“I got tickled by watching Governor Perry announce for governor, for president. He’s a good looking rascal.”...Thanks for the insight, Bill. I figured you thought you were a good-looking rascal, but did not realize how much of a power charge you got out of riding the special vehicles. He sounds like a child!
“And he’s saying ‘Oh, I’m going to Washington to make sure that the federal government stays as far away from you as possible – while I ride on Air Force One and that Marine One helicopter and go to Camp David and travel around the world and have a good time.’ I mean, this is crazy.”
August 15, 2011
Bill Clinton, talking about Rick Perry, reveals a lot about himself.
He said:
He sounds like a child!
Please post a photo of WJC in shorts to better make your point!
They've got those groovy new buses now too.
There you go again! The point Bill Clinton is making is that Perry will have all the perks of the job to enjoy but he is not going to work for it. What is his purpose being in DC if not for making Washington work for the country? This is so obvious. Sometimes you surprise me, Ann.
Remember right after his Presidency ended, he and Hillary were constantly mentioning in speeches that they were rich. New-found wealth I think Bill called it once. Every appearance, they would mention it. Nouveau riche can be so annoying. Looks like Bill still hasn't graduated to the Country Club crowd.
He is a child.
But lives there a person with soul so dead, who never said upon boarding Air Force One as President, gee, this is great?
If there is, I don't want to elect the person.
Of course, we need someone to whisper in the President's ear, like the Roman's memento mori: "remember, this all ends on January 20"
The whole thing is a bullshit factory!
Nobody knows, yet, who is gonna make it to the front of the runway!
Let alone SEPTEMBER soon comes. And, Sarah Palin said "it's the make or break month for announcements."
Democrats always confuse job benefits vs a handout.
He is a child. Needy, needy, needy
What, exactly does a "curved tuber" look like? And, how come we can't all meet at the "curved tuber" cafe?
I think Perry is in it only for the furniture he can take when he's done.
Yeah, what a hypocrite! Perry claims to believe in "limited government", but if he gets elected, he's going to travel on GOVERNMENT VEHICLES!!!!!!!!!
Oh, wait, that doesn't make any sense at all. Never mind.
Pm317 said:
"there you go again". In debates, Ronald Reagan was very fond of using that phrase against his allegedly far smarter opponents.
Quick - can anyone name Clinton's best idea ever?
The point Bill Clinton is making is that Perry will have all the perks of the job to enjoy but he is not going to work for it. What is his purpose being in DC if not for making Washington work for the country?
Washington can work for us by getting out of our way. And it's going to take a heck of a lot of work to get Washington to do that. Where on earth did you (or Mr. Clinton) get the idea that hypothetial President Perry would just show up and do nothing and still somehow accomplish his goals?
- Lyssa
pm317 wrote:
What is his purpose being in DC if not for making Washington work for the country?
Obama is "making Washington work for the country," isn't he? (Considering the salaries, benefits, and pensions they're pulling down in DC Obama ought to be standing over those Foggy Bottom GS25s with a bullwhip)
And Obama is certainly enjoying the perks of the Office, isn't he?
So how's that working out, eh?
He forgot to mention the sweet golf carts.
He sounds like a child!
Because he is, essentially.
It's often said that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged by reality.
But most liberals have lived in a bubble all their lives, where the real world does not intrude. They go from school directly into politics, live in gated communities where crime rarely sets foot, often financially immune to the hardships that can come to average citizens even in the worst economies, never having to produce or accomplish anything of economic value, knowing no one but others in like situations.
They're just clean-cut hippies, that's all.
William Jefferson Clinton understands James Richard Perry.
It takes one to know one.
Perry can win. But the idea that he will reform anything that needs reforming is a joke.
But Perry will preserve the USA from destruction since he wants his friends to get the benefits from a healthy economy.
They always say it's about you, but it's always about them.
Someday, people might figure this out.
Carol_Herman said...
What, exactly does a "curved tuber" look like? And, how come we can't all meet at the "curved tuber" cafe?
Tater torts?
Many of his mannerisms (Willie's) suggest a 3 year old mentality.
When he gets caught doing something bad, his first response is, "He did it, too".
Confront him with bad decisions he made and he throws a tantrum.
No surprise, I've been saying it for years.
CarterFliptMe said...
Remember right after his Presidency ended, he and Hillary were constantly mentioning in speeches that they were rich. New-found wealth I think Bill called it once.
As many reporters have noted, the Clintons only have rich friends.
Quaestor said...
Obama is doing exactly what BC is talking about -- enjoying the perks while not working for it. May be BC is killing two birds with one stone there.
What no mention of all the opportunities for sex with the interns Bill?
Has anybody ever seen a curved cucumber? Or do they all grow straight?
What's curved ... that usually isn't? And, can we meet at such a cafe, if, in fact, a photo shows up?
It can't be too long.
How long was Clinton's if some of the space is bent ... when it's sticking out?
We know one thing, though. Monica saw it with the Oval Office lights on.
Unlike a wife ... who'd probably say "I'll be to bed in a minute, as soon as I turn the lights off."
Funny he didn't mention the White House interns.
Washington's intervention in the economy (a process known as central planning in certain quarters where Karl Marx is highly respected) is why this nation is on the brink of financial collapse. If Rick Perry moves into the White House and then shuts down every department of administration created since the Johnson regime it would be the biggest boost to the economy imaginable.
Government is the problem, not the solution.
@KenK & CarolH--Doh!
How unfortunate for bill, that one of the nicknames for William, is Willy.
Rick Perry plugged 97% of his budget shortfall with evil stimulus funds from the federal government. No hypocrisy there at all!
I think Perry's words were 'I will make Washington as inconsequential for you as I can' and Bill Clinton, the smart guy that he is, is showing how the opposition will interpret it and use it. The line is not as clever as Perry thinks it is unless he gives it better context. As president you don't want to make yourself inconsequential, after all you too embody Washington, that is the seat of your power.
Unlike a wife ... who'd probably say "I'll be to bed in a minute, as soon as I turn the lights off."
Some wives, at least. I sure it's true in the case of Hillary, except that it's "I'll be to bed as soon as the lights are off, the bag is over my head, and your earplugs are firmly in place, Bill dear."
Garage, if someone offers you free money, and that money will be spent somewhere, even if you decline it, you probably should take it.
I have more respect for someone who wants to kill his/her own gravey train if said train is unethical and wasteful.
See Michelle Bachmann on farm subsidies. She wants to end thes, even though her family owns a farm.
As president you don't want to make yourself inconsequential,
Correction: "As president, Bill Clinton didn't want to make himself inconsequential.
I'm all for a president who wants to make him or herself inconsequential to my daily life.
- Lyssa
Perhaps for old times sake Clinton could join Obama on his $1.5 million + taxpayer purchased bus, as part of his taxpayer financed campaign trip, and they could stand there being good looking and pleased with themselves.
Obama isn't alone. It's now so commonplace for politicians to use tax funding to get themselves reelected that most people give it a total pass.
In reality the Obama trip tells us how corrupt our politics have become.
You know what, Bill? I'll bet good money that Rick never gets caught sticking a cigar up some young intern's pussy. Wanna bet, Bill?
All Obama wants is a cool phone.
And a new fleet of Marine One choppers.
And a brand spankin' new Caddy.
Throw in a couple $2.2M buses for his several hour bus tour, and hey- he's as down home as the next guy.
Out of respect for the blog; i.e. short posts- I apologize for failing to scratch the surface.
next time....
Rick Perry plugged 97% of his budget shortfall with evil stimulus funds from the federal government. No hypocrisy there at all!
My (former) Governor did it two years in a row-
That's after it was forbidden--er...a "one shot deal"
No wonder liberals consider her an economic genius....and why she's teaching at Berkely.
Quick - can anyone name Clinton's best idea ever?
Burning Monica's wardrobe?
Clinton's best idea? Asking Monica to give him a knobber.
Clinton also said to Ted Kennedy "Obama should be getting coffee for us".
I think Clinton is aging mentally early. Something to watch in the next two or three years.
Quick - can anyone name Clinton's best idea ever?
Burning Monica's wardrobe?
Someone threw water on that idea.
Oh wait....
Al Gore as Veep?
Naaa that can't be it.
I wonder what other prez, beside Slick Willy, is a member of the Air Force One Mile High Club? JFK almost certainly.
Bombing the Chinese Embassy?
Knocking off Vince Foster?
Clinton in the headline and the Monica-jokes are a sure follow-up with some people. The truth is that women made alot of progress under Clinton, thats simply a fact and all those who criticize him should consider that!
You know what, ella, Monica did get a pretty good job after she left the White House. You are correct.
Speaking as a generality (and not necessarily to Perry in particular):
If the federal government is ever going to be reduced/restrained, it's going to be by a President who experiences all those perks yet still reins in the government. If nobody can live up to that, then we're sunk no matter who's voted in.
How long was Clinton's if some of the space is bent...when it's sticking out?
What is this, Althouse or Minsky's?
"women made alot of progress under Clinton"
Thanks for the visual.
Bzzzzzt. Time's up.
Sorry, but that was a trick question cause Bill Clinton never had a good idea.
Sorry, but that was a trick question cause Bill Clinton never had a good idea.
The truth is that women made alot of progress under Clinton, thats simply a fact and all those who criticize him should consider that!
Yes, the feminist offered Clinton a deal he wouldn't pass up.
He gives high profile lip service to the greater feminist cause in exchange for getting a pass on his debauched and misogynist sexual assaults on Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Gennifer Flowers, and Kathleen Willey.
Now that's the spirit of compromise that the Dem's have been shouting for.
You can tell the men from the boys by the price of their toys.
Air Force One is the ultimate toy
Marine One comes in a close second,
comes with a very sharp crew.
The Beast, the POTUS limo isn't bad either.
Being surrounded by high trained, heavily armed, networked bodyguards might be considered a status symbol.
The semiotics might change with a women taking the prize.
"... “I got tickled by watching Governor Perry announce for governor, for president. He’s a good looking rascal.”...."
Is Bill switching teams?
The semiotics might change with a women taking the prize.
Broomstick One?
BTW, Why aren't we all talking about what a great job Obama is doing?
Let's not enable POTUS' most ardent desire to avoid making the election a referendum on his first term...
...unless of course you're Althouse, who probably hopes he gets reerected.
Nouveau riche can be so annoying.
New Money always cries!
The truth is that women made alot of progress under Clinton, thats simply a fact and all those who criticize him should consider that!
True. And even more true under W. Why, you might think it was a broader cultural movement that didn't derive from political power.
* * *
As to Clinton and the Presidential toys, I can only wish that Obama would get some pleasure out of them.
One of Churchill's biographers (Roy Jenkins) wrote "I have become increasingly convinced that great men have strong elements of comicality in them."
This is certainly true of Clinton, a great politician and a complete clown of a man. Obama doesn't have it in him. He so desperately needs to be taken seriously that no greatness can take root. He's a petty clerk in the wrong office.
Obama is "making Washington work for the country," isn't he?
No. Obama is making the country work for Washington. That's what's gotta stop.
As for Bill Clinton, a good friend of mine, a reformed alcoholic trained in psychology, put it quite directly:
Bill Clinton is a typical untreated adult child of an alcoholic. From A to Z the symptomology's rock solid.
And just about the time our ex-Swinger-in-Chief made his remarks Obama, the Recession-in Chief, now wants a 'Department of Jobs' cabinet post. Yes another $$$ department what taxpayers will have to foot the bill for.
Gad these two Democrats just can't keep sticking their feet in their mouths. Now all we need is 'Buffoon' Biden to say something more stupid so as to drowned out what was said.
Meanwhile Perry is simply saying government is way to big and needs a budget cut!
@madawaskan said...
And I really don't think I could stand any fluffer activity around here. :)
I'm this -><- close to flouncing off already.
This is why I could never vote for Hillary.
And ironically I voted for Clinton.
El Pollo
I had to google fluffer..
Can never keep up with the lingo.
CL & Masawskan:
Actually "re-erected" may be more appropriate. Afterall, we are talking about a God with his Greek columns right?
Perry accepting a federal government payout that he thought was a bad idea is precisely the same degree of hypocrisy as a liberal paying only the amount in taxes that they are legally obligated to pay.
You sound like a child. He was talking about the childishness of perry simplistic view of the role of the presidency in government. Duh. This whole Wisconsin craziness this year has made you similarly simplistic and less insightful. Pretty disappointing.
(and all of the insane commenters can skip this one, I'm not addressing you)
"Quick - can anyone name Clinton's best idea ever?"
Oh, an easy one:
The pizza delivering humidor. I never would have thought of that combo. True genius!
If you don't believe government is the answer to every problem, you have no business being in government.
Liberal EQUALS child like...anything but reality and accountability
"...women made alot of progress under Clinton, thats simply a fact and..."
Yeah—no more birthing babies in the field. They even become real peoples in the eyes of the law. And vote too. And theys can own property now too.
Never been so good to be a womans since Big Ol' Bill.
I was just going to say -how many styrofoam roman columns will it take this time.
jd said...
You sound like a child. He was talking about the childishness of perry simplistic view of the role of the presidency in government. Duh. This whole Wisconsin craziness this year has made you similarly simplistic and less insightful. Pretty disappointing.
Yeah, it is all petty Clinton haters on this thread (wonder how many of them still have a job). But Ann, I guess she is one too. Though I have not seen a rational explanation for her hatred yet.
Wonder why Hillary stayed with Bill after he raped Juanita Broadrick.
jd wrote:
He was talking about the childishness of perry simplistic view of the role of the presidency in government. Duh.
Duh? Did you really mean to use ValleyGirlSpeak in a comment on Althouse How Gen X can one get? You aren't related to HDHouse by any chance?
And just what is the role of the presidency in government? Is it to create jobs?
I think what Bill is trying to say is, 'Welcome to big government. It won't go as small as you and I say it will.'
Wonder why Hillary stayed with Bill after he raped Juanita Broadrick.
Answer: Power. Better than sex any day of the week.
I think what Bill is trying to say is, 'Welcome to big government. It won't go as small as you and I say it will.'
If that's what he's trying to say, then the remedy is Aricept.
Qua, I agree. She and Bill don't have a marriage. They have a business arrangement.
Yeah, it is all petty Clinton haters on this thread (wonder how many of them still have a job). But Ann, I guess she is one too. Though I have not seen a rational explanation for her hatred yet.
Perhaps she disliked his careless disregard for women he had power over, up to and including trying to destroy them in public when people found out about his indiscretions.
Clinton's spout-off isn't "about the childishness of perry [sic] simplistic view of the role of the presidency in government." It's Clinton's inability to imagine a President eschewing naked power. He thinks, why wouldn't Perry love to insert himself into every aspect of 300 million lives. Who wouldn't love to feel so needed, to be everybody's daddy. Clinton is a child. A brilliant one with the emotional IQ of an orphan.
I'm sick of the emotionally crippled tending to their own wounds by fucking with my life.
I had to google fluffer..
I learned it here myself just a few weeks ago.
Wonder why Hillary stayed with Bill after he raped Juanita Broadrick.
Not as bad as George W Bush ordering the 9/11 attacks. Hey man, some people have said so.
chickenlittle wrote:
I learned it [the definition of fluffer] here myself just a few weeks ago.
Good to see you're getting with the program, dude, because if one hopes to understand the Left in general, and the Clintonian Ade in particular, one has to learn the porn industry argot -- because it's all porn, all the time. Like a PPV cable channel. If you doubt me watch Sharpton on MSNBC for ten minutes.
wv: ratist - one who holds special theories regarding rats and rat-like qualities, usually offensive.
garage, do you think Mrs Broadrick was lying?
Chuck66 said...
Wonder why Hillary stayed with Bill after he raped Juanita Broadrick.
Because he'd be CoPOTUS and she'd be POTUS, at least until the Usurper from Kenya showed up.
PS jd sounds like Jeremy with less social graces.
garage wrote:
Not as bad as George W Bush ordering the 9/11 attacks. Hey man, some people have said so.
Nice try, but no cigar (heh!). Did anyone actually killed in the 9/11 attacks accuse George W. Bush? When you find somebody like that get back to me.
Clintonian Ade - error!
Clintonian Age - corrected
Damned fingers.
PS Willie was the one with the childish view of the Presidency.
Any time he didn't get his way, he sulked and pouted.
If you doubt me watch Sharpton on MSNBC for ten minutes.
Much ado about must.
In all seriousness, when the entire story came out, and...was it NBC (ABC?)...looked into it....there is zero doubt in my mind that Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Bago said :
What about the .."The pizza delivering humidor"
Suggest you patent that bad boy asap!
Great minds think alike! [they were only styro-foam?]
"Department of Job"...what the sign over the new department will say if Slow Joe Biden orders the signage.
"Rick Perry plugged 97% of his budget shortfall with evil stimulus funds from the federal government. No hypocrisy there at all!"
This is very disingenuous, garage. If I gave everyone $97 and you were in debt $100, I would have made up 97% of your debt. However, if you were $1000 in debt, I would have only covered 0.97% of you debt.
Of course Texas received less stimulus funds per capita than nearly every other state.
He was misquoted. He was talking about Obama.
captcha: unpoma
The Clinton Show is the show that keeps on giving. Comedy at it's best and it gets better every year.
Projection explains so much.
I think Clinton is aging mentally early.
My thoughts exactly. He's had heart problems and heart surgery. A slight shortage of oxygen to the brain for an extended period of time will create problems in brain function. Remember how some of his comments in the 2008 campaign backfired and resulted in accusations of racism?
I'm not sure Clinton is exposing childlike qualities in himself as much as a fear of Perry. Why would he bother with the attack if he didn't think Perry was a genuine threat. We should also take this as a sign Hillary isn't running as such statements by Bill would hurt her.
Quick - can anyone name Clinton's best idea ever?
Clinton's best idea was to appropriate, rebrand for himself, & thereby take credit for Republican ideas (e.g. "the end of welfare as we know it", "the era of big government is over"). Forced by political circumstances to tack to the center, he ended up looking like a strong effective leader.
Contrast with Obama. When in similar circumstances (e.g. post mid-term elections), he's forced to accept & enact some Republican ideas (e.g. extending Bush tax cuts or accepting the debt limit deal), he does it gritting his teeth, cringing & whining, kicking and screaming, explicitly characterizing the situation as one in which he has unwillingly given in to the demands of hostage-taking terrorists.
Oh yeah, that'll make you look like a strong effective leader.
Of course, difference is that Clinton's tactic enabled him to take credit for a good economy, somewhat justifiably. Given all the shit O has put & continues to put our economy through, there's nothing good he can take credit for (though if he hadn't extended those terrorist tax cuts, things would be even worse, I'll give him that).
Given the economic debacle we're living through, the historically unprecedented credit downgrade, and the unlikelihood things will turn around before the election, there's no political point to appropriating & rebranding Republican ideas (even if O wanted to, which of course he doesn't, since these are anathema to him). O & the DNC will echo certain words & catchphrases ("focus on jobs" "era of austerity" etc.), emitted like incantations, but these are unconnected to any actual content. (And now they're thinking of instituting a "Department of Jobs"! OMG, it's like Monty Python does Kafka/ Orwell.)
It's a measure of just how pathetic O's presidency is, that this is the message he's resorting to, as an apology for himself & reason to re-elect him: Don't blame me, the terrorists did it, I had to give in to them, they made me do it! So re-elect me or the terrorists will win! With the schizo side B: We fixed the economy, we've turned things around! It would've been so much worse if we hadn't done what we did! Re-elect me so we can do more of the same!
Here is where I got that figure from.
Texas, which crafts a budget every two years, was facing a $6.6 billion shortfall for its 2010-2011 fiscal years. It plugged nearly all of that deficit with $6.4 billion in Recovery Act money, allowing it to leave its $9.1 billion rainy day fund untouched.
"Quaestor said...
Did anyone actually killed in the 9/11 attacks accuse George W. Bush? When you find somebody like that get back to me."
For that we will need John Edwards!
Did anyone actually killed in the 9/11 attacks accuse George W. Bush?
How can anyone "actually killed" accuse anyone of anything?
BTW - Where did they bury the survivors?
I'm not actually sure if they were styro-foam.
I wonder how they are going to top that and the campaign speech in Germany-maybe they'll have him lecture us from a hover-craft.
They sure thought they hated Nixon..then had to rethink that for6 years after he left.
We sure hated Bill Clinton, but it took Dubya and Obama to make us realize by comparison, he was a pretty good President.
AllenS said...
You know what, Bill? I'll bet good money that Rick never gets caught sticking a cigar up some young intern's pussy. Wanna bet, Bill?
He's as likely as his evangelical Brother Jimmy Carter to do that! But if it could somehow add some good juju luck and create the 20.6 million jobs it did under Clinton, I would expect Republican interns to bend over and do their patrotic duty to help eradicate the 12 years of Bush/Obama.
It really was amazing luck. 20.6 million jobs the wealthy Jobs Creators swore would not be created unless they got massive tax cuts.
Then Bush did the taxcuts the Jobs Creators said would supercharge the economy and grow us out of the need to pay any real taxes, soon. 1.6 million jobs in the 8 years of Bush..trillions in debt as supply side economics failed to work as advertised.
Then Obama - Worse than Bush!
Did somebody ask have named 3 of Bill Clinton's best ideas? Let me give it a shot:
Jokes. No other president supplied 'em better. NAFTA. And, on August 19th ... Bill has another birthday.
After he retired from office, he had a triple-by-pass. And, he did NOT get David Letterman's surgeon. Because David Letterman's surgeon didn't want to leave the golf course. Because you couldn't give a patient's name out ... over the phone lines.
Plus, Impeachment. Which didn't nail him, either.
I'm not making anything of this up. (And, I didn't even mention Monica. Or Hillary.) Though David Letter probably has a best 10 list.
Oh, and in 1996 I actually voted for Bill Clinton. Lots of people did.
Bob Dole, (who refers to himself in the 3rd person), and who fell into the mosh pit, didn't.
Althouse you did not watch the entire video. It makes COMPLETE sense. Watch it.
He simply says you cannot blame government for everything. Yet the GOP wants to blame the government for everything yet use it's resources while doing it. America has always been great because of business and government mixed together. Idiots like Perry want to do things like sucede from the Union and fight alone. Good luck.
We are a country of the people by the people. Don't forget that....
Look - ella binsburg is back, still unlettered, still too stupid to realize "alot" is not a word. Nice try, you Monica clone, but come back when you can write in English.
Idiots like Perry want to do things like sucede from the Union and fight alone.
I bet that idiot Perry knows how to spell "secede" correctly.
Bill Clinton was campaigning and he said a line... "I just want to be your Presi-dent"... and I thought that's it! He just wants to be POTUS for the perks, for the accolades. He didn't want to accomplish anything in particular, he just wanted to be Presi-dent.
"Alot" ... a lot ... ALL RIGHT ... Alright. Already.
Stick the blue pointed part of the pencil where the sun don't shine.
Everybody's got an opinion.
Nobody argrees with everyone. All opinions differ by author. Sheezus. Only fucks pick on other people ... claiming superiority because someone else get's "a lot" wrong! BIG FUCKING DEAL.
claiming superiority because...
I claim superiority because I am.
I typed it in a word doc and it took it for success and it got too quick a fix. But, yes, Perry would spell it correctly.
Do you know how many people are dead in that cemetery? badump bump ...all of them.
Matt- in your world, what is the proper mix or balance of govt to business to make things work best? 50-50? 60-40? 110 - 20?
DADvocate wrote:
How can anyone "actually killed" accuse anyone of anything?
One of the key points of being the straight man is timing. After the rimshot it's too late. (rimshot)
Matt - you're a good sport. It's not like I nver misspell anythimg.
One of the key points of being the straight man is timing. After the rimshot it's too late.
In the comments on this blog, you never know what to expect, or whether it's delusion or conviction. The only person I begin to understand here is Titus and that he likes tits (which seems rather odd for a gay man).
Well, he turned out better than Roger.
Carol_Herman wrote:
Oh, and in 1996 I actually voted for Bill Clinton. Lots of people did
Perhaps if fewer people did we wouldn't have witnesses such disgraceful sexcapades in the Oval Office. Or maybe we would have anyway.
Say "hello!" to Bob Dole's trouser snake. Put Bob Dole's fountain pen where it feels good, baby.
wv: unctsy - (adj) having the quality of being uncircumcised.
"Bill Clinton, talking about Rick Perry, reveals a lot about himself." That's probably true. And similarly, Bill Clinton's critics, talking about Bill Clinton, reveal a lot about themselves.
Clinton's statements are typical of a liberal on budget cutting. If you take any benefits from the government (living in the White House, flying on AF1), then you simply cannot criticize government or cut government spending. Please--people are smarter than that, although I have to give Clinton credit as he could mislead the lapdog press like the best of them.
What people should be asking is why Perry isn't as popular here in Texas as he should be. In his last re-election he received a smaller % vote than the Lt. Governor, who isn't well known or particularly popular. Perry won because he was a Republican, not because he was Rick Perry.
What is his purpose being in DC if not for making Washington work for the country?
Soooo.... you actually think that's what's been going on the last 2- 4 years?
The manboy from Hope trashing the man from Paint. Paint must be a big city with real houses compared to Hope.
Quaestor said...
Carol_Herman wrote:
Oh, and in 1996 I actually voted for Bill Clinton. Lots of people did
Perhaps if fewer people did we wouldn't have witnesses such disgraceful sexcapades in the Oval Office.
I'll take 20.6 million new jobs, under 50 soldiers wasted in "nation-building projects" in 8 years, and narrowing the deficit along with sexcapades and a monster 1st Lady anyday - over either a Dubya or an Obama.
from your cited CNN piece:
Gone are the $4.3 billion in stimulus funds for Medicaid and $3.25 billion for public education.
So if I'm reading correctly, Texas used the stimulus money to save big cuts to Medicaid and public education. Assuming those are likely the two largest pieces of their budget (as is typical for most states) by definition when that money went away they had to cut those programs.
I guess you can argue about the hypocrisy of their use and the political rhetoric but seems like they used all available revenue to avoid such cuts.
It seems the core of your beef is he/Texas balanced its budget.
Paraphrasing somebody-or-other: One man's charming rogue is another man's scumbag. (For the record, IMO Bill is a scumbag.)
I like the comparison of "The Man From Hope ... And, The Man From Paint," thing.
It has the makings of a book. Or at least a title.
Like the maid's: "HELLO, HOUSEKEEPER"
Sounds like a child?
Were you around for his presidency?
He was busy with cigars and dresses while Osama was planning the murder of thousands.
Wake up, Ann!
Clinton was always a giant man-baby. Looking for tits to suck, pussies to fuck, and not get caught. That's what he used all of his government offices for. It was the best shot he had at getting women. It clearly worked. Lewinski wasn't available for comment.
I know exactly where you got that number from. I read that same exact sentence you posted, which completely ignores the substance of my comment.
When you have a small budget deficit to begin with, any money given to help with that gap will AUTOMATICALLY be a higher percentage than a state with a higher budget deficit. You can figure this out using a little trick called "math":
M / D_x > M / D_y implies that D_y > D_x
where M = money from stimulus and D_x = deficit of state x and D_y = deficit of state y. Having 97% of the state's budget closed by the stimulus money, when the stimulus money in Texas was one of the lowest per capita, simply means that Texas's finances are in a much better situation than a place receiving one of the highest amounts of stimulus money per capita and it still doesn't cover 50% of the budget shortfall.
It's intellectual dishonesty based on being able to understand fractions (third grade math) because you're claiming that Perry is a hypocrite because the stimulus money covered 97% of Texas budget shortfall. It just means Perry was successful in keeping the Texas budget deficit small.
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