July 5, 2011

"Milwaukee Police Go Barney Fife On Mob Attacks."

Hmmm. Is that really fair to Barney Fife?


Salamandyr said...

This sounds more like going Sgt. Schultz. "I know nuzzink! Nuzzink!"

Fife may have been incompetent, but he was never unwilling to face down lawlessness.

The Dude said...
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Mogget said...

A government that can't provide for the safety of its citizens will be replaced.

Clock's ticking, Milwaukee...

YoungHegelian said...

Law enforcement and the black leadership has to take the problem of these black flash mobs seriously.

The leaders of these flash mobs see that they're getting away with it, and so there will be more of it.

The other ethnic communities will protect themselves in the only way they can, with the application of vigilante violence.

We may yet again see lynchings

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

"There are no tanks in Baghdad!"

Fred4Pres said...

Barney Frank would have tried to stop the mob and would have been overwhelmed by it all. Sheriff Taylor would have used quiet wit and common sense to difuse the situation and calm things down.

In Milwaukee they just pretend it is not a problem when a 100 Ernst T. Basses run amuk.

The Dude said...
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Automatic_Wing said...

Fred4 - have you ever watched The Andy Griffith show? Barney Frank would have stood out like a sore thumb had he been in Mayberry.

Well, Gomer Pyle managed to stay on the down low for a number of years, so there's that.

YoungHegelian said...


Well, maybe Barney Frank would have stood out because he was such a damned yankee, but everyone knew that Gomer Pyle was a little light in the loafers.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Watched the video attached to the story...

A New Yorker: "I just want to know why these kids are so angry."

A local (roughly paraphrased(): "I want to tell them: this isn't going to help. Hurting people is no way to deal with whatever's going wrong for you."

As usual, personal responsibility isn't even considered. It's not the fault of these kids, society made them do it!

Michael Haz said...

Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn was caught three years ago dipping his pen into a non-spousal inkwell.

Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett declined to fire Flynn, who since that date has bought into Barrett's see-no-evil, everything's-okay view of crime in Milwaukee, especially when committed by those among blocks of voters inclined to re-elect a democrat mayor.

It's become impossible to accurately report how bad crime and wilding has become in Milwaukee because the new MPD radio system prevents monitoring police radio by the media and others.

Hear nothing, know nothing.

bagoh20 said...

Wait until the first citizen uses violence to defend himself, then well see some dedicated police effort to stop the lawlessness.

Thorley Winston said...

Fred4 - have you ever watched The Andy Griffith show? Barney Frank would have stood out like a sore thumb had he been in Mayberry.

No people would have just taken him for Otis Campbell’s less reputable northern cousin.

SteveR said...

These mobs are playing the numbers game. Hundreds attack and maybe a few get caught. These are apparently being organixed via social networks so the law has to find away to identify the major players and punish them as if they actually were on scene stealing stuff. Not going to be easy.

bagoh20 said...

As I've said before here, this is stupid, since you have a whole mob of potential snitches who all know someone they can trade for leniency. You only need to grab a few of them and the singing will commence into a choir of backstabbing.

traditionalguy said...

Let me guess. The Mobs were not white youths. If they were, then the Police could figure out how to arrest them, taser them and rough them up.

James said...

The mayor and police chief just wrapped up an extensive press conference where Chief Flynn reluctantly admitted that they were "mob elements" in the crowd. But he was also critical of the media, especially TMJ4, for reporting the news.

@Young Hegelian; who are these black leaders you speak of? Why don't we ever hear about white leaders?

Cedarford said...

Drudge is having a field day with these black thug "flash mobs" and looting sprees the MSM is typically reluctant to report on in any detail that indicates what sort of people these "troubled youth" are and where they hail from.

It is a problem for the country in that we are seeing a breakdown in urban order by mobs convinced strength in numbers shields them from arrest. At a time when people think we have a lawyer-dominated society and the law is unable to get basic things right - a fair tax code, lawyers avoiding accusing other lawyers of choking them, inability to keep terrorists in custody, inability to try a high profile felony case in under 5 years and a million + in cost.

In the Milwaukee mob attack, or maybe it was the Atlantic City one or the Mobile one that happened the same day...along with 6-7 more according to Drudge, one wag tried filling in the blanks or should I say tried filling in the blacks.

"It was a Internet driven 'flashmob' with 300 frizzy haired and cornrowed tanned white people set to sing John Denver's classic hit "Thank God I'm a Country Boy". Things got out of control when one of the tanned hillbilly's gun accidentally went off. That drove terrified onlookers into a nearby store to grab things to block bullets, which they absent-mindedly forgot to return to the store when the danger passed. "

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

Barney Fife is like a character witness for Ann?

ndspinelli said...

The same thing occurred in the Twin Cities following a June tornado and @ the beach in Chicago Memorial Day weekend. This simply doesn't fit the narrative..but white supreme pols does.

bagoh20 said...

It was a mob of Black youths, who the police don't respect enough to hold responsible for their actions. It's like a windstorm, or locust attack. You just wait for it to pass.

As I was reading the story, I assumed it was white assholes, and so was perplexed at the coverup by the cops. Then I read what race was responsible and it made sense.

PC is dangerous, racist and unAmerican.

ndspinelli said...

If we're going to use tv characters as an analogy, I think Sgt. Schultz would be more appropriate

edutcher said...

Not Barney Fife, but Chief Moose.

Anonymous said...

Mogget said: A government that can't provide for the safety of its citizens will be replaced.

Detroit? Newark? Chicago? Might have to modify that:

The government will survive and even prosper for quite a while, but the city will die (as worms feed on a corpse).

Lovernios said...

James said...
@Young Hegelian; who are these black leaders you speak of? Why don't we ever hear about white leaders?

We're not allowed to have them. Or at least refer to them as such. That would be racist.

Big Mike said...

One big difference -- Barney Fife was a fictional character, and these flash mobs are for real.

Question is whether Ed Flynn is for real.

Carol_Herman said...

Barney Fife?

How about Chief Tubbs. At the Rotunda.

I once thought if you'd close all the doughnut shops in America, policing would improve.

But maybe, then, cops would buy pizza? (They do "buy" no? It's not given to them for free, is it?)

"All in a day's work."

At least if you don't have to file a police report, the IRS won't turn your tax returns over to the DA.

How many of us have enough good character that we'd survive the assassinations of character that goes on in our courts. Where you come in as a witness?

"Yoots" live in ghettos. This limits their range.

Fred4Pres said...

Sixty Grint, Barney Fife stood out like a sore thumb in the fictional Mayberry. But that said, every small town has a Barney Fife like character. Even towns in rural North Carolina.

KCFleming said...

Milwaukee, another failed state, unable to provide the only thing it must provide: Safety from violence.

victor Davis Hanson:
"(California) public employees prefer to go after misdemeanors in the upscale areas to justify our expensive oversight industry, while ignoring the felonies in the downtrodden areas, which are becoming feral and beyond the ability of any inspector to do anything but feel irrelevant."

ndspinelli said...

Salamandyr, I was way late w/ the Sgt. Schultz reference..kudos. And a Chief Moose reference was pretty good. I'm sure many of the knuckle draggers here don't remember him.

Having a dark side[as we all do], I have never figured out why terrorists didn't follow the DC sniper lead. You could bring this country to its knees w/ a few snipers roaming the country. And, throw in some arsonists just lighting fires in the great expanses of the West. It would make 9/11 look like a walk in the park. Thankfully, terrorists are stupid as are most criminals. Otherwise the police wouldn't stand a fucking chance.

dick said...

Back in the day these were not called flash mobs. They were called hoppers, people who hopped in groups on others. They never attacked unless they were in a group. Back then it was deemed up to the community itself to handle this problem. Nowadays we hear all about how it is society's fault that these groups exist. BULL!! They exist because they can and society will do nothing about them. The cops need to pull some of them in and take them to court and not let them plea bargain. The more you let them get away with this stuff the more they will do this stuff. Very bad policy in Milwaukee.

I wonder if those hoodlums who flattened the Republican van tires in the 2008 election, the son of that congresswoman for one, are involved with any of these flash mobs. Same MO.

Cedarford said...

bagoh20 said...
As I've said before here, this is stupid, since you have a whole mob of potential snitches who all know someone they can trade for leniency. You only need to grab a few of them and the singing will commence into a choir of backstabbing
It doesn't work that way. If you are three people and blocking an interstate highway to protest Cali voting for Prop 8, the cops will arrest and DA prosecute all 3. If you block the interstate with 300 homo activists - no arrests. Or the DA's office on their own or getting phone calls about the utter mess of putting 300 on trial or explain why only a few were vicarously charged, dismisses charges.
No one wants to deal with the mess of all the lawyers and the tying up of the legal system.
Savvy people that do public disobedience, as well as black thugs, understand this. Sharpton has been arrested 80 times with "his peeps" and only actually charged once, for a trespass stunt he pulled in Puerto Rico.

And our "magnificent legal system" is loathe to arrest just a few involved in such an activity to make examples of.

The Dude said...
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TosaGuy said...

The new police chief has been getting alot of credit for reducing crime. It's easy to reduce crime if you don't record it.

This also happened in the Riverwest part of Milwaukee, which is a mixed area of blacks and very very liberal whites who don't have enough money to live closer to the lake. The gal who wonders after they beat her up of "why are they so angry" epitomizes the type. I am sure her sense of white guilt has grown considerably.

There are no grown ups left in the City of Milwaukee.

Carol_Herman said...

"Flash mobs" got their start with friends, using cell phones, getting together to dance in Grand Central Station.

So many people downloaded this into their cell phones ... that it made it up to YouTube. And, was watched by millions.

The violence which Drudge does show ... happens to local stores in terrible neighborhoods. Where the "yoots" barrel in and grab what's handy. (Usually bottles of water which are kept up front. Sometimes, one broad scales the counter.)

There was one video I saw that occurred in a drug store ... where there was a customer response, or so it seemed. Because I remember one black female losing her hair.

Right then I discovered some females are gluing strands of hairs to their heads.

It didn't end well for the "yoots," in that video, either.

There's also the fact that if you look at the DC ghetto ... there are blacks who couldn't find their ways to the white house if you gave them a map!

So, how is that control accomplished? Is it possible when "packs" make it out of the ghetto, drivers stomp on their gas pedals. And, then all you get are pedestrians who are run over?

It's sort'a like road kill. But with road kill all you see dead ... down the middle of the roadway ... are small animals. (Usually moms who went out to hunt for food. Leaving little baby animals in their nests to starve to death.)

Now, if you wanted to "solve" the problem? Take away welfare from any teenager's family if they happen to be carrying a cell phone. Or wearing $125 Nike sneakers.

It's easy to spot people who are carrying paraphernalia they really can't afford.

And, malls have already tightened up on their security. You can't get into the mall ... without first coming onto a private parking, parking lot.

Yes. It's worse now to be born into someone's home who lives in the ghetto. Bless abortion. Or you'd see a worse population explosion.

Steven said...

Open up with automatic weapons on a few mobs, you soon will cease to see mobs form.

Milwaukee said...

We have created a society where it is easier than ever for women to have children out of wedlock. Almost 70% of Milwaukee African-American households are of the the single mom variety. The community has had problems with young Blacks at the Mayfair Mall as well.

If something can not go on forever, it won't. The question is how do we shape what is coming next so it works better than what we have now.

Joe said...

There was an episode of the Andy Griffith show where Barney Fife was made temporary sheriff and he jailed everyone who was a bother.

jeff said...

"There was an episode of the Andy Griffith show where Barney Fife was made temporary sheriff and he jailed everyone who was a bother."

Actually, he jailed everyone who broke a law. No matter how small or stupid that law was. Imagine that now. He could nail everyone in town for felonies. There is a lesson in there somewhere.

Wince said...

Were there any black people in Mayberry to begin with?

I don't think Ron Howard appeared opposite a black character until Sticks Downey in the "Fonzie's New Friend" episode of Happy Days.

Fonzie has struck up a friendship with Sticks Downey, a new youth in the area, and has secured him to play drums with the band at Richie's upcoming Hawaiian luau party. Prejudices appear from many of the locals when Sticks turns out to be black.

Ralph and Potsie go to Fonzie's place and tell him no one is coming to the party because Sticks is colored. Fonzie goes down to Arnold's and everyone raises their hand when he asks who is going to the party. After Fonzie, Potsie, and Ralph leave, Bag asks how many people's parents have told them not to go and how many aren't going, and everyone raises their hands. Sticks and Kathleen arrive, and Joanie shows them around. Ralph comes in and says that no one is going to show up. Howard tells Fonzie that he can't fight prejudice just by going down to Arnold's and snapping his fingers. The party carries on with only a handful of people. Arnold comes to the party, and Potsie and the band sing "Honeycomb." Joanie does the limbo, and Fonzie does it even lower than her.

reader_iam said...

It seems there's confusion as to which Barney Fife cultural-ref totem we're supposed to be touching. There's also this one, after all.

wv: aessep

Oh, sheesh. LOL.

Wince said...

By coincidence?

Happy Days is an American television sitcom that originally aired from January 15, 1974 to September 24, 1984 on ABC. Created by Garry Marshall, the series presents an idealized vision of life in mid-1950s to mid-1960s America.

Set in the Midwestern city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin...

Curious George said...

Parts of Milwaukee are the poster child of failed Democratic policy. MPS is a shithole. Single parent households...often teenagers. >50% unemployment in teenage blacks.

More money more programs blah blah blah promised by the good ole boy white Dem pols who just keep getting elected.

Anonymous said...

"Hear nothing, know nothing."

This is probably more accurate. Like VDH always points out in CA, as in Pogo's quote, they simply deny it's happening because they don't know what to do without being called racists or acknowledging that parts of the city have reverted almost to a feral state.

Then change the definition of crime, and the crime rate goes magically down (like the inflation rate)!

Milwaukee said...

Milwaukee also seems unable to grasp the concept that mixing storm sewers with sanitation sewers will overload the sanitation plant, and loads of shit will color Lake Michigan. The solution is simple: make a list of every place a storm sewer is connected to to a sanitation sewer, a finite number. Then plan to disconnect them one at a time. Meanwhile, line sewers and laterals so they won't leak ground water during rain storms. Not very glamorous, but necessary to stop polluting the lake. But is isn't happening. They also have fresh water pipes leaking, and creating sink holes which swallow one or more cars at a time. The city is falling apart. But they are squeezing car lanes to make pedestrian lanes. Seems most bicyclist would ride as close to traffic as possible. They must have heard stories of people being doored and were more scared of parked cars than moving cars.

rcocean said...

Yes, I protest against the slurring of Barney Fife. Yes, Fife's nerve failed him - at times. But he was usually trying to be brave and he was always tough on criminals.

I thought pretty much everyone in Mayberry were Yankees except for Andy, Gomer,and Goober.

Did anyone think Floyd was from North Carolina? Or Aunt Bee?

Popville said...

Maguro said (commenting on Fred4Pres's "Barney Frank would have stood out like a sore thumb had he been in Mayberry":

> Well, Gomer Pyle managed to
> stay on the down low for a
> number of years

Hell, what about Floyd the Barber? If he wasn't a closet queen then I dunno who would be.

And Re: Blogger Sixty Grit's:
> Don Knotts' West Virginia
> accent really did set him apart
> from the actual southerners on
> that show.

Hmm... Mt Airy is only 85 miles from the West Virgina border. I've driven that route myself a few times tho on Route 52 before Interstate 77 existed.

Lastly, when Frances Bavier (Aunt Bee) retired to Siler City in 1972, a few of us drove over from Asheboro to offer a welcome, but she hadn't yet decamped from her Hollywood warriness I'm afraid. We were all very polite, and she accepted our welcome basket (Moravian Cookies from Winston Salem even), but twas a very brief welcome.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

Today Floyd would be the "wacky" Gay Barber teaching tolerance to all.

rcocean said...

All I've read about Frances Bavier is that she was a formidable lady who demanded respect on the set.

And usually got it. Also read that Andy Griffith is pretty much a typical left-wing Hollywood A-hole; more like Bill Maher than Good Ol' Sheriff Taylor.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Popville said...

rcocean said...
> All I've read about Frances Bavier
> is that she was a formidable lady
> who demanded respect on the set.

All good. My point was that celebrity warriness hadn't worn off prior to our visit so soon after her retirement to NC. I understand how the openness of 1972 era Carolinians could be disconcerting to outsiders, tho hopefully she warmed up to just plain folks.

And as for Siler City & her deserving each other, I'm sure all got along just fine.

Well, there you go...

gerry said...

It's not the fault of these kids, society made them do it!

You are exhibiting false consciousness. The counselor will call and arrange transfer to the re-education facility.

ndspinelli said...

I love the way this thread evolved into a discussion of The Andy Griffith Show. You'll notice that after the first or second season Floyd is always seated. He had a serious stroke but the producers kept him on in a limited role. I doubt the souless bastards today would have. But, then Floyd would have ADA remedies, so I guess it's a push?

Anonymous said...

"..And usually got it. Also read that Andy Griffith is pretty much a typical left-wing Hollywood A-hole; more like Bill Maher than Good Ol' Sheriff Taylor..."

Everybody forgets his staring role in "A Face in the Crowd". You can see the other side of his persona.

His Obamacare commercials have drawn down the last of his goodwill in Carolina.

From Inwood said...

This just in:

The 6th Cir has just ruled that it's racially discriminatory if Black flashmob members' arrests cause racially disparate results as compared to White Supremacist Tea Party members' arrests.

Or something. Have to leave now & read the decision!

PS: The NYT, in a [redacted] mob sexual assault in Central Park one [redacted] feast day said that we could not “mindlessly impose Mayberry mores” on the poor boys. (Mindlessly "mandate", would've been better, but I digress.)

sarge said...

"Parts of Milwaukee are the poster child of failed Democratic policy. MPS is a shithole. "

sarge here tell sarge how thos 8 years of walker as county commish dun helped maukee git better?

Milwaukee said...

Walker was the executive of Milwaukee County, which is a different entity than the City of Milwaukee. MPS is strictly in the City of Milwaukee, and would be in the bailiwick of the Mayor of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett. The Mayor of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett campaigned to end sewage dumps into Lake Michigan, something he doesn't talk about these days.

sarge said...

"Municipal sanitary sewers overflowed in Milwaukee, Wauwatosa, Shorewood and Fox Point during heavy rainstorms June 20-22, according to reports released by the state Department of Natural Resources."

sarge here thar rat barret is mayor of shoorwood wauwatosa n fox pernt too

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