[T]he man who launched the “It Gets Better Project,” an effort to stop the bullying of gay teens, was acting like a big bully. As Savage always notes, the kind of smear-the-queer taunts that can cause so much pain to young people aren’t aimed only at kids who are gay, they’re often aimed at boys who don’t live up to some mythical standard of masculinity and girls who just aren’t girly enough. I can only imagine how listeners who happen to have the kind of lisping, effeminate speech and affect that Savage was ridiculing felt upon hearing the attack.Oh, spare me! Thomas's warm, fuzzy Savage is bullshit. Savage is sharp, merciless, and aggressive against homophobia, hypocrisy, and puritanism wherever he thinks he finds it. Based on listening to dozens of his podcasts, I think he bristles at "It Gets Better" as the thing he's famous for, that it irritates him to be reduced to that middle-America-friendly PR campaign.
Marcus Bachmann makes money in what I consider to be a reprehensible way: offering “reparative therapy” to “cure” gay people. Judging from the testimony of people who have sought Bachmann’s help, it’s no exaggeration to say that he tries to “pray the gay away.” But that doesn’t justify bullying, and it’s not a good message to send.
I cut Savage some slack. He is a proud gay man who has done amazing work for the community, and I know from having watched the It Gets Better video that he made with his husband, Terry, that he has been bullied and victimized.
June Thomas reminds me of people who think John Lennon is all about "Imagine."
I say scazy-fava-beans to this.
The trouble with people who have the microphone is that they want more attention than they get on their abilities ... so Michele's husband gets attacked.
You know, I just don't care.
I don't think gays feel "saved" by all the notoriety involved in religious out-takes.
Yesterday, I joined Pastafarians. It's a good thing to know "whoever he is boiled for our sins."
Ann ravages Dan Savage's...
...cuddly reputation
Marcus Bachmann makes money in what I consider to be a reprehensible way: offering “reparative therapy” to “cure” gay people. Judging from the testimony of people who have sought Bachmann’s help, it’s no exaggeration to say that he tries to “pray the gay away.” But that doesn’t justify bullying, and it’s not a good message to send.
What of gay people who really don't wish to be gay? Is providing them therapy really reprehensible?
What other forms of therapy designed at helping people overcome traits they don't like about themselves are reprehensible?
Let's say a little girl doesn't want to be a girl. Is it the only acceptable course of action to find a therapist who will encourage her to become a boy?
To Savage’s ears, it was a gay accent. Savage played the tape over and over, and reprised it several times throughout the podcast. He even did his own Bachmann impression, exaggerating the lisp and camping it up.
Once again the standard tactic of attacking the homophobe by
suggesting/hinting at/winking that he's a closeted gay.
(well this morning I demanded litmus tests on "Mr. Republican" with one regarding the spouse; the Professor has obliged.)
Savage is sharp, merciless, and aggressive against homophobia, hypocrisy, and puritanism wherever he thinks he finds it.
Savage is just an asshole.
I read him a few times a few years ago.
He's one of those asshole you only need to read a couple of times. Then, you've got the act and you don't need any more repetition.
Like most assholes, his act is easily reduced to stupid corporate Diversity speak.
This is not a bug, Althouse. It's part of the program. He's an asshole and a simpering idiot.
The reason his message got boiled down to Diversity corp speak is because that's what Savage is all about. You like the Diversity corp speak about homosexuality, Althouse. That's why Savage appeals to you.
I don't have a dog in this fight.
June Thomas reminds me of people who think John Lennon is all about "Imagine."
John Lennon is all about "Imagine."
What else is it that you imagine he's about?
"June Thomas reminds me of people who think John Lennon is all about "Imagine."
Really! We all know John Lennon was more about ditching his wife and son so that he could make a spectacle of himself with an old money heiress from an exotic foreign land!
traditionalguy said...
I don't have a dog in this fight.
What, you like assholes?
Would she rather he beat the gay out of them?
Listen, I think Marcus Bachmann may very well be a charlatan or overzealous, but if he offers a service that people can voluntarily partake it, where is the massive harm?
As discussed before in the comments on this blog, Savage bullied his own husband into letting him engage in extramarital sex acts, as he proudly announced to the world in the NYT Mag piece by Mark Oppenheimer from a week or two ago.
I think Savage can take care of himself.
What you should be shocked to discover, Althouse, is that the gay activist agenda really is, as I said, about demanding that we kiss gays' asses.
There it is, right in front of you, reduced to fucking corp Diversity speak... and you think this is a bug in the program.
The great history of the persecution and oppression of gays is bullshit. Fabricated in ridiculous propaganda movies like Brokeback Mountain and Milk. Just like the persecution and oppression of women was fabricated in crap books like The Feminine Mystique and The Handmaid's Tale.
The accusation against hetero men... that we've engaged in a war of persecution and oppression against gays is bullshit, Althouse.
That's why it's so easy to boil this bullshit you've bought into down to corp Diversity speak.
The ideas behind this bullshit are pure corp Diversity speak.
Get it?
Let me put this in another, sort of reverse way, Althouse, that I think illuminates what I'm saying.
The most brutally honest writer in history about human sexuality is undoubtedly Henry Miller.
The corp Diversity speak geeks haven't ever found a way to incorporate him into the Diversity PR battle, have they?
If Marcus Bachmann doesn't want to be "bullied" he could always try not being an ignorant bigoted jackass.
That would be a good start.
Catholic Church sells off a bunch of "holy sites" to pay for gay clergy sex crimes.
If Marcus Bachmann doesn't want to be "bullied" he could always try not being an ignorant bigoted jackass.
You've outdone yourself here, Revenant.
You are sublimely, ridiculously stupid.
And a fool.
How coukd the left possibly try to smear Michelle as a homophobe when her husband is in the business of curing gayness.
I Love The Smell of Hypocrisy In The Mourning
Dan Savage can be a friggin savage.
That said, I like the guy. I think he is funny. I am not a big reader of his column, but it can be entertaining.
As far as sex goes, you could call him a slut but that is his business not mine.
As far as praying the gay away, people are entitled to do whatever they want.
If Marcus Bachmann doesn't want to be "bullied" he could always try not being an ignorant bigoted jackass.
"We will not tolerate intolerance!"
"Talk about a fight where neither side is appealing..."
Exactly. If Mr Savage and Mr Bachmann got on the reprehensibility see-saw together, they'd balance, legs dangling in the air.
Good that you put up a thread about gay people for Shouting Thomas to shout in. He was having trouble figuring out how to work one of his shouty-fits about gays into one of those budget threads...
I wonder what Dan Savage tells his kid when he brings home a man other than his current husband to fuck?
The implications of all this in the schools could be interesting. What happens when a child in a traditional household raises his hand and disagrees with his sex ed teacher about the morality and "naturalness" (in the biological v. Thomistic sense?, for want of a better shorthand), of homosxuality. Will he or she? be told that his point of view is one that has a long history and still has many supporters, but is no longer the majority view? Will the teacher tell her thats he is wrong? Will other students shout him down? Will she fail a test for denying that homosexuality is an equally valid lifestyle choice?
Might a wisenheimer parent encouraging his or her child to say such things for the fun of provoking a reaction?
On further, related, point, is this yet another example of why it's impossble to have religiously neutral education?
revenant wrote:
If Marcus Bachmann doesn't want to be "bullied" he could always try not being an ignorant bigoted jackass.
The cause and effect logic is just not there revenant. Would you apply the same reasoning to why gays are bullied or are you displaying bigotry yourself?
I think Marcus Bachmann may very well be a charlatan or overzealous, but if he offers a service that people can voluntarily partake it, where is the massive harm?
He makes money by encouraging fear of a phony ailment and then offering an equally phony cure for it.
That's not "sells crack to school kids" bad, no. But it is pretty bad.
I mean, imagine the amusing domestic scenarios in the Savage household...
"DJ, this is Lance, he's a college student that daddy picked up at lunch today. Now you and Doormat... I mean, Daddy 2 go and have ice cream or something, Lance and Daddy I are going to stay here and play leap-frog together..."
Good that you put up a thread about gay people for Shouting Thomas to shout in. He was having trouble figuring out how to work one of his shouty-fits about gays into one of those budget threads...
Must hurt to discover, Palladian, that when the veil of rebelliousness is pulled aside, you're just the usual corp Diversity suck up.
And, you thought you were an original.
Ever read The Invisible Man? That great machine of indoctrination has so many tricks.
And you got sucked in, didn't you?
June Thomas reminds me of people who think John Lennon is all about "Imagine."
Yes. Witness, for example, the reality of Lennon's use of caricature as far back as his art school days (and the targets of his caricatures).
"We will not tolerate intolerance!"
I see you've adopted the lefty playbook of equating criticism with intolerance.
"He makes money by encouraging fear of a phony ailment and then offering an equally phony cure for it."
But enough about Al Gore...
When I was a kid we had a playground game called, "smear-the-queer". It didn't have anything to do with gayness though, queer for us meant something akin to weirdo.
It was sort of like football except that it was everyone against the kid who had the ball. A boy could toss away the ball just before being tackled and then whatever guy got the ball would be chased around.
My favorite game after red rover and camel fights.
He makes money by encouraging fear of a phony ailment and then offering an equally phony cure for it.
That's not "sells crack to school kids" bad, no. But it is pretty bad.
How long until the left begins to enforce faggotry?
"And you got sucked in, didn't you?"
Off, not in. It's been a nice evening.
How long until the left begins to enforce faggotry?
Not long.
Gov. Jerry Brown just signed into law a bill requiring California schools to teach "gay history."
Here we go.
"How long until the left begins to enforce faggotry?"
I know I do. No man comes to one of my dinner parties without being thoroughly sodomized.
Ever read The Invisible Man? That great machine of indoctrination has so many tricks.
Leave aside the stupid wise ass kid bit for a minute, Palladian. Any asshole can do that.
You're a stooge, Palladian. Hard to accept, isn't it?
I love when Shouting Thomas starts posing questions in one comment and answering them in another comment. I wonder how long it will take before he gets into a screaming argument with himself?
I know I do. No man comes to one of my dinner parties without being thoroughly sodomized.
You don't have the style of Tight Ass, Palladian.
You're attempts at that sort of fag style just fail.
You're pretty clutzy.
"You're a stooge, Palladian. Hard to accept, isn't it?"
I like to think of myself as one of the Ritz Brothers. Except funny.
You are just a wise ass, dumb kid, Palladian.
Probably a closeted hetero.
I've seen a lot of that in Manhattan.
Where did you get the indoctrination?
On a more serious note. Dan Savage is a bully, so this is totally normal for him. I'm sure that if he was straight, he would be the first one in line to harass a gay kid.
Mr. Savage is the guy who got his husband to accept his affairs with other men. Classic bully behavior.
I'm sorry, I'm not going to describe my excrement, no matter how much you beg!
WV: reargore. YEAH BABY, Google's down wit it!
"Probably a closeted hetero.
I've seen a lot of that in Manhattan."
MMM, yeah, I love lickin' pussy! You've done figgr'd me out!
VW: ringpokr. Oh now stop it!
I'm sorry, I'm not going to describe my excrement, no matter how much you beg!
There you go again, Palladian, trying to outrage a 61 year old man who lived in SF and NYC for 45 years.
You really are a dumb ass kid.
Where were you indoctrinated?
I see you completely as a closeted hetero. Too weak to survive the college indoctrination.
Would you apply the same reasoning to why gays are bullied or are you displaying bigotry yourself?
I don't think it is a secret that I hate homophobes. If you want to call that bigotry, knock yourself out. I am bigoted against racists and child molesters, too.
But even if you think homophobia is peachy keen, fraud isn't. "Homosexuality is wrong" is just a matter of opinion. "I can help you or your child not be homosexual" is not a matter of opinion; it is a lie. Bachmann knows that from his professional training.
Ann, why would you bristle at someone who is just trying to restore someone to a evolutionarily correct view of their sexuality?
Are there any other kinds of birth defects you would want to see left untreated?
Because we've all been told that no one would choose to be born gay, or did I miss something?
I know I do. No man comes to one of my dinner parties without being thoroughly sodomized.
Seriously, a LOL. There goes another fantasy of mine blown to high heavens. No meet-up with you over a nice dinner for my husband and me.
; )
wv: cuisa
Shall we share some cuis--a[h], maybe not.
; )
"I see you completely as a closeted hetero. Too weak to survive the college indoctrination."
I know, I was diddling pussies left and right until the other boys at Yale started sticking their cocks down my throat!
I don't understand how Savage became an anti-bully advocate when all he does is bully his opposition. If Rick Sanitorum were gay and Savage were straight, there would be no question that he was engaging in the same behavior he crusades against.
Yeah Shouting Thomas is right. In fact, not just about The Gay. But also the ridiculous claims of racism in this country. Most people dont even know that no one was ever a slave. All myths. lack people actually came over on luxury cruise lines, starting in 1949. In fact, the word "nigger" didn't even exist until 1968. And don't get me started about the Chinese. In fact, if you study REAL history, you find black people and gay people were viewed as near deities. A black gay dude? Like striking the lotto. The term gay bashing was originally used to describe the practice of one or two gay guys attacking and beating the crap out of 10-20 football players or frat guys. The gay people hijacked the language and turned it completely around. I applaud shouting thomas for his courage in speaking the truth.
He makes money by encouraging fear of a phony ailment and then offering an equally phony cure for it.
I know, I was diddling pussies left and right until the other boys at Yale started sticking their cocks down my throat!
Trying the gross out thing again.
As I said, Palladian, you are a total clutz. You have none of the style of Tight Ass. Your attempts are hamfisted and dull. Zero wit.
Yes, you are a weakling, Palladian.
Closeted hetero.
"Ann, why would you bristle at someone who is just trying to restore someone to a evolutionarily correct view of their sexuality?"
I love when God-botherers resort to digging up the corpse of dear Charles Darwin and shake it limply at their enemies.
Most people dont even know that no one was ever a slave.
Jeff, you have just achieved ultimate, God like stupidity.
Gays are just like blacks under Jim Crow!
The ultimate idiot statement.
Jeff ... @ 8:11PM ... Surely, your jesting, which you are.
But Muhammed Ali when to Africa ... as a famous person. (I saw him, once, leaning against a car ... in Manhattan. He was an absolutely stunningly handsome man. But I digress.)
When he came back from his tour of Africa ... what he said was PRICELESS: He was quoted as saying he was "glad my grand-pappy got on that boat!)
"Jeff, you have just achieved ultimate, God like stupidity.
Gays are just like blacks under Jim Crow!
The ultimate idiot statement."
While I am greatly impressed by your total metamorphosis into Jermey. I would suggest you read that again. Slower. Or have someone read it to you. No where is there a comparison of Gays being just like blacks under Jim Crow. There is a comparison, however of revisionist history. I do understand how something like that might be to subtle though.
For a self-made minority of only 2-4% of the population, Homos sure get lots of attention from liberals.
Now, the WASP Fatso minority gets no respect. Everything went downhill when Rodney Dangerfield died.
"Seriously, a LOL. There goes another fantasy of mine blown to high heavens. No meet-up with you over a nice dinner for my husband and me."
I'm just being silly. Of course if you listen to my friend Shouting Thomas, it's you that should be worried, dear reader_iam, not your husband! I've a voracious appetite for the chicks!
So you're suggesting Palladin that I make my argument from a book that you don't believe in?
How long until the left begins to enforce [bleep]?
I have to wonder about guys who believe they're a couple of school courses away from changing their sexual orientation.
But I don't wonder about them TOO much, because that would be gay.
"For a self-made minority of only 2-4% of the population, Homos sure get lots of attention from liberals."
They have a savior complex. It makes them feel good about themselves to just care so much about the downtrodden!
"Now, the WASP Fatso minority gets no respect."
Hey! I'm a WASP Fatso faggot, so everyone on every side of things hates me!
Ok, Jeff, you fucking idiot, I will spell it out for you.
I lived in Chelsea and the Village for 20 years.
The term gay bashing was originally used to describe the practice of one or two gay guys attacking and beating the crap out of 10-20 football players or frat guys.
The term "gay bashing" is a description of a group of young men roaming the Village looking for gay guys to beat up.
The reason those young men are doing that is that they are confused about their sexuality.
Within a few years those "gay bashers" will be looking for anonymous gay sex in the back bars and piers of Chelsea and the Village.
See, idiot?
Here's Savage, today, on gay male couples:
But a majority of the male same-sex couples out there who hope to marry one day are now or one day will be in non-monogamous relationships. We can either legitimize the gays-aren't-monogamous-enough-for-marriage argument by attempting to hide the truth about our relationships, David, or we can neutralize it by pointing out—two zillion times, if necessary—that monogamy isn't a defining characteristic of marriage for straights and it shouldn't be for us either."
No cite for that claim about the majority of gay couples. Maybe it's based on his own sexual research.
"He was quoted as saying he was "glad my grand-pappy got on that boat!)"
A lot of people would disagree, and I think they would be wrong. Any objective person looking at quality of life here and in most countries in Africa would come to the same conclusion.
But anyone who distorts historical events in history, such as how gay people have been treated, is on the same plane as those who claim slavery was good, and Hitler loved the Jews. If someone has a opinion about something, the validity of said opinion is reduced if it is supported by historical revisionism.
"So you're suggesting Palladin that I make my argument from a book that you don't believe in?"
What book don't I believe in?
I was just responding to your silly and misguided appeal to evolutionary biology. I didn't make any statement about my reading habits.
"See, idiot?"
They have a savior complex. It makes them feel good about themselves to just care so much about the downtrodden!
No, asshole.
Here's the problem. Gays are trying to enforce this public ass kissing.
The closeted hetero biz makes you a fascist, Palladian. You like to play it both ways. You like to insist they we kiss gay ass. If we argue against it, we're homophobes.
You're not just a closeted hetero, Palladian, you're a fascist fuck.
This is quite often the case with weaklings who've been driven into submission by the indoctrination. They hate to think that anybody else would escape the indoctrination.
What if a gay man went to Marcus Bachmann asking for help in becoming monogamous?
Would that be reprehensible to Dan Savage?
"I have to wonder about guys who believe they're a couple of school courses away from changing their sexual orientation."
Every boy in my high school's drama club, including the quarterback of the football team, left our production of Camelot a raging cocksucker.
"The most brutally honest writer in history about human sexuality is undoubtedly Henry Miller."
Hear, hear.
But he wasn't about diversity, ST. Just honest, about sex, about how, if they could, most would like to be.
Savage is... a savage. Like Sullivan, seeking majority approval and acceptance for that which the majority disagrees is acceptable. Just that no one can say that anymore.
"Here's the problem. Gays are trying to enforce this public ass kissing."
I prefer to keep my ass kissing private, thank you very much!
a self-made minority of only 2-4%
Self-made minority?
"Gays were 52% of the population until the Gay Civil War decimated the population. Today, only a tiny fragment of a once great civilization remains."
"Like Sullivan, seeking majority approval and acceptance for that which the majority disagrees is acceptable. Just that no one can say that anymore."
You just did.
Help, help! You're being repressed!
""Gays were 52% of the population until the Gay Civil War decimated the population. Today, only a tiny fragment of a once great civilization remains.""
It was a horrible war, but the uniforms were fabulous.
"Gays were 52% of the population until the Gay Civil War decimated the population. Today, only a tiny fragment of a once great civilization remains."
My other theory on what "self-made minority" means is that gays emigrated here from their historical homeland -- presumably somewhere in the Middle East, since Lot was able to walk from there to Israel.
"June Thomas reminds me of people who think John Lennon is all about "Imagine."
I think John Lennon was all about "Happiness Is A Warm Gun".
Now you' ve got it! Gay fixing is bullshit charlatanism just lije homeopathy so it is reprehensible even if someone asks for it.
I don't think it is a secret that I hate homophobes. If you want to call that bigotry, knock yourself out. I am bigoted against racists and child molesters, too.
Please reconsider, revenant. You sound like you're part of the single digit percent of the population who actually (by your admission no less) rises to the level of hatred for someone because of their opinion.
OT but on point: I took a 10 hour hunter safety course last weekend. The instructor, obviously pro-gun, made the observation about himself, his opposition, and the general public. He said, paraphrasing:
"We hunters are only about 5% of the whole population. Against us are another 5%--those who hate hunting and everything it stands for. But 90% of the population doesn't really care. When something comes up on a ballot, they look around and make decisions based on things like "oh yeah, that hunter I met was a jerk...they trashed the place. I don't like them. Or, boy those protesters sure were loud and obnoxious--I think I'm gonna vote against them...check.
Now you' ve got it! Gay fixing is bullshit charlatanism just lije homeopathy so it is reprehensible even if someone asks for it.
Homeopathy is reprehensible? Really? Reprehensible?
You are saying this in the Age of Oprah?
"My other theory on what "self-made minority" means is that gays emigrated here from their historical homeland"
This reminds me of an exchange from the movie "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert":
MAN: Where you blokes from?
ADAM: Uranus.
I think John Lennon was all about "Happiness Is A Warm Gun".
Didn't I already allude to that, or at least its antecedents, in at least part by virtue of my very first comment on this thread?
This is one of the funnier comment threads I've seen in awhile. Nothing more to say. Carry on.
Palladian said...
I wonder what Dan Savage tells his kid when he brings home a man other than his current husband to fuck?
7/14/11 7:54 PM
There are plenty of straight fathers and mothers who engage in stuff like that. Mostly separated or divorced couples, but a few who openly do it while still married.
It is just as pathetic, contemptable, and self centered regardless of your sexual orientation. Children need stability.
Dan cares more about his cock than his son. But he is hardly the only one who is like that.
the single digit percent of the population who actually [...] rises to the level of hatred for someone because of their opinion.
It is sadly ironic that you've chosen a thread about sodomy to pull something out of your ass.
"Single digits". Heh.
I am all for Gay Civil War re-enactments. Titus can lead the calvary charge.
Marcus Bachmann is a bit lispy.
General Thomas Jackson earned the nickname "Stonewall" for his defense of the Stonewall Inn against the Greenwich Irregulars.
You never know where folks will take things, though often enough you know how.
Just observin'.
: )
Anne Heche.
So, is this worse than his appropriation of the last name Santorum?
Bear in mind that this doesn't just effect the former Senator, but also his wife, his children, siblings, and anyone else who has this last name (regardless of their sympathy with the former Senators POV).
Savage is contemptible.
Hey, who better than a repressed homosexual to help out other homosexuals who want to repress their homosexuality?
The lisp isn't a bug, it's a feature!
I am all for Gay Civil War re-enactments. Titus can lead the calvary charge.
I'm going to suggest that my dad keep an eye out for this. Well into his '70s, he's restarting a photography career he mostly left (but not entirely) decades ago in order to pursue a music career, and he's already snagged contracted photographer for re-enacting groups. (He's also a lifelong gun guy, which no doubt helped given his other histories.)
These could be interesting times!
Isn't this the guy that wanted to be married.....and fuck strangers?
...or did I conflate too many savages!
I wonder whom, among the republicans, will have the guts to say out loud "There he goes, again."
Sarah Palin is right. The GOP can't do a thing, as long as Obama is president. They have to accept who he is. And, that he's a liar.
They should come right out and point to the reality of this "kabuki" ... or keystone ... routine.
There should be NO DEALS that the American people don't want! But given that the GOP legislates ... they should be bold. Offering to show what needs to be cut.
Just in case obama doesn't fold.
It's stupid to keep secret what the cuts would look like.
Though Sarah Palin has pointed out our Treasury takes in 200-billion a month. Enough to pay our obligatory bills to social security. And, defense.
And, stop tickling the edges.
It's not a comedy routine to make believe you're so broke ... you'll give up your purchase of lottery tickets!
Ha. You got me, Pallidan. Almost. This place ain't nearly mainstream.
Homeopathy is reprehensible? Really? Reprehensible?
You are saying this in the Age of Oprah?
Claiming that homeopathy is anything other than giving placebos deserves condemnation.
The Genes of genetics change. It's a rule of evolution. Assuming there is a soul in a person then the influence upon a human is threefold.
1. Spiritual growth
2. Genetic growth
3. Environmental growth
They all have hard and soft polarities. There are soft polarities of gayness and other habits that people can change through thought. There are hard polarities that take a lifetime to move an iota and are probably not worth devoting a lifetime to unless one is an artist.
Claiming that homeopathy is anything other than giving placebos deserves condemnation.
It's all fun and games until someone dies in a sweat lodge.
"Happiness Is A Warm Gun" has been my favorite Beatles song for decades.
In the parody of the Beatles that was "The Rutles," the John character was named Ron Nasty, and everyone back then got the joke. John was the nastiest Beatle.
One of the early John anecdotes that one heard back in the 1960s was of him walking up to an old man (whom he didn't know) and saying "You're going to die soon." That supposedly represented his sense of humor.
Just now I am reading Everybody Was So Young by Amanda Vaill. The book details the marriage of Gerald and Sara Murphy. They were a wealthy, beautiful couple who lived in Paris in the twenties. They were the stuff of legend. Fitzgerald's novel, Tender Is the Night, was about them. Picasso had a crush on Sara and drew a series of paintings based on her. Gerald wrote a ballet with Cole Porter.....They were devoted parents and loved each other very much. Gerald, however, had transient attractions to men. He was ashamed of these romances.....Human sexuality comes in all possible permutations and possibilities. According to our culture we put the accent mark in different places. Perhaps a remedial course such as Bachmann offers would have helped Gerald come to terms with his sexuality. Or maybe not. At any rate, even as Marcus Bachmann is possible, so are people who might be helped by his remedies. Let people work out their own destiny their own way.
Marcus Bachmann makes money in what I consider to be a reprehensible way: offering “reparative therapy” to “cure” gay people.
Considering being gay is immoral, abnormal, and unhealthy, I'd say March Bachmann is doing a public service.
But anyone who distorts historical events in history, such as how gay people have been treated
I love watching you people pretend gays were treated similarly to blacks.
Really, I do.
"thinks" "is" is most temporal.
And always will be.
Consider, William F. Buckley Jr. debating the ultra-white racist Asian in QT's Kill Bill V. Two.
Sure, although Buckley was a spy as well as soldier, he might well be outmatched per Hollywood's standards of ultra-white racist Asian's as demonstrated by QT:
THat being said, I think Buckley would have fared well in the debate portion of the debate, presumably.
gays are treated badly? Okay everyone....turn on your TVs, flip through the channels, and see how long it is until you see a gay reference......and I mean in a positive way. I say within 5 minutes. Open up your morming paper tomorrow, and see how many pro-gay articles, columns, etc you see.
Yeah, its just like being an African-American in Jim Crow south. Or an Afro-Cuban in Castro's Cuba.
Any one remember Solgin's web site from about 5 years ago? Vicious anti-Christian hatred. Now that would be a good story to run.
I checked it when he was running for mayor and he has really cleansed out the worst stuff.
gays are treated badly?
Not as often, now that people like you are in the minority.
Ah yes. Dan Savage. The guy who volunteered for Gary Baeur's campaign so he could infect the staff with the flu (he claimed to have licked doorknobs, staplers, etc... in the offices while infected with the flu)... and, also got nailed for some kind of voter fraud (I forget how).
He's kind of a hateful douche on occasion, as well.
One of the early John anecdotes that one heard back in the 1960s was of him walking up to an old man (whom he didn't know) and saying "You're going to die soon."
And the old man cryptically replied, "Dakota."
John Lennon made it to forty.
Karma can really be a bitch.
Being gay is part of how you are born.
And being promiscuous is part of being gay.
Is therapy focused on helping you not be promiscuous more reprehensible than therapy focused on helping you not be gay?
What about therapy helping you to not have homosexual thoughts if you are already in a committed, loving relationship?
What are you not allowed to seek to change about yourself?
How does any of this compare to someone who believes eating locally grown food is healthier?
Here's an interesting (and I, hope, topical) quote from the end of a politifact piece (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2011/jul/13/born-way-what-do-scientists-say-about-origins-bein/) declaring with awesome factiness that Pawlenty's statement on meet the press re homosexuality: "PAWLENTY: Well, the science in that regard is in dispute. I mean, scientists work on that and try to figure out if it’s behavioral or if it’s partly genetic –"
Is false.
Politifact says
So, scientists argue, even if sexual behavior is a choice, sexual orientation -- the state of being gay or heterosexual or bisexual and the impulses one feels -- is not a choice. For that reason, we rated this statement False.
What I wonder is what kind of scientists these were? Political scientists? Biologists?
I wonder how they detect and measure this "state of being gay or heterosexual or bisexual" without measuring behavior, since behavior, politifact tells us, is a choice?
Say: What?
Just because [of]...
Life is too short to much time thinking about either of these repulsive characters. But Savage purports to speak for me, so I have a certain revulsion for him. Why so aggressively vulgar? Why so mercilessly loud?
Shouting Thomas, all content aside, shouldn't you be posting in all caps? Otherwise, aren't you just Thomas?
...Hold it!...OK, quit. ...
I quite like this.
I adore the references (and not just both the lyrical and musical) in the link I just posted. Did you get 'em, too?
left our production of Camelot a raging cocksucker
Let me guess how they used the Roundtable after the cast party.
"We will not tolerate intolerance!"
Rev: I see you've adopted the lefty playbook of equating criticism with intolerance.
You've gone beyond mere criticism. You've declared that bigots (as you judge) have it coming to them.
If Marcus Bachmann doesn't want to be "bullied" he could always try not being an ignorant bigoted jackass.
"If she doesn't want to be raped she should try not being such a slut."
Thats what you sound like.
Savage....Is this the guy with the emotionally battered husband?
The last thing you want to give an attention whore is attention.
"Is this the guy with the emotionally battered husband?"
You've got it all wrong. True emotional battery consists of inserting passe, heteronormative standards of monogamy into Dan Savage's "marriage."
The man's the love child of Rip Taylor and Liberace.
Other than that, not gay.
Do you cast aspersions on everybody who gets divorced?
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