The Navy Times (no link) reported last week that Navy Secretary Ray Mabus stripped the Silver Star from a Vietnam swift boat veteran, Capt. Wade Sanders:
"Had the subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself been known to the Secretary of the Navy in 1992, those facts would have prevented the award of the Silver Star," [Mabus spokeswoman Pamela] Kunze said.Sanders is now in jail on child pornography charges. But he's best known as the man who introduced John Kerry at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and, ironically, vouched for the authenticity of Kerry's service.
July 27, 2011
"SwiftVets revenge."
Ben Smith reports:
What a pathetic title.
How about SwiftVet justice.
Now, let's strip Kerry's fake metals. And then Murtha's posthumously.
He was awarded a Silver Star in 1992? For service in Vietnam? What's with that in the first place?
"John Kerry, Reporting for Duty." Dukakis in his tank had nothing on that.
Hysterical. Classic. Only eight years too late. Truly, our government moves with cat-like agility.
He was awarded a Silver Star in 1992?
I went looking for that, but can't find anywhere what he supposedly did to be awarded the Siver Star.
And, AA, he's not "in jail on child pornography charges," but rather in federal prison for a child porn conviction.
Remember when Kerry called CEOs Benedict Arnolds? Projection.
It would appear this may have less to do with the Swift Boat vets than people like Ben Smith would want to admit.
Curious George said...
What a pathetic title.
How about SwiftVet justice.
Now, let's strip Kerry's fake metals. And then Murtha's posthumously.
No fan of Murtha, but, if he earned 'em, he should keep 'em.
Sanders is now in jail on child pornography charges. But he's best known as the man who introduced John Kerry at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and, ironically, vouched for the authenticity of Kerry's service.
Of course he did. You'll never learn, will you?
Conviction of child porn receipt in a federal court requires a mandatory minimum sentence of five years. Mandatory. Without knowing what evidence they found, it's hard to know whether his time in prison is really justified. There are many people in prison on charges like this. Federal know the "federal" that's going broke. This is true for the many people serving mandatory minimum sentences for drug possession, too.
I found it last night, after being confused as well. (When I REfind the link I'll post it.)
The explanation is as follow: In '92, he was a UnderSecNavsomething in the Clinton admin, and wrote himself up to UPGRADE a Bronze Star that he'd gotten DURING Vietnam TO Silver. Duly, it was awarded.
For some reason, the SecNav now started looking through things, witnesses could either not be produced/nor verified for said action upgrade and they pulled the award, which happened back LAST AUGUST (2010), mind you. It's just being reported now.
Had nothing to do with small children in various states of undress. Just with being a lying sack o' shit poser.
"No fan of Murtha, but, if he earned 'em, he should keep 'em."
I thought he got wounded by dropping his own hand grenade while drunk. Is that true? If so, is that earning it?
PW--you should check out the sentencing memorandum for this scumbag. It is linked in the comments to the Ben Smith blurb. This guy was a major league offender. I decline to link it here.
"The explanation is as follow: In '92, he was a UnderSecNavsomething in the Clinton admin, and wrote himself up to UPGRADE a Bronze Star that he'd gotten DURING Vietnam TO Silver. Duly, it was awarded."
That tells all you need to know about the guy.
and 2010 - 1992 = 18
That tells all you need to know about the guy.
Oh, I don't know. The child porn thing gives it some oomph I wouldn't have expected in just a narcissist.
In doing further research and talking with others involved. The Silver Star was rescinded last August and just now is being reported in the Navy Times which is dated 7/18/2011 but the print copy was delivered on the 12th. Statements which Wade stated were proven false and he could give not one witnesses to back his statements, nor remember any one involved....
Do not believe that will happen. Sanders received upgraded his Silver Star in 92 under Clinton when Sanders was Assistant Sec of some one in the Navy. That was political to use his position to have his Bronze Star upgraded...
Piece of shit of the first magnitude all the way around.
I often think I could never be in politics, because my past is full of disqualifying stuff. Then, I find out that people far more despicable are already there. So, I'm still not qualified.
bagoh20 said...
"No fan of Murtha, but, if he earned 'em, he should keep 'em."
I thought he got wounded by dropping his own hand grenade while drunk. Is that true? If so, is that earning it?
I think that's Max Cleland. If so, the fact he was maimed probably affected the award.
I'd say, "No", but I'll defer to our vets.
In '92, he was a UnderSecNavsomething in the Clinton admin...
'92 would have been the Bush administration.
Birds of a feather...
'92 would have been the Bush administration.
True dat. Good catch and my bust. It was too late last night when we went Googling trying to figure out how someone won a Silver Star for a '68 War in '92, and I just remembered what the old boys on the board had written.
True dat. Good catch and my bust.
Oh, how the English must hate you.
Thanks edutcher. It was Cleland, and I read that it was an honorable injury indeed. And Murtha apparently served honorably as well. So, I wish I never even asked it in writing, but at least I learned something. For one, get my facts straight about vets before I open my pussy-ass civilian mouth.
2004; ancient history.
I sense most Democrats feel about the Kerry candidacy the way many Republicans feel about the McCain candidacy.
David, thanks (?) for sending me to that sentencing memorandum. Sick stuff, indeed. Child porn is the crystal meth of the porn world. I would like more reassurance that sickos who produce that vile stuff were pursued as relentlessly as the schlubs who download.
Sanders was caught with CHILD PORN!
And, it was obvious on it's face that John Kerry is a rich gigolo. Without character. And, thank goodness the Swift Vets ran with the truth ... at a time the Internet wasn't what it is today ... And, kerry didn't win the white house.
Unmentioned. But worth mentioning is how poorly Theresa Heinz showed.
It wasn't just the Swift Vets. John Kerry is married to a woman worse than the Hildabeast! She didn't win her husband any votes.
And, perhaps? Perhaps she was like Joe Kennedy. Who telegramed his son John ... that he wouldn't buy a landslide.
All Theresa got was to taste defeat. And, to claim she really preferred europe.
The stupid party should have been so far ahead by now ... that what is shocking is how poor the leadership within the GOP still is.
Small cluster fuck of folks who wn't give up power.
But he CAN'T have been convicted. We would have read about the trial in all the papers......
Sanders was sentenced in 2009? I don't remember the MSM reporting that news. I guess I just missed it. I am sure they made a big deal of it.
And the headline should been Swift Boat Refudiation!Heh.
John Murtha did serve honorably, but his medals are bullshit.
Superficial wounds with no account of how they happened. No medical treatment. They were awarded based on his personal appeal to a sympathetic congressman.
You know, like Kerry's. Pathetic.
My guess is they're making an excuse retroactively to strip him of his award because they don't want there to any association between "war hero" and "pedophile."
Well, I just read Tree Hugging Sister's post. Assuming it's accurate, the guy should be stripped of his Silver Star.
Robert Cook said...
My guess is they're making an excuse retroactively to strip him of his award because they don't want there to any association between "war hero" and "pedophile."
Because, to Cook, "war hero" and "pedophile" are synonymous.
Just like "war criminal" is to "veteran".
There is an old television news broadcast online....Duluth in 1973. There is a large segment on a POW who returned to Duluth that day. He was in prison with John McCain and was highly decerated. This is what a real Vietnam hero looks like.
bagoh20 said...
Thanks edutcher. It was Cleland, and I read that it was an honorable injury indeed. And Murtha apparently served honorably as well. So, I wish I never even asked it in writing, but at least I learned something. For one, get my facts straight about vets before I open my pussy-ass civilian mouth.
I wasn't 100% sure myself, but I seemed to recall Cleland was giving somebody on the other side a hard tome about something defense- or vet-related and the origin of his disability came up.
"Because, to Cook, 'war hero' and 'pedophile' are synonymous."
Um, no.
"Just like 'war criminal' is to 'veteran'."
Some are, some aren't.
War criminal, is a tag better applied to the leaders and planners of war; the soldiers on the ground are just hapless meat puppets sent to kill and be killed. Even so, some wartime killings on the ground by soldiers are unquestionably murder, as in My Lai, for example.
And remember too that this was the guy who viciously attacked the Swiftboaters for "not telling the truth"/"lying" about the true nature of Kerry's service and gave political cover to Kerry by dint of the fact he also served in the same command/unit.
And, of course, whose version of events did Charlie Rose and all the really smart people in the MSM believe? Three guesses and the first two don't count, as school-kids would say..
Celand...most of you are probably familiar with it, but the story is that with the new TSA and other post 9-11 laws, he wanted part of the law to say that the new divisions are all gov't unions. Republicans didn't want our security to be tied to Stalinist unions. In the fight, Republicans said Celand is putting unions before our country's security.
Democrats spun that as saying Republicans are questioning his patriotism.
I heard Celend speak live once and he is as nasty a political partison as they come.
the soldiers on the ground are just hapless meat puppets sent to kill and be killed
Complete ignorance of what it is to be a "soldier on the ground", let alone a combat officer on the ground.
"the soldiers on the ground are just hapless meat puppets sent to kill and be killed"
You watch way too many movies. You may want to get to know some professional soldiers.
No fan of the guy, but the fact that the Navy Times does not have this on their web site makes me skeptical.
This is good news but make no mistake: the left succeeded in demonizing the Swift Boat vets just as they've succeeded in demonizing anti-communism.
I'd still like someone to do the following: identify all living combat veterans who have been awarded 3 Purple Hearts and list the number of days each spent in hospital.
My prediction only one -- John Kerry -- spent no days in hospital.
War criminal, is a tag better applied to the leaders and planners of war; the soldiers on the ground are just hapless meat puppets sent to kill and be killed.
After all, they were just following orders.
Here are the actual choices. John Kerry was a war criminal who never took responsibility for his own crimes, or John Kerry slandered fellow servicemen by lying about American war crimes and never retracted his lies. Either way, he's disgusting scum.
"Sanders is now in jail on child pornography charges. But he's best known as the man who introduced John Kerry at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and, ironically, vouched for the authenticity of Kerry's service."
Too funny.
Chuck66 said...
You may want to get to know some professional soldiers.
I doubt if any professional soldier want to know him.
Yeah, and Bush smoked dope and drove his daddy's car during the war. But that is OK so long as he cuts taxes. And no pedofile introduced him, thank god. Most of the creeps and criminals just decided to work for him.
Someone needs to be more pragmatic.
Not particularly interested in the details of this sordid story, but Bronze Star medals are awarded for achievement in a combat theater--Now a Bronze Star with "V" Device (valor) is for herorism. The article doesnt appear to have enough detail to make any conclusions. Silver Stars are awarded for Gallantry and are the nation's third highest award for such actions.
It was Cleland, and I read that it was an honorable injury indeed.
Not really. Its not like he fell on the grenade to protect people around him. He picked it up as in "oh look someone dropped their grenade."
Tragic, but hardly honorable.
He says as much. But his dishonor is that he has allowed those sharing the stage with him to declare him a "hero" without correcting them.
Pragmatist" Yeah, and Bush smoked dope and drove his daddy's car during the war.
Boy are you ignorant. Likely you don't even know what a F102 is.
Typical libtard. Up your game. You can't really be this stupid?
Very loud, very ugly, and broke just about every time it went up.
"hapless meat puppets"
Fuck you.
Did John Kerry recommend this pervert for his Silver Star, and the pervert recommend Kerry for his in turn?
Did Kerry have something to do with the fact that this medal wasn't awarded until 1992?
Is it a stretch to think that some mutual back scratching may have gone on?
Is John Kerry a pompous, lying, self-aggrandizing hypocrite?
Inquiring minds want to know.
"hapless meat puppets"
Fuck you.
Don't let Robert get under your skin. He's typical Marxist scum that thinks of himself as the elite and everyone else as proles.
His ignorance of our military just reinforces that view.
Semper Fidelis
3D LAR BN, 3D MarDiv
Thank you, Fen.
"He's typical Marxist scum that thinks of himself as the elite and everyone else as proles."
I know that. But I could not let it go unremarked upon.
"Semper Fidelis"... and same to you.
Xray Actual, 3rd Plt Mike, 3/9. 67-68.
The proudest and most fulfilling thirteen months of my life. Though it took me years to realize that fact.
Oh, Sanders and Kerry are dicklickers of the first order. Scum suckers who besmirch the honorable service of all who have served.
wv-bushidsm-if only, compared to now.
"Don't let Robert get under your skin. He's typical Marxist scum that thinks of himself as the elite and everyone else as proles."
We're all proles.
Interesting that the guy who upgraded his own medal is the one who vouched for Kerry.
And this same guy happens to be a serious child porn consumer and is in federal prison for it. (Read the verdict.)
The latter is not actually related to the former.
Except he is dishonest in oh so many ways.
We're all proles.
Which doesn't begin to address your ignorance of what it is to be an American soldier.
… the soldiers on the ground are just hapless meat puppets sent to kill and be killed ...
Sent to kill? Well, not sent to throw marshmallows, that’s for sure. Be killed? Yeah, sometimes. For which they should have your thanks and respect. The only reason you can say shit like this and not be shot in the head is because a lot of “meat puppets” died for your freedom.
Oh, almost forgot: I’m a vet so fuck you. And that traitor Kerry, too.
I never seen navy wear dress boot but looking for it.
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