried in reading for Cass Sunstein to care. There seemed to be a fair amount of enthusiasm for him...
That ad is ripe for chaos.
Mother of Gaia make.it.stop.
Hi Partridge!
(This neighborhood just got a whole lot better with you here.)
I guess I'd rather know before than after. But it's still sleazy and I think less of myself for wanting to know. It shouldn't matter if a person performs well in their job what they do in their private life.
To answer the question, though, no, I have never had sex with Rick Perry.
I have also wondered about Obama's former girlfriends.
Obama met Michelle when he was 27.
Really, not one former girlfriend to wax nostalgically about how dreamy Obama was in college or law school? Not one?
Obama, now, has the same advantages, Dubya had back in 2004.
If you think Obama can't win the race ahead? Well, if that's true, then later on, just like Truman, and LBJ, he will retire from the field. Either after New Hampshire. Or before.
Obama's not gonna race like Jimmy Carter did in 1980.
So, what would happen, IF Obama doesn't have a chance to win 2012, and he waits till he pulls out, and all this energy is expended on him now? What do you come up with, if another candidate pops out to run as a democrat?
What happens if an independent candidate pops up?
What did Theodore Roosevelt do to Taft? That was a contested re-election.
From Wisconsin, I just learned that summer special elections drew large turnouts.
Summers, and large turnouts, usually don't happen. Wazzup with that? Seems both sides of the divide have interested voters. And, only one side wins the top job chips in 2012.
Then? Congress could go the other way. As people voting, split tickets.
Curiosity about students, classmates, grades, or an old girlfriend (really, how come there hasn't been even one?) seems to me in a different class than, "Are you a disease-ridden underage hooker who did Rick Perry?"
Could be just me.
Obama had a couple of friends the media in Seattle found. Here's a snip of that:
Not everyone who knew Obama in those years is eager to talk.
Some explained that they feared inadvertently hurting Obama's campaign. Among his friends were Siddiqi and two other Pakistanis, all of them from Karachi; several of those interviewed said the Pakistanis were reluctant to talk for fear of stoking rumors that Obama is a Muslim.
Didn't Larry Flynt make a similar offer? For the life of me I can't remember the details.
If it is going to be an issue for the left to use, then payback is fine for the left.
These are Paulites running the ads.
Ick. Reminds me of Rush Limbaugh, the other day:
It's not the same thing. There is a good possibility that there isn't any strippers or escorts in Perry's life. There should be former classmates and students of obama. Where are they? Forget about the girlfriends, I doubt if he's ever had any friends at all.
It is par for the course for liberals: Muckraking, hyper critical anal exams for Republicans and especially Christian Republicans, Skin So Soft back massages, cooing and hand jobs for Democrats.
Is there still time to run an ad soliciting information on who Obama appointed as the bagman to bribe the judge in to releasing Ryan's sealed divorce records when he was running for the senate (and the amount of the bribe being that is The Chicago Way)?
Or who Obama has been getting nookie from on the side? Or how much of a bribe he got from Rezko? Or how Michelle happen to get that cushy job while Barry was in the senate? Inquiring minds want to know.
You know, just like with Tiger Woods. The "first woman whose had the sex" ends up going to Gloria Allred. And, she makes the announcement. She does it for the publicity.
Unlike the assault against the maid in NYC. There's a payoff looming in Civil Court, in the Bronx. Where the inept Cyrus Vance failed to quell the fire that rose because of the frenchman's mischief.
Holding my ire until I read all the sorts of commenters here who support this sort of "research"
It is par for the course for liberals:
Ron Paul supporters are liberals? You didn't even read the first sentence of the post did you?
Allen, the Seattle Times says he had friends:
As a freshman, he quickly became friends with Mohammed Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid, two wealthy Pakistanis. There were others, Thummalapally recalls: a French student and both black and white Americans, including Jon K. Mitchell, who later played bass for country-swing band Asleep at the Wheel (Mitchell remembers that Obama wore puka shell necklaces all the time, though they were not in style, and that "we let it slide because he spent a lot of time growing up in Hawaii.")
Read the article, you bums. From the article:
Robert Morrow describes himself as a "self-employed investor and political activist" as well as a three-time delegate to the Texas state GOP convention.
"Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?" blares the ad, placed by Morrow in this week's Austin Chronicle.
And this too (shows where some of you get your information about Bill Clinton, from scum like Morrow):
This isn't the first time Morrow has engaged in this sort of one-man attack campaign. Back in 2008, he paid for (and personally voiced) an anti-Hillary robocall in South Carolina that made the unsubstantiated claim that "Hillary knew about and helped cover up Bill's rape of Juanita Broderick."
Wait - just last week, libruls were spreading the rumor Perry is gay. It's hard to keep up with this stuff.
Garbage- please tell us what is the current librul attack lie re Perry? Is he gay or just an ordinary hetero cheating husband?
I don't think Bill Clinton ever got much until he became governor. Then he found out- hey there are political groupies.
They seem to be terrified of Perry.
I did not have sex with that man, Rick Perry.
My wife says he'd be more interesting if he was married to Katy Perry. Well, that would be interesting.
Lombardi Chick said...
"Are you a disease-ridden underage hooker who did Rick Perry?"
Could be just me.
No, there are probably other too.
Perry had "mofo" with a dish to the side?
I think the press is just playing "cat and mouse," now.
Bachmann has her own baggage. This won't be ripped open at this particular juncture. But it does provide possibilties the closer Bachmann gets to the mainstream.
Right now, it's just a meander down the muddy Mississippi. But [the] Ohio, the waters run clear. The religious stuff has failed before.
Heck, Jimmy Carter ran as a "born-again Christian." Exactly how did that work out for him? Do people even remember? It's like Love Beads. Which was also a fad that disappeared.
Considering Little Zero's past is pretty much blue smoke and mirrors, by all means, let's dig a little.
It's how he maintained a political career of voting, "Present".
(there is that similarity between Zero's "girlfriend" mentioned in his book and Ayers' pal who blew herself up making bombs)
Carol_Herman said...
There's a majority of people who were more offended at the republicans for impeaching Bill Clinton in the House; than were willing to see Bill Clinton lose his presidency over a BJ.
Wanna bet? Just because you had the hots for him doesn't mean everybody did.
Obama, now, has the same advantages, Dubya had back in 2004.
No, Dubya had a much better economy and a poltroon as an opponent.
If you think Obama can't win the race ahead? Well, if that's true, then later on, just like Truman, and LBJ, he will retire from the field. Either after New Hampshire. Or before.
I think she means '52 in the case of Truman.
Obama's not gonna race like Jimmy Carter did in 1980.
No, he's gonna do his Kevin Bacon impression, "Be calm. All is well".
You forgot "No one deserves this, but only conservatives will have it happen to them."
That would have gotten my vote.
Garbage- please tell us what is the current librul attack lie re Perry?
This wasn't a liberal attack. I'd be more worried about Rove if I were you. Popcorn time for libs.
The only relevant part is Obama's scholastic records. That's basically required to get any executive job, and additionally, we were told to vote for him because he is so smart, but he didn't want to prove it. Would you hire a guy that told you he did really well in school but would not show you. Remember, he's not the only applicant.
On the plus side, I'm impressed that they're doing this to a man, and not the usual obsession with Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann/Christine O'Donnell's sex lives.
I say go after them all. And it's no step-up, to go after a man over a woman, or vice-versa. You step into the arena, you get vetted, period.
What's shameful was Obama not getting the full treatment and people, like Ann, going along with it like it was fair.
It was shameful, is what it was.
No, there are probably other too.
SWAT!!! : )
Tank, at this point I'd vote for Katy Perry's husband over Obama, except for that trifling problem about him being British and therefore ineligible.
Not sure about whether syphilitic camels are eligible. I guess they are if they are native-born and meet the age requirement...
Clyde said...
Tank, at this point I'd vote for Katy Perry's husband over Obama, except for that trifling problem about him being British and therefore ineligible.
Hey, being British didn't hold Zero back. Just ask Mick.
We do see photos of Obama in his previous life, so we do know he existed, and where, but it is indeed remarkable that he has been so unremarkable as to hardly have left a trace behind him.
Vera Baker got herself moved to Martinique. Obama learned his lessons from the finest Democratic politicians - Gary Hart, Bill Clinton and John Edwards.
The related question: Say that you had a hot and heavy, emotionally fraught but not anything to be embarrassed about relationship in college (like we all pretty much did at some point or another) with someone who, at middle age, entered the national stage.
Would you respond to this ad? If you didn't volunteer, but some reporter tracked you down, would you answer that reporter's questions?
- Lyssa
It shouldn't be difficult to find one or more hookers to say anything for CASH. Then Perry has to waste critical time in a rebuttal effort. Meanwhile, swing voters in the primaries look elsewhere and the mission is accomplished.
OTOH, Nikki Haley is Governor of South Carolina in spite of Will Folks. Of course, he had less credibility than a hooker, and she had Sarah Palin on her side.
It strikes me that George W. started out with the dot-com bubble burst (which broke downwards in spring of 2000, before W. had even been nominated), and then the economy, or at least the stock market - not necessarily the same thing, though most commenters seem to conflate the two these days - showed steady improvement through his administration until the housing bubble burst in 2008.
Yet we have all these comments about the terrible economy inherited by Obama, but no mention of the somewhat similar situation W. inherited from the Clintons.
To me, the difference, besides the difference in scale, is that under Obama, things have steadily gotten worse - or barely improved, if you are a Democrat - while under Bush, there was improvement for 7 of his 8 years in office.
Maybe Obama didn't have girlfriends.
Don't ask, don't tell.
Garage, wasn't it a great movie night at the Debates in Iowa ? They did more damage to each other than any of us libs ever could've. This is going to be great viewing, in coming months, popcorn and beer and Republicans airing each others dirty laundry!
Should we dig into this sort of material?
You just did.
edutcher said... bagoh20 said...
I have a cousin who was a Columbia undergrad ( and later a Columbia law graduate ) at the time Obama was also at Columbia and he told he never heard of the guy and none of his alumni friends ever heard of Obama while Obama was at Columbia. Judging by his performance as president there never was any there there. No wonder he has never released his college records or his state senate records. Its all smoke and mirrors. A jumped up affirmative action hire who was propelled past his Peter Principle.
There's a distinction to be made here. Rush asks, fairly in my opinion, what Obama's students thought of him as a professor. I'm not interested in finding Nabokovian Lolitas in his closet; I'm more interested in learning how effective he was at his job (when he wasn't busily penning his autobiographies). That's fair.
Trolling for ex-girlfriends or would-be escorts: That's sleazy.
This is going to be great viewing, in coming months, popcorn and beer and Republicans airing each others dirty laundry!
Incredibly insightful political analysis brought to you by Mr. Obvious.
This wasn't a liberal attack. I'd be more worried about Rove if I were you. Popcorn time for libs.
It's always popcorn time for libs. Don't you guys do anything?
Students that have been inspired by Obama as a professor, they haven't come forth.
I know someone who was one of the top students at the UC law school while Obama was a lecturer. In the fall of 2008 he told me that Obama's intellect was not highly regarded by the good students there. Of course, however useful that information might have been then, it's no longer relevant. We've got over 2.5 years of clear evidence that the guy's in way over his head.
We bang drums and protest too. We have sing a longs. We squeeze in work when the beer runs low. I know y'all will agree.
The two are only superficially related. Limbaugh is calling for evidence that Obama is who he says he is. The Chronicle is trolling for dirt and clearly assuming, without yet having found any, that the evidence is there.
Politics ain't bean bag.
If you don't want every single thing you ever did or person you did it to coming out of the woodwork then you don't run for President.
That's why Mario Cuomo never ran. He couldn't stand the questions about his father in law who was a made man and beaten half to death in a botched hit.
As for Robert Morrow, Ace exposed him as a nutjob during the 2008 primaries. Our resident lefties might note that the link goes to a conservative blogger exposing a lunatic Clinton-hater.
More amazing stuff about Robert Morrow in the comments section here. Rick Perry seems to be the only politician Morrow doesn't claim to be gay. Example: According to Morrow, GHW Bush was a murderous homosexual pederast.
Libertarian types will be a much greater threat to any Republican frontrunner than any Liberal .Republicans always make the same mistake of underestimating their greatest enemies.
We bang drums and protest too. We have sing a longs. We squeeze in work when the beer runs low. I know y'all will agree.
Good comeback. Seriously. I L'edOL.
Mario was in the same spot as Albert Manzo of the Real Housewives of New Jersey. His Dad was also a made man of the same vintage who actually got whacked. He had to take over the Brownstone catering hall when he was 19 after they found his fathers body.
Now he is only a reality show knucklehead but even that minimal level of scrutiny brought that up.
The recent suicide of Russell Armstrong of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills because of the exposure of his finances and his home life shows what can happen when the white hot spotlight turns on you.
I doubt that a politician would kill himself. They love themselves too much.
bagoh20 said...
The only relevant part is Obama's scholastic records. That's basically required to get any executive job, and additionally, we were told to vote for him because he is so smart, but he didn't want to prove it. Would you hire a guy that told you he did really well in school but would not show you. Remember, he's not the only applicant.
Unfortunately, his grades might not tell you anything.
I went to college from 1968-73, and gradeflation was already rampant as liberal professors attempted to keep everyone in their classes from being drafted. My poli-sci prof on the first day of class asked everyone to submit the grade they wanted and then they didn't have to even come to class or take the exams. The average grade for the entire sociology department at Harvard for one year back then was A-.
It's probably gotten worse as the faculty got even more leftist and racial preferences and affirmative action took over from the Viet Nam war as motivation, so he may have actually graduated in the top 1% of his class at Harvard, with a 3.97 GPA, and still have been only .02 above the average GPA.
I would be just as interested in what classes he took. In his own ghosted auto-hagiograpy, he boasted of seeking out the Marxist professors and the radicals. I would expect he might be unhappy if it was known he got all those A+++'s in classes like "Capitalist-Roaders: Deconstructing the Evil Racist Homophobic Failed Economic System that is Ruining Gaia and Must Be Destroyed" taught by Prof Gus Hall, and "Lying, Cheating and Terrorizing the Proletariat as Effective Political Tactics" taught by Prof Saul Alinsky.
You see politics is just reality TV that rasises our taxes.
Bachmann has her own baggage. This won't be ripped open at this particular juncture.
Carol, you should run an ad in your local paper.
(PS And its a good thing the Donald has such a pristine background. Now there's a man anyone can admire.)
And this ad sums up everything that's wrong about Ron Paul and his candidacy.
He attracts lunatics and the fringe of the fringe whose daily activities consist mainly of swarming online polls like flies on a rotting corpse.
Does Ron Paul ever admonish these crazies? Of course not. Reading his old newsletters - which he was perfectly fine profiting from and having published with under his name until their content became widely known and problematic in a presidential campaign - is all you need to know about both Ron Paul and his supporters.
Lunatics. All of them.
I hope our side digs up horrible dirt on Obama. Sling mud, whatever it takes.
I hope our side digs up horrible dirt on Obama. Sling mud, whatever it takes.
There's plenty of dirt on Obama. The economy. Unemployment. The debt. The deficit. Flaccid and impotent foreign policy.
Excuse me for thinking that the sexual indiscretions of a politician are relevant. They speak to a lack of principle, a lack of self-control, a willingness to lie, and opportunities for extortionists to control his behavior. This was true for Bill Clinton, and if there is anything in Perry's past that belies his present image, I think we ought to know about it. If he's changed his ways, then we should be able to judge that, too.
Is there a less curious person than a mainstream American journalist? Go ask Lucy Ramirez.
Dragging the proverbial $100 bill through a trailer park ...
Did not know that about Albert Manzo or Cuomo for that matter.
But I beg to differ with you on one point- friend of mine from Queens when he was about eight years old decided Democrats were nuts when one of them in NYC committed suicide by plunging a cleaver in their chest.
"Ron Paul supporters are liberals?"
Every Ron Paul supporter I know personally is a flaming Leftist who loves him for being anti-war. Dummies, all.
And, yet again, an Althouse poll without an option that appeals to me, as I do think there's a huge chasm between trying to find hypothetical hookers who banged Rick Perry and noting that Obama is still essentially a cypher (albeit a cypher with two memoirs.)
It is weird how Obama has floated so weightlessly through life.
The people making the insane accusations that Obama was born in Kenya were picking up on the fact that there is something "off" about Obama's whole biography. To paraphrase David Byrne, "How did he get here?".
That being said ,girlfriends and grades are irrelevant to 2012. His miserable record in office is what is relevant. After he has been thrown out of office, maybe some enterprising person can starting answering some of the puzzles regarding Obama's past.
Chip S wrote "Example: According to Morrow, GHW Bush was a murderous homosexual pederast."
I thought that was from one of Trooper's ongoing Barbara Bush stories. Maybe I got the source wrong.
As for the Mario scenario, back in the 80s I worked for a guy from up in that neck of the woods. He had the same last name as the chief of the state police in NJ. In any case, he, my boss, kept saying that Mario was mobbed up. I am starting to think that perhaps he was correct.
This has been going on here in Texas for at least 10 years now. The douchenozzles try to dig up dirt on Perry and end up looking foolish, but being lefties, they never learn.
garage and the other ignoramuses - Paultards in Texas tend to be liberals. Every one that I personally know (and I know quite a few) vote Democrat on every other slot on the ticket, knowing that Paul will never do anything that actually damages any Democrat. They like to pretend that it immunizes them from being partisans.
Kensington said...
Every Ron Paul supporter I know personally is a flaming Leftist who loves him for being anti-war. Dummies, all.
Same here.
Well the was Donald Mannes who while techically a politican he was really a Democratic boss who controlled Queens. He was mobbed up big time and lot of stuff was going to come out. He and Stanely Friedman of the Bronx did a lot of crooked stuff in the Koch administration and it was starting to come out in the papers. He killed himself before someone else did it for him.
Friedman just went to jail.
Is Rick Perry gay?
Thats the most googled thing about him.
Madawaskan - I know Trooper will correct me if necessary, but I think that fellow was Donald Maness, one of the "friends of Eddie Koch" who was going up on extortion charges.
D'OH! Beat at the quick draw again. I'll know better than to go up against you next time, Troop.
Wrong again, I know many Texans, liberals in Austin, who think Ron Paul and Libertarians are just uber selfish Republicans in drag.
I know many Texans, liberals in Austin
Every house has bugs, whether you can see them plainly or not.
..that Mario was mobbed up. I am starting to think that perhaps he was correct.
There is a certain generation that had a harder time getting away from them.
Wonder if Mario falls into that grouping...
Is Rick Perry gay?
That's so last week.
The question this week is, "Is master cylinder a troll or a moby?"
Yes, Garage, Ron Paul supporters are liberals.
As am I.
Liberal in the real sense of the word meaning a lover of liberty (both come from the latin "liber")
Or as too many call us today, "libertarians", "classical liberals" or "minarchists".
Perhaps you confuse liberal and progressive. They are pretty close to opposites.
Go read Hayek:
”I use throughout the term ‘liberal’ in the original, nineteenth-century sense in which it is still current in Britain. In current American usage it often means very nearly the opposite of this. It has been part of the camouflage of leftish movements in this country, helped by muddleheadedness of many who really believe in liberty, that ‘liberal’ has come to mean the advocacy of almost every kind of government control. I am still puzzled why those in the United States who truly believe in liberty should not only have allowed the left to appropriate this almost indispensable term but should even have assisted by beginning to use it themselves as a term of opprobrium. This seems to be particularly regrettable because of the consequent tendency of many true liberals to describe themselves as conservatives.” —F.A. Hayek, in the Forward to “The Road to Serfdom” (1944)
John Henry
(Proud liberal)
And for the record, I have never had sex with Rick Perry.
John Henry
In response to this:
Every Ron Paul supporter I know personally is a flaming Leftist...
apfelkuchen wrote this:
Wrong again, I know many Texans, liberals in Austin, who think Ron Paul and Libertarians are just uber selfish Republicans in drag.
Time for another Althouse edition of Logic 101!
Trooper and Christopher in MA
That's exactly what I was looking for-thanks.
I couldn't remember the name and he didn't remember all of the details-but that's when he started to go against the political current in Queens.
Ga! I read these comment threads backwards.
Modern liberals,you may call us Progressive if you wish, do not identify with Libertarian principles. Most are antithetical to what we stand for. Ron Paul is not even a decent Libertarian, he does not believe in a woman's liberty to choose, he stands with the Republicans on the abortion issue.
Obama is scary skinny. He looks anorexic. Did you see his legs a few months back when someone snapped him in shorts?
Might he have HIV or even AIDS?
Is Obama gay? That would explain his lack of girlfriends. It would also explain Michelle's perpetual pissedoffedness.
If he is a self-hating gay it might explain his stance on gay marriage and the repeal of DADT (which is still the law, BTW. It will probably expire in the next month or so but it is still the law today)
John Henry
Less than three years later, on November 17, 1988, Morton Manes, Donald Manes' twin brother, attempted suicide in the same manner.
And why is it always the parking thing?
Modern liberals,you may call us Progressive if you wish, do not identify with Libertarian principles.
Really? I'm stunned by this revelation.
What you don't seem to be able to grasp is that what people are saying is that the Paulbots they know aren't really Libertarians. So your comments on this topic are completely off-point.
As for abortion, there is no clear libertarian position. The question of "rights" hinges entirely on your view of the personhood of a fetus.
Lucy Ramirez? Now there is a good trivia answer to "What is the name of the CBS source who can't be found now that the Texas Nat Guard memos re GW have been found to be fake?
Welcome to the realities of running for and holding public office these days.
Is it ugly? Yes, it sure is.
Is it the reality of public service in the Information Age? Yes, it sure is.
As for abortion
Chip beat me to it. As far as other things libertarians don't have in common with "modern progressives" is desire for tyranny in language. That's right, Apf. You're the guys who came up with and implemented political correctness.
Were you always this tyrannical or did it develop after puberty?
Mario wasn't involved personally. He married into it. Just like Caroline Manzo.
?Yes, Garage, Ron Paul supporters are liberals.
You're an idiot.
"Yes, Garage, Ron Paul supporters are liberals."
Garage said: You're an idiot.
Depends entirely on the publishing date of his dictionary, doesn't it, GM?
So the wife is more Sicillian...
He falls right into that generational sweet spot-so to speak- Mario was born in 1932. I want to cut him some slack just for that.
But I really don't know much about Mario.
The kid is trending at 74% approval.
You're an idiot.
@garage--I wouldn't expect you to read the entire comment by the person you call an "idiot," because I'm sure that Hayek has the same effect on you as water did on the Wicked Witch of the West.
But you only had to read beyond his first sentence to understand his point. If you're not willing to do that much, then you really and truly ought to just STFU.
Things get bad enough watch for a Biden for Cuomo swap.
Don't they usually save these blockbuster exposes for the weekend before election day so it's too late to rebut them
The Obama loyal publications must be desperate to get Perry quick before he can build an image out there.
The real power they exercise is to discourage the Perry voters who hold sexual adventures to be a disqualification.
Therefore, they only hurt the Conservatives. Heck, a Dem would be congratulated for his prowess.
If you're not willing to do that much, then you really and truly ought to just STFU.
I read it. And unfortunately the subesequent diarrhea he posted @ 12:03
You got me there.
Next time, would you clip-and-paste the quote you're actually referring to? Thx.
Did you say Rochelle Perry?
I'll never tell.
I thought the question was whether Perry has had intercourse with a male or a female Corporation. They are persons, you know.
Garage...Are you telling us that Karl Rove is about to tell all about that hot and steamy election night when he and Perry did a hands on focus group down at the Dallas Mens's Club after two pitcher's of Margaritas?
It will be a he said, he said issue.
Nice work. The NYT will need to interview you.
Doubtful that this will lead to anything. Perry's been in politics in TX for a long time. If stuff hasn't been exposed thus far, why should it be now? Either it's not there, or those who might expose things have been aptly rewarded for keeping mouths shut.
Regardless, if stuff isn't exposed now, it certainly will be later (when the stakes are much higher). I'd rather dirt (or lies) were dug up and dealt with now rather than after he (or whomever) wins the nomination.
Plus, if the liberals even remotely glance at these kinds of shenanigans, then any areas that are dug into now (regardless of who does the digging) become legit Obama-investigation turf.
Carol_Herman wrote: Heck, Jimmy Carter ran as a "born-again Christian." Exactly how did that work out for him? Do people even remember? It's like Love Beads. Which was also a fad that disappeared.
Heck, even Bob Dylan became a born again Christian. Exactly how did that work out for him? Some his most ardent fans* won't even acknowledge "that album." Do they* even remember? Oh yes, they* thought his Christmas album was pretty schmarmy.
*Same people.
Kensington wrote: "Every Ron Paul supporter I know personally is a flaming Leftist who loves him for being anti-war. Dummies, all."
Ditto. You took the words.
They're smart enough to know that the welfare state is broke and stupid and unsustainable, and that they're going to have to pay for it. But will totally cave in to Obama's lies (like they did in 2008: pay as you go/no taxes/etc) in order to not vote Republican given their real fundamental issue which is with US foreign policy which is always and forever the fault of conservatives. Young and dumb. In need of educatin'
Monica lowered the bar, does anyone really care anymore, especially if it was a decade or more ago?
There's a majority of people who were more offended at the republicans for impeaching Bill Clinton in the House; than were willing to see Bill Clinton lose his presidency over a BJ.
It wasn't a BJ, they wanted the good times to continue. Most may be dead when the files are opened, I hope I'm around, can't wait.
It always goes to show you that if you play around, be very selective and when it's over, be most gentle. Never dump on your paramour, she will get you back especially if you are a politician.
Rick Perry has been through 3 gubernatorial election and won. An this in a state where politics is considered a blood sport. He hasn't been nailed yet. And if someone does come forward, I am sure he can handle it.
Probably better than Bill Clinton.
A year ago I worked on a project with a partner (I'm not a lawyer) at a major law firm whom I knew to be a real lefty. I asked where he'd gone to law school. He said HLS. I said, "Oh, you were there when the president was there." His lips seized into a kind of grimace/snarl before he nodded ever so slightly. True, he could've been thinking that, between the two of them, he hadn't done quite as well. But that wasn't my impression. The way he changed the subject was more like he was worried the Stasi might be eavesdropping on his dreadful thoughts.
Ron Paul is not even a decent Libertarian, he does not believe in a woman's liberty to choose, he stands with the Republicans on the abortion issue.
There is nothing inconsistent about being a pro-life libertarian.
I think this is a splendid approach to solving our problems. I have an ad in mind:
Have you ever smoked crack or done lines with our President?
Have you every seen our President in a classroom, extemporaneously answering questions?
Have you ever seen a graded paper of our President?
Have you ever seen the LSAT scores of our President?
Have you ever seen the SAT scores of our President?
Have you ever seen a transcript of our President's college, high school or law school grades?
Have you ever met a college friend of our President?
High School?
You forgot...
Have you ever worked in the Social Security department of the federal government, in Connecticut in particular?
Considering Little Zero's past is pretty much blue smoke and mirrors, by all means, let's dig a little.
There’s an article in the Claremont Institute about who and what Obama is. It’s a Manchurian candidate type thing. It’s comprehensive and chilling. We need to be afraid. Very afraid.
Obama has never released his medical records, or his grades. We don't really know anything about him.
Meanwhile, they're going through Palin's trash up in Alaska, trying to find absolutely anything they can smear her with.
It's an entire army of reporters with no ethics whatsoever trying to level anything that stands in Obama's path to a second term, and beyond.
edutcher said: I think she means '52 in the case of Truman.
How very interesting...
Modern liberals,you may call us Progressive if you wish, do not identify with Libertarian principles
Setting aside the Ron Paulites (because there's a fair number of crazies in there) I would refer you to Will Wilkinson's blog and search for his posts on "liberaltarian" and also here's a nice bit from Jonah Goldberg that notes the political shifts of libertarians.
My impression is many libertarians get upset when you try to shoe-horn them into a party.
Great article up there, today, by Matt Latimer. His book "Speech-less" tells of his foray working in Dubya's White House.
But he really's worked for Rummy.
And, today, he pointed out how Karl Rove may be doing a "fonzi" ... and is jumping the shark. Because the Bush family happen to HATE Perry ... to the point where somebody gets destroyed.
And, if we're lucky it will be the Bush clowns.
And here's a "modern liberal" who has some sympatico with parts of libertarianism
(but don't get me wrong, once the discussion turns to regulation, size of government etc. well...there will be some fightin' goin' on.)
This is probably a better discussion of liberaltarianism
Why do you have a link to that Toilet Paper site?
"than were willing to see Bill Clinton lose his presidency over a BJ."
He wasn't impeached for the BJs.
Kirby Olson said...
Obama has never released his medical records, or his grades. We don't really know anything about him.
Yes, yes, exactly.
He will not release his medical records because he has HIV/AIDS and he doesn't want us to know he is gay.
What other reason could he possibly have for not releasing them?
BTW: I got a message from an informant about an hour ago that said that Obama and Garage were lovers 7-8 years ago. Michelle got wind of it and beat the crap out of both of them.
John Henry
The Holy Grail of sex scandals for Democrats is to catch a Republican whose girlfriend had an abortion which he, the Republican, paid for. A reporter who breaks that story wins the Pulitzer and marries a movie star.....Well, if they can't catch Perry in a sex scandal, they can investigate his Pastor. There's a good chance that the Pastor doesn't believe in evolution and maybe doesn't think that gays should get married....Incidentally does anyone know the Rev. Wright's position on gay marriage?.....The more scrutiny they give the Republican candidates, the more it highlights their lack of same for Obama.
I don't think this dog is going to hunt with Independents who will be the deciders in 2012.
It only makes the Dems/Obama look more desperate. Faster, please.
@Allen S
I doubt if he's ever had any friends at all.
Obama's elevated social and political climbing to a high art and with the ability to bestow favors or rain destruction upon the formerly useful they willingly fade into the shadows.
I voted yes, but I could have easily voted no. I think it's between the two.
How can a person say that a presidential candidate's (or any other candidate's) social past is irrelevant if no one knows what is there? It's relevant if Bill Clinton was coercing, to some degree or other, junior employees to have sex who might conceivably fear for their jobs if they said no. It's relevant if some elected person is breaking the law by participating in prostitution or high stakes poker or doing illegal drugs.
Sexting shots of your Johnson is relevant. An active social life and dating isn't. That Christine O'Donnell doesn't shave *isn't*. I suppose they could find someone who could tell us if Perry is cut or not. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.
"To answer the question, though, no, I have never had sex with Rick Perry."
A bumper sticker that says, Adios Mofo, with Obama O's.
And a T-Shirt that says, "I have never had sex with Rick Perry."
Another fine example of why Austin, Texas, is referred to as: "Moscow on the Colorado!" Well deservedly too.
Still, in some ways, Austin, Texas, remains a part of these United States, perhaps in spite of its collective desires.
The question is, will Rick Perry have sex with me. No he wont, cause im not gay. But he can dream.
Incidentally does anyone know the Rev. Wright's position on gay marriage?.
Jeremiah Wright is with the United Church of Christ, so I'd assume he's in favor of gay marriage.
After he has been thrown out of office, maybe some enterprising person can starting answering some of the puzzles regarding Obama's past.
Chip beat me to it. As far as other things libertarians don't have in common with "modern progressives" is desire for tyranny in language. That's right, Apf. You're the guys who came up with and implemented political correctness.
Were you always this tyrannical or did it develop after puberty?
Oh please. When libertarians and conservatives uses words like socialism and communism incorrectly it's not because they're too ignorant to know their actual definitions. They're fighting tyranny in language. Yeah right.
Since Obama got into to the Senate thanks to the illegal release of his opponents sealed divorce records, it would be all too fitting...
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