July 8, 2011

The newest Wisconsin protest jackassery: a "flotilla" disrupts Tonette Walker's lakeside garden party.

Jessica Opoien reports:
After learning that Wisconsin's first lady Tonette Walker would host a garden party on Saturday, July 2, a group of nearly a dozen people formed a flotilla that set sail to the shore of Lake Mendota off the governor's Maple Bluff executive residence.

... The flotilla consisted of two kayaks, two canoes and a paddleboat.

"Saturday was kind of a test drive," [Arthur] Kohl-Riggs says. He has since created a Facebook event called "A Summer Full of #wiflotilla" to organize future lake shore protests. Flotilla protesters are also organizing with the Twitter hashtag #wiflotilla.

He would like to see a more consistent presence on Lake Mendota and is in the process of trying to schedule a weekly flotilla. He also hopes people will start flotilla protests in their hometowns throughout the state. Social media will play a significant role in organizing and publicizing the events.
Do you think social media might play a significant role in teaching the social graces? Why would you  harass a politician's wife in her backyard? And brag about it? And envision a burgeoning movement of like-minded louts... in boats?

You know we're always struggling with runoff into Lake Mendota. Must the politics drain into there too?
"Wisconsin has a lot of waterways," Kohl-Riggs says. "We're trying to let Walker and his administration know that there's an active resistance to him on every waterway in the state."
You know we have a big problem with invasive species in the Wisconsin rivers and lacks. Let's not introduce homo politicus.

IN THE COMMENTS: Robert G. said"
I was at my parents' house in Madison this weekend and got to witness this first hand! In fact, I also used the term "jackasses" in my tweet I posted at the time (http://goo.gl/aNfam). The article doesn't mention the first round when it was just one motorboat and they were using a loudspeaker to chant "recall Walker" and such. That lasted about an hour, then they left and about an hour later this goofy flotilla arrived. At one point one of the Governor's lakeside neighbors got in her canoe and joined the flotilla.


ndspinelli said...

Maybe the weeds will consume them.

Sal said...

Two kayaks, two canoes and paddleboat. That's big news for The Isthmus.

Oh yeah, and that's what democracy looks like!

pauldar said...

Well, when one has lost what seems like every battle on land, where else would you go? Can't wait for the Union Blimp

Sal said...

And that's exactly how the word "asshat" came about.

AllenS said...

Why would you harass a politician's wife in her backyard? And brag about it?

Because the people doing it are punk ass, sissy bitches.

TosaGuy said...

Hey asshat boaters.....that fluid-like substance you are floating on can also be used for bathing.

Phil 314 said...

Hmmm, I'm trying to recall what North Korea does when its territorial waters are violated.

Curious George said...

Time for another Budget Repair Bill called "Navy"

Carol_Herman said...

Over in Israel, the Jerusalem Post is headlning the new "Air Flotilla" ... that takes off from European airports. And, flies into Ben Gurion.

What saps! The planes land. And, instead of being at a normal terminal ... the pilot and his plane, are escorted to "Terminal One."

There, at Terminal One, the Mossad. And, Airport security. Don't just wave ya through!

As to this "water works" ... I'm sure the State police have enough sea worthy craft ... that a kayak or two can be inundated. In a "wake." Let alone what happens if racing on the lake(s) take place. And, a bunch of sailboats ... try to maneuver in and out.

What about para-sailing? Remember when Jean-John Effing Kerry was last seen in his wet suit ...

Me thinks "going after the Governor's garden party ... can give new meaning to "REVERSE FERRET"

(Which is a good reason to Google "EVERSE FERRET ... to explain how Murdoch reacts to "hot water."

Would the garden party be ruined, by the way? Or would giving our binoculars to the guests ... be a hoot? The Owl Asks.

TosaGuy said...

sounds like a good place to practice some huge wake producing hard turns at high speeds.

bagoh20 said...

A lovely sentiment, movement and purpose in life: to irritate, whine, and generally be a pain in the ass when people are trying to enjoy life.

Congratulations for thinking that up all on your own. You are a role model and a true leader of men.

Scott M said...

So the little Greek guy with the gyro stand didn't stop them halfway around the lake?


Curious George said...

Seriously, if I ever found myself chanting "This is what democracy floats like" I would slit my fucking wrists.

Phil 314 said...

Not only is this bad PR for the protesters (but maybe they're seeking martyrdom) it surely is poor PR for Wisconsin.

(PS In AZ we get daily ads for vacations in Michigan.)

Sal said...

"This is what democracy floats like!"

Oh, jeez, they actually said that.

garage mahal said...

Here is the newest jackassery in Wisconsin:

GOP allies hatching sleazy dirty tricks in Wisconsin recall wars

Anyone surprised?

Carol_Herman said...

How's that "test drive" working out for them?

If they're not wearing "floaties" around their arms, can harbor police ticket them for being a menace to themselves?

Is there a math question, here?

In other words. Do they keep a list of all their participants? Do they check off names later on?

If you "lost" a participant "at sea" who would know?

Does the press get to have their own little boats?

What if, on shore, someone with a camera takes pictures? Could this end up on YouTube?

Wouldn't that be fun?

Anonymous said...

The more they are losing, the bigger losers they act like.

If the republicans hold the senate after the recalls....what's next? My kids have better manners, more creativity then these"adults". I would also say that they seem to have a better grip on reality.

Wv: equall

Anonymous said...

"This is what democracy floats like!"

Like a turd in the kiddy pool. That's what it floats like.

Anonymous said...

Kieth Ellison to organize the next Wisconsin Brotherhood demonstration at the Capitol-

...after Friday ...poetry

chickelit said...

@garage: Does Greg Sargent really look like a unibrowed Fred Flintstone? Why do they draw him that way.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I betcha your #1 librul commenter will applaud what you call jackassery.

Lincolntf said...

That would last exactly one second in my neck of the woods (back in Mass. OR here in NC). Even the crappiest bass boat with any old motor would be able to make their lives miserable in their little kayaks. Circle, create a wake, watch them swim, repeat forever.

Freeman Hunt said...

Release the geese!

TosaGuy said...

With regard to Mr. Kohl-Riggs, I apologize for getting my insult wrong. I meant to say Ass-Hat.

AllenS said...

LOL, Freeman.

chickelit said...

Next up in Madison: Mock naval battles in the Dane County Memorial Coliseum. Looking more like Rome every day.

Anonymous said...

"This is deep in the weeds, but bear with me. As you know, Wisconsin GOP state officials have hatched a scheme to run fake Democrats in Dem primary elections against the Democratic recall candidates,"

This is not so deep in the weeds-

(Fill in State)Dem officials have hatched a scheme to run fake Tea Party candidates against GOP.

Garbage fail

Anonymous said...

The worst example of such jackassery was when the US Poets Society was going to stage a protest to the Iraq War at Laura Bush's tea party honoring poets. Can you imagine the sight of 400 angry poets lobbing petit-fours at each other? Boorish is the extreme!

The event was canceled.

slarrow said...

It's too bad Wisconsin is too cold to support alligators in those lakes.

TosaGuy said...

When they find floaters in a municipal pool, they close it and shock it with massive amounts of chlorine.

WV: twilary....hashtag for the sec of state.

Michael said...

Carol Herman: "If they're not wearing "floaties" around their arms, can harbor police ticket them for being a menace to themselves?"

Absolutely. I was trout fishing using an inner tube to float into deeper water. When I exited the river I was met by the game warden who asked me where my life jacket was. It is a fact that I could wade into the river with a backpack filled with rocks and it would be legal. But if I go into the river in a "craft" without a life jacket I am in violation of a law.

And there you have it.

slarrow said...

Thanks for the link, garage. That's the funniest damn thing I've seen come out of Wisconsin all week.

So the Democrats are upset that Republicans are sabotaging their crybaby election do-overs? Boo frickin' hoo.

garage mahal said...

What did you think of the actual article? Pretend not to notice I bet...Anyways now we know why they are running fake Dem candidates - to stall so they can redistrict before the recall elections. As far as Republicans go, Wisconsin in #1 in corrupt assholes. It's amazing.

bagoh20 said...

One accurately placed bomb of popcorn would ruin their day.

bagoh20 said...


There is a simple solution: accept the results of honest elections - it's what democracy looks like.

ndspinelli said...

Freeman, There are fewer geese to release. Big men are swooping in on boats and trucks, kidnapping and executing them sans Miranda or due process. There are signs of sanity in Madison. Faint signs but the longest journey...

Wince said...

If I were Scott Walker, I'd turn the screws ever tighter -- maybe require public employees to wear fur -- until the supermodels show up to protest by taking their clothes off.

Chase said...

The proper psychological term for your protestors in Wisconsin and those that support them is "asshole".

"Mother Fucking Asshole" is the term for those who do not accept the results of an election.

You have a lot of shitheads in Wisconsin, don't you?

coketown said...

A thought experiment for progressives: Imagine a rabble of conservatives crashing Malia Obama's 9th or 11th or 35th birthday--however old she is. All criticisms of that scenario apply here. Politicians' families are off limits for the sake of good taste. Plus it's bad PR to be associated with headlines like this: "Progressive Activists Crash First Lady's Garden Party."

Peter said...

Since the organizer, Arthur Kohl-Riggs, claims to be a big supporter of "Worker's Rights," would it be too much to ask if he's ever had a job and, if so, what sort of job?

Presumably one can be in favor of women's rights even if one has never been a woman, but, I don't think this is analogous.

After all, if he's never worked (or, presumably, employed anyone) might one reasonably suspect that his ideas on what sort of rights a "worker" should have might be less than realistic?

chickelit said...

garage said: What did you think of the actual article?

It's a bit like the ol' goose/gander thing.

What rule does it violate again--exactly?

What's the difference between a fake Democrat and a DINO?

Automatic_Wing said...

Apparently Arthur Kohl-Riggs is "A former student taking a break from his studies" and a professional agitator of the "I'm being repressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!" variety.

Looks a bit like a young Adam Sandler...

coketown said...

And this Palestinian solidarity bullshit is getting old. A flotilla? Really? I guess that makes Mrs. Walker's garden Israel, and all her guests are mossad agents. They should have boarded the flotilla vessels and attacked the activists with sunbrellas and lawn ornaments. "Flamingo Flotilla Massacre." Lovely headline. But the hostile neighbors might have started launching ballistic dogshit into Israel in retaliation.

mRed said...

Garage never disappoints me. I can set my watch to his response(s).

WI: You're an asshole:
Garage: You TOO!
WI: Am not.
Garage: Am SO!

DADvocate said...


chickelit said...

Althouse wrote: You know we're always struggling with runoff into Lake Mendota.

We may be facing a phosphate shortage one day: link. The UW-Madison probably has the wherewithal to develop an efficient recovery process from the lakes-- WIn-WIn!

traditionalguy said...

Lawless is the best word to describe the Jackass Madison Democrats.

Does total access rights and total free speech apply outside the Rotunda too?

Plosser should go out in an Animal House Badger Float and shout bitch at them while choking the fat ones.

Wisconsin: its where the WWF got its start.

Brennan said...

Arther on Althouse again? Is that four times he's had a post devoted to his antics?

You might as well just interview him at this point

Curious George said...

" Maguro said...
Apparently Arthur Kohl-Riggs is "A former student taking a break from his studies" and a professional agitator of the "I'm being repressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!" variety.

Looks a bit like a young Adam Sandler..."

Hey, isn't he the dude Meade had discussions with? Has kinda the Amish beard look.

garage mahal said...

It's a bit like the ol' goose/gander thing.

Uh huh. Except Republicans are doing it, and Democrats chose not to.

Not hit me with an unsourced, unlinked false equivalent that Democrats do it too, and thus, whatever a Republican does must be fully supported. Or at least a "fleabagger" quip.

Anonymous said...

Coketown said...

And this Palestinian solidarity bullshit is getting old. A flotilla? Really? I guess that makes Mrs. Walker's garden Israel, and all her guests are mossad agents.


I was wondering, for a moment, if anyone (else) was making the connection-

Sometimes Althousians run off on tangents.

I mean, she does mention "newest" in the headline...

"hey, you know what else is new...?"

chickelit said...

The UW-Madison probably has the wherewithal to develop an efficient recovery process from the lakes-- WIn-WIn!

For example, harvest the lake weed and burn it in the MG&E plant. Dry it first using waste heat. Collect the ashes and use again.

Maybe score a little potash along the way.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Garage's link

This is deep in the weeds, but bear with me.

In Wisconsin it seems the weeds are never deep enough.

JohnJ said...

"Let's not introduce homo politicus."

Too late.

I had believed that much of this nonsense would end when the essentially well-meaning faction of the left began to recognize how ludicrous and self-defeating the 24/7 protest cycle was as a political strategy.

Perhaps I was wrong.

Bayoneteer said...

Isn't one of the rules of Alinskyism to "make it personal"?

Phil 314 said...

Here is the newest jackassery in Wisconsin:

GOP allies hatching sleazy dirty tricks in Wisconsin recall wars

Anyone surprised?

I'm not necessarily condoning here but isn't this just an opinion writer commenting on something that you've already alluded to multiple times.

so this wouldn't be the counter-example of the "newest jackassery" on the Republican side but a rehash of a previously mentioned one.

I may have said this once before but you're giving the impression that you don't much like the Republican party.

Michael said...

GM: If the voters cannot distinguish between a real Democrat and a faux Democrat then maybe you should have ID cards that show you registered as one or the other. Then the voters could demand to see the voter ID cards of those running for office. It would clear up confusion even if it cut down on the voters who were dead or otherwise unable to attend in their own person.

Moose said...

Me, myself I prefer the term "asshattery"...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As the labor-backed We Are Wisconsin warned recently, this could have major ramifications: Because Wisconsin law allows cross-party voting, Republican voters can vote in Dem primaries and vote for the fake Dem candidate in order to keep the real Dem out of the general election.

Is that an admission that "real" Dem candidates do not have enough popular support?.. that a "fake" opposition candidate can knock em out of the water?

That must be it since democrats oppose the Voter ID Bill.

Forget "fake" Dem candidates.. What the Dems need is fake Dem votes ;)

AllenS said...

garage, if a 1,000 people went through the legal motions required to run in the Democratic primary, who are you to tell anyone that they can't? Is there some kind of a law that says they can't?

Roger J. said...

"On the road to Mandalay where the old flotilla lay...."--somehow Rudyard Kipling does it much better than arthur what ever his hypenated name does.

Mary Martha said...

Tomorrow I will be out on Mendota with some friends wakeboarding.

I'm thinking... if the kayaks, canoes and paddleboat are still there we might be able to give them a ride.

Usually my weekends on the lake are relaxing get aways. I actually resent that a political protest is invading there too.

garage mahal said...

so this wouldn't be the counter-example of the "newest jackassery" on the Republican side but a rehash of a previously mentioned one.

The jackassery is running fake candidates to stall so they can redistrict before the recall elections. So yes, an old jackassery mixed in with a new even more craven jackassery.

Fred4Pres said...

So the American Left and Palestians are merging more and more every day.

garage mahal said...

And sorry, I know that pales in comparison to a couple kayakers with a recall sign on Lake Mendota.

Curious George said...

Arthur Kohl-Riggs?

Curious George said...

" garage mahal said...
And sorry, I know that pales in comparison to a couple kayakers with a recall sign on Lake Mendota." or 14 Democratic Senators hiding out of state for their own stalling tactics.

Dude, you are unreal.

Tibore said...

"Why would you harass a politician's wife in her backyard? And brag about it?"

Because they don't want to admit they lost, nor do they want to admit that there's anything wrong with their stance or approach, so they're discarding practical, reasonable solutions in favor of selfish, feelgood ones.

I guess the lesson here is: When you fail, protest. I just choose not to accept that lesson.


Word Verification: ingsisi. How very appropriate. They are being ****ing sissy about all this.

KCFleming said...

A slurry of water-plus-bird-poop to fill balloons and project them by improvised slingshots would be a fun way to practice target shooting on Lake Medota next week.

Cal it 'kinetic art propaganda' and not only are you first amendment protected, you might be eligible for a grant.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know we're always struggling with runoff into Lake Mendota. Must the politics drain into there too?

Walker must have walked on water.

wv doses

A. Shmendrik said...

The Sopranos, season 4 episode 13. Tony tries to back out of his purchase contract for the house on the beach. Alan Sapinsly needs some persuasion. Enormous loudspeakers play the Rat Pack live...

I'm thinking these weasels are much more likely to have been thusly inspired than following Saul Alinsky.

Tibore said...

Are jetskis allowed on that lake? I'd say swamp 'em. "Hey, people: This is what watersports looks like (blasts by, leaves big wake)."

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

So this “dirty trick” does it involve signing up candidates who don’t know they’ve been signed up? I believe 2 Democratic operatives are under indictment for that…OTHERWISE, you’re complaint is, “Too many or the wrong kind of Democrats are in the recall election.” So you believe in the RIGHT kind of democracy, with Garage-approved candidates, running on Garage-approved platforms…thank you Mr. General-Secretary.

KCFleming said...

In Wisconsin, taking over the rotunda, protesting a garden party, slashing tires, and running flase flag candidates is what democracy looks like.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Two Words: Potato Gun.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Two Words: Potato Gun

I’d prefer to see some of the “Punkin’ Chunk’n” Weapons employed as “Coast Defense Artillery.” You could begin to engage this rag-tag flotilla at about 1.5 kilometres! Save the Potato Guns for more Close-In Defense, and then arm the Garden Party Attendees with BB Guns….

coketown said...

Cries for 'decency' in politics is the tell-tale sign of desperation. I mean, it's not a 'dirty, sleazy trick' to flee the state for weeks to keep a democratically elected government from functioning, to take over the capitol rotunda, to vandalize property, to harass the wives of politicians, to force recalls of six representatives because one didn't like their votes, etc etc etc (I've adopted the Garage Mahal habit of saying "etc etc" after I've exhausted all examples. Is it effective?), but running a fake Democrat against another Democrat in said recall election is just beyond the pale--even though it's legal.

Garage, you draw some funky moral lines. Probably as funky as the new Wisconsin redistricting lines, now available on the Wisconsin redistricting website!

Phil 314 said...

Good thing they didn't bring the paper-mache puppet heads.

That would have been messy.

Alex said...

I noticed garage has no problem with harassing Walker's wife on her own property. Basically nothing is off limits to the left in their insane/greedy quest for government benefits.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

I guess the real question is, how far out is a resident's "territorial waters", in regards to the law, and can people be arrested for trespassing and/or harassment if they violate it?

I do, however, like the pumpkin idea - however, pumpkins float, potatoes normally do not (at least in fresh water)... Evidence.

KCFleming said...


m stone said...

LOL @ Phil

chickelit said...

I'm a Shaaaaark said...
Two Words: Potato Gun.

Those spud cannons can fire quite a load of most anything placed in the tube just ahead of the tuber.

coketown said...

I don't think assaulting the floating retards with vegetables is a wise idea. Mrs. Walker should have used defensive measures, like placing American flags between the garden and the shoreline. Nothing is more repellent to progressives than displays of patriotism. It's like vampires and garlic, or the integrity of teachers and standardized tests.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Those spud cannons can fire quite a load of most anything placed in the tube just ahead of the tuber.

Yup. Another option I'm thinking of involves the use of extra fiber in one's diet as part of the 'ammunition gathering phase'...

KCFleming said...

I like your idea Coketown, but assault is more satisfying.

I'm Full of Soup said...

You can usually identify the pussified librul offspring of hippie doofuses by the hyphenated name. I bet Kohl-Riggs has never had his nose broken nor bloodied.

AllenS said...

Tonette needs to have people video these idjits. Then make sure the video makes the internet. Nice You Tube presentation of asshattery.

chickelit said...

I'm a Shaaaaark said...
Yup. Another option I'm thinking of involves the use of extra fiber in one's diet as part of the 'ammunition gathering phase'...

Loaves for the fishes? Ask Titus for his advice before proceeding.

Anonymous said...

The kid never had a chance. I think this is his father;

John Riggs took up photography in the '60s and 70s and exhibited in various galleries in the Midwest. The next several decades were spent as a community organizer, stone mason, engineer and businessman.

Anonymous said...

How about having a skeet shoot at the garden party? Load up the shotguns with rock salt, and make sure the clays are thrown low.

chickelit said...

t-man said...
The kid never had a chance. I think this is his father;

This is why questions regarding community organizer's parentage are always probative.

Drew said...

Leftard 1: Hey, I read something on the internet about this awesome Palestinian flotilla.

Leftard 2: Where's Palestinia?

Leftard 1: I don't know, but it sounds like an awesome way to protest.

Leftard 2: We should do that here!

Leftard 1: I don't have a boat.

Leftard 2: Seth has a kayak.

Leftard 1: Cool. Do you know how to drive it?


wv: flotiste. I kid you not. These stupid protesters are "flotistas!"

Anonymous said...

I noticed on the Isthmus page that scrapple has come to Madison. Will our transplated Delawarean partake?

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, Pogo, at 3:26 PM. Now, that awakens memories!

So funny.

While, according to the Jerusalem Post, the ship that sailed from Greece ... when boarded ... was on auto pilot.

So, the 60 or so lunatics on board were asked "which one of you is this ship's captain." And, they replied in unison: ALL OF US!

And, they all said they were "Captain Northstar."

Let them all go down with the ship.

This one beats the one that lost its propeller. So they blamed the Mossad.

I think Tonette should throw garden parties on her lawn all summer long! And, give out binoculars.

She can also put up a large ship's wheel at the water's edge. Maybe, even hang a ship's bell. The kids can ting-a-ding-ding.

Long Live Animal House.

Now, I have one question. How will those on shore know which boats belong to the protesters? Have they painted their protest signs on the oars? Or will they have to carry their signs on top of their heads?

will the signs twist in the wind so everybody can see them?

Does somebody get paid thinking up these protests? I can't imagine they just come out of the thin air.

You know, it would also get interesting IF Tonette distributes fishing rods to her guests. A hook. A fly. And, a heavy lead weight.

If you miss one of the boaters, maybe, you can still catch a fish?

edutcher said...

The full-court Alinsky. As always, it makes the Alinskoids look like the creeps they are.

PS This is why the defense budget shouldn't be cut: we have a reason to reactivate the Coast Artillery.

And I don't mean potatoes.

(that's sacred food if you're Irish)

chickelit said...

I'm a Shaaaaark said...
Yup. Another option I'm thinking of involves the use of extra fiber in one's diet as part of the 'ammunition gathering phase'...

The projectiles could be called meta-missiles!

KCFleming said...

I would make a projectile of little pieces of bread to break over them and land in the water.

The geese love little pieces of bread.

KCFleming said...

Or maybe tweet the Madison flashmob youths that the flotilla dweebs have lotsa cash on them.

They're all democrats, and they'd just be doing some Democratic redistribution.

Anonymous said...

I’d prefer to see some of the “Punkin’ Chunk’n” Weapons employed as “Coast Defense Artillery.”

You know, Wisconsin really needs a navy. Although it needs it more on Lake Michigan, in case the UP tries an amphibious assault on Door County, or Ann Arbor tries to invade Sheboygan.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

The projectiles could be called meta-missiles!

I'm not advocating war or anything... it's just a biological kinetic action.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking now about a giant papier-mache head on some guy in a kayak. What could go wrong?

Lombardi Chick said...

Yup. Another option I'm thinking of involves the use of extra fiber in one's diet as part of the 'ammunition gathering phase'...

As you know, I am very close to someone who works on the invasive species projects on the federal level.

Maybe I need to pass your idea on. Bet he'd dig it.

I'm a Shaaaaark said...

Sounds like a plan :D

chickelit said...

Theme Song: Garden Party.

He even mentions Dylan...

Dana said...

God, is there anyone left in Madison that actually has to work every day? These people have so much time on their hands and instead of bettering their community, they are seemingly steadfastly intent on confirming to us outside the city/state, that unfettered idiocy runs rampant not only in the streets, but now also in the waterways.

I never want to hear another word about the idiot leftys here in So Cal, because not even we have flotilla-wannabes.

KCFleming said...

Anyone got access to a little sodium metal?

Robert G. said...

I was at my parents' house in Madison this weekend and got to witness this first hand! In fact, I also used the term "jackasses" in my tweet I posted at the time (http://goo.gl/aNfam). The article doesn't mention the first round when it was just one motorboat and they were using a loudspeaker to chant "recall Walker" and such. That lasted about an hour, then they left and about an hour later this goofy flotilla arrived. At one point one of the Governor's lakeside neighbors got in her canoe and joined the flotilla.

KCFleming said...

Pure Sodium vs The Ocean

Crimso said...

If they really wanted to show what democracy floats like, they would have used a trireme.

roesch-voltaire said...

I do hope the Republicans at the garden party have a sense of humor and toast the flotilla with one of the $350 dollar a bottle wines that Raul Ryan likes to drink- as they no longer drink any of Wisconsin's fine craft brewed beers.

chickelit said...

@Pogo: Amongst the alkali metallica, Francium is the hottest.

garage mahal said...

God, is there anyone left in Madison that actually has to work every day?

If you read the post, you would know this took place on Saturday. By the way, since 2000, Madison has the best employment record of any metro area in the U.S.

I can hear it now: "Bu..bu...but..but!"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Build a minor league baseball park near the lake.. and hire as many big papi's as you can find.. there is nothing more menacing that a fan going after a baseball ;)

They'll even disregard their own safety.

Thanks for the baseball posts professor.. (were back on top.. don't tell Trooper)

Chef Mojo said...

Madison has the best employment record of any metro area in the US.

That's great, Garage! Certainly that's due to Madison's incredibly diverse population.

chickelit said...

Garage Mahal said: By the way, since 2000, Madison has the best employment record of any metro area in the U.S.

And that's why you kooks will keeping fighting tooth and nail for the subsidies allowing that little statistic.

chickelit said...

Crimso said...
If they really wanted to show what democracy floats like, they would have used a trireme.

Was Rome a democracy then?

Emperor Caligula had the ultimate in lake pleasure craft: link

Michael K said...

They have these things called torpedoes. Radio controlled boats are popular. I wonder about radio controlled torpedoes ? They wouldn't need explosive war heads. Just a ram.

Michael K said...

They have these things called torpedoes. Radio controlled boats are popular. I wonder about radio controlled torpedoes ? They wouldn't need explosive war heads. Just a ram.

TTBurnett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

And that's why you kooks will keeping fighting tooth and nail for the subsidies allowing that little statistic.

Only kooks think someone performing a job is a subsidy. So yes, that makes you the kook.

David said...

Tim, I suggest you try Reynolds aluminum foil for your hat, rather than the tinfoil. In addition to restoring your sanity, it's easy to mold into the shape of an octopus.

David said...

"Madison has the best employment record . . . . "

Garage, thank every Wisconsin taxpayer you see for that one. What percentage of those jobs do you suppose are taxpayer funded? I bet Madison leads the nation in that (if you leave out Washington.)

Jose_K said...

The same people angered when Souter big ranch was "harrased" for the preposterous Kelo ruling

David said...

Garage, these are government workers. They may be paid for a day, but are not well known for working all day. Not all of course, but enough to make a difference.

Jose_K said...

Hmmm, I'm trying to recall what North Korea does when its territorial waters are violated
Send them under the "mendota" line

PaulV said...

Garage, are you opposed to democracy and allowing people to run for office even if they do not follow your party line? Shame. Why do hate democrats? LaRouche democrats should run you sore loser,

Michael said...

Garage: "Only kooks think someone performing a job is a subsidy."

It is a subsidy if the job is unnecessary or if the job is paid out of proportion to its worth and someone other than the employer is paying the tab. It is especially so if it is a job that does not have a way to measure its effectiveness or success.

Big Mike said...

I think the flotilla was a great idea! The Wisconsin liberals should keep it up. In fact, they should escalate. Yup. Ideally calibrated to demonstrate how they've totally lost the war of ideas.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hey we just had a visit from a ghost.. and just like a ghost he puffed away again..

Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.

7/8/11 4:50 PM

Hi Tim.

Anonymous said...

Here's the perfect remedy--an Ivory soap flotilla--it floats you know.

Asshats approach soap barrier. First, they are assaulted by the clean fresh scent--it burns...Next, they abandon ship to avoid the horrific odor. The resulting oil slick violates 14,000 EPA regulations, the fish kill foats into the bay, the Madison water supply is compromised--asshats take a bath.

Dana said...

If you read the post, you would know this took place on Saturday.

Of course I read the post, and if you've followed the Madison coverage for the past months, you would understand that my comment was just a shocked expression of the amount of people - on weekdays and weekends - who have been bumbling through the capitol area with their varied ragtag protests, infiltrating the capitol and camping out, etc., etc.

Again, don't these people work?!

CW said...

Turnabout is fair play. Conservative kayakers, boaters, etc. can also harass Democratic garden partiers.

I know this pollutes Lake Mendota with homo politicus, but liberals dropped their verbal offal into the water first.

Chip Ahoy said...

Future lakeside garden parties ought'a come with a table of paintball guns for a little bit of extra garden party fun. You know, to see how many flotilla signs you can hit.

chickelit said...

Old Dad said...
Here's the perfect remedy--an Ivory soap flotilla--it floats you know.

Given the "diversity" of participants in all the Madisonian hoopla over the last several months now, I'd say "Ivory Soap Flotilla" aptly describes the protestors.

garage mahal said...

What percentage of those jobs do you suppose are taxpayer funded?

Not sure, but Madison ranks high nationally in high skilled and educated workers. Biotech has boomed in the area the past decade in conjunction with the UW. I should say was booming, that will be the next casualty after Walker and the stem cell crusaders kill that too.

coketown said...

Given the "diversity" of participants in all the Madisonian hoopla over the last several months now, I'd say "Ivory Soap Flotilla" aptly describes the protestors.

Given the number of attempts (occupying the rotunda, fleeing the state, crashing garden parties, interrupting Special Olympics events, attempting to hijack a supreme court election, etc., etc.), the amount of damage caused, and the complete absence of victories, I think "Flotilla the Hun" better describes Madison's current crop of progressives.

garage mahal said...

You really are a dumb fuck. Just sayin.

Carol_Herman said...

Somebody on a yacht got close enough to spend an hour on their loudspeaker?

And, then there's the neighbor who rows out of her yard to join the flotilla.

Reminds me how Joe McGinniss came to harrass Sarah Palin. By renting the house on the waterfront next door.

And, Todd Palin brought over a few friends ... and extended their backyard till it was ten feet high.

Ya know what?

Sarah Palin is a politician.

Sarah Palin made hay out of Joe McGinniss's "encampment."

Couldn't the same thing happen on Manitoba's Lake?

Plus, if lots of people are gathered on your lawn. And, there's one yacht within range making noise over a loud speaker ... what's to happen if the guests "vavazula'ed back?

Where does the "one yacht" get the advantage?

coketown said...

Not sure, but Madison ranks high nationally in high skilled and educated workers. Biotech has boomed in the area the past decade in conjunction with the UW.

Somebody read Wikipedia! If you had read further, you'd see that Madison's top two employers are the state government and UW-Madison.

And if you read the BLS website for Madison, you'd see Madison's labor force is 351.1/1,000, with 86.6/1,000 in the government and 43.3/1,000 in education and health. Over one-third of all jobs are taxpayer funded.

Huge government + no black people = success!

Carol_Herman said...

Was it "The Good Ship Lollipop" that chugged towards the governor's retreat?

Anonymous said...

@Garbage Mahal: "Anyways now we know why they are running fake Dem candidates - to stall so they can redistrict before the recall elections."

Good. I hope they use every dirty trick in the book. The sooner that the pantywaist Republican establishment wakes up to the fact that the Democrats are un-American enemies of everything that made this country great, and uses every underhanded dodge they can to crush them like bugs, the better I'll like it.

It's all Alinsky all the time now, Garbage.

coketown said...

You really are a dumb fuck. Just sayin.

Aw, Garage. You're normally so reasonable.

BTW, where were you when everyone called you out on your "decency in politics" bullshit?

edutcher said...

roesch-voltaire said...

I do hope the Republicans at the garden party have a sense of humor and toast the flotilla with one of the $350 dollar a bottle wines that Raul Ryan likes to drink- as they no longer drink any of Wisconsin's fine craft brewed beers.

And, if Ryan can afford it, why shouldn't he drink $350 a bottle wine?

Oh, I know, that's reserved for Little Zero and Michelle and all the homies at the White House livin' large.

garage mahal said...

Huge government + no black people = success!

Like I said, you are a dumb fuck. And a racist, it looks like too.

TTBurnett said...

Hey, Lem. How are you?

Thought I'd try a little humor, but it's too deep into Lake Itchy & Scratchy right now for that.

Hope all is well. Drop by Trooper's blog sometime.

Trooper York said...

Hey they can have a TV show.

Garage Mahal's Navy.

coketown said...

Like I said, you are a dumb fuck. And a racist, it looks like too.

Everyone you disagree with is a racist. Even ID cards are racist. Actually, you should post your list of "Things that are not racist." Or you can post your list of "Black people I've met since living in Madison, Wisconsin." Whichever is shorter.

garage mahal said...

It's all Lee Atwater all the time now, Garbage.

Fixed. And nothing has changed.

Automatic_Wing said...

Huge government + no black people = success!

Pretty much describes Scandanavia, the liberal utopia.

coketown said...

Pretty much describes Scandanavia, the liberal utopia.

The American progressive equation is based on the Scandinavian one, which goes: Huge government + no black people + oil revenue from exploiting offshore oil reserves = success! I think something was lost in translation with the last condition, and the (+) turned into a (-).

Lombardi Chick said...

I do hope the Republicans at the garden party have a sense of humor and toast the flotilla with one of the $350 dollar a bottle wines that Raul Ryan likes to drink- as they no longer drink any of Wisconsin's fine craft brewed beers.

Please - help me understand something:

Why do you feel it appropriate to sneer about a $350 bottle of wine, while a Democrat in the White House enjoys Wagyu beef, weekly rounds of golf, and countless other luxuries?

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Ah Poor Garage…I laugh at your humourlessness. Funny when people you DON’T like are too white they’re racist…but when others point out just how white YOU are, then it loses its savour, doesn’t it?

Please regale us with tales of all the “friends you have who are Black”.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

Why do you feel it appropriate to sneer about a $350 bottle of wine, while a Democrat in the White House enjoys Wagyu beef, weekly rounds of golf, and countless other luxuries?

1) They “care”; and
2) Anyway, even Garage is losing faith in The Won

Crimso said...

"Was Rome a democracy then?"

Athens. The Greeks began using triremes before the rise of Rome. And the Athenian ships of the time period of The Peloponnesian Wars were mainly manned by citizens, allies, and mercenaries, rarely by slaves (who, I believe, were at least in some cases emancipated for their service). All of which has nothing to do with the need for a Wisconsin Navy. No doubt some WI Tea Party folks could muster one, if only to use the same tactic against their political opponents who live on the lake. "It's your game, the rules are your own, win or lose."

Anonymous said...

Maybe the governor could set up a trap shooting event in the backyard.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Please regale us with tales of all the “friends you have who are Black”.

Why? That would be fucking retarded!

And why do you think the "you don't live around blacks how could YOU know!" is some sort of gotcha? What is it you think I need to know about blacks before I could judge for myself?

I'm looking at a black man right now out my window. Should I ask him?

coketown said...

I'm looking at a black man right now out my window. Should I ask him?

No. You should roll your window down and give the man a tip.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

And why do you think the "you don't live around blacks how could YOU know!" is some sort of gotcha? What is it you think I need to know about blacks before I could judge for myself?

I'm looking at a black man right now out my window. Should I ask him?

Touched a nerve eh? Coketown is a racist, TEA Party members are RACISTS, all
Together too white, but it’s OK, if you don’t know any blacks, right? What does it PROVE?

You’re looking at Black man, right now…thru the window? Try sign language. KoKo learned sign language, mayhap you can learn to communicate with this “black” person….and don’t make any sudden or threatening gestures…also, I understand the Phrases: “Jive Turkey” and “What chou talking ‘bout Willis?’ resonate with them. Make a videotape for future reference and review…mayhap you could blog about your experiences with the “Blacks in the Mist”.

caplight said...

With apologies to Gordon Lightfoot:

In a musty old hall off the campus they prayed,
The smell of patchouli rose from them.
The plastic drums clunked
For the boats that were sunk
Off the point near the governor's mansion.
The legend lives on from the unions on down,
Of the protest in waters so chilly.
Mendota they said never gives up its dead,
That were lost in the Walker Flotilly.

garage mahal said...

No. You should roll your window down and give the man a tip.


poppa india said...

Garage, sorry to hear about your humorectomy.

Conserve Liberty said...

Way too deep in this thread, but,

I love the word "jackassery."

garage mahal said...

I see the little troll scurried away as the sheets were pulled off.

Joe said...

(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)

I see the little troll scurried away as the sheets were pulled off.

Or they went to dinner or they went on a date or any of a number of things. Don’t flatter yourself or your ability to present your side’s arguments, such as they are.

Chuck66 said...

Putting the wacko in Madison wacko.

Steve Austin said...

This thread was full of win.

I'm glad the readers pointed out that the protest was being led by the Amish kid who got tossed out of the Legislative gallery for his jazz hands. As you look at the pictures of these protestors, I am coming to the conclusion it is the same 12 people or so at all these events. Sort of a Madison Cindy Sheehan club if you will.

Scott M said...

The jackassery is running fake candidates to stall so they can redistrict before the recall elections. So yes, an old jackassery mixed in with a new even more craven jackassery.

Which, of course, is nothing like delaying legal, proper state legislative business so quickie-last-minute collective bargaining agreements can be rammed through various districts.

Nope. Nothing like that at all.

Fen said...

Garage. Damn. You should put some ice on that.

Gary Rosen said...

"I'm looking at a black man right now out my window."

I didn't know GM had a lawn jockey!

Clyde said...

They may be jackasses, but after all of that rowing, they'll be toned jackasses!

WV: fockse. Further deponent sayeth not.

AllenS said...

garage mahal said...
I'm looking at a black man right now out my window

May I ask what the black man is doing? Is he just standing there? Is he looking at you? How close to your window is he? Do black men usually stand around in front of your window?

I think you just made up some shit.

Steve S said...

Oh my, this takes me back.

In the autumn of 2004, I took a semester off from the UW to work on the GWB reelection campaign (an adventure everyone should have to go through once). I hadn't been a College Republican to that point, but began to get fairly involved with them, for obvious reasons, about the time I joined the campaign.

Some of you will probably remember that during that campaign season, bold and brave documentarian Michael Moore visited our fair campus. The CRs obviously couldn't let this go by without a fight, and decided to rally. They (we) wanted something a bit showy, and something that the crowd couldn't mess with (a good idea in retrospect, as the woman who would later become CR president got a cup of urine thrown in her face while protesting on the landward side).

So a flotilla was launched. You can read a great account here, written by a friend of mine on our blog. Long story short, it was not successful, and barely escaped some really rough weather.

But nonetheless: it's a bit funny after all the years to see the Madison left lifting from the circa-2004 College Republican protest playbook. I'm sure your righteous condemnation is fully justified, but I can't help but smirk a bit.

garage mahal said...

I have a living room window. I have a black neighbor. Shocking huh.

AllenS said...

Why not just say that you have a black neighbor? Why say I'm looking at a black man right now, without disclosing that he is your neighbor? You don't make any sense. I think you just made up more shit.

AllenS said...

For instance: I can tell you that there are two black men wearing sunglasses looking at me from about 3 feet away. It makes a big difference if I don't tell you that it is a picture. A picture from 1968. Larry from Detroit and Ron from Harlem. They even have names.

Anonymous said...

Someone with a high powered boat needs to monitor this, and go out to buzz the jackasses whenever they put together a "flotilla". Just think how much fun you could have.

And, if you got lucky, you might even swamp some of them. :-)

sirsnidely said...

Can't a few Republicans in speedboats swamp these goofballs? Jesus, let's just have a civil war and get i over with.

Brad said...

torpedoes. Or artillery.

roesch-voltaire said...

I am encouraging all the folks who sail on the lake to raise high their mirco brews to those Martini, 350$ dollar a bottle wine drinkers who Tut tut on shore. Us ordinary folks have found the ideal protest symbol in support of the middle class and small business.

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