"It was surreal: 3 black SUVs speeding by [perhaps 45 mph], tires ka-thumping over railroad tracks one after the other. Protesters begin to yell as they get a glimpse of the vehicles in their peripheral vision, all turning to the road. They run after the vehicles, their signs flailing. Some want to run but decide to stay rooted by the railroad tracks that run behind the building where we’ve been assembling – maybe in hopes he’d double back or in realization that they won’t run fast enough to catch him. The chanting and yelling intensifies to a dull roar around the other side of the building and I listen to the state troopers get questioned by a couple of angry men: 'Do you honestly think that was under the speed limit?'"
Remind me why you think it was the 3 black SUVs that looked "sinister"? The Governor is hounded by people who call themselves "stalkers" ("Walker Stalkers"), and you fault him for taking security measures?
Sounds like Oliver Stone is consulting w/ Blue Cheddar.
Khruschev used to ride around in them.
Make that "African-American tinted windows," you racist.
Sounds a scene from "The Wire." The guy has already story-boarded the scene in his head in slow motion. I wonder what he imagines using for a sound track? Probably some cheddar-menacing hip-hop.
Sort like the occupying forces driving through Iraq?
It was surreal: 3 black SUVs speeding by
These people should see how Harry Reid travels from the Senate office building to the Capitol (1 block).
These poor protestors now have to pay a $10.00 co-pay. The outrage!
"Protesters begin to yell as..."
I think they meant "violent looking protestors".
Why don't I have time to protest??
"roesch-voltaire said...
Sort like the occupying forces driving through Iraq?"
Yeah, like the .50 caliber machine gun pointed out of the back of one of the SUV's. Oh, wait...that's Obama's motorcade.
You truly are an idiot.
Watching the videos, I've never seen such ill-dressed, unkempt looking people. Lazy slobs each and every one of them. That's the impression I get looking at them as potential employees.
Maybe if they spent a little effort improving themselves they could get better jobs.
There is little in this world more pathetic than a small group of losers acting like they are in charge egged on by like-minded fools. If we as a society decide to curb global warming we should start with these childish, neanderthal throwbacks.
What a waste of oxygen!
All the pols drive around in those now.
Hell, the Yukon seems to be the official family car of Northwest Arkansas. Hardly sinister looking.
I recall that this type of greeting used to meet President Reagan quite a bit during his first term.
By 1984 things were going so well in America that it all died down.
Blue Cheddar could use a good editor. Or any editor.
Reading that article made my head hurt. And it's only 9 am.
Yes, unionize the "cognitively different" (retarded) folks.
Pay a living wage and provide domestic partner benefits.
That will fix things.
Freeman Hunt: Hell, the Yukon seems to be the official family car of Northwest Arkansas. Hardly sinister looking.
Silly Freeman, they're only sinister when you think a Republican is driving them.
"But he's being protected from US! That makes this evil and sinister!!"
If I ran the zoo I would make the governor drive around in a pink Prius.
Maybe add some rainbow stickers.
His motorcade would consist of 3 unarmed cops in shorts on bicycles.
John Henry
Those truly are some frightful looking people.
That Opportunity Lily, I'd cross the street just to keep away from her.
It's like the mob of a PoMo "A Tale of Two Cities".
From the same 'bluecheddar' post:
"Opportunties Inc. puts disabled people in deadend sub-minimum wage work – work supported by federal medicaid grants. And “sub-minimum” is really very much below $7.50/hour: 323 of Opp. Inc’s employees worked at sub-minimum wage in 2009. 300 earned less than $5 an hour, 161 earned under $2/hour and 66 worked for under $1 an hour.
I learned that Goodwill of Southeastern Wisconsin is the largest such outfit in the nation."
Amazing what your tax dollars fund. Not a bad idea, though. What they aren't mentioning is that they hire the developmentally disabled, meaning retarded adults, at below min. wage because no one will hire them at minimum wage. Minimum wage goes to 'the disabled' that no one wants to hire for what are usually obvious reasons.
My retarded brother works for one of those places in South Dakota. They pay him piecework for filling little bags with the screws for things like ceiling fans and the like. Gives him something to do and provides him a little dough to spend on what he wants, which is usually nothing. His room and board are paid for by the family and some state subsidies.
I am certain a machine could do the same work for cheaper, but for the Medicaid subsidy.
You take people no one else will hire and pay them more than what they are worth through a tax subsidy to give them something for working, usually barely working, for a few hours. Depends on the disability. My brother apparently is very slow but methodical.
So these Wisconsin Union protesters are bitching about it. There's even a story about the *scandal* in the Cap Times:
"It is deeply disturbing that at a time when there is such a desperate need for family-sustaining jobs that Scott Walker celebrates a government-funded employer that profits from minimum and sub-minimum wage jobs," says Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin, in a statement."
What they will accomplish, of course, is closing down these sub-minimum wage workshops because paying retarded people more than what they are worth somehow is demeaning.
Goddamn union assholes are gonna get some poor retarded schlubs fired.
Signs without balloons?
They respond like Pavlov's dogs to Black SUV's? And, then like dogs they chase the moving car's bumpers?
Sounds like Walker's security team should start doing some major game changers? Would the Mossad just let their prime minister go through routines where you could set your clock by his schedule?
It sounds like two groups doing their own versions of "habituals."
As to the article and it's writing style ... it sure sounds like "a dark and stormy night."
Because this is what street theater, coupled to democracy looks like, you should really keep your eyes peeled for the drug vendor.
"Sort like the occupying forces driving through Iraq?"
Why not go full-out and just say Nazi occupying force? You know you want to.
More sinister than this?
What an idiot.
These poor protestors now have to pay a $10.00 co-pay. The outrage!
It is 10% not $10, but as I have said before, whatever.
Pogo is right. You can't put a price on dignity.
Even retarded people want to feel useful and needed.
They can only go to so many movies or baseball games. Absent these subsidized jobs, they usually sit around and watch TV all day.
That's demeaning.
What a joke the Lefties are. Walker is their new Orwellian Goldstein, an object of hate to keep their simple minds from recognizing the real evil. Just like with Bush, Palin, etc.
The willful stupidity and seething unhappiness that animate the Left need an outlet and Walker is the chosen one. I fucking hate Liberals.
Why do the GM union brothers in Detroit insist on making sinister SUVs?
They never did that when Dems were in charge.
This is just hatin' on a black van, straight up.
One of the protesters was "arrested" for disorderly conduct because she banged on the outside wall of the building. The group was irate because she was neither warned or told not to.
That's the mentality of these idiots.
Are Obama's black vehicles 'sinister' too? Or is that raaaaacist?
You know - other states are making really severe cuts, too, some involving the Unions - I catch bits and pieces in the limited articles about them - why, WHY, do they not receive much mention, why are the OFA?ACORN/Unions goons going in and making a big to-do there?
In Washington state it is a Democrat Governor, so obviously they aren't going to give her much grief... but what is it about Wisconsin besides it being a Republican governor? Does it have to do with its value in the Republican election?
They are creating their own heroes fighting evil scenes.
They are playing Batman and Robin to Walkers Wisconsin Ranger shot to look like the Joker. It is all in the screenplay.
Cut. Shoot the scene for the 100th time.
The Directors from The Obama Campaign are hard to satisfy. They are using too many locals and not enough professional actors.
The hardware store where I shop brings in mentally challenged people every Friday. They do small tasks around the store. Thank you Pat and Tammy for doing this.
These protesters are probably people that if you hired them for nothing, you couldn't afford them.
The crazies are out en masse.
Larry, a man who’s worked at Opportunities Inc. and got laid off a few days ago. His story is about witnessing illegal immigrants using others’ documents to get work at Opportunities Inc. and about being farmed out as a temporary worker to area businesses that refused to grant him a permanent job.
Gee.... I wonder why no one snapped up Larry as a permanent worker? (sarcasm)
Reminds me of this article.
Wisconsin must be ground zero for the "Americans With No Abilities" movement.
DBQ - Hilarious link. Don't be sure it won't come to fruition, though.
Would the Yukon look sinister if I drove it?
Or would it look even MORE sinister?
I'm just trying to figure these guys out,...
What is it with Wisconsin ? The budget fight is over. I can only assume that the protestors are teachers who are out for the summer and have nothing else to do. Why can't they learn to fish ?
I am guessing behavioral questions are not part of the interview process.
If Walker is tooling around in worthless Government Motors Yukons, I hope that at least they're the hybrid version of the Yukon.
Behavioral questions would eliminate many of the commenters here.
Black is only beautiful if you're not a Republican.
Then, it's sinister.
Roachy you are really going around the bend dude. I am getting worried about you. You need to dial it back just a tad.
Black SUV's are the standard for politicians these days. Bloomberg has ten of them in his motorcades and Governor Cuomo has more than a dozen every time he goes somewhere.
I always thought people from Wisconsin were weirdoes but this stuff is really getting ridiculous.
I mean how do these douchenozzles want him to travel....by balloon?
Wisconsin is the official "Special Needs Student" of the United States.
Leave aside your speculation about the protester's description of the vehicles. The local paper described it this way: "The motorcade appeared to be traveling fast as it passed protestors and law enforcement officers along the roadway. Wisconsin State Patrol troopers on the corner acknowledged observing the vehicles' seemingly higher rate of speed and subsequently spoke with the drivers, advising them to be more cautious."
So why does the presence of protesters allow the Governor's entourage to defy the speed limit? Let's speculate about the mindset of the people in those vehicles, too.
This douchenozzle guy said..
So why does the presence of protesters allow the Governor's entourage to defy the speed limit? Let's speculate about the mindset of the people in those vehicles, too.”
Generally speaking the drivers of a motorcade will speed up and take evasive action if they feel there is an element of danger to the person they are protecting. The presences of a large group of unwashed incoherent foaming at the mouth lunatics might be considered more than enough reason to speed it up a little.
Let's bust the Governor's driver for speeding. Fire his sorry State worker ass, who cares? Just be sure to ignore the serial vandalization, trespassing and disruptions of public order that have characterized Madison for half a year. Nice priorities, scumbags.
Trooper, some of 'em want him to travel by high-speed rail...
"These people should see how Harry Reid travels from the Senate office building to the Capitol (1 block)."
He takes the underground passage from the office building to the capitol. There's even a little shuttle-train thing that zips the politicos to the Capitol.
So why does the presence of protesters allow the Governor's entourage to defy the speed limit? Let's speculate about the mindset of the people in those vehicles, too.
They are probably thinking that if they speed up enough they can avoid having the scumball dirtbag protestors leaping like blood sucking ticks and attaching themselves to the vehicles.
Maybe they mistook them for homeless people who wanted to wash their windshields.
I bumped into the Govenor of Georgia the other night in a Mexican place. He was dripping wet and the two guys with him were shaking out their umbrellas. He ordered and paid for his food and then he was in conversation with the Mexican lady who works the register. They had their pictures taken together and then the Govenor and his two aids dashed into the storm. They drove out of the lot in a black Chevrolet Suburban. Nothing sinister at all. Georgia has some tough measures against illegal immigrants and there are thse hustlers claiming that these laws have creatrd a "climate of fear" in the Latino "community.". I saw the Mexican lady last night and she showed me her picture with the Govenor of Georgia, grinning and dripping wet, his arm around her shoulder.
Opportunities has been around since 1966, and now the protesters show up?
Doesn't look like Sly has been opting for the apple slices instead of the jumbo fries. That street gets 100 yards longer and 10 degrees warmer and he wins the free hearse ride.
Re Bob and Lily: no comment. But I am still waiting for all of the workers rights advocates to offer at least a bottle of water to the guys doing the tear-off and re-roof on the building in the background. No AC or fans visible there.
Larry must have lost his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl.
And, since others have made comments on the scrubbiness of the crowd, has there been a study done to determine how much money one has put away for their retirement vs. how much money they have spent on their tattoos, and their allegiance to the left?
These boys do like to get all wee wee'd up don't they? They should have stayed home to eat their peas.
The left can collectively and selfishly destroy an entire economy - but if a dark SUV speeds through a pack of angry economy destroying whiners - - bring out the guillotine.
Wisconsin people look like characters in a John Waters movie.
Now you know why I am never horny.
I feel bad for the HR Whore that has to interview those slugs.
Could you imagine the interviews?
HR people are really as good as the industry they work in.
If they were for the state or some crappy place they are shit.
If they work for a diva, cutting edge, creative company they are fucking hot.
"It was surreal"
Since Trooper brought up homeless people[having been one himself until he got off the pipe], it should be mentioned that the potential last victim of Dahmer, who escaped the apartment from hell, was just charged w/ homicide. He threw a fellow homeless guy off a bridge. In Brooklyn that's just littering.
Crack, If you were driving they would assume you're JC Watts and call you an oreo..it's always open season on black conservatives..hell you don't even need a license.
What better metaphor for the relationship between the citizen and the state today than government officials riding around in vehicles that are out of all proportion to their task and completely opaque to outside observers?
Ahhh...the wonders one can accomplish with the proper set of adjectives and adverbs!
The Governor in the black SUV is sinister, but the mob trying to attack it isn't?
OK, got it.
How sinister does that make the Obama's?
I continue to maintain that the modern left is Don Quixote writ large (less the aspiration or motivation of nobility). All full of anger, bravery and courage at any object that can not or will not fight back. But when it comes time to face real evil, to stand up for real injustice, they run and cower like so many cockroaches.
If they were true and consistent to any of their claimed values, we wouldn't have a problem with radical islam.
Rather than stand up to a poli/religious cult that invents new ways to kill gays, that allows, excuses and sometimes requires the sexual and physical abuse of women, they rage with impotent fury at some little old lady in some small town because she made a minor mistake--quickly corrected--that didn't give them the election victory they thought they deserved. Rather than protest the very real and well-documented torture of Saddam and other Middle Eastern thugs, they protest the "imperialistic war of American aggression" and the imagined torture in Gitmo (until it's a Dem running the show, of course). Rather than take offense at near-daily assaults on free speech in the name of tolerance of one sect, they send death threats to mom-and-pop hardware stores because they made the mistake of having the same name as their designated arch-villains.
Sad, stupid and pathetic. If there weren't so many of them, we could afford to ignore them.
Khruschev used to ride around in them.
Its possible that Nikita's son Sergei still rides in them. An American citizen, he lectures at Brown's Watson Institute and the Navy War College. Last I heard he lived in suburban Cranston RI. A Hero of the Soviet Union, he has commented that his father was wrong; socialism won't bury capitalism. Unfortunately, no Democrat and too few Republican legislators heard him.
Wisconsin government and cooperating businesses have proudly provided work opportunities for the mentally, physically and developmentally disabled folks for the past 50 years at least. When I lived in Wisconsin in the '70's, my company was hooked up with a Wisconsin Rapids workshop that employed these disabled folks in such tasks as stamping out credit cards and packaging dog chews.
I can tell you that the sheer delight and pride displayed by these folks in having the opportunity to contribute toward their own independence and well being brought tears to my macho-male eyes.
How dare these asshole unions belittle the disabled and their sponsors. Here are the people that bluecheddar and his union friends were attacking.
Crack, If you were driving they would assume you're JC Watts and call you an oreo..it's always open season on black conservatives..hell you don't even need a license.
You wanna see black and sinister?
THIS IS BLACK AND SINISTER!!! (BTW - Yes, I "cracked" the case,...)
Obams's black SUVs = OK. Walker in the same = evil & nefarious.
Left-wingers are crazy batshit insane.
Let's follow the logic: Walker's team knows there will be protesters. Opportunities yellow-taped their property to keep protesters off the lawn. (Fair enough.) Protesters were on the sidewalk. The police kept them out of the open streets. Side streets were closed off. (Fair enough.)
So the proper response is to drive faster than the speed limit in a mixed residential / light industry neighborhood? Why?
I f I was Walker I would be scheduling every public event at a location like this one...that will show exactly what assholes these protesters are.
In the 70's my parents drive a Buick sedan and a Chevy Suburban instead of a Ford Town & Country station wagon. People thought they were pretty different.
My wife and I drive a Subaru sedan and a dark blue Chevy Suburban 2500 XLT (dark windows, 4WD, HD truck). People think we are pretty normal.
Except my ex-military friend who calls my truck a C.A.T. wagon. He thinks I should duct tape Rugers onto the roof of the rear cargo area.
You're right, campy. The NAACP should be contacted immediately. There is a revenue generating opportunity and they, like all other businesses, have been affected by fiscal losses.
Maybe they can get their fellow conspirators at ADL, ACLU, NCLR, MALDEF, CAIR, etc., in on the act. Then again, their alliance with domestic and foreign interests (including governments) in support and protection of illegal aliens may have been their only unifying agenda.
Oh, and don't forget the SPCL, which also profits greatly from the exploitation of manufactured controversies.
Such a shame. They don't make civil rights organizations and non-profits as they used to. Well, there was the KKK, which served their purpose in days now past.
Can't we all just get along and will left-wing ideologues every discover a revenue generating scheme other than involuntary exploitation?
I bet Margaret Thatcher had to put up with this crap, too, as she saved Britain. I also bet she wished she had a cool black Yukon SUV.
Some Douchenozzle said....
So the proper response is to drive faster than the speed limit in a mixed residential / light industry neighborhood? Why?"
Because it is doctrine when confronted with a crowd of lunatics with a propensity for violence that you speed up to get away from them.
Rule number one in the protective services guide.
Look how well that worked out for Princess Diana.
Of course her driver was a Frenchman and was tired because he had just raped a maid.
gadfly has it right. These protesters are idiots whose cause of the day would cause cutbacks in programs like Opportunities, Inc. The "sinister SUV" bit was just a throwaway line in a post containing far more stupidity than that.
The people I saw in that video were pathetic whiners, not sinister threats to anything except rational discourse.
Larry, a man who’s worked at Opportunities Inc. and got laid off a few days ago. His story is about witnessing illegal immigrants using others’ documents to get work at Opportunities Inc....
Isn't it the left who claim that employers verifying SS numbers and ID documents is racist?
These people are beyond confused.
So the proper response is to drive faster than the speed limit in a mixed residential / light industry neighborhood? Why?
I already told you.
So the scumball dirtbag shiftless protestors can't launch themselves like blood sucking ticks and cling to the cars with their nasty sucker like hands while wearing tie dyed tee shirts and not having bathed for weeks.
Scott Walker thanks God everyday for his political enemies.
Here is what happens when you don't keep up your speed when passing restless moonbats. You get a small crowd of these zombies and who knows what could happen ?
Thanks for that link. My brother is mentally handicapped, and it's good to see that there's a company out there helping people like him.
Opportunities Inc should stick to hiring the mentally handicapped and leave the filthy commie leftist hippies on the sidewalk where they belong.
After Oslo, a real serious attempt to treat security as VITAL ... is more significant in towns like Madison ... which match Oslo's "laid back" nature than anything else.
What Oslo taught is that if you make the terror big enough you'll get publicity. Even for a group that is so small you can identify them only as "right wing." Or "vegetable-growers."
I don't know what would work best. But using an auto to drive over a few protesters would work for me.
Full speed ahead and damn the torpordores!
Years ago I saw Jim Doyle & Scott Walker together outside the Dairy Barn at the Wisconsin State Fair.
Doyle was the Governor and Walker was the Milwaukee County Executive at the time.
Doyle's security guys - at least 5 - were in a phalanx formation. This was not a meet the people at the State Fair thing like Bill Proxmire did.
Walker may of had a security guy. I don't know. It wasn't obvious.
I really wanted to do my impression of Spara's braying donkey (Godfather 3). My wife stopped me - said those guys would beat the crap out of me.
I thought she meant that the protesters were in a state of torpor.
Some day there will be a lit course at UW devoted to critical analysis of Carol's comments.
Let's bust the Governor's driver for speeding. Fire his sorry State worker ass, who cares?
Not meaning to pick nits, but the driver probably isn't a state worker. Walker has hired a Dutch company to provide a private security team for him.
Yup...ain't no joke! The Governor of Wisconsin is using tax dollars to pay a foreign company for mercenaries to protect him.
@Trooper: Your photo of Eric Foreskin reminded me of
Kurtwood Smith which reminded me of "Cedar Rapids" (which I watched last night) which reminded me of blake.
These folks are such drama queens they make Liberace look butch.
I don't see Walker Ranger stumping for any of the six Repukes under recall. With all the new wonderful tools I thought he would he would want to hit the trail and let everyone know.
And since when do liberals ever give a shit about obeying the law?
Well, if my personal security were dependent on union workers, I'd hire outside professionals too.
"Goddamn union assholes are gonna get some poor retarded schlubs fired."
Pogo reposted what I wanted to point out from the article.
Sure, more fans or AC or better AC or better fans in the heat is a legitimate gripe.
But the goddamn union assholes are gonna get some poor retarded schlubs fired.
I had thought that these sorts of subsidized jobs that offer the mentally disabled some work, a little bit of money, and a feeling of accomplishment were an important social good and deserved support.
The unions in Wisconsin are shameless. Their water carrying lackeys on the left define "useful idiot."
SGT Ted: And since when do liberals ever give a shit about obeying the law?
But it's the SPEED LIMIT, the most sacred law in America! Obviously Scott Walker is a CRIMINAL!
They drive fast because they may be attacked, it's that simple.
Whether it be a cream pie, red paint, glitter, rocks or beer bottles, the ability to attack hated figures in a public setting is a point of giddy pride on the left.
When their targets fail to give them the opportunity, they consider it unfair.
wv: cophysta - Starbucks Revolutionary.
Yup...ain't no joke! The Governor of Wisconsin is using tax dollars to pay a foreign company for mercenaries to protect him.
In that case he's releasing state cops to go out and protect the good citizens of Wisconsin. If you want to go after Walker on this, you'll actually have to do some work and figure out the cost comparison between this outsourcing and using state employees. When you do that, be sure to account for any productivity differences, not just dollar expenditures.
Be sure to let us know what you find out.
"When you do that, be sure to account for any productivity differences, not just dollar expenditures."
And benefits. State employees have wages and benefits. You have to include the cost of benefits if you want to compare the cost to Wisconsin for hiring contractors.
I don't see Walker Ranger stumping for any of the six Repukes under recall.
I see Garage Mahal has really bought into this "civility" thing since the Gabrielle Gifford shooting, which he, of course, blamed on Sarah Palin.
Look. The good news is that both the left and the right now end at least some of their rhetoric with ..."and on the taxpayers dime"!
Don't be so hard on Garage. It's emotionally stressful to support people who hate retards.
When you're yelling you can dispense with possessive apostrophes as well as other grammar rules.
I find the foreign security company thing a little weird. Not "sinister" or anything, but one of those things where I think "Isn't there an American company that can do the job, and better?". If the answer is no, that blows.
What are the tax benefits to incorporating in Holland?
I'm betting the actual employees are American with law enforcement or military back-grounds and not a Dutch person among them.
I think Walker should hire a security team from Norway.
That should take care of those dirty hippies pretty nicely. Just sayn'
Considering the 1-hour response time of those crack Norwegians, I think Walker would have to upgrade from an SUV to an armored Hummer.
John Foust
They drive fast for humanitarian reasons. If they drove slow and the protestors got a really good look at the Governor their heads might esplode! It is a true life saving measure and demonstration of incredible sympathy and concern by the Governor and his staff.
Sure, more fans or AC or better AC or better fans in the heat is a legitimate gripe.
Does it really make economic sense to install AC in a building like that in Wisconsin? How many days a year would it be used?
As for fans, was it stated that there weren't any fans in the building now? I don't remember one way or the other. But if these protesters chipped in a few bucks apiece, they could buy some fans to contribute to the workers they care about so much. This is, after all, at least a semi-charitable organization.
Chip, I don't have AC in New Mexico. Granted, it's high desert instead of low, so I can do that.
I'd hate to try to live in Minnesota without AC. I'm sure Wisconsin is the same. Summer may be short, but it makes up for that with sincere intent.
They pay him piecework for filling little bags with the screws for things like ceiling fans and the like. Gives him something to do and provides him a little dough to spend on what he wants, which is usually nothing.
That brings to mind this item:
In restating the church's teaching on human work, John Paul repeatedly cites God's command to man in Genesis to "subdue the earth." The Pope interprets this to mean that man is the "subject of labor" and that "work is 'for man,' and never man 'for work.' "
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,953136,00.html#ixzz1TdtF0wjw
So what your brother has is his dignity as a human. That's a VERY good thing.
I think Walker should hire a security team from Norway.
That should take care of those dirty hippies pretty nicely. Just sayn'
Norway, or Malkinites, Pam Geller, Ace. All the same people. So yea, great idea Troop.
So Dad29, which encyclical 'splains why you generate all that dignity but can't work in air-conditioning during the summer heat, while your non-profit boss makes $200K a year?
Hey... that non-profit salary thing resembles Obama's qualifications for president.
But I didn't notice any union goons in the article complaining about the person running the non-profit. They were complaining about a business owner supposedly raking in the big bucks off of non-minimum wage labor during a time when people need jobs that can support families.
The dishonesty of this is remarkable since no one could argue that the people in the program produce above what they're paid, and even that is subsidized.
The union goons could, however, make enough stink that it's no longer worth-while for an employer to participate in the program.
Norway, or Malkinites, Pam Geller, Ace. All the same people.
Instead of reductio ad Hiterum we now have reductio ad Breivik.
More civility, eh Garage? Mass murderer, peaceful Americans with whom you disagree. All the same.
Did TrooperYork really suggest that these protesters should be gunned down for what they are doing?
And did Ann, Meade, and the vast majority of the commentators really give him a free pass on that comment?
*shakes head sadly*
Ya'll just won't be happy until we actually have blood flowing in the streets, will ya?
purplepenquin said...
Not meaning to pick nits, but the driver probably isn't a state worker. Walker has hired a Dutch company to provide a private security team for him.
Yup...ain't no joke! The Governor of Wisconsin is using tax dollars to pay a foreign company for mercenaries to protect him"
100% bullshit.
Not bullshit at all. Tho I did make one small mistake...it is a Danish firm (that has since merged with a British company) that Walker has contracted with, not Dutch.
Used to be called Wackenhut but has now changed their name to G4S Secure Solutions. Walker's relationship with the company goes back to when he was a County Executive - google it up and see for yourself.
I hate to feed your distracting and meaningless diversion PP, but the members of the governor's security detail are mainly Wisconsin residents and US citizens employed by a multinational firm. What's your beef with hiring Americans?
Additionally, Wackenhut was founded and organized in the US before being bought by the Danes and then merged with G4S. To say that it's "foreign", because it has foreign capital invested is disingenuous. Should we organize a boycott of Miller beer too, and put people in Milwaukee out of work, just because the company is partly owned by South Africans?
Who said anything about boycotting a company just 'cause they are foreign-owned? Please put that straw man away before you hurt someone with it.
But yes, if MillerBrewing gets bought out by an overseas company then they are no longer an American company. It would be silly to claim otherwise.
Just like it was silly to claim that what I said was "100% bullshit." We can talk about if it is a good-thing, a bad-thing, or a whateva-thing but a difference of opinion doesn't change the actual facts about what is occurring, and the fact is that tax dollars are being paid to a foreign company to provide for Walker's security. It ain't no bullshit to point that out...
100% Bullshit
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