IN THE COMMENTS: Chip S. said:
Here's a reference point: In March of 2010, the Congress received "close to 100,000 calls an hour" about the pending Obamacare legislation.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Here's a reference point: In March of 2010, the Congress received "close to 100,000 calls an hour" about the pending Obamacare legislation.
When Reid was a child, they had to rub hamburger on him to get the dog to play with him.
So, yeah, 600 is a lot.
Call me when it reaches 666.
Three to four times the usual number of calls! A few callers have gotten busy signals!! The people are aroused!!!
Conspicuously absent from this report is a breakdown of the pro- and anti-tax-hike sentiment in those calls.
Whatever should we infer from that?
600 calls in 2 hours, that's 5 per minute, one every 12 seconds.
I see a slow steady stream, not an inundation. I see a journalist who has trouble with math.
Remember Congressional Offices are worse than any commercial phone service line as they really don't want you to call. So extra lines, call parking etc. are not strong features. 600 calls may indeed be a lot for the system (say 1 minute per call that will overtax a 1-2 line system)
In 2 hours...yeah, that's significant.
Democrats are real tigers.
Here's a reference point: In March of 2010, the Congress received "close to 100,000 calls an hour" about the pending Obamacare legislation.
No, they obviously don't want anyone to call.
I also wonder how many of those are in fact from the different person. 50 people could have called the cadaverous Senator 12 times.
Just to nitpickr, the figure reported in the article is "over 600 calls between 8-10 this morning," not 600 calls per hour. And those are calls to one of the handful of people heading up the debt-ceiling negotiations.
nitpickr is like flickr for kvetchers.
Like Obama, Reid has problem with logic. His argument against Boehner's plan is that it kicks the can down the road only nine months. His plan kicks the can down the road two years!
I have a feeling it doesn't take much to inundate Searchlight NV.
I think Reid may have borrowed Mary Landrieu's phone system so 600 calls would overload it.
I was just going to email WI Rep Ron Kind, his site is unavailable. I don't remember it being unavailable during the obamacare debate. Maybe no one is back from lunch yet.
I get more than that when I put my dirty undies on Craig's list. I'm making a fortune.
When he posted a request on his website to help him "Stop the Boehners", every feminist in Nevada called in their support.
Better than being undulated with 600 phone calls.
Here's a reference point: In March of 2010, the Congress received "close to 100,000 calls an hour" about the pending Obamacare legislation.
Why can't these spoiled babies just ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE LAST ELECTION. Obama won. Get over it!
100,000 calls/hr for the entire house is 298 calls/hr for each representative’s office.
600 calls between 8 and 10 is 300 calls/hr for Sen. Reid’s office.
Bob's 3rd Law: On the Internet, the numbers are different.
It applies well to this case, too. When phone calls are cheap (they used to cost real money), they increase in number. 600 phone calls is like 600 unique page views. What blogger would be impressed?
Harry Reid is probably impressed, because who really wants to talk with him?
I still can't understand why anyone would vote for Reid.
I still can't understand why anyone would vote for Reid.
Well, that just proves you're not into cowboy poetry or any other form of brokebacking.
"Why can't these spoiled babies just ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE LAST ELECTION. Obama won. Get over it!'
Tell your fat ass, hunger striking, puppet trainers to get off the street and pick up the phone like civilized human's do.
Fat ass, hunger striking? Makes a lot of sense.
"garage mahal said...
Why can't these spoiled babies just ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE LAST ELECTION. Obama won. Get over it!"
You do realize that was two elections ago, right? The last election resulted in the largest swing in power in generations.
Perhaps you haven't slept off the bender you went on to make the pain go away.
Why can't these spoiled babies just ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE LAST ELECTION. Walker won. Get over it!
Fish. barrel. gun.
Ahh, Garage, your Chavismo is showing:
Why can't these spoiled babies just ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE LAST ELECTION. Obama won. Get over it!
Maybe Garage imagines that 2008 was the last election, ever, in the United States.
That it made Barack Obama President for Life, and froze both Houses of Congress.
This would make sense of Garage's unending tantrums.
I see. It was perfectly fine, and patriotic! to raise hell at the health care townhalls. But rules don't apply for Democrats. IOKIYAR
Bullshit, Garage, as per normal. While legal, the recall nonsense, on both sides, flies in the face of the last election. So do your fleebaggers. Anything else is free speech. Get over yourself.
Fat ass, hunger striking? Makes a lot of sense.
You really must try to keep up.
Roadkill is not sufficient nutrition for a healthy brain. There is serious possibility of premature shrinkage.
The big complaint leveled by the Wisc. protesters against Walker was that he hadn't said anything in his campaign about going after collective bargaining. So that made the protests legitimate.
Obamacare flew in the face of at least two explicit campaign promises of his: 1) no individual mandate, and 2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan." But in garageland, people were supposed to just STFU and accept massive legislation based on lies.
Yes, I said lies.
While legal, the recall nonsense, on both sides, flies in the face of the last election.
Republicans filed recall papers first.
So Dems can't file recall petitions like Republicans did either?
You have a list handy of all the rules that don't apply to Republicans, but do apply to Democrats?
You have a list handy of all the rules that don't apply to Republicans, but do apply to Democrats?
You have a list handy of all the things Democrats have to do just because Republicans do them?
Snark aside, what part of my statement above would lead you to believe I back the notion of recalls on behave of ANYONE? They are political nonsense.
Why do you keep avoiding the topic of your side's elected officials fleeing the state and what THAT means to the body politic?
Now you're just diverting and whining Garage, it's beneath you, really.
You made this statement did you not?
Why can't these spoiled babies just ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE LAST ELECTION. Obama won. Get over it!"
Man up and admit you've been pwned.
I'm completely fine with the Dem 14 leaving. It's basically a filibuster, something Republicans have perfected to an art form.
I wish Republicans would do the same and leave the state.
It's basically a filibuster, something Republicans have perfected to an art form.
If it was basically a filibuster, why did they feel compelled to leave the state? They could have done so right in the comfort of their own districts and homes.
garage - you whiny beyotch.
If it was basically a filibuster, why did they feel compelled to leave the state? They could have done so right in the comfort of their own districts and homes.
Turns they could have. Fitzgerald said no there wasn't anyone in the state that would have arrested them. But Fitzgerald spent the time and the money sending them on the faux goose chases anyway.
But Fitzgerald spent the time and the money sending them on the faux goose chases anyway.
So the fleebaggers are a bunch of wimps?
No, Fitzgerald knew before he sent the state patrol out to find them that they wouldn't arrest them. (Nothing to arrest them for)
garage - you're saying that the fleebaggers are a bunch of fucking cowards. They knew they couldn't be arrested and they fled anyways. Pure fucking cowardice.
Dem 14 didn't know it at the time whether they could be hauled in or not.
But Fitzgerald will get a taste of what being in the minority feels like in just a few short weeks.
When he posted a request on his website to help him "Stop the Boehners", every feminist in Nevada called in their support.
Not sure if that would add up to 600 though. This is, after all, Nevada, where prostitution is legal in a majority of the state (geographically), and practiced without much restriction in the rest.
I can pretty much guarantee these days that I will be propositioned if I walk through a Las Vegas casino at 1 or 2 in the morning somewhat well dressed. It may be illegal there, but it is also almost ubiquitous.
But Fitzgerald will get a taste of what being in the minority feels like in just a few short weeks.
No, WI hates fleebaggers more then austerity.
Dem 14 didn't know it at the time whether they could be hauled in or not.
So the brave thing to do would have been to stand firm in-state. The chickenshit thing to do was to flee across state lines. That fact that they didn't know at the time only compounds how awful they are for doing it without even mentioning WHY they did it.
"garage mahal said...
I'm completely fine with the Dem 14 leaving. It's basically a filibuster, something Republicans have perfected to an art form."
The US Senate has a filibuster rule, imposed upon the body itself, and has been used by both parties since 1837.
The WI Senate does not have a filibuster rule. So whether it was basically a filibuster or not, it's moot.
So your point is not only invalid, but illogical, and stupid.
The WI Senate does not have a filibuster rule. So whether it was basically a filibuster or not, it's moot.
Same effect.
"Conspicuously absent from this report is a breakdown of the pro- and anti-tax-hike sentiment in those calls."
Exactly, Chip.
"garage mahal said...
The WI Senate does not have a filibuster rule. So whether it was basically a filibuster or not, it's moot.
Same effect." All you need to know about garage. The rules don't allow for filibuster, so we're gonna invent our own. Rules mean nothing. Actions mean nothing.
What rules did they break?
I notice that one commenter tried to e-mail her representative today.
How many others commenting/reading today have tried to e-mail or call their reps or others today (or within the past week or so).
Just curious.
Hey, exactly how did the gray matter displaced, Astroturf-topped Blank Slaters Obama summoned up from the wanton ranks of his progressive Zombies manage to forget to tell Harry Reid just how much they wanted the "fairness" and "compromise" attaining to Obama's holy tax hikes upon "the rich" and "big corporations"?
Ok, ok, asked and answered, and maybe there weren't enough Aliens around to inscribe the message into the astroturf "fields". But won't someone at long last at least give me a definition of what a "big corporation" is?
Show us the plan.
Just listened to Jay Carney and Bret Baier going at it about these "negotiations," and
1. Jay Carney is not good enough for that job.
2. I am not buying what they are selling.
3. I am feeling sympathy for John Boehner having to deal with these people.
Meanwhile, Boehner's email line crashed because of all the incoming tumult.
And, given that Stephen Green did not get drunk live-blogging ... me thinks people just ignored obama's TV appearance.
Sarah Palin's kid, Bristol, got more calls going when she was dancing.
Then, again, maybe more people were watching Bristol Palin dance?
"For their next number" ... I think both sides of the aisle have politicians who may look up to see that the sky is falling in on them?
Election 2012 can't come soon enough.
Gee, the whole TV audience called? WOW.
That's really gonna be changing a lot of minds, huh?
At least with Bill Clinton, after 1996, is was all about blow jobs. Sorry, but the dems can't duplicate that now.
About all I heard from Carney was a warning to all Congressional Democrats that anyone who helps a bill from either the Senate or the House to pass will be retaliated against.
So Reid's office received 600 calls in two hours from a population of 2,643,085 (last census). Let's be generous and say 1,321,542 (half) are Dem voters.
Man, Obama's power of persuasion is awesome!
"garage mahal said...
What rules did they break?"
946.12 Misconduct in public office. Any public officer or public employee who does any of the following is guilty of a Class I felony:
(1) Intentionally fails or refuses to perform a known mandatory, nondiscretionary, ministerial duty of the officer’s or employee’s office or employment within the time or in the manner required by law; or
(3) Whether by act of commission or omission, in the officer’s or employee’s capacity as such officer or employee exercises a discretionary power in a manner inconsistent with the duties of the officer’s or employee’s office or employment or the rights of others and with intent to obtain a dishonest advantage for the officer or employee or another;
The also betrayed their oath of office.
Are you suggesting from this time forward elected officials can simply not show up to block a quorem? That's the now acceptable?
I have no idea why, but your "sky is falling" remark reminded me of this.
But Fitzgerald will get a taste of what being in the minority feels like in just a few short weeks.
Whether Garage's prediction is true or not, we shall all know in a few weeks.
Suppose it doesn't come true.
What will Garage do?
Stage a putsch?
Are you suggesting from this time forward elected officials can simply not show up to block a quorem? That's the now acceptable?
It's basically a filibuster,
Yeah, when you're drooling imbecile.
You do realized in order for a "filibuster" to take place, a vote needs to happen, right?
garage mahal said...
Same effect
Of course, because the ends justify the means, right?
Of course, because the ends justify the means, right?
Just trying to play by your Alinsky playbook, Jaytard.
1. Jay Carney is not good enough for that job.
Neither is his boss.
Sorry. Mistake. Those were his wake-up calls.
@garage: Is "Jaytard" meant to be an insult? In any case, can you give us the etymology of your word?
@garage: Is "Jaytard" meant to be an insult? In any case, can you give us the etymology of your word?
It's a personalized version of "leftard".
@garage-- so "leftard" is OK?
You do realize in order for a "filibuster" to take place, a vote needs to happen, right?
In his eagerness to insult Jay, Garage never answered this question.
Ever heard of cloture, Garage?
Do you have a funny feeling about Boehner, yet?
It seems he can't get the votes for his plan in da' House. So, he took a gamble. Where if it was me I'd have gambled with real cuts & no debt ceiling increase.
Now? Reid will probably collect the votes he needs in da' senate. (Where he needs 60. Or PLUS: Brown, and Murcowski. And, someone else. Maybe, McCain. And, it sails past the chinless wonder.
What will Americans do?
I suspect that some of those Harry Reid calls were wrong numbers--asking for pizza delivery etc.
But a fellow asked earlier:
"How many others commenting/reading today have tried to e-mail or call their reps or others today (or within the past week or so).
Just curious."
Well let me see--my two Senators are Dianne Feinstein and "Don't Call Me Ma'am Baghdad Barbara Boxer". Calling either one of those two is sort of like peeing up wind in a 60 mph gale.
My Congressional Represenative is the alleged Blue Dog, but in reality Pelosi Poodle Adama Schiff. Based on some of his performances at constitutent town halls, I'd rather stick my hand in a running garbage disposal than call him.
As for calling Harry Reid's office and asking for some Chinese teakout--that might be fun.
So Garage has seriously gone on record stating that the filibuster rules of the U.S. Senate are exactly the same as the fleebaggers of Wisconsin ... because the end result is the same.
This should be reported as 'business as usual' if you are to believe the ultra-low approval ratings of congress.
Its not that people want a 'compromise' on this, they just want to see congress solving problems rather than continue this can-kicking 'party first' approach to government. The country must come first, and continued tax and spend policies are killing us.
@garage mahal - we don't give a rip about your petulance as it pertains to the pathetic politics that your precious dem party engaged in over the past months. This will get worked out, in time. Elections have consequences, and recalls are really an antfart in a hurricane. Get over yourself, leftard.
So Garage has seriously gone on record stating that the filibuster rules of the U.S. Senate are exactly the same as the fleebaggers of Wisconsin
Of course, and so do all his fellow travelers.
It is just another lie they have to tell themselves in order to justify their silly and incoherent political beliefs.
They *normally* get one call every 10minutes? most businesses would call their own phone to see if it was broken
I just called (202-224-3542). The voice mail box was full, but I got through to a real, if very weary-sounding, person after only five rings or so. He promised to pass along my suggestion that Sen. Reid get behind the revised Boehner plan and get this thing done.
"The WI Senate does not have a filibuster rule. So whether it was basically a filibuster or not, it's moot.
Same effect."
Hm. I passed a guy on the way out to work this morning. That guy might have a heart attack today. Or I might see him on the way back home tonight and decide to shoot him.
Hey, I shouldn't go to jail. What's the difference, same effect.
I guess the people who supply Garage with talking points haven't heard of cloture.
Why is that a surprise?
I have to ask those who voted for him. Why? Why is he still in office? I am now holding these voters accountable for this man's EGO that is destroying America.
About all I heard from Carney was a warning to all Congressional Democrats that anyone who helps a bill from either the Senate or the House to pass will be retaliated against.
car accessoriesPenthouse Frankfurt
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