July 25, 2011

"He has said that he believed the actions were atrocious, but that in his head they were necessary."

"He wanted a change in society and, from his perspective, he needed to force through a revolution. He wished to attack society and the structure of society.”

Says the lawyer for Anders Behring Breivik, who murdered at least 93 persons in Norway last Friday.
The judge said Mr. Breivik had been charged under criminal law with “acts of terrorism,” including an attempt to “disturb or destroy the functions of society, such as the government” and to spread “serious fear” among the population.

Mr. Breivik was ordered to be held for the next eight weeks, the first four in solitary confinement. He told police what there were “two further cells in our organization,” reporters were told.
If a person acted alone but wanted to spread "serious fear," he'd have reason to say that there was an "organization" with various "cells."
In testimony, Mr. Heger said, Mr. Breivik had said he “believes that he needed to carry out these acts to save Norway” and western Europe from “cultural Marxism and Muslim domination.”...

The judge said Mr. Breivik had wished to “give a sharp signal” and inflict “the worst possible loss” on the Labor Party, accusing it of failing to prevent a “mass importing of Muslims” into Norway.


The Crack Emcee said...


That would be The Macho Response, BTW.

Michael said...

This guy plagiarized Ted Kaczynski. He is clearly certifiable.

Curious George said...

Save Norway” and western Europe from “cultural Marxism and Muslim domination.”

A worthy goal. Unfortunately for all, not the way to do it.

Sal said...

I didn't read any of Kaczynski's stuff either. Did I miss anything?

bagoh20 said...

He failed...tragically. What an f'ng fool.

Heart_Collector said...

Save Norway” and western Europe from “cultural Marxism and Muslim domination.”

A worthy goal. Unfortunately for all, not the way to do it.

Yeah your right, its a religion of peace for crying out loud!

wv-formoo, formoo shall shirley follow

edutcher said...

Sounds a lot like McVeigh. There's a nice little contradiction.

"Atrocious, but necessary". Not unlike "fake, but accurate".

Does he think he can succeed where McVeigh failed?

The US would be a much more fertile field for revolution than Norway and it sure didn't work here. I don't recall Norway even having any history of pogroms, inquisitions, etc.

PS Carol may turn out to be right, after all, assuming he's telling the truth. I saw news items over the weekend about the police looking for a second shooter.

Salamandyr said...

This whole affair is bizarre. I seriously doubt he is part of a larger movement. Heck, with the plagiarizing, I wonder if his stated motives are his real ones.

I seriously hope things become clearer as they progress, and that he is a lone wacko. The last thing we need is yet another terrorist front in our midst.

Heart_Collector said...

Maybe im the one thats not seeing clearly, but to me its quite obvious this kid is not a Kaczynski or McVeigh.

Michael K said...

It is interesting, in view of all the ranting about him being a Christian fundamentalist and conservative, that his Facebook page was altered after the shooting when he was in jail. The alteration was to add Christian and Conservative to his profile.


Hagar said...

In the old movies we were told that the reporter's creed was first of all to get the facts.

So, what kind and make of vehicle tid Breivik use for the bomb?
Exactly where was it parked?
How much fertilizer was used for the explosive?
Where is the rest of it?

How did he get to Utøya?
What kind of police uniform was he wearing?
Where did he get it?
What kind of weapon(s) was he carrying? Make,
caliber, type of ammunition?

And so on, etc., and so forth.
There were reasons why the old-style reporters were told to get the minutia of the story in hand before they leapt to conclusions.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'll go out on a Bill Maher limb here and say I give the guy credit for sticking to his convictions, and standing up to a soft society determined to crush everyone under it, no matter the results. This is just one of the results.

It seems just as insane to me not to expect push-back when society goes that way.

And, having said that, I think Norway is partially to blame for this tragedy, because they endorsed and enforced the silly multi-culti bullshit long enough to seek and receive a reaction.


Carol_Herman said...

Good news for the rest of the world. We can't solve this problem. It belongs to Oslo. Born and bred, there. And, since locals have enjoyed what they thought were the benefits of their peace process ... they need to look inward.

Nothing from America caused this problem. As a matter of fact, if the Norwegians had been more accommodating ... and had let Christian Fundamentalists feel comfortable there ... I'm sure this whole crazy idea would not have been able to grow roots ...

Because America's Christian Fundamentalists are the nicest people you're gonna meet. You're not hit on your heads with their bible.

If anything, they even raise polite kids.

If Norway chooses to think they can "explain" the act ... I think FIRST they have to find out HOW IT WAS PAID FOR!

Ya know, if sticking fertilizer on trees makes money grow off of them ... what's a few explosions worth ... where everybody could have a tree they plant that gives them money. Paper? Or coin?

Oh, yeah. The prime minister said this will give Norway even more democracy. HELLO! They bow to a king and queen. And, they ONLY have PC. Which is NOT democracy! Just a bunch of incompetents who get to enjoy the levers of control.

So. Before Breivik, the dick. How exactly did people NOT NOTICE?

Everything about Norway, the Mossad learned at Lillihammer. Now? You can't fool them, again.

Oslo is offering up its lessons. But what if the people want to be fooled, again?

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K,

It is interesting, in view of all the ranting about him being a Christian fundamentalist and conservative, that his Facebook page was altered after the shooting when he was in jail. The alteration was to add Christian and Conservative to his profile.


They started off claiming he was a Freemason, which would put him under my jurisdiction,...

garage mahal said...

His heart was in the right place.


Original Mike said...

Crazy man. Nothing more to be said (unless and until evidence of his "other cells" materializes).

cubanbob said...

I believe the maximum penalty under Norwegian law he could get is 21 years in prison which under the circumstances is an obscenity.

Although clearly this guy is a nut albeit probably not legally insane, unlike McVeigh he really did target and strike the 'enemy' as he defined them and not just a group of people at random. Come to think of it, his actions are hardly indistinguishable from those committed by Hamas and all of the Palestinian groups, Hezbollah, AQ or the Taleban or those targeted by far left and green groups . The difference is so far as it is known he is a sole actor unlike the others who are organized groups.

Nonapod said...

Norway has produced some pretty crazy extremists over the years, Varg Vikernes for one.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
His heart was in the right place.

Discuss." Yes. He should get a juice stand in Madison...or maybe be a Professor at the University of Illinois/Chicago. Right?

Heart_Collector said...

Hes trying to perpetuate a movement to save his country...

The people who think that their way is the only way that everyone must adhere to. Or everyone else in the world who can coexist. Pick a side Crusade 2000 has begun.

The equivlent of this to me would be jews that murdered jews that collaborated with germany aganst jews.

The majority of you whine and bitch about liberals and their policy destroying the country and us being at war politicaly, so fast fwoard, what happens down the road if they win out and the usa is sinking, when push comes to shove are you all talk... or do you care enough about the world to try and change it.

Just because you put your blindfold on dosnt mean events outside your sensory range stop. Jihad is underway, passive strategy is being employed, keep playing into their hands.

Call people kooks and nuts and pretend its a lone problem and that there is no cause. Till the clit collector shows up at your door to get the females in your family straightend out.

The Crack Emcee said...

garage mahal,

His heart was in the right place.


No, more like "garbage in, garbage out" - which, considering you answered, is appropriate:

You, too, don't get anything right.

The Dude said...
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Henry said...

This guy plagiarized Ted Kaczynski. He is clearly certifiable.

This guy plagiarized Leon Czolgosz.

His idea was theorized by anarchists as the propaganda of the deed. It has always failed.

Carol_Herman said...

Okay. If Johnny Carson could put on a feathered hat and claim he was Carnak. Why can't we try to put on the Mossad's hat, here?

The Mossad knows a lot about soft targets. And, how to keep "soft targets" from being reached. FIRST, YOU BUILD WALLS! (Yeah, Norway complained.) You build them, anyway.

Oh, edutcher ... anyone else involved in this thing has already LEFT NORWAY! I guess you could arrest his mother, though? She'd have to know how he got his money? Who his friends were? Where he kept his guns? And, all the outfits?

Did he get a fresh haircut the day he went out to the photographers? (Again, these people work for free?)

People who live in Oslo were living with fake security. This still may be so.

As to the cut & paste job from the Unibomber. Which is plagiarism. It just means this was done prior to the bomb blast. Prior to the shooting.

Where's the whole plan?

Who funded it?

Whose gonna get next year's peace prize? And, when the king and queen run this show, will you laugh? Or will you wonder?

PC is an illness. It may not even be treatable ... after an infestation of a whole country takes place.

No wonder Murdoch tapped into such riches ... catering to the minds of fluff.

The Dude said...
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traditionalguy said...

This guy is in the middle of the Nazi tradition.

He is miserable in life until he sees TRUTH and believes that no one else can see it.

He takes that belief, which creates an isolation from the mass of dimwitted folks around him, and adds his genius for science and modern weapons.

Next add he adds in a Free Mason channel into an occult power.

This re-creates the Nazi template for an efficient murderer machine.

This dude was very, very efficient.

Rialby said...

You will see MUCH more of this in Europe over the course of the next few decades. Remember, it was not just socialism/communism that led to the slaughter of tens of millions. It was NATIONAL socialism. The Left likes to focus on the National part and the Right like to focus on the Socialist part. It's both.

After WWII, the Socialist part was emphasized while the Nationalist part was tamped down. What happens when Socialism fails the people? You would hope that the Europeans would find some solid middle ground that benefits all people (like America). History has not demonstrated that Europeans are as moderate in their approach as Americans.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Those ends in his head, no matter how appealing or idealistic, do no justify those atrocious means.

I have a question.

Is it possible that smaller acts of "civil disobedience" give rise or escalate "in the head" to this?

BTW the question is not meant to excuse the heinous acts.. merely to try and inquire as to how they might be borne.

Heart_Collector said...

Sixty Grit said...
Heart_collector - please learn English - you write like a fucking moron.

Something tells me its not the base form of my english but the fact that you disagree with me. Thats fine im a big boy, if insulting me for sharing my ideas helps you move foward in your life keep it coming.

You could always take up my public education quality with the teachers unions, let me see if I can find you a link so you can donate to raise the quality of the education around here.

Curious George said...

"Lem said...
Those ends in his head, no matter how appealing or idealistic, do no justify those atrocious means."

While this is true, it is only part of the truth. Not only do they not justify the means, they also don't advance the cause to the "ends" he seeks.

KCFleming said...

I don't yet believe what's been said about and by this guy.

Not yet.
Best to let it settle out before blaming or gloating.

Seems like 1932 in more ways than economic right now.

The Dude said...
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cubanbob said...

Maybe Garage can explain who this guy is any different from Palestinians who intentionally murder Israeli children or Muslims slaughtering Copts in Egypt?

Heart_Collector said...

Embrace your imbecility, heart_sucker, blame others for your ignorance - I seriously can't even hack my way through your pathetic attempts at writing to even figure out what the fuck your point is.

From where im sitting it sounds like you have a self confessed problem with english. What can I change to help you out, oh wait, I get it I need to change the context of my ideas to blindly agree with you.. Is that it... Isnt that what Adolf Hitler wanted from the German people?

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, about 20 years ago, his dad left the family in Norway, and went alone to Germany.

There are some in germany who still think hitler was a big success. But his career really arched. And, in April of 1944 ... Eisenhower decided that not one American life would be expended in getting to berlin.

Yes. Berlin was surrounded.

But the order was given to the russians to move in from the east! 6 competitive divisions. A million men. And, rain that came along causing the tanks to go into the mud. Taking a military "exercise" that should have lasted a few days ... And, turned them into a month of slaughter.

When hitler found out the Americans weren't coming in from the west. And, the likelihood that he'd be dragged out naked from his bunker ... he chose to commit suicide. The russians were not kind invaders. What was left of germany got ground underfoot ... going all the way back east.

FDR was dead. Truman came into office knowing absolutely NOTHING. But he was a quick study, none-the-less.

Was there a lesson?

Sure. The russians are incompetent at military maneuvers.

Does it matter? No.

Was following hitler stupid? Yes.

Is Israel a success story? Oh, you bet. In spite of all the hatred, she hangs tough.

And, by this toughness, she teaches lessons.

The Norwegians never suspected they were gonna get a lesson quite the way they did.

Will the shell shock wear off?

Or, will pomp and circumstance reclaim their days? I don't know.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

His heart was in the right place.

The location of his heart is irrelevant.. I don't care if he even has a heart.

His terror has contaminated any societal ear I might have afforded him prior to his terror.

If anything, he has done more harm to his cause, whatever that might be.

Henry said...

This guy would save Norway like Gavrilo Princip saved Serbia.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Another question

Isn't airing this monster's cause tantamount to aiding him?

Chef Mojo said...

This guy is totally sane, no matter his motives. He's shown he has a very organized mind, and has come to this juncture with a great deal of rational thought. We may not want to understand or accept his conclusions, but there is no doubt he arrived at them in a rational way.

To call this guy insane is to say the same of Muslim suicide bombers, Tim McVeigh and so forth. They aren't crazy, by any stretch of the imagination. They're just stone cold monsters. The capacity for monstrous behavior and action rarely equates insanity.

CJinPA said...

This will surely be the end of the European Right.

Remember after the left-wing bombings and murders in Europe and the U.S. in the 60s and 70s, how the Left was totally discredited, never to be heard from again? 'Member?

dbp said...

Lots of divergent groups do awful things for what they think are nobel causes. They all share one trait: They are Evil.

Heart_Collector said...

I think leftists in america need to take note at the accountability individuals will hold you to if you lead the country off a cliff.

garage mahal said...

Look, it's Sixty Breivik, and he appears to be off his meds to boot. Or just constipated. Either way, look out.

Heart_Collector said...

dbp said...
Lots of divergent groups do awful things for what they think are nobel causes. They all share one trait: They are Evil.

What kind of blanket statement is that. Im sure perspective has nothing to do with good and evil right?

Heart_Collector said...

Garage do you think you would have been a worker at that camp or been one of the children getting indoctrinated.... I do.

Scott M said...

This entire episode is only relevant, from a geopolitical POV, in terms of success or failure. Obviously, the deaths of loved-ones is VERY relevant to those affected, but that is, honestly, a local issue however awful and soul-crushing.

The real conversation here is one that has been talked about, by my circle of friends at least, since 9-11. Without endorsing or condoning, we have been wondering when the nuts among the non-muslim axe-grinders (from any side of the political spectrum) were going to figure out that terrorism, for all it's horror, works if only sporadically.

This, to me, is the most stark example thus far of a western non-jihadi agreeing with that. This is as far reaching as the conversation needs to go. Any red meat tossed in only diffuses attempts to come to grips with terrorism in general and how to prevent it.

I doubt seriously it will ever end.

Original Mike said...

"Lots of divergent groups do awful things for what they think are nobel causes. They all share one trait: They are Evil."

Yeah, evil is a better "explanation" than crazy.

Michael K said...

Remember after the left-wing bombings and murders in Europe and the U.S. in the 60s and 70s, how the Left was totally discredited, never to be heard from again? 'Member?

No and neither do you.

This is the first, and hopefully the worst, incident like this but it will not be the last. As a hint about why, think about the plebiscites to approve the EU "constitution" which, when they lost, were run again until the stupid voters approved. Europe is not democratic.

Heart_Collector said...

Scott M said...
This entire episode is only relevant, from a geopolitical POV, in terms of success or failure. Obviously, the deaths of loved-ones is VERY relevant to those affected, but that is, honestly, a local issue however awful and soul-crushing.

The real conversation here is one that has been talked about, by my circle of friends at least, since 9-11. Without endorsing or condoning, we have been wondering when the nuts among the non-muslim axe-grinders (from any side of the political spectrum) were going to figure out that terrorism, for all it's horror, works if only sporadically.

This, to me, is the most stark example thus far of a western non-jihadi agreeing with that. This is as far reaching as the conversation needs to go. Any red meat tossed in only diffuses attempts to come to grips with terrorism in general and how to prevent it.

I doubt seriously it will ever end.

I agree with this only until you look at the situation from a world perspective and that theres a people who arnt compatible with the rest of the people.... Then what do you do?

Heart_Collector said...

Do you adopt them into your society so they can run you over and make it their society...? Do you close your eyes and hope your good intentions will not come back to bite you in the ass... We can learn from Europes situation, but we will probably follow the same path. Hopefully once the dems sell us to china and our new masters come to play they at least let my wife keep her clitoris and will agree that we share a common enemy.

Heart_Collector said...

Say what you will, but this shits happening, and Im suprised the push back has taken this long to start happening.

I recall coptics gettin blown up and slaughtered, and one of them standing crying holding a white sheet above his head with a red cross painted from the blood of his loved ones on it.

You realize this situation is currently spreading in africa, has taken hold in europe...

What do you have to say now?

But ya, im a idiot, I dont know english well enough to make a point, lets pretend everything is ok.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ignorance is Bliss said...

garage mahal said...

His heart was in the right place.


That would be useful targeting information for anyone seeking to return fire, had any such person existed.

Alex said...

Hey this guy was a right-wing Che. That should explode a few left-wing heads.

Alex said...

Notice that the latest left-wing tactic(typified by garbage) is not to even allow a rational discussion of why Breivik did it. We're all supposed to wring our hands, cry CHRISTIANIST TERRORIST and move on.

Freeman Hunt said...

What a gross miscalculation to think that massacring a bunch of teenagers would win people over to his side.

CJinPA said...

Europe is not democratic

It was foolish to think an entire continent could be run that way. Or that it could be "run" en masse at all.

My sarcastic observation about left-wing terrorism was made in light of the NY Times article the day after this rampage: it featured photos of the conservative leaders of Germany and England. Just that quickly, the violence was attached to the mainstream Right.

And just as Europeans were beginning to speak up and question the religion of multiculturalism. This asshole struck a blow for the status quo.

Freeman Hunt said...

Not crazy. Evil by choice.

Heart_Collector said...

Hey look its Freeman Hunt, another indoctrination camp attendee. FLS the security guard will keep you all safe im sure.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

I'm with the Heart Collector here (Sorry, Sixty):

The rest of you are talking like children.

All this "he's a monster" or "he's crazy" talk is to avoid the issues he presents to society. It's lazy thinking.

Is there nothing you would kill for? Your kids? Your wife? How about your country? Would you be crazy, or a monster, to do so? This guy did, and he thought he had good reasons for doing so:

Our job is to discover if that is true.

Are we not men? (Or are we DEVO?)

Heart_Collector said...

Crack Ive been following Althouse for about a year lurking, and you are always a breath of fresh air, the odor of white guilt can be a bit much around here.

Alex said...

All this "he's a monster" or "he's crazy" talk is to avoid the issues he presents to society. It's lazy thinking.

Notice how the left-wing media is furiously stifling any attempts to analyze this. They simple cry "Christianist terrorist" and expect us to move on to the logical topic - "how do we persecute Christians"?

Heart_Collector said...

Love your blog btw, planning on migrating there soon also. Your imagery sums up alot more than words can do on their own.

Alex said...

Another untouchable topic - "were those labor party youths innocent"?

Phil 314 said...

I'm so tired of the instant analysis of a crazed murderers act. Didn't we learn anything from Jared Loughner...

or James von Brunn...

or Andrew Joseph Stack III...

The media is desperate for a quick narrative that will "make sense" and get viewership. And of course the multitudes of "experts" at the ready eager to confirm the unfounded theories.

And out in the blogosphere we pursue

The claim


The blame

The claim that the victims are our victims, meaning they're one our side of the political argument (whatever it may be at the time)

and the blame of the other side for encouraging/aiding/abetting the perpetrator. And in this way confirming how the "others" will lead us to destruction.

And then finally there are those, who beyond simple political opportunism, find resonance with some deeper conspiracy suspicion.

Yes, of course, its the Mossad. That makes perfect sense.....Yes, Yesssss

Freeman Hunt said...

Hey look its Freeman Hunt, another indoctrination camp attendee. FLS the security guard will keep you all safe im sure.

Because I think that massacring teens is a poor way to promote one's position? Tell me more about your universe where this is illogical.

Scott M said...

Another untouchable topic - "were those labor party youths innocent"?

Apparently, a 'lazy thinker' might just suggest the labor party youth were this guy's little Eichmanns.

Curious George said...

"Freeman Hunt said...
What a gross miscalculation to think that massacring a bunch of teenagers would win people over to his side."

Yes. But nothing new.

"I still feel we can't rationalize someone getting killed, but at that time we felt we should never have done the bombing at all. Now I don't feel that way. I feel it was justified and should have been done. It just should have been done more responsibly."

UW Madison bomber Karleton Armstrong

Hell, look at the plaque on the building. Is that the message of understanding that "ends don't justify the means?"

Sterling Hall Marker

Original Mike said...

"Is there nothing you would kill for? Your kids? Your wife? How about your country? Would you be crazy, or a monster, to do so? This guy did, and he thought he had good reasons for doing so:

Our job is to discover if that is true."

Did this guy have a good reason for doing this? A GOOD reason???

I don't have to spend 10 seconds contemplating your question. The answer is NO.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Bet those chat logs between Gritty Shit and Breivik were the awesome. A lot of commonality. My guess these two soulmates met each other on Stormfront, or maybe Atlas Shruggs.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...Maybe Garage can explain who this guy is any different from Palestinians who intentionally murder Israeli children or Muslims slaughtering Copts in Egypt?..."

That's different. Those are freedom fighters.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dan in Philly said...

Using rational means for irrational ends. Pretty much the definition of insanity.

Rialby said...

"Without endorsing or condoning, we have been wondering when the nuts among the non-muslim axe-grinders (from any side of the political spectrum) were going to figure out that terrorism, for all it's horror, works if only sporadically."

Couldn't agree more. I think Instapundit commented or linked out to some commentary on this. Every peace-loving person should be worried about not just Islamic terrorism but the response that will come from smart, rational, pissed-off Westerners who decide that they need to fight evil with evil.

What happens when guys just like this decide that, after the next Islamic attack, they are going to seek some street justice of their own? What happens when a smart, western-educated engineering student named Hans decides to build and deliver his own WMD? It could and very well may happen.

chickelit said...

This wouldn't be the first time Europe goes mental. It's been a while, but yeah, there's precedent.

Economics have consequences.

Anonymous said...

Hoosier Daddy-- that's right. Muslims are responsible for killing copts in Egypt and Israelis in Israel. That's why I'm blaming Christians for killing the children of Norway. ALL CHRISTIANS. And I demand airport profiling of Christian white men 18-55.

Scott M said...

And I demand airport profiling of Christian white men 18-55

If you are, you'd be inconsistent with current policy that's allowed something like 25000 breaches of security.

Anonymous said...

Furthermore, since Anwar Al-Awlaki was responsible for indoctrinating Nidal Hassan, and is currently marked for death, I demand a predator drone be assigned to wax Spencer and Geller. Fair is fair.

ricpic said...

What a gross miscalculation to think that massacring a bunch of teenagers would win people over to his side.

I can't get inside his thinking. In any case this act was the expression of immense frustration/rage. Which pretty much blots out thinking. But why was his frustration/rage so great? The mere criticism of Norway's wide open to muslims immigration policy is classified as hate speech in Norway. Verbal opposition has been criminalized. Saying you're unhappy with what you see and feel to be an assault on your culture by way of a hostile invasion can land you in jail. It is inevitable that when the outlet, call it the safety valve of verbal opposition is PROHIBITED the pressure will build and someone somewhere will explode in physical opposition. It is sad that I must now say THIS DOES NOT EXCUSE THE MURDER OF CHILDREN or of anyone. Understanding the phenomenon does not mean I condone it. But it was inevitable that it would happen somewhere somehow. And as long as the political establishment in Norway equates opposition with hate and criminalizes opposition it will happen again.

Scott M said...

In any case this act was the expression of immense frustration/rage. Which pretty much blots out thinking.

I disagree. To blot out thinking, it would be a crime of the moment and lashing out road-rage style. Isn't there evidence this guy has been planning this for years? Years?

That involves quite a bit of "thinking".

Rialby said...

I did some searching. I think the appropriate term is "reverse asymmetrical warfare". It turns up just one Instapundit link but I think there's more out there on it. Scare stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hey ricipic, as a thought experiment I made some modifications of your morally relativistic little speech:

I can't get inside his thinking. In any case this act was the expression of immense frustration/rage. Which pretty much blots out thinking. But why was his frustration/rage so great? [[ Trying to work across borders or visit family outside]] can land you in jail. It is inevitable that when the outlet, call it [[political rights and freedom of movement]] the pressure will build and someone somewhere will explode in physical opposition. It is sad that I must now say THIS DOES NOT EXCUSE THE MURDER OF CHILDREN or of anyone. Understanding the phenomenon does not mean I condone it. But it was inevitable that it would happen somewhere somehow. And as long [[the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands]] it will happen again.

The Crack Emcee said...

My blog is called The Macho Response. It is a response to something I see going on that most people miss, and, in many cases, endorse. It's not killing people - and I'm not endorsing that - but I make it clear that people are getting killed while the rest of you ponder/discuss/snark about things. That's the point.

(I'm listening to Rush right now, and he's discussing the same point: people's lives, here in America, are being destroyed while those who are comfortable make jokes.)

When I first came here, Ann was the distinguished professor who proudly voted for Obama and I was regarded as a nutjob, screaming he was "The Secret" Oprah brought us. Now that everything's gone to shit, more of you seem to get the fraud played on us, but Ann has Glenn Reynolds' readership and I, still, can be ignored by Reynolds. I can be correct in everything I say, but nothing - short of some extreme measure - is going to get him to be fair and open his readers to my opinion. He's just like the mainstream media in that respect.

This guy seems to be saying those kids are dead meat no matter what happens. Like our fathers, who gave in to the dregs of NewAge (feminism, relativism, multiculturalism, gay marriage, etc.) their parents are damning them to a future where, right or wrong, they will be run over and/or destroyed to the laughter of those who could give a damn about right or wrong - all so the parents can feel morally superior and politically correct.

To expect that everyone is going to go along with this is naive. Like the Heart Collector, I don't see how there can't be a response - sometimes violent - to this treatment. You are allowing it with you passivity and, yes, lazy thinking. You are relinquishing your responsibilities as adults. But - to the surprise of everyone who seems to think America's recent tradition for arrested development is a constant - that's what you are now. To claim someone who is clearly sane, as this man is (and as I am) is insane is but one more insult on top of all the other daily insults you heap on us and society. Europe is being overrun. You know and I do - I've heard people, here, say it. What is the answer? I only have one:

We can do better.

edutcher said...

The good news, what little there is, is that the death toll has been revised downward to 76.

Small comfort.

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, edutcher ... anyone else involved in this thing has already LEFT NORWAY! I guess you could arrest his mother, though? She'd have to know how he got his money? Who his friends were? Where he kept his guns? And, all the outfits?

We'll see about departures, unless he and his friend are the Norsk James Earl Ray.

If past performance is any indicator, Mom will say, "...But he was always such a nice boy...".

Phil 314 said...

Hey look its Freeman Hunt, another indoctrination camp attendee. FLS the security guard will keep you all safe im sure.

Wow, speaking of crazy.

So now I'm wondering, when crazy commenters contaminate their nom do blog thoroughly do they just disappear and then reappear as a new commenter?

ricpic said...

franglo - When your darling Palestinians stop doing the wala wala wala dance every time one of their brethren murders a Jew the "oppression" will stop, you worthless lefty thug.

ricpic said...

Good point, Scott. I'm thinking but can't come up with a good rejoinder tick tick tick...

Anonymous said...

ricpic-- since I'm a worthless thug, I should probably be gassed or shot, right? I mean, I know you wouldn't explicitly recommend it, but you'd understand it if it happened, right? Because only people who think, act, and look like you have any worth.

Heart_Collector said...

Sixty Grit said...
No prob, Crack, we believe in diversity around here.

Heart_sucker is, however, a raving illiterate lunatic. He makes seeing red look like an English major and Carol Herman look consistent and succinct.

WV: sancal - what SoCal has become.

Someones a lunatic, I dont think its me. Your the one who sounds like your in a nerd rage. What makes me raving and illiterate, cause im using proverbs wrong or something... really.

wv-purish- Sixty Grits attitude is pur ish.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...KnFurthermore, since Anwar Al-Awlaki was responsible for indoctrinating Nidal Hassan, and is currently marked for death, I demand a predator drone be assigned to wax Spencer and Geller. Fair is fair..."

You are of course free to petition the Norwegian government to take such action.

Scott M said...

Because only people who think, act, and look like you have any worth.


(what would Che do?)

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...That's why I'm blaming Christians for killing the children of Norway...."

Knock yourself out. I for one haven't seen much evidence his killing spree had much, if any religious motivation. But if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside to think he was some deranged Jesus freak, go ahead. Liberals tend to live in a world of perpetual victimhood and projection as it is.

Scott M said...

Knock yourself out. I for one haven't seen much evidence his killing spree had much, if any religious motivation.

Ditto and I've been looking. Contrast this with very religious shouts preceding the varied and many jihaid attacks...


Heart_Collector said...

Its not christians.. Ill say what nobody wants to say... Its everyone vs islam cause islam is the one that cant live with everyones differences.

Islam needs to evolve into something new without all the world domination and people need to officaly convert. If they dont, there really is only two outcomes to this game. I know which I prefer.

Heart_Collector said...

Christians can live with the world, Jews can live with the world, blacks whites, everyone can live with the fucking world..... Islam will either become your world or kill you.

Zero Compatibility.

Blame the drunk pedophile muhammed who founded a religion based on his insecurities and fantasys and whims.

wv-squin-If you squin your eyes just right you can see russia from here.

Heart_Collector said...

You are all only youtube and google searches (Bing for your virtual patriots) away from letting islam and its diplomats of peace speak for themselves.

traditionalguy said...

Norway and the rest of Europe has banned guns from citizen ownership.

Therefore a small force with guns wins by default.

That leaves a wide open door for a Nazi ideology to shoot its enemies like teenagers trapped on an island.

But I wiuld not worry in the USA until the gun confiscators start a sedrious effort here.

What, that is secretly going on now through Obama's UN connections and the AG's office? Damn.

traditionalguy said...

Oops, sorry for the misspelling.

I would not worry until there is a serious effort is made...that was originally written down in Norwegian.

Anonymous said...

Just to get this straight: A certifiable native of the right-wing digital tribe (he posted on Atlas Shrugs!), someone who shares the views of a sizable group of people around here, perpetuates the biggest terrorist attack in years... and the answer from the right is blame the Muslims and the multi-culti lefties!

Not even a heartbeat of time for self-examination? That perhaps the obsession with Muslims and Sharia and the Ground Zero Mosque and the rest of your bullshit is perhaps... a tad misguided? That people need to be called out for pushing this garbage? That maybe somewhere down the line it has a negative effect? That since insane people believe that "Christian civilization" is under attack, that maybe that belief itself is also insane? (it is, btw.)

Oh ha ha... just kidding. Kenya mooslim sharia boogity boo! Let's purge Oklahoma of evil mosques, boogity boogity boo.

Anonymous said...

oh snap, thanks tradguy! GUNS OBAMA HOLDER ATF boogity boogity boo, as well. Almost forgot.

Heart_Collector said...

"That leaves a wide open door for a Nazi ideology to shoot its enemies like teenagers trapped on an island.

But I wiuld not worry in the USA until the gun confiscators start a sedrious effort here."

Okay let me see if I understand this.

I dont want the united states to become a islamic state.

Does that mean I follow a nazi ideology?

Murdering someone makes you a nazi now?

When Custer killed indians for sport was he being a nazi?

Anonymous said...

I dont want the united states to become a islamic state.

Funny! I don't want the united states to become a fundamentalist christian state.

which do you think is more likely to happen though?

Scott M said...

which do you think is more likely to happen though?

Neither. Our populace is far too well-armed. It was sorta designed that way. Despite what you may have lapped up, there are great many gun owners that don't care to bend a knee to any fundamental -ism of any kind, Christian or otherwise.

The Crack Emcee said...


Just to get this straight: A certifiable native of the right-wing digital tribe (he posted on Atlas Shrugs!), someone who shares the views of a sizable group of people around here, perpetuates the biggest terrorist attack in years... and the answer from the right is blame the Muslims and the multi-culti lefties!

Not even a heartbeat of time for self-examination? That perhaps the obsession with Muslims and Sharia and the Ground Zero Mosque and the rest of your bullshit is perhaps... a tad misguided?

Here, let me answer you:


Heart_Collector said...

The main problem here is Islam not being content with the rest of the world not being Islam, no less no more.

Anonymous said...

You know what really gets old? Right-wing gun nut tough talk. Yeah, I get it, cold dead fingers, ready to shoot at all times, concealed carry. Please. You are so full of shit. And no one's even trying taking your precious gun, nerd. You can go back to stroking it lovingly in peace.

Rappers and Republicans have that in common: lots of bullshit gun talk.

Carol_Herman said...

Okay. If the "motive" was to kill the prime minister ... why didn't this nut just look up? He'd see the explosion that engulfed the prime minister's office.

How did he know he still had to go to Utoya Island?

Was killing the kids just for fun?

This problem belongs to Norway. And, it will stay in Norway!

That a soft target like that can also be the "home" of the piss prize ... just generates a problem for those who want Norway's king and queen to still have their pompous ceremonies.

Selling this like a PC idyllic icon however ... has just been blown to smithereens.

And, it is ALL LOCAL! Why was the Unibomber's manifesto cut & pasted in? At the time it looked like a great grab ... at "blaming the Americans."

For me? I just learned all I needed to know about Norway from Lillihammer. Can't fool me, twice!

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...That perhaps the obsession with Muslims and Sharia and the Ground Zero Mosque and the rest of your bullshit is perhaps... a tad misguided?..."

9-11, Madrid, London. Bali, Mumbai, Ft. Hood.

Scott M said...

You know what gets old, franglo? People that think they know anything about gun ownership that have no idea what they're talking about. Your lumping rappers and Republicans into your talking point belies your ignorance.

Chef Mojo said...

Despite what you may have lapped up, there are great many gun owners that don't care to bend a knee to any fundamental -ism of any kind, Christian or otherwise.


That is something that the left can't fathom. That we didn't become a fundametalist theocracy during the various Awakenings should be telling, franglo. That you can't point out a single country in the world that has a fundametalist Christian theocratic government - with the exception of The Vatican - puts the lie to your argument that Christian fundamentalism is an existential threat to our way of life.

On the other hand, there are numerous examples of countries with Muslim fundametalist theocratic governments, so I think there is much more possibility of attempts to establish fundamentalist Muslim theocracies in Western countries beaten down by multi-culturalism, non-assimilated immigration and government sanction against the principle of self defense as a human right. Europe is in the vanguard of this nightmare. Americans would do well to pay attention.

Scott M said...

By the way, franglo, I notice you didn't bother to address the point. Should a violent, fundamentalist Christian movement start in this country, who do you suppose would oppose it?

Don't say the military. A great, great deal of military members are private gun owners and, thus, part of the problem according to your talking points.

So...this fear you have of a fundi Christian movement taking over the country...how would you oppose it?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...That you can't point out a single country in the world that has a fundametalist Christian theocratic government -with the exception of The Vatican -puts the lie to your argument that Christian fundamentalism is an existential threat to our way of life..."

What's ironic is that the Muslims think were a Godless, morally corrupt nation who let our daughters walk around exposing too much flesh while the left idolizes the noble 'oppressed' Muslims and think the Christian right run everything.

No wonder the left and Islamists get along;
They both live off projection.

traditionalguy said...

Whew, I can live without worries now that Franglo has helped me see that there are no plans to confiscate guns in The USA.

Thanks Franglo.

It is all a silly myth, so why lose sleep to oppose it.

It is a real worry that a Nazi paradigm is growing again in Germany and its colony Norway.

All that they lack now is a scapegoat since the usual suspect Jews mysteriously died or went south to the eastern Mediterranean coast.

Do you suppose a resurrected Nazi cult could use Muslims as a their scapegoat?

Anonymous said...

Funny! I don't want the united states to become a fundamentalist christian state.

Boogity boogity boo.

edutcher said...

Uh, somebody tell franglo this one incident doesn't compare to the number of mooslims and Lefties who've done this sort of thing; that's a number beyond counting.

Heart_Collector said...

When Custer killed indians for sport was he being a nazi?

And this happened when?

(I think J broke loose from the home)

franglo said...

I dont want the united states to become a islamic state.

Funny! I don't want the united states to become a fundamentalist christian state.

He's about 400 years late on that one.

Scott M said...

Do you suppose a resurrected Nazi cult could use Muslims as a their scapegoat?

My worries about a viable Nazi-like movement in Europe has always been that, given "viable", the leadership of that movement would be too smart to make the same mistakes the first one did. That makes them all the more problematic to deal with. Should such a thing happen (never say never) we need to well remember all the lessons we learned in putting them down last time.

Chennaul said...


Your assertion is the exact same as-

The US deserved 9/11 discuss.

Except of course preteens and teenagers were killed here.

And that's "the business" you are reaching through your ass to justify.

That makes you creepier than Bill Maher.

Ann cultivates your crazy most of the time I try to ignore your chauvinistic ass.

I'm sure you'll be amply rewarded.

I'll give you a chance to back pedal but I bet you lack the balls.

btw-garage defeated your idiocy in one sentence.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...My worries about a viable Nazi-like movement in Europe has always been that, given "viable", the leadership of that movement would be too smart to make the same mistakes the first one did...."

I forget who it was that said: Fascismn is always descending on the US but lands in Europe.

Chennaul said...

PS Crack

You ARE the "multi-culti" Breivik would love to .....

You twisted twit.

Get your act together for cripes sake snap out of your damn funk.

Get over the wife.

Your letting that handicap your mind and your soul.

swill_bandit said...

They started off claiming he was a Freemason, which would put him under my jurisdiction,...

He says in his "manifesto" that he salutes the Freemasons for their libraries and as keepers of cultural heritage. He lists Freemasons as a hobby, and says: "After 5 years in the Freemasons I was finally accepted for rank 4-5 (it’s a combined rank). However, due to lack of time I decided to decline the offer. I told them I would be
unavailable until Autumn 2011, due to extensive traveling."


Yup, I downloaded that crazy thing. He calls it a "compendium", so he wasn't claiming to have written it all. He throws in whole essays and stuff from others. I noticed that an article by John McWhorter about rap music is thrown in there, for example.

But I haven't looked over most of it. It's a pain to skim through something that long on a PDF reader. Most of my browsing has been in the last few hundred pages that have his diary and junk. He's a real egomaniac, going on about how steroids gave him a perfect body, and even listing his fave cologne.

I've seen people mention he talks about video games here and there. But I haven't seen anyone mention this:

"I took a year off when I was 25 and played WoW PvE hardcore for a year."

Do people do that? Devote a whole year of their life to a game? He makes it sound like he played the game like a full time job.

He also advises other terrorists to use a multiplayer online game addiction as a cover story when people in your life start asking what you've been up to. So, when friends were wondering what was going on with him, they knew he had had a previous game addiction and he could always say that that was all that was up again.

Another things I haven't seen mentioned is that as a teenager he was into graffiti tagging at the subway, saying he had "declared war" against the Oslo subway company.

Chennaul said...



Valentine Smith said...

The atrocity in Norway was inevitable.

Western lefties use coercion by proxy to great effect. Pick a legitimately aggrieved population, elevate them above normal legal protections, then oppress the majority. If necessary, create the aggrieved population by importing people with a shared ideology mired in Dark Age superstition, as Europe has done. Mix, stir—explode.

It's all about power folks, as it ever was and ever will be.

And nobody's gonna take the little I have without paying a steep price. Especially cowardly lefties using gays, African Americans, illegal immigrants, etc to accumulate power.

So while reprehensible, the Norsky dude picked the right target.

Chennaul said...

Then there are those talking about the un-brave Norwegians on the island.

Well yesterday they were talking about a guard that worked for the police-and that's all they would say.

Last night it came out he died trying to save his son.

So some of you critiquing that no one fought back-

well maybe they did and they died.


Also there is this story from a girl that survived out in the water by diving under at a critical time.

Her sweater was becoming heavy and she was freezing-it's a fresh water lake in Norway
she considered swimming back but as she got closer she witnessed this:

a small "coloured" boy (her word) was kneeling in front of the murderer the boy was kneeling and praying for his life.

Breivik shot him point blank in the head.

swill_bandit said...

Not even a heartbeat of time for self-examination? That perhaps the obsession with Muslims and Sharia and the Ground Zero Mosque and the rest of your bullshit is perhaps... a tad misguided? That people need to be called out for pushing this garbage? That maybe somewhere down the line it has a negative effect?

Do you really think it's fair to try and incriminate people just because a nutcase terrorist liked some things they wrote?

Let's say I'm a vegan who writes a blog about why people should not eat meat, why the meat industry is doing terrible things to animals, and maybe even stuff about why the meat industry might be causing climate change and thus doing great harm to human civilization.

Then let's say an animal rights terrorist kills a bunch of people and in his mainifesto he quotes from my blog. And that it turns out he even posted comments on my blog.

Should I shut up about my beliefs? Should I be made to feel I set the terrorist off?

Think of lots of kinds of strong opinions people have and write about. If they don't advocate violence, terrorism, etc., why should they be told to watch what they say just because some lunatic was amongst their readers?

What you're really up to is trying to use this terrorist to censor people. Not sure what problems in this world censorship solves. Anyone who puts anything out there that has something strong or controversial to say (writing, songs, movies) can find that someone who likes their work winds up doing some evil act.

The Crack Emcee said...



Your assertion is the exact same as-

The US deserved 9/11 discuss...Ann cultivates your crazy most of the time I try to ignore your chauvinistic ass,...I'll give you a chance to back pedal but I bet you lack the balls,...btw-garage defeated your idiocy in one sentence.

Lack the balls? You must be jokin'. Re-write: you only want me to take 'em out so you might get a chance to lick 'em. Fine, fuck it, come on over here and let me cradle your head while you do so:

Look, madman, only if an American had committed 9/11 would there be any comparison, so you're already in the running with Garbage for who's less able to process information on the fly [o.k., now lick the other one,...goood madawaskal,...]

As far as being a chauvinist, if that were true I wouldn't be able to back up anything I say, but, I'll remind you, when I started The Macho Response my views were definitely not popular. (I started TMR in 2005, but look at the date of my "first post." Why the difference? Because it was destroyed - twice - by NewAgers trying to stop me from writing.) Now, there are few who will deny the world is trending in the direction I always said it should, that Obama turned out to be everything I said he was, or that NewAge is merely a harmless belief system. I have had to change nothing. [Now stop it - get out of here - I think you really like salt,...]

PS Crack

You ARE the "multi-culti" Breivik would love to .....

You twisted twit.

Get your act together for cripes sake snap out of your damn funk.

Get over the wife.

Your letting that handicap your mind and your soul.

Ahhh, yes. When they go for the wife, they've lost the argument. Listen, dummy:

Breivik is against people trying to change Western culture - not those who defend it - so the only "twisted twits" around here are you, Garbage, my wife, and anybody else without the capacity for even a basic understanding of the world in front of them.

Unfortunately, that's a lot of losers nowadays.

Now, wipe your mouth - and don't you tell anybody!!!!

traditionalguy said...

Scott M...One way to smoke out secret German fascists is to get everyone to watch the opening speech from Patton.

The ones who get visibly sick are the ones you need to watch. There is something really powerful contained in Patton's speech when he gets to the part about our soldiers ripping out the Nazi's living guts and lubricating the treads of our tanks with them.

Phil 314 said...

which do you think is more likely to happen though?


I have to say it is amazing how one crazy guy can bring out the "crazy" in all of us.

maybe our time, mental and emotional energy might be better spent just saying:



GOOD LORD! if you like

then sitting back and praying or contemplating or sending good thoughts or sitting still or whatever works for you

anything but what's going on here.

Irrationality by definition has no "reason" behind it

Fred4Pres said...

A rational (in a legal sense) but insane person (in a practical sense). No more part of mainstream conservative goverment or Christianity than Ted Kaczynski represents liberal government or Gaiaism.

Actually Ted Kaczynski is closer to mainstream liberal/enviro/Gaiasim than this Norweigian is to mainstream conservatism or Christianity.

I have met Capt. Paul of Whale Wars and, trust me, he would make Mao, Stalin and even Hitler look like pikers on what hell he would inflict on humanity if he was ever Supreme Leader of the World.

Fred4Pres said...

This Norweigian freak is really no different than the Virginia Tech shooter. All I can say is an armed society is safer than an unarmed society. There are never guarantees of total safety, but a few counselors with access to shotguns or rifles on that island would have likely reduced the death toll considerably in Norway.

Heart_Collector said...

"PS Crack

You ARE the "multi-culti" Breivik would love to .....

You twisted twit.

Get your act together for cripes sake snap out of your damn funk.

Get over the wife.

Your letting that handicap your mind and your soul."

Who the fuck are you to set the standards of who is over what when how and why for anyone. I read into Crack as someone whos going through the trouble to make his own personal life a example to good people of the foul shit going on in the world. If your to stupid and to much of a puss n boots to get it, thats your handicap not his.

Lets go back to talking about liberals giving away everything to the people just waiting to cut their heads off. Much more fun.

Known Unknown said...

Do you suppose a resurrected Nazi cult could use Muslims as a their scapegoat?

Frankly, I think the jihadists have a much more impressive track record on the terror front than the neo-nazis do.

Do you worry about the inverse?

Heart_Collector said...

There is a big difference between ethnic clensing and indeginous people trying to keep their country.

Carol_Herman said...

Local problem in Norway.

They will either figure out that their peace prize is dreck. Or they won't.

They'll either expect answers. Or they won't get any.

What they'll need to live with, though, is the reality that no one came to save the children ... for a full 90 minutes!

Oh, yeah. The adults knew their kids were there.

And, they'll have to come to terms with this.

If it means their king and queen are examples of democracy, though? They've blown through knowing what democracy is!

That it's not in Norway? I wasn't going to look at how democracy works by going there! All I needed to learn, as I've said, I learned when Lillihammer exposed the joke.

Some joke. Some sad punchline.

But until we learn from what money tree this calamity grew ... we will know Oslo hasn't quite harnessed its "problem."

Heart_Collector said...

Carol how do you feel about this becoming a eventual problem in the united states. Local is the new global.

wv-suffq-Puffs... mmmmmmmmm

Heart_Collector said...

Flash Thought - The type of atmosphere that produces people this motivated for change is usually one of frustration bourne by the silent majority.

wv-meryg-meryg ur loohkin fine

n.n said...

Europe's, and Norway's problem specifically, is that the demographics do not favor sustaining their culture. Their second problem is that in progressive measure, they and their children have failed to preserve their heritage. While their ancestors managed to repel most attempts by Islamic imperialists to invade Europe, their descendents have long since submitted to revived (and repackaged) totalitarian ambitions.

And to think the Soviet communists were required to fight a revolution and murder millions of people in order to realize their change. I guess hopes of instant gratification still convinces people in large numbers to reject their dignity.

As for murdering children, this will not evoke sympathy from people who would otherwise favor his cause. Unless Norway is irretrievably lost, he would have been better advised to consider and rectify the underlying causes which enabled the revival of regressive regimes.

Whether Europeans submit to Islamic imperial ambitions or to their primitive desire for instant gratification, their civilization is endangered.

Enjoy it while it lasts, cousins. Take heart that a large minority of Americans are following the same path of least resistance. Both are decadent civilizations in decline. I guess we are just too "smart" for our own good.

It is a degenerate faith which promotes behaviors that sabotages the fitness of its followers.

Anonymous said...

It is not censorship to call someone else a shithead for their dumb opinions.

The comment above is an example. I don't want it censored: I am just happy to call it feverish dreck and assume that its author is a conservative shithead.

There's no war of civilizations. Just the blathering of millions of intolerant shitheads. As a dozen arab muslim countries foment with popular uprisings striving to end dictatorship, numberless shitheads in our land ramble about muslim invasion.

But let me go a little further: you're not just wrong. You're probably fucking crazy. Just like the Oslo shooter.

Anonymous said...

Dumb, crazy AND dangerous:

A List.

Understandable if some folks make krazy krackers their boogeymen instead of Mooslims.

Heart_Collector said...

Franglo maybe you should sit down with the widows of some of the people who have had their heads removed from the rest of their body.

Maybe if they ever cut off yours you'll "get" it. If you were a woman, they could cut off your other head and let you live with the lesson.

Heart_Collector said...

Do you think the islamic state of north america is going to let althouse continue, what the fuck would you do with your lives!

traditionalguy said...

E M Davis...It's not either or. The Nazi traditions are as seductive as they were 70 years ago.

That Norge Nazi seems to be a far more intelligent enemy to fight against than the Arabs have ever been, with the sole exception of actions planned by ethnic Egyptians who are Muslims.

Cedarford said...

Crack - "And, having said that, I think Norway is partially to blame for this tragedy, because they endorsed and enforced the silly multi-culti bullshit long enough to seek and receive a reaction."

Since 1995, a half million immigrants have moved into Norway, a nation of 4.9 million. The Netherlands is slated to become a Muslim Majority nation by 2024, followed by most W Euro nations eventually except Ireland. As Ricpic noted, in many nations, opposition to mass Muslim immigration has been criminalized as Nazi-hate speech.

So what is an intelligent, though disturbed Westerner to do? Sit back in silence and watch the slow, long-term death of his nation and culture? Like a frog in a container of water being slow cooked without knowing each degree of heat is bringing doom?

This is what happened under the French aristocracy, Stalinism, and PC at it's worst - events worsen, peaceful feedback from the masses is stifled under threat of law - and violence or collapse is inevitable.
Ricpic gets this, but then goes on to say that any violence is never justified. In other words, no violent revolution is ever justified...not by the American Revolution, French, anti-colonial, not by present day people seeing dire things coming from mass Muslim settlement. People who cannot find a peaceful avenue for action to address grievances anymore than Cubans under Batista could. Ricpic then goes into the sacred cow of violence is never justified in any situation (outside perhaps self defense in 2108 when an 80% Muslim Norway demands the remaining churches be torn down, all infidel daughters married to good Muslims, and a 60% Jizrah tax is imposed on the unconverted Norwegians). And then, violence only against men aged 18-50....

Ricpic - It is sad that I must now say THIS DOES NOT EXCUSE THE MURDER OF CHILDREN or of anyone.

Hard to have a Revolution without killing people. And harder yet to say - if you must, but only white men aged 18-50. No religious minorities, racial minorities, children, women, old men, gays must EVER DIE, as that is INEXCUSIBLE!

Hoosier Daddy said...

"...Just the blathering of millions of intolerant shitheads..."

Yes we should be tolerant like those peace loving Muslim nations.

Cedarford said...

Valentine Smith said...
The atrocity in Norway was inevitable.

Western lefties use coercion by proxy to great effect. Pick a legitimately aggrieved population, elevate them above normal legal protections, then oppress the majority. If necessary, create the aggrieved population by importing people with a shared ideology mired in Dark Age superstition, as Europe has done. Mix, stir—explode.

It's all about power folks, as it ever was and ever will be.

And nobody's gonna take the little I have without paying a steep price. Especially cowardly lefties using gays, African Americans, illegal immigrants, etc to accumulate power.

So while reprehensible, the Norsky dude picked the right target

Awful truth, Valentine, but still truth.
And pronouncements like "Revolution and political violence are NEVER JUSTIFIED, EVER - because only the status quo power elite has legitimacy in perpetuity, all resistance is illegal and any violence is terrorism!!!" not only ring hollow, but insure violence does happen in breaking down nations and once established and stable cultures.

I liken Breivik to some disturbed German dissident that acted against Nazis before anyone else was ready to accept violence - in part to his own psychological dysfunctions. Who sets a bomb off near Nazi HQ and then goes to a Hitlet Youth political indiictrination camp and kills and many teens and SS instructors as he can.
And is properly labeled as a murderer. And tried and punished.

Ten years later, while that disturbed Hitler Youth killer is still condemned for his actions, enough time has passed to see he wasn't all nuts, but was acting on truths many only later realized were correct.

BillyTalley said...

He told police what there were “two further cells in our organization,” reporters were told.

Water boarding, anyone?

Carol_Herman said...

Since money doesn't grow on trees; and, obviously this nut was well fed. And, bought guns. Ammunition. And, explosives. Plus, had the car keys to drive drive into Oslo's center ...

He also had no idea there'd be no reaction. That just by wearing a policeman's unioform, he'd be allowed onto the ferry. FULLY WEAPONIZED ...

And, he had no idea the cops would take a 90-minute tea break ...

Your best guess would probably be a good one. Nobody in Oslo was concerned enough to do a bouble-take!

Where'd the money come from?

Does money just drip out of the peace prize window?

He knew enough about Oslo to find the ferry.

And, the rest of the story?

The whole town was asleep.

Did they get a wake up call?

Don't ask me. Ask the locals.

Anonymous said...

This guy forgot the first rule of revolution. When you think you can't stand the worthless government even one minute longer, grab your gun and go out on your porch. Look to your left, then look to your right. If you're the only one on your street standing on your porch with a gun, go back inside, unload the gun, and get hold of yourself.

roesch-voltaire said...

The problem is that this guy is not crazy, is a right wing extremist and decided to act on his beliefs that Marxist, multiculturalist must be killed in order to be saved is also what is so difficult for right-wing bloggers to deal with. But then I still like Carol Herman's claim that he is a Mason funded by Muslims. In some sense all these extremist, both right and left, share a certain common middle ground of violence and a belief that power makes right or macho.

grackle said...

Water boarding, anyone?

Hell yes. Waterboard his ass off to see if he’s telling the truth about there being more cells. I kind of think he’s not but you never know.

But the Norwegians probably won’t even keep him in jail very long much less waterboard him. I’ve read the maximum sentence in that nation is 21 years. That would have him out when he was 53 years old. Time off for good behavior, if they have such a penal concept in Norway, might get him out in his 40s. Imagine … a murderer of around a hundred people walking around free.

He says his motivation was political. But I really think the personal politics of these monsters have as much relevancy as whether they can wiggle their ears or roll their tongues. Someone like him could be Left or Right of the political spectrum. The politics is merely their rationalization for their deeds. And what they do is always counterproductive to their stated goals. Does anyone clear-headed believe killing all those people will lead the public to embrace their political ideas? I’m not talking about jihadists who I think are truly politically motivated.

Perhaps the real motivation is a desire for notoriety, to be famous, the same impulse that in it’s benign and banal manifestation leads people to want to get into the Guinness Book of World Records. Couple that with psychopathy and you have a potential mass murderer.

Kirk Parker said...


"The dark night of fascism... "? That was Tom Wolfe.

Kirk Parker said...

Scott M, Heart_Collector, Realby:

"we have been wondering when the nuts among the non-muslim axe-grinders ... were going to figure out ... that terrorism works"

Wretchard was there more than half a decade ago.

Scott M said...

Wretchard was there more than half a decade ago.

I was there a week after 9/11. It doesn't really take a great leap of logic to arrive at.

Scott M said...

Notice that franglo made the point he was afraid of a fundi-Christian movement taking over the US, was challenged about how he would oppose it, and chose not to answer.

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