Tyrants =/ legally elected official. They are confusing a political loss with an overthrow of democracy. Pitiful really. The conservatives lost and America suffered while conservatives were quiet and well behaved. Progressives lose and America starts to rebound and they throw whining fits. Wait till we start pruning government growth to 2008 or even lower levels! Stuck pigs will be quieter than these wimps!
Just goes to show there's an idiot in every crowd. So the real question is, what solutions does that guy have? Probably its let the unions have whatever they want.
Think about it, if the unions are spending hundreds of millions on getting their guys elected into office and 6 figure paychecks for the leadership then just imagine how well the unions are taking care of their members.
I don't have any audio on the guy shouting the phrase -- although lip-reading works too. I do hear all the Shame chanting a little later, though. (Why isn't the crowd shouting back Lame? That would be appropriate).
Do you let out a big smile with pride and confidence?
If not, take charge of your oral health.
Seriously, my husband told me to get all my teeth pulled because my teeth get in the way when I blow him and he makes me stop and just jerks off. I am a terrible cock sucker. I am thankful that he didn't drop me because I can't suck cock. That would be a deal breaker for some guys.
Must be Virginians. ;-) (sic semper tyrannus is the Virginia state motto
I always preferred the motto on the Colonial flag, "For Constitutional Liberty", but that became rather awkward in 1861 when the adopted the current flag.
The big news at the Wisconsin state fair is that large crowds of blacks were beating the crap out of whites. Not much evidence that the Wisconsin whites were fighting back or helping out the white victims.
@Pogo: In this context yes, it's an endorsement of John Wilkes Booth. It's directed by protestors, who are otherwise also calling Walker a tyrant, who clearly want Walker out of office. You really think they're just randomly shouting state mottos? "Show me! Show me!"
It's not a threat. It's something very close to an endorsement of Booth.
Are these jokers aware that the deep blue states are well along on this process?
"The budget signing follows an agreement reached Friday on a contentious plan to reduce the cost to cities and towns for providing health insurance to municipal employees.
Amendments filed by Patrick to the budget would give cities and towns more flexibility to make changes in co-payments, deductibles and other aspects of public employee health insurance outside of the collective bargaining process.
Under the proposal, cities and towns could shift their workers into the state's Group Insurance Commission or another lower-cost plan after a monthlong discussion period with unions.
The issue had been one of the thorniest of the lengthy budget negotiations on Beacon Hill, with intense lobbying by union leaders who claimed it would violate collective bargaining rights won over the years. Meanwhile, cities and towns facing cuts in local aid demanded that the state provide them relief from the soaring costs of providing health insurance to workers."
It's not a threat. It's something very close to an endorsement of Booth.
Well if a state corrections officer can outright threaten to shoot the governor while at work and face no disciplinary action, why not join in the fun?
Hoo boy! That kinda talk ups the ante more than those fucktards realize. Down that path lies tear gas, "protest zones" and rubber bullets. Not "Wisconsin nice", but you do what you gotta do eh?
Who's surprised? They're leftists. If they don't murder their political opponents or hang them in effigy, they pine for a deus ex machina to overthrow the result. Remember the whine "where are you now, Lee Harvey Oswald?" applied to that dictator Chimpy McBushitlerburton?
Frankly, if I were Walker, I'd give that asshole something to scream about. "Oh, I'm a tyrant, am I? OK, security, pound him until his ears bleed!" Sure, I'd get sued and never reelected, but it would give snarling, diaper-soiling brats like this a REAL taste of tyranny.
I think Titus is an agent-provocateur committing cyber sabotage. By putting his nasty stuff on this blog it flags Althouse for blockage by many library and workplace spam/pr0n firewall software.
We used to go that County Fair when we were kids. It was lots of fun. No crazed protestors and violent flash mobs. Wow, society has really improved, hasn't it?
● Nixon: Absolutely HATED and almost violently vilified by the American left and the Democrat Party.
● Reagan: Absolutely HATED and daily vilified as evil by the American left and the Democrat Party.
● Clinton: Absolutely HATED and daily vilified by American Conservatives and the Republican party.
● "W": The highest level of visceral HATRED seen and practiced by the American Left and the Democrat Party in the last 50 years, to the point of being able to say in common society "I HATE Bush" and get away with no social negatives.
● Obama: Nothing compared to the Hatred level of the previous listed recent Presidents. The man is simply incompetent - everyone knows it.
PREDICTION: The election of 2012 will be seen as the last stand by the American Left and the Democrat Party, just like Wisconsin. Prepare for the worst, most dishonest, most immoral, most physical election efforts by the Democrats that you have ever imagined.
A term for LOL (meaning 'laugh out loud' in chat-speak), usually typed by mindless ditzes who can't speak right. QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: n i wuz lyke 'ur a total bytch' n she wuz lyke 'u da bytch u slutty hoebag' n i wuz lyke 'fuc u, ur bf is a muthafucca n he dun lyke u so shut da fuc up bytch' n she wox away cuz she aint got nuttin 2 say 2 me! she a hoe wit no comebax! AbErCrOmBiEhOn121: LoLz!!!1 ur lyke soooo rite, shes lyke such a hoe bag! but i luv u, ur 2 good 2 b 4gotn! QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: lolz!!1 i luv u 2! lez go shoppin! AbErCrOmBiEhOn121: aight honee lemme juss get mah REEL coach bag QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: shut da fuc up slut! QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: lolz! jkjk! AbErCrOmNiEhOn121: lolz!!!
I agree that the blonde in the light blue shirt is interesting; she needs to be removed from that nut house for her own protection and all. Etc. Etc.
But I also see that these union supporters have (a) lifted John Wilke's Booth's motto; and (b) appropriated the Gadsden Flag so beloved by the Tea Party folks.
And since this guy was yelling "Thus always to tyrants!" when he thought he was yelling "DEATH TO TYRANTS!" he betrayed not only his ignorance and stupidity, but his left-wing brand of civility.
Someone should tell them the hot , new, progressive, revolutionary phrase is "Arbeit Macht Frei", meaning, of course, "Labor Arbitration Creates Freedom". They'll all be chanting it in unison at Walker's next appearance. Now, that would be some good video.
I take it that as WI only recently passed CCW, they don't have any equivalent of Stand Your Ground? Duty To Retreat is one of the dumbest thing our legal system has ever cooked up. Future generations will think very poorly of us.
Using the reasoning of the liberals that like to post here, do you think he is creating a climate that encourages such stuff as the blacks beating whites race beatings at the Wisconsin State fair?
According to an analysis piece in Chinese media yesterday, America now owes every man, woman and child in China 5170 yuan. That's a little over $800 per person. A point of national pride in China - a triumph of the superior Chinese worker and the wise senior Communist Politburo.
Sort of like the puffed up pride of some unemployed Rust Belter reminding the snooty French that "they owe America" for "saving them in battle". Or if no Frenchmen is handy, reminding others in the local Ruins of Detroit picnic that golly gee, America is the best, with the best workers and best military heroes ever...and the world owes us.
And government owes us, and the checks to the Freedom Lovers better keep coming...or more "Sic Semper Tyrannis" posters would be coming.
'Mo stuff! Mo' exciting wars! 'Mo union jobs! No new taxes!
At a Raiders game at the LA Coliseum in 91, I saw 3 hispanic guys taunt a family by a concession stand. They knocked the hat off of the father and pushed him in the chest against a trash can. Noone did anything - including me - but 3 Marines came out of the bathroom and walked over towards the hispanics taunting them about "Oh, You want to fuck somebody up?" The 3 h's didn't say anything and started to back up. One marine slapped one of the h's upside the head and said "Move on, Motherfucker, your game's over." The h's turned and RAN, and I mean hauled ass towards the exit. A couple of people applauded and lots said thank you's.
By the way, the marine that did the talking was Hispanic.
Chase is right, the left is very violent these days. Which explains the Oslo massacre and the numerous other left-wing inspired acts of violence lately.
Steve Koch said... The big news at the Wisconsin state fair is that large crowds of blacks were beating the crap out of whites. Not much evidence that the Wisconsin whites were fighting back or helping out the white victims. ============= Fighting back? Helping out white victims?
That - Would - Be - Racist!!!
Part of what african and arab gangs in France say after being caught beating and robbing French natives and any Jews they can discern in the crowd (for political and religious reasons for arabs while the blacks just believe a Jew has good money or gold on them for the taking) - is their contempt. The victims never fight back, the whites on the trains never intervene. That - Would - Be - Racist. ============================== Let a pack of niggahs try it in LA against Mexicans or Koreans though - whole different story. The niggahs are way more careful there because not only the people will fight back, and later the gangs that protect them will be looking to pick off any Watts/Compton niggahs going through their turf for payback for the attacks. (LA has seen blacks cleansed from neighborhoods and schools now dominated by illegals and their anchor baby/legal family reunification spawn. Not that the hispanic toughs are pure by any means - but sections of LA are "no go zones for any blacks" .
White liberals, progressive Jews in Wisconsin?...Far easier targets. "It's just a bike and a little money, the kid will heal. The main thing is we need to understand the thugs anger. Is it Bush's fault?"
Alex, I thought Rubio was pretty tough in that debt speech last week. Kinda early in his career to run for pres., though. I mean, he hasn't quite served in the Senate as long as Obama did.
I think Titus is an agent-provocateur committing cyber sabotage. By putting his nasty stuff on this blog it flags Althouse for blockage by many library and workplace spam/pr0n firewall software.
KenK is right on the money. Much as I sometimes get a kick out of T's trash talk, there is clearly a method to his madness.
Don't write him off or ignore through a misguided sense of tolerance. Ban him and delete his posts. Party's over.
Woah Chase, for sure. Last presidential election was hairy. I heard a black guy in Philadelphia stood outside a polling station with a stick! I am surprised that the Republic survived. Thank God Fox blasted that story every day for six months or all might have been lost.
Face it, bucko-- you are a self-pitying, self-dramatizing seeker of virtuous victimhood. You seek equivalence where it doesn't exist. You are a whiner. You are a sore loser. In short, you are a little bitch.
And I agree with commenters upthread about Titus: He's here to derail the conversation and redirect it into the toilet. Why Althouse puts up with it, I can only guess, and since I'm not a professional psychologist, I won't offer my half-ass amateur opinion.
But to the topic of the post: You 'Sconsinites have a pretty awesome state fair, what with all the race riots and death threats in ancient languages. All we have in Ohio are elephant-ears and really big lop-ear rabbits.
I think Titus is an agent-provocateur committing cyber sabotage. By putting his nasty stuff on this blog it flags Althouse for blockage by many library and workplace spam/pr0n firewall software.
I doubt this happens much. My company has pretty tight security using Websense. I can't remember Althouse, or the comments, ever being blocked.
I heard a black guy in Philadelphia stood outside a polling station with a stick! I am surprised that the Republic survived.
You're certainly a good little fascist. Violence by lefties isn't violence at all, but violence by some whacko half way around the world is related to American conservatism. And, the race based violence in Wisconsin isn't worth mentioning. If you're a honky, you should try walking around the outside of the fairgrounds in Milwaukee tonight. Be sure to wear your "I'm a liberal sign." It'll protect you.
The GOP candidate will probably pick Marco Rubio to be his veep.
Currently, Florida is a toss up state. Currently, people who are playing with the math ... can't get either side to the top of the electoral college results.
Meanwhile, there's no way for Biden to stay put. Because Delaware's electoral votes don't amount to a hill of beans.
I think TRUMP can run against the lot of 'em, and win.
While the stupid party hasn't figured out, yet, the harms done by Boehner. And, McConnell.
You think there's a fire under the tea party's kettle? I think if it's on the stove ... the pot's empty. Can't even whistle.
But go ahead. Blame Obama.
Trump, however, saw Mitt's mismanagement. Boehner's laying a lame duck egg. And, the people not yet seeing something they want to buy, ahead.
DEFLATION is just another word for DEPRESSION. Press won't use it. And, retail customers are not coming back.
"By the way, franglo, do you still write for the New York Times?"
Are there some idiots out there who still believe they are anonymous because they don't use their real names? Thank God, they're out there shaping public opinion.
Herman - Trump has some good things to say...(like being about the only person out there who hasn't sold out to the China Lobby) - but is totally unacceptable to the voters. Because whatever smart and good is in the man is wrapped up in a package of a self-promoting clown and media whore fond of PR stunts like "running for NYC mayor" "I will rebuild the 9/11 Site" "I will run for President....seriously". Then go away once he has milked the max from the media.
Marco Rubio is too unseasoned. Another Palin in the experience level aspect...though I doubt he is a quitter. Same with Nikki Haley. Another nice new prospect just a few years into her 1st executive high office position, (though unlike Rubio, she helped run a business as an executive/part owner). If the candidate is Romney, maybe someone really into Jesus from the South with a ethnic angle like Rubio has a shot...but others like Bobby Jindal with high smarts and a track record of repairing broken budgets sucessfully would be a far better choice. If Perry is the candidate, another good ol' boy would make no sense. And if Bachmann is the candidate, whoever she picks won't really matter.
Florida is no longer looking winnable for Obama. Romney was leading him before the debt cap deal and the start of the next round of recession and slow collapse of the social welfare state in Europe becoming obvious. Though Obama still leads Bachmann by 10 and Palin by 16 in Florida (also pre-debt ceiling vote polling).
I think Jindal, BTW, is best to move on from Louisiana. He honored his commitment to the voters...but the danger is always there with Louisiana that the longer one is there in office, the more corrupted by unsavory but necessary "deals", and thus unsuitable for national office - one becomes.
Alex - Being Cuban does not translate into instant PR, Mex-American, other hispanic love. Being Cuban helps in Florida..not much elsewhere. And the guy is a "new" star, but only 1 1/2 years into his first big office. His only career experience since graduating from law school has been in state politics.
PREDICTION: The election of 2012 will be seen as the last stand by the American Left and the Democrat Party, just like Wisconsin. Prepare for the worst, most dishonest, most immoral, most physical election efforts by the Democrats that you have ever imagined.
"It's not going to be 2008 'Yes, we can' anymore. I think it's going to be slash-and-burn," said Democratic pollster Paul Maslin. "We have an embattled incumbent who doesn't have much hope of improving his standing except by point of comparison with his Republican opponent. It's going to be a very different kind of election that's going to be brutal, to be honest."
The cat with the beret looks a bit like Judge Skwierawski's kid. Similar apperance and same preference in headgear.
Noted the squiggy looking dude who cursed out the 14 year old girl this winter in the front row. I heard that he is a nursing student at the Madison tech college. For fuck's sake.
I suppose it's too much to hope that some of these assholes ran into the "boisterous youths" on the midway.
Well, Cedarford, I'm still entitled to my opinion.
And, I know I saw the Trump Fox piece over at the Belmont Club, yesterday. Because a commenter linked the link.
It was 17 minutes long.
I copied the link and sent it to friends telling them that the 17 minutes would fly by.
Now, I've been voting since 1960. When I cast my ballot for JFK.
In some of my elections I can pick a candidate who rivals those on the bottom. I think, for instance, that in 1980 Anderson got less than 5% of the vote.
You want to go look for an individual's vote? I find that hysterical.
Alex said... "The closest thing we have to a potential Reagan is Marco Rubio. But he's too fucking nice".
Marco Rubio is not eligible for VP or POTUS-- Not a natural born Citizen. His parents were in the US for 17 years when they naturalized in 1976. Marco was born in 1971 in Miami as a dual Cuban/ US Citizen (by way of the 14th Amendment, and Wong Kim Ark-- born in the US of resident alien Cuban Citizen parents).
Ummm...looked at franglo's link, went to "Crooks and Liars"-aptly named. Has a map of 22 or so alleged "right wing" incidences of violence over about three years. First few I looked at were Loaghner in Az, Stack in Austin (plane into IRS bld), two white guys extorting a bank in Ore, and the "Hutaree Militia" thing in Ohio.Not very convincing evidence of "Right Wing". If that's the best he has, meh.
"...And the guy is a "new" star, but only 1 1/2 years into his first big office. His only career experience since graduating from law school has been in state politics..."
That experience thing didn't stop you from embracing Senator 'present' in the last general election.
Cedarford said... "I think Jindal, BTW, is best to move on from Louisiana. He honored his commitment to the voters...but the danger is always there with Louisiana that the longer one is there in office, the more corrupted by unsavory but necessary "deals", and thus unsuitable for national office - one becomes.
Time for Jindal to make his next move."
Jindal is not eligible for VP or POTUS-- Not a natural born Citizen. He was born in La. of resident alien Indian immigrants, thus was a Indian/ US dual Citizen at birth (by way of the 14th Amendment and Wong Kim Ark). Natural born Citizens need no statute (including the 14A) to be considered a US Citizen. Dual Citizens at birth cannot be natural born Citizens, eligible for POTUS or VP (thus the term of art NATURAL BORN).
After you succeed in getting Barack Obama thrown out of office for failing to meet the definition of a "natural born citizen," I'll take your opinions on Bobby Jindal seriously."
Millions that are awake and aware of Obama's Usurpation will have standing to challenge the eligibility of Rubio, Jindal and Obama in the next election. The Preatorian guards in Black robes, at the behest of the Central Banker NWO Debt Masters, have blocked all questions of Obama's eligibility with "standing" since he was defacto elected, and was fraudulently passed through the Electoral College. They have never ruled on the facts.
Millions that are awake and aware of Obama's Usurpation will have standing to challenge the eligibility of Rubio, Jindal and Obama in the next election. The Preatorian guards in Black robes, at the behest of the Central Banker NWO Debt Masters, have blocked all questions of Obama's eligibility with "standing" since he was defacto elected, and was fraudulently passed through the Electoral College. They have never ruled on the facts.
Mick, just curious - do you work for the Gingrich campaign, writing press releases by any chance?
ARe you serious Triangle Man? Do you really think you saw me at the Willy Coop? How on earth would you think it was me? Did you see my car? My big arms? The rare clumber in the passenger seat?
I am very anonymous and don't talk to anyone so this is quite disturbing that I may have been detected.
Please do give details/
What was I wearing? Did I have nice sculpted arms? Hat/No Hat? Was I alone or with someone?
I am devastated if you think you may of seen me or even would know who I am.
How? This is ridiculous. You are bullshitting me.
I am super thanks for asking.....yet a little paranoid now.
rocketeer67 said... "Millions that are awake and aware of Obama's Usurpation will have standing to challenge the eligibility of Rubio, Jindal and Obama in the next election. The Preatorian guards in Black robes, at the behest of the Central Banker NWO Debt Masters, have blocked all questions of Obama's eligibility with "standing" since he was defacto elected, and was fraudulently passed through the Electoral College. They have never ruled on the facts.
Mick, just curious - do you work for the Gingrich campaign, writing press releases by any chance?"
No. Maybe YOU can answer the question:
If the PURPOSE of the natural born Citizen requirement was prevention of foreign influence into the Oval Office (FACT), then how is it possible that Obama, Rubio, and Jindal, born British, Cuban, and Indian respectively, are natural born Citizens, eligible for POTUS (or VP).
" I heard a black guy in Philadelphia stood outside a polling station with a stick!"
So is this "nothing story" more or less of a "nothing story" than all of the imaginary road blocks that were put up in Florida during the 2000 election that we had to hear about non-stop for 3 years?
Man, I was so convinced that the Left was dead serious about being civil back in January.
But, heck, the head of a group of journalists seeking to increase civility doesn't feel it's uncivil to call conservatives terrorists --- so for the Left, THIS IS CIVIL.
Don't be nice. Stop being friendly. Call Obama an empty-suited moron. Call Harry Reid the missing link between man and monkey. Call Nancy Pelosi evidence that perhaps mental competency requirements SHOULD be demanded for government people.
And have Walker make Wisconsin right to work and tell the unions to go screw themselves. Remind parents that he saved thousands of jobs and balanced the budget when the assorted rabble of progressive monkeys refused to do it.
It looked to me as though the sic semper tyrannus guy was trying to get others around him to yell with him. If so, fail.
Fail anyway.
Does the "shame, shame, shame" shouting win anyone over? It would annoy me if I were there trying to listen to Walker. It would annoy me if I were just nearby trying to do something else.
KenK, I think Titus is an agent-provocateur committing cyber sabotage. By putting his nasty stuff on this blog it flags Althouse for blockage by many library and workplace spam/pr0n firewall software.
KenK, this is true I believe. The Titus content moves the althouse blog to a questionable status in websense. A common url blocking filter used by business. But hey maybe I shouldn't be reading althouse at work!!!! If he was artistic about it maybe. But the content appears to be a type of babbling.
@DANEgerous: we're not allowed to notice that...it would be profiling.
Shaming: I've been shame, shame, shamed several times this past year and I gotta tell you...I just don't do guilt. It always makes me think of:
Chain, chain, chain...chain of fools ...and I get my motown on.
I do think its one of life's little ironies that people that call themselves "progressive", would go all Amish and into public shaming. I do see a little weird humor in that.
Marco Rubio is not eligible for VP or POTUS-- Not a natural born Citizen. His parents were in the US for 17 years when they naturalized in 1976. Marco was born in 1971 in Miami as a dual Cuban/ US Citizen (by way of the 14th Amendment, and Wong Kim Ark-- born in the US of resident alien Cuban Citizen parents).
If he was born here and Cuba doesn't claim him he can be president. There aren't any Clintons tyring to return him to Cuba.
Chase is right, the left is very violent these days. Which explains the Oslo massacre and the numerous other left-wing inspired acts of violence lately."
Lovely. A link from 'Crooks and Liars', a site named after the Democrat party.
Boy, are you totally off base! These people are not making threats at all! They are instead showing their very public support for the officers and crew of the Navy's newest submarine, USS Virginia, whose motto is indeed, "Sic Semper Tyrannis".
LarsPorsena said... "...And the guy is a "new" star, but only 1 1/2 years into his first big office. His only career experience since graduating from law school has been in state politics..."
That experience thing didn't stop you from embracing Senator 'present' in the last general election. ======================== It's really quite simple. McCain v. Obama was a choice of embracing the lesser of two evils. To me, and a majority of other Americans, Obama was the least worse bum left standing at the end.
That doesn't mean I want another no-executive experience to speak of person like McCain, Obama, Palin, and Biden next time around.
BTW - the best argument John McCain had against the "Perfesser" was the experience argument, and the dimbulb McCain lost that edge with 3 big blunders:
1. The biggest was picking Goddess of the Fundies Sarah who had the same amount of high office time as Obama. This signalled to voters that McCain, with life threatening melanoma in his past and advanced age, believed experience was no real issue. 2. Aside from his Love of General Petraeus and the Surge ...McCain couldn't dredge up his record as showing his success and experience, because a 1/4th of the time he agreed to follow the NY Times party line against Republicans. 3. Finally he lost the experience edge when he appeared to be a chicken running around with its head cut off when he suspended his campaign..then on resumption maybe showed he had had a little too much time in office and maybe past retirement age.
If someone is able to protest in a language that the teacher unions and academic left have been proscribing and lambasting as DWM lingo for years, Walker must be doing something right.
Marco Rubio is not eligible for VP or POTUS-- Not a natural born Citizen. His parents were in the US for 17 years when they naturalized in 1976. Marco was born in 1971 in Miami as a dual Cuban/ US Citizen (by way of the 14th Amendment, and Wong Kim Ark-- born in the US of resident alien Cuban Citizen parents).
If he was born here and Cuba doesn't claim him he can be president. There aren't any Clintons tyring to return him to Cuba".
Wrong. 1). Rubio would have had the opportunity to claim birthrite Cuban Citizenship as per the Cuban Constitution until age 21.
2). The SCOTUS precedent definition excludes Rubio:
From Minor v. Happersett:
"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "
His parents were resident aliens, not US Citizens, so Rubio is ineligible.
Look at this photo of Obama in a spaniard newspaper : http://www.elmundo.es/america/2011/08/06/economia/1312590842.html?a=e07ee4078f12e931ea232258c003301a&t=1312593498&numero= And compare with this: http://infocatolica.com/blog/reforma.php/1009080616-104-catolicos-y-politica-ix-d-7
Dual Citizens at birth cannot be natural born Citizens, eligible for POTUS or VP Until Andrew Jackson all Presidents were british according to that preposterous logic
Does anyone here know how to google for how much (%) of the "stimulus" funds have been expended yet?
It was my understanding that they've been spent. I see lots of news reports lately that say part of the problem grease-the-pump-wise is that stimulus $$$ are all gone.
Well, it's pretty absurd to call a duly elected leader a tyrant. If anybody in America has tyrannical tendencies, it's the labor unions.
The way the left has been acting lately, calling the tea party movement terrorists, thugs and muggers, and claiming they hold guns to the heads of officials, seems like projection to me. When they don't get their way it seems to them that democracy has been violated. From such flee.
Jose_K said... "Dual Citizens at birth cannot be natural born Citizens, eligible for POTUS or VP Until Andrew Jackson all Presidents were british according to that preposterous logic."
Your a little late to the game. And WRONG. The founders KNEW they themselves were not natural born, since they were born British before 1789, so they grandfathered themselves in by the "grandfather clause", i.e "or a CITIZEN at the time of the ratification of this Constitution." They trusted themselves, since they fought the Revolution, but they trusted no others born with foreign allegiance after 1789. Obama was 172 years too late. Do you think the founders would have been OK w/ someone born BRITISH serving as President? A2S1V5 has never been amended. And maybe you overlooked the SCOTUS definition precedent from Minor v. Happersett:
"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "
Citizen PARENTS. That excludes Obama, Jindal, and Rubio.
You could not be more wrong about Rubio, Jindal, and Obama. The citizenships of the parents do not affect their US citizenship. The Supreme Court ruling in US vs. Wong Kim Ark upheld Wong's contention that he was a US citizen by virtue of his birth in San Francisco despite his parents' status as Chinese citizens. Similarly, Rubio, Jindal, and Obama are eligible to be president or vice president by virtue of their birth in the United States, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.
Your view that dual citizenship makes a US citizen ineligible for the presidency has no basis in US law. Moreover, it would make no sense because the US cannot control the citizenship laws of other countries. A few countries (e.g., Greece and Turkey now and the UK in the 19th century) do not allow their citizens to renounce their citizenship, and their children also possess that citizenship regardless of their place of birth. You are saying that, for example, all Greek-Americans are ineligible to be president or vice president. There were a lot of reasons why Michael Dukakis should not have been president, but that is not one of them.
Moreover, we have already had at least one president and probably one vice-president who were dual citizens. President Chester Arthur's father was a British subject, making President Arthur from birth a US citizen and a British subject. Vice President Spiro Agnew probably could have picked up a Greek passport just by asking for one.
The Constitution, statute, and the Supreme Court have never defined what "natural-born citizen" means in terms of eligibility to be president or vice president, but that does not mean that you can substitute your opinion on what should be the law. As Justice Horace Gray wrote in the majority opinion in US vs. Wong Kim Ark, "The constitution nowhere defines the meaning of these words ["citizen" and "natural born citizen"], either by way of inclusion or of exclusion, except in so far as this is done by the affirmative declaration that 'all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States [14th amendment, section 1].'"
Let me add something more about Obama. Even if Obama had been born in Kenya of an invalid bigamous marriage, he still would have been a US citizen from birth because his mother was a US citizen. According to 8 USC Section 1609, Children born out of wedlock, "(c) . . . a person born, after December 23, 1952, outside the United States and out of wedlock shall be held to have acquired at birth the nationality status of his mother, if the mother had the nationality of the United States at the time of such person’s birth, and if the mother had previously been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year."
Hey Mick: when does your super-secret plan to prevent Obama from running for election or being president or whatever kick in? Don't forget to let me know, so I can get the popcorn and, if necessary, contact the Secret Service.
@ ddh Not to go to bat for Mick necessarily, but if we look at a hypothetical where Obama was born in in Kenya (I don't see any evidence he was), the part you have left out is that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born [BHO Sr knocker her up when she was 17] so the time doesn't work as she had to be an adult for that time. (My copy of the overseas birth certificate for my kids is on the other computer).
That same document differentiates (quotes all the statues on the back) between types of citizens, and issues affecting children of American / non American marriage born overseas.
Had the sign been attributable to the Tea Party, the media would by this point be embroiled in a ferocious debate over hardliner response versus a hearts-and-minds policy: whether to summarily execute all those not voting in the last Democrat primary; or just the first-born sons of Tea-Party families.
Here, because it is clearly righteous liberal wrath directed at an elected official declared to be a fascist by public employee unions, it is a matter of free speech protected under the First Amendment.
Let's not be too hard on the media - it's tough on them these days: they can't take a position on any event these days until they know the poliitcal persuasion of the involved parties. Here it's pretty clear the sign man is a"good guy", and they don't have to report on it; but not all such incidents are so clear cut.
Thank goodness the members of today's media are willing to take on the thankless task of determining the relative moral worth of parties. We should probably just go ahead and make the media another branch of government, and support them by happily paying our "fair share" in money we've wrung out of the oppressed poor.
By the way, you people bashing Titus are ridiculous. The accusations about him trying to get Althouse blocked are just stupid. The accusations about Titus trying to change the course of the conversation are right on. But it's not some sinister plot. He's very up front about this objective.
Trooper does this very same thing, changing the conversation when he wants to. You got a problem with him?
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1 – 200 of 279 Newer› Newest»Must be Virginians. ;-) (sic semper tyrannus is the Virginia state motto, and was yelled by John Wilkes Booth when he shot President Lincoln).
Do these buffoons even know what it means or do they just blurt this stuff out to try and seem profound.
In the words of a frustrated Regan, "Awww, Shut up!"
They're Democrats, what do you want?
It's not like they're expected to think,...
A veiled threat using the Virginia motto?
Better to use the new Madison slogan:
"Point 'em out, knock 'em out!"
You could have a really cool new flag and everything.
American politics. People shout at politicians all of the time.
What made Reagan so good is that he could quip back.
They say the same was true about FDR. Where, every day, he had in all the news reporters in his office. And, they'd try to get his goat.
Winners win. Losers go home to their mommy, crying.
What is the Magiver Institute?
I love their music.
The community is being organized threaten revolution unless robesbarackere is reelected.
Good to remember Americans hold Congress in lower regard than they do the president.
And, no matter how ugly it gets, you'll probably have the majority voting NOT TO CHANGE HORSES!
That means the Feds remain the Feds.
And, Soros is "fixing it" so that the roles of the Secretaries of State, are in his pocket.
Of course, in Europe, the gnomes in Belgium are getting kicked around. Nigel Farage should be Googled ... for you to see how this is done.
To watch Sarkozy and Merkel, however, you'd have to be able to go behind the screen.
The UN, Nato, and the EURO, are global problems. Grew here, too. But it looks like its being "shaken, not stirred, by James Bond." And, Nigel Farage.
I thought schools stopped teaching Latin.
Civility is for the untermenschen.
Tyrants =/ legally elected official. They are confusing a political loss with an overthrow of democracy. Pitiful really. The conservatives lost and America suffered while conservatives were quiet and well behaved. Progressives lose and America starts to rebound and they throw whining fits. Wait till we start pruning government growth to 2008 or even lower levels! Stuck pigs will be quieter than these wimps!
I thought schools stopped teaching Latin.
West High School in Madison offers it still.
Just goes to show there's an idiot in every crowd. So the real question is, what solutions does that guy have? Probably its let the unions have whatever they want.
Think about it, if the unions are spending hundreds of millions on getting their guys elected into office and 6 figure paychecks for the leadership then just imagine how well the unions are taking care of their members.
That's what happens when you don't crack a dictionary.
Who's the blonde in the light blue shirt working the crowd in front of this idiot ?
That's what I want to know.
I just pinched a really greasy loaf today.
It slid out like a skinny girl on a water slide at Wisconsin Dells.
There were so many layers, levels, contours, shapes and figures. They all shared a deep contrast.
I had to get a tooth implant yesterday.
Afterwards, I watched the procedure on youtube and almost threw up (clouds).
Then I proceeded to watch a hour of youtube dental procedure videos. Fascinating (clouds).
My dentist told me I now have a perfect bite.
I also got my teeth whitened and they are so fucking bright and I absolutely love it.
Teeth are so important and having a winning smile says "hi, I am ready to take on the world".
Thank you.
I don't have any audio on the guy shouting the phrase -- although lip-reading works too. I do hear all the Shame chanting a little later, though. (Why isn't the crowd shouting back Lame? That would be appropriate).
Is that just my computer?
Jackass. If he was going to shout a state motto of any sort, he should have used Oklahoma's.
Labor omnia vincit.
It is another example of "the new civility" we've been hearing so much about.
"The conservatives lost and America suffered while conservatives were quiet and well behaved."
Reminds me of this guy.
How are your teeth? Are you happy with them?
Do you let out a big smile with pride and confidence?
If not, take charge of your oral health.
Seriously, my husband told me to get all my teeth pulled because my teeth get in the way when I blow him and he makes me stop and just jerks off. I am a terrible cock sucker. I am thankful that he didn't drop me because I can't suck cock. That would be a deal breaker for some guys.
Uva uvam vivendo varia fit
That guy seems really upset that slavery was ended.
"Seek" not "sick."
Assassins don't know anything these days.
By the way, that picture from February is making me all depressed to think about the coming cold and snow and stuff. Bleah.
Summer in Wisconsin cannot be beat. Bliss!
Must be Virginians. ;-) (sic semper tyrannus is the Virginia state motto
I always preferred the motto on the Colonial flag, "For Constitutional Liberty", but that became rather awkward in 1861 when the adopted the current flag.
Do women suck the straight cock at will or does the women have to be talked into it?
Like if you suck it I will buy you something?
I have read many stories that women just don't like sucking the cock. Is that true? What have your straight experiences been? I care.
I wonder what it would be like to never get your cock sucked.
What a devastating and dismal life.
The big news at the Wisconsin state fair is that large crowds of blacks were beating the crap out of whites. Not much evidence that the Wisconsin whites were fighting back or helping out the white victims.
Summer in Wisconsin cannot be beat. Bliss!
Even when it's too hot and humid, it's better than anywhere else.
@Pogo: In this context yes, it's an endorsement of John Wilkes Booth. It's directed by protestors, who are otherwise also calling Walker a tyrant, who clearly want Walker out of office. You really think they're just randomly shouting state mottos? "Show me! Show me!"
It's not a threat. It's something very close to an endorsement of Booth.
Are these jokers aware that the deep blue states are well along on this process?
"The budget signing follows an agreement reached Friday on a contentious plan to reduce the cost to cities and towns for providing health insurance to municipal employees.
Amendments filed by Patrick to the budget would give cities and towns more flexibility to make changes in co-payments, deductibles and other aspects of public employee health insurance outside of the collective bargaining process.
Under the proposal, cities and towns could shift their workers into the state's Group Insurance Commission or another lower-cost plan after a monthlong discussion period with unions.
The issue had been one of the thorniest of the lengthy budget negotiations on Beacon Hill, with intense lobbying by union leaders who claimed it would violate collective bargaining rights won over the years. Meanwhile, cities and towns facing cuts in local aid demanded that the state provide them relief from the soaring costs of providing health insurance to workers."
Those people should be arrested! They're terrorists, the Taliban wing of the union movement, suicide bombers.
Well, that's what VPOTUS says.
PS Sounds like Cook's lost it.
It's not a threat. It's something very close to an endorsement of Booth.
Well if a state corrections officer can outright threaten to shoot the governor while at work and face no disciplinary action, why not join in the fun?
If you held up that sign at an Obama rally or shouted it out...wouldn't the FBI soon pay you a not-very-friendly visit?
I didn't know garage was bilingual.
Hoo boy! That kinda talk ups the ante more than those fucktards realize. Down that path lies tear gas, "protest zones" and rubber bullets. Not "Wisconsin nice", but you do what you gotta do eh?
Who's surprised? They're leftists. If they don't murder their political opponents or hang them in effigy, they pine for a deus ex machina to overthrow the result. Remember the whine "where are you now, Lee Harvey Oswald?" applied to that dictator Chimpy McBushitlerburton?
Frankly, if I were Walker, I'd give that asshole something to scream about. "Oh, I'm a tyrant, am I? OK, security, pound him until his ears bleed!" Sure, I'd get sued and never reelected, but it would give snarling, diaper-soiling brats like this a REAL taste of tyranny.
I don't know. It's almost like a Monty Python and the Holy Grail thing: "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time".
Doc Holiday: That's Latin darlin. It would seem Ringo is an educated man. Now I really hate him.
I think Titus is an agent-provocateur committing cyber sabotage. By putting his nasty stuff on this blog it flags Althouse for blockage by many library and workplace spam/pr0n firewall software.
Something else apparently happened last night at the Wisconsin State Fair, something involving "youths," something that cannot be spoken about.
EDH said...
Who's the blonde in the light blue shirt working the crowd in front of this idiot ?
That's what I want to know.
8/5/11 9:37 AM
Yes! That is the only interesting thing about this story.
Lincoln was a Republican, as is Walker.
Titus, you ought to try a vagina, man. They're awesome.
Or, as Dave Thomas said to his partner Rick who was in a bad mood,
"Sick temper, Moranis."
Or, as JFK replied when asked when and where his next vacation would be,
"September. Hyannis."
We used to go that County Fair when we were kids. It was lots of fun. No crazed protestors and violent flash mobs. Wow, society has really improved, hasn't it?
Or, as the Dodgers' equipment manager replied when asked about the new pitching machine's current draw by Al, the former general manager,
"Six ampere, Campanis."
I know you're out there, I can hear you breathing.
I'd LMAO at the guy and tell him there are 56 other states to move to which may be more to his liking.
Much less renouncing his citizenship.
He's no serf, no indentured servant, no slave, no great unwashed masses. He's an American.
He has options.
Captured by the MacIver News Service:
Political Discourse in recent American History:
● Nixon: Absolutely HATED and almost violently vilified by the American left and the Democrat Party.
● Reagan: Absolutely HATED and daily vilified as evil by the American left and the Democrat Party.
● Clinton: Absolutely HATED and daily vilified by American Conservatives and the Republican party.
● "W": The highest level of visceral HATRED seen and practiced by the American Left and the Democrat Party in the last 50 years, to the point of being able to say in common society "I HATE Bush" and get away with no social negatives.
● Obama: Nothing compared to the Hatred level of the previous listed recent Presidents. The man is simply incompetent - everyone knows it.
PREDICTION: The election of 2012 will be seen as the last stand by the American Left and the Democrat Party, just like Wisconsin. Prepare for the worst, most dishonest, most immoral, most physical election efforts by the Democrats that you have ever imagined.
That's something you can take to the bank.
Saint Croix said...
Titus, you ought to try a vagina, man. They're awesome.
8/5/11 10:37 AM
Garage, can you fill us in on the "flash mobs" at the Wisconsin State Fair? Part of the protests against Walker? By progressives?
4.LOLZ (Urban Dictionary)
A term for LOL (meaning 'laugh out loud' in chat-speak), usually typed by mindless ditzes who can't speak right.
QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: n i wuz lyke 'ur a total bytch' n she wuz lyke 'u da bytch u slutty hoebag' n i wuz lyke 'fuc u, ur bf is a muthafucca n he dun lyke u so shut da fuc up bytch' n she wox away cuz she aint got nuttin 2 say 2 me! she a hoe wit no comebax!
AbErCrOmBiEhOn121: LoLz!!!1 ur lyke soooo rite, shes lyke such a hoe bag! but i luv u, ur 2 good 2 b 4gotn!
QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: lolz!!1 i luv u 2! lez go shoppin!
AbErCrOmBiEhOn121: aight honee lemme juss get mah REEL coach bag
QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: shut da fuc up slut!
QtPiEGuRlyGuRl24: lolz! jkjk!
AbErCrOmNiEhOn121: lolz!!!
Yeah you get my point...
It's guys like this that help inspire the race based attacks at the fair, etc.
I agree that the blonde in the light blue shirt is interesting; she needs to be removed from that nut house for her own protection and all. Etc. Etc.
But I also see that these union supporters have (a) lifted John Wilke's Booth's motto; and (b) appropriated the Gadsden Flag so beloved by the Tea Party folks.
Let's just color them confused.
gm, did you have your bm in the pm, while you were in the gym?
Titus told me to ask you.
Jefferson Davis, John Wilkes Booth, Wisconsin government unions: good Democrats.
"So, Mr. Reagan, (asked Sam Donaldson), do you feel responsible at all for the current recession?"
There ya go.
What we need, now, is a candidate just like Jack Benny.
I thought schools stopped teaching Latin.
They did. It means "Thus always to tyrants!"
And since this guy was yelling "Thus always to tyrants!" when he thought he was yelling "DEATH TO TYRANTS!" he betrayed not only his ignorance and stupidity, but his left-wing brand of civility.
Garage, can you fill us in on the "flash mobs" at the Wisconsin State Fair?
Just heard about it this morning. I live in Madison so I wouldn't be much help.
Or, as the veterinarian replied when Elvis Costello asked him what was wrong with his dog,
"Distemper, McManus."
THIS is what democrat 'democracy' looks like.
In other words, thugocracy.
They own it.
Fortunatly, we know they are not advocating violence. Unacceptable violence, anyway.
Lighten up, everyone. It's not as if he said something really bad, like "You lie!"
If I was Walker I would have yelled "Vae Victus"
Someone should tell them the hot , new, progressive, revolutionary phrase is "Arbeit Macht Frei", meaning, of course, "Labor Arbitration Creates Freedom". They'll all be chanting it in unison at Walker's next appearance. Now, that would be some good video.
Eric then claimed that he saw hundreds of young black people coming down a sidewalk.
"I saw them grab this white kid who was probably 14 or 15 years old. They just flung him into the road. They just jumped on him and started beating him. They were kicking him. He was on the ground. A girl picked up a construction sign and pushed it over on top of him. They were just running by and kicking him in the face."
Then, Eric talked about trying to get out of the car to help the victim.
"My wife pulled me back in because she didn't want me to get hit. Thankfully, there was surprising a lady that was in the car in front of me that jumped out of the car real quick and went over there to try to put her body around the kid so they couldn't see he was laying there and, obviously, defenseless. Her husband, or whoever was in the car, was screaming at her to get back into the car. She ended up going back into the car. These black kids grabbed this kid off the ground again, and pulled him up over the curb, onto the sidewalk and threw him into the bushes like he was a piece of garbage."
Eric claimed that the victim in that beating was by himself, and that there was a split of white people on one sidewalk and black people on the other.
"There was nobody else around to help him. There were no other white people, period, on that side of the street. They were going in the opposite direction because, those people who were coming out of the fair that saw these people coming, they either went back into the fair or took off running south on 84th Street."
Eric expressed anger at the State Fair Police for what he considered a lack of response.
Boy, if only this had happened at Dodger Stadium . . . .
How long will it be before we see "Walker delenda est" ?
I take it that as WI only recently passed CCW, they don't have any equivalent of Stand Your Ground? Duty To Retreat is one of the dumbest thing our legal system has ever cooked up. Future generations will think very poorly of us.
That is very funny, Duke @ 10:19 AM.
For politicians, voices from the crowd, are like they are to comedians who do solo acts.
They arrive on stage, unbidden. And, the best comics turn it back!
Jack Benny ... however, just stood there. He wouldn't part with a nickel. And, he had an expression that even his wallet was constipated.
Maybe, all Walker had to say was "are you a Marine volunteer?"
Semper Fi. Semper Fa. Fa, la, la.
But Fala was FRD's dog.
I would suggest Walker put that phrase on every pink slip.
Hey, isn't the President black?
Using the reasoning of the liberals that like to post here, do you think he is creating a climate that encourages such stuff as the blacks beating whites race beatings at the Wisconsin State fair?
According to an analysis piece in Chinese media yesterday, America now owes every man, woman and child in China 5170 yuan. That's a little over $800 per person. A point of national pride in China - a triumph of the superior Chinese worker and the wise senior Communist Politburo.
Sort of like the puffed up pride of some unemployed Rust Belter reminding the snooty French that "they owe America" for "saving them in battle". Or if no Frenchmen is handy, reminding others in the local Ruins of Detroit picnic that golly gee, America is the best, with the best workers and best military heroes ever...and the world owes us.
And government owes us, and the checks to the Freedom Lovers better keep coming...or more "Sic Semper Tyrannis" posters would be coming.
'Mo stuff! Mo' exciting wars! 'Mo union jobs! No new taxes!
I'll give Wisconsin credit for one thing--its nasty mobs come in a variety of colors. It's the Benetton of the US.
This guy is garage, for sure.
So garage approves of assassinating Republicans.
its nasty mobs come in a variety of colors.
but only in 1 political and immoral variety:
If tea partiers shouted "sic semper tyrannis" at Obama the left would be LIVID.
If tea partiers shouted "sic semper tyrannis" at Obama the left would be LIVID
Correction. In this environment, they would become Violent.
Alex, Never lead with your chin.
"...Duty To Retreat is one of the dumbest thing our legal system has ever cooked up..."
Today we are all Eloi.
Oh, I don't know about "the left going violent." Last time I looked Obama couldn't even fill 600 seats in a stadium.
He also dropped his price on a free slurpee to $5.
But believe what you want to believe. (No, I don't believe Jesus saves. Because I don't believe he even has any money.)
But some people believe if they accuse the left enough times ... the left drops away ... like an extra arm.
The closest thing we have to a potential Reagan is Marco Rubio. But he's too fucking nice.
At a Raiders game at the LA Coliseum in 91, I saw 3 hispanic guys taunt a family by a concession stand. They knocked the hat off of the father and pushed him in the chest against a trash can. Noone did anything - including me - but 3 Marines came out of the bathroom and walked over towards the hispanics taunting them about "Oh, You want to fuck somebody up?" The 3 h's didn't say anything and started to back up. One marine slapped one of the h's upside the head and said "Move on, Motherfucker, your game's over." The h's turned and RAN, and I mean hauled ass towards the exit. A couple of people applauded and lots said thank you's.
By the way, the marine that did the talking was Hispanic.
I never did attend another Raiders game.
Chase is right, the left is very violent these days. Which explains the Oslo massacre and the numerous other left-wing inspired acts of violence lately.
Steve Koch said...
The big news at the Wisconsin state fair is that large crowds of blacks were beating the crap out of whites. Not much evidence that the Wisconsin whites were fighting back or helping out the white victims.
Fighting back? Helping out white victims?
That - Would - Be - Racist!!!
Part of what african and arab gangs in France say after being caught beating and robbing French natives and any Jews they can discern in the crowd (for political and religious reasons for arabs while the blacks just believe a Jew has good money or gold on them for the taking) - is their contempt.
The victims never fight back, the whites on the trains never intervene.
That - Would - Be - Racist.
Let a pack of niggahs try it in LA against Mexicans or Koreans though - whole different story. The niggahs are way more careful there because not only the people will fight back, and later the gangs that protect them will be looking to pick off any Watts/Compton niggahs going through their turf for payback for the attacks. (LA has seen blacks cleansed from neighborhoods and schools now dominated by illegals and their anchor baby/legal family reunification spawn. Not that the hispanic toughs are pure by any means - but sections of LA are "no go zones for any blacks"
White liberals, progressive Jews in Wisconsin?...Far easier targets.
"It's just a bike and a little money, the kid will heal. The main thing is we need to understand the thugs anger. Is it Bush's fault?"
Education has failed them. I would not sacrifice an organ for that product, even giving up a tumor would be over paying.
Alex, I thought Rubio was pretty tough in that debt speech last week. Kinda early in his career to run for pres., though. I mean, he hasn't quite served in the Senate as long as Obama did.
I think Titus is an agent-provocateur committing cyber sabotage. By putting his nasty stuff on this blog it flags Althouse for blockage by many library and workplace spam/pr0n firewall software.
KenK is right on the money. Much as I sometimes get a kick out of T's trash talk, there is clearly a method to his madness.
Don't write him off or ignore through a misguided sense of tolerance. Ban him and delete his posts. Party's over.
Nice try franglo.
Check back after November 2012. I'll be here. We can compare notes about violent acts related to the election See who's right about it then.
Get it, franglo? Election.
Democrats. Frustrated.
About the election.
(Sigh) The things you have to spend time reteaching the graduates of America's public schools.
You did graduate, didn't you?
KenK is right on the money. Much as I sometimes get a kick out of T's trash talk, there is clearly a method to his madness.
Don't write him off or ignore through a misguided sense of tolerance. Ban him and delete his posts. Party's over.
Oh, hey, everyone look! The blog police showed up! We're safe now.
I think I caught a glimpse of Titus at the Co-op last week.
I think I caught a glimpse of Titus at the Co-op last week.
Squeezing the bread?
Woah Chase, for sure. Last presidential election was hairy. I heard a black guy in Philadelphia stood outside a polling station with a stick! I am surprised that the Republic survived. Thank God Fox blasted that story every day for six months or all might have been lost.
Face it, bucko-- you are a self-pitying, self-dramatizing seeker of virtuous victimhood. You seek equivalence where it doesn't exist. You are a whiner. You are a sore loser. In short, you are a little bitch.
Yes, that's right, Chip -- pinching the loaves.
I don't know about "little".
But if you say so, fine. (Good use of big words. Very Good!)
We'll compare notes in Nov 2012.
You did graduate, didn't you?
And I agree with commenters upthread about Titus: He's here to derail the conversation and redirect it into the toilet. Why Althouse puts up with it, I can only guess, and since I'm not a professional psychologist, I won't offer my half-ass amateur opinion.
But to the topic of the post: You 'Sconsinites have a pretty awesome state fair, what with all the race riots and death threats in ancient languages. All we have in Ohio are elephant-ears and really big lop-ear rabbits.
Who appointed themselves the Commenter Committee Language Police to eliminate other commenters for bad words?
The problem is mob action by community members gathered against a free man.
A mob is a group that has no conscience. Free men are individuals restrained by a God given morality written upon their hearts.
Sic Semper Language Tyrannis.
By the way, franglo, do you still write for the New York Times?
We see that you are still as hatefilled.
And, did you graduate?
"Thus always to tyrants" -- huh?
Sic Semper Language Tyrannis
That's Sic Semper Tyrannis Linguae, I believe.
I think Titus is an agent-provocateur committing cyber sabotage. By putting his nasty stuff on this blog it flags Althouse for blockage by many library and workplace spam/pr0n firewall software.
I doubt this happens much. My company has pretty tight security using Websense. I can't remember Althouse, or the comments, ever being blocked.
Does this mean that tyrants are doomed to always be yelled at by people with signs?
You'd think they deserved worse.
I heard a black guy in Philadelphia stood outside a polling station with a stick! I am surprised that the Republic survived.
You're certainly a good little fascist. Violence by lefties isn't violence at all, but violence by some whacko half way around the world is related to American conservatism. And, the race based violence in Wisconsin isn't worth mentioning. If you're a honky, you should try walking around the outside of the fairgrounds in Milwaukee tonight. Be sure to wear your "I'm a liberal sign." It'll protect you.
The GOP candidate will probably pick Marco Rubio to be his veep.
Currently, Florida is a toss up state. Currently, people who are playing with the math ... can't get either side to the top of the electoral college results.
Meanwhile, there's no way for Biden to stay put. Because Delaware's electoral votes don't amount to a hill of beans.
I think TRUMP can run against the lot of 'em, and win.
While the stupid party hasn't figured out, yet, the harms done by Boehner. And, McConnell.
You think there's a fire under the tea party's kettle? I think if it's on the stove ... the pot's empty. Can't even whistle.
But go ahead. Blame Obama.
Trump, however, saw Mitt's mismanagement. Boehner's laying a lame duck egg. And, the people not yet seeing something they want to buy, ahead.
DEFLATION is just another word for DEPRESSION. Press won't use it. And, retail customers are not coming back.
Does this mean that tyrants are doomed to always be yelled at by people with signs?
Not if they're real tyrants.
I thought schools stopped teaching Latin.
My grandson in MO is taking LatinI, He wants to be a Dr.
By the way, franglo, do you still write for the New York Times?
Haha, so franglo jams out TPS reports for the New York Times? I might have known...
Google search on 'Koch/afp absentee ballots crime
Gets links to a bunch of left-wing sites. Heh.
"By the way, franglo, do you still write for the New York Times?"
Are there some idiots out there who still believe they are anonymous because they don't use their real names? Thank God, they're out there shaping public opinion.
Herman - Trump has some good things to say...(like being about the only person out there who hasn't sold out to the China Lobby) - but is totally unacceptable to the voters. Because whatever smart and good is in the man is wrapped up in a package of a self-promoting clown and media whore fond of PR stunts like "running for NYC mayor" "I will rebuild the 9/11 Site" "I will run for President....seriously". Then go away once he has milked the max from the media.
Marco Rubio is too unseasoned. Another Palin in the experience level aspect...though I doubt he is a quitter. Same with Nikki Haley. Another nice new prospect just a few years into her 1st executive high office position, (though unlike Rubio, she helped run a business as an executive/part owner).
If the candidate is Romney, maybe someone really into Jesus from the South with a ethnic angle like Rubio has a shot...but others like Bobby Jindal with high smarts and a track record of repairing broken budgets sucessfully would be a far better choice.
If Perry is the candidate, another good ol' boy would make no sense.
And if Bachmann is the candidate, whoever she picks won't really matter.
Florida is no longer looking winnable for Obama. Romney was leading him before the debt cap deal and the start of the next round of recession and slow collapse of the social welfare state in Europe becoming obvious.
Though Obama still leads Bachmann by 10 and Palin by 16 in Florida (also pre-debt ceiling vote polling).
At this point it's a 100% given Rubio will be offered the VP slot next year. No brainer. He'd be wise to decline it.
I think Jindal, BTW, is best to move on from Louisiana. He honored his commitment to the voters...but the danger is always there with Louisiana that the longer one is there in office, the more corrupted by unsavory but necessary "deals", and thus unsuitable for national office - one becomes.
Time for Jindal to make his next move.
At this point it's a 100% given Rubio will be offered the VP slot next year. No brainer. He'd be wise to decline it.
Not so sure it's a loser for him. If the GOP loses with Rubio for VP on the ticket, it still sets him up for 2018 with fundraisers.
Alex - Being Cuban does not translate into instant PR, Mex-American, other hispanic love. Being Cuban helps in Florida..not much elsewhere. And the guy is a "new" star, but only 1 1/2 years into his first big office. His only career experience since graduating from law school has been in state politics.
Earlier I said, regarding the next election:
PREDICTION: The election of 2012 will be seen as the last stand by the American Left and the Democrat Party, just like Wisconsin. Prepare for the worst, most dishonest, most immoral, most physical election efforts by the Democrats that you have ever imagined.
That's something you can take to the bank.
From today's LA Times front page:
"It's not going to be 2008 'Yes, we can' anymore. I think it's going to be slash-and-burn," said Democratic pollster Paul Maslin. "We have an embattled incumbent who doesn't have much hope of improving his standing except by point of comparison with his Republican opponent. It's going to be a very different kind of election that's going to be brutal, to be honest."
Are you listening, franglo?
That's Sic Semper Tyrannis Linguae, I believe.
Or, as the man teaching the neophyte sundae-maker said,
"Dismember bananas lengthwise."
Look, you're going to have to tell me to stop.
One man's tyrannus is another man's fructus fructus
Actually Rubio is only 6 months into being a US Senator.
One man's tyrannus is another man's...
...and yes, it does really look like that and those are all RL people, not AI.
The cat with the beret looks a bit like Judge Skwierawski's kid.
Similar apperance and same preference in headgear.
Noted the squiggy looking dude who cursed out the 14 year old girl this winter in the front row.
I heard that he is a nursing student at the Madison tech college.
For fuck's sake.
I suppose it's too much to hope that some of these assholes ran into the "boisterous youths" on the midway.
Tyranny is being defined down pretty low, isn't it?
Not being able to force others to chip in to your union funding?
That is tyranny now?
That is tyranny now?
Now and forever.
The weather is too nice to spend time hating that much.
I bet to some who heard this, what they heard was "sick dinosaur." And, they wondered if this wasn't part of a biblical exhibit.
Well, Cedarford, I'm still entitled to my opinion.
And, I know I saw the Trump Fox piece over at the Belmont Club, yesterday. Because a commenter linked the link.
It was 17 minutes long.
I copied the link and sent it to friends telling them that the 17 minutes would fly by.
Now, I've been voting since 1960. When I cast my ballot for JFK.
In some of my elections I can pick a candidate who rivals those on the bottom. I think, for instance, that in 1980 Anderson got less than 5% of the vote.
You want to go look for an individual's vote? I find that hysterical.
I think it's the same guy in both the video and the February picture. Anyone else agree?
Alex said...
"The closest thing we have to a potential Reagan is Marco Rubio. But he's too fucking nice".
Marco Rubio is not eligible for VP or POTUS-- Not a natural born Citizen. His parents were in the US for 17 years when they naturalized in 1976. Marco was born in 1971 in Miami as a dual Cuban/ US Citizen (by way of the 14th Amendment, and Wong Kim Ark-- born in the US of resident alien Cuban Citizen parents).
Thus always to tyrants!
I wonder if they'd think it were OK if I shouted that at an Obama rally?
Ummm...looked at franglo's link, went to "Crooks and Liars"-aptly named. Has a map of 22 or so alleged "right wing" incidences of violence over about three years. First few I looked at were Loaghner in Az, Stack in Austin (plane into IRS bld), two white guys extorting a bank in Ore, and the "Hutaree Militia" thing in Ohio.Not very convincing evidence of "Right Wing". If that's the best he has, meh.
Walker, should have responded with a well known Latin phrase:
I'mma gonna beata you fuckin ass.
"...And the guy is a "new" star, but only 1 1/2 years into his first big office. His only career experience since graduating from law school has been in state politics..."
That experience thing didn't stop you from embracing Senator 'present' in the last general election.
Cedarford said...
"I think Jindal, BTW, is best to move on from Louisiana. He honored his commitment to the voters...but the danger is always there with Louisiana that the longer one is there in office, the more corrupted by unsavory but necessary "deals", and thus unsuitable for national office - one becomes.
Time for Jindal to make his next move."
Jindal is not eligible for VP or POTUS-- Not a natural born Citizen. He was born in La. of resident alien Indian immigrants, thus was a Indian/ US dual Citizen at birth (by way of the 14th Amendment and Wong Kim Ark). Natural born Citizens need no statute (including the 14A) to be considered a US Citizen. Dual Citizens at birth cannot be natural born Citizens, eligible for POTUS or VP (thus the term of art NATURAL BORN).
Carol_Herman said...
"The GOP candidate will probably pick Marco Rubio to be his veep".
Marco Rubio was born of Cuban non US Citizen resident aliens, and is not a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS or VP.
sorepaw said...
"Tell you what...
After you succeed in getting Barack Obama thrown out of office for failing to meet the definition of a "natural born citizen," I'll take your opinions on Bobby Jindal seriously."
Millions that are awake and aware of Obama's Usurpation will have standing to challenge the eligibility of Rubio, Jindal and Obama in the next election. The Preatorian guards in Black robes, at the behest of the Central Banker NWO Debt Masters, have blocked all questions of Obama's eligibility with "standing" since he was defacto elected, and was fraudulently passed through the Electoral College. They have never ruled on the facts.
sorepaw said...
Same goes for your pronouncement about Marco Rubio."
Aw you're so brave. Stand aside traitor, leave saving the Constitution to those of us that are awake and aware of the usurpation.
I heard a black guy in Philadelphia stood outside a polling station with a stick! I am surprised that the Republic survived.
On your planet, is an attempted bank robbery - caught on tape and undisputed in terms of the facts - not a crime just because it failed?
Millions that are awake and aware of Obama's Usurpation will have standing to challenge the eligibility of Rubio, Jindal and Obama in the next election. The Preatorian guards in Black robes, at the behest of the Central Banker NWO Debt Masters, have blocked all questions of Obama's eligibility with "standing" since he was defacto elected, and was fraudulently passed through the Electoral College. They have never ruled on the facts.
Mick, just curious - do you work for the Gingrich campaign, writing press releases by any chance?
ARe you serious Triangle Man? Do you really think you saw me at the Willy Coop? How on earth would you think it was me? Did you see my car? My big arms? The rare clumber in the passenger seat?
I am very anonymous and don't talk to anyone so this is quite disturbing that I may have been detected.
Please do give details/
What was I wearing? Did I have nice sculpted arms? Hat/No Hat? Was I alone or with someone?
I am devastated if you think you may of seen me or even would know who I am.
How? This is ridiculous. You are bullshitting me.
I am super thanks for asking.....yet a little paranoid now.
Toodles and Have a Super Fabulous Weekend.
rocketeer67 said...
"Millions that are awake and aware of Obama's Usurpation will have standing to challenge the eligibility of Rubio, Jindal and Obama in the next election. The Preatorian guards in Black robes, at the behest of the Central Banker NWO Debt Masters, have blocked all questions of Obama's eligibility with "standing" since he was defacto elected, and was fraudulently passed through the Electoral College. They have never ruled on the facts.
Mick, just curious - do you work for the Gingrich campaign, writing press releases by any chance?"
No. Maybe YOU can answer the question:
If the PURPOSE of the natural born Citizen requirement was prevention of foreign influence into the Oval Office (FACT), then how is it possible that Obama, Rubio, and Jindal, born British, Cuban, and Indian respectively, are natural born Citizens, eligible for POTUS (or VP).
" I heard a black guy in Philadelphia stood outside a polling station with a stick!"
So is this "nothing story" more or less of a "nothing story" than all of the imaginary road blocks that were put up in Florida during the 2000 election that we had to hear about non-stop for 3 years?
Suck me, you simpering little Tyrannis.
I'm tired of hearing "shame, shame, shame, shame." They need to come up with something new if they expect to keep me interested.
Man, I was so convinced that the Left was dead serious about being civil back in January.
But, heck, the head of a group of journalists seeking to increase civility doesn't feel it's uncivil to call conservatives terrorists --- so for the Left, THIS IS CIVIL.
Don't be nice. Stop being friendly. Call Obama an empty-suited moron. Call Harry Reid the missing link between man and monkey. Call Nancy Pelosi evidence that perhaps mental competency requirements SHOULD be demanded for government people.
And have Walker make Wisconsin right to work and tell the unions to go screw themselves. Remind parents that he saved thousands of jobs and balanced the budget when the assorted rabble of progressive monkeys refused to do it.
Even when it's too hot and humid, it's better than anywhere else.
I don't have raving gangs of thugs randomly assaulting people where I live.
So, I think SC has WI beat...significantly.
Democrats have a history of shouting sic Semper tyrannis at Republicans before they shoot them.
If you said "sic" in my neighborhood, the dog jumps out at ya. And, bites.
Ha I just read this post and read it as the McGiver news service. (I know correct spelling MacGyver)
News that is put together with paperclips, gum wrappers, hairpins and duct tape.
They have the technology
It looked to me as though the sic semper tyrannus guy was trying to get others around him to yell with him. If so, fail.
Fail anyway.
Does the "shame, shame, shame" shouting win anyone over? It would annoy me if I were there trying to listen to Walker. It would annoy me if I were just nearby trying to do something else.
I think Titus is an agent-provocateur committing cyber sabotage. By putting his nasty stuff on this blog it flags Althouse for blockage by many library and workplace spam/pr0n firewall software.
KenK, this is true I believe. The Titus content moves the althouse blog to a questionable status in websense. A common url blocking filter used by business. But hey maybe I shouldn't be reading althouse at work!!!! If he was artistic about it maybe. But the content appears to be a type of babbling.
@DANEgerous: we're not allowed to notice that...it would be profiling.
Shaming: I've been shame, shame, shamed several times this past year and I gotta tell you...I just don't do guilt. It always makes me think of:
Chain, chain, chain...chain of fools
...and I get my motown on.
I do think its one of life's little ironies that people that call themselves "progressive", would go all Amish and into public shaming. I do see a little weird humor in that.
I think this is wrong.
Marco Rubio is not eligible for VP or POTUS-- Not a natural born Citizen. His parents were in the US for 17 years when they naturalized in 1976. Marco was born in 1971 in Miami as a dual Cuban/ US Citizen (by way of the 14th Amendment, and Wong Kim Ark-- born in the US of resident alien Cuban Citizen parents).
If he was born here and Cuba doesn't claim him he can be president. There aren't any Clintons tyring to return him to Cuba.
"frango said...
Chase is right, the left is very violent these days. Which explains the Oslo massacre and the numerous other left-wing inspired acts of violence lately."
Lovely. A link from 'Crooks and Liars', a site named after the Democrat party.
At the State Fair, Walker has stepped in, by ordering the State Police to patrol. (Up at Freepers)
I just got an idea for a pop-up card. Tyrannissempersicasaurus Rex, a big lizard that holds up a protest sign reading "my arms are very small"
Have I shown you the Trannysaurus? Gosh, it was 14 cards ago. It went to a friend in San Francisco.
Boy, are you totally off base! These people are not making threats at all! They are instead showing their very public support for the officers and crew of the Navy's newest submarine, USS Virginia, whose motto is indeed, "Sic Semper Tyrannis".
Ever thus to deadbeats Lebowski.
Why is there no coverage of the black flash mob at the State Fair?
LarsPorsena said...
"...And the guy is a "new" star, but only 1 1/2 years into his first big office. His only career experience since graduating from law school has been in state politics..."
That experience thing didn't stop you from embracing Senator 'present' in the last general election.
It's really quite simple. McCain v. Obama was a choice of embracing the lesser of two evils. To me, and a majority of other Americans, Obama was the least worse bum left standing at the end.
That doesn't mean I want another no-executive experience to speak of person like McCain, Obama, Palin, and Biden next time around.
BTW - the best argument John McCain had against the "Perfesser" was the experience argument, and the dimbulb McCain lost that edge with 3 big blunders:
1. The biggest was picking Goddess of the Fundies Sarah who had the same amount of high office time as Obama. This signalled to voters that McCain, with life threatening melanoma in his past and advanced age, believed experience was no real issue.
2. Aside from his Love of General Petraeus and the Surge ...McCain couldn't dredge up his record as showing his success and experience, because a 1/4th of the time he agreed to follow the NY Times party line against Republicans.
3. Finally he lost the experience edge when he appeared to be a chicken running around with its head cut off when he suspended his campaign..then on resumption maybe showed he had had a little too much time in office and maybe past retirement age.
The pimples, united, shall never be defeated!
And meantime, in New York City, S&P just downgraded the U.S.'s credit rating to AA+ for the first time ever.
That whole "voting Democrat and living beyond our means" thing isn't quite working out like the idiots thought it would.
If someone is able to protest in a language that the teacher unions and academic left have been proscribing and lambasting as DWM lingo for years, Walker must be doing something right.
Patrick said...
I think this is wrong.
Marco Rubio is not eligible for VP or POTUS-- Not a natural born Citizen. His parents were in the US for 17 years when they naturalized in 1976. Marco was born in 1971 in Miami as a dual Cuban/ US Citizen (by way of the 14th Amendment, and Wong Kim Ark-- born in the US of resident alien Cuban Citizen parents).
If he was born here and Cuba doesn't claim him he can be president. There aren't any Clintons tyring to return him to Cuba".
Wrong. 1). Rubio would have had the opportunity to claim birthrite Cuban Citizenship as per the Cuban Constitution until age 21.
2). The SCOTUS precedent definition excludes Rubio:
From Minor v. Happersett:
"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "
His parents were resident aliens, not US Citizens, so Rubio is ineligible.
Look at this photo of Obama in a spaniard newspaper :
And compare with this:
What are all you wearing for tomorrow's Day Of Prayer?
It's warm so I am thinking a nice light cotton ensemble.
Does anyone here know how to google for how much (%) of the "stimulus" funds have been expended yet?
Dual Citizens at birth cannot be natural born Citizens, eligible for POTUS or VP
Until Andrew Jackson all Presidents were british according to that preposterous logic
Does anyone here know how to google for how much (%) of the "stimulus" funds have been expended yet?
It was my understanding that they've been spent. I see lots of news reports lately that say part of the problem grease-the-pump-wise is that stimulus $$$ are all gone.
Sixty Grit knows my real game.
I think he kind of has a crush on me.
What else do you know about me Sixty?
Well, it's pretty absurd to call a duly elected leader a tyrant. If anybody in America has tyrannical tendencies, it's the labor unions.
The way the left has been acting lately, calling the tea party movement terrorists, thugs and muggers, and claiming they hold guns to the heads of officials, seems like projection to me. When they don't get their way it seems to them that democracy has been violated. From such flee.
I doubt it. I am pretty sure that it was just late last fall that they got past the 50% mark.
Jose_K said...
"Dual Citizens at birth cannot be natural born Citizens, eligible for POTUS or VP
Until Andrew Jackson all Presidents were british according to that preposterous logic."
Your a little late to the game. And WRONG. The founders KNEW they themselves were not natural born, since they were born British before 1789, so they grandfathered themselves in by the "grandfather clause", i.e "or a CITIZEN at the time of the ratification of this Constitution."
They trusted themselves, since they fought the Revolution, but they trusted no others born with foreign allegiance after 1789. Obama was 172 years too late. Do you think the founders would have been OK w/ someone born BRITISH serving as President? A2S1V5 has never been amended. And maybe you overlooked the SCOTUS definition precedent from Minor v. Happersett:
"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "
Citizen PARENTS. That excludes Obama, Jindal, and Rubio.
You could not be more wrong about Rubio, Jindal, and Obama. The citizenships of the parents do not affect their US citizenship. The Supreme Court ruling in US vs. Wong Kim Ark upheld Wong's contention that he was a US citizen by virtue of his birth in San Francisco despite his parents' status as Chinese citizens. Similarly, Rubio, Jindal, and Obama are eligible to be president or vice president by virtue of their birth in the United States, regardless of the citizenship of their parents.
Your view that dual citizenship makes a US citizen ineligible for the presidency has no basis in US law. Moreover, it would make no sense because the US cannot control the citizenship laws of other countries. A few countries (e.g., Greece and Turkey now and the UK in the 19th century) do not allow their citizens to renounce their citizenship, and their children also possess that citizenship regardless of their place of birth. You are saying that, for example, all Greek-Americans are ineligible to be president or vice president. There were a lot of reasons why Michael Dukakis should not have been president, but that is not one of them.
Moreover, we have already had at least one president and probably one vice-president who were dual citizens. President Chester Arthur's father was a British subject, making President Arthur from birth a US citizen and a British subject. Vice President Spiro Agnew probably could have picked up a Greek passport just by asking for one.
The Constitution, statute, and the Supreme Court have never defined what "natural-born citizen" means in terms of eligibility to be president or vice president, but that does not mean that you can substitute your opinion on what should be the law. As Justice Horace Gray wrote in the majority opinion in US vs. Wong Kim Ark, "The constitution nowhere defines the meaning of these words ["citizen" and "natural born citizen"], either by way of inclusion or of exclusion, except in so far as this is done by the affirmative declaration that 'all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States [14th amendment, section 1].'"
Let me add something more about Obama. Even if Obama had been born in Kenya of an invalid bigamous marriage, he still would have been a US citizen from birth because his mother was a US citizen. According to 8 USC Section 1609, Children born out of wedlock, "(c) . . . a person born, after December 23, 1952, outside the United States and out of wedlock shall be held to have acquired at birth the nationality status of his mother, if the mother had the nationality of the United States at the time of such person’s birth, and if the mother had previously been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year."
Oh man! Mick's here? I missed the fun?
Hey Mick: when does your super-secret plan to prevent Obama from running for election or being president or whatever kick in? Don't forget to let me know, so I can get the popcorn and, if necessary, contact the Secret Service.
I'll see your "sic semper tyrannus" and raise you an "Ultima Ratio Regum".
@ ddh Not to go to bat for Mick necessarily, but if we look at a hypothetical where Obama was born in in Kenya (I don't see any evidence he was), the part you have left out is that Stanley Ann Dunham was 18 when Obama was born [BHO Sr knocker her up when she was 17] so the time doesn't work as she had to be an adult for that time. (My copy of the overseas birth certificate for my kids is on the other computer).
That same document differentiates (quotes all the statues on the back) between types of citizens, and issues affecting children of American / non American marriage born overseas.
JAL -- ddh's post was brilliant. Brilliant. The document you cite is not a law and you have no idea what you are talking about.
So Ezra showed his ignorance to Santelli?
Had the sign been attributable to the Tea Party, the media would by this point be embroiled in a ferocious debate over hardliner response versus a hearts-and-minds policy: whether to summarily execute all those not voting in the last Democrat primary; or just the first-born sons of Tea-Party families.
Here, because it is clearly righteous liberal wrath directed at an elected official declared to be a fascist by public employee unions, it is a matter of free speech protected under the First Amendment.
Let's not be too hard on the media - it's tough on them these days: they can't take a position on any event these days until they know the poliitcal persuasion of the involved parties. Here it's pretty clear the sign man is a"good guy", and they don't have to report on it; but not all such incidents are so clear cut.
Thank goodness the members of today's media are willing to take on the thankless task of determining the relative moral worth of parties. We should probably just go ahead and make the media another branch of government, and support them by happily paying our "fair share" in money we've wrung out of the oppressed poor.
By the way, you people bashing Titus are ridiculous. The accusations about him trying to get Althouse blocked are just stupid. The accusations about Titus trying to change the course of the conversation are right on. But it's not some sinister plot. He's very up front about this objective.
Trooper does this very same thing, changing the conversation when he wants to. You got a problem with him?
Don't be such cunts!
"Tyrants =/ legally elected official."
Hitler was legally elected.
Ain't saying Walker is a tyrant nor comparing him to Hitler...rather I'm just sayin'
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