July 12, 2011

Protesters at the Capitol rally against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser.

It was a constrained and organized media event, with the sign-holders arrayed on the steps around the "Forward!" statue and the speakers in front of them facing the media...

... including the shameless New Media Meade:

There were lots of handmade signs and preprinted signs, and for some reason quite a few men were holding signs that said "We are Wisconsin Women":

"You can put lipstick on him, but it's still Prosser," declares this woman who is "Waiting 4 Justice":

It strangely seems to suggest that the judges ought to be women, but I assume it means he's a pig — an allusion to the old "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig" remark. The lipsticked face of Prosser has a speech bubble that reads "Bitch," a reference to an incident, leaked to the press, in which Prosser, provoked by something that wasn't leaked, called Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson a "bitch." Does that make him a pig in the sense of "male chauvinist pig"?

This is my favorite sign, because I love the way "GOP" is inserted:

You can see the whole sign in this enlargement of the first photograph. It begins "Prosser is Unqualified!" and then lists 4 problems. Given the insertion mark, I take it she originally wrote "Follows a political agenda," which really does make a person unfit to be a judge. I can only guess at the thought processes of whoever worked on that sign. Adding "GOP" like that shot the righteous indignation to hell.

ADDED: Here's a news report on the rally:
Progressive groups, elected officials and protesters led a call for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser to step down pending the results of an investigation into his workplace behavior at a rally Tuesday afternoon. Held at noon on the Capitol steps facing State Street, it was organized by Lisa Subeck, City of Madison alder and executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin.

"The Wisconsin state Supreme Court should not be allowed to choke out justice for women," said Annie Laurie Gaylor, who represented the Women's Medical Fund at the rally. "Prosser is a supreme disgrace."


Anonymous said...

Judging by the pictures, at $10 bucks a head I could put on that rally for less money than I just spent on my daughter's birthday party (of course, WE had a pony).

Fred4Pres said...

Maybe conservatives need to protest some of the other justices, just to stir the pot on this.


coketown said...

Looks like a good showing. My favorite signs are the ones that don't try to be witty and just say what the signmaker felt while venting during the creative process: "Prosser is contemptible." Just imagine her at her kitchen table, art supplies spread out, colored penciled freshly sharpened, hands hovering over the placard as those three perfect words cascade through her mind: Prosser. Is. Contemptible. No need for flourishes of color. The matter is black and white. Contemptible!

You could see the "strangle" puns coming from a mile away, and I don't like them.

Ann Althouse said...

If you want shoes like Meade's, they're here.

traditionalguy said...

Prosser is being accused of male violence against a female.

That meme is really designed to hurt Prosser among his supporters.

But it seems so heroic to be protecting females from bad 72 year old, small men by waiving signs.

The Crack Emcee said...

For some reason quite a few men were holding signs that said "We are Wisconsin Women"

Truth in advertising.

Ann Althouse said...

@Coketown Yeah. Exactly. I loved that one for that reason.

Reminds me of the time I called a parking garage attendant "unscrupulous." My passenger thought that was hilarious.

KCFleming said...

If the homeless dude just had a sign that said Prosser is Evil, he'd still be a free man.

Synova said...


The Wisconsin government could be shut down like Minnesota's.

Would that make everyone happy?

KCFleming said...

Prosser is Compressible!

Prosser is Combustible!

Prosser Vacillates in Front of Women!

Prosser Chews Kitten Jerky!!

Shouting Thomas said...

The bigot thing is always there.

That's a given.

Everything is some kind of bigotry.

Gotta be. Would hardly be a lefty political event without somebody carrying on about some sort of bigotry.

KCFleming said...

Prosser Masticates Daily!

Drew said...

Will it ever stop? Will it ever stop? Jane, stop this crazy thing!

Drew said...

Pogo, see I'd probably be tempted to infiltrate the demonstration with a sign saying something as absurd as "Prosser masticates daily," . . . "Prosser has been known to masticate three times a day!" or something equally ridiculous, just to see the puzzled looks.

dhagood said...

@drew in the early 70s, before i flunked out of the university of wyoming, i made it a habit to shout nonsensical phrases at whatever political gatherings i came across. i often used american bomber aircraft of the second world war: "FREE THE B-25!" i'd shout, and then walk off with a clenched fist raised high in the air.

i usually got puzzled looks, but on a couple of occasions i got a "right on brother" or something similar.

wyoming wasn't a hotbed of counter-culture, then or now, but it had its moments.

cubanbob said...

Someone ought to go there with a sign that states "raise other peoples taxes so my pay and benefits don't get cut!" I'm sure the protestors will smile sweetly.

edutcher said...

"The Wisconsin state Supreme Court should not be allowed to choke out justice for women,"

I love how the Lefties are always talking about justice.

Can't wait to see them get it.

Alex said...

Fucking idiots.

Freeman Hunt said...

A man should have walked by the crowd with a needlessly inflammatory sign like, "Hero Prosser: Reigning in Hysterical Bitches."

What a spectacle of apoplexy then!

I want to see if the protesters can go to eleven.

Crunchy Frog said...

Mmmmm, kitten jerky.

My favorite.

Freeman Hunt said...

In the original size image of the group shot, you can see two signs reading, "Justice is NOT violent!"

Where did they get that idea?

Michael said...

A word to the wise. I read the book about the Tarahumara runners and as a runner became interested in these "minimalist" offerings of every single running shoe and hiking shoe maker. I bought some and ran about fifty miles before it became evident to me, at least, that I am not a Tarahumara. They might be good for tooling around the protests up there but I sure as hell wouldn't hike or run in them for any distance.

Man, you guys have got some fatsos up there!! Boy, howdy.

A. Shmendrik said...

These folks are truly full of shit. But that's not real surprising in Madison, particularly in the summertime.

He has a 10 year term, and, assuming he doesn't change his mind or have a heart attack, he'll get to serve it. The remarks about not understanding separation of powers - are in the wrong location, they need to be parked near Sumi's courtroom in the Dane County Courthouse.

James said...

Scott Walker spoke at the Gateway Technical College 100th anniversary celebration in downtown Racine this afternoon.

I stopped by briefly since I'd heard that WEAC was planning a protest. For about an hour before the event a group of about 150 people chanted and marched around on the sidewalk. As I left they were putting their signs in a pile before going into the building to attempt to interupt Walker's speech.

Now having witnessed one of these protests I have to again commend Ann and Meade for their coverage of the protests in Madison; I couldn't do it...once is enough for me.

Pictures are here: Union Protest at Gateway Technical College

The first few pics are of some members of the University of Wisconsin Marching Band; they were part of the entertainment for the outdoor portion of the event.

grackle said...

The heat’s getting to everyone up there. They need to get into some shorts and cool off. That includes the men.

garage mahal said...

Walker sure does attract a crowd. He even gets protested out of state. Can't recall that ever happening.

Sal said...

I don't think those "progressives" could conceive that someone even had the right to toss gratuitous insults at one of the female justices.

They'd be yelling "misogynist!" at you before they even finished reading your sign.

dbp said...

I like Freeman's idea: How's this?

"Prosser, he won't choke when it comes to tough judgements!"

Anonymous said...

Out here in California, the NARAL group took one right in the eye when they got too frisky with the 36th district GOP candidate who is surprisingly close to the favored Democrat hack, Janice Hahn.

He is libertarian but Hahn thought she would try to insert some social issues into the campaign at the last minute. The election is today and too close to call.

The candidate, named Craig Huey, was asked about his position on abortion, a topic that had not been raised as an issue until Hahn began to get desperate last week. Huey said he was opposed to abortion for one reason. He is adopted.

That shut up a few harpies. Almost as good as McCain's comeback in his first House campaign when accused of being a carpet bagger. His answer was that the place he had lived the longest in his life was the Hanoi Hilton.

dbp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dbp said...

@Michael, I have been trying to go minimalist running-wise too. I ran a bit on 5-fingers and like them, but they are pricy, hard to find and I still sometimes got blisters. Lately I've been trying to go barefoot and all was well until thttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifoday.

dbp said...

sorry about the messed-up looking link.

SunnyJ said...

@timmaguire42...there you go, the ultimate litmus test...you indeed have a pony in your pile of horseshit...unlike the progressives, having no such pony but plenty of horseshit.

James said...

Walker sure does attract a crowd. He even gets protested out of state. Can't recall that ever happening.

Its not deterring him or his supporters in any way; so what's your end game?

Curious George said...

Freeman Hunt said...
A man should have walked by the crowd with a needlessly inflammatory sign like, "Hero Prosser: Reigning in Hysterical Bitches."

Ha ha! I was thinking "Bitch don't start nothin', won't be nothing"

Anonymous said...

Hasn't everyone figured out that facts are volatile things and perhaps the protestors ought wait until the investigations reveal the truth (such as it is)?

David said...

Lisa Subeck, City of Madison alder and executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin.


The woman's a tree.

A box alder.

traditionalguy said...

It is time to call in the SHAME, SHAME loudspeaker helos to buzz Madison 24/7 until they surrender Walker and Prosser for burning at the stake.

The movement needs blood sacrifice.

The Crack Emcee said...

And Whenever They’re Outsmarted, We’re Stupid

garage mahal said...

Its not deterring him or his supporters in any way; so what's your end game?

The protests are probably more theraputic than anything, but the endgame is definitely recalling him. I know the nurses in Cali that followed Schwarzenegger around had an impact, but Walker has proven he is incapable of being shamed.

Mel said...

If you can't vote him off the court, maybe just telling him to step down will do the trick.

Carol_Herman said...

Oy. Now we have "play on words" on strangle?

Do you strangle the dangle?

Do you choke-hold da' chicken?

This is a protest. As you can see they have signs.

But other than the FISH EYE, which I hate, it turns out ... There aren't enough people there to form a parade.

Ralph L said...

Ann Althouse said...
If you want shoes like Meade's, they're here
Now that's shameless.

What will the "peaceful" protesters do if Meade steps on a lamb's ear?

Anonymous said...

"Looks like a good showing."


If you can choke a bitch and only manage outrage from about 40 people paid to be on permanent outrage in Wisconsin then the political debate is over with.

The left is finished.

Prosser should finish the rest of the old cunts off.

mariner said...

Freeman and Curious,

Perhaps "The Bitch Set Me Up" would work here.

Maybe not.

Carol_Herman said...

You know, Crack Emcee (@ 7:12 PM) ... I got myself an idea!

You have Lawrence O'Donnell ... under the wonderful artwork of Palin ...

And, he said Newsweek is $5 a pop.

BINGO! Do you know what that issue can be worth if it's just kept?

For $5 a person can own an artwork.

It's like buying a real CALDER back in the 1920's. Not just a mobile. But a piece of jewelry.

Or, oh, heck. It could'a been like I had saved all those baseball cards ... when all I wanted were the pink sheets of gum.

Ralph L said...

Walker has proven he is incapable of being shamed.
He believes he's saving their jobs. The protesters can't fathom they're avoiding the mass layoffs they deserve.

dbp said...

Adults don't feel shame just because some clown holds up a sign that says "Shame!".

Now maybe if Prosser was 7 and the person holding up the sign was his mom...

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Synova said...

"...but Walker has proven he is incapable of being shamed."

Since he hasn't done anything shameful, I think that's a virtue rather than a fault.

(Prosser may be another story, but I think that nearly every person involved in the Court elections deserves a bit of shame and I doubt we'll hear calls for others to feel the shame they earned.)

garage mahal said...

He believes he's saving their jobs

No he doesn't.

Synova said...

Yup, that's Walker.

Mean for the sake of being mean.

rhhardin said...

Shame, rattle and roll.

Anonymous said...

"No he doesn't."

How's that Burger King sponsored hunger strike going fatty?

garage mahal said...

How's that Burger King sponsored hunger strike going fatty?

How's that job hunt going?

Automatic_Wing said...

Yawn. Yet another open-air primal scream therapy session for government workers who are unhappy, but not unhappy enough to go find another job.

This is how the Democrats are going to get Walker recalled?

bagoh20 said...

"Justice is not violent."

Tell that to Saddam Hussein.

coketown said...

How's that job hunt going?

Between this and your "I bet I paid more in taxes than you made all year" comment, I'm sensing deep hostility on your part toward both the poor and unemployed.

Funny how the pro-middle class progressive liberal loves bragging about his wealth and disparaging people who are out of work! Let your true colors show, Garage. (And that true color is white. LOL you're white! I know you hate it but you're white, white, white.)

Fen said...

Garage: Garage has proven he is incapable of being shamed.


I mean, really. You talking about shame?

Carol_Herman said...

Hey 60-grit. You're the one who is off the wall! I know all about CALDER.

I referred to his jewelry making days going back to when he was in his early 30's. And, yes, he was living in Paris!

So what? You didn't know Calder made jewelry, too?

Perhaps, you didn't know he carried his circus in a suitcase. And, toured with it. Making money when people wanted to see "in."

By the time of his death he had added 4 more suitcases.

And, his "idea" for the circus started when he was about 6. 1904. Where his parents had moved to Pasadena. And, his parents took him to see the Rose Parade. 1904. It was it's 2nd year. And, they had horses ... This is what turned him on in the first place.

60-Grit. Do you know about Calder? Do you think he fell off the map because he was living (for a time) in Paris?

Did you know Calder's father was also an artist, and a sculptor. Of note, I'll add.

North Dallas Thirty said...

Funny, these women support violence against Republican women, as we see from the call of the Democrat Party of Wisconsin to act violently against and to punch Republicans.

And we also know that they support murdering and raping Republican women, as shown by Obama supporter and fellow Democrat Sandra Bernhard.

Brian Brown said...

and your "I bet I paid more in taxes than you made all year" comment,

Yes, garbage is so well compensated despite being a) stupid and b) on the Internet making incoherent comments all day.

I bet he pays a lot in taxes. Indeedy, I do...

Third Coast said...

I see Meade is/was dressed in long pants on a hot day.

Anonymous said...

Finally, some of the on summer vacation teachers show up! What a great turnout.....

Anonymous said...

For some reason quite a few men were holding signs that said "We are Wisconsin Women"

It reminds me of the old communist-sponsored "International Youth Conferences" in which the international youths who called all the shots were fat, bald, sixty-year-old Soviet apparatchiks.

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