July 27, 2011
"I think I've answered the question. I mean, I know you're creating a thing here for Fox..."
Jay Carney gets testy (as he's asked again about the specifics of Obama's plan on the debt ceiling).
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
I like the comment:
I feel for him trying to make the most deceptive America President in American history mainstream. It might be easier to sell Casey Anthony Day Care Centers.
How refreshing it would be to see a member of the press corpse (heh) clock pisant Carney.
This Administration is pathetic.
So some in the media finally catch on to the fact there is no "Obama plan," just press conferences, whinging, and negotiating in bad faith.
More of this, please.
Ever since the press briefings started being televised back in the Clinton era they've never been the same.
Another member of the The Light Worker Brigade.
Competence, Transparency, Fairness
"...So some in the media finally catch on to the fact there is no "Obama plan,".."
Obama has a plan much like Gen. Custer had a plan.
"Obama has a plan much like Gen. Custer had a plan."
I think more like Dr Strangelove had a plan...
Yeah, but while this is going on the Republicans are about to self destruct. It's what they do best.
What does Carney know about journalists who sell out their principals all for a job?
Now if only Facebook had an iggy button for politics. Most of my friends are liberal and it's amazing that these people, who are often intelligent and sometimes successful in life are cluelessly, relentlessly partisan in their politics. Idiots who can't stop proclaiming their idiocy.
Seeing the President's plan is like the ring toss game at the Fair.
Nobody will ever get a stuffed animal from the Obama White House.
Them's the rules.
I was really hoping that they would pull together around Boehner until I saw he managed 20B in cuts for the first year. What a joke.
This is like when he got $38B in cuts back on April that eventually turned into an increase in spending. NOBODY in DC can cut anything for fear they might lose 1 fucking vote.
Isn't Ed Henry asking for a little, you know, um, what's the word?, right!, that's it!,
All the Lefties are getting antsy. It's becoming clear Little Zero is going to go down in flames like a Ju-88 over London next year. The big question is, how much of the Luftwaffe is going down with him?
Dingy Harry's put out a plan just to be able to say, "don't blame us - we did something", although it's probably gonna take a lot more to save the team next year.
When Baghdad Beckel gets up on Fox and says Zero is, "the best economic President since FDR", we've gone past desperation.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"...So some in the media finally catch on to the fact there is no "Obama plan,".."
Obama has a plan much like Gen. Custer had a plan.
He did, actually, but it depended on his subordinates not being derelict in their duty.
Not unlike the way Congressional Democrats are realizing how badly Zero has been derelict.
When someone blames Fox News for anything, it marks them as terminally lame.
Jay Carney
Really. After seeing "Carny," you have to think about it?
The jug eared fuck has a carny for a press secretary. What else do you need to know?
We are so fucked.
I think I've answered the question," Carney said. "I mean, I know you're creating a thing here for Fox...
You idiots have the MSM covering up your incompetence, but its not enough until you marginalize "Faux" News?
The Che and Chavez posters make sense now.
Testy? I knew the word for the day was "disseminate".
I can't quite get you all into my viewfinder. Could you back up just a few more steps so you can all be in the photo?
If snippiness could somehow be tapped as a revenue source, the Obama administration wouldn't need to raise the debt ceiling.
Invoking Fox News has got to be the First Amendment to Godwin's Law.
Otherwise, at least Custer had a fairly distinguished career of accomplishments before his fatal hubris at the Battle of Little Big Horn.
The Dali Obama? A career of affirmative action promotions, ghost-written biographies, and voting 'present.'
Fox News!!!
George Bush!!!
Boogey Man!!!
There is no anchor and the ship of state is heading over the falls.
Meanwhile the pseudoCaptain on the bridge only refuses to do anything about it or to let anyone else do anything about it.
Mutiny is a hard concept to a lawful people. But we may have reached the need for a mutiny.
The president's plan is on the teleprompter and only he can see the plan.
"I know you're creating a thing here for Fox..."
I think the boy genius is doing that all on his own. This administration has more comedy writers helping FOX than Jon Stewart has for his show.
Repulsive. Every member of the press (even those who disdain Fox… maybe especially those who disdain Fox) should feel insulted by this ongoing charade. And shame for playing along.
So to ask obvious, straightforward, journalistically obligatory questions of this administration is to spout "Republican talking points" or "create a thing for Fox"? This administration isn't even trying to pretend to answer questions with anything that could pass for content.
They seem to think tossing out the word, the epithet, "Fox" (spit) by itself short-circuits questioning, triggers a Pavlovian reaction, providing journolistable instruction to the press (wink wink nudge nudge, we expect you to continue to have our back & spin this for us, that's your job) & "look squirrel" distraction to the public.
"If snippiness could somehow be tapped as a revenue source, the Obama administration wouldn't need to raise the debt ceiling."
Too bad they don't get snippy with the federal budget.
I always thought--when Senator Obama or Mr. Obama was merely campaigning for President--one could rightly say: Obama is AWESOME!!! He has fulfilled his most important promise--to keep the oceans from rising. I just wonder what a second term would bring for an encore to that!! Now is the time to come to the aid of his plan for the world. Tea baggers and other conservative ilk mock his simple request to raise the debt ceiling--just for 18 months, December of 2012, as if that date had some sort of significance. He rightly pointed out that Reagan raised the debt ceiling 17 times while in office [8 years], the mathematical fact that works out to once every 6 months--the same as Mr. Boner is requesting is no reason for concern--nothing to politically see here. It's all "trickery" on the part of the Tea baggers. When will AA and her commentariat accept the fact that some people are more equal than others? Sheesh!!
DHOTUS: "The teleprompter ate my plan"
the obama administration looks like one of those punch drunk fighters moments before they hit the mat. Unfortunately, they are taking the rest of us with them.
I don't get the fuss.
I saw this earlier today, and I thought it was sorta interesting. I was interested enough to watch the whole interaction.
I don't think this is a big deal. IMHO, the hyperventilating in these comments is unjustified.
The most interesting thing here wasn't Carney's comment about the Fox "thing." The right wing (incl Fox) has been pushing the talking point re a BHO plan. Pointing out the obvious doesn't seem like a big deal. I don't know why pointing out the obvious causes Rs' panties to bunch up.
The most interesting part of this interaction was when Carney reveals that Fox already knew the precise details of the BHO plan. Then they complain that the plan hasn't been made public. Duh. If Fox is briefed, but then doesn't report to the public on the briefing, because they'd rather push professional-conservative propaganda, then, indeed the information won't get to the public.
KenK-- How would you know since you didn't see them before? Hmmmm?
PBJ -- So Obama's got a super-secret plan he's not telling the public about?
No. Obama created "a thing" here for Fox. It's called his presidency. Fox is just further capitalizing on it.
"he's not telling the public about"
He told Fox.
Why won't Fox tell us the truth? This is outrageous! This is the most....
....I give up, I'm not as good as y'all when it comes to having a phony tantrum.
So your argument is that Obama told his super-secret plan to FOX News and now FOX News, being the one and only recipient of the super-secret plan, is now withholding the super-secret plan. That's your argument?
I would add that presidents since Emperor Diocletian typically lay out these plans in speeches to the Greater Akron Economic Policy Forum or some such group. But Obama's much too cool and smart for that. That's the old school. That's not hope and change. That's not transparency.
I honestly cannot fathom how anyone could support this administration at this point. I suppose even Herbert Hoover had his bitter, clinging partisans.
The most interesting part of this interaction was when Carney reveals that Fox already knew the precise details of the BHO plan. Then they complain that the plan hasn't been made public. Duh. If Fox is briefed, but then doesn't report to the public on the briefing, because they'd rather push professional-conservative propaganda, then, indeed the information won't get to the public.
But of course, Fox knows, and has known for a while, "the precise details of the BHO plan." That's quite a revelation, I agree. But the more interesting moment, for me, was when Carney disclosed the fact that Fox is holding a very fine Brooklyn bridge, owned by BHO, which is for sale, cheap-- and Fox hasn't made this sale public yet! Dastardly Fox. Anyway, looks like you'd be a perfect buyer.
Oy. Are we in trouble! Boehner is a CON ARTIST! There has been no attempt to cut anything1
You want an idea ... every single program should be CUT by 1%.
Start somewhere.
Instead Congress is nothing more than a school of thieves. Who have every intention of keeping their hands full of pork money!
Do you know Boehner's voting record? He comes from a safe district in Ohio. That he won back in 1995. He was Ginrich's left hand man. Lazy. And, the only "deals" he made were for checks from big donors.
Why are we getting this charade?
Because obama is also a CON ARTIST! But he's clever! And, he owns the card that says he can "act alone." Which he intends to do. Because the 14th Amendment says the president can act against the debt.
Boehner never explained CUTS. Never was serious ABOUT cuts.
Obama is very serious.
How did Boehner get into the speaker's office? EASY. PEASY. He's an old timer! And, those bastards write the rules! The rules say the OLD TIMERS win the top slots. Office space. And, committee seating.
Teddy Kennedy had this until he died.
And, Boehner grabbed those prerogatives! So did the chinless wonder!
We can't do a damn thing about the "rules." (Remember Byrd? He kept getting sent back to the senate. And, he made sure no one broke the rules. That were written by thieves. In the first place.)
Will the debt ceiling go up? Yup.
You think obama can be impeached? Guess again. Boehner won't want to step on Newt Gingrich's "fast track to oblivion."
And, yes. There are some newly elected republicans who are terrified they can't satisfy the public. And, they may lose their seats.
Which is why Nancy Pelosi decided to move across the hall.
No. This is NOT a game of musical chairs.
But you've been had by a CON ARTIST. Because nobody went and held Boehner's feet to the fire ... And, called him on voting for TARP. For NO CHILD'S BEHIND SHOULD BE LEFT ALONE ... Or whatever else you want to call what Dubya did. And, he still has all his operatives in top seats.
I'm writing in Sarah Palin's name. And, I don't care who the stupid party sticks on top of their ticket!
Did you read the link?
Are you sure that Fox was the only media that received the information?
Could it be that other media received, and then published the specific cuts?
I don't want to spoil the surprise answers, so you'll need to read the link.
If a Fox reporter sees a tree fall in the forest, but they pretend they didn't see the tree fall when they file a report on falling trees, do Fox viewers know that the tree fell?
Someone at Fox got a detailed briefing? Who pray tell?
Chuck Todd (of NBC news) & David Brooks (of the NYT), among others, are also pretending they didn't see a tree fall in the forest. So I guess the journalistic conspiracy to conceal O's falling trees from us extends beyond Fox.
PBJ -- Nobody knows what Obama's plan is. Obama hadn't even bothered to write anything down until the other day. This was all reported on both Politico and The Hill, those fetid swamps on right-wing delusional hackery.
I will stipulate that FOX plays too many dumb ass gotcha games. I demand that you stipulate that MSNBC does, too. I urge you to stipulate that Obama has no coherent plan, and that you damn well know it.
This President is but a child - did you see his very un-Presidential temper tantrum last week, so embarrassing for the United States. He is a boy trying to do a man's job.
Jay Carney used to appear regularly on Charlie Rose. He was smug, arrogant and dismissive back then. Since - just like the other arrogant children in this administration, Carney can't take the heat, he has revealed to the country that he is a little shit, an arrogant and incompetent asshole. Press Secretaries used to have class, grace under pressure. Now, they childishly shit on others that challenge them in the tiniest way. I bet Carney and Obama secretly leave dog shit fires on the steps of political opponents in the middle of the night, then congratulate themselves on how cool they are. Is there anyone left that believes for one minute that Carney would not fit in without a day's training into Castro's or Hugo Chavez' Propaganda machines?
Every idiot liberal that defends him should not be given areas of responsibility over others. We are continually observing what happens when children run an administration.
PBJ -- So Obama's got a super-secret plan he's not telling the public about?
Well he was gonna give away the secret but then the press corps was like "ssh no spoilers!" and he was like "oh my bad".
The most interesting part of this interaction was when Carney reveals that Fox already knew the precise details of the BHO plan.
My favorite part of this story is that it only makes sense Obama described his plan to Fox and nobody else.
Amusingly, if you Google "Obama debt ceiling plan" the first link is to a page on Barack Obama's campaign website (not the White House website, amusingly enough) where you can sign a petition demanding that Republicans "put politics aside and raise the debt ceiling". That's it. That's all that's there.
Maybe that's his plan: bitch about Republicans and hope they change their minds? That explain all of Obama's behavior to date, come to think of it.
Fox News has become the Emmanuel Goldstein of our times.
The sad thing is despite everything, Obama is 100% guaranteed to be re-elected. The masses are dumb.
No, that's certainly McClellan.
Not only was he the dumbest press secretary we've had, unable to tie his own shoes let alone answer a trick question from a hostile press, but he stabbed his people in the back. He's got one single role and he fundamentally violated it. He got the job because of old Texas cronyism between Karl Rove and McClellan's mom, and despite being given a chance, he squandered it for a short term bit of fame.
Gibbs wasn't great, I suppose, but I wouldn't say he was worst either. Stephanapolis was a very good press secretary, though I don't think they gave him the title.
This Carney guy only looks bad because he's trying to protect an impossible position. He's condemning others for not getting exactly what Obama wants, but Obama refuses to write out what he wants. It's pure and stupid politics.
What's Carney supposed to do about it? Answer the questions clearly and helpfully? There is no such answer.
You can't lead from behind if you have a plan.
Its unconstitutional!
ummm--I am not understanding here--pb&j BELIEVES Carney's assertion about Obama disclosing his plan to Fox? really?
I understand the role of the press sec is to take flak and much like Baghdad Bob continue to beat the drum.
Its just that Carney looks like a kid, and acts like an infant.
now I do think Obama's plan is this: we will take all the cuts in the out years (which never come) and want tax increases now
Thats probably a bit hard to sell
Carol Herman said,
"Because obama is also a CON ARTIST! But he's clever! And, he owns the card that says he can "act alone." Which he intends to do. Because the 14th Amendment says the president can act against the debt".
You're not so good at the 14A are you? No where does it say that the POTUS can unilaterally affect the payment of "public debt".
Amendment 14, section 5:
"5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article"
You will also not find the words "natural born Citizen".
Follow the Alinsky
FOX -----> boogeyman (squirrel!)
Bottom line: Washington in general has a total inability to deal with its overspending.
Cutting money from existing programs = political death. And there are far too many people that have their careers staked in politics.
Based on history, cuts will NEVER happen. Baseline budgeting made that a reality.
Futures tip; invest in pitchforks.
The elite, ruling class has us over a barrel.
The liberals/progressives are just more deceived than the rest.
Ah yes, just mention "Fox" and all of a sudden the question becomes illegitimate.
Isn't it funny how these leftists can't ever seem to coherently explain or defend their views without lying?
The most interesting part of this interaction was when Carney reveals that Fox already knew the precise details of the BHO plan
What "plan" would this be?
Can you show it to us?
pbAndj said...
I don't get the fuss.
Of course you don't, you're an abject imbecile who is posting outright fabrications.
pbAndj said...
Did you read the link?
No, because media matters is a left wing propaganda machine.
Could it be that other media received, and then published the specific cuts?
I look forward to you providing us links to such stories.
Fox didn't release the White House plan because when they used the Supersecret Nodrama Obama Decoder Ring on it, it just said Eat your peas.
It's time to rip off the band-aid!
Fox has it's flaws, but can you imagine what the media would be like without them? 100 percent anti-Constitutional propaganda 100 percent of the time.
Hey, why blame the messenger?
How'd you like to try to answer questions about this admin every day?
I wonder what he gets paid (I mean, I could be just as pathetic for less)(this is what I said about Martha Stewart's lawyers - I could have lost for a lot less).
@Craig at 10:36 PM, that made me laugh out loud!
It's political correctness.
Political correctness is aimed at narratives.
The charade of bold talk by Obama and his media minders most reminds me of Jimmy Stewart talking about Harvey, his invisible rabbit.
The best you can say is that when it comes time to lead, Obama will diligently wait until it is all over.
Thus he delegates failure by refusing to lead or to let anyone else lead.
How's Obama's Strange Libyan Stalemate going? About as well as his Debt Ceiling Stalemate.
If that bothers you, then talk to Harvey his invisible rabbit.
Kat von D is happy with her Jesse James tattoo even after a breakup with him.
She adds that she has another ex boyfriend tattoo somewhere on her body as well.
Imus says we don't know where it is.
"Maybe she dated Gabby Hayes."
Fox business network.
PBJ -- So Obama's got a super-secret plan he's not telling the public about?
And I’m sure if Fox reported the secret plan they heard about through the grapevine without White House confirmation everybody on the left would take them at their word, right?
Seems we'd still rather fight the PR/media wars. Well that is still the Republicans to lose. And right or wrong I think they'll lose. Even though the Rep. House has already passed two bills to address budget and debt, if Boehner's latest effort fails, the story will be how those crazy Republicans were the problem. BO was declared irrelevant over a week ago, so who cares whether he has a plan or not. In a year that will have been forgotten.
The most interesting part of this interaction was when Carney reveals that Fox already knew the precise details of the BHO plan. Then they complain that the plan hasn't been made public. Duh. If Fox is briefed, but then doesn't report to the public on the briefing, because they'd rather push professional-conservative propaganda, then, indeed the information won't get to the public.
I find this unfathomable given the administration's previous commentary about and stance on Fox News.
On Friday, didn't Obama promise to release the "tick tocks" which would prove Boehner was lying?
And btw- wtf are tick tocks? Is that Obama lingo?
What's Carney supposed to do about it? Answer the questions clearly and helpfully?
Duh. The answer is YES. Jay Carney is the most incompetent arrogant child to ever hold the office of White House Press Secretary. No one - No One - in the position previous to him has displayed such contempt and condescension towards the American people through his statements.
It's his job to be classy, to be clear, and to take it when his boss is being a shithead. He gets PID for it. Carney is thin-skinned, immature and self-righteous. His schtick and pretentious lecturing those who disagree with him got old 6 years ago on Charlie Rose and the Sunday News Shows.
The good news is that Carney's petulant childish behavior will soon get old with the American people, especially independents. He will be an asset for the Republican running against Obama.
Who plays chicken with their kids in the car.
wv-suigm- suigm for all the damage hes done tot he democratic party.
Didn't Nixon have a secret plan to get us out of Vietnam?
"But the more interesting moment, for me, was when Carney disclosed the fact that Fox is holding a very fine Brooklyn bridge, owned by BHO, which is for sale, cheap-- and Fox hasn't made this sale public yet! Dastardly Fox. Anyway, looks like you'd be a perfect buyer."
Unh-unh. Garage has fist dibs on that bridge. (Psst, garage. Where's your earnest money? I haven't gotten the check yet. I can only hold off the others for so long without it.)
"On Friday, didn't Obama promise to release the "tick tocks" which would prove Boehner was lying?"
Yes he did. And in the Carney video from a couple of days ago it is clear from a couple of reporters comments that they never did.
This is all about the message.
Yesterday, on the way from the airport, the driver had the House debates on the radio, and the partisan divide there was interesting.
The last (I think) to speak (because the Speaker is delaying) was Pelosi, and she was just scary. One of the people most responsible for driving unemployment from 8% up near to 10%, she was talking jobs, kids, and sacrifice by the rich with their tax loopholes, and the great Obama Plan. Being last, no one could ask her what it was, of course.
The woman is on another planet (arguably, as is her district), which is part of why we find ourselves in this mess.
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