August 10, 2011

"David Cameron today gave the go-ahead for police to use water cannons on rioters after children as young as nine looted stores..."

"... and made off with bottles of wine and vodka in fresh violence that flared around the UK yesterday. The children wore tracksuits and unlike hardened older thugs they innocently disregarded covering their faces as they ran through the shattered glass of supermarkets to fill their pockets with looted goods."


Lucius said...

Sesame Street won't mellow out these lil' chavs.

wv: greens Well, that says it . . .

Anonymous said...

If you happen to be in London right now, my advice is to wear a full track suit. Otherwise, you may be a victim of violence.

Canadians: the usual backpack with the maple leaf abroad to signify that you are absolutely not an American and totally different than us rubes will not cut it. Go full track suit covered in maple leafs instead.

traditionalguy said...

They were innocent little entitled children who have never been told stealing is wrong.

The parents are MIA, and Nanny State is totally unable to handle her innocent and undisciplined youth. Just ask the youth whom they obey.

In the USA Nanny Obama says its all because rich people will not surrender their money to him to give to the entitled hooligans.

ndspinelli said...

I didn't know Limeys drank wine or vodka. I thought they just drank beer, whiskey and gin. Interesting what one can learn from a riot.

Chip S. said...

White culture fail.

Irene said...

Mom summed it up: "hooliganism."

chickelit said...

Water cannons? On minors?

Next there will be comparisons to Bull Connor.

traditionalguy said...

I say give Beaver Girl an armored car and send her to deal with the mob that the police run from.

Automatic_Wing said...

Europe - Oh, so sophisticated. Why can't we be more like them?

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, okay. So now we're gonna add water damage to the broken windows store owners have to fix at their own expense.

Carol_Herman said...

Gee, won't the water damage the cameras that take pictures of looters, as they are looting?

Send in the clowns.

MayBee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh, horrors. Water cannon on poor dispossessed youth. Camreron has done it now. What's next, rubber bullets?

Bird shot would be a lot easier and more effective. The Brits are too sophisticated for their own good.

AllenS said...

Pass out some guns to the owners of business, veterans, men of property, and this nonsense will swiftly come to an end.

AllenS said...

Pass out = distribute.

Later, when things die down, there can be revelry and passing out. Irregardless.

hoop said...

Joel Miller, you get to drink from the fire hose!!!

Chennaul said...

The Turkish shopkeepers are patrolling with swords.

Some English lady was quoted as saying-

Thank God the Turks are protecting the neighborhood.

Of course it sounds like the government is all at odds one media source said the Turks were threatened with arrest.

Another media source said the police were letting the Turks know the mobs-



Asian shopkeepers are also not suffering the fools.

Sounds like LA Redux there.

Revenant said...

Asian shopkeepers are also not suffering the fools. Sounds like LA Redux there.

I was thinking the same thing. The Korean community really saved their neighborhoods during the riots.

The cops left them hanging.

Chennaul said...

Yep, it's happening again except for English style...

I expect to see some cheap tickets for the London Olympics on E-Bay...

jr565 said...

Can they also use rubber bullets? Tasers? Batons?
These kids need to be beaten down, hard!

hoop said...

I expect to see some cheap tickets for the London Olympics on E-Bay...

Why not grab 'em up? Then, get a hold of a Turk or Sikh community (close by if possible, but even Southall would work) and arrange to stay with them for a while. On the days you don't want to go to the Olympics (or are just too tired), give them your tickets for the day as a gift for their hospitality.

It'd be one of the most memorable trips of a lifetime.

ndspinelli said...

Asians are tough bastards. And don't fuck w/ their money. When they are @ a crap table or blackjack table they are dead serious.

Richard Pryor had a good bit about trying to get something free in a Chinese restaurant.

Thorley Winston said...

I think we’re a little beyond the point of water cannons, live ammunition and the will to use it is called for.

BJM said...

To paraphrase Niemöller:

First the yobs came for the garden tools, and I didn't speak out because I was not a gardener.

Then they came for the computers and TVs, and I didn't speak out because they did not take mine.

Then they came for the shops, and I didn't speak out because I was not a shopkeeper.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Cedarford said...

It was kind of neat seeing about 30 Sikhs mustered in front of their Temple waving friggin' swords and daggers and talking about a Negro "slice and dice" it it came to that.

Not that the black thugs are out there alone. Photos show a certain number of Islamoid goons and white goons have joined the black chappies.

My wish? They burn the whitey looters and any E Asians nabbed with the max legal penalties while letting the black thugs off, and also assessing the Islamoids with half the penalties the whites get.

That way the liberals should be pleased. The 'oppressed noble 3rd Worder' of max disadvantage is excused, the Islamoid gets only have the penalty...and the white and Asian good learn they are held to a higher moral standard than black thugs.

Deirdre Mundy said...

9-year-olds aren't innocent. They've reached the age of reason. They know you shouldn't take something that doesn't belong to you (witness their reaction if someone takes something of THEIRS.)

They know stealing is wrong. They just don't think they'll be caught or punished for it.

Chennaul said...


Damn I like your thinking.

traditionalguy said...

The best description that I heard was feral Humans from single mother households that have been encouraged for 20 years by the PC Ruling Bureaucracies.

hoop said...


If I wasn't fresh out of college with student loans coming up in a few months, I'd seriously look at trying to pull that off myself. Maybe the opening ceremony, probably about 5-7 days of actual Olympics, and about 2 weeks of England vacation (with some of it well north of London). And I would bet that my hosts would happily suggest places to stay anywhere else in the country, even if I wasn't giving them about 2 weeks worth of Olympic tickets.

Fred4Pres said...

This is what a welfare state brings you. Draconian weapons taking laws, lack of accountability, and an overly unsustainable security welfare net is a false hope of protection. It makes things worse.

Irene said...

Here is an interesting perspective on the English riots.

Fred4Pres said...

English rioters are such wussies.

Now this is rioting!

Peter said...

But, we must respect cultural differences.

Mustn't we?

Didn't Franz Boas teach us that all cultures are equal?

Fred4Pres said...

Irene that article summed it up well.

I guess we have a reason to open up lunar and Martian colonies.

Chennaul said...


If I wasn't fresh out of college with student loans coming up in a few months,

Ugh-hopefully you'll get out from under that soon.

I doubt the tickets will get cheap enough-that does have to be on Cameron's mind...

It should be all the more reason for the government to get on these riots ASAP.

hoop said...

My loans aren't bad. (Mostly) smart money management, grad research assistantships, and a couple internships have allowed me to get out with just over 10k to my name. (And yes, all of it was subsidized, so I've done my patriotic part to further sink the federal budget.) I also already have employment lined up. It turns out that doing good work in a technical field is still highly valued.

I just need to be smart about my finances until I know exactly how the loan repayment plays out. I hope to be clear of them in a year.

But enough of the tangent. Back to programming...

Larry J said...

chickenlittle said...
Water cannons? On minors?

Next there will be comparisons to Bull Connor.

Nah. Bull Connor was a Democrat trying to deny blacks the right to eat at restaurants, to vote and to live.

There isn't a right to steal (despite what many seem to think, even from "the rich"), so water cannons are fine, preferably if they hooked them up to the sewers.

Gabriel Hanna said...

A week ago it was unthinkable, to the British government, to use water cannons to discourage looting and arson.

But that was before they found out that some of the looters are minors consuming alcohol.

That's the Nanny State in a nutshell.

Irene said...

Fred4Pres, I thought it was a good summary, too.

Quaestor said...

The British yob is amongst the lowest scum on the face of the planet. He wears hopelessness as a badge of honor. Give him an opportunity of self-improvement and he'll reject it, and hate your living guts for trying to help. He doesn't want a job, he wants another drink. He doesn't need a free education, he needs a iPad3 with unlimited free airtime. Besides bending the wrist and pounding the gonads of some potato-shaped betatooed skank, the only physical effort he'll exert is to yell himself hoarse during the FA Cup finals.

Wikipedia defines yob as "a slang term for an uncouth or thuggish working-class person." Now there's an entry in serious need of an update, it's been defunct since before Wikipedia registered its domain name. There hasn't been a working class in Britain since before Jimmy Callaghan waddle into 10 Downing Street. Maggie Thatcher tried to stem the rot, but the yobbo protect squad (Michael Foot, Tony Benn, Neil Kinnock, et al.) crucified her for it, cheered on by the Pinters and Redgraves of the West End beaujolais and Marxism set who gleefully sharpened the nails.

65 years of Labour socialism have created the perfect storm: an entire generation of barbarians, and I mean that in it's most literal Dark Age sense of the term, lined up against a totally disarmed productive, rate-paying public.

Cameron ought to mobilize the troops and read the Riot Act live on the BBC (still on the books!) but he's too flaccid to act.

KCFleming said...

Coming soon to Milwaukee and Madison.

bagoh20 said...

This is what social democracy looks like, inevitably.

What will they do when all the rich people are gone? That's gonna suck.

Moose said...

The tender care and feeding of an underclass bears fruit. Who can judge those precocious early bloomers of vandalism? The English authorities should be ashamed...

hoop said...

Coming soon to Milwaukee and Madison.

I'm not a sociology expert and I'm not personally familiar with the dynamics in those cities, but I tend to see riot conditions as being similar to fire.

Fire needs three things: fuel, oxygen, and a flash point (e.g. dry tinder, air, and a spark, respectively). Any two are not sufficient on their own. In England, you basically had the rotted deadwood of a lot of people with no discipline, no ambition, and no personal stake in society. They existed in the free oxygen state of a culture with no means to defend itself. All they needed was a spark.

Like a cigarette butt in a dry forest, that one protest was all that was needed to get things going. Once a little flame appeared, it didn't take long to spread due to the latent and abundant supply of fuel and oxygen.

Duggan's death was the flashpoint, but it wasn't the "cause" of the problem, per se. On its own, it was just a spark. The years of building up the fuel and consumable air were the reason the fire could grow and spread beyond the spark.

And the Turks and Sikhs kept the fire from reaching their community by providing the defense the community needed - in essence, choking out the free oxygen the fire needed.

Cut any one leg of the fire triangle out, and you have no riots. But let any two hang around for no reason, and you're just asking for that flashpoint to come when you're not ready.

edutcher said...

Forget the water cannon.

A sound caning (so veddy English, doncha know?) is what they really need.

n.n said...

Fred4Pres, there is also the "flaming tire necklace", which is popular in South Africa.

The return of the 'necklace': Anti-immigrant violence sweeps South Africa's townships

In Britain, the immigrants are beneficiaries of liberal welfare benefits. In America they, and the illegal aliens, are beneficiaries of liberal welfare benefits. In South Africa, they are murdered and raped as the cross the border. In American, more American men, women, and children have been murdered and raped by our invaders. That's quite a reversal from the relation between aliens and citizens in other lands.

We have become such a cowed people. As for Britain, they should be thankful that the Sikhs and Turks are not. Maybe the English will learn something from them.

edutcher said...

Anyone who ever read "Huckleberry Finn" knows how to stop a mob, but you have to have someone with sufficient sand in his (or her) craw to be willing to shoot.

MikeinAppalachia said...

Usually, in "Brit-speak",
"Asian" refers to SW Asia as in Pakistan, Bangladesh,Nepal, and India which are the home countries of the vast majority of UK immigrants. Not "Oriental".
Probably tough as well.

Fen said...

Oh, horrors. Water cannon on poor dispossessed youth.

No, the water cannons are to be used against the homeowners who are "illegally" defending their property.

Larry J said...

Anyone who ever read "Huckleberry Finn" knows how to stop a mob, but you have to have someone with sufficient sand in his (or her) craw to be willing to shoot.

And anyone who has seen "Clockwork Orange" has seen the kind of nihilism that drives these mobs.

What will they do when all the rich people are gone? That's gonna suck.

They'll riot some more until nothing is left but ruins. Then they'll starve to death in the dark because there'll be no one willing to sustain them. It won't be pretty and yes, it can happen here.

Fen said...

The best description that I heard was feral Humans from single mother households that have been encouraged for 20 years by the PC Ruling Bureaucracies.

ie. Apes

bagoh20 said...

"Anyone who ever read "Huckleberry Finn" knows how to stop a mob, but you have to have someone with sufficient sand in his (or her) craw to be willing to shoot. "

And of course you need a gun. If the mob even thought their victims had guns, there would be no mob and no victims. Funny how simple it is. No wonder the founders wanted free of that government.

Paul said...

Water cannons? Why not REAL ones!

Like one poster on a Brit paper said, "if the police are not here to protect life and property, then what are there here for?"

Now I see on TV some of the 'subjects' in England are actually patrolling their own neighbourhoods case the cops there won't.


hoop said...

Prior to these riots, Cameron was planning on reducing the size of the police force after his vacation. I can't wait to see how that goes after this week.

n.n said...


That would be sabotaged character development. They fail to establish a reasonable compromise between their dignity and others; and so they feel justified to commit acts of involuntary exploitation (starting with their family). It must suck when the government fails to effect redistribution on their behalf. Maybe the government should instead focus on creating the conditions where entrepreneurs thrive, and people will have an opportunity to be optimally independent.

It doesn't help matters when immigration, especially of people who reject assimilation, contribute to overpopulation of a nation (or administrative district). This causes harm to both the immigrant's home nation and their adoptive nation.

It's ironic that the overpopulation often cited as a progressive problem, so often emerges from immigration policies, including uncontrolled immigration (i.e., illegal aliens). It should be considered as evidence that a nation (or district) is failing to convert on natural and human resources. It doesn't help matters that there are so very few pioneers and most people voluntarily choose to live in large metropolises, often exceeding its reasonable holding capacity.

In any case, it is telling that these rioters have chosen to loot businesses and homes. There may just exist an ulterior motive to their rebellion.

Peter V. Bella said...

They should let the cops use any means necessary. In Chicago we would call it "stick time".

Only a totally liberalized society would wring their hands for five days debating how to handle rioting gangs, criminals, thugs, and arsonists.

Irene said...

n.n., I like your observations about redistribution and assimilation.

Carol_Herman said...

Excellent stuff, Hoop.

By the way, I was in LA, here, when the Rodney King Riots started back in 1991. About two cars worth of cop cars ... having chased the speeding motorist, Rodney King ... UNFORTUNATELY chose a corner in a residential area ... where unseen a man taped the beating.

The beating went to TV. (Before the Internet and Viral.) And, the cops ... were blamed.

It's one reason the cops didn't respond to the "spontaneous" riot that started out ... where Koreans ... too poor to open stores in better neighborhoods; opened stores inside the black ghetto. (Where they were hated.) Go figure. the venom that goes to strangers who work hard. To keep small stores open.

The riot is going to run its course in 4 days. And, as the rioters jumped in automobiles ... they began trashing other neighborhoods. But they were being met by snipers on the roofs of businesses ... who called in for "mafia protection."

This worked.

It even worked for some of the Korean businesses that had become such targets. (Other Korean business people were forced back to Korea.)

But where I live, too. The gun cabinets opened. I live in a 3-mile-square patch that is quite beautiful. IF the rioters had shown up they'd have been killed.

And, I've already told the story of a car repair shop. Up on Walnut. Where the protective canopy came down, covering the garage inside. (That whole area at Walnut is one garage after another.)

Up on the roof went the husband and wife. And, friends. And, rifles. And, food and water was kept below. While, as I said, from the front it all looked closed.

One army truck was parked out front. Just in case there would have been dead bodies ... they'd have been carted off. And, "disposed of." (But this didn't become necessary.)

Since Pasadena also has a large Black ghetto ... On Night #3 ... a group of vandals began forming ... They were spotted by the husband and wife team. And, rifles were loaded.

Someone in front prepared to be the "marching leader."

One shot rang out. Close enough to burn the leader's toes. And, then? The whole crowd "melted."

No police were called. None of the businesses on Walnut suffered any damage. And, the wife told me this story a few days later.

Should you watch the Rose Parade. I'm talking about a block that's right above Pasadena City College.

All rimmed with snipers.

(Remember the eggs that got tossed from the balconies ... when the tents went up in Madison?)

You'd be surprised what you can do when you really don't like what the "street people" are doing ... Where there ... they even got "permits" from Tubbs.

After the riots were over ... the stores burned out in the ghetto "there." Nobody could even go shop for milk. Getting milk was a big production. That involved bus rides ... to supermarkets at least 3 miles away.

While inside the ghettos the SCUM learned to attack their own old people. Who had carried in these perishable supplies.

Chip Ahoy said...

A photo of a boy (future chav) wearing a tracksuit and running with a bottle of wine is an instant bandwagon meme on It's been photoshopped a thousand times today, changing out the head or the item in lads hands or the background. Oddly, I cannot find the original in Google images no matter how I inquire. I expect the image will be used forever and always refer to the riots. Here are the latest on B3ta's message board to give you an idea, not necessarily the best posted today:








Peter V. Bella said...

@Larry J- "There isn't a right to steal (despite what many seem to think, even from "the rich")"

What are you talking about? Haven't you been listening to the president. He is declaring there is an absolute right to steal from the rich.

edutcher said...

Larry J said...
Anyone who ever read "Huckleberry Finn" knows how to stop a mob, but you have to have someone with sufficient sand in his (or her) craw to be willing to shoot.

And anyone who has seen "Clockwork Orange" has seen the kind of nihilism that drives these mobs.

What will they do when all the rich people are gone? That's gonna suck.

They'll riot some more until nothing is left but ruins. Then they'll starve to death in the dark because there'll be no one willing to sustain them. It won't be pretty and yes, it can happen here.

Not hardly. This will end when someone sends in the Territorials, their version of the National Guard.

It worked just dandy in the mid-60s when those distinguished community organizers, Stokeley Carmichael and Rap Brown, set the cities in this country aglow. You'd be surprised how all that "nihilism" responds to live ammo.

Carol_Herman said...

Another story out of the Rodney King Riots. Daniel Pipe's father wrote a book. He was in russia about the time (FOR THE FIRST TIME), the Rodney King Riots made it to Russian TV.

He said Russians were told things were so much worse in America! And, there were never any pictures of places from America where the Russians could actually compare notes!

Do you know what happened?

The Russians watched the riots. To see the pictures! The didn't pay attention to the volume.

What they saw made so many of them have their eyes pop out of their heads.

They saw the rioters as POOR PEOPLE! But they all had CARS!

And, then they saw the looters carrying TV sets over their heads to empty a shop of merchandise.

WOW! Can you imagine! Look at all those TV sets in STORES! (Moscow was about empty shelves.)

And, look at those cars! Owned by POOR PEOPLE!

Keep in mind that different countries are gonna react differently to what they see.

While in England, the Turkish and Sikh business people just received the kiss of respect ... you give to small owners of stores. Part of the expensive lesson, here? It pays to defend yourself ... But it's like Wing Chun.

You have to practice against opponents by learning where you have advantages. Not looking tough!

The "yobs" don't have the advantage.

HT said...

Larry J said...

chickenlittle said...
Water cannons? On minors?

Next there will be comparisons to Bull Connor.
Nah. Bull Connor was a Democrat trying to deny blacks the right to eat at restaurants, to vote and to live.


You got that right. But you forgot the other half: who helped, nationally, put an end to local Democratic officials like Connor - you got it: Republican Abe Lincoln.

edutcher said...

Carol, my mother told me the same story, only it was race riots in Harlem during WWII, and the Russkies rioted because, in America, even the black people had shoes.

bagoh20 said...

I too was here for the L.A. riots. Lets just say, England is kindergarten as far as violent riots go. I haven't seen anyone there beaten nearly to death just for being in the wrong place or being the wrong color. Thankfully, it didn't quite reach to the west side of town.

The day after the riots ended, I took my common law wife and preteen children down to riot central to help in the clean up. I wanted to send a message to my family and those people down there that we were not all the same and that there was still decency in our city.

Along with hundreds of other strangers who just showed up with brooms and shovels, we spent the next few days cleaning up the looted stores and helping people move past it.

There was very little conversation, partly because of language barriers, but also it seemed like there was not much to say. Everyone seemed to understand it was just stupidity, greed and evil that had a short rant at great cost, and that's all there was to it. Nobody seemed to expect it would change much, nor expect it not to happen again, but you need to live anyway, so clean up the mess we did, then back to our lives - some of us miles away.

Anonymous said...

The police can't use water canons without the OK of the PM?

At what specific point in history did they officially decide to chop their own gonads off?

William said...

I don't know if there are any lessons to be learned from a British riot. They riot because they can, or because Liverpool lost, or because some gang member got shot. It's all the same. They riot because it's more fun than hanging out on the corner....They look to be as ineffectual at rioting as they are at everything else in their buggered lives. Another day and everything that can be looted will be looted, and they'll be back to standing on the corner, wondering why life sucks..... I can't help but comment, however, that the use of indiscriminate violence seems a contradictory way of protesting uncalibrated police violence. Gang members kill each other at a brisk pace. Why is it so horrible when the police do it? These kids strike a pose of menace and murder and are outraged when someone in authority takes that threat seriously and murders them for it.....I wonder why Assad and Qaddafi, who have used weapons of more lethality than water cannons and rubber bullets, have not had better luck in subduing their opponents? I don't know what the proper level of force is, but I would not wish to confer martyr status on any of these creepy little hoods.

Shanna said...

I find it strange how all these looters are basically wearing a hoodie as a uniform. Was it on the invite to the riots or something? Nobody thought it'd be nicer to wear a hat and a nice sweater or tshirt?

HT said...

All Democrats are Bull Connor and all Republicans are Abe Lincoln. The problem with this type of conceptualizing is that there is one itty bitty group of people who knows it's not true: southern republicans and democrats who lived through that time.

You should read about the Birmingham Plan, and Bull Connor's role in it, from the primaries of 1948.

If I need to know about the Republican alternative to Bull, please do enlighten me. There was at that time, the solid South. The good, the bad, the ugly - mostly Democrats. However, the big mules of Alabama were not necessarily Democrats, so what did they do?

Carol_Herman said...

I have my doubts about riots in Moscow, circa 1945. Because Stalin was alive. And, all the russians who wanted to could riot in Berlin.

In moscow, however, stalin was a lunatic bear. You feared the knock on the door at night. And, the show trials.

Alex said...

The UK is literally dying before our eyes. IT can't be saved. What Hitler couldn't do, the liberals did.

Alex said...

This is not Britain's "Finest hour". Churchill is rolling in his grave.

Alex said...

The British are pussies, they'll never use deadly force.

Carol_Herman said...

Well, lest we forget, London gets the olympics. (I saw a photo-chop where one of the olympic rings was stolen by a looter.)

Meanwhile, Kate & Will's wedding was something that brought in a lot of traffic.

Won't the olympics, too?

In the future when people defend their British property, what they won't do is call the police. Especially after a yob "accidentally" falls dead.

It was a butter knife.

"Didn't see a thing" will be very popular, too. Even better, it saves the police from using paper.

n.n said...


Taken from reasoning and personal experience, both in America and the Soviet Union.

Of the two observations, the former is a principal contributor to progressive corruption of individuals and society, while the later is a subversive force in society.

Fortunately, or not, depending on your perspective, the latter was not a real problem in the Soviet Union. On the other hand, with a thriving consumer economy, progressive policies, and a cowed people, it is a clear and present danger in America.


Left-wing ideologies substitute totalitarian policies for moral knowledge, which represents a progressive loss of liberty. Left-wing ideologues in America resort to tactics which denigrate individual dignity and devalue human life.

Americans can reset assured that the specific tactics employed by our left-wing are, in fact, progressive in that they are insidious in both their economic, social, and natural sabotage.

The consequences of their economic policies are clear and are emergent. While the consequences of their social and natural policies are not immediately obvious to a large minority (and possibly greater) of Americans. There are hidden nuances in those agendas. I'm surprised that people who hold science in great esteem have not spoken out.

There is much more at stake than is widely acknowledged. Even more than in the so-called "evil empire". The American left's selection of tactics makes clear that they harbor ulterior motives.

Gene said...

Pogo: Coming soon to Milwaukee and Madison."

Not to mention New York,Chicago, Atlanta and LA.

What is so depressing through is not that it is bound to happen here but the fact that when it does happen there will be thousands of people who will defend to the death the rioters right to riot.

Revenant said...

I haven't seen anyone there beaten nearly to death just for being in the wrong place or being the wrong color.

I can't speak for everyone, but if I were being beaten to death by a guy robbing my shop I doubt my last thoughts would be "well at least it isn't because I'm a white guy".

Revenant said...

The police can't use water canons without the OK of the PM? At what specific point in history did they officially decide to chop their own gonads off?

I dunno -- if our police needed to get the permission from elected officials before sending in the SWAT team there probably wouldn't be as many innocent victims of police gunfire.

jamboree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger J. said...

several browning Mod 2 50 cals firing live ammo will take care of the problem immediately

and leave the corpses on the street as a reminder

Anonymous said...

This is how the Moslems take over: with the accolades of the common people. Just look at how many comments here evince respect and admiration for the Turk who takes up the task of defending his street corner, a task which is beneath the decadent elites and which the elites have forbidden the common Britons.

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