August 18, 2011

1-word response not understood by left-wing blog.

And they even see the historical reference. They just can't put it together.

(Sorry for 2 Allen West posts in a row. It just happened in the normal course of looking for the morning's bloggables.)


The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Known Unknown said...

An economy of words from a sitting member of Congress?


traditionalguy said...

The poor bastards, they have Col.West surrounded.

Once more the Muslims are playing the victim card. But nobody cairs.

Rob said...

Heh, they all are now required to see "Patton" at least three times.

The Drill SGT said...

There is rumor that the original Nuts! usage was sanitized for the sake of historical record :)

Curious George said...

Easy, Kinnard at Bastogne.

Every American should watch Band of Brothers. And be thankful that they were not a Bastogne, and that the 101st (and 82nd) was.

Anonymous said...

West, you magnificent bastard! I read your memo!

Scott M said...

You know what's funny about that is that I was trying to guess all the good one-word comebacks and the only one I could come up with is "nuts". I definitely choked on my coffee when I opened the article.

Gahrie said...

somebody remind me how many homicide bombers the "radical anti-Muslim(s)" have produced.......

chickelit said...

What a McAuliffe-ful thing to write!

Widely Seen said...

A most un-nuanced response.

No wonder it causes some confusion in certain circles -- such as today's versions of the Wehrmacht's central planners...

chickelit said...

West, you magnificent bastogne!

ic said...

How about three words: "stuck on stupid"?

The Drill SGT: I believe West meant all the expletive NUTS too.

Moose said...

So, haters gonna hate. However, if the haters don't break any laws with their hating, whats the issue?
Let's all consider Sully and his "Christanist" rants...

BigFire said...

History is wasted on the 'progressive'. Just as George Orwell stated in 1984, he who controls the present controls the past. History is what you make it.

Triangle Man said...

The appropriate response would have been "Adios, mofo.".

What, too obvious?

Scott M said...

I take that back. The funniest thing about this is his letter on congressional stationary. Not only did that require copious chutzpah, but it pretty much says wealth of things in one syllable.

Scott M said...

Whatever he meant by his response, one thing West did not appear to offer is any sort of condemnation of the radical anti-Muslim company he has been keeping.

The original "aw, nuts" was a condemnation of any thoughts of surrender. How do they not get this?

On the other hand, I'm sure they fully support the latest anti-terror PSA from Big Sis, in which nicely-dressed white people are carrying out the attacks while non-whites do their patriotic duty and phone in the unusual activity.

cubanbob said...

Imagine if Col. West was president instead of that whinny little democrat-communist bitch.

Col. West doesn't care what CAIR thinks. Way to go Col. West!

Firehand said...

Let's see... a politician who makes a response that's short, does not grovel or suck for votes, and refuses to apologize for what he is and thinks AND won't bow down to a protected species... well, hell, no wonder they have problems dealing with it!

Jeff in Oklahoma said...

Well done Triangle Man.

Anonymous said...


Gives my an excuse to post this

I crack up every single time I see it-

DCS said...

I don't think that meaning of "channel" was in use in 1945, thank goodness. I can only hope Obama starts channelling somebody like Hayek when it comes to the economy.

Curious George said...

Col. West knows "enemy" when he see it.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You don't expect lefties to know about the heroic stand at Bastogne do you? The extent of their knowledge of WW2 is we forced Japan to attack us and that bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war were war crimes.

Quaestor said...

Every American should watch Band of Brothers. And be thankful that they were not a Bastogne, and that the 101st (and 82nd) was.

While it is true that both the 82nd and 101st Airborne Division were deployed to outskirts of Bastogne on the night of 19-20 Dec. 1944, only the 101st Airborne, along with Combat Command B of the 10th Armored Division and 705th Tank Destroyer Battalion, was within Bastogne when the XLVII Panzerkorps of Hasso von Manteuffel's 5th Panzerarmee completed its encirclement of the town the following night. The 82nd Airborne was redeployed northward to the region of Trois Ponts where they fought and repelled Kampfgruppe Peiper, the armored spearhead of the 6th Panzerarmee.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I still chuckle that the leftwingers have found a group of religious fundamentalists that they can rally around.

Lost My Cookies said...

The comments over there are the really interesting part.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I would have said "eat shit", but that's not very nice at all.

Anonymous said...

So the Tea people are no longer angry with him? Fickle, thy name is Tea Party.

Joe Schmoe said...

I still chuckle that the leftwingers have found a group of religious fundamentalists that they can rally around.


Hoosier Daddy, haven't you noticed they rally around the religious groups they are genuinely afraid of?

Roman said...

From a media that does not know the differance between a Soldier and a Marine, is anyone suprised?

Anonymous said...

I still chuckle that the leftwingers have found a group of religious fundamentalists that they can rally around.

I know.

It is a suicide pact, because the first people to go under such religious fundamentalists will be the abortion-mongering feminists and the gays.

But for now, the enemy if my enemy is my friend, as they say.

Shanna said...

The funniest thing about this is his letter on congressional stationary. Not only did that require copious chutzpah, but it pretty much says wealth of things in one syllable.

Absolutely. Combined with that "steadfast and loyal" signoff.

Hoosier Daddy said...

A lot of folks don't realize that the last five months of 1944 weren't going so great onthe Western front. Market Garden cost the Brits a whole airborne division and the final objective unrealized. Then Hurtgen Forest chewed up a couple US infantry divisions for pretty much nothing then The Bulge saw us take over 80k casualties from a German force no one even thought existed at that point.

It's easy to look in hindsight and think victory was inevitable but when you look more closely it was never a foregone conclusion.

Henry said...

This is just another example of the political media game in which a simple declaration of a position is "bizarre". What is expected of the modern politician is an insidious hedging of opinion in a fog of sophistry. One of the ways in which the media thinks it protects Obama is in ignoring his simple declarations while celebrating his opaque meanderings. The latter, while useless in negotiation, leadership, or self-understanding, seem smart to the smart set.

Of course, as the commenters at the Think Progress make clear, those on the left are happy to express blunt opinions. West is a "Scumbag. Ignoramus. Idiot. Fool. Tool. Clown. Psucho. Nutjob. Whacko." But their mealy-mouthed leaders keep letting them down. How demoralizing!

And here's this West guy, and Perry, and Palin, and Bachmann, who keep saying blunt, disagreeable things.

Quaestor said...

Some of the ThinkRegress shitheads are floating the meme that Col. West was dishonorably separated from the service...

Valentine Smith said...

The implicit comparison of CAIR to the nazis is most telling.

I do believe we're seeing the slow collapse of the PC edifice. Hard times getting harder will do that.

Fred4Pres said...

The left does not know "nuts"? That's nuts.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Hoosier Daddy, haven't you noticed they rally around the religious groups they are genuinely afraid of?.."

I notice that the left rallies around any group that displays the proper dislike, if not outright hostility to Western Civilization.

Ever notice that ridicule of Islam is denounced as racist and bigoted but ridicule of Christianity is brave and edgy?

MadisonMan said...

The comments are very odd at the linked-to article. Wow.

Demonizing a group of people for political points, however, makes me uneasy, whether the demons are Rich, Muslim, Scientists, Gays, whatever. I don't think Col. West is doing that, but I'm not sure.

Rachel said...

I think I'm now officially in love with Allen West.

madAsHell said...

"A man that eloquent has to be saved"

Sadly, it's attributed to a Hollywood script, and not General Patton.

Calypso Facto said...

Well, when those peace-loving Muslims only threaten to cut the tongue off those they disagree with, why wouldn't Col. West come out in support of their efforts?

Nuts, indeed.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

History is wasted on the 'progressive'. Just as George Orwell stated in 1984, he who controls the present controls the past. History is what you make it.

Big surprise. Back in 2009 Michelle Obama plainly stated the agenda.

"Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

The propaganda machine is working just as intended.

With the help of a union controlled public education system, they can change history....erase history...churn out good little cogs for the machine.

Oh... and I told you so. Obama is a Socialist/Marxist with an agenda to ruin this country.

edutcher said...

The colonel may regret specifically describing himself as Harriet Tubman (he may wish he'd said Frederick Douglass), but that's what he is, in effect, doing.

And he covered himself with glory on this one.

Airborne, sir, All The way.

PS And the Think Progress crowd really believes they're smarter?

Cedarford said...

I think the Republicans, as West has done, are showing that they are moving past the Bush-McCain garbage of noble Muslims as the Religion of Peace that are "hungry" to be nation-built into democracies. And that Bush White House era butt-kissing of CAIR, regular guests at the White House, as "authentic voices of the Muslim community".

Anonymous said...

"Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

That quote cannot be posted enough.

What strikes me the most about that quote is, she doesn't we "we ought", or "we should"

No. There is no debate; there are no options.

We have to

Joe said...

"One possible explanation..."

Good Lord. Here, let me give you a translation:

"Fuck you."

Anonymous said...

Amazing video, Dust Bunny


TMink said...

Hoosier, you are on to something. I believe that we are engaged in a spiritual war in which anti-Christian and anti-Jewish elements are coming together. It is that bias and antipathy that binds them. It is the real issue, but it is hidden.


CatherineM said...

That's not surprising. I didn't get to view the comments section. It said 0 comments.

Madison Man - what you are also missing is the fact that West responded to them several times and Cair has been basically harrassing him demanding a different (meaning agreeing to their views) response.

You gotta love the ignorant lefties. Obama doesn't know his history either, like how "the world came together" to save Germany from starvation with the airlift after WW2. Moron.

Meanwhile, Bachmann gets Elvis's birthday confused with his death-day and the morning radio shows are calling her an idiot.

DADvocate said...

Wow. Just how stupid and ignorant can you be? The most famous one word reply in American history.

Anonymous said...

Left WIng bloggers and readers know full well that West plagiarized McCauliff's response to the Germans, we are simply making fun of him for being a NUT himself. Twisting the direction of the bloggers intent again, Ann?

Kirk Parker said...


It's CAIR that Rep. West it nuts-ing, not Muslims In General. They (CAIR) have done much to deserve it, starting with their very name.

Anonymous said...

Boy, there really are two worlds in this country.

Chip S. said...

I hope you've created a macro for "not understood by left-wing blog." It will free up lots of your valuable time.

Scott M said...

Boy, there really are two worlds in this country.

Three, if you included Detroit.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

"Twisting the direction of the bloggers intent again, Ann?"

Nice try. There's no twisting going on here. It's obvious from the comments what the intent was.

Seeing Red said...

Left WIng bloggers and readers know full well that West plagiarized McCauliff's response to the Germans, we are simply making fun of him for being a NUT himself. Twisting the direction of the bloggers intent again, Ann?

So everyone who has responded "Nuts" is a plagiarist?

Or let me clarify, those who actually understand the historical significance is a plagiarist?

Since WWII?

That's the best the left can do? That's sad.


Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Left WIng bloggers and readers know full well that West plagiarized McCauliff's response to the Germans,..."

Plagiarized? Lol!

You know all that thrashing around just attracts sharks or piranhas.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Boy, there really are two worlds in this country.

Three, if you included Detroit..."


Quaestor said...

Apfelkuchen wrote:
Left WIng bloggers and readers know full well that West plagiarized McCauliff's response to the Germans...

Care to expand on your choice of the word plagiarized? And if you deem it defensible then please explain how you and the rest of Obama's myrmidons can tolerate Joe Biden.

Scott M said...

And if you deem it defensible then please explain how you and the rest of Obama's myrmidons can tolerate Joe Biden.

Myrmidons isn't a suitable substitute for sycophant in this Hellenistic military grognard's mind.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I wonder if fruitcake is valid synonym auf deutsch for apfelkuchen?

grackle said...

Obama is a Socialist/Marxist with an agenda to ruin this country.


MadisonMan said...

Madison Man - what you are also missing is the fact that West responded to them several times and Cair has been basically harrassing him demanding a different (meaning agreeing to their views) response.

In that case, a more appropriate response is silence IMO. It sounds like he gets pilloried regardless of what he says. Highlighting the historical ignorance of your political foes is good blog fodder, but not much else.

Lance said...

In that case, a more appropriate response is silence IMO. It sounds like he gets pilloried regardless of what he says.

Pilloried by the left, extolled by the right, with a bunch of independents/moderates checking in to see what all the commotion is about. Sounds like West got just the response he hoped for.

chickelit said...

Hoosier Daddy said...
I wonder if fruitcake is valid synonym auf deutsch for apfelkuchen?

By their fruitcakes ye shall know them.

The Drill SGT said...

I like West, however, for the record:

As a courtesy, Lieutenant Colonels are adddressed orally and informally as Colonel. However in writing, Lieutenant Colonels are LTC's, not Col's

Colonels are also informally called "Chicken Colonels" after the Eagle Insignia. Or Full-Bird Colonels.

LTCs are also called Half-Colonels, Half-Birds, short-Birds, and Light-Birds

The Wife is a Full-Bird :)

BJM said...

Someone left the apfelkuchen out in the rain.I don't think that I can take it 'cause it took so long to half-bake it and I'll never read such lame comments again.

(apologies to Jimmy Webb)

BJM said...


Sounds like West got just the response he hoped for.

Yeah it's becoming much easier to rattle the left as Hte Won's numbers plumment.

Tom Van Dyke said...




Larvell said...

The quotation marks and exclamation point detract a little from the effect. Just the word alone would have been cooler.

Russ said...

I always kind of figured McAuliffe used what we might refer to as a Cheney-ism, encouraging the Germans to engage in intercourse with themselves.

Which, yeah, that would have been cleaned up right away by the powers that be.

The Drill SGT said...

Russ, it's more than just guessing :)

At the sixtieth anniversary of the battle, a veteran (Ross Whitehead of New Jersey) told the press that McAuliffe never uttered that exact word but said something alltogether different... According to that veteran, who stood beside McAuliffe when he said it, McAuliffe yelled "fuck you" at the Germans inviting his surrender. However the newspapers found those words a bit too strong and replaced it with the milder "nuts" in their dispatches home...

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... I always kind of figured McAuliffe used what we might refer to as a Cheney-ism, encouraging the Germans to engage in intercourse with themselves..."

What I have read is that when he was given the German terms he said 'nuts' and wondered what response he should give and one of his officers said his remark seemed good enough.

The scene from a bridge too far is like that when the German tells the Brit para he wants to discuss terms of surrender and the Brit replies that they can't accept the German's surrender as they don't have the facilities to take them all prisoner.

God, that Brit spirit. Maythey get it back

The Drill SGT said...

a Half Colonel :)

John Frost, CB, DSO & Bar, MC, DL

Commander, 2nd Para Bn, 1st Para Bde, 1st Para Div

Job said...

I have a question: At the bottom of the thinkprogress post, there is a discussion of McAuliffe, "One possible explanation is that West is channeling a famous line by an American general fighting the Nazis during World War II. During a battle with German troops in Western Europe, Gen. Anthony McAuliffe was told that the Germans wanted his men to surrender. He replied, “Us surrender? Aw, nuts!”"

Was this explanation there orginally or did the writer add it after 100 people told him about the quote?

Does anyone have a screenshot of the original screen?

Tagore said...

That site says: "One possible explanation is that West is channeling a famous line by an American general"

umm- "one possible explanation?" Look, this isn't that hard. Whatever you think of this piece of oratory it is pretty clear that it is a reference to that famous line.

Russ said...

The scene from a bridge too far is like that when the German tells the Brit para he wants to discuss terms of surrender and the Brit replies that they can't accept the German's surrender as they don't have the facilities to take them all prisoner.

The look on the German's face in that scene is priceless.

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, the Nazis didn't understand it either.

The Drill SGT said...

The Drill SGT said...

My favorite scene is this one:

Anonymous said...

When stationed in Germany I dated an American girl whose Dad had been at Bastogne (and other places) with the 101st Airborne. I had the honor to accompany his familty to a reunion of the 101st in bastogne. We stayed at the house of a Belgian who had taken in my girlfriend's Dad during the battle. That man became Bastogne's mayor.
Seeing those men march down the main street surrounded by adoring Belgians still brings tears to my eyes.

The Germans have an historical character, a knightby the name of Goetz von Berlichingen who, his castle surrounded, was asked to surrender.
His reponse? "Leck mich am Arsch."
(Lick my ass). As in the sentence, "Apfelkuchen, leck mich am Arsch."

Heart_Collector said...

Nuts is a little dated, Id have to vote for tits.

David R. Graham said...

The Think Progress writer and editor make the location and import generic: "During a battle with German troops in Western Europe ...." Queer language for one of the US Army's most famous and illustrious set-tos.

@ The Drill SGT: Thanks for clarifying the mil usage.

@ Quaestor: Thanks for clarifying the order of battle at Bastogne.

@ CAIR: Thanks for exposing yourself.

@ Rep West: Thank you for your service to our nation.

The Drill SGT said...

I said...LTCs are also called Half-Colonels, Half-Birds, short-Birds, and Light-Birds

I should have added, that in the Pentagon, LTC's are also called Coffee-bitches

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